Box/File List

Albert Frank Moritz

Box 0
Series: 1: Education
01P. Buckley Moss, "Timeless Traditions" 1997

Item is an offset lithograph number 178/1000.  Signed by the artist to Albert Moritz.  John F. Kennedy High School in Warren, Ohio is the subject of the print and is where A.F. Moritz attended high school.    

Box 1
Series: 1: Education
11 High school paper1964
12 Marquette University essays1969
13 Youngstown State University essays1969-1970
14 Marquette Graduate essays1970-1972
15 Marquette doctoral thesis1975
16 RRTranscripts of Marquette marks, 1975–1991Memorabilia1968-2002
17Marquette University Basketball Souvenirs1977


18Marquette Tribune[197-]

School newspaper The Interpreter.  Al Moritz was the assistant editor and wrote several of the articles and the front page drawing.

19Marquette University summer non-credit courses brochure1974


110Marquette University - A Century of Scholarship 1881-2000. Distinguished Scholars Reception Program, February 22, 20002000

Bound volume.   

111-12Marquette University Yearbooks - The 1968 Hilltop, The 1969 Hilltop1968-1969


Box 2
Series: 1: Education
222Nineteenth Century Lectures1970-1972

Consists of three papers written for courses at Marquette University. One paper is written by Theresa Moritz.

Series: 2: Teaching
21ENG 306 English Prose and Poetry 1660-1800, Schedule and Reading Assignments1987-1996, 1987

Contains handwritten notes. Originally contained student marks.  These have been destroyed in keeping with privacy legislation. 

22 RRENG 308 Romantic Poetry Exam and student notes1987

Contains notes that AFM wrote assessing students work.   

23ENG 308 Romantic Poetry course notes and material1991-1992


24ENG 353Y Exam 1990


25ENG 201 Class notes 1995


26[Letters of application and correspondence regarding teaching positions]1982-1993


27ENG 100 and 103 course material1988


28ENG100 Notes1987-1992


29ENG100 and ENG103 Handbook for Instructors1990


210ENG100 and ENG103: Exams, quizzes, exercises, misc.handouts. 1986-1990


211ENG103 Schedules1986-1990


212University of Toronto Correspondence, Agreements, Forms, Information, Schedules1986-1990


213ENG308 Romantic Poetry [notes and course material]1987-1989


214ENG390: Clare and Hardy [notes]1988


215ENG246Y: Romantic and Victorian Literature [course material and notes]1988-1990

Trinity College (UofT) Course.

216ENG354: Modern Canadian Poetry, handouts1989-1990

St. Hilda's College (U of T)  

217ENG354Y - Modern Canadian Poetry / English, Lecture Notes1989-1990


218 RR[Reference for Suzanne McLaughlin graduate application]1990

Includes student's work for ENG490Y and material from that course.   

219ENG250: American Literature [notes and course material]1987-1988


220ENG256Y (taught with M. Redekop: 1/2 course) [notes and course material]1987


221ENG120Y: Forms of Literature [notes and course material]1992-1993

 Erindale College (UofT Mississauga) course.

Series: 3: Poetry manuscripts, essays and related records
223P.K.Page 1990-1991

Typescripts of an essay on P.K. Page's The Metal and the Flower and correspondence related to AFM's contribution to a book on her work.   

224"Continuity and Discontinuities in Modern Canadian Poetry." Albert F. Moritz[198?]

Includes original typescript, notes, outlines and drafts.   

225'Dickens' Picturesque Recasting of Carlyle's History: Differing English Assessments of the French Revolution" by Albert Frank and Theresa Moritz, Marquette University. 1975

Photocopied typescript.   

226[Project proposal] - Increasing the Humanities Content of the Teacher Education Curriculum, developed by Paul Shaker1988


Box 3
Series: 2: Teaching
31[Course notes - Values in Current Releases]2002


32[English 250Y Exam instructions and schedule]1989


33[Notes and other teaching material]1990

Includes 3 photographs.   Includes ENG 246Y: Romantic and Victorian Literature course notes and material, Giving Voice to the Spirit poetry workshop and continuing education course at St. Michael's College, related newspaper, clippings, correspondence from students, rough notes for courses, photocopied poems, etc. 

(Photos P1-3)
34ENG130Y Course notes and exams1993-1995


35ENG 213 : The Short Story [Notes, exams and syllabi]1988-1993


36Vic 350 Souvenirs [cards from students] 2001-2002


37Office Bulletin Board [ephemera]1993-1994


310ENG 368Y: Creative Writing and Poetry1991-1992

Includes notes, correspondence, newspaper clippings and course material.   

311ENG 250Y : American Literature1988-1989

 Includes notes, course material, etc.  

315Film Reviewing Course [St. Michael's College]1999

Course material and notes.

316Poertry in Movies - St. Michael's College Continuing Ed.1997

Includes notes and course material.   

317Shakespeare in the Movies1999

St. Michael's Continuing Education course. Includes course notes and schedule.   

318-19Values in Current Releases1998-2001

Course materials and notes for St. Michael's Continuing Education course taught by AFM.   Course sessions 1998, 2000, 2001.

321Living and Learning in Retirement Info and Lectures2000-2001

At Glendon College, Toronto.   

323ENG 348 Summer 1993 - Erindale. Notes on Whitman, Dickinson, Eliot and Stevens with ENG 250. 1993

Also includes ENG201Y: Reading Poetry course schedule.   

Series: 3: Poetry manuscripts, essays and related records
324“Heart of Contradiction” - collage poem - never finished - layout of the quotations[198?]
325Collage poem—unfinished[198?]
326-29Signs and Certainties [Various poems][198?]-1996

Includes drafts manuscripts and typescripts of poems, including "Ode to Don Delillo, "A Houseboat on the Styx","To the Moon," "Birds of North America" "Native Woman on a Subway", The Land of Colchis", "My Adventures Underground", "The Whale," "Stay Where you Are", "Mahoning", "Egypt's Land"etc. These 4 files were originally in one giant file. The archivist has separated them into four based on size. 

330Origin of “Carmagnole” - Notebook of automatic poems, Spring through September 19961996
Series: 5: Poetry Readings
38Vic [poetry] Readings1994-2000

 Includes notes, Canada Council grant information, promotional material 

Series: 8: Anthologies containing A.F. Moritz poems
313Algonquin Square Table Anthology 19991999

 Includes a copy of the anthology and correspondence.  

Series: 9: Literary related activities
39Northrop Frye Visiting Lectureship1993-1994


312U of T Writer in Residence2002-2003


314Hart House Library Committee 1992

AFM was head of Library Committee. Includes pamphlets, brochures, correspondence, etc.

322Writer in Residence - York University1999


Box 4
Series: 3: Poetry manuscripts, essays and related records
41-2Canada Illustrated / Toronto - West[Various poems]1988-2001

Uncertain if title on original folder is accurate to the contents.  Includes annotated draft manuscripts and typescripts of poems including "The Five Foot Shelf", 'Beirut", "The Castle", "The Limits", "Ode to Satire", etc.

A collection of poem drafts was clipped together and says "Draft of recent poems for revision: 23 Nov 1990" and "Drafts; February 1988 (Working copies made from manuscript drafts of the previous three years)

43Collage Poem - Unfinished.[199?]

Poem is on note cards with poetic lines.

Box 5
Series: 3: Poetry manuscripts, essays and related records
52580s Drafts1980-1989

Drafts of unfinished and unpublished narrative work from the early to mid 1980s.   

Individual poems
51 Poems1970-1974
52 Poems1970-1974
53 Poems1970-1974
54 Poems1970-1974
55 Poems1970-1976
56 Poems[after Sept. 1974]
57 Poems1977
58 Poems1979-1980
59 Re-writes
510 Never completed poems
511 “The Tradition”1977-1983
512 “The Visitation”(pub. 1983)
513 “Between the Root and the Flower”(pub. 1982)
514 “Black Orchid and Other Poems”(pub. 1981)
515 “Signs and Certainties”(pub. 1979)
516 “The Spring Collection”1978
517 “Barrage Balloon”1975-1976
518 “Song of Fear”(pub. 1991)
519 “White city: Journal of a Year”1990-1991
520 “Phantoms in the Ark”1992-1994
521 “The Ruined Cottage”1991
522 “Mahoning” (includes floppy disc) (pub. 1994)
523 “The Two Cities: Poems"
Box 6
Series: 3: Poetry manuscripts, essays and related records
Individual poems
61 Various prose fragments
62 Never completed poems of various periods
63 Poems
64 Poems
65 Poems published/uncollected
66 Poems mostly before 19671967
67 Poems1964-1970
68 Poems1970-1974
69 Poems to May 19701970
610 Poems to May 19701970
611 Drafts and fragments2002
612"'La cola es al collage' the poet Juan Jorge Bautista"[between 2000 and 2016]

Draft typescript.   

612 “New-fangled Fourth”
613 “Hypnagogic State”
614 “Here”(revised 1980)
615 “The End of the Age”2000
616 “Rest on the Flight into Egypt”1999
617 “Houseboat on the Styx”(pub. 1998)
618 “The Complaint of Nature”[199–?]
619 “The Route and the Night”[199–?]
620 “Carmagnole” [199–?]
621 “Conflicting Desire”2000
622 “At a Loss”[ca. 2003]
623 “Leave Me a Key”
Box 7
Series: 4: Correspondence / Subject files
71 “A”1978-2001
72 “B”1974-1997
73 “C”1976-2000
74 Canada Council grants1986-2003
75 “D”1976-2003
76 “E”1973-2003
77 “F”1975-2000
78 “G”1976-2000
79 Guggenheim Foundation1988-1991
710 “H”1975-2000
711 “I”1984
712 “J”1975-1991
713 “K”1984-2001
714 “L”1975-2003
715 “M”1976-2001
716 Meza, Gilberto, (includes 2 photographs of A.F. Moritz with others) (includes Spanish correspondence)1984-1991
Box 8
Series: 4: Correspondence / Subject files
81 Meza, Gilberto, (includes Spanish correspondence)1974-1995
82 Morris, Peter1975-1983
83 “N”1981-1985
84 “O”1979-1991
85 Ontario Arts Council1990-2003
86 “P”1976-1994
87 Princeton University1986-2001
88 Public lending rights1992-1999
89 “Q”1986-1991
810 “R”1976-2000
811 Robertson, Ray1992-1999
812 “S”1976-1999
813 Shaker, Paul (includes 2 photographs of A.F. Moritz with others)1995-2000
814 “T”1974-1982
815 “V”1977-1992
816 “W”1976-1993
817 “Y”1988-2001
818 “Z”1991-2000
Box 9
Series: 5: Poetry Readings
91 Readings
92 “Back to Put-in-Bay”
93 Hart House International Festival of Poetry1975
94 “Visitation”1983
95 “The Tradition” promotion1986
96 Slippery Rock UniversityMay, 1990
97 Readings[before 1991]
98 Readings1991
99 “Song of Fear” promotion1992
910 “Ruined Cottage”1993
911 “Phantoms in the Ark”1993
912 Readings1994
913 Niles Heritage Days1994
914 “Mahoning”1994
915 Readings1996
916 Moorhead State University Nov. 1996
917 Readings1997
918 “Houseboat on the Styx” promotion1998
919 Readings1998
920 Readings in New Brunswick and Nova ScotiaMarch, 1999
921 Readings in British ColumbiaJune, 1999
922 “Rest on the Flight” promotion1999-2000
923 “End of the Age”2000
924 Bowen Island and Victoria B.C. June–July 2000
925 ReadingsFall, 2000
926 “Conflicting Desire” launch Feb. 2001
927 Toronto eventsSpring, 2001
928 FresnoApril, 2001
929 Maritime Writers WorkshopJuly, 2001
930 VictoriaOctober, 2001
931 Johns Hopkins tripNovember, 2001
932 Readings November and December 2001
933 “Early Poems”2002
934 Book Expo2002
Box 10
Series: 6: Periodicals containing material by or about A.F. Moritz
101–19Periodicals containing A.F. Moritz poems1969-1987
Box 11
Series: 3: Poetry manuscripts, essays and related records
117Poems from Notebook 13 ; and some others ; superseded versions[200-]


Series: 6: Periodicals containing material by or about A.F. Moritz
111–10Periodicals containing A.F. Moritz poems1988-1996
Box 12
Series: 6: Periodicals containing material by or about A.F. Moritz
121–4Periodicals containing A.F. Moritz poems1997-2000
125–19Periodicals containing A.F. Moritz essays and reviews1974-1999
1220–34Periodicals containing reviews of A.F. Moritz poetry and articles about him1979-2002
Box 13
Series: 7: Publishing and Editorial Work
131 Harvey Joseph Click, “Magic Times”1981
132 Albert Fuller, “The Discovery of the New World”1996
133 Shaker Quotation Project1998
134 George Murray, “The Hunter”2001-2003
135 Pier Giorgio DiCicco2002
136 Evan Jones2002
137 Goran Simic, “Immigrant Blues”2002
138 “A U of T Christmas Carol”2002
139 Chris Pannell, “Under Old Stars”2002
1310 Adam Sol, “Crowd of Sounds”2002
1311 Beatriz Hausner, “The Wardrobe Mistress”2002-2003
1312 Manuscripts reviewed2003
1313 Carole Glasser Langille, “Late in a Slow Time”2003
Watershed Books
1314 Watershed Books 1998-2001

Includes 4 photos of A.F. Moritz with others and 3 photographs of a painting of Stephen Riggins.

1315 A.F. Moritz, “End of the Age” 12 Watershed Books publications2000
Box 14
Series: 5: Poetry Readings
148 Wednesday Poetry Readings1995-1998
Series: 8: Anthologies containing A.F. Moritz poems
Series: 9: Literary related activities
149 Contest and selection juries2000
1410 League of Canadian Poets1984-2000
1411 Catalogues and directories1983-1999
1412 National Poetry Month poster2003
Box 15
Series: 10: Translation projects
151 Various poets
152 Raul Galvez
153 Andre Breton
154 Carlos Prospero
155 Benjamin Peret
156 Ricardo Yanez
157 Ludwig Zeller
158 Ludwig Zeller
159 “The Ghost’s Tattoos”
1510 Gilberto Meza1973-1974
1511 Ricardo Castillo1976
1512 Carlos Prospero1977
1513 Gilberto Meza1977
1514 Gilberto Meza1987
1515 Gilberto Meza1989
1516 Gilberto Meza1990
1517 Ludwig Zeller1987-1996
1518 Ludwig Zeller1994
1519 Paul Valery (for Veronica Tennant’s film “A Pairing of Swans”)2003
1520 Ludwig Zeller2003
Box 16
Series: 11: Personal material
16 Calendars1980-2002
16 Journals1983-1999
Box 17
Series: 12: Employment
171–3Clippings from newspapers1969-1973
1712 Journalism1975-1979
1714 “America the Picturesque”1983
Series: 7: Publishing and Editorial Work
1713 Dreadnaught—editing and copywriting1979-1982
Box 18
Series: 6: Periodicals containing material by or about A.F. Moritz
181–10Periodicals containing A.F. Moritz poems1976-2005
Box 19
Series: 6: Periodicals containing material by or about A.F. Moritz
191–3Periodicals containing A.F. Moritz articles1980-2003
194–17Periodicals containing reviews of A.F. Moritz poetry and articles about him 1982-2005
1918 Drafts of articles and reviews by A.F. Moritz
1919 Drafts of reviews2005
Box 20
Series: 3: Poetry manuscripts, essays and related records
201 Copies of "New Poems" and "Here" with corrections[between 1979 and 1985]
202 Notes for “Dreadnaught Angel” book [between 1980 and 1985]
203 Annotated copy of The Visitation pub. 1983
204 Poems[200–?]
205 “Carmagnole” collection [2002?]
206–11“Night Street Repairs in Mexico City” (early working title “At a Loss”) Collection2003-2004
Box 21
Series: 2: Teaching
211 “Giving Voice to the Spirit” poetry course (Theresa Moritz)2002
212 RR“Giving Voice to the Spirit” class list2002
213–4“Values in Current Release” film course (Theresa Moritz)2002-2004
215 RR“Values in Current Release” class lists2002-2004
Series: 3: Poetry manuscripts, essays and related records
Series: 4: Correspondence / Subject files
219 Hannan, Jack1980-1983
2110 Morris, Peter1985-1990
2111 Redhill, Michael1991
2112 Leckie, Ross1992
2113 Niles Heritage Days (includes 2 photographs of A.F. Moritz)1993
2114 Publishing poems2003-2005
Box 22
Series: 4: Correspondence / Subject files
221 Literary2003-2005
222 Non-literary2004-2005
223 University of New Brunswick Writer in Residence2005
224 Incoming e-mail2000-2003
225 Incoming e-mail2002-2003
226 Incoming e-mail, Oct.–Nov. 20032003
Box 23
Series: 4: Correspondence / Subject files
231 Incoming e-mail2003-2004
232 Incoming e-mailFeb.—April 2004
233 Incoming e-mail April–July 2004
234 Incoming e-mailApril–July 2004
235 Incoming e-mailJuly–Sept. 2004
236 Incoming e-mailSept.–Oct. 2004
237 Incoming e-mail2004-2005
238 Incoming e-mail2005
Box 24
Series: 4: Correspondence / Subject files
242Outgoing e-mail2000-2005
244Outgoing e-mail2001-2005
245 Outgoing e-mail2002-2005
246 Outgoing e-mail2003-2005
247 Outgoing e-mail2004
248 Outgoing e-mail2004-2005
Box 25
Series: 5: Poetry Readings
251 McGill University2003
252 Arc Magazine, Ottawa2003
253 Blue Metropolis2004


254 Alden Nowlan Festival2004
Series: 7: Publishing and Editorial Work
Manuscripts submitted to A.F. Moritz
256 Stephanie Savage Manuscript "The Eye of The Beholder" [199?]
257 Michael Topa Manuscripts1973-1980
258 Gerald Burns[197?]
259 Michael Cameron[198?]
2510 Michael Redhill1992

Manuscript of Lake Nora Arms. With note to Al thanking him for his help.

2511 Josh Auberbach2003

Includes a letter to Al thanking him for suggestions and edits.

2512–14Allan Brown "Frames of Silence" manuscript2003-2004

Includes early MS with edits, suggestions for notes,

2515 Jim Slominski2004

MS of Forever the Last Time. Includes a letter thanking AFM for this comments and edits.

2516–17Blaise Moritz Manuscript2004

Copy of MS for Crown and Ribs. Second file is MS received on 23 July - "B's second concept for a shorter version."

2518 Blaise Moritz manuscript version as of 2 Septmber 042004
Series: 8: Anthologies containing A.F. Moritz poems
255 Steeds: a poetry anthology2003
Box 26
Series: 10: Translation projects
269 Editorial Work: Benjamin Péret, Essential Surrealist[1978]

AFM translated Peret's work in the Malahat Review, 1978

2610 Benjamin Peret—“Children of the Quadrilateral”1977
2611 Translation of Ludwig Zeller "Lagrimas en el ojo llameante" - original working notebook1998-1999
2612 Translation of Ludwig Zeller—“Lagrimas...” 2003-4 drafts/2005 corrections and revisions2003-2005
2613 Ludwig Zeller—“Woman in Dream”2003-2004

Includes memorandum of agreement with Ekstasis Editions.

2614 Ludwig Zeller—“Woman in Dream” proofs2004
2615 Luciano Jacobelli chapbook table of contents2004
2616 Ludwig Zeller—"Lagrimas en el ojo llameante" Final manuscript and spanish text2005
Series: 7: Publishing and Editorial Work
261 Paul Vermeersh - manuscript Fall 2004 editing - For M.S. Spring 20052005
262 Goran Simic2005

Copy of typescript and correspondence about edits with Dan Wells.

Series: 9: Literary related activities
263–4Event Promotions and Promotions Material1978-1980
265 Hart House Library Committee2003
266 Banff International Literary Translation Centre and Writing Studio2003-2004
267 National Poetry Month2004
268 ReLit Award2005
Box 27
Series: 11: Personal material
271 Calendar to do lists2000-2001
272 Calendars2003-2004
Series: 12: Employment
273 Research for introduction to “America the Picturesque”
2007.05, Box 1
Series: 2: Teaching
11 Vic One Year End Dinner menu2006
Series: 3: Poetry manuscripts, essays and related records
12 Various (printed 2006)
13 Proofs of poems from periodicals (printed 2006)
“Crossroads Near Somewhere” collection (Biblioasis)
14 Correspondence/drafts/proofs2006
“Now That You Revive”collection (Frog Hollow Press)
15 Correspondence to and from Shane Neilson (editor)2004-2006
16 Correspondence to and from Shane Neilson (editor)2005-2006
17 Correspondence/early corrected manuscript2005-2006
18 Correspondence to and from Caryl Peters (proprietor)2006
19 Drafts of afterword2006
110 Original dummy2006
111 Mock-up of whole with A.F.M.’s notes2006
“Editing Moritz : Correspondence Between Shane Neilson and A.F. Moritz During the Editing of ‘Now That You Revive’” (Frog Hollow Press)
112 Early editing2006
113 Second proposed versionAugust, 2006
114 Print-outAugust, 2006
115 Final proofsOctober, 2006
Series: 4: Correspondence / Subject files
118 Incoming/outgoing e-mail2005-2006
Series: 5: Poetry Readings
119 Readings2006
121 Maritime Writers’ Workshop2006
122 University of Windsor/Assumption University2006
129 “Exile on Queen Street”2006
Series: 6: Periodicals containing material by or about A.F. Moritz
123 Articles about A.F.M.2001-2006
124 Poems in periodicals2005-2006
125 On-line items2006
126 Review by A.F.M. in Books In Canada2006
Series: 9: Literary related activities
127 A.F.M. and Theresa read “Leacock Christmas” audio cassette

1 audio cassette

2007.05, Box 2
Series: 11: Personal material
210 Calendar with activities2005
Series: 12: Employment
“Oxford Illustrated Literary Guide to Canada” (pub. 1988)
211 Questionnaires completed by authors/correspondence1983-1984
212 Oxford University Press catalogue with description of Guide1988
213 Reviews and publishing matters1988-2001
Series: 2: Teaching
22 ENG 103 - Class visit to Fresno State University School of Education video cassette2001

1 videocassette tape.

Series: 5: Poetry Readings
21 “Mahoning” Moritz and Septext Live at the Rivoli, Septext - Ideas for "Mahoning" 1995

2 audio cassettes

Series: 7: Publishing and Editorial Work
Manuscripts submitted to A.F. Moritz
26 Sheldon Zitner manuscript and memorial service2005
28 Edits and suggestions for Rafi Aaron’s “Surviving The Censor—The Unspoken Words Of Osip Mandelstam”[2006?]
29 Correspondence and drafts re letter on Geoffrey Hall for Poetry2006
Series: 9: Literary related activities
23 Correspondence to Victoria University Senate re support for grant application of Leif E.Vaage 2003

Includes copy of Leif Vaage's manuscript for Schooled in Salt.

27 Re-Lit Awards jury2005-2006
24 “Books In Canada” interview2003-2005
25 CIUT interview audio cassette2004

1 audio cassette

2009.02, Box 1
Series: 2: Teaching
11 “Values in Current Release”2005
12 “Values in Current Release”2006
13 “Values in Current Release”2007
14 Trinity College Associate2006-2007
15 University of Toronto—Department of English2007
16 Trinity College Parents Day lecture2008
17 Victoria College2007-2008
Series: 3: Poetry manuscripts, essays and related records
111 “Before the Fall: A Poetic Notebook”

(includes "days of 1989" and other writings)

18 Poem revisions2006
19 “Poetry Daily”2007
110 Poems in draft2007-2008
112 “Sound of Hungry Animals”2006
2009.02, Box 2
Series: 3: Poetry manuscripts, essays and related records
21 Later edits for “Carmagnole”, “The Sentinel” and related unpublished poems[200–?]
22 “Carmagnole” collection[ca. 2002]
23 “Carmagnole” collection—list of contents and other poems for possible conclusion[ca. 2002]
“The Sentinel” (pub. 2008)
24 Photocopy #1—discardsSept. 6 2007
25 Photocopy #2 Sept. 6 2007
26 Photocopy #2—notes Sept. 6 2007
27 Master copy Sept. 6 2007
28 Master copy—discards Sept. 6 2007
29 Changes from the Sept. 6 2007 manuscript2007

Al's copy

210 Changes from the Sept. 6 2007 manuscript2007

Ken's copy

211 Master copy Oct. 20 2007
212 Photocopy #1 Oct. 20 2007
213 Photocopy #2 Oct. 20 2007
214 Notes and materials Oct. 21 2007
215 Final version Nov. 17 2007
216 Proofs Jan. 2008
2009.02, Box 3
Series: 3: Poetry manuscripts, essays and related records
“The Sentinel” (pub. 2008) con’t.
31 Limited edition
32 Correspondence2007-2008
33 Book launch
34 Governor General’s Award finalist
35 Governor General’s Award correspondence
Series: 4: Correspondence / Subject files
36 Anarchist Discussion Group2007
37 Barnard, Jane1993-1998
38 Best Canadian Poetry 2009
39 Briesmaster, Allan2007
310 Carberry, Colin2005-2007
311 Click, Harvey1979-1984
312 Clink, David2005-2007
313 Deahl, James2006-2007
314 Di Cicco book essay2007
315 Donlan, John2001-2004
316 Events2003-2008
317 Fetherling, George2002-2007
318 Foster, Mike1967-1974
319 Foster, Mike1980-2003
320 Foster, Mike1994-2007
321 Frog Hollow Press (Shane Neilson)2005-2006
322 Frog Hollow Press2006-2007
2009.02, Box 4
Series: 4: Correspondence / Subject files
41 Greene, Richard2002-2008
42 Hausner, Beatriz2005-2006
43 Jones, Evan2005-2008
44 Karasik, Daniel2007
45 Kleinzahler, August2001-2007
46 Leckie, Ross2005-2007
47 Marquette1988-2002
48 McEwen, Peter2006
49 Meza, Gilberto2007
410 Moritz, Mary/DeJute, Rose1988-2004
411 Moritz, Mike2005-2006
412 Moritz, Mike and Kathy1985-2004
413 Murray, George2006-2008
414 Neilson, Shane2003-2008
415 Olaru, Marius2004-2006
416 Poems in journals2002-2008
417 “Poetry” editors2005-2008
418 Rufus Books2005-2007
419 Sanger, Peter1997-2006
420 Scott, Diane1994
2009.02, Box 5
Series: 4: Correspondence / Subject files
51 Shaker, Paul2005-2008
52 U.S. literary2001
53 Wald, Susana/Zeller, Ludwig2005-2007
54 Wells, Dan2005
55 Zitner, Sheldon1999-2005
Series: 5: Poetry Readings
56 2 audio cassettes of A.F.M. talking about artist and society/metaphor

2 audio cassettes

57 Readings2004-2008
58 Oakville Poetry Café2006
59 Reading—York University2008
Series: 6: Periodicals containing material by or about A.F. Moritz
510 Articles about A.F.M.2003-2008
511 Article/review2005
512 Reviews of A.F.M.’s poetry2006-2008
513 Poems in journals2007
514 Poems in journals2008
2009.02, Box 6
Series: 10: Translation projects
“The Rules Of The Game: Selected Shorter Poems” by Ludwig Zeller
69 Drafts and corrections of translations
610 Clean copy of manuscript2003
611 Working typescript Sept. 2003–March 2004
612 Working copy with corrections2005-2007
613 Drafts of introduction/poems/table of contentsSpring, 2007
614 Completed manuscript2007
615 “Images In The Eye On Fire” —clean copy of manuscriptSept. 2003
616 “Images in The Eye On Fire”—Proofs/correspondence2005-2007
617 Translations for “Stories That Bind”2008
Series: 11: Personal material
618 Schedules and other dated material2005-2008
Series: 5: Poetry Readings
66 “Scream In High Park”2007

Scream In High Park was a literary festival in Toronto.

Manuscripts submitted to A.F. Moritz
65 New York University Poetry Event 2006-2007
Series: 7: Publishing and Editorial Work
67 Representative Poetry Online2008

Correspondence regarding AFM joining the editorial advisory board.

63 Blaise Moritz manuscript 2005

MS for Crown and Ribs and related correspondence.

Series: 8: Anthologies containing A.F. Moritz poems
61 “The Best Canadian Poetry”2008
Series: 9: Literary related activities
62 Poetry information file1995-2006

Includes copies of articles and poems, clippings, etc.

64 Innis College Creative Writing Conference2006
68 “Metropole Bleu Translation Slam”2008
2010.01, Box 1
Series: 2: Teaching
11St. Michael’s College Continuing Education1995-2005
12St. Michael’s College—“Values In Current Release”2008
12Victoria College—Vic3501998
14Victoria College—VicOne2009
Series: 3: Poetry manuscripts, essays and related records
16“Put-in–Bay” (Lemming House)
17“Book 1999-2001”
Series: 4: Correspondence / Subject files
19Anarchist discussion group2008
110CBC—Appearance as “mystery guest” on “The House”2010
111Fetherling, G.2008
Griffin Poetry Prize, 2009
113Communications re press and publicity
114Congratulatory mail
116Finalist announcement
117Fine addition of poems from “The Sentinel” from Scotland
118“Globe and Mail” article
119Iceland reading
120Information packet for nominees
2010.01, Box 2
Series: 4: Correspondence / Subject files
22Media (“Metro Morning” audio cassette tape; video cassette)
23“National Post” interview
24Presentation material
25Press reportage after the “Awards” night
28U of T Magazine
29Web coverage
210Lemming House/Lemming Letter1989-1990
211Literary Translators’ Association of Canada2009
212Magazines and publishers2003-2009
213“Marquis Who’s Who in America”2009-2010
214National Poetry Month poster2004
215Premier’s Award for Excellence in the Arts2009
216“The Sentinel”—Goverrnor General’s Award controversy2008
217“The Sentinel”—Nomination
218Shaker, Paul2008-2009 Photograph col., [2008?]
P1 A.F. Moritz sitting in bar
219Trinity College Fellowship2009
220Victoria College Fellowship2009
221Zeller, Ludwig2009
222Zeller, Ludwig/Susan Wald2009
223Zwichy, Jan2009
Series: 5: Poetry Readings
224“A Summer’s Night of Poetry”1987
225Zeller and Wald Banquet1994
226Art Local 21 and The Department Gallery Mainspace2009
227“Livewords” Series2009
228Montreal/Fredericton trip2009
229New York trip2009
230Shakespeare’s birthday2009
231Small Press Book Fair2009
232Toronto Public Library2009
233Trinity College Lampman poetry2009
234University of British Columbia2009
235Windsor Bookfest2009
236Word on the Street2009
237Words Alive Literary Festival2009
238York University2009
2010.01, Box 3
Series: 6: Periodicals containing material by or about A.F. Moritz
31Article about A.F.M.2009

Hart Beat Magazine, Volume 10, Number 3, 2009.  Includes correspondence.

32"Toys" by A.F. Moritz2009

In Vallum Contemporary Poetry Issue 6:2, Spring 2009. Includes a letter from the editor.

34"A Bird." 2008

Acta Victoriana 2008/2009 edition.  AFM's poem appears on page 23.

35"Faculty Forum" by A.F. Moritz 2009

Contribution to Vic Report, Autumn 2009   

36-7"What Man Has Made of Man"2009

Published in Poetry, November 2009. Includes correspondence.

Series: 7: Publishing and Editorial Work
38Best Canadian Poetry2009

Includes correspondence, list of contributors. 

"Best Canadian Poetry", pub. 2009
39First 50 poems
310First 50 poems—alternates
311Second 50 poems
312Second 50 poems—alternates
314Proof copy
315Correspondence and other records
Manuscripts submitted to A.F. Moritz
318Manuscript poems by others2008
323Evan Jones manuscript poems[ca. 2006]
Series: 8: Anthologies containing A.F. Moritz poems
317Open wide a wilderness: Canadian nature poemspub. 2009
Series: 9: Literary related activities
33Someone Nuit Blanche Installation 2009

Includes work by Al Moritz. Correspondence, a copy of his poem, and printer's proof.   

320Banff International Literary Training Centre’s residency program2003-2004

Photographs col., 2004
P1 A.F.M. with a large group of others posing on an outdoor stand
P2 A.F.M. at Banff 2004 reading for instructors and poetry attendees

321Toronto Poet Laureate selection committee2004


322Various literary events [brochures]2004, 2009
Works by others
319Tales of California Long Ago by Blaise Carrothers1990
2010.01, Box 4
Series: 10: Translation projects
48Translating trip to Oaxaca, Mexico with Ludwig Zeller2007

Consists of a copy of grant application for Victoria College and expenses.

49Exile Anthology [translations for]2009

The Exile Book of Poetry in Translation - 20 Canadian Poets Take on the World edited by Priscila Uppal. Includes copy of book and notes and draft typescripts of poetry translations.

Series: 11: Personal material
Series: 7: Publishing and Editorial Work
46Representative Poetry Online (AFM editorial board member)2009
Manuscripts submitted to A.F. Moritz
41David Livingstone Clink2003, 2008

Typescript copy of The Illustrated Manatee and a copy published work Eating Fruit out of Season with inscription and note of gratitude from the author to AFM.

42Manuscript “The Hole in the Wall” by Peter McEwen2008
43Manuscript “Frozen Light” by Michael Topa2008

Includes a poem "To the Muse - For A.F. Moritz" and a thank you note and Christmas card.

44Manuscript “Confluences” by Allan Briesmaster2009
45Manuscript “The Reinvention of the Human Hand” by Paul Vermeersch2009
Series: 9: Literary related activities
47'When You Die As A Cat' (appearance by AFM)2009

1 DVD.  A documentary film by Zoran Maslic featuring poet Goran Simic. Also includes promotional poster.

Series: 10: Translation projects
"Rules of the Game" - corrections and changes as of June 2010 (plus earlier revisions)2010


2015.01, Box 1
Series: 3: Poetry manuscripts, essays and related records
110Poems to submit : carbon and photocopies, draft on the typewriter with pen corrections. 1973


111Work sheets including the first draft of "Here", intro poem to volume of that name.1970-1971


112Loose sheets : early drafts of "Light of Flesh" ("Between the Roof and the Flower"); drawing : very neat notes on Coleridge. 1971-1972


11Quotations and Thoughts1966-1967

Includes a description provided by A.F. Moritz on the content and context of the notebook from October 2014.  

12Drafts of 15 poems, including one that went into "The Tradition" ; mini-essays, notes, questions, lists. 1969

 Includes a description provided by A.F. Moritz on the content and context of the notebook from October 2014.

13Unrevised drafts ; poems later in "Here" ; dreams ; many notes on reading, reflections, mini-essays.1970-1971

Includes a description provided by A.F. Moritz on the content and context of the notebook from October 2014.   

14Notebook with one sketch of an AFM essay, but on Pope's "Elegy to the Memory of an Unfortunate Lady", part of the course1970-1971

Includes a description provided by A.F. Moritz on the content and context of the notebook from October 2014.

Notebook contains mostly course notes.  See Series 1 for related records.

15Unpublished poems, notes, aphorisms, mini-essays, quotations ; tr. of Ungaretti ; reflections on J. Guillén. 1971

Includes a description provided by A.F. Moritz on the content and context of the notebook from October 2014.   

16Stray notes on back on an undergraduate course hand-out page[196-]


17Early free verse poems, unpublished ; notes.1971-1972

Contains course notes. See Series 1 for related records.   

18Drafts of 4 unpublished poems ; course notes ; my notes on Ficino.1971-1972

Includes a description provided by A.F. Moritz on the content and context of the notebook from October 2014.   

Contains course notes.  See Series 1 for related records.

19Many drafts of unpublished poems ; reflections ; questions and reading lists ; list of movies seen (on final pages) ; beginning of a draft of a "Picture This" column ; course notes. 1971-1972

Contains course notes. See Series 1 for related records.   

113Drafts of unpublished poems ; 2 that went in "Black Orchid" and "The Tradition" much later ; questions from reading ; reflections ; narrations of dreams1971-1972


2015.01, Box 2
Series: 3: Poetry manuscripts, essays and related records
24Drafts towards "You Whoever You Are " ("Visitation") ; later pages 1978 ; unpublished poem drafts, prose poems, automatic writing.1976-1978


27Draft of a poemca. 1972-1973


28Early outline of Ph.D Thesis[1973?]


29Two notes toward Ph.D thesis1973

Includes a description provided by A.F. Moritz on the content and context of the notes from October 2014.     

212Poems published and unpublished ; notes for radio talk in Guadalajara ; poems for "Between the Root and the Flower."1973-1974

Includes a description provided by A.F. Moritz on the content and context of the notes from October 2014.  

21Notes, drafts of published and unpublished poems ; notes on readings ; lists of literary magazines.1973-1974

Includes a description provided by A.F. Moritz on the content and the context of the notebook from October 2014

22Attempt at a veiled personal narrative of summer after high school graduation through second year university ; essay on poetry and light ; 2 unpublished drafts ; draft of a poem that later went into "The Visitation."[ca. 1970]

Includes a description provided by A.F. Moritz on the content and context of the notebook from October 2014.   

23Drafts of many published and unpublished poems ; many thoughts, notes, quotations ; 5 page section on auto commentary from 19961974-1976, 1996

   Includes a description provided by A.F. Moritz on the content and context of the notebook from October 2014.  

25Neat copies of 4 poems ; one "Invention of Music" was in a magazine ; course notes mainly on Arnold. 1972

Contains course notes. See Series 1 for related records.   

26Drafts ; drafts of poems that later went into "New Poems", "Here", "Black Orchid", "Root and Flower" and even 'The Tradition"1972-1973

Includes a description provided by A.F. Moritz on the content and context of the notebook from October 2014.    

210Many drafts of poems, some of which later went into books ; several mini-essays1973-1974

 Includes a description provided by A.F. Moritz on the content and context of the notebook from October 2014.    

211Purchased in Mexico summer 1979 : Spanish study notes ; drafts of unpublished poems ; others that went into "Here" and "Children of the Quadrilateral"1979


213Drafts of two unrevised poems ; some notes. [197-]


214Drafts of poems later in "The Tradition" ; other unrevised drafts ; notes, quotations, mini-essays1977

Includes a description provided by A.F. Moritz on the content and context of the notebook from October 2014.     

2015.01, Box 3
Series: 3: Poetry manuscripts, essays and related records
31Loose sheet with drafts of "Thought in a Bank Elevator" ("Visitation") and another poem, "On a Margin," unpublished.1977


33"Lucretius in the New World" - notes toward first version called "Lucretius in America."1977


34"Lucretius in the New World" - copies of poems toward the project that were published in "The Tradition" and "Black Orchid."1977-1980


35"Lucretius in the New World" - polished drafts never used in the project ; one was published in "Song of Fear"1977-1981


36"Lucretius in the New World" - draft in prose and verse towards a proem / preface.1978-1979

Includes a description provided by A.F. Moritz on the content and context of the notes from October 2014.     

37"Lucretius in the New World" - drafts of poems toward the project but never completed.1977-1980


38"Lucretius in the New World" - disconnected page of notes.1978-1979


39'Lucretius in the New World" - successive drafts of "The Aeolian Harp," which was eventually published in "Song of Fear."1979?

Includes a description provided by A.F. Moritz on the content and context of the notes from October 2014.   

310"Lucretius in the New World" : experiment with an "outline" or "theme statement" that would itself be a sort of prose poem and form part of the book. 1979-1980


311"Lucretius in the New World" - verse fragments, quotations, re the desert saints ; toward a never written poem on this historical phase.1977-1981


312"Lucretius in the New World" - unused poem that became pages in "Phantoms in the Ark."[197?]


313"Lucretius in the New World" : prose note for a poem on Gilgamesh ; first lines of "Dante's Vergil," which later went into "Tradition."[197-]


314Unrevised unpublished poem1977


32Plans and notes for "Lucretius in the New World" ; drafts of poems that went into "The Tradition" and "Phantoms in the Ark."1978-1980


315Poem drafts ; 2 unpublished poems ; quotations and thoughts / aphorisms on religion, and some on poetry. 1978-1979

Includes a description provided by A.F. Moritz on the content and context of the notebook from October 2014.  

316Writing projects, income expenses, from first year of poverty.1979


317A note, a list of books, a list of plants.[197?]


318When T and I were hoping to make a living as pro popular writers : plans for a children's novel that went nowhere. ca. 1981


319Towards "Phantoms in the Ark" : notes and plans ; list of objects in Zeller collages ; drafts and fragments of poems - some 1980


320Notebook (probably 1981 because it contains a draft of the "Afterward" Dreadnaught had me write for "Black Orchid") : notes ; drafts of unpublished poems ; interpretive notes on poems in "Black Orchid" ; etc.1981


321Numbered notes toward two essays ; comments ; book idea ; to-do lists.1982


322Notes and a short draft toward the never completed poem-book "Marie of the Incarnation."1982-1983

Includes a description provided by A.F. Moritz on the content and context of the notebook from October 2014.     

323Drafts of "The Undertaker" and "Home Again, Home Again" ; drafts that later much changed, became "Singer and Prisoner" and "If Timotheus Come" ; draft of "Mausoleum Garden" ; unpublished, unrevised drafts.1983-1984

Includes a description provided by A.F. Moritz on the content and context of the notebook from October 2014.     

324Draft of a long poem or a fluidly continuous group of poems. [198?]


2015.01, Box 4
Series: 3: Poetry manuscripts, essays and related records
49Pages from a notepad : draft of a poem with some ideas from American Native People's poetry.[198-]


41A few sporadic notes ; one on Wallace Stevens and Paul de Man on metaphor.[197?]


42Unpublished drafts ; notes on a lecture (essay?) by Kolbenback ; Doo-wop list ; word list - again from Beckett?[197?]


43Early notes toward "Mahoning" ; draft of long poem of flowers, trees.1984-1985


44Early working notebook toward "Mahoning" ; drafts of poems, quotations, notes.1985-1986

Includes a description provided by A.F. Moritz on the content and context of the notebook from October 2014.    

45Many experimental drafts and notes ; lists (can be dated by a reference reflecting my Guggenheim app)1987-1988


46Drafts of "Savage", other poems that went into "Song of Fear" ; "Ruined Cottage" ; many good unrevised drafts ; prose drafts and notations / outlines for poems ; reflections. 1986-1990


47Drafts of poems in "Night Street Repairs", "Ruined Cottage" ; prose drafts of poems, including one in "Ruined Cottage" ; reflections ; list of expenses and Art Institute of Chicago paintings for a Chicago trip we made. 1988


48Draft of a poem in "Rest on the Flight into Egypt" ; various drafts, observations on life, literary comments. [198-]

Includes a description provided by A.F. Moritz on the content and context of the notebook from October 2014.    

410Drafts of poems ; thoughts ; one draft that was revised and went into "Mahoning."1989-1990

Includes a description provided by A.F. Moritz on the content and context of the notebook from October 2014.    

4115 drafts of unpublished poems ; note. ca. 1990

Includes a description provided by A.F. Moritz on the content and context of the notebook from October 2014.    

412Drafts of the General "Memory of a Friend" , other poems that went into "Rest on the Flight into Egypt", "Mahoning" and 'Night Street Repairs" ; drafts of unpublished poems ; reflections on Trakl, Tennyson, fairy tales ; personal notes. 1990-1993


413Plans of how to make ends meet ; notes related to book launch reading of "Song of Fear" at Idler Pub ; questions from a ready by John Barlow.1991-1993


414Unrevised drafts ; revised drafts some of which were published and went into my books ; notes on a trip to Mexico City ; notes on a trip to Niles ; questions ; various notes and reflections. 1995


415Draft of poems, notes, questions.1990

Includes a description provided by A.F. Moritz on the content and context of this notebook and the following 5x8 sized notebooks from October 2014.    

416Stray draft of a poem with the 1990 notebooks. 1990


417Uncorrected drafts of many poems ; questions, notes and comments1990-1991

Includes a description provided by A.F. Moritz on the content and context of the notebook from October 2014.  See File 4-15 (2015.01) for an overview description of the 5x8 notebooks.    

418Poem drafts, questions, notes, word and phrase lists ; 18th century dates ; one poem, lost now, that was typed "Tokexcoth[?]"1991

See File 4-15 (2015.01) for an overview description of the 5x8 notebooks.      

419Drafts of poems ; poems influenced by Bowra's "Primitive Poetry" ; notes, book lists, word and phrase lists, etc. 1991-1992

Includes a description provided by A.F. Moritz on the content and context of the notebook from October 2014.  See File 4-15 (2015.01) for an overview description of the 5x8 notebooks.  

420Poem drafts ; notes and mini-essays ; questions from my readings ; reading lists of the time.1992-1993

Includes a description provided by A.F. Moritz on the content and context of the notebook from October 2014.  See File 4-15 (2015.01) for an overview description of the 5x8 notebooks.      

2015.01, Box 5
Series: 3: Poetry manuscripts, essays and related records
51Notes, mini-essays, notes on reading ; questions ; word and book lists ; several drafts of unpublished poems1998

See File 4-15 (2015.01) for an overview description of the 5x8 notebooks.      

52Many drafts of unpublished poems ; 5 (marked X) that were revised and published ; notes ; lists ; questions.1993-1994

See File 4-15 (2015.01) for an overview description of the 5x8 notebooks.      

53Many unrevised drafts ; many revised (marked X) - some used in books, some never accepted anywhere ; notes.1994-1995

See File 4-15 (2015.01) for an overview description of the 5x8 notebooks.      

54Three drafts of verse poems, one of a prose poem.[198?]


55Drafts of unpublished poems ; lists of photos T. took for A. towards a cover image of "Mahoning."1995


56Drafts of many poems, including one long one ; notes reflecting a trip to Vancouver, and one to Niles and Youngstown. [198?]


57Several long essay type reflections ; drafts of two long unpublished poems ; other reflections and poem drafts.[between 1985 and 1995]


58Drafts of ten unpublished verse poems, 2 prose, including one that begins with lines from "Phantoms in the Ark."[between 1985 and 1995]


59Uncompleted poem draft ; notes on a trip to New Brunswick. [198?]


510Concerted writing toward "Conflicting Desire" pp.109-end ; many other revised drafts (x), some published, some not ; usually personal reflections on opening pages ; notes, mini-essays, quotations from reading, etc. 1995-1996

See File 4-15 (2015.01) for an overview description of the 5x8 notebooks.        

511Drafts toward "Conflicting Desire" ; many other untyped drafts ; notes, quotations1996

See File 4-15 (2015.01) for an overview description of the 5x8 notebooks.    

512Many unrevised poems ; notes, quotations, lists ; mini-essays, one or two elaborate1996-1997

Includes a description provided by A.F. Moritz on the content and context of the notebook from October 2014.  See File 4-15 (2015.01) for an overview description of the 5x8 notebooks.      

513Draft of a poem that went into "Night Street Repairs" ; mention of a 1997 film ; poem drafts ; notes on poems and poetry ; notes of films towards "Values in Current Release" course for St. Michael's College Continuing Education. 1996-1998


514Unrevised poems ; notes ; narrative of Espresso's death which stopped the notebook. 1997

See File 4-15 (2015.01) for an overview description of the 5x8 notebooks.




515Draft of a poem that went into "Night Street Repairs" ; of one that went into "The Sentinel" ; notes on Yeats, Becket, poems of my own ; drafts of unpublished poems ; notes on movies seen for "Values in Current Release" course. 1999-2000


2015.01, Box 6
Series: 3: Poetry manuscripts, essays and related records
61Reflects JFK 45-year class reunion : notes on classmates ; on Niles childhood haunts ; various notes. 2000

See Series 1 for related records.   

62Draft of a longish poem ; notes on painters ; miscellaneous notes.2000


63Drafts of notes for many poems ; personal notes, some reflecting a drive home from Niles ; notes by A. and T. for a presentation on the Goldman biography at the Toronto Jewish Book Fair. 2001


64Notes on Yeats, Guardini, Rahner ; personal notes ; notes from when as Senior Resident at Massey, I met the Duke of Edinburgh : I'm not unlike Bolaño's mockery of Marquez as a man proud of how many archbishops he knows. 2003-2004


65Published poems near beginning ; then, many unrevised drafts ; long personal essay reminiscence ; entries from when I taught at Banff in spring 2004 ; notes, quotations. 2001-2007

See File 4-15 (2015.01) for an overview description of the 5x8 notebooks.  

66Trip to Niles ; trip to Iceland in fall ; some words by people I met ; drafts of poems ; comments.2009


67Draft of one poem, "Door" ; list of pop songs ; drawings by Toby.[200-]


68Draft of published poem ; two unrevised drafts ; list of flowers, birds, songs ; trip to take Mom to Boston for Amanda's high school graduation ; drawings as jokes for Toby and Beatrice. [200-]


69Visit to Niles ; info on AFM's Italian family ; flower and plant list for Niles and Mill Creek Park ; 4 drafts of unpublished poems, 1 or 2 of them sparked by the Monet / Whistler show at AGO - one on a Monet painting of river at Giverny that I loved. [200-]


610Similes ' notes on the Josephs, neighbors of Gram ; various notes ; draft of an unpublished poem. [200?]


611To do list2003


612Draft of abortive poem re Sal : "Peshawar," a place she 2002-2003


613Unpublished poems, 15 of them, in drafts ; I must have bought this notebook to pursue and collect an impulse. 2002-2003


614Drafts of unpublished poems ; notes on a Margaret MacMillan lecture ; various notes ; questions by Toby. 2007


615Unpublished poem on Beatrice ; fragments ; various lists.[200-]


616Six numbered prose notes or draft toward poems ; draft of an unpublished poem ; various notes[200-]


617Draft of a poem that went in "New Measures" ; unrevised draft ; questions from reading ; list of flowers ; questions from Toby.2009


618Notes at anarchist memorial for Jim Campbell ; notes on Jim's life and activities. 2010


619A teaching at Sage Hill Writing Experience, Lumsden, Saskatchewan ; notes ; draft of prose poem ; draft of poem (unpublished)2011


620A note or two from August trip to Paris2012


2015.01, Box 7
Series: 3: Poetry manuscripts, essays and related records
Lab notebooks
71Lab notebook1979-1981

A note on the content and context of the lab notebooks was provided by A.F. Moritz and describes them as follows:  "The series of large U of T notebooks contain a large number of 1) drafts of published poems ; 2) drafts of poems never typed, revised and published ; 3) notes and plans for writing projects ; 4) philosophical reflections ; 5) reflections on literature and on a little of my reading this period ; 6) narrations of personal events and reflections on them ; 7) dram narrations ; etc."

More information about this series of notebooks is provided in a note in this file.

72Lab notebook1981-1982

See File 7-1 (2015.01) for a description of lab notebook contents.   

73Lab notebook1982-1983

See File 7-1 (2015.01) for a description of lab notebook contents.       

74Lab notebook 1983-1985

See File 7-1 (2015.01) for a description of lab notebook contents.         

75Lab notebook1985-1987

See File 7-1 (2015.01) for a description of lab notebook contents.         

76Lab notebook1987-1989

See File 7-1 (2015.01) for a description of lab notebook contents.

77Lab notebook1988-1989

See File 7-1 (2015.01) for a description of lab notebook contents.   

2015.01, Box 8
Series: 3: Poetry manuscripts, essays and related records
81Lab notebook 1989-1992

See File 7-1 (2015.01) for a description of lab notebook contents.   

82Lab notebook 1992-1999

See File 7-1 (2015.01) for a description of lab notebook contents.   

83Lab notebook1999-2000

See File 7-1 (2015.01) for a description of lab notebook contents.   

84Lab notebook2000-2002

See File 7-1 (2015.01) for a description of lab notebook contents.   

85Lab notebook2002-2005

See File 7-1 (2015.01) for a description of lab notebook contents.   

86Lab notebook2007-2009

See File 7-1 (2015.01) for a description of lab notebook contents.   

2015.01, Box 9
Series: 12: Employment
94Old Vindicator notebook with story notes from when I was doing some freelance journalism in Toronto1979-1981


Series: 3: Poetry manuscripts, essays and related records
98Scribbler - draft of poem ; drafts of letters ; thoughts ; possible epigraphs for "Early Poems" ; etc.2000-2001


910Poem : "The Knight" for Leacock Museum "50 Poems for Gordon Lightfoot" anthology ; correspondence with Fred Addis, director of the Leacock Museum National Historic Site.2014


912"Frozen Charlotte" - poem and correspondence for sculptor Catherine Heard's sculpture and poetry project.2014


913Scribbler : Drafts of poems for "Sequence" and "Allegory of the Wind" ; translations of "Eternidades" by Jiménez. 2013


915"Allegory of the Wind" - working copy with further corrections yet to be made penciled on title page.July 20 2014


916"Allegory of the Wind" - working copy July 3 2014


917"Allegory of the Wind" - copies of revised poems, uncorrected version, removed from draft of 3 July 20142014


918Book - Anansi 2015 - originals, subsequent drafts, revision copies.2014


919Book - Anansi 2015 - poems towards.2013-2014


914Drafts culled for "Allegory of the Wind" ; notes. 2012


Lab notebooks
918 x 9 black notebook2008-2009

See File 7-1 (2015.01) for a description of lab notebook contents.  

A note from A.F. Moritz explains that this notebook is of a different type but that it belongs with the the large lab notebooks. 

92Lab notebook2009-2011

See File 7-1 (2015.01) for a description of lab notebook contents.   

93Loose sheets that go with lab notebook from 2009-2011.2009-2011

See File 7-1 (2015.01) for a description of lab notebook contents.   

Series: 4: Correspondence / Subject files
99Gilberto Meza - recent correspondence about his books being published, AFM's introduction for his selected poems ; his current plans for AFM book in Mexico based on "The Sentinel."2014

The correspondence is in Spanish.   

911"The Tradition" in initial launch of Princeton Legacy Library - correspondence with Princeton University Press.2014


Series: 5: Poetry Readings
95Readings : programs of many readings by AFM2000-2012


96"The New Measures" - programs for seven readings given from it. 2013

Contains a note written by A.F. Moritz in October 2014 on the content and context of this file.  

97Notes for poetry talks ; quotations to read at readings and poetry talks.2005


2015.01, Box 10
Series: 3: Poetry manuscripts, essays and related records
"Sequence" (House of Anansi Press)
101"Sequence" - correspondence with Damian Rogers2014


101"Sequence" - correspondence with Sue Sinclair, editor of the book.2014

Contains a note written by A.F. Moritz in October 2014 regarding content of file.    

103"Sequence" - work folder : notes, drafts on loose sheets, photocopies from notebooks. 2013-2014


104"Sequence" - drafts of various stages.2013-2014


105"Sequence" - revision worksheets2014


106"Sequence" at 12 June - copy of computer file with red marks showing subsequent revision ideas.2014


107"Sequence" as finished 10pm on 22 June 2014 plus second thoughts, possible adds, etc. 2014


108"Sequence" : Sue Sinclair's first copy and primary copy for first revision, with her notes and edits and AFM's responses.2014


109"Sequence" - AFM's working copy throughout August, September and October. Contains many changes by AFM and many responses to Sue Sinclair's ideas and suggestions.2014


1010"Sequence" - Second completed draft, 20 September with further changes of 2 October and after.2014


1011"Sequence" - Sue Sinclair's marked copy of the second (20 September) draft, with AFM's written responses on the pages. 2014


2015.01, Box 11
Series: 3: Poetry manuscripts, essays and related records
116Drafts of poems ; Jiménez translations ; notes and lists : scribbler, March to September2009


118First, early and successive drafts of poems "Sentinel" and "New Measures"2001-2010


119Scribbler : Poems (some in "New Measures") and notes2009-2010


111Stray copy of p.70 of 3rd draft with notes for its role in rearrangement leading to 4th draft. [2014]


112Notes - prepared from the 3rd draft ; with AFM's changes required by the 4th draft[2014]


113Notes - final version including "acknowledgment" and two small correction - i.e. version for 4th draft2014


1144th and nearly final version ; completed 14 October 20142014

Includes a note from A.F. Moritz written on 22 October 2014 about the content and context of the file.  

Series: 4: Correspondence / Subject files
115AFM Archives [Correspondence, newspaper clippings, lists, miscellaneous material]2010-2013


1111Copy by AFM for M. Lavorato's novel Serafim and Claire ; correspondence with Mark and Kelly Joseph2013


1112AFM on Daniel Guy Tremblay: ARC "emerging poets" feature ; correspondence with Chris Jennings, Tremblay2013


1114Anansi A-List Nowlan Book correspondence 2013


1126Correspondence with Pete Nutini2014


Series: 5: Poetry Readings
1121Cobourg Festival of Poetry - A reads at 21 April 20132013


1122Readings - Kingston WritersFest 2013


1123Reading - April 2013 Blue Metropolis, Montréal2013


1124A + T August 2012 Trip : Paris ; Edinburgh Fringe Festival ; Canada House, London Readings2012


1125Edinburgh Fringe Festival - Summerhill Program2012


Series: 6: Periodicals containing material by or about A.F. Moritz
1116Magazines - Riddle Fence - poems in 2013 : RF152013


1118AFM magazines - poem in The Walrus2012


1119AFM magazines - AFM mentioned in Quill & Quire article ; starred and lead poetry review of "The New Measures"2012


1120AFM magazines - UTQuarterly - Vol.81, Number 1 Winter 20122012


Series: 8: Anthologies containing A.F. Moritz poems
1115Gary Geddes' OUP Anthology: AFM Selection ; correspondence with Geddes2013


Series: 9: Literary related activities
1113Souster Award - notice by League of Canadian Poets in Globe and Mail, 20 July 20132013


1117Junction Books Broadsides2000


2015.08, Box 1
Series: 3: Poetry manuscripts, essays and related records
121"Dream" - Autobiographical Poem First Drafts n.d.


122"Dream" Autobiographical Poem Second Draftn.d.


123"Dream" Additional Drafts / Notes Autobiographical Poem2014


11Poems, questions from TH at 2 - notes re Aunt Rose's decaying situation - July Niles trip/Paul S. - August to Niles with Blaise2007


12Poems, notes that became "Volcano" etc, ; June 2010 trip to Ottawa ; to July 20102010


13Poems, notes - Trips to NYC and Mexico City2010


14Poems, notes - Trip to Mexico City and after 2010


155 poems ; Paz poem translation ; December trip to Niles2010-2011


16Poems (some in the Sentinal (2015)) ; Second Linares Poetry Festival ; Edmonton Poetry Festival with Theresa (right up to Beatrice's first communion) ; notes, lists (some poems in New Measures)2011


17AGO Abstract Expressionist Show ; August trip to Eric and Niles ; Louis Lortie plays all Années ; Juan Roman Jimenez translations ; brief poems 2011


18Poems and notes ; Albert and Theresa Ottawa - Austen talk ; AGO Chagall 2011


19Notes, poems ; including first draft of "Dark Knight Rising in The Walrus ; July trip to Niles2012


110Picasso AGO show Notebook : notes, sketches, poem drafts2012


111Poems, ideas and notes2012


112Days at Don Valley and Brickworks ; questions ; notes ; a couple of poem sketches2013


113Poems, Juan Ramon Jimenez translations, Ai Weiwei at AGO, Lagerkvist ; loose sheets in back pocket2013


114Poems and notes2013


115Poems, notes - BB at RBM 4pm2013-2014


116Poems, notes ; trip to Nicaragua ; first day of last trip to 925 N Main Street, Niles2014


117Poems, notes, quotations2014


118Poems, notes2014


119Bedside - Bedside book of notes on dreams, some materials used in poems2012-2014

Reads from front to back, then back to front except where noted.   

120"Roseanne" - Draft and original manuscripts of an attempt to write on Rosanne Moritz (sister) and her death, abandoned, ROSANNE1979-1980


2015.08, Box 2
Series: 3: Poetry manuscripts, essays and related records
21Composition Book - Commonplace book and drafts of several poems that became part of New Measures and others published but not collected. 2005-2007


23"House's Fall" 2014

Typed manuscript of yet uncollected poems included in an early manuscript entitled "The House's Fallin the Permanenence of Summer", but excluded when poems from that manuscript became the published book: The Newer Measures [Description provided by A.F. Moritz]  

24"Wind" ["Allegory of the Wind - Poems"]2014

Additional manuscript of uncollected poems coeval with "Sequence", known as "Allegory of the Wind" [Description provided by A.F. Moritz]  

25"Wind period" - supplementary poems, from the same period as "Allegory of the Wind", tentatively omitted from the manuscript2014

Additional manuscript of uncollected poems from the same period as "Allegory of the Wind" [Description provided by A.F.Moritz]  

26"Wind" 2014

Typecript.  "Allegory of the Wind" with corrections.   

27"Sentinel Period" 1999-2001

Manuscript of yet uncollected poems from "The Sentinel" period not included in that book. [Description provided by A.F. Moritz]  

28Composition book "Mahoning"1984-1992

Early versions of poems in Mahoning and a 1992 self-assessment.  Additionally a Moritz family history/family tree [Description provided by A.F.Moritz]  

29"L'air de l'eau"1973-1985

Manuscript and notes of a translation of Breton's "L'air de l'eau" (with David Lenson). Draft translation, approximately 1974 ; AFM's corrections, approximately 1985 [Description provided by A.F. Moritz]  

210"The Poet's Garden"1996

Manuscript of "The Poet's Garden" peoms and essay related to the Rodney King riots, unpublished. [Description provided by A.F.Moritz]  

22Poems, notes, Juan Ramon Jimenez translations2013


2015.08, Box 3
Series: 3: Poetry manuscripts, essays and related records
31"City in Sleep"1988-1992

Edited manuscript unpublished poems plus "In the Terminal Ward" which appeared in The Ruined Cottage with new changes.  [Description provided by A.F. Moritz]


Drafts of unpublished "Stupra" poem project. [Description provided by A.F. Moritz]  

33Recent 1970-1989

Drafts of unpublished poems from the 1980s and previous.  [Description provided by A.F. Moritz]    

34Unpublished 1 2004-2007

Very large handwritten manuscript of unpublished poems. [Description provided by A.F. Moritz]      

35Unpublished 21974-1994

Typed and handwritten manuscripts of poem includes "Landings" sequence (1985-90), "Dialogue of Greed and Princes" (1977-83) , "Song of the Open Road" (1974-78) and unpublished drafts. [Description provided by A.F. Moritz]    

36Unpublished 31988-1991

Mostly handwritten manuscripts of unpublished poems from approximately 1988-1991. [Description provided by A.F. Moritz]    

37Unpublished 4 1983-1997

Miscellaneous manunscripts of unpublished poems, plans for poems, drama stage directions, poems written during research on Emma Goldman, "Above a Store" (1985), later drafts of peoms written in 1985, "Face on Mars" (1990-94), "Don Juan" poem suite, "Pleasures of Speed" from notes on trip to Montreal with Blaise (1990). [Description provided by A.F. Moritz]    

313"Naked body"1980

Aborted attempt on book on nudity with photos of various 'pinups' [Description provided by A.F.Moritz]

314"Sentinel" translations2010-2011

Sentinel translations by Susana Walkd and Beatriz Hausner with A.F. Moritz's corrections [Description provided by A.F. Moritz]  

315"A in Spanish"2012

Poems in Spanish, translations from Sentinel and uncollected poems by Beatriz Hausner [Description provided by A.F. Moritz]  


Juan Jimon Rimenez translation work [Description provided by A.F. Moritz]  

317"De Winter"1975-1977

Two narrative poems that serve as the very early drafts of the third section of Sequence. [Description provided by A.F. Moritz].  


Handwritten draft of poem which became the closing poem of Night Street Repairs [Description provided by A.F.Moritz]  

38Poems, notes, pocket notebook abandoned by chance under other papers.2008
39Poems, notes, writer's notebook2014-2015


310Scribbler of poem drafts2015


319Summer Trip to Mexico, City of Oaxaca (Gilberto ; Ludwig and Susana] ; two trips to Niles - Poems notes, diary. 2007


320Notebook 18 June -23 July - poems, summer notes, diary, trip to Mexico City and afterward. 2008


Series: 4: Correspondence / Subject files
311Letter from W.S. Merwin2014


312Letter from Mother2015


2015.08, Box 4
Series: 3: Poetry manuscripts, essays and related records
41Poems, notes, diary, trip to Paris2012


4219 Jun - 29 December - poems, notes, diary2014


4316 Feb 14 - 20 Mar 15 : Travel diary, notes, poems, Granada Nicaragua Festival, Sequence section drafts, heart operation2014-2015


"Sequence" (House of Anansi Press)
410Manuscript 1st pages2015

Includes correspondence regarding final proofing.  Manuscript has markups from editor and from A.F. Moritz throughout.   

411Manuscript - 2nd pages. 2015

2nd pages and final cover, markup, with focus on 'notes' section.   

412Review in Quill and Quire2015


413Manuscript - Final draft submitted to publisher2015


Series: 4: Correspondence / Subject files
44Correspondence / Editing prior to November 1 20142014


45Correspondence / Editing with Anansi regarding copy editing and related with AFM's notes. 2014-2015


46Correspondence / Editing - with Anansi about the book's preparation subsequent to November 2014 with AFM's Notes2014-2015


47Correspondence / Editing - Copy Editor's Markup with AFM's responses in red2014


48Correspondence / Editing - Pages with proofreader's marks and queries ; AFM's responses, including correspondence with Kelly Joseph and Damian Rogers2014


49Correspondence / Editing - Work on cover copy including correspondence with Anansi editors with AFM's notes. 2014


2015.08, Box 5
Series: 10: Translation projects

A collection of AFM's translations and those of others of others of a wide range of poets in Spanish and French with AFM's notes in margins throughout.   

522'Testament for Man"1982

Promotional pamphlet for AFM and Theresa's Moritz's translation of Gilberto Meza's Testament for Man, via Dreadnaught Press.   

523"Children of the Quadrilateral"1977

Promotional flyer for AFM's translation of Peret's Children of the Quadrilateral.  

Series: 12: Employment
“Oxford Illustrated Literary Guide to Canada” (pub. 1988)

Stationery created for AFM's Oxford Literary Guide to Canada.  

Series: 2: Teaching
515Vic College Docs. 2015

Victoria College/ U of T course schedules, nomination as permanent fellow at Victoria College.

516Creative Writing documents1995

Part of planning document for creative writing courses at Victoria College.  

Series: 3: Poetry manuscripts, essays and related records

From Malahat selected for Best Canadian Poetry 2015 [Description provided by A.F. Moritz]  


Notes towards a poem on Bolaño's Antwerp (on napkins).


Notes towards a translation of Hölderlin's "Mein Eigentum."  

582 March "Song 2"2012

First draft of poem, "the meaning sings in the spoken song"  

59Bien introduction 2015

Preface to Jeff Bien's book In a Time of No Song. Includes this manuscript, correspondence with Jeff Bien and Rafi Aaron.


Notes toward cover comment for Shaving Off His Face by Shane Nielson.  


Poem or sketch toward one, found in a copy of Early Poems [Description provided by A.F. Moritz]  

514"The Knight"2014

'The Knight : For Gordon Lightfoot" Notes toward a first draft of the poem with photocopies from pocket notebook 12 April 2014- 18 June 2014 as reference. 

See Series 8, File 5-13 for final publication.

524Abandoned drafts of a poem(s) 1982-1985

Includes notes towards Mahoning on the back of the 2nd last page.   

Series: 4: Correspondence / Subject files
54Correspondence Spring 20152015

Cards, letters and notes from T. Damid, M.Drobec, D.Clink, D. McKay, Mother


Letters from friends, colleagues, presses.  

526Letter from Steven Heighton2003


527Letter from Canada Council for the Arts2014


Series: 5: Poetry Readings
52Miscellaneous - Readings lists, reading invitations, notices 2015



Miscellaneous handwritten programs - lists of poems for various readings.  

Series: 6: Periodicals containing material by or about A.F. Moritz
512The Malahat Review - (2 translations of J.R. Jimenez)2014

   Issue 188. 

519Copy of Dr. Olga Pugliese's article on Bartolotti, citing Moritz's Goldman biography2014

Page 140 "Lo studio fundamentale"  

Series: 8: Anthologies containing A.F. Moritz poems
513"The Knight"2014

"The Knight: For Gordon Lightfoot" in 50+ Poems for Gordon Lightfoot. 

Series: 9: Literary related activities
517Vallum documents2014

Documents signed for Vallum magazine.   

518 RRFresno DVD Appearance2000

Correspondence from Chris Terrence and DVD of A.F. Moritz while he was visiting poet UC Fresno in early Summer 2000 [Description provided by A.F. Moritz].

1 DVD.  The DVD is available via Resource Space.  Please contact staff to request access.

2015.08, Box 6
Series: 3: Poetry manuscripts, essays and related records
65"Heaven" / "Volcano" 2013

"Heaven" - original version of the poem "The Volcano"  


Drafts of translations of Juan Ramon Jimenez, poems from Eternidades (1916-17) written while attending conference in Nicaragua. [Description provided by AFM]  

611Unpublished 52011-2014

Poems written between The New Measure and Sequence considered for Allegory of the Wind. Revisions of drafts.    [Description provided by AFM]

612Unpublished 62014

Poems excluded from The New Measures and then revised afterward in 2014, this manuscript reflects any revisions made [Description provided by AFM].  


Notes towards talk on Beauty and Lemon Hound essay for Sue Sinclair [Description provided by AFM].  

"Sequence" (House of Anansi Press)
64Sequence superseded drafts ; worksheet. 2014

Draft from 16 February 2015. Superseded by draft with additions and corrections made in Granada, 16-23 February.  

Series: 4: Correspondence / Subject files
66Correspondence regarding Malahat Review and UBC Landsdowne Lecture2013

Includes text.  

69Correspondence with Prairie Fire Press 2013-2014

Correspondence regarding publishing of Szumigalski Lectures.   

Series: 9: Literary related activities
61Program materials from the IX Festival Internacional de Poesia de Granada, Nicaragua, with some handwritten notes from AFM.2013

Moritz had readings on two days of the conference.   See 2016.08 1-1 for a copy of AFM's application to the conference.

63"Bee in Aster" - Music2013

"Bee in Aster" from Walrus set to music by Doug Peterman, with musical arrangement.  Includes personal note from Peterman to AFM regarding use of poem in Stratford reading and posters announcing musical event.

67Raymond Souster Award 2013

Certificate stating: The League of Canadian Poets presents The 2013 Raymond Souster Award for the Best Book of Poetry by a League of Canadian Poets Member - A.F. Moritz for The New Measures (House of Anansi Press)  

68Anne Szumigalski Lecture 2013

League of Canadian Poets 47th Poetry Festival and Conference.  Includes copies of lecture by A.F. Moritz : "A Garden is Not a Place : Poetry and Beauty", correspondence and conference information. See 2016.08 1-4 for copies of draft typescript of essay for the lecture. 

613League of Canadian Poets Annual Poetry Festival and Conference 20142014


Works by others
62Poem written by Malachi Smith (from IX Festival Internacional de Poesia de Granada, Nicaragua)2014


2015.08, Box 7
Series: 11: Personal material
75Drawings for grandchildren2014


Series: 2: Teaching

Victoria College teaching / work / personal schedules.  

Series: 3: Poetry manuscripts, essays and related records
721Martens and Mix Tapes2014-2015

Garth Martens notes toward cover commentary and Mix tape draft.   

Series: 4: Correspondence / Subject files
73Riddle Fence2014

Correspondence and acceptance of poem for Riddle Fence   


Correspondence from friends, writers, admirers and mother.   


Letter from Jan Zwicky.  

716Hollander and Jerome2011-2013

Letter from John Hollander and letter from Gillian Jerome.   


Poem and grant acceptance and submission letters from Frog Hollow, Fiddlehead, Malahat and Canada Council for the Arts.   


Copy of email discussing old book titles for A.F. Moritz website with R. Carrara.   


Early correspondence regarding editing a volume of Doug Fetherling's poems, published in 2014.   

722Email inbox January2011


723Email inbox February2011


"Sequence" (House of Anansi Press)
74Sequence correspondence2014


Series: 5: Poetry Readings
72Movies 2013

Text for AFM's poem read at Live Words and TIFF events for book launch.   


Northern District Library reading announcement June 18, 2015.   

Series: 6: Periodicals containing material by or about A.F. Moritz
76Event: Poetry and Prose2011

Copy of 40:1 Spring/Summer 2011.  Two poems by A.F. Moritz on pages 56-7.

77ARC Poetry Magazine2013

Copy of Winter 2013 issue with Sue Sinclair's review of The New Measures p.138.  

78The Malahat Review2014

Issue 86, Spring 2014 with six poems by A.F. Moritz.   

79Arc Poetry Magazine2014

Issue 73, Winter 2014 with essay by A.F. Moritz on Daniel Guy Tremblay.  

710Quill & Quire2014

Copy of April 2014 issue. A.F. Moritz mentioned in cover story.   

Series: 7: Publishing and Editorial Work
Manuscripts submitted to A.F. Moritz

Rafi Aaron's draft of book After the Deluge.  

Series: 8: Anthologies containing A.F. Moritz poems
711Earth and Heaven: An Anthology of Myth Poetry.2015

Poem by A.F. Moritz "To the Still Unborn" on page 108.  

Series: 9: Literary related activities
712Literary memorabilia 2013-2014


2015.08, Box 8
Series: 4: Correspondence / Subject files
81Email inbox March2011


82Email Inbox April2011


83Email inbox May2011


84Email inbox June2011
85Email inbox July2011


86Email inbox August2011


87Email inbox September2011


2015.08, Box 9
Series: 4: Correspondence / Subject files
91Email inbox October2011


92Email inbox November 2011


93Email inbox December2011


94Email outbox December2011

Emails containing personal information of students have been removed      

95Email Outbox November2011

Emails containing personal information of students have been removed      

96Email Outbox October2011

Emails containing personal information of students have been removed      

97Email outbox September2011


98Email outbox August 2011


99Email outbox July2011


910Email outbox June2011


911Email outbox May2011


912Email outbox April2011


2015.08, Box 10
Series: 4: Correspondence / Subject files
101Email outbox March2011


102Email outbox February2011


103Email outbox January2011


104Email inbox December2010


105Email inbox November 2010


106Email inbox October2010


107Email inbox September2010


108Email inbox August2010


109Email inbox July2010


1010Email inbox June 2010

Emails containing personal information of students have been removed      

1011Email inbox May2010


2015.08, Box 11
Series: 4: Correspondence / Subject files
111Email inbox April2010


112Email inbox March2010


113Email inbox February2010


114Email inbox January2010


115Email outbox December2010


116Email outbox November2010


117Email outbox October2010


118Email outbox September2010


119Email outbox August2010


1110Email outbox July2010


1111Email Outbox June2010

 Emails containing personal information of students have been removed.     

1112Email outbox May2010


1113Email outbox April2010


1114Email outbox March2010


1115Email outbox February2010


1116Email outbox January 2010


2015.08, Box 12
Series: 6: Periodicals containing material by or about A.F. Moritz
123El Buscón 11982

   AFM poems on Page 115-120 in Spanish translated by Gilberto Meza.  "La academia de escritores chinos", "Keats en Roma", "Signos y certidumbres".

124El Buscón 21983

Works by friends of AFM published in the 6th edition of this journal.    

125Riddle Fence2013

   Issue #15, Fall 2013 of Riddle Fence. Poems by AFM on page 21-31 "The Gap", "The First Chapters of Genesis", "A Visit to the Birdhouse" , "The Longed-for Hour", "Monologue to Self to Soul", "Lost."

126Prairie Fire2013

Prarie Fire issue 34:4, Winter 2013-2014, pages 4-23 essay by AFM "A Garden is not a Place: Poetry and Beauty" and poems "Oxalis", "Song of a Branch" and "Root of Loveliness." 

127The Fiddlehead2014

Issue No. 260, Summer Poetry 2014 p110-112 poems by AFM "Meditation", "Christmas Eve" and "A Psalm of Sparrows."  

Series: 7: Publishing and Editorial Work
121Helen Albright "Portmanteaux"1980

Edited by AFM and Theresa Moritz at Dreadnaught Press.  

122Helen Albright "Wheat"1980

Edited by AFM and Theresa Moritz at Dreadnaught Press.   


Articles written by William Arrowsmith "Rushkin's Fireflies (unpublished at the time) and "Grave Prattle: Eliot's 'Le Directeur', published in The Yale Review send to AFM for review.

Series: 9: Literary related activities
Works by others

Books by George Fetherling (often writing as Doug Fetherling) gone through by AFM when editing and collecting Fetherling's 2012 Collected Plans Deranged By Time.

1210Dante, La Vita Nuova1969

Translation of Dante's La Vita Nuova by Mark Musa. Contains notes by AFM throughout.   

2015.08, Box 13
Series: 9: Literary related activities
131Blake 1979

One of AFM's many copies William Blake.  This Norton Critical Edition shows its wear and has many notes by AFM [Description provided by AFM].  


Notes by AFM throughout a copy of Rudy Weibe's The Scorched Wood People.


Copy of Absences - New Poetry by James Tate with AFM's notes throughout.   


AFM's notes and underlined passages in a copy of Selected works by George Herbert.   


AFM's notes and underlined passages in John Ashbery's Houseboat Days.  

136Twain and Thoreaun.d.

Notes by AFM in copies of Twain's Huckleberry Finn and Thoreau's Walden.   


One of AFM's many copies of Tennyson. This one with the most extensive of his marginalia [description provided by AFM].  

2015.08, Box 14
Series: 8: Anthologies containing A.F. Moritz poems
141The IV Lounge Reader edited by Paul Vermeersch2001

Contains 6 poems by A.F. Moritz: "The Old West", "Everything in Place", "To the Still Unborn", "Maynard Ferguson Playing 'Manteca'". "To the Strangers Who Talk Loud in My Ear in Public Places" and "Butterfly." Also contains 4 poems, by A.F. Moritz's son Blaise Moritz.   

143The Poetry Lovers' Garden Party Anthology2001

   Poem by A.F. Moritz "Homelogue"

144"exiles write back"2001

Poem by A.F. Moritz "Music and Exile."

Series: 9: Literary related activities
142Festival Books2014

Signed copies of books and poems purchased from fellow participants of the IX Festival Internacional de Poesia de Granada, Nicaragua.  

2016.08, Box 1
Series: 9: Literary related activities
11"Apps" - Albert F. Moritz Literary Résumé and Detailed Proposal and Cover Letter2014

For application to participate in the X Festival Internacional de Poesía de Granada, Nicaragua. Includes travel itinerary. See 2015.08 6-1 for related material.

2016.08, Box 2
Series: 10: Translation projects
231AFM translations[between 2000 and 2016?]

Draft typescripts of translated works.   

234Centinela "Gusto Por Vagar"[201-]

Draft typescript of the poem in Spanish by A.F. Moritz, for the Spanish translation of The Sentinel.   

Series: 3: Poetry manuscripts, essays and related records
Individual poems
24"The Knight" for Gordon Lightfoot2014

Draft typescript.  Published in 50+ Poems for Gordon Lightfoot (The Old Brewery Bay Press, 2014).   See Series 8, 2015.08, 5-13 for a copy of the anthology.

25"Heaven" [between 2000 and 2015?]

Draft typescripts.   

29"Dark One Rising"[between 2000 and 2015?]

Draft typescript.  

222"Rhythm of Time" [201-]

For submission to the Yale Review.  

Series: 9: Literary related activities
218Invitacion expo surrealista [Invitation to participate in surrealist exhibition]2015

Held in Costa Rica.   

2016.08, Box 3
Series: 10: Translation projects
31Eternidades at 23 February 20142014

Draft typescript of Juan Ramón Jiménez's Eternidades ("Night," "As you pass...")  


32Eternidades[between 2014 and 2016]

Draft typescript of Juan Ramón Jiménez's Eternidades ("Night," "As you pass...")  


2016.08, Box 4
Series: 10: Translation projects
44"Woman in Dream" (backup)2003

Draft typescript of AFM's english translation of Ludwig Zeller's poem.   

“The Rules Of The Game: Selected Shorter Poems” by Ludwig Zeller
41The Rules of the Game - cover copy2012

Draft typescript.  

2016.08, Box 10
Series: 4: Correspondence / Subject files
103Email Outbox - July 20122012

Listing of all emails available in the file.  Emails containing personal information of students have been removed      

2016.08, Box 11
Series: 4: Correspondence / Subject files
118Email Inbox - June 20132013

Listing of all emails available in the file.   

2016.08, Box 14
Series: 4: Correspondence / Subject files
141Email Outbox - September 20132013

Listing of all emails available in the file.  Emails containing personal information of students have been removed   

143Email Outbox - November 20132013

Listing of all emails available in the file.  Emails containing personal information of students have been removed   

2016.08, Box 15
Series: 9: Literary related activities
1515Janice Colbert Prize Judging2016

Includes notes, correspondence and a typescript of poems.   

2016.08, Box 16
Series: 11: Personal material
166Day Planner 2015 2015

AFM's day planner with handwritten notes.   

Series: 3: Poetry manuscripts, essays and related records
1616Pocket notebook, June-November 20152015

Notebook contains handwritten notes, drafts of poems, etc.   

Series: 6: Periodicals containing material by or about A.F. Moritz

Copy of Audeamus, the literary journal of Massey College (U of T). Contains the poem "Troubadour" by AFM on page 9. Also includes a thank you card from the editor for AFM's contribution.

2016.08, Box 17
Series: 6: Periodicals containing material by or about A.F. Moritz
173"Week 57 - A.F. Moritz presented by Elana Wolff [on "Sequence"]" 2016

Printed from Brick Books website - a weekly feature in Celebration of Canadian Poetry.   

2016.08, Box 19
Series: 3: Poetry manuscripts, essays and related records
191As Far as You Know It, new MS2016

Draft typescript of first completed manuscript of poems written since heart operation.   

2016.08, Box 1
Series: 3: Poetry manuscripts, essays and related records
Individual poems

Draft typescript.   


Two draft typescripts.   

134"Stenosis" [200?]

Draft typescript.  


Draft typescript.   

141New poems since operation 2014-2015

Poems written after surgery on 8 August 2014. Draft typescripts.   

129 "Isolation and Communion in Modern Culture" by A.F. Moritz 2009

Draft typescript. See 1-28  

Series: 9: Literary related activities
127"The Fourth Carlos Montemayor Festival of Poetry"2010

Draft typescript. Article appeared in the National Post on November 26, 2010.  Event is a poetry festival held in Mexico. 

2016.08, Box 2
Series: 10: Translation projects
232Alquimia de la Imagen2011

Draft typescript.  By Ludwig Zeller and published by La Cabra Ediciones.  Text is in Spanish.   

233Centinela "Casandra"[201-]

Draft typescript of the poem "Casandra' in Spanish by A.F. Moritz for the Spanish translation of The Sentinel.   

235Centinela - "Lo que Teníamos"

Draft typescript of the poem in Spanish, by A.F. Moritz for the Spanish translation of The Sentinel.    

236Centinela - "Tú a Quien Amé"[201-]

Draft typescript of a poem in Spanish by A.F. Moritz for the Spanish translation of The Sentinel.     

237Centinela - "Una Música Solemne"[201-]

Draft typescript of a poem in Spanish by A.F. Moritz for the Spanish translation of The Sentinel.      

239Eternidades - AFM submission to Malahat2014

Draft typescript of AFM's translation of Juan Ramón Jiménez poems from Eternidades ("Night," "As you pass..."). Published in the Malahat Review, Issue 188, Autumn 2014 (The Translation Issue)

Series: 3: Poetry manuscripts, essays and related records
Individual poems
26"The Elect, the Reprobate and the Redeemed'[between 2000 and 2015?]

Draft typescript.   

27"Word Music" 2 essay[between 2000 and 2015?]

Final draft typescripts.  Poems and notes.   

210"Philoctetes"[between 2000 and 2015?]

Draft typescript.   

212"Frozen Charlotte"[between 2000 and 2015?]

Draft typescript  

215Available 9 April 20162016

Draft typescripts of the following poems: "The One Who Answers the Call,"  "Stars," "Never to Be Exhausted," "Gift, Distance," "Fair and Dark," "Tour and Prospect," "Silence," "Meaning Singing," "The Great Project," and "Mirror on Fire," "The Ram," "A Book Travels," "Who Is It I Address," "The Ones," "On Reading the First Pages of Salamandra," "A Star," "Cynosure," "Music," and "The Companion," "Palm Tree with Romeo and Juliette," "Plum, Words, Mind," "Isola," "Some Repose," "One Dawn or Many," "Monk and Onlooker," "There Is," "The Task," "The Scream," "Definition of Thinking," 'Origin of the Image," "The Implement," "To Dante," "His Loved One's Interpellation by a Ghost," "Near the Water," "Encounter," "Battered by the Turbulence of a Passing," "The Relation of 1790," "Etiology of Compulsion," "Narrative of a Shipwreck," "The Coming Forth of Dawn," "The Status of Concrete Details in Nightmare," "A Slender Presence," and "Introduction to Eden."

These poems were submitted to publications but we not published. 


229The Scream - poems from "The New Measures" Era Excised to make "The Scream"2012-2016

Draft typescript.   

230The Scream - Poems. A.F. Moritz2016

Draft (early version) typescript.   

219"Magic 8: A.F. Moritz"2015

Draft typescript.   

21Volta submission 5 September 20152015

Two copies of final draft typescripts of poems "Near the Water," Wake," and "The Mural."

"Wake'" and "The Mural" were published in Volta (USA, Online) October 2015.

216Epignosis submission June 20142014

Final draft typescripts of the following poems: "A Hand's Breadth," "Palm Tree with Romeo and Juliet," "This Day," "Plum, Words, Mind," "You Can't Have What You Want," "Isola," "Some Repose," "One Dawn of Many," and "Monk and Onlooker."

"A Hand's Breadth," "This Day" and "You Can't Have What You Want" were accepted 28 June 2014.

Epignosis Quarterly is an online literary and arts journal.  

217"Maid of Scars" A.F.'s entry for George Walker anthology2015

Final draft typescript for George Walker's response-poem anthology, 2015 (Frog Hollow Press, Victoria. Ed. Shane Nielson)  

220Malahat Review submission 12 October 20132013

Draft typescripts of poems: "The Wind That Blows Through Winter,"  "Entrances," "A Definition of Pity," "There Is," "Plum, Words, Mind," "The Eye," "This Day," "The Task," "Hermes," 'Palm Tree with Romeo and Juliet," "Poetry," "A Hand's Breadth," and "The Scream,"

The following poems were accepted: "The Wind That Blows Through Winter,"  "Entrances" (also accepted in Best Canadian Poetry 2015), "A Definition of Pity," "The Eye" (also accepted in Poetry Daily), "Hermes," and "Poetry,"

223Submission 12 July 20162016

Final draft typescripts of poems: "As Far As You Know," "To the Reader," "Naked to All Interpretation," "Silence and Song," "Glimpse," 'Terrorism," "The Ram" and "Baltimore May 2015."

228Yale Review submission March 20162016

Final draft typescripts of poems:  "The Encounter," "Creating Despair," "The Myth," "Rhythm of Time," ""Encounter," "Battered by the Turbulence of a Passing," 'The Relation of 1790," 'Etiology of Compulsion," "Narrative of a Shipwreck," "The Coming Forth of Dawn," "The Status of Concrete Details in Nightmare," "A Slender Presence," and "Introduction to Eden."

"'Rhythm of Time"  was published in the Yale Review.

"Creating Despair" was published in Resonance Café Reading Series website, Fall 2015.

23Audeamus submission March 20152015

2 copies of draft typescripts.  Audeamus is the literary journal of Massey College. Submission consists of 7 poems: "Troubadour," "Silence," "Meaning Singing," "The Great Project," "The Same River," "Her Epoch," and "Mirror on Fire."

213Acta Victoriana submission - March 20162016

Final draft typescripts of poems: "The One Who Answers the Call," "Congestion," "Stars," "Never to Be Exhausted," "Gift, Distance," "Fair and Dark," "Tour and Prospect," "Silence," "Meaning Singing," "The Great Project," and "Mirror on Fire."  Acta Victoriana is the Victoria College literary publication.    "Congestion" was published in the Spring 2016 edition.

221Resonance website submission 2015

Final draft typescripts of "The Encounter," "Creating Despair," "The Myth," and "Rhythm of Time." 

"Creating Despair" was accepted in October 2015. 

Resonance Café website is edited and directed by Klara du Plessis.

225Submission for The High Window2016

Final drafts of poems:  "The Encounter," "The Myth," 'Rhythm of Time," "The Dearest Freshness," "Always Now Farther Away," "Pileated Woodpecker," and "Origin of the Image."

"Pileated Woodpecker," "The Myth" and "Always Now Farther Away," were published in The High Window #2, Spring 2016 (UK) 

The High Window is quarterly poetry publication.

2016.08, Box 3
Series: 10: Translation projects
33For a Savage Love2014

Draft typescript of For a Savage Love (Por un amor salvaje), by Ludwig Zeller. Translated from the Spanish by Theresa Moritz and A. F. Moritz. Ekstasis Editions (2012).


35Jiménez [Juan Ramón][201?]

Draft typescript of poems translated by AFM from Juan Ramón Jiménez's works from La Realidad invisible  

36Lagrimas[between 2000 and 2016?]

Correspondence and draft typescripts of translations of Ludwig Zeller's poems, possibly from The Eye on Fire.  

311Poemas Moritz ya listos[between 2000 and 2016?]

Draft typescripts of AFM poems translated into Spanish.   

315The New Measures de Albert F. Moritz (English Version)2012

 Draft typescript of introduction. Albert F. Moritz, The New Measures (Anansi, 2012) by Georgina Mexía-Amador. 

316The New Measures de Albert F. Moritz2012

 Draft typescript of introduction. Albert F. Moritz, The New Measures (Anansi, 2012) by Georgina Mexía-Amador.  Spanish version.   

“The Rules Of The Game: Selected Shorter Poems” by Ludwig Zeller
313The Rules of the Game discards2012

Draft typescripts of translations of Ludwig Zeller poems.   

Series: 5: Poetry Readings
312Poems to read in Granada2013

Draft typescripts of poems in Spanish by AFM to read at the IX Festival Internacional de Poesia de Granada, Nicaragua.  Poems include: "Casandra," "Gusto por Vagar," "Lo Que Teníamos," "Tú a Quien Amé" and "Una Música Solemne." These poems are from The Sentinel.

2016.08, Box 4
Series: 3: Poetry manuscripts, essays and related records
Individual poems
49Works [drafts of poems][199?]

Draft typescripts of works converted from original Wordperfect documents.   


Draft typescript. Converted from Wordperfect.  

410The Route and the Night[199?]

Draft typescript converted from the original Wordperfect document 

411A Houseboat on the Styx by A.F. Moritz1998

Draft typescript converted from the original Wordperfect document.  Published as Houseboat on the Styx, Ekstasis Editions (1998)


Series: 4: Correspondence / Subject files
46Letters 1997-2016

Consists of copies correspondence organized alphabetically (sometimes by recipient, sometimes by subject). List of description of every letter provided at beginning of file. 

2016.08, Box 5
Series: 3: Poetry manuscripts, essays and related records
Individual poems
57"Open Space"1990-1999

Draft typescript converted from the original Wordperfect document.   

510"Senseless" and "The Eagle"[199-]

Draft typescripts converted from the original Wordperfect document.      

514"Dream compose"[199-]

Draft typescript converted from the original Wordperfect document.       

517"The Work," "New Labyrinth," "Putting Up for the Night," "Beginning,"[199?]

Draft typescripts.  

518[Poems][between 2000 and 2016?]

Draft typescripts of multiple poems including "Birds of North America," "Flight to Vancouver," "Riff Raff," "The World," "The Sentinel," "Joseph," "Reunion of War Amputee and Field Surgeon," etc.

519AFMMag2 [Various poems][between 2000 and 2016]

Draft typescripts of various poems including "A Survival," "The Knot," 'Inheritance,"  "The Circus," etc.

51Selected poems project [199-]

Draft typescript converted from the original Wordperfect document.   

512For Carmagnole [1996]

Draft typescripts of poems converted from the original Wordperfect documents.       

513Carmagnole - Poems by A.F. Moritz[1996]

Draft typescript converted from the original Wordperfect document.       

53Pocket Notebooks 19881988

Typed notes converted from original wordperfect document.

55Pocket Notebooks 1988 (another version)1988

Typed notes converted from the original Wordperfect document. Notes are by days (ie. Day 1).

2016.08, Box 6
Series: 10: Translation projects
“The Rules Of The Game: Selected Shorter Poems” by Ludwig Zeller
614The Rules of the Game: Selected Shorter Poems 1952-2003 by Ludwig Zeller translated by A.F. Moritz2004

Draft typescript.   

Series: 3: Poetry manuscripts, essays and related records
Individual poems
61Arcady and Eden[between 2000 and 2016]

Draft typescripts of poems "Introduction to Eden" and "A Battle"   

62Frye Poem [between 2000 and 2016]

Draft typescript of a description "Words with Power?" by A.F. Moritz and poem "Full Circle - i.m. Northrop Frye

64[Various poems - published]2009

Draft typescripts of poems that were eventually published in Event, Poetry, USA, The Fiddlehead, Riddle Fence, Literary Review of Canada, Hamilton Stone Review (USA, online) and The Saving Banister.   Original title of file from AFM was: aaa New Book 09 publ.

63Poems MS 20102010

Draft typescripts of poems including: "News," "The Volcano," "Painting and Poem" (published eventually in Riddle Fence), "Men and Windmills," Creative Memory," "The Tomb," etc.  

615Night Street Repairs in Mexico City - A.F. Moritz2004

Draft typescript.  Eventually published as Night Street Repairs (Anansi, 2004)


Series: 4: Correspondence / Subject files
617Email Inbox - February 20122012

Listing of all emails available in the file.  Emails containing personal information of students have been removed.

2016.08, Box 7
Series: 4: Correspondence / Subject files
71Email Inbox - March 20122012

Listing of all emails available in the file.  Emails containing personal information of students have been removed.

72Email Inbox - April 20122012

Listing of all emails available in the file.  Emails containing personal information of students have been removed.

73Email Inbox - May 20122012

Listing of all emails available in the file.  Emails containing personal information of students have been removed.  

2016.08, Box 8
Series: 4: Correspondence / Subject files
81Email Inbox - July 20122012

Listing of all emails available in the file.  Emails containing personal information of students have been removed.


82Email Inbox - August 20122012

Listing of all emails available in the file.  Emails containing personal information of students have been removed.

2016.08, Box 9
Series: 4: Correspondence / Subject files
91Email Inbox - November 20122012

Listing of all emails available in the file.  Emails containing personal information of students have been removed.

92Email inbox - December 20122012

Listing of all emails available in the file.  Emails containing personal information of students have been removed.

96Email Outbox - March 20122012

Listing of all emails available in the file.  Emails containing personal information of students have been removed.  

2016.08, Box 10
Series: 10: Translation projects
106#2 Manuscript - For a Savage Love three books - Por un amor salvaje tres libros, Ludwig Zeller translated from the Spanish by Theresa Moritz and A.F. Moritz2012


Series: 4: Correspondence / Subject files
101Email Outbox - May 20122012

Listing of all emails available in the file.  Emails containing personal information of students have been removed   

102Email Outbox - June 20122012

Listing of all emails available in the file.  Emails containing personal information of students have been removed      

107Email Outbox - October 20122012

Listing of all emails available in the file.  Emails containing personal information of students have been removed      

2016.08, Box 11
Series: 4: Correspondence / Subject files
111Email Outbox - November 20122012

Listing of all emails available in the file.  Emails containing personal information of students have been removed      

115Email Inbox - March 20132013

Listing of all emails available in the file.  Emails containing personal information of students have been removed      

116Email Inbox - April 20132013

Listing of all emails available in the file.  Emails containing personal information of students have been removed      

119Email Inbox - July 20132013

Listing of all emails available in the file.  Emails containing personal information of students have been removed      

2016.08, Box 12
Series: 4: Correspondence / Subject files
121Email Inbox - August 20132013

Listing of all emails available in the file.  Emails containing personal information of students have been removed

123Email Inbox - October 20132013

Listing of all emails available in the file.  Emails containing personal information of students have been removed

124Email Inbox - November 20132013

Listing of all emails available in the file.  Emails containing personal information of students have been removed   

125Email Inbox - December 20132013

Listing of all emails available in the file.  Emails containing personal information of students have been removed   

2016.08, Box 13
Series: 4: Correspondence / Subject files
131Email Outbox - January 20132013

Listing of all emails available in the file.

135Email Outbox - May 20132013

Listing of all emails available in the file.  Emails containing personal information of students have been removed     

137Email Outbox - July 20132013

Listing of all emails available in the file.  Emails containing personal information of students have been removed



2016.08, Box 15
Series: 11: Personal material
154Day Book 20152015

Consists of AFM's day planner with notes, appointments, etc.   

1513To Do Lists2015-2016

Handwritten notes  

Series: 3: Poetry manuscripts, essays and related records
Individual poems
157Poems: drafts, revisions, copies 2015-2016

Annotated drafts of poems.  Some poems are written on napkins.   

1519[poems][between 2000 and 2016?]

Draft typescripts of poems including:  "Lost," "News," "Near the Water," "Hermes," "Christmas Eve," 'In Arizona," "The Tomb," etc.  

152A's Essays1986-1992

Includes rough notes and draft typescripts of essays on a variety of topics, including American politics, race relations in the US and teaching English literature, etc.   

Series: 8: Anthologies containing A.F. Moritz poems
155Earth and Heaven: An Anthology of Myth Poetry2015

Copy of published anthology with poem by AFM "To the Still Unborn" on p.108.  Edited by Amanda Jernigan and Evan Jones. Toronto: Fitzhenry & Whiteside  

1516The Best Canadian Poetry 2015 In English2015

Copy of anthology. Edited by Jacob McArthur Mooney, Molly Peacock and Anita Lahey. Toronto: Tightrope Book Inc.  AFM poem "Entrances" on p. 71.   

Series: 9: Literary related activities
151Poetry promotion 1997-1998

Includes notes on Canadian literature collection in libraries, lists of AFM publications, press releases for Conflicting Desire, and order forms for AFM publications.

1512Ellul Conference - Carleton University July 20142014

Includes handwritten notes on papers, schedules, conference materials.   

1514Ellul Conference, Berkeley 20162016

Includes notes, conference material, etc.   

159Interview with James Wood2016

Early version of the interview by James Wood ; a short version was published in Prism International.  See 1-11

2016.08, Box 16
Series: 10: Translation projects
1615AFM intro to Ludwig Zeller's 'collected' : Los engranajes del encantamiento - original of the Spanish text of the monograph.1995

Bound typescript of "La poética de Ludwig Zeller" by A.F. Moritz. In Spanish. 

Series: 11: Personal material
164Washington DC Trip [personal]2016

Includes itineraries, brochures, etc. for personal trip taken by AFM and Theresa, his wife, to Washington, DC

Series: 2: Teaching
165 RRVic Business2014

Includes correspondence around classes that AFM was teaching, scheduling, employment agreements, and records related to salary.    

Series: 3: Poetry manuscripts, essays and related records
Individual poems
167First draft poems 2015-2016

Handwritten poems written between May 2015 and February 2016.  

1620Pocket notebook, August to September 20152015

Small notebook with handwritten notes.   

1619"Thoughts on [Poetry and] Loss"2015

Draft typescripts of versions of essay "Thoughts on Poetry and Loss" (First version "Loss in Poetry"), draft with comments by Johanna Skibsrud and related correspondence.  

1617Introduction in Jeff Bien's book2015

Published copy of Jeff Bien's In a Time of No Song - Introduction by A.F. Moritz.  Toronto: Exile Editions, 2015.   

Series: 5: Poetry Readings
163Readings - September and October2015

Includes schedules, correspondence, material, etc.   

Series: 6: Periodicals containing material by or about A.F. Moritz
1613Vaso communicante 2(6), Spring 20022002

Copy of Vaso communicante 2(6), Spring 2002. Poem by A.F. Moritz "Descanso en la huída a Egipto" on page 30. Spanish.

1614Luvina No.47, Summer 20072007

Copy of Luvina, Revista Literaria Numero 47, Verano de 2007 (University of Guadalajara publication). Poem by A.F. Moritz on page 66 "Orfeo en Ontario." In Spanish.

1618Excerpts of Sequence in ELQ2015

Copy of ELQ Exile: The Literary Quarterly Volume 39, No. 1. Excerpts of "Sequence" by AFM on page 75.

168Sequence Review in Vallum2016

Photocopied pages of review that appeared on pages 72-74 of Vallum [unknown issue]  

169Stand review2015

A copy of Stand, volume 12(4).  Review of AFM's Sequence by James W. Wood on page 95.

Series: 9: Literary related activities
161League of Canadian Poets AGM 20162016

Consists of notes and annual report.   

1611Year of the Quiet Sun - A hand-printed folio of exquisite collages and poetry by Ludwig Zeller2014-2015

Consists of card notices for publication by Someone Editions (3 copies) and a listing of prints available.   

2016.08, Box 17
Series: 3: Poetry manuscripts, essays and related records
Individual poems
178"The Clock"2016

Includes typescript of poem and correspondence from the editors of The Best Poetry in English, 2016 regarding the poem's entry in the volume.  

1715Worksheets 2016

Handwritten poems, notes  

1714Scribbler, poems by hand 2016

Notebook with handwritten poems - June to August 2016  

Lab notebooks
1717Big Blue Notebook #162011-2012

Notebook includes handwritten notes, poem drafts, journal entries, memorabilia, etc. Commonplace book - February 2011 to August 2015

Series: 5: Poetry Readings
171Tree Reading Series2015

Consists of notes, itinerary and correspondence  

Series: 6: Periodicals containing material by or about A.F. Moritz
176Acta Victoriana2016

Copy of Acta Victoriana, Spring 2016. AFM poem on page 5 "Congestion"  

177Audeamus, Spring 20162016

Copy of Massey College's literary journal Audeamus with poems by AFM on pages 21 and 48 "Interstellar" and "The Companion"   

Series: 9: Literary related activities
174American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters1991

Includes programme, pamphlet and seating plan.  AFM was given an award for poetry.    

179Vallum documents2016

Consists of financial documents.   

1713Miscellaneous items from Lit events2015-2016

Includes brochures, invitations, notices, etc.   

1716Mexico - International Conference of Translators 19951995

Includes souvenirs, notes, conference material and photographs.    

(Photos P1-3)
2016.08, Box 18
Series: 10: Translation projects
182Translation of Ludwig Zeller's "El Embrujo de Mexico" by Joan Lindgren[2007]

Typescript entrusted to AFM by Susana Wald and Beatriz Hausner  

183"Lucrezio en el Nuevo Mundo"2003

Typescript of Susana Wald's translation of AFM's Lucrecio en el Nuevo Mundo

184Meza correspondence, poems and manuscript2007-2010

Correspondence with Gilberto Meza and typescript of Lecciones del Kama-Sutra and poems from Cantos del Amor Prohibido. All material is in Spanish.

185AFM old translations of Gilberto Meza1990

Handwritten translations.   

187AFM poems in Spanish from The Sentinel 2008

Typescripts of poems translated from English into Spanish by Gilberto Meza. Read at festival in Nicaragua.   

189Introduction to Gilberto Meza's Selected Poems2014

Includes typescripts of English and Spanish versions and correspondence (in Spanish).   

“The Rules Of The Game: Selected Shorter Poems” by Ludwig Zeller
181Master copy of Zeller's Rules2012

Final draft typescript (Master copy) of The Rules of the Game by Ludwig Zeller translated by A.F. Moritz  

Series: 3: Poetry manuscripts, essays and related records
Individual poems
1812Sheets [drafts of poems]2013-2016

Handwritten notes, poems on sheets of paper.   

1810Original poems and notes2014-2016

Note from AFM: "All original or copied/organized originals of poems and notes from all 2 post-operation books 1) Meng, 2) As Far as you Know and 3) Untitled Books  

1813Loose Leaf Notebook - Begun 14 July 2013: Bastille Day2013


1814Loose Leaf Notebook # 1 1986-2013

Handwritten notes, poem drafts from the 1980s and 1990s with later notes from 2013.   

Series: 4: Correspondence / Subject files
186Souvenirs of Gilberto Meza [correspondence]1990-2000

Includes one photograph  

(Photos P1)
2016.08, Box 19
Series: 10: Translation projects
193Ludwig Zeller's "El Embrujo de Mexico" [201?]

Typescripts of poems translated into English by AFM.  

194Unpublished Zeller[201?]

Typescript of Ludwig Zeller's Dar cuerpo a lo imposible entrusted to AFM for possible future translation.   

195Ludwig Zeller's Encuentros Oniricos[between 2000 and 2016?]

Typescript - unpublished MS entrusted to AFM - first part of Alchemy of Image, but not same as published MS [note provided by AFM].   In Spanish.  

197The Sentinel in Spanish2012-2015

Draft typescript of The Sentinel in Spanish translated by Gilberto [Meza] and Miriam, with AFM's handwritten notes  

1910Jiménez Unidad translations2016

Handwritten notes, translations of Juan Ramon Jiménez's Unidad.  

Series: 3: Poetry manuscripts, essays and related records
198The Scream (poems 2006-2012)2006-2016

Typescript of book of poems written during the New Measures period. New unpublished work 2016.

Series: 4: Correspondence / Subject files
192Carlos Prospero, Correspondence and manuscript1995-2010

Correspondence and a typescript of Visíon de la Ciudad.  

2016.08, Box 1
Series: 3: Poetry manuscripts, essays and related records
Individual poems
135"White City"[1990]

Draft typescript.  

136"Armida and the Beggars"[between 1990 and 2015?]

Two draft typescripts.  

137Place / Biblioasis[199?]

Draft typescript.  Title of poem different than title provided on file listed.  

140"An Image of Our Life"2016

Draft typescript.   

138"Blue Notebook 13"[199?]

Draft typescript.  Poems include: "Stays," "Knowledge," "At Erie," "The Question With Memory," "I'm" "The Forest," and 6 untitled poems.

12"Loss in Poetry"2014

Draft typescript. Written by AFM for Johanna Skibsrud.  

13"Thoughts on Poetry and Loss." A.F. Moritz2014

For Volta [noted by AFM].  Two draft typescripts.  Second has edits by Johanna Skibsrud.

14"A Garden is Not a Place: Poetry and Beauty," Anne Szumigalski Lecture 20132013

Written by AFM for League of Canadian Poets 47th Poetry Festival and Conference.  Four draft typescripts (one with revisions and one with edits by DG).  Two copies of final version (emailed to Prairie Fire Magazine). See Series 9, 2015.08 6-8 for related records.

19"Entrances" by AFM for Best Canadian Poetry 20152015

Typescript of poem.    

119"Poetry and Identity." Albert .F. Moritz[200?]

Two draft typescripts. 

1215 poetry audience[199?]

Draft typescript.

130"Faculty Forum" by Dr. Albert F. Moritz2006

Draft typescript.  Faculty Forum is a feature in Vic Report, the magazine of Victoria College.

115"Pablo Neruda and '100 Love Sonnets'" by A.F. Moritz2014


120Poetry audience[199?]

Draft typescript.  

128"Isolation and Communion in Modern Culture" by A.F. Moritz - newest additions2009

Draft typescript. Possibly for use in a course offered at Victoria College with the same name.   

112Jeannine Pita's blurb2016

Draft typescript.  Blurb is for Things Seen and Unseen (2017).

113Jeff Bien Preface "A Few Words for 'In a Time of No Song' (2015)."2015

Draft typescript written by AFM.   

118Ludwig Zeller introduction2012

Draft typescript. Introduction was written by AFM for Ludwig Zeller's The Rules of the Game : Selected Shorter Poems 1952-2008 (2012). 

122Frog Hollow Book Introduction [199?]

Draft typescript in the form of a letter.   

123Ludwig Zeller Intro discards[199?]

Draft typescripts converted from the original Wordperfect documents.  

125George Fetherling introduction 2012

Introduction for Fetherling's Plans Deranged by Time (2012)  

131Afterword for "Editing Moritz"2006

Draft typescript.   

124Eric Miller's "In the Scaffolding (Fredericton, NB: Goose Lane Editions, 2005); 91 pp.; $17.95 - Reviewed by A.F. Moritz2005

Draft typescript.  Review was published in Books in Canada under the title "Exemplars of Possibility."

Series: 7: Publishing and Editorial Work
114Moritz edits 2015

For Jeff Bien's work.  Typed list of changes with page references.   

117Review of 'Shimmer Report' by Brian Campbell2015

Copy of emails sent to Brian Campbell with notes on Shimmer Report (2015).  

Series: 9: Literary related activities
18Presentation materials on Jacques Ellul for conference July 20162016

Typed notes on Le bluff technologique.   

110Introduction for Gilberto Meza's selected poems 2014


126gritLit Literary Festival talk - "Just How Pre-Industrial Will Post-Industrial Poetry Be?"2010

Typed notes for talk.   

15A.F. Moritz interview by Samantha Ainsworth for Malahat2014

Typed questions and responses.  Interview was to appear in Malahat - online version of magazine starting 2 June 2014.

16"In which the journey is a dream" - Interview of A.F. Moritz by Evan Jones2016

Two typed copies of interview question and answers.  

17Open Book: Anansi Spring 2015 Poets Mini-Interview2015

Topic is around Sequence.  

111James Wood interview2016

Typescripts of revised drafts, final and full versions of interview of AFM by James W. Wood for for PRISM and Poetry.  Questions related to Sequence. See 15-9

116'Poetry in Voice' website interview June 20162016


2016.08, Box 2
Series: 10: Translation projects
238Cuerpo 1996

Three draft typescripts of Body of Insomnia and Other Poems by Ludwig Zeller. Translated from the Spanish by A.F. Moritz and Theresa Moritz. Ekstasis Editions (1996).


240Eternidades at 17 February 20162016

Draft typescript of Juan Ramón Jiménez's Eternidades ("Night," "As you pass...")  

Series: 3: Poetry manuscripts, essays and related records
Individual poems
22"Sudden little parade downtown"[between 2000 and 2015?]

Draft typescript.  

28"Entry into Our Matter"[between 2000 and 2015?]

Draft typescript.   

211Blue Notebook 13[between 1990 and 2015?]

Draft typescripts. Includes poems: "Wind Farm,"Knowledge," "At Erie," "The Question with Memory," "I'm,"The Forest," "You Can't Have What You Want," "Nature Poetry," "Farm Engulfed," "Painting and Poem," "Wholeness," "The Blackbird," "Creative Memory," "The Ode," and 6 untitled poems.

See 1-38. 

227"The Clock" for submission to Best Canadian Poetry2016

Final draft typescript.  

214Audeamus submission March 20162016

Final draft typescripts of poems: "The Ram," "Interstellar," "A Book Travels," "Who Is It I Address," "The Ones," "On Reading the First Pages of 'Salamandra'," "A Star," "Never to Be Exhausted," "Cynosure," "Music," and "The Companion."

"Interstellar" and "The Companion" were published in the Audeamus Spring 2016 edition.  

224Submission for George Murray[201-]

Final draft typescripts of poems: "The Dearest Freshness," "Always Now Farther Away," "Pileated Woodpecker," "Origin of the Image," "The Implement," "To Dante," " His Loved One's Interpellation by a Ghost," "The Clock," "The Myth," "Prayer to Dawn."

"The Clock" was accepted.  

226Submissions March 20162016

Final draft typescripts of poems: "Rhythm of Time," "The Dearest Freshness," "Origin of the Image," "The Implement," "To Dante," and "His Loved One's Interpellation by a Ghost."  

2016.08, Box 3
Series: 10: Translation projects
34Francisco de Queveda's "¡Ah de la vida!.."[201?]

Draft typescript.    

37Ludwig Zeller - Jacobelli chapbook [The Snake Eaters]2004

Draft typescript of Ludwig Zeller The Snake Eaters: Twenty Poems. Translated from the Spanish by A.F. Moritz.  

38Ludwig Zeller selected shorter poems 1[between 2000 and 2016?]

Draft typescripts of translations of Ludwig Zeller poems by AFM.  

39Ludwig Zeller selected shorter poems 2[between 2000 and 2016?]


310Poemas Moritz ya listos - Susana's versions[between 2000 and 2016?]

Draft typescripts of translations of AFM poems by Susana Wald into Spanish

314Spanish versions of The New Measures poems2012

Draft typescripts.   

2016.08, Box 4
Series: 10: Translation projects
45Poemas El Centinela - Moritz - Susana's versions2012

Draft typescripts of Spanish translations of AFM poems "Una Historia" and "Ese Lugar" from The Sentinel  (Spanish versions).  Translations by Susana Wald.

“The Rules Of The Game: Selected Shorter Poems” by Ludwig Zeller
42The Rules of the Game 2012

Draft typescript of The Rules of the Game: Selected Shorter Poems 1952-2008 by Ludwig Zeller, Translated by A.F. Moritz.  Published by Quattro Books (2012). Includes acknowledgement page.  

Series: 3: Poetry manuscripts, essays and related records
47Journals [poem drafts]1994-2016

Consists of 'journals' originally from the AFM's computer that comprise of draft typescripts of poems, translations, and submissions for magazines.    

Series: 5: Poetry Readings
43Translation reading at Glendon College October 20032003

Draft typescripts of poems by Juan Ramón Jiménez, Federico Garcia Lorca, Jorge Guillén, Francisco de Quevedo y Villegas and Diego Hurtado de Mendoza. 

2016.08, Box 5
Series: 3: Poetry manuscripts, essays and related records
Individual poems
58"The Work," "New Labyrinth" and "Joseph"[199-]

Draft typescripts converted from the original Wordperfect documents.       

59Two untitled poems, "Above a Store" and Don Juan 1- 7"[199-]

Draft typescript converted from an original Wordperfect document potentially entitled METRIC.  

511"The Dream of an Upper Room"[199-]

Draft typescript converted from the original Wordperfect document.       

515Oedipus II[200?]

Draft typescript.  

520[Drafts of poems eventually published][between 2000 and 2016]

Drafts of poems published in Event, Misunderstandings Magazine, The Fiddlehead, Hamilton Stone Review, Riddle Fence, and Literary Review of Canada.   

52Rest on the Flight into Egypt1999

Draft typescript converted from original wordperfect document. Rest on the Flight into Egypt was published by Brick Books in 1999.


54Publicity for Rest on the Flight 1999

Final draft typescript, converted from the original Wordperfect document, of press release for Rest on the Flight into Egypt published by Brick Books in 1999.


56Night Street Repairs2004

Draft typescript converted from the original Wordperfect document.  Night Street Repairs was published by Anansi in 2004


516A.F. Moritz intro for Gary Geddes OUP anthology[between 2000 and 2014]

Draft typescript. A.F. Moritz intro for Oxford University Press' 70 Canadian Poets, edited by Gary Geddes  

2016.08, Box 6
Series: 3: Poetry manuscripts, essays and related records
Individual poems
65[Various poems]2009

Draft typescript of poems including: "Lakes and Oceans," "Farm Engulfed," "Adam," "Eglantine," etc.  Originally file title was aaa New Book 09 mag.

67[Various poems]2012-2013

Draft typescripts of poems.  Original file titles provided by AFM were Anansi 2012, Anansi 2013 3, Anansi 2012 2  and Edmonton Poetry Festival material but the archivist was unable to find file separation places as the poems were all filed in one folder. 

68Published [various poems][between 2000 and 2016]

Final draft typescripts of poems that were eventually published.   

610a95 [Various poems]1995

Draft typescripts of poems including: "Ransom,"  "Fulfilled," "Hermit and Crow," "An Old Saw," etc.

611"To Susana Wald, Artist"[between 2000 and 2016]

Draft typescript.   

66Moleskin poems[between 2000 and 2016]

Draft typescripts of copies of poems originally written in a notebook.  Includes "A Visit to the Bird House," "The Definition," "Listening to Bees," "Monologue of Self to Soul," etc.  

613"Ludwig Zeller's Silence"[between 2000 and 2016]

Draft typescript.   

Series: 4: Correspondence / Subject files
616Email Inbox - January 20122012

Listing of all emails available in the file.  Emails containing personal information of students have been removed.

2016.08, Box 7
Series: 4: Correspondence / Subject files
74Email Inbox - June 20122012

Listing of all emails available in the file.  Emails containing personal information of students have been removed.

2016.08, Box 8
Series: 4: Correspondence / Subject files
83Email inbox - September 20122012

Listing of all emails available in the file.  Emails containing personal information of students have been removed.

84-5Email Inbox - October 20122012

Listing of all emails available in the file.  Emails containing personal information of students have been removed.

2016.08, Box 9
Series: 4: Correspondence / Subject files
93Email Outbox - January 20122012

Listing of all emails available in the file.  Emails containing personal information of students have been removed.

94-5Email Outbox - February 20122012

Listing of all emails available in the file.  Emails containing personal information of students have been removed

97Email Outbox - April 20122012

Listing of all emails available in the file.  Emails containing personal information of students have been removed   

2016.08, Box 10
Series: 4: Correspondence / Subject files
103Email Outbox - August 20122012

Listing of all emails available in the file.  Emails containing personal information of students have been removed      

105Email Outbox - September 20122012

Listing of all emails available in the file.  Emails containing personal information of students have been removed      

2016.08, Box 11
Series: 4: Correspondence / Subject files
113Email Inbox - January 20132013

Listing of all emails available in the file.  Emails containing personal information of students have been removed   

114Email Inbox - February 20132013

Listing of all emails available in the file.  Emails containing personal information of students have been removed      

117Email Inbox - May 20132013

Listing of all emails available in the file.  Emails containing personal information of students have been removed      

2016.08, Box 12
Series: 4: Correspondence / Subject files
122Email Inbox - September 2013

Listing of all emails available in the file.  Emails containing personal information of students have been removed  

2016.08, Box 13
Series: 4: Correspondence / Subject files
132Email Outbox - February 20132013

Listing of all emails available in the file.  Emails containing personal information of students have been removed   

133Email Outbox - March 20132013

Listing of all emails available in the file.  Emails containing personal information of students have been removed   

134Email Outbox - April 20032003

Listing of all emails available in the file.  Emails containing personal information of students have been removed     

136Email Outbox - June 20132013

Listing of all emails available in the file. Emails containing personal information of students have been removed.

138Email Outbox - August 20132013

Listing of all emails available in the file. 

2016.08, Box 14
Series: 4: Correspondence / Subject files
142Email Outbox - October 20132013

Listing of all emails available in the file.  Emails containing personal information of students have been removed   

144Email Outbox - December 20132013

Listing of all emails available in the file.  Emails containing personal information of students have been removed

145-7Incoming and Outgoing correspondence with Susan Dunn2000-2008

Printed from email.   

2016.08, Box 15
Series: 4: Correspondence / Subject files
158Miscellaneous correspondence2015-2016

Includes letters, cards, print outs of emails.    

Series: 9: Literary related activities

Consists of AFM's application and acceptance into the Society of Composers, Authors and Music Publishers of Canada (SOCAN). Includes membership agreement.   

1510Ellul Conference San Francisco 20162016

Includes conference material. AFM was a chair at the conference.  

1511Ellul Conference Workshop Illinois 2012

Held at Wheaton College, 8-10 July, 2012. Includes handwritten notes, schedules, materials, etc.   

2016.08, Box 16
Series: 5: Poetry Readings
162Poetry reading Montreal 13-14 October 20152015

Reading sponsored by McGill University, Canada Council and the Writers' Union of Canada.  Held at the Resonance Café.

Series: 6: Periodicals containing material by or about A.F. Moritz
1612Vaso communicante - Número de Homenaje a los 75 años de Ludwig Zeller [Tribute edition - 75th birthday of Ludwig Zeller]2002

Copy of Vaso communicante 2(7), Summer 2002.  Poem on page 36 by A.F. Moritz "Balada del gorrigón y la diosa - para Ludwig Zeller" translated by Susana Weld into Spanish.

1610Sequence review in Arc [web version]2016

Review of AFM's Sequence in Arc (Online version) by Alison Goodwin.  Printout of webpage.   

2016.08, Box 17
Series: 11: Personal material
1712Albert Frank Moritz baby book1947-1957

Also includes a story written by AFM as a child.   

Series: 3: Poetry manuscripts, essays and related records
Lab notebooks
1718Big Blue Notebook # 172015-2016

Commonplace book August 2015-April 2016. Includes journal, notes, writing.  

Series: 5: Poetry Readings
175Reading of Ludwig Zeller's poems by Susana Wald and A.F. Moritz2013-2016

Includes photocopies of poems (in Spanish),  and notes on presentation.

Series: 6: Periodicals containing material by or about A.F. Moritz
1710Review of "Sequence" in Vallum 12:22015

Review of Sequence by AFM on page 72 by Patrick M. Pilarski.

Series: 9: Literary related activities
172Writer's Trust of Canada - Latner Prize judging2015

Includes notes, correspondence, etc.   

1711Gifts from Exile2016

Gifts from the publisher Exile. Includes a copy of Hoggwash by Barry Callaghan and two catalogues of drawings by Claire Wiessman Wilks 

2016.08, Box 18
Series: 3: Poetry manuscripts, essays and related records
1811Early manuscript of Meng, new book2016

Draft typescript of The Anonymous Life of Meng with the Surviving Fragments. by A. F. Moritz  

Series: 4: Correspondence / Subject files
188Gilberto Meza correspondence - The Sentinel translation 2012-2015

Also includes a copy of The Sentinel (English version). Correspondence is in Spanish.    

2016.08, Box 19
Series: 10: Translation projects
196Ludwig Zeller "La Súplica"[199?]

Typescript of poem dedicated to A.F. Moritz.  In Spanish.   

Series: 3: Poetry manuscripts, essays and related records
199The Anonymous Life of Meng with the Surviving Fragments2016

Draft typescript, refined July 2016 - unpublished.   

Series: 9: Literary related activities
Works by others
1911Browning's Complete Poetical Works, AFM's copy with marginalia 1895

Copy of The Cambridge Edition of the Poets - Browning. ed. Horace E. Scudder. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company.   

2017.07, Box 1
Series: 11: Personal material
112"The New Measures" lists2012

Handwritten lists of individuals to whom AFM sent copies of his book The New Measures and those who sent him congratulations.

Series: 3: Poetry manuscripts, essays and related records
Individual poems
13Drafts of Poems by Hand2016-2017

New yet unpublished poems.

15Poems and notes, November 2016 to February 20172016-2017

Handwritten notes of poems and reflections yet unpublished. 23 November 2016 to 12 February 2017  

12London/Edinburgh book2017

Notes, new unpublished poems, reflections during trip to Fringe Festivals in London and Edinburgh, August 2017.

14Pocket notebook, October to November 20162016

Small notebook containing handwritten poems and reflections yet unpublished. October 20 to November 20, 2016  

113Pocket notebook, April to June 20172017

Pocket notebook of handwritten poems and reflections not yet published. Includes one translation of JR Jimenez. 

Lab notebooks
11Big Blue Notebook # 182016-2017

Commonplace book of new drafts of poems, essays, reflections. Mid 2016 to January 2017.

Series: 5: Poetry Readings
16UK 2017 Tour plans, August 20172017

Planning information for the August 2017 London-Manchester-Edinburgh poetry reading tour, sponsored by the Centre for Creative Learning in honour of Canada 150. Consists of schedules and itineraries, correspondence, notes and lists of poems.

17UK 2017 Canada 150 program2017

Canada 150 Program from the UK. Poetry reading event "The Shaken and the Stirred" listed on page 13.

18UK 2017 Fringe Festival program2017

Program from the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. Poetry reading event "The Shaken and the Stirred" listed on page 297.

Series: 6: Periodicals containing material by or about A.F. Moritz
110The Yale Review, April 20172017

Copy of The Yale Review, Vol. 105, No. 2 (Yale University publication). Poem by AFM "Rhythm of Time" on page 88.

Series: 9: Literary related activities
111Masters Class Session2017

Notes, correspondence and handwritten lecture materials for the Masters Class session, led by AFM at the League of Canadian Poets AGM and Conference. June 2017.

2017.07, Box 2
Series: 11: Personal material
25To Do List, February 20172017

Handwritten to-do list.

Series: 3: Poetry manuscripts, essays and related records
213Notes on C.S. Peirce2017

Handwritten notes.

Individual poems
23Poem for Meng2017

Handwritten poem with changes. A new version of a poem for Meng (ongoing project).

24[Drafts of poems]2017

Typewritten drafts of poems with handwritten edits. New, unpublished poems.

28"He... Coursed the Doe"2017

Draft typescript with edits to poem in progress, "He Would Have Coursed the Doe".

215February 2017 poems2017

Loose typed poems and translations with handwritten changes.

218Reconsidered poems2016-2017

Unpublished manuscript of poems from The Sentinel period now being reconsidered. ms. notes and revisions made by AFM between September 2016 and Spring 2017.

Series: 4: Correspondence / Subject files
26James Wood Poem and Letter [correspondence]2017

Handwritten letter from James Wood about his poem "A Footsoldier for Priam", dedicated to AFM. Dated 8 May 2017. Included is a copy of Grain: The Journal of Eclectic Writing in which the poem appears on pages 85-86.

210Pussy Riot Poem correspondence 2012

Correspondence regarding publication of Pussy Riot Poem, AFM's poem "Love Song to Pussy Riot". Includes a copy of the poem with handwritten notes as well as a Russian translation by Svitlana Kobets.

214"The Panic Room" [correspondence]2017

Email correspondence with Rebecca Papucara regarding the writing of a cover comment for her book The Panic Room. Includes handwritten notes by AFM.

Series: 6: Periodicals containing material by or about A.F. Moritz
22UofT Magazine, Spring 20172017

Copy of UofT Magazine, Spring 2017. Poem by AFM "You That I Loved" from his collection The Sentinel reprinted on page 17.

27Review of Brian Campbell in Vallum2017

Copy of Vallum 14:1, Spring 2017 with a review of Brian Campbell's book Shimmer Report by AFM on pages 66-71.

Series: 7: Publishing and Editorial Work
Manuscripts submitted to A.F. Moritz
211Rafi Aaron manuscript editing2016-2017

AFM's handwritten notes and edits on Rafi Aaron's manuscript In the Days of the Cotton Wind and the Sparrow.

216"Perfect Day" by Leif Vaage2016

Leif Vaage's manuscript Perfect Day with some pages of handwritten notes towards a cover copy by AFM.

Series: 9: Literary related activities
21League of Canadian Poets AGM 20172017

Consists of agendas, reports, minutes and handwritten notes taken by AFM during lectures other than his Masters Class session. Some material was intended to be incorporated into the Masters Class on the fly.

29Pat Lowther Award Judging2017

Material related to the Pat Lowther Memorial Award, of which AFM was a judge. Includes correspondence and entry submission forms.

212Rafi Aaron book launch giveaways2017

Items from Rafi Aaron's In the Days of the Cotton Wind and the Sparrow book launch. Includes a copy of the book which was edited by AFM, a copy of Exile: The Literary Quarterly, Vol. 40 No. 4, and the Exile Editions catalogue.

217Review of "Shimmer Report"2017

Review of Brian Campbell's Shimmer Report for inclusion in Vallum magazine, pre-publication. Also includes a copy of the magazine's contributor contract, correspondence with Vallum editors and Brian Campbell, and corrections and notes. See Accession 2017.07 Box 2-7 for a copy of the published magazine.

2017.07, Box 3
Series: 11: Personal material
32Memorials - Mary Elizabeth Moritz2016

Cards to AFM on the death of his mother, Mary Elizabeth (Betty) Moritz. Fall 2016.

33Memorials - Istvan Moritz2016

Cards related to the death of AFM's nephew, Istvan Moritz. Summer 2016.

38To Do Lists2016-2017

Handwritten notes.

318Day Planner 20072007

AFM's daily planner with handwritten notes, appointments and ticket stubs.

319Day Planner 20082008

AFM's daily planner with handwritten notes.

320Day Planner 20092009

AFM's day planner with handwritten notes. Also includes programs and travel guides from his trip to Iceland where he performed at the Reykjavik International Literary Festival in September 2009.

Series: 2: Teaching
314Paz translation2017

AFM's edited translation of Paz's "Response & Reconciliation" jotted down for his VIC 165H course.

Series: 3: Poetry manuscripts, essays and related records
Individual poems
31Reconsidered poems II2017

Manuscript of non-Sentinel poems from 1998-2007, a gathering of previously published and previously unpublished poems. Currently being used to find an ordering and a title for a new publication (post-selected).

34Napkin poems2016

Two poems written on napkins. November 2016.

37Scribbler, July to September 20172017

Notebook containing drafts of poems and reflections. Includes loose page of writing (#122) from the morning of AFM's mother's funeral.

Series: 4: Correspondence / Subject files

A card from Jan Zwicky thanking AFM for his cover copy. Also included is a note from Nickita at University of Regina Press expressing her thanks. 

312Laurence Hutchman correspondence2017

Email correspondence with Laurence Hutchman regarding his poems.

313David Gill correspondence2017

Email correspondence from David Gill requesting AFM to join the International Jacques Ellul Society (IJES) Board of Directors.

317Matt Williams correspondence2016

A note from Matt Williams regarding the contract for selected poems.

Series: 9: Literary related activities

Invitations to various literary and literary-related events attended by AFM, including the 2016 Writers' Trust Award, Anansi's Poetry Bash 2017, the 2017 Griffin Prize Poetry Awards, a memorial service for editor/publisher Ellen Seligman, and Eli Sol's bar mitzvah (the son of poet Adam Sol).

39Knife Fork Book2017

Invitation to Knife Fork Book event with handwritten notes regarding the event and attendees.

310"Vallum" Contract2017

Contract for "Evolution" for Vallum 14.1. See Accession 2017.07 Box 2-7 and 2-17 for related material.

311Eva Kolacz2017

Invitation and program for The Artis magazine event with special feature artist Eva Kolacz.

315The Art Bar program2016

Program from The Art Bar Poetry Series event, at which AFM presented. October 2016.

316Pierson Ekphrasis event material2016

Includes: an invitation; the Fall 2016 issue of Update, Vol 23, Issue 3, with the event listed on page 6; a small press chapbook by Ruth Roach Pierson, Untraceable Thought, signed to AFM; and AFM's notes on the evening launch, which included an Ekphrastic reading series in which he was included as a reader.

2017.07, Box 4
Series: 1: Education
46English Literature essay1968

AFM's essay on Macbeth written for his English Literature class at Marquette University.

48Grade school handout[195-]

A mid-grade school handout from AFM's 4th or 5th grade class.

410Dissertation defense article1975

Jay Scriba's discussion of AFM's dissertation defense, in which he was a guest, for The Milwaukee Journal. Also included is a handwritten note by AFM.

411Articles re: AFM at Marquette[ca. 1960-1970]

Articles from Niles and Youngstown newspapers in Ohio regarding AFM at Marquette University.

412Marquette Chapel brochure[196-?-197-?]

A pamphlet on the history of the Marquette Chapel written in honour of its re-erection at Marquette University during AFM and his wife Theresa's undergraduate years. The pamphlet was written by John Pick, AFM's professor for Hopkins seminar in grad school.

Series: 11: Personal material
41Day Planner 20102010

AFM's day planner with handwritten notes.

42Day Planner 20112011

AFM's day planner with handwritten notes.

43King Lear [including marginalia][n.d.]

AFM's copy of King Lear with a large amount of marginalia.

47Letters to Mother[1997, 2009-2011]

AFM's letters to his mother as found in her effects in the Fall of 2016.

49Foresting Schools monograph[ca. 1950-1960]

AFM's monograph on foresting schools given to him by his father. Includes a handwritten note with additional explanation.

413Souvenirs, 19581958

Souvenir book from a family trip to NYC, Gettysburg and Washington, DC.

414Souvenirs, 1956-19571956-1957

Souvenirs from a family trip to Kentucky.

415AFM in Second Grade1954

Photograph from the Niles Daily Times of AFM in the front row of his 2nd grade class. Also included is a handwritten note by AFM with additional description.

416Baby photos1947-1948

13 photographs of AFM as a baby with his parents and grandparents from his "Baby's Book". 

(Photos P1-13)
417"Baby's Book"1947

AFM's baby book from his first year, written in his mother's hand. Includes handwritten notes of milestones and gifts given, a lock of hair, and photographs of the first 6-12 months of his life. See 2017.07 4-16 for loose photographs.

418Presentation of Moritz Award1975

Photographs showing the presentation of the Moritz Biological/Science Award to a Youngstown State First-Year Student. After AFM's father's death.

(Photos P1-5)
Series: 6: Periodicals containing material by or about A.F. Moritz
44The Paris Review1996

Photocopy of AFM's poem "Nothing Happened Here" published in The Paris Review, Spring 1996, Number 138.

45Partisan Review1996

A copy of Partisan Review, 1996, with AFM's poem "Touring Machine" in poetry section.

2017.07, Box 5
Series: 11: Personal material
51Father's booklet1943

AFM's father's booklet on The Corps of Engineers, given to him by his father.

52Father's certification1935

AFM's father's certification to the National Forensic League - participation. February 1935.


AFM's father's translation of the French poem/song Symphonie, sent from France to AFM's mother.

54Science Fair 19601960

AFM's father judging a science fair, featured in the Niles Daily Times newspaper.

55Istvan Memorial2016

Leather-good boxed scholarship bookmark commemorating the loss of AFM's nephew Istvan Moritz.


AFM's father's commission into the United States Army as 1st Lieutenant, Army Engineers.

Series: 4: Correspondence / Subject files
57Email Inbox - January 20142014

Listing of all emails available in the file.

58-10Email Inbox - February 20142014

Listing of all emails available in the file.

511Email Inbox - March 20142014

Listing of all emails available in the file.

2017.07, Box 6
Series: 4: Correspondence / Subject files
61Email Inbox - April 20142014

Listing of all emails available in the file.

62Email Inbox - May 20142014

Listing of all emails available in the file.

63 RREmail Inbox - June 20142014

Listing of all emails available in the file. File contains some sensitive information and is restricted for 75 years from the date of its contents.

64Email Inbox - July 20142014

Listing of all emails available in the file.

65Email Inbox - August 20142014

Listing of all emails available in the file.

66Email Inbox - September 20142014

Listing of all emails available in the file.

2017.07, Box 7
Series: 4: Correspondence / Subject files
71Email Inbox - October 20142014

Listing of all emails available in the file.

72-4Email Inbox - November 20142014

Listing of all emails available in the file.

75Email Inbox - December 20142014

Listing of all emails available in the file.

2017.07, Box 8
Series: 4: Correspondence / Subject files
81Email Outbox - January 20142014

Listing of all emails available in the file.

82Email Outbox - February 20142014

Listing of all emails available in the file.

83Email Outbox - March 20142014

Listing of all emails available in the file.

84Email Outbox - April 20142014

Listing of all emails available in the file.

85Email Outbox - May 20142014

Listing of all emails available in the file.

2017.07, Box 9
Series: 4: Correspondence / Subject files
91Email Outbox - June 20142014

Listing of all emails available in the file.

92Email Outbox - July 20142014

Listing of all emails available in the file.

93Email Outbox - August 20142014

Listing of all emails available in the file.

94-5Email Outbox - September 20142014

Listing of all emails available in the file.

2017.07, Box 10
Series: 4: Correspondence / Subject files
101-2Email Outbox - October 20142014

Listing of all emails available in the file.

103-4Email Outbox - November 20142014

Listing of all emails available in the file.

105Email Outbox - December 20142014

Listing of all emails available in the file.

2017.07, Box 11
Series: 9: Literary related activities
11 /OSFrozen Charlotte 20142014

Frozen Charlotte, Catherine Heard's sculpture for The Magic Vending Machine of Fate, a multi-disciplinary project for Canadian artists. Sculpture consists of 14 Frozen Charlotte china dolls and features poems by Gary Barwin, Gregory Betts, Kathleen McCracken and AFM. 3 dolls are held inside plastic balls.

2018.17, Box 1
Series: 4: Correspondence / Subject files
11-2Email Inbox - January 20152015

Listing of all emails available in the file.

13-4Email Inbox - February 20152015

Listing of all emails available in the file.

2018.17, Box 2
Series: 4: Correspondence / Subject files
21-3Email Inbox - March 20152015

Listing of all emails available in the file.

24Email Inbox - April 20152015

Listing of all emails available in the file.

2018.17, Box 3
Series: 4: Correspondence / Subject files
31Email Inbox - April 20152015

Listing of all emails available in the file.

32-3Email Inbox - May 20152015

Listing of all emails available in the file.

34Email Inbox - June 20152015

Listing of all emails available in the file.

2018.17, Box 4
Series: 4: Correspondence / Subject files
41Email Inbox - July 20152015

Listing of all emails available in the file.

42Email Inbox - August 20152015

Listing of all emails available in the file.

43Email Inbox - September 20152015

Listing of all emails available in the file.

44Email Inbox - October 20152015

Listing of all emails available in the file.

2018.17, Box 5
Series: 4: Correspondence / Subject files
51-2Email Inbox - November 20152015

Listing of all emails available in the file.

53Email Inbox - December 20152015

Listing of all emails available in the file.

54Email Outbox - January 20152015

Listing of all emails available in the file.

55Email Outbox - February 20152015

Listing of all emails available in the file.

2018.17, Box 6
Series: 4: Correspondence / Subject files
61-2Email Outbox - March 20152015

Listing of all emails available in the file.

63Email Outbox - April 20152015

Listing of all emails available in the file.

64Email Outbox - May 20152015

Listing of all emails available in the file.

2018.17, Box 7
Series: 4: Correspondence / Subject files
71Email Outbox - June 20152015

Listing of all emails available in the file.

72Email Outbox - July 20152015

Listing of all emails available in the file.

73Email Outbox - August 20152015

Listing of all emails available in the file.

74Email Outbox - September 20152015

Listing of all emails available in the file.

75Email Outbox - October 20152015

Listing of all emails available in the file.

76Email Outbox - November 20152015

Listing of all emails available in the file.

2018.17, Box 8
Series: 3: Poetry manuscripts, essays and related records
82Big Blue Notebook #192017

Commonplace book of new drafts of poems, essays, and reflections from January to October 2017, including initial lists of poems to include in The Sparrow.

83Big Blue Notebook #202017-2018

Commonplace book of new drafts of poems, essays, reflections from 16 October 2017 to 15 July 2018.

84The Sparrow, Final Commentary2017-2018

A close to "Perfect" copy of The Sparrow, in which are written extensive notes and comments on almost every single poem in the collection. Some notes are reminiscences upon a poem's original composition or discussions of how it strikes the author. Other notes draw links between the poems across the collection as a whole or how they resonate with one another now.

85The Sparrow, First Commentary2017-2018

This manuscript is the first attempt at making connections between the poems in The Sparrow.

86The Sparrow, Second Commentary2017-2018

This manuscript is the second attempt at making connections between the poems in The Sparrow.

Series: 4: Correspondence / Subject files
81Email Outbox - December 20152015

Listing of all emails available in the file.

2018.17, Box 9
Series: 10: Translation projects
940Translations, Juan Ramon Jimenez, Drafts2017-2018

Translations of the poetry of Juan Ramon Jimenez by hand and revision in print/by hand.

941Translations, Jacques Ellul, Oratorio, Part One2018

Completely handwritten first draft and notes.

942Translations, Jacques Ellul, Oratorio, Part Two2018

Completely handwritten first draft and notes.

943Translations, Jacques Ellul, Oratorio, Part Three2018

Completely handwritten first draft and notes.

944Translations, Jacques Ellul, Oratorio, Part Four2018

Completely handwritten first draft and notes.

945Translations, Jacques Ellul, Oratorio, Part Five2018

Completely handwritten first draft and notes.

946Translations, Jacques Ellul, Oratorio D22018

Full typescript of second draft of Jacques Ellul's Oratorio, Parts 1-5.

Series: 3: Poetry manuscripts, essays and related records
91Selected Poems, Preparations for 20182017-2018

Correspondence, notes and handwritten poems and lists of poems documenting the cooperative process of selecting poems for The Sparrow.

92Selected Poems, Typed + Notes2017

Old poems typed out as a way of preparing to collect poems for The Sparrow.

93The Sparrow, Final Changes2018

Final revisions to the perfect copy of The Sparrow.

95The Sparrow, Cover Copy2018

Correspondence regarding the cover copy of The Sparrow.

96The Sparrow, Sales, Preface2017-2018

Correspondence, contracts, acceptance letters and information regarding the preface of The Sparrow.

910The Sparrow, Rejected Preface2018

Text of Sue Sinclair's preface to The Sparrow with AFM's marginalia.

911Big Blue Notebook #18 Supplement2017

A letter from Theresa Moritz and some printed materials from the opera related to Big Blue Notebook #18.

912Pocket Notebook July 2017-April 20182017-2018

New poetry and notes written in a small portable notebook.

913Pocket Notebook, 8 Poem Drafts, Oct-Nov 20172017

8 poem drafts written in a small notebook in the fall of 2017.

914Poem Draft, 2 Poems, 8 January 2018January 8, 2016

New poetry written by hand.

915Poem Draft, "O Dreamer"2017-2018

New poetry written by hand.

916Poem Drafts on Napkins2017-2018

New poetry written by hand.

917Poem Draft, "Eye Surge"2017

New poetry written by hand.

918Poem Draft, "Without Artifice"November 2017

New poetry written by hand.

9193 Poem DraftsNovember 2017

New poetry written by hand.

920Poem Drafts, "Poetry and Truth"November-December 2017

New poetry written by hand.

921"The Poem Affirms"November 2017

New poetry and philosophy written by hand.

922Poem Draft, "Wildcat"December 15, 2017

New poetry written by hand.

923Poem Draft, "Your Young Adventures"December 2017

New poetry written by hand.

924Poem Draft, "On the Infinity of My Hope"December 24, 2017

New poetry written by hand.

925Poem Draft and Revisions, "In the Forest"2017-2018

New poetry written by hand.

926Poem Draft and Revisions, "It May Be That..."2017-2018

New poetry written by hand.

927Poem Draft, "Philosophical Poem"January 2, 2018

New poetry written by hand.

928Poem Draft, 2 PoemsJanuary 6, 2018

New poetry written by hand.

929Poem Draft, "Salvation History"January 2018

New poetry written by hand.

930Poem Draft to JRJ2018

Photocopy of handwritten poem to Juan Ramon Jimenez with some handwritten notes.

931Poem Draft, "Landscape Architect", "Groundhog Day"2018

New poetry written by hand.

932Poem Draft and Revision, "The Scapegoat"February 2018

Original handwritten MS and first typed draft.

933Poem Revision, "Mademoiselle Mallarmé"March 2018

Typed first revision of poem.

934Poem Draft, "By the Rivers of Bablyon"March 2018

New poetry written by hand.

935Poem Draft, "One Day I Saw..."March 2018

New poetry written by hand.

936Poem Draft, "Quebec + Ontario"April 2018

New poetry written by hand.

937Poem Draft, "A Mode of Your Presence"2018

New poetry written by hand.

938Long Poem Draft NotebookJune 2018

New poetry, "Poem on the Unknown History", written by hand.

939Revised Manuscript, "Meng"July 2017

Edited, revised and rearranged version of ongoing project, "Meng".

Series: 5: Poetry Readings
94The Sparrow, Launch Papers2018

Travel plans, PR material and handwritten lists of poems to read on the mini tour related to the launch of The Sparrow, April 10-14 in Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa and New York City.

97The Sparrow, Publicity, Readings2017-2018

Correspondence and some handwritten lists of names and poetry titles to read regarding the launch of The Sparrow in 2018.

Series: 6: Periodicals containing material by or about A.F. Moritz
98The Sparrow, Globe and Mail Review2018

Newspaper review and the original draft sent by the author, George Fetherling.

99The Sparrow, Starred Review in Quill and Quire2018


2018.17, Box 10
Series: 3: Poetry manuscripts, essays and related records
101Essay Notes, Ellul Oratorio and Apocalypse2018

Towards comparing Ellul's Oratorio with his Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

102Essay Draft, 1-2, Ellul Oratorio and Apocalypse2018

Early short version and first full length version of essay for International Jacques Ellul Conference.

103Essay Draft 3, Ellul Oratorio and Apocalypse May 2018

Late stage versions of essay for International Jacques Ellul Conference.

104Essay Draft and Final Perfect Version, Ellul Oratorio and Apocalypse2018

Final revisions and perfect copy of essay.

108MS Revisions, As Far as You KnowJanuary 2018

Revised versions of poems from the MS As Far as You Know from early January 2018, printed with poems with handwritten revisions.

109MS Revisions 2, As Far as You Know2018

Printed poems with handwritten revisions.

1010Full MS Draft, As Far as You Know2018

Full, up-to-date version of the poetry manuscript As Far as You Know.

1011MS Revisions, Varied2018

Revisions to poems in As Far as You Know as well as Allegory of the Wind and Allegory of the Wind Supplement made between Jan-March 2018.

1012MS Revisions, Allegory of the Wind SupplementOct-Dec 2017

Revisions made to poems from the Allegory of the Wind Supplement manuscript between October and December 2017.

1013MS Revisions, Allegory of the WindOct-Dec 2017

Extensive revisions made to the Allegory of the Wind manuscript between October and December 2017.

1014Full MS Draft, Allegory of the Wind Supplement2018

Full, up-to-date version of the poetry manuscript of Allegory of the Wind Supplement with revisions from 2017-2018. Some poems published in magazines.

1015Full MS Draft, Allegory of the Wind2018

Full, up-to-date version of the poetry manuscript of Allegory of the Wind with many revisions from 2017-2018. Some poems published in magazines.

1016Blurb, Notes and Correspondence for Darren Bifford's False Spring2017

AFM's work on the blurb for Darren Bifford's False Spring

Series: 9: Literary related activities
105-6Conference Planning, Ellul2018

Papers pertaining to AFM's role as a planner of the 2018 International Jacques Ellul Conference in Vancouver, including correspondence, scheduling, budgeting and session planning.

107Travel Folder and Notes, Ellul Conference2018

Handwritten notes from the 2018 Ellul Conference, typescript of Ellul paper delivered, printed materials from the conference and trip itinerary.

2018.17, Box 11
Series: 3: Poetry manuscripts, essays and related records
111Preface, Notes and Correspondence for Fiorito's City PoemsJanuary 2017

AFM's work towards the preface for Fiorito's City Poems as well as the finished copy.

Series: 4: Correspondence / Subject files
113Correspondence to and from AFM2018

Includes letters from August Kleinzahler, Mike and Jo Foster, Ross Leckie Fiddlehead Acceptance, James Deahl; and letters to Michael Morelli and Jordan Peterson regarding The Wren/Wren House Poem.

114Correspondence and gifts from former students, poets and friends2017-2018

Letters of thanks and updates from former students, writers and friends. Gifts of chapbooks enclosed in correspondence.

115Correspondence and journal from Gilberto Meza1981

A letter from the poet Gilberto Meza, as well as a copy of the journal 13 Rojo that includes poems translated by AFM and Theresa Moritz. Letter is in Spanish.

118CBC Best2018

Correspondence regarding arranging a CBC Personal Best Interview with Jess Shane.

1114Correspondence re: Canadian Literature acceptance2018

Correspondence, related interview and acceptance of "Oh Sunflower" in Canadian Literature.

1121"The Chemical Life"2017-2018

Correspondence surrounding AFM's input into Jim Johnstone's book The Chemical Life. A copy of the book is included.

Series: 6: Periodicals containing material by or about A.F. Moritz
1115Brick Books review2016

Copy of Autumn Getty's review of AFM's A Houseboat on the Styx published in Brick Books. Some correspondence included.

1116The Malahat Review2018

Four poems in The Malahat Review #202, Spring 2018, on pages 82-87.

1117The Trinity Review2018

A copy of The Trinity Review, Winter 2018, with AFM's poem "Behemoth" on page 30.


A copy of Massey College's journal Audeamus containing 3 poems by AFM: "Childhood Friend", "To the Reader" and "Love Poem".


A copy of Massey College's journal Audeamus containing 2 poems by AFM: "The Coming Forth of Dawn" and "Encounter".

1120The Walrus2018

A copy of The Walrus, July/August 2018, with AFM's poem "The Green Ash Tree" on page 56.

Series: 7: Publishing and Editorial Work
112Notes, Nathan Mader Thesis, U ReginaDecember 14, 2018

Includes AFM's handwritten notes on Mader's CW thesis.

Series: 9: Literary related activities
116Notes and translations for the Canadian Writers Summit2018

Notes and poems related to AFM's participation in the Canadian Writers Summit from June 15-17. Participation in panels on the UofT Creative Writing MA and the Literary Translators Association.

117Poetry Events, First Half2018

Notes, invitations, correspondence, etc. for AFM's literary events from the first half of 2018.

119Interview, Toronto Reference LibraryOctober 2017

Material related to a one-on-one interview at the Toronto Reference Library conducted by John Miller on October 5, 2017.

1110Recording of Toronto Reference Library InterviewOctober 2017

DVD recording of the Toronto Reference Library interview. 2 DVDs.

1111Script, Best of the Best Canadian Poetry Event2017

AFM's personal script and poem "The Clock" to read at the Poetry Event as well as correspondence regarding the reading with organizers and other poets on October 29, 2017.

1112Albert Campbell Library TalkAugust 2018

Reading and talk given to Bengali Literary Resource Centre, Albert Campbell Library, in Scarborough on August 4, 2018.

1113Notes and Travel, Eden Mills Writers FestivalSeptember 2017

Notes, paperwork, event materials and correspondence for the Eden Mills Literary Festival on September 9, 2018.

2018.17, Box 12
Series: 3: Poetry manuscripts, essays and related records
122"The Essential John Reibetanz" draft review2018

Draft review of The Essential John Reibetanz for The Fiddlehead, prepared September 2018.

125Art of Surgery2017

Handwritten draft of a "Sketch of an Author's Note" for The Art of Surgery.

Series: 5: Poetry Readings
123Toronto Reading Lists2018

Handwritten lists of poems selected to read at Toronto and local venues during the summer and fall of 2018.

124Fall Poetry Tour Reading LIsts2018

Handwritten lists of poems to read and notes on itinerary for Fall East Coast Canada Poetry Tour.

Series: 6: Periodicals containing material by or about A.F. Moritz
121The Fiddlehead2018

A copy of The Fiddlehead, No. 276, Summer Poetry Edition containing 4 of AFM's poems.

Series: 7: Publishing and Editorial Work
126Manuscript Consultation, Nancy-Gay Rotstein, "The Journey" 12017

Rotstein's manuscript, in sections, with correspondence and some of AFM's notes and suggestions regarding arrangement.

127Manuscript consultation, Nancy-Gay Rotstein, "The Journey" 22017

Rotstein's manuscript, in sections, with correspondence and some of AFM's notes and suggestions regarding arrangement.

128Manuscript Consultation, Nancy-Gay Rotstein, "The Journey" 32017

Rotstein's manuscript, in sections, with correspondence and some of AFM's notes and suggestions regarding arrangement.

129Manuscript Consultation, Nancy-Gay Rotstein, "The Journey" 42017

Rotstein's manuscript, in sections, with correspondence and some of AFM's notes and suggestions regarding arrangement.

1210Manuscript Consultation, Nancy-Gay Rotstein, "The Journey" 52017

Rotstein's manuscript, in sections, with correspondence and some of AFM's notes and suggestions regarding arrangement.

1211Manuscript Consultation, Nancy-Gay Rotstein, "The Journey" 62017

Rotstein's manuscript, in sections, with correspondence and some of AFM's notes and suggestions regarding arrangement.

2019.12, Box 1
Series: 10: Translation projects
116Translation draft, "#86", Jiménez2019

New translation written by hand. Juan Ramón Jiménez's poem "#86" from Belleza, Libros de Poesia.

Series: 3: Poetry manuscripts, essays and related records
11Big Blue Notebook #222019

Commonplace book containing 197 pages of new poems, AFM's commentary and changes to those poems, translations, essays and philosophical reflections from June to October 2019.

12Big Blue Notebook #212018-2019

Commonplace book containing 197 pages of new poems, AFM's commentary and changes to those poems, new translations, essays and philosophical reflections from July 2018 to June 2019. Includes reflections, poems and souvenirs gathered during his move and in his role as Toronto's Poet Laureate.

13"As Far as You Know"2019

Most recent manuscript of AFM's forthcoming book of poems, As Far as You Know. Changes in red type are those agreed upon in consultation with editor Michael Redhill.

14"As Far as You Know" - Redhill2019

Michael Redhill's correspondence and handwritten commentary on AFM's forthcoming book of poems. Also includes AFM's handwritten list of poems in AFAYK appearing in journals, etc. and back and forth on acknowledgements.

15Scribbler, 23 June – 3 October 20182018

36 pages of handwritten work, mostly new poem drafts written while travelling, often with AFM's commentary or later notes upon those poems, and some translations. Additional notes on an upcoming trip to China, philosophizing en route to Montreal and a few days of journaling in early fall 2018.

16Scribbler, 6 October – 24 November 20182018

91 pages of handwritten work, mostly new poem drafts written while travelling, often with AFM's commentary or later notes upon those poems, and several translations. Journal entries and reflections during the trip to China are also included.

17Scribbler, 26 November – 20 December 20182018

70 pages of handwritten work, largely new poem drafts, many of which include second and third drafts of a poem "in progress", and translations. Several prose descriptions of AFM's philosophy of poetry or responses to reading which define and redefine that philosophy.

18Double-sided draft, "I was stretched..."2015-2017

New poetry written and edited by hand, "I was stretched out on the ground." Translation of a sonnet from Juan Ramón Jiménez's Sonetos espirituales. Sketched 15 Oct 2015, revised on verso 23 June 2017. Further revised in Big Blue Notebook #21.

19Poem Draft, "Apple Flowers"2018

New poetry written by hand. 

110Poem Draft, "It is not true"2018-2019

New poetry written by hand on a napkin.

111Poem Draft, "Oh melody"2019

New poetry written by hand. 

112Poem Draft, "Here is my body"2019

New poetry written by hand.

113Poem Draft, "There is no one in our town anymore"2019

New poetry written by hand.

114Poem Draft, "When you open a door"2019

New poetry written by hand.

115Poem Draft, "Ode to a Whirlpool Repairman"2019

New poetry written by hand.

117Poem Draft and Revision, "The Mural"2015

New poetry written by hand.

118Poem Draft and Revisions, "The Tower"2019

New poetry written by hand including several sketches, notes, revisions and typed draft.

1193 Revised Poems2019

Three poems revised by hand and two re-typed for inclusion in As Far as You Know in May 2019: "Terrorism", "Names of Birds", and "All One Limit".

120"A Slender Presence"2019

"A Slender Presence" chosen for inclusion in Best Canadian Poetry 2019, includes all correspondence and AFM's final note regarding the poem.

2019.12, Box 2
Series: 3: Poetry manuscripts, essays and related records
24"Passerby" Street Poem Plaque2019

New poetry written by hand, revised and typed, as well as related correspondence. Poem to become a plaque to be located at Bloor and Gladstone in Toronto as part of the BIA improvements. Part of AFM's role as Toronto's Poet Laureate.

28Poem, "Days of July"2019

New poem written by hand, revised and typed, "Days of July: The Danforth", composed in 2019 and read at the City of Toronto's commemoration of the 2018 Danforth shooting. Part of AFM's role as Toronto's Poet Laureate.

211Walk With Excellence poem2019

New poem written by hand, revised and typed, "Walk with Excellence 2019", composed between April 10-23, 2019, and read at the June 11, 2019, student event and march of the same name. Part of AFM's role as Toronto's Poet Laureate.

213Poem, "The Current of Sugar"2019

New poem written by hand, revised and typed, with opening remarks, "The Current of Sugar", composed in May 2019 for the Redpath Sugar Doors Open Toronto event and communication of the 60th anniversary of the official opening of the Redpath Toronto waterfront plant by Queen Elizabeth. Part of AFM's role as Toronto's Poet Laureate. Redpath rescinded the invitation on grounds that the poem was not celebratory enough.

218Poem, "Their Charge of Love"2019

New poem written by hand, revised and typed, "Their Charge of Love", composed in March and April 2019 and read at the City of Toronto's memorial for the 2019 Yonge Street van attack on April 23, 2019. Part of AFM's role as Toronto's Poet Laureate.

228Joe Rosenblatt Memorial2019

AFM's contribution to the memorial of Joe Rosenblatt and related research.

232Notebook, Calgary Wordfest2012

33 pages of handwritten poems, notes and thoughts written during Calgary Word Fest and Banff in October 2012. Includes drafts of two new poems, notes on Octavio Paz and other ideas and doings.

Series: 4: Correspondence / Subject files
29Danforth Commemoration2019

Correspondence with City of Toronto Staff regarding the Commemoration of the Danforth Tragedy. Part of AFM's role as Toronto's Poet Laureate.

212Walk With Excellence correspondence2019

Correspondence with Christopher Jones and City of Toronto regarding a request to compose a poem for and participate in the Walk with Excellence, an annual celebration of student achievement by graduating classes of four North Toronto high schools. Part of AFM's role as Toronto's Poet Laureate.

214Redpath correspondence2019

Correspondence with City of Toronto Staff regarding Redpath Sugar request to write a poem for their Doors Open Toronto event. The invitation was rescinded after the poem was submitted. Although that portion of the correspondence is not included, some handwritten remarks describing the rescinding of the invitation on the final text of the prepared poem and some remarks are available.

216Redpath Poem CBC Radio2019

CBC Radio invitation to read "The Current of Sugar" on As It Happens.

220Yonge Street Memorial correspondence2019

Correspondence with City of Toronto Staff regarding the request to compose a poem for and participate in the city's one-year memorial of the North York van attack, as well as programs from the two memorial events. Part of AFM's role as Toronto's Poet Laureate.

225TPL Congrats2019

Letters of congratulations regarding AFM's inauguration as Toronto's Poet Laureate.

229Art of Surgery Launches2019

Correspondence for the launch of the chapbook with Vallum, Art of Surgery.

230Vallum correspondence2018-2019

Vallum correspondence and promotional materials of magazines and chapbooks prior to Art of Surgery, and notes regarding the February 2019 board meeting.

231IJES Meeting correspondence2019

Correspondence regarding the next meeting of the International Jacques Ellul Society.

233Jan Zwicky Letter and Poem2018

Jan Zwicky's letter to AFM and included untitled poem dated 9 October 2018, with a copy of the poem AFM had previously sent to her entitled "Long Struggle and Float".

234Event and CV22019

Letters acknowledging publication and payment for poems recently appearing in Event and CV2.

240UBC Okanagan Letter of Support2018

Correspondence and notes towards a letter of support for Matt Rader's promotion at UBC Okanagan.

Series: 5: Poetry Readings
23Art Bar Reading MaterialsOctober 2019

Handwritten notes regarding the poems read at the Art Bar on October 1, 2019, as well as the promotional materials and program for the evening.

25Ruth Roach Pierson2019

Mementos from AFM's appearance at "The Ruth Roach Pierson Affair" at Toronto's Knife/Fork/Book where he read two of her poems and connected them to work read by other poets come to honour her. Handwritten notes.

221Tamaracks Readings2019

Poems and reading lists from AFM's appearance at the Annette Street Public Library in July 2019 and the Parliament Street Public Library in March 2019. AFM read new work as well as poems in the recently published anthology Tamaracks.

237Eastern Canada Poetry Tour2018

Travel itineraries and correspondence organizing AFM's East Coast poetry tour in Montreal, Fredericton, Charlottetown and Halifax.

238Art Bar Reading Notes2018

Lists of poems to read and program from the Art Bar in Toronto on October 16, 2018.

239Arts and Letters Club2018

Lists of poems to read and points of discussion for AFM's appearance at the Toronto Arts and Letters Club. Some photocopies of the poets discussed as well as the promotional poster.

Series: 6: Periodicals containing material by or about A.F. Moritz
26Vic Report TPL and Poem2019

The Vic Report Summer 2019 issue with back cover feature on AFM's installment as Toronto's Poet Laureate, with an inset publication of the poem, "Snow in May".

210Toronto Star on Danforth2019

Toronto Star article by Mitch Potter, quoting AFM, regarding the Commemoration of the Danforth Tragedy.

215Redpath in Toronto Star2019

Toronto Star article written by Brendan Kennedy describing Redpath's rescinding their invitation to Doors Open Toronto, with the text of the poem "The Current of Sugar". Some changes between print and online edition.

219Newspapers memorial2019

Globe and Mail and Toronto Star coverage of the North York van attack one-year memorial. AFM's poem "Their Change of Love" is included in the Toronto Star.

Series: 9: Literary related activities
21"The Healer" and Presentation2019

New poetry written by hand, several drafts and typed version with last-minute revisions. Written exclusively for a presentation of AFM's work and the poetry that inspires him at the Hospital for Sick Children in October 2019 as part of his role as Toronto's Poet Laureate. Also includes notes for the presentation and the texts of all works read at the event.

22Sunday Edition Poems2019

Two previously published poems to be read as part of an interview with Michael Enright for CBC Radio Sunday Edition. Poems printed and presented to AFM by Enright. The interview was recorded on October 1, 2019.

27Exile, "Laureate Presents"2019

Correspondence regarding and composition of an essay introducing the work of former student Lara Franklin for ELQ Exile magazine's feature entitled "The Laureate Presents". Also work in selecting her poems for the feature. Part of AFM's role as Toronto's Poet Laureate.

217Poet Laureate Presents2019

AFM's preparation for The Poet Laureate Presents reading on April 24, 2019. Includes AFM's choice of the three poets to read, introductory remarks for the evening, and correspondence with City of Toronto Staff and event organizers at The Poet Condos. Part of AFM's role as Toronto's Poet Laureate.

222Scrivener Square Visits2019

Correspondence and prepared manuscript of poems for two events on March 9 and March 14, 2019 for the Scrivener Square Poetry Group. A talk on poetry with readings and a discussion of the poems, including an extended talk on Yeats, and a reading/discussion of AFM's poems.

223TPL Inaugural Intro2019

Typescript poem “By Saint Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Church” and words of thanks presented at a meeting of Toronto City Council on AFM’s inauguration as Toronto’s Poet Laureate. Includes handwritten notes and words of thanks.

224Poet Laureate of Toronto2019

Correspondence surrounding the announcement of AFM's new role as Toronto's Poet Laureate, including City of Toronto press releases, news outlet questions and AFM's publisher Anansi's email blast.  

226A Garden is Not a Place, Ed. 1/12019

A bespoke, hardbound edition of AFM's essay "A Garden is Not a Place: Poetry and Beauty", the Anne Szumigalski Lecture of 2013 delivered to the League of Canadian Poets. Designed and printed by Carleton Wilson of Junction Books as a gift to AFM. This is the one and only edition.

227Canadian Writing Now2019

Promotion flyer and correspondence inviting AFM to read at the University of Toronto English/St. Michael's College Canadian Writing Now event as Toronto's Poet Laureate. Includes a handwritten list of poems read at the event.

235Victoria Publications2019

Victoria University brochure listing professors' publications, including The Sparrow.

236Griffin Prize Souvenirs2019

Griffin Prize 2019 souvenir handouts.

2019.12, Box 3
Series: 11: Personal material
318Loose Comic Sketches2000-2019

Four large comic sketches for AFM's wife Theresa Moritz and grandson Tobias Moritz.

325Pete Nutini mementos2010-2017

Mementos of Pete Nutini's life and his visit to Toronto in 2012, a photo related to Nutini, correspondence and Nutini's funeral mass card.

Series: 3: Poetry manuscripts, essays and related records
312Cover Copy, Garebian2019

Correspondence and notes regarding cover copy for Keith Garebian's Against Forgetting.

313Cover Copy, Di Saverio2019

Typewritten final copy and handwritten notes for Marc Di Saverio's Crito Di Volta, Guernica Editions.

314Cover Copy, Hutchinson2019

Cover copy for Chris Hutchinson, In the Vicinity of Riches.

315Jacket Copy, Wood2019

Jacket copy and correspondence regarding James Wood's Building a Kingdom.

317Loose Drawings2019

Loose tear sheets of AFM's drawings and sketches from the past several years with a few handwritten thoughts.

319Drawing Notebook #12019

A few sketches with some handwritten notes.

320Drawing Notebook #22019

A few sketches with some handwritten notes.

321Drawing Notebook #32019

Sketches as well as several handwritten notes and lists.

Series: 4: Correspondence / Subject files
38Hong Yu Che correspondence2018

Correspondence with Hong Yu Che of Chongqing University following up on Che's questions about AFM's keynote address and AFM's philosophy of poetry.

316Blurb on Zeltserman2018

Publisher's letter and copy of Ella Zeltserman's The Air is Elastic with AFM's blurb on the back cover. She was his student at the Sage Hill writing retreat.

323Correspondence with Ryan Wilson2019

Recent email correspondence about poetry with Wilson regarding Poetry Daily and Literary Matters magazine.

324Correspondence CNIB Sparrow2019

Correspondence with the CNIB arranging for AFM's own copy of the audio book of The Sparrow.

Series: 6: Periodicals containing material by or about A.F. Moritz
326The Sparrow, Hamilton Arts & Letters Review2019

Review of The Sparrow by Patrick O'Reilly in Hamilton Arts & Letters 11.2.

327Black Orchid, Quarry I Review1981-1983

James Garratt's review of Black Orchid from Quarry I.

328Black Orchid, Books in Canada Review1983

Bruce Whitman's review of Black Orchid and others in Books in Canada, "Pistil Packing Prodigies".

329Mahoning, Vindicator Reviewca. 1994

Nancy Beeghly's review of Mahoning in the Youngstown Vindicator [Ohio].

330Mahoning, Books in Canada Review1995

Tim Bowling's review of Mahoning included in "Vital Combinations" in Books in Canada.

331Houseboat, Independent Weekly Review[1998 or 1999]

Adam Getty's review of Houseboat on the Styx, "A Season of Hell" for The Independent Weekly.

332Houseboat, Toronto Star Review1999

Judith Fitzgerald's review of Houseboat on the Styx for the Toronto Star.

333Houseboat, Globe and Mail Review1999

Fraser Sutherland's review of Houseboat on the Styx and others in the Globe and Mail.

334Houseboat, Word Review1999

Paul Vermeersch's review of Houseboat on the Styx for Word, Toronto's Literary Calendar, Feb. 1999, four/eleven.

335Rest, Fiddlehead Review2000

Brian Bartlett's review of Rest on the Flight into Egypt for the Fall 2000 issue of The Fiddlehead, #205.

336Rest, Toronto Star Review2000

Philip Marchand's discussion of Governor General's Award-nominated Rest on the Flight into Egypt among others in the Toronto Star.  

337Conflicting Desire, Books in Canada Review2001

Richard Greene's review of Conflicting Desire in Books in Canada.

338Conflicting Desire, Malahat Review2001

Eric Miller's review of Conflicting Desire for the Malahat Review, issue 136.

339Night Street Repairs, Poetry Review2004

Peter Campion's review of Night Street Repairs for Poetry (Chicago).

340Sentinel, National Post Review2008

Richard Greene's review of The Sentinel in National Post.

341Frog Hollow, ARC Poetry Magazine Review2008

Katia Grubisic's featured review of Now That You Revive and Editing Moritz, both from Frog Hollow Press, in ARC Poetry Magazine.

342"We Will Follow the Earth"2010

AFM's essay in the University of Toronto's weekly independent paper, the newspaper.

343The New Measures, Toronto Star Review2012

Barbara Carey's review of The New Measures in the Toronto Star.

344The New Measures, The Ofi Press Magazine Review2012-2013

Georgina Mexia-Amador's review of The New Measures for The Ofi Press Magazine issue #36.

Series: 9: Literary related activities
31Chongqing University Trip2018

Outlines and schedules of AFM's work at the Symposium at Chongqing University as visiting poet in November 2018. Includes travel documents and itineraries.

32Chongqing Keynote Draft2018

Draft of full keynote address at Chongqing University with last minute alterations made by hand.

33Chongqing Keynote reading edits2018

Shorter version of keynote address with more changes and typos corrected. Timing of address noted as practiced.

34Chongqing Keynote Address2018

Complete and perfected version of major address for Chongqing University Symposium, "Poetry and Identity".

35Chongqing Materials2018

Materials used by faculty and students during AFM's visit to Chongqing University, including an imperfect text of the keynote "Poetry and Identity". Also includes a copied-out poem of Juan Ramón Jiménez used in one of Professor Liu's classes.

36Chongqing Poster2018

Poster for the inaugural event at Chongqing University which included the keynote address.

37Chongqing Notes on HaKing Liu2018

Professor HaKing Liu's online writing about "the poetic" and "kung fu" with AFM's notes written in responding to Liu, his students and AFM's own thoughts on the topic.

39Chongqing Lecture Items2018

Notes upon previous essays, handwritten crib-notes on Blake, annotations on "Poetry and Identity" keynote address, and Rilke.

310Chongqing Fresno Draft2018

Earliest draft of "Poetry and Identity" keynote, from Cal Tate/Fresno presentation, with penciled-in changes.

311Chongqing Poems2018

Close-to-final versions of poems for students to use during AFM's residency at Chongqing University with translations by Anna Yin.

322"The Shore" Broadside2009

 Someone Editions fine press broadside of the poem "The Shore" with woodcut. For Nuit Blanche 2009.

2019.12, Box 4
Series: 2: Teaching
46Jewison Brochure Profile2011

Brochure announcing the launch of the Jewison Stream at Victoria College, part of the Vic One Program. AFM was part of the Jewison Stream faculty.

Series: 3: Poetry manuscripts, essays and related records
415Music and Exile1980

A hand-printed edition of Moritz's Music and Exile chapbook/fine-press book from Dreadnaught Press. One of an edition of 200 copies.

423America The Picaresque1983

An unbound edition of AFM's book America The Picaresque.

Series: 5: Poetry Readings
417Archibald Lampman Reading2010

Invitations for AFM's Archibald Lampman reading at Trinity College, featuring The Sentinel.

Series: 6: Periodicals containing material by or about A.F. Moritz
41Review Listsca. 1994

Lists of reviews, mentions and notes on AFM's various volumes, as well as encyclopedia entries.

42Rio Loa, Word Review1999

James Arthur's review of Rio Loa, A.F. and Theresa Moritz's English translation of Rio Loa: Estación de los Sueños by Ludwig Zeller, in Word, Toronto's Literary Calendar, November 1999, five/eight.

43Griffin Prize News, UofT Papers2009

Two articles detailing AFM's receipt of The Griffin Prize in Toronto's student newspapers The Strand and the newspaper.

44Poetry Awards Notices2004-2005

Poetry's announcement of AFM's receipt of the Bess Hokin Prize for "The Sentinel" in 2004, and The Southwest Review's 2005 announcement of the 2004 Elizabeth Matchett Stover Award for "Vermin of Weariness".

45Night Street Repairs letters to the editor2005

Books in Canada letters to the editor regarding Carmine Starnino's review of Night Street Repairs.

410Varsity Anarchist Feature2000

Carlyn Zwarenstein's feature for The Varsity, "Keeping Dissident Fires Burning: A Quick Tour of Anarchist Toronto", which features a brief interview with AFM on the final page.

421Versus with Moon Broadside1978

Four poems and a hand-printed broadside of AFM's poem "Moon" attached to the front cover of Versus no.4, Winter 1978.

422Four by Four #21983

Four of AFM's poems in Four by Four #2, January 1983.

424Windhorse Broadsideca. 1990

AFM's poem "Essay on Destination" appears in Windhorse Broadside Poet's Choice, a specialty designed anthology edition edited by John Castlebury.

425"The Ducks", Windhorse Reader1993

AFM's poem "The Ducks" appears in Windhorse Reader, Choice Poems of '93.

427Poem, "Oh Sunflower"2018

AFM's poem "Oh Sunflower" in Canadian Literature 236, Spring 2018.

428Poem, "Waiting for Word"2018-2019

AFM's poem "Waiting for Word" in Event 47.3, Winter 2018/2019.

Series: 8: Anthologies containing A.F. Moritz poems
4264 Poems, The Edges of Time1999

Four of AFM's poems in the anthology The Edges of Time, edited by Maureen Whyte.

429Poem, "Mastectomy"2018

AFM's poem "Mastectomy", from The Sentinel, included in Another Dysfunctional Cancer Poem Anthology, edited by Priscila Uppal and Meaghan Strimas. Uppal asked for the poem and passed away before the book was published.

Series: 9: Literary related activities
47Brick Books Governor General Brochureca. 2007

Brick Books brochure of their Governor General's Award winning and nominated books, which includes Rest on the Flight into Egypt.

48Insomniac Selected Mailer2002

Insomniac Press early notice of the publication of Early Poems.

49Hart House Performance Program2002

Program from AFM's appearance as Marley in a Hart House performance of A Christmas Carol with Hart House Chorus. Profile included.

411Casa de la Luna[n.d.]

Susana Wald's typescript history of the 1968 Café and Art Centre, Casa de la Luna, in Santiago, Chile which she opened with her partner, AFM's friend and artist and writer Ludwig Zeller. 

412Phantoms in the Ark PRca. 1994

An announcement of a presentation and a publicity sheet for Phantoms in the Ark, with Ludwig Zeller.

413Manifestation of Benjamin Péret1978

Two rare colour fine-print programs of Manifestation of Benjamin Péret, from the Péret presentation at A-Space Gallery in Toronto in May 1978, featuring AFM's treatment of Péret's work as well as artwork by Ludwig Zeller and Susana Wald.

414Villeneuve Announcement1978

Three rare folded fine letterpress note-cards in three different colours introducing the Fall 1978 line of hand-composed and letterpress editions from Villeneuve editions, including AFM's Signs and Certainties.

416The Visitation [card]1983

A hand-printed card announcing the publication of The Visitation, printed by Aya Press. Watercolour by Howard Fox.

418Fine Print Gift: Hausner2008

Beatriz Hausner's "Mornings with My Double".

419Fine Print Gift: Iacobelli2018

Luciano Iacobelli's Noctograms, two copies.

420Fine Print Gifts: Harris2019

Maureen Scott Harris' broadside, "Reflection (Great Egret)" from an edition of 150 printed for National Poetry Month 2019.

2019.12, Box 5
Series: 11: Personal material
514Albert Moritz Sr. war photographs[194-]

Photographs and other items belonging to Albert Moritz Sr. Items include:

- A photo of Albert holding AFM as a baby;

- Albert's mailing address during the war, noted on a torn envelope addressed to his wife Betty;

- Albert's photo album during his service in North Africa in 1943. He was with Mark Clark's soldiers in preparation for the invasion of Southern France. Contains 31 photographs;

- A portrait of Albert drawn by a street artist in North Africa, probably in 1943 and likely in Algiers

(Photos P1-32)
Series: 3: Poetry manuscripts, essays and related records
513Groucho the Gaucho[197-]

A comic limerick-style poem written by AFM and Theresa Moritz.

Series: 4: Correspondence / Subject files
510Poetry Daily correspondence2018

Correspondence regarding the selection of AFM's poem "Descent to the Dead" to be featured in Poetry Daily.

512Bob McGill letter1970

A letter from Bob McGill, a friend and colleague from AFM's days at the Youngstown Vindicator.

515Betty Moritz correspondence2013-2016

Letters from AFM's mother, Mary Elizabeth (Betty) Moritz, before her death in September 2016. Some maps and information about her Boston nursing home and the local church are also included.

Series: 6: Periodicals containing material by or about A.F. Moritz
51Poem, "As Far As You Know"2019

Title poem of AFM's forthcoming book As Far As You Know, appearing in Yale Review, 107:1, January 2019.

52Poem, "Allegory of the Wind"2019

AFM's poem "Allegory of the Wind" in CV2 Canadian Poetry 41.3, Winter 2019.

533 Poems, Literary Imagination2018

AFM's poems "Elm Seeds", "Mining the Moon" and "The Blue Joke" in Literary Imagination, 20:1, 2018.

542 Poems, Vallum2019

AFM's poems "Descent to the Dead" and "Nazareth" in Vallum Contemporary Poetry, 15.2, Spring 2019.

56Poem, "Description of Space"2018

AFM's poem "Description of Space" in ARC Poetry Magazine, Summer 2018.

573 Poems, The Antigonish Review2018

Three poems in The Antigonish Review 195, Fall 2019.

58Marquette Magazine2000

AFM mentioned in the Marquette University alumni magazine of Summer 2000.

59Ellul Forum Article2018

AFM's scholarly article "Jacques Ellul's Apocalypse in Poetry and Exegesis" in Ellul Forum No. 62, Fall 2019.

Series: 8: Anthologies containing A.F. Moritz poems
553 Poems, Tamaracks2019

Three poems in the anthology Tamaracks: Canadian Poetry for the 21st Century, edited by James Deahl.

Series: 9: Literary related activities
511Award Certificate2009

Premier's Award for Excellence Finalist certificate.

2019.12, Box 6
Series: 11: Personal material
61Family History

AFM's family tree and history, from an interview with his mother Betty for the most part. Also included is Betty Moritz's collection of obituaries of family members, a handwritten list of family members and a photostat of more family tree information.

62Moritz Family Souvenirs 1ca. 1975

Miscellaneous family mementos. Includes photographs of AFM's sister, Rosanne, including a local newspaper clipping on her fashion sense; mementos of Rosanne's schooling; and an envelope containing a lock of Rosanne's hair kept by Betty Mortiz.

(Photos P1)
63Moritz Family Souvenirs 21964-1972

Miscellaneous family mementos. Includes a photograph of AFM as a young man; a birthday card from Betty Mortiz with a photo of AFM and his father; and a letter from AFM's father, Albert, addressed to AFM, Theresa and their son.

(Photos P1-2)
64Moritz Family Souvenirs 3[1937, 1973]

Miscellaneous family mementos. Includes sketches of AFM's mother, Betty Mortiz, possibly by his sister Rosanne; a sheaf of paper from Betty's participation in a school speech tournament with French practice on the back; a poem by Betty, "The Last Day", with commentary by a teacher or mentor; a family photograph; and a photograph of AFM's father, Albert, and his colleagues at the Youngstown State University Biology Department.

(Photos P1-2)
Series: 3: Poetry manuscripts, essays and related records
612Sugar Introduction1973

AFM's introduction to Kenn Kwint's Sugar included in a small press chapbook from Shore Press.

Series: 4: Correspondence / Subject files
66Miscellaneous Literary correspondence2012-2015

Assorted correspondence regarding AFM's literary career including congratulations from his publisher, emails concerning publications, and thanks from Paul Shaker for including him in class.

68Mike Moritz correspondenceca. 2019

Notes from AFM's brother Mike Moritz including a Christmas letter from years ago and a note on AFM's move.

Series: 6: Periodicals containing material by or about A.F. Moritz
611Desire Essay1976

AFM's essay "Is It Important to Desire?" in the Russell Edson issue of Occurrence Magazine.

616Poems from The Tradition1985

Several poems from The Tradition featured in Poetry Canada Review, Autumn 1985.

6193 Poems, Voices of the Seventies1977

Three of AFM's poems appear in Voices of the Seventies, ManRoot No. 11, Spring-Summer 1977, an LGBTQ publication. Includes "The Great Tradition", "Scene" and Woodgate".

620The Shore Review1975

Copy of The Shore Review #14, edited by Kenn Kwint. AFM contributed and was also Assistant Editor.

Series: 8: Anthologies containing A.F. Moritz poems
614Introducing Carleton Wilson2001

AFM's introduction of Carleton Wilson included in the anthology Introductions: Poets Present Poets, edited by Evan Jones.

6173 Poems Anthologized1985

Three poems anthologized in Dennis Lee's The New Canadian Poets 1970-1985, including "Catalogue of Bourgeois Objects", "What They Prayed For" and "Prayer for Prophecy".

618"Emily Warren, the Painter"1981

AFM's chapter on Emily Warren in The Light Must Be Perfect: The Life and Art of Emily Warren by Constance McRae.

Series: 9: Literary related activities
65Schedules and Goals2013-2017

Loose sheets of notes on literary awards, schedules of literary events and writing goals during completion of The Sparrow.

67Miscellaneous Literary Items[2006, 2015]

Miscellaneous literary items including a card from a memorial, a biography used in the reading for the Tree Reading Series in Ottawa, an article regarding a prize for which AFM was on the jury, and a remembrance of poet and friend Sheldon Zitner.

69Cassandra Broadside2007

Frog Hollow Press fine press edition broadside of the poem "Cassandra" with hand drawn and coloured illustration, 6 in an edition of 100.

610Dreadnaught Broadsides1982

Dreadnaught fine press broadside collection for the 1982 National Book Festival. Includes AFM's translation of Ludwig Zeller's "Memory of Childhood".

613Tate's Amnesia People1970

James Tate's small press chapbook of poems, Modern Series No. 1, Amnesia People, signed by Tate and dedicated to AFM.

615Poetry Mailer, "Busman's Honeymoon"[n.d.]

A subscription flyer for Poetry, Chicago, reprinting AFM's poem "Busman's Honeymoon".

2019.12, Box 7
Series: 3: Poetry manuscripts, essays and related records
74Milosz Notes1978

A sheaf of handwritten notes and responses inserted into the front of AFM's copy of World Literature 52:3, Summer 1978, a special issue on Milosz.

Series: 7: Publishing and Editorial Work
71Editor, Griffin Prize Anthology2010

AFM served as editor and wrote a brief introductory note for the 2010 Griffin Prize Anthology, Anansi.

72Editor, Best Canadian Poetry2009

AFM served as editor and wrote a substantial introductory essay on contemporary Canadian Poetry for the 2009 Best Canadian Poetry in English, Tightrope.

Series: 8: Anthologies containing A.F. Moritz poems
73Introduction, New Canadian Poetry2000

AFM provided the introduction for New Canadian Poetry.

Series: 9: Literary related activities
75Ashbery Marginalia[n.d.]

AFM's extensive marginalia in Ashbery's Rivers and Mountains towards an essay, now lost, on "The Skaters".

76Paz Marginalia1972-1974

AFM's extensive annotations of Paz's Piedra De Sol and Blanco within the collection Configurations made between 1972 and 1974.

77Coleridge Marginalia and Poem1970

AFM's extensive annotations on Coleridge as well as a draft of a long-lost poem (ca. 1970) on page 159, with a sheet of handwritten notes.

78Laurel Wordsworth Marginalia[n.d.]

AFM's annotations of David Ferry's edition of Wordsworth for Laurel Editions.

79Stillinger Wordsworth Marginalia[n.d.]

AFM's annotations of Stillinger's edition of Wordsworth from Houghton Mifflin.

2019.12, Box 8
Series: 9: Literary related activities
81Ashbery, Some Trees notes[n.d.]

AFM's annotations in Ashbery's Some Trees, the Corinth reprint of 1970.

82Frye, Great Code annotations[n.d.]

AFM's annotations of Frye's The Great Code, Academic Press Canada, 1981.

83Selected Poetry of Keats Marginalia[n.d.]

AFM's marginalia in Keats's Selected Poems, Signet edition of the 1960's.

84The Tempest Marginalia[n.d.]

AFM's annotation of Shakespeare's The Tempest, Signet editon of the 1960's. 

85Goethe Marginalia[n.d.]

AFM's annotations of Goethe's Sorrows of Young Werther, Signet edition of the 1960's.

86Jung Marginalia[n.d.]

AFM's annotations of Jung's Modern Man in Search of a Soul, Harvest Books.

87Ferguson concert notes2006

AFM's handwritten notes on a program from a Maynard Ferguson concert held at Niles McKinley High School in Niles, Ohio.

88Small Press Gift: Meza1977

Controversia 4, ensayo de análisis politico y social, Aug-Oct 1977, no. 4. A journal from Mexico copy-edited by AFM's friend Gilberto Meza, featuring his essay on poets of Guadalajara.  

89Small Press Gift: Brown1982

A letter from Allan Brown in presentation of his collection Stranger Wood, The Quarry Press, 1982.

810Indie Chapbook Gift: Wilder[n.d.]

Animal Logic, a chapbook presented to AFM by Alexandra Wilder.

2019.12, Box 9
Series: 4: Correspondence / Subject files
92Email Inbox - January 20162016

Listing of all emails available in the file.

93Email Inbox - February 20162016

Listing of all emails available in the file.

Series: 9: Literary related activities
91Gift Box: Chongqing University2018

A scroll presented to AFM in thanks for his work as a visiting poet and scholar at Chongqing University in China.

2019.12, Box 10
Series: 4: Correspondence / Subject files
101-3Email Inbox - March 20162016

Listing of all emails available in File 1.

104Email Inbox - April 20162016

Listing of all emails available in the file.

2019.12, Box 11
Series: 4: Correspondence / Subject files
111Email Inbox - May 20162016

Listing of all emails available in the file.

112-3Email Inbox - June 20162016

Listing of all emails available in File 2.

114Email Inbox - July 20162016

Listing of all emails available in the file.

115Email Inbox - August 20162016

Listing of all emails available in the file.

116Email Inbox - September 20162016

Listing of all emails available in the file. Part 1 of 2.

2019.12, Box 12
Series: 4: Correspondence / Subject files
121Email Inbox - September 20162016

Part 2 of 2.

122-3Email Inbox - October 20162016

Listing of all emails available in File 2.

124Email Inbox - November 20162016

Listing of all emails available in the file.

125Email Inbox - December 20162016

Listing of all emails available in the file.

126Email Outbox - January 20162016

Listing of all emails available in the file.

2019.12, Box 13
Series: 4: Correspondence / Subject files
131Email Outbox - February 20162016

Listing of all emails available in the file.

132Email Outbox - March 20162016

Listing of all emails available in the file.

133Email Outbox - April 20162016

Listing of all emails available in the file.

134Email Outbox - May 20162016

Listing of all emails available in the file.

135Email Outbox - June 20162016

Listing of all emails available in the file.

136Email Outbox - July 20162016

Listing of all emails available in the file.

137Email Outbox - August 20162016

Listing of all emails available in the file.

2019.12, Box 14
Series: 4: Correspondence / Subject files
141Email Outbox - September 20162016

Listing of all emails available in the file.

142Email Outbox - October 20162016

Listing of all emails available in the file.

143Email Outbox - November 20162016

Listing of all emails available in the file.

144Email Outbox - December 20162016

Listing of all emails available in the file.

2019.12, Box 15
Series: 9: Literary related activities
15 /OSWalk With Excellence Poem Tee2019

T-shirt from the Walk With Excellence with AFM's poem "Walk With Excellence 2019" printed on the front. Original poem composed between April 10th and 23rd, 2019 for the event. Part of AFM's role as Toronto's Poet Laureate.

2020.13, Box 1
Series: 3: Poetry manuscripts, essays and related records
11Big Blue Notebook #232019-2020

An essential commonplace book containing 198 pages of new poems, AFM's commentary and changes to those poems, new translations, essays and philosophical reflections from October 2019 to March 2020, just before the COVID-19 pandemic. Includes the final work on his newest collection of poems, As Far As You Know, as well as poems drafted and edited in his role as Toronto's Poet Laureate.

12Big Blue Notebook #242020

An essential commonplace book containing 198 pages of new poems, AFM's commentary and changes to those poems, new translations, essays philosophical reflections from March to June 2020. Includes thoughts upon the publication of As Far As You Know, as well as reflections, poems and souvenirs gathered during the COVID-19 pandemic, and first drafts of poems and talks written in response to the pandemic and presented in the role of Toronto's Poet Laureate. Since the beginning of the pandemic in March 2020, the commonplace books have been the primary format for composition.

13Big Blue Notebook #252020

Commonplace book containing 198 pages of new poems, AFM's commentary and changes to those poems, translations, essays and philosophical reflections from June to August 2020. Includes reflections, poems and souvenirs gathered during the COVID-19 pandemic, and first drafts of poems and talks written in response to the pandemic and presented in the role of Toronto's Poet Laureate. Since the beginning of the pandemic in March 2020, the commonplace books have been the primary format for composition.

14"As Far As You Know" final edits2020

Third pages of As Far As You Know used as an unbound copy for AFM's interpretive notes. Includes handwritten corrections, interpretations and histories of each poem along with associations between the poems.

15"The Poet's Garden"1992 and 2020

Includes The Poet's Garden, the poem and essay written in 1992 in early drafts but without the original introduction and codas, and an early version of The Poet's Garden summer 2020 revision with further pencil corrections.

16"The Poet's Garden"2020

Further revisions, as of October 2020, of The Poet's Garden, to be published in 2021 by Gordon Hill Press.

17Cover comments2020

Cover copy written for Lily Wang, Peter Dubé and Miller (Sylvia) Adams.

Series: 9: Literary related activities
18Ottawa Writers FestivalOctober 2020

Handwritten notes and correspondence with David O'Meara and organizers in preparation for AFM's appearance at the Ottawa Writers Festival and Verse Fest. Events were moved online due to COVID-19. Podcast was recorded on October 26 at 3:30pm. Poet Laureate event.

19Tartan Turban Reading SeriesOctober 2020

Handwritten notes and correspondence with organizers in preparation for AFM's appearance at Tartan Turban Reading Series Political Poetry Night, moved online due to COVID-19. Poet Laureate event.

110Toronto Writers Collective TIFAOctober 2020

Handwritten notes and correspondence with organizers in preparation for AFM's appearance at the Toronto Writers Collective reading for the Toronto International Festival of Authors, moved online due to COVID-19. Includes a copy of The Bridge newspaper with an advertisement for the event and a tie-in article on the back page. Poet Laureate event.

2020.13, Box 2
Series: 3: Poetry manuscripts, essays and related records
26"Thoughts in Time of Plague" drafts2020

Drafts and final copy of "Thoughts in Time of Plague", requested and printed in the Toronto Star in response to the early COVID-19 pandemic. Poet Laureate related publication.

213Exile Line Edits2019

The final handwritten edits to AFM's piece for his friend, artist and poet Ludwig Zeller, for Exile 43.1.

Series: 6: Periodicals containing material by or about A.F. Moritz
25"Thoughts in Time of Plague", Toronto Star article2020

AFM's poem, "Thoughts in Time of Plague" in the Toronto Star. Poet Laureate related publication.

214Exile 43.1 - Zeller in Memoriam2019

Copy of Exile 43.1, with AFM's piece "Simply Black and White, Ludwig Zeller, In Memoriam" on page 36. 

220Exile 42.4 - "Laureate Picks"2019

Copy of Exile 42.4, in which AFM introduces Lara Franklin's poetry on page 81. Poet Laureate related publication.

Series: 9: Literary related activities
21Mayor's Arts Lunch at HomeSeptember 2020

Correspondence and official publication for the Toronto Arts Foundation-sponsored Mayor's Arts Lunch at Home. Publication contains AFM's annotations. Official Poet Laureate event.

22Thin Air talkSeptember 2020

Notes toward AFM's recorded talk and reading from As Far As You Know for Thin Air, Winnipeg Writer's Festival, the online version. Poet Laureate event.

23East Meets West podcastAugust 2020

Notes, advertisements and screen-grabs of poems to be discussed on Anna Yin's East Meets West translation video/podcast. Poet Laureate event.

24Walk with Excellence 2020June 2020

First through fourth and final drafts of a poem/rap for the Walk with Excellence event. Official Poet Laureate event.

27Poetry in Union2020

Script and notes on poems for Poetry in Union, the second annual initiative between Union Station and the League of Canadian Poets. The event took place at Union Station on February 14, 2020. Poet Laureate event.

28Intro for George Elliott ClarkeFebruary 2020

Original and edited typescript and handwritten notes for AFM's introduction of George Elliott Clarke as the Pelham Edgar Lecturer for Victoria University.

29Di Cicco Memorial2020

Notes and long and short reading scripts for the City of Toronto memorial for AFM's friend and former Toronto Poet Laureate Pier Giorgio D Cicco. Official Poet Laureate event.

210Toronto Writers Collective Keynote2020

Includes several drafts of "Words are Bridges, the Word is You", AFM's keynote address for the January 2020 meeting of the Toronto Writers Collective, as well as an identification tag, printed poems for the conference, TWC newsletters and the facilitator training manual. Poet Laureate event.

211Toronto Christmas Concert, "The Star and the Animals", and talk2019

Handwritten notes, drafts, final text, correspondence, seat reservation and event layout for the City of Toronto Christmas Concert. Includes drafts and reading copy - with notes on accentuation - of AFM's poem "The Star and the Animals", written for the event, as well as the introductory presentation given at the event. Official Poet Laureate Event.

212Bill 6, Establishing a Poet Laureate of Ontario2019

AFM's badge of participation attached to the most recent presentation of Bill 6, to create a Poet Laureate of Ontario in memory of Gord Downie. AFM was a proponent of the Bill in his role as Poet Laureate.

215Mayor's Evening for the Arts and "Faith in Hell"2019

Keepsake printed material from the the Mayor's Evening for the Arts event in November 2019, including AFM's notes on seating arrangements. Also includes a printout of the poem "Faith in Hell" from the Toronto Star which was initially considered as a dedicating poem to be read at the event. Official Poet Laureate event.

216Arts & Letters Club presentation2019

Handwritten notes and correspondence with Michael Redhill, name badge, guest pass and hand-out regarding AFM's October 2019 appearance at the Arts & Letters Club, "An Evening with Al Moritz and Michael Redhill". Poet Laureate event.

217Literary and Lemon Peel Society2019

Correspondence, poem and ballads for AFM's talk on the "Story Poem" on October 20, 2019. Includes a t-shirt from the event. Poet Laureate event.

218Poetry at the Manor2019

Correspondence, contacts, flyers and a thank-you card related to AFM's appearance at Poetry at the Manor in Windsor, a meeting of the Poets Laureate, on October 9, 2019. Official Poet Laureate event.

219The Excelsis Group2019

Pamphlet introducing the new educational not-for-profit charity for literary engagement in Canada via Exile Literary Quarterly, The Excelsis Group. AFM is listed as a mentor for emerging writers.

2020.13, Box 3
Series: 11: Personal material
311Istvan Moritz memorial invitation2020

Invitation to the Istvan Moritz Memorial Scholarship Ceremony.

Series: 3: Poetry manuscripts, essays and related records
32"Rest" proofs1998-1999

Proof sheets of Rest on the Flight into Egypt.

Series: 4: Correspondence / Subject files
33James Deahl correspondence2019-2020


34Anansi correspondence2020

A letter from Joshua Greenspon of the House of Anansi Press to AFM. AFM is mistakenly addressed as poet Matthew Henderson.

35Merwin Conservancy correspondence2020

A letter from the Merwin Conservancy thanking AFM for his gift.

36Mary Jane Bancroft correspondence2020

Fan mail from Mary Jane Bancroft, including her poem about foxes. Also includes a thank-you letter from Word on the Street.

37Fiddlehead correspondence2020


38Jesse correspondence2020

A letter of thanks.

39Griffin Prize correspondence2020

A letter from the Griffin Trust regarding the Griffin Poetry Prize Readings at Koerner Hall.

310Merwin Conservancy letter and brochure2019


312Word on the Street2019

Card thanking AFM for his participation in Word on the Street Festival 2019. Includes a nametag and Word on the Street pin.

313St. Joseph's Catholic High School thank you card2019

Card thanking AFM for being among Poets Laureate from the Poets at the Manor to attend an event at the school.

314Mitzie Hunter, MPP2019

Seasons greetings holiday card from Mitzie Hunter, Scarborough Guildwood MPP. AFM met her at a memorial as Toronto Poet Laureate.

315Writers' Union of Canada card2019


316Sick Kids Hospital card2019

Card from Conor McDonnell and Eyal Cohen thanking AFM for a reading event at the Hospital for Sick Children.

317Emily Lu correspondence2017

A letter of thanks from a former student.

318John Robert Colombo correspondence1999

Postcard to Al and Theresa Moritz congratulating them on their translation of Body of Insomnia.

319Roseann Rante correspondence1997

Congratulations on literary achievements from Victoria College President Roseann Rante.

324Email correspondence2017

A small selection of printed email from 2017. The remainder of the 2017 email was submitted electronically. Includes a copy of the index of offline email.

Please contact the Archivist to inquire about the electronic email submission.

Series: 5: Poetry Readings
320UofT Bookstore Reading Series2002

Flyer from a 2002 Reading Series at the University of Toronto Bookstore, with Theresa Moritz.

321Poetry event tickets[1992-1993, 1998]

Tickets to poetry events AFM attended. Includes a ticket from the Wolsak & Wynn 15th Anniversary Event where AFM attended as a reader (1998), a ticket from the Harbourfront Centre Poetry Festival (1993) and two tickets from the World Poetry Festival (1992).

322Reading announcements[n.d.]

A reading announcement for AFM at Barnes & Noble and an announcement for an Evening with Derek Walcott and Michael Ondaatje at Convocation Hall.

Series: 9: Literary related activities
31Ashbery's "A Wave"[n.d.]

AFM's annotations in Ashbery's A Wave, Penguin Books, 1984.

323"The Volcano" contract2020

Signed contract for reprinting "The Volcano" in the science-fiction publication Amazing Stories Magazine.

2022.04, Box 1
Series: 10: Translation projects
12La MuerteDecember 13, 2018

Poem drafts on six note pages, translated from Juan Ramon Jiménez’s La Muerte, pages 140, 137, 136, 135, and The Only Friend, El Solo Amigo, page 89, respectively.

144"Page 151, More, Sea"ca. 2021

One page with two draft poem translations of Jiménez, from “Page 151” entitled “More” and “Sea.”

145JRJ Translations post-20182018-2022

Four pages of draft translation work, Juan Ramón Jiménez.

Series: 3: Poetry manuscripts, essays and related records
11Big Blue Notebook #262020-2021

An essential commonplace book containing 198 pages of new poems, commentary and changes to those poems, new translations, essays, and philosophical reflections from August 2020 to June 2021. Also includes some additional mementoes (tickets, cards, early publications) from the publishing industry in AFM’s early career and brief comments on those mementoes.


Poem draft on note pages.


Poem draft on note page.

15"I snoop across the shoulder"March 2020

Poem written on loose-leaf paper beginning "I snoop across the shoulder...", composed 5 Mar 2020.

16"In my house"March 2020

Poem written on loose-leaf paper beginning "In my house, I am home...", composed 16-17 Mar 2020.

17"Ungaretti"April 2020

Three loose-leaf pages composed 21 April 2020, marked as "Homage to Ungaretti."

18"Ode to the Video Poem"April 2020

Poem written on loose-leaf paper beginning "When I read...", composed 16-22 April 2020.

19"And you'll see that I am not..."April 2020

Poem written on loose-leaf paper beginning "And you'll see that I am not", composed 28 or 29 April 2020.

110"It was stasis I always loved"2020

Four-page poem written on loose-leaf paper beginning "It was stasis I always loved...", composed approximately 5 weeks before an operation in mid-May 2020.

111"Have I betrayed..."June 2020

Poem written on loose-leaf paper beginning "Have I betrayed  in my aloneness yes", composed 6 June 2020.

112"I appointed you..."June 2020

Poem written on four small loose-leaf pages composed 21 June 2020. A later draft of this poem and the story of its composition appear in Big Blue Notebook #25, pages 29-30.

113"The Song Writer"July 2020

Five-page draft poem written on loose-leaf paper, composed 2 July 2020.

114"Injury"October 2020

Poem written on loose-leaf paper composed 14 Oct 2020 entitled “Injury.” Three pages in three sections.

115"From a Line by Charles Wright"October 2020

Three-page poem, “From a Line by Charles Wright”, composed on loose-leaf paper 14 Oct 2020. The line is taken from the book, A Short History of the Shadow, Wright’s poem, “Is”, line one.

116"Unhappy in Eden"October 2020

Nine-page draft poem beginning “Unhappy in Eden”, drafted on loose-leaf paper, composed 24 Oct 2020.

117"Caves"October 2020

Three-page draft poem beginning “There are no caves here” drafted on loose-leaf paper, composed 20-21 Oct 2020.

118"The secret of the choir"December 2020

One-page draft poem beginning “The secret of the choir, its white robes,” on loose-leaf paper, composed 17 Dec 2020.


Two-page draft poem beginning “The man and woman hate each other,” on loose-leaf paper, composed between 2020-21.


Diario #175, four-page draft poem beginning “Sea, until these pure nights of yours, my soul” on loose-leaf paper, composed between 2020-21.

121"My possessions"February 2021

One-page draft poem entitled “My Possessions” dated approximately 28 Feb 2021.

122"Parliament of Fowls"March 2021

Three-page draft poem, dated 8 Mar 2021.

123"I little understood..."March 2021

Three-page draft poem beginning, “I little understood that your old age/was God almost in you.” Dated 25 Mar 2021.

124"I love, love..."March 2021

Eight pages of loose-leaf draft poetry work, containing approximately eight distinct poems and one page of German translation work.

125"For Espanto"September 2021

One-page poem draft on loose-leaf paper entitled “For Espanto” dated 17 Sep 2021 with some editing in black ink added.

126"No Art"September 2021

One-page poem draft on loose-leaf paper entitled “No Art” dated 18 Sep 2021.

127"Poetry Will Be Made By All"September 2021

One-page draft poem “Poetry Will Be Made By All” on loose-leaf paper composed approximately 30 Sep 2021.

128"Pure Woman"October 2021

Two-page draft poem beginning “Do we want a pure woman?” on loose-leaf paper, composed approximately 1 Oct 2021.

129"I did see you rose..."October 2021

Two-page draft poem beginning “I did see you rose before I died,” composed approximately 5 Oct 2021 as noted on page two.

130Four PoemsOctober 2021

Four draft poems beginning, “Crux” [2 pages], “Prayer: Intention,” “You are constructed,” and “To refuse prophecy” on five pages of loose-leaf paper all composed 14 Oct 2021.

131"That cloud, that country"October 2021

One-page handwritten poem on loose-leaf paper beginning “That cloud, that country,” discovered on 20 Oct 2021 in a UofT folder but composed weeks earlier.

132"I'm addicted to the earth"October 2021

Two pages of a handwritten poem draft composed end of Oct 2021.

133"Suddenly he touched..."October 2021

One-page draft poem beginning, “Suddenly he touched my shoulder to say,” composed approximately late Oct 2021.

134"I cannot know now..."November 2021

One-page draft poem beginning, “I cannot know now” dated “the wee hours of 1 Nov 2021”, with additional notes in pencil later that day.

135"Anti-intellectual"November 2021

Five-page draft poem beginning “It is good to be anti-intellectual” on loose-leaf paper, composed 2 Nov 2021.

136"Everything leads..."November 2021

One-page draft poem beginning “Everything leads to the recognition/that there must be an earth,” composed 4 Nov 2021.

137"Here"November 2021

One-page draft poem entitled “Here”, composed 4 Nov 2021.

138"November Eighth"November 2021

Two-page draft poem beginning “November Eighth” on loose-leaf paper, composed 8 Nov 2021 at Evergreen Brickworks in Toronto.

139"Stanza Two"November 2021

Two-page draft poem beginning “This is the kind of poem” on loose-leaf paper, composed 9 Nov 2021 “at home in the evening.”

140"The Image of Your Work"November 2021

One-page poem draft composed on 9 Nov 2021 in Northrop Frye Hall 206.

141"Ode to Technology"ca. 2021

Three-page draft poem entitled “Ode to Technology” and beginning, “I used to love touching the honeybee/in my poems,” composed in 2021.

142"There was a man..."ca. 2021

Three pages of draft poetry in black ink, the first beginning, “There was a man/bleeding from his right ear,” composed in 2021.

143"Someone/Some One"ca. 2021

Three pages of draft poetry in blue ink, the first beginning with a poem entitled “Someone/Some One” with other various sheets of work.

146Drafts from a Scribbler [10 poems]2021

13 pages of handwritten poem drafts, approximately 10 distinct pieces, composed between 16 Nov 2021 and 7 Dec 2021.

147Notebook of short poems2018-2022

88 pages of draft poems and transcribed second drafts, mostly in blue and green ink, dated from 2018 to approximately 2021 with changes, edits, and notes to those poems, mostly in red ink, dated July 2021 through Feb 2022.

148Short Poems, manuscript2019-2022

Typescript file of AFM’s “short poems” project. Typewritten versions of many of the handwritten poems in previous files, and more, with changes and edits to those poems. Refer to the detailed handwritten note at outset of manuscript for more information.

2022.04, Box 2
Series: 3: Poetry manuscripts, essays and related records
21"Clarity", manuscript2017

Manuscript containing poems from the same period as AFM’s books Night Street Repairs and The Sentinel, but which were gathered in 2017 with thoughts of future publication.

22"The Poet's Garden"2020

AFM’s typescript of “The Poet’s Garden” as of 10 Oct 2020, the book that will become The Garden (2021), with some edits, correspondence, and contract information.

23"The Garden"1992-2021

Typescript copy of the book that will become The Garden (2021), with AFM’s edits, as well as letters from George Elliott Clarke in response to and evaluating the essay and poem. Also contains notes on the search and discovery of a poet on Nightline episode from 1992.

24"The Garden", proofs2021

Proofs of AFM’s book The Garden, with proofreader questions from Jeremy Luke Hill, publisher of Gordon Hill Press, and AFM’s handwritten changes to the proofs.

25"Allegory of the Wind", updated2020

Book put together in 2015, with a large portion of handwritten corrections to the 2020 typescript here. This manuscript will become Narrative of a Shipwreck in 2021-2022.

26"Allegory of the Wind" supplement2020

Supplementary poems from the same period as Allegory of the Wind, tentatively omitted from what will become Narrative of a Shipwreck, with some fresh handwritten notes regarding publication.

27"Narrative of a Shipwreck"2021-2022

Supplementary poems from Allegory of the Wind fully revised and transformed into the new typescript, Narrative of a Shipwreck, between Fall 2021 and Spring 2022. This is an extensively revised and expanded version of the former two texts.

28"The Scream"2019-2021

Manuscript of completed poems from The New Measures era with amendments made before Fall 2019, with corrections made in May and June 2021 by hand.

29"The Scream", supplement2021-2022

The Scream file corrected and revised from Fall-Spring 2021-22 with several poems now in the main The Scream.

2022.04, Box 3
Series: 3: Poetry manuscripts, essays and related records
31"The Scream", newly revised2021-2022

Manuscript of The Scream, newly revised and expanded form completed in Winter-Spring 2021-22.

32"As Far as You Know", edited msSeptember 2019

AFM and Michael Redhill’s final edited manuscript version of the book as of Sep 2019, for use in copy-reading the typeset version to come in Oct/Nov.

33"As Far as You Know", first pagesOctober 2019

As Far as You Know, first pages from publisher with AFM’s copy-editing due Nov 2019.

34"As Far as You Know", first pages IINovember 2019

As Far as You Know, first pages, second printout with AFM’s copies and marks from all of the editors converged.

35"As Far as You Know", second pages2019

AFM’s second pages of the book with marked copy and notes.

36"The Tradition", annotated1996-2022

AFM’s annotated copy of The Tradition (1996) with several notes and explanations penciled in while re-reading and for use at in-person events.

Series: 9: Literary related activities
37Bloorcourt BIA Poem Project2019

Correspondence related to the Bloorcourt BIA Poem Project AFM contributed to in his role as Toronto Poet Laureate. The poem “Passerby” was engraved into a public sculpture.

38TPL, various2019-2021

Handwritten poems and notes for various Toronto Poet Laureate writing projects, events, and radio/public appearances. Includes North York Tragedy, East End Arts and Shab-e-She’r, handwritten laureate agendas, Heritage Tree, The Bentway, Vic Faculty Reading Series poem reading list, Mayor’s Evening for the Arts, and others.

39TPL City and Laureates Memorial for Giorgio DiCicco2020

Correspondence related to the memorial service for former Toronto Poet Laureate and friend, Giorgio DiCicco.

310Poems for TPL2021

Poems composed for original publications and correspondence regarding Toronto Poet Laureate role. Specific writing projects include: poems for council regarding the pandemic, “Exactly Here the Marvel Spoke”; poems celebrating friendship anniversaries between Toronto and Sagamihara, Kviv and Chicago; Emotion Put into Measure podcast preparation; notes for CBC podcast on "Solitude"; and Mayor’s Arts Lunch at Home.

311TPL au courant2021-2022

More recent Toronto Poet Laureate work, including Toronto Ravine Days, Dead Poets Night, contribution to saving a Heritage Tree, Victoria College Reading, and Language Martyrs Day script for a livestream audience.

312Gustafson Distinguished Poet’s Visit, dossierMarch 2022

Travel and schedule documents related to AFM’s Gustafson Distinguished Poet’s Visit on Vancouver Island in March 2022. Includes thank-you notes from host.

313Gustafson essay drafts2021-2022

Early drafts and notes for the Gustafson Lecture/Essay presented to Vancouver Island University in March 2022. First typewritten draft of the lecture with AFM’s handwritten comments. Includes correspondence about the event with host Sonnet L’Abbé.

2022.04, Box 4
Series: 10: Translation projects
44ChamehMay 2020

AFM’s poems “The End was Care” and “Thoughts in Time of Plague” translated into Persian by Banöo Zan, featured in Chameh, issue 11. Farvardin-Ordibehesht 1399 (roughly March-April 2020).

Series: 4: Correspondence / Subject files
48Trillium Nomination correspondence2021

Letter from Ontario Creates informing AFM of the nomination of As Far As You Know for the 2021 Trillium Book Award. Also includes author questionnaire, consent forms, a card of congratulations from John Degen of The Writers’ Union of Canada, and a card thanking AFM for participating in a Word on the Street panel.

49Greek translations correspondence2021

Correspondence with Erica Majzes regarding a Greek translation of portions of The Sparrow.

411James Deahl correspondence2021


412Jan Zwicky correspondence2021

Handwritten note from Jan Zwicky thanking AFM for The Garden.

413Get-well cards2021

Cards and notes wishing AFM well after a stroke in early 2021, including from Anansi and Vallum.

414Personal correspondence2020-2021

Letters of thanks from AFM’s students, Lara Solnicki and Cameron Jones, holiday cards from literary friends Brian Campbell and Jocelyne Dubois, and a letter from David Clink.

Series: 6: Periodicals containing material by or about A.F. Moritz
45Poem, "House"2021

AFM’s poem “House” in Vallum 18:1, Invisibility. Also includes a thank-you note from the editors, Eleni Zisimatos and Joshua Auerbach.

46Poem, “Exactly Here the Marvel Spoke”2021

AFM’s poem “Exactly Here the Marvel Spoke - Memorial of a Plague Year: March 2020 - March 2021” in Queen West, Summer 2021 issue.

47“A Moral Voice in Uncertain Times”, PRRB2021

James Deahl’s essay “A Moral Voice in Uncertain Times: On A.F. Moritz” in the Summer 2021 special edition of The Pacific Rim Review of Books.

Series: 7: Publishing and Editorial Work

AFM’s detailed notes and commentary on George Elliott Clarke’s manuscript for J’accuse!. Includes a handwritten thank-you note from Clarke.

Series: 9: Literary related activities
41Gustafson essay, final drafts2022

Final version of the essay, “Poetry: Future Present of the Past” for the Gustafson Lectureship at Vancouver Island University. Includes AFM’s reading version with excisions marked in red, the reading version without excisions, and the complete copy of the essay not shortened for the 60-minute reading time.

42Toronto Writers Collective notebookJanuary 2020

Contains a notebook with notes for the Facilitator Appreciation Day Conference of Toronto Writers Collective, 11 Jan 2020. Also includes additional Fundraiser event notes and a small scribbler of Toronto Writers Collective notes.

43IJES BoardJanuary 2020

Correspondence and reports regarding the board meeting of the International Jacques Ellul Society, of which AFM is an active member.

2023.10, Box 1
Series: 3: Poetry manuscripts, essays and related records
11Big Blue Notebook #272021-2023

An essential commonplace book containing 197 pages of new poems, commentary and changes those poems, new translations, essays, and several philosophical reflections from July 2021 to December 2022, with a concluding entry from February 2023. Also includes some additional mementoes (tickets, cards, early publications, photographs, etc.) from across the span of AFM’s career, as well as commentary on poems written by Theresa Moritz in revising a manuscript. Additionally, the notebook includes ongoing reflections, poems and souvenirs gathered during the winding down of the COVID-19 pandemic.

This book presents work from AFM's last few months as Toronto Poet Laureate.

12Bedside Poetry Notebook2020-2021

A notebook containing 142 pages of original draft poems, primarily kept by AFM’s bedside, from late summer 2020 through 27 Nov 2021. The poems are written, dated, and to be read first via facing pages (recto, written in black ink and pencil) then back to front via the back pages (verso, written in blue ink).

Many of the poems are under selection to be included in a forthcoming publication, tentatively titled Great Silent Ballad (2024).

13Poetry Notebook2022-2023

62 pages of original draft poems composed between 19 Dec 2022 and 14 Apr 2023. The two typed loose poems present additional revisions to the final poem in the notebook, “A Woman in the Painting But Not So”, and may be considered an example of AFM’s writing process.

Many of the poems are under selection to be included in a forthcoming publication, tentatively titled Great Silent Ballad (2024).

1465 new poems2022-2023

140 typed pages with hand revisions to 65 new poems. Some poems are presented in multiple drafts, revealing an ongoing revision process.

Many of the poems are under selection to be included in a forthcoming publication, tentatively titled Great Silent Ballad (2024).

15Hospital draft poemsMay 2021

Draft poems and fragments written in St. Michael’s Hospital.

17"A sound! Did you hear it?"2022

Draft poem from late 2022.

18"in / twilight / I / see"2023

Draft poem from January 2023.

118Declaration of Citizenship and Residency2022

Original copy of the declaration form submitted to receive the Ontario Book Publishing Tax Credit. The declaration was completed for The Best Canadian Poetry in English 2019.

Series: 4: Correspondence / Subject files
121Goldring correspondence2022

Notes and agenda for the Fall 2022 Retirement Vic One Plenary with Blake Goldring.

Series: 5: Poetry Readings

Contains material relating to the Campagna Rooftop Poetry Reading event. Includes a flyer, three typed poems with AFM’s notes, and notes on the reading itself.

Series: 7: Publishing and Editorial Work
120Blurbs and manuscript notes2022

Contains a handwritten blurb for a Mary Nyquist book, notes on Edward Carson’s anthology movingparts towards a blurb, and notes on a manuscript by Michael Fraser.

Series: 9: Literary related activities
16"Toronto: Anthem"2022

Handwritten draft and typeset copies of “Toronto: Anthem”, a poem written in AFM’s role as Toronto Poet Laureate for Randall Adjei, Ontario Poet Laureate for “Destination Ontario”, a film project.

19Lost Launches2022

Printed programs, handwritten lists, correspondence and other planning material related to The Poet Laureate Presents Lost Launches at the Art Bar, a series of readings organized by AFM to promote the works of poets whose books were published in the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. Readings took place on 29 March, 26 April, 31 May and 28 June 2022.

Also included is a chapbook, "Poemdemic!", published by Secret Handshake Books.

110IJES Montreal 20222022

Includes a draft of AFM’s conference paper with handwritten edits, handwritten notes on presenters, a draft poem, programs, travel documents, and a name tag from the International Jacques Ellul Society Conference in Montreal, 7-10 July 2022. AFM was an organizing member and conference presenter.

111TIFA: The Waste Land Project2022

Handwritten notes, draft poems, programs, reading materials, a publishing contract and correspondence relating to AFM’s participation in the Toronto International Festival of Authors: The Waste Land Project. Three original poems composed for the event are included: “Who Cares if the Sky”, “Beggar Flower Sage” and “The Waste Land 2022”. Also included are a handwritten list of possible interviewers for The Re-Read, handwritten notes from the Theatre of War event, and AFM’s printed schedule.

112Coda: The Blues2022

Printed sheet music for “Coda: The Blues”, commissioned by George Elliott Clarke with music by D.D. Jackson and lyrics by Al Moritz. Later performed by Toronto composer James Rolfe at the Fifth Edition of Clarke’s event, Five Poets Breaking into Song, on 23 September 2022. Autographed by Jackson, Moritz and Clarke.

113Goldman Symposium2022

Early handwritten notes, typed draft poems, handwritten revisions and final draft long poem read at an October 2022 symposium on Emma Goldman, eighty-two years after her death in Toronto (1940). AFM read an original long poem composed for the event and took part in a question and answer regarding Goldman’s years in Toronto.


Printed sheet music for “Marigolds”, commissioned by George Elliott Clarke with music by James Rolfe and lyrics by Al Moritz. Later performed by James Rolfe and Juliet Palmer at the Seventh Edition of Clarke’s event, Five Poets Breaking into Song, on 19 November 2022. Autographed by Jackson, Moritz and Clarke.

Includes a copy of the release form.


Handwritten calendar of April 2022 academic, poetic and administrative activities.

116Poets Laureate2022

Handwritten notes on Ontario Poets Laureate meetings, February – April 2022.

117Toronto Arts Foundation2022

Toronto Arts Foundation Luncheon program. Includes the seating arrangement for AFM’s table along with biographies of each individual.


Notes and handwritten commentary for an introduction to Luciano Iacobelli, which were also used in a celebration of the poet’s life. Also includes planning materials for a poetic tribute to the late Luciano Iacobelli from the end of 2022.

2023.10, Box 2
Series: 11: Personal material
215Junction Sonnets II1999

Small postcard/broadside of AFM’s former student Carleton Wilson’s Junction Sonnets II (Junction Books, 1999).

216"The Old Trades"[197-?]

Two small fine-press booklets, reproductions of The Book of Trades, 1568, printed at Nova Dreadnaught, Bear River, Nova Scotia.

217"Reflect and Renew your Spirit"2019

A brochure picked up in St. Mary’s parish on AFM’s trip to Niles-Warren, Ohio in August 2019.

218"Open Cut"2022

AFM’s copy of the late Luciano Iacobelli’s artist book Open Cut, designed and produced by Deborah Barnett at Someone Editions. Edition 18/40. Signed by Barnett.

NOTE: The record is delicate and must be handled carefully.

220Moritz on Zeller2019

Contains a one-of-a-kind, hand-drawn, lettered and collaged card commemorating the 1979 exhibition of AFM’s close friends, the artists and writers Susana Wald and her partner Ludwig Zeller, at the Art Gallery of Hamilton. The card was originally given to AFM’s son Blaise (nicknamed “Bob”) and signed to him as such by both Zeller and Wald. The drawing on the envelope, the collage on the card’s interior, and the lettering were created by Blaise in 2019 to commemorate the death of Zeller.

Series: 3: Poetry manuscripts, essays and related records
212Literary reminders2021-2023


1) A handwritten page of literary reminder notes to self, terms, foreign words, talking points, quotation locations for talks and course sessions. The first four poem titles at the top of the page are by Polish-American poet Czesław Miłosz, and the four poem titles below are by American poet Hilda Doolittle. Phrases with page numbers relate to the essay portion of The Garden by Mortiz.

2) Examples of “Ecstatic Poems” by Miłosz and Walt Whitman.

3) Lists of AFM’s newer poem titles grouped by themes.

4) Lists of poems grouped by theme.

Series: 4: Correspondence / Subject files
29Hausner correspondence2023

Printed correspondence from Beatriz Hausner inviting the Moritzes to a home party to a Here is Elsewhere event devoted to Surrealism.

219Goldring correspondence2019

A letter from Blake Goldring congratulating AFM on being named Toronto Poet Laureate.

221Laurence Hutchman postcard2022

Postcard to AFM from poet Laurence Hutchman.

222Terry Barker correspondence2022

Handwritten notes to AFM with an article on Mosaic Authors Launch and Barker’s typescript notes on Jeanine Pitas book launch.

223James Deahl correspondence2022

Letter from James Deahl to AFM regarding The Confederation Poets anthology.

224Holiday correspondence2022-2023

Holiday correspondence from David and Alexa Clink, Ed Baranosky, G.E. Clarke and Victoria University.

225Charitable donations2021-2022

Acknowledgements of charitable donations made to The International Jacques Ellul Society and The James Merrill House Foundation.

Series: 5: Poetry Readings
210Secret Handshake2023

Contains a flyer for the Secret Handshake Reading Series event in June 2023, in which AFM participated. Includes the chapbook Bob Dylan, My Rabbi, How Does it Feel by Honey Novick, the event’s organizer and a participant.

Series: 6: Periodicals containing material by or about A.F. Moritz
22The Ampersand Review2023

A copy of The Ampersand Review No. 3, Winter 2023, which includes four of AFM’s poems: “End of Cronos”, “Hearing from You”, “Science”, and “History” (on the back cover). File also contains correspondence, poems and reading notes for the launch event in winter 2023.

213Poem, "The Sneeze"1981

A one-page copy of an older poem by AFM, “The Sneeze”, from The Dalhousie Review, Vol. 61, No. 1, 1981.

Series: 8: Anthologies containing A.F. Moritz poems
21Verse Afire2023

Biannual publication of The Ontario Poetry Society. AFM’s poem “Chappie” and his review of George Elliott Clarke’s Canticles II (2019) are included.

Series: 9: Literary related activities
23TOPL Record of Activities2021-2023

Toronto Poet Laureate Record of Activities from May 2021 to March 2023. Includes additional printed list of ideas for AFM’s “Legacy Project” as Toronto Poet Laureate, and a list of potential candidates for the next Toronto Poet Laureate with AFM’s notes.

24Exile Celebration2023

Contains correspondence and scheduling for Exile Quarterly’s 50th Anniversary celebrations, including AFM’s reading script re: Neruda and artist Gabriella Campos.

25New Songs for Orpheus2023

Reading copy of AFM’s introduction of John Reibetanz at the launch of Reibetanz’s poetry collection New Songs for Orpheus at the Victoria College Chapel in April 2023.

26Spring into Poetry2023

Reading copy, introduction and new poem, “Dancing in a Green Age”, for the Spring into Poetry event for the Ontario Poetry Society and Aeolus House at the Main Street Branch of Toronto Public Library. Additional handwritten notes are on the manuscript, including a note that AFM’s son Blaise and grandson Toby arrived at the event to wish AFM a happy birthday.

27Toronto Arts Awards Lunch2023

Contains the printed program for the 2023 Toronto Arts Awards Luncheon. Includes the seating arrangement for AFM’s table with handwritten notes on conversations with other guests.

28Aga Khan2023

Contains material related to the panel discussion on Poetry and Mysticism at the Aga Kahn Museum as part of its exhibition on the poet Rumi. AFM was a panelist. Includes Globe and Mail article on the exhibition, correspondence and handwritten notes regarding the panel arrangements and exhibits, press release and four pages of AFM’s typewritten poems and notes towards the Rumi presentation, including: “Butterfly, after Jiménez”, “The Judge”, a translation of “Jiménez, Eternidades #125” and notes on all poems and how they relate to Rumi.

211Canadian Bengali Authors Celebration2023

Contains material related to the Celebration of New Books by Canadian Bengali Authors event in July 2023. Includes a program with AFM’s notes, AFM’s typescript introduction with pronunciation notes, and “Prescription Poem” from Dr. Dilip Chakraborty. AFM attended and spoke in a guest role as Toronto Poet Laureate.

214National Poetry Month poster2004

Poster for National Poetry Month featuring A.F. Moritz and his work Early Poems (2002).

2024.10, Box 1
Series: 3: Poetry manuscripts, essays and related records
11Great Silent Ballad - Poetry Notebook2022

A notebook containing 100 pages of original draft poems. Written from 9 March – 12 December 2022. Also contains handwritten notes of description and editing.

Many of these poems became part of the large collection of over 250 poems from which the contents of AFM’s forthcoming book, Great Silent Ballad (2024), were selected.

12Great Silent Ballad - Poetry Notebook2019-2022

A small notebook containing 65 pages of original draft poems and a few translations, written from 21 May 2019 to December 2022 (primarily 2021-2022). Also contains handwritten notes of description and editing.

Many of these poems became part of the large manuscript of over 250 pages from which the contents of AFM’s forthcoming book, Great Silent Ballad (2024), were selected.

13Great Silent Ballad - Notes Towards2023

Notes, ideas and lists of poems to form the first full draft of AFM’s forthcoming book Great Silent Ballad (2024). To be used in conversation with Michael Redhill, who is acting as substantive editor.

14Great Silent Ballad - All the Poems2023

Over 300 pages of typed, edited original poems under consideration for inclusion in AFM’s forthcoming book, Great Silent Ballad (2024). The first two pages mark AFM’s tentative list of poems and their order.

AFM marks, in two places, which poems in the group were written in notebooks within the 12-16 month period approaching July 2023 and which poems were composed between 2019 and 2022, albeit primarily between 2021-2022.

15Great Silent Ballad - Additional Poems2021-2023

13 additional pages of typed drafts of poems to be considered for inclusion in Moritz’s forthcoming book from Anansi, Great Silent Ballad (2024). To be used in conversation with Michael Redhill, acting for the press as substantive editor.

16Great Silent Ballad - First ManuscriptJuly 2023

The first tentative completed draft of Great Silent Ballad, to be handed to Michael Redhill. File includes AFM’s proposed ordering of the poems and sections, and approximately 100 pages of typed manuscript.

17Great Silent Ballad - Second VersionSeptember 2023

File contains the first revisions to the Great Silent Ballad manuscript (second version), including:

1) Michael Redhill’s September 5 correspondence evaluation of the manuscript with his list of poems to be cut and his list of 20 poems which he felt should be added from the 300-page collection. AFM accepted 9 of his 10 suggested deletions and 19 of his 20 suggested inclusions.

2) AFM’s handwritten log of discussion items and actions taken towards editing the manuscript in 1 page.

3) The September 2023 manuscript of poems with changes implemented by Redhill, with AFM’s handwritten changes and notes throughout in approximately 80 pages.

18Great Silent Ballad - Third VersionOctober 2023

File contains the second revisions to the Great Silent Ballad manuscript (third version). This includes:

1) A 96-page annotated copy of the third version of the manuscript, finished on 6 October 2023. This copy has annotations about the poems that AFM made as he read for editing.

2) Eight lightly corrected pages from the second version of the manuscript, included as an addendum at the back of the manuscript.

3) Four pages of notes from the third revision, revised and replaced in the fourth version, sent to Kevin Connolly (House of Anansi Press poetry editor) and Michael Redhill (editor) on 24 November 2023.

19Great Silent Ballad - Fourth VersionNovember 2023

File contains the third revisions to the Great Silent Ballad manuscript (fourth version). The includes:

1) One page of business cards and contact information for Anansi staff, including the 24 September 2024 publication date for AFM’s title.

2) Three handwritten pages by AFM detailing the contents of the book and the publication history of each title in various magazines.

3) AFM’s seven-page completed typewritten author publicity questionnaire for Anansi.

4) AFM’s five-page completed cover questionnaire for Anansi.

5) The Anansi copy editor Peter Norman’s 6-page query regarding the manuscript.

6) A 97-page fourth version of the manuscript, finished in November 2023. The end notes contain revisions by hand.

2024.10, Box 2
Series: 10: Translation projects
23The Sentinel in Spanish2013

AFM’s responses to Gilberto Meza’s Spanish translation of poems from The Sentinel. The file contains AFM’s working copy of The Sentinel with notes on the first 2/3 of the index related to the poems translated between 2012 and 2013, three pages of email correspondence between AFM and Meza, and printed texts of Spanish translations, with AFM’s responses typed in red.

24Translations of Corinne Chevarier2017

AFM’s translations of a selection of French language poems by Corinne Chevarier into English prior to a Fall 2017 reading featuring both Chevarier and AFM, hosted by friend and poet Beatriz Hausner. Includes Chevarier’s signed copy of Anatomie de L’Object, email correspondence detailing the reading order for the event, and several typewritten and hand-edited versions of AFM’s translations.

25Translations of G.M. Amador2014

AFM’s translations of a selection of Spanish language poems by his friend Georgina Mejía Amador into English following the publication of her small letterpress book, Les Tentaciones de Asurbanipal. The book is included in the file along with a small selection of poems in Spanish and translations in English by AFM.

Series: 3: Poetry manuscripts, essays and related records
21Great Silent Ballad - "Second Pages"April 2024

File contains the official “Second Pages”, the second set of proofs incorporating corrections from the first set of the Great Silent Ballad manuscript from April 2024. This includes:

1) Printed correspondence between AFM and Leslie Ahenda answering their proofreader’s questions.

2) Two handwritten pages of AFM’s notes on the “Second Pages”.

3) Anansi’s first print-formatted copy of Great Silent Ballad consisting of 136 numbered cover and interior pages, with a note by AFM on the back cover.

Series: 4: Correspondence / Subject files

Correspondence related to the cover comment AFM provided for Paul Vermeersch’s Shared Universe.


Correspondence from Wilfrid Laurier University Press regarding a review of George Fetherling’s Plans Deranged by Time, edited by AFM. Includes a copy of the review by Christopher Levenson, which appeared in Event Poetry and Prose.

Series: 9: Literary related activities
22Griffin Poetry Prize2024

Contains documents related to AFM’s participation on the jury for the 2024 Griffin Poetry Prize, including long lists and short lists, notes from jury Zoom meetings narrowing down the prize winner, invitations to participate as a judge, invitations to formal events and notes towards AFM’s planned appearances at Griffin events.

AFM served as both a jury member and editor of the 2024 Griffin Prize Anthology for Anansi Press, the only jury member to do so. The file also contains his lists of selected poems by short-listed poets and winners for the anthology.

26Italo-Canadian Poets MemorialOctober 2023

Contains material related to “A Tough Romance: A Commemoration Event for Six Italo-Canadian Poets”. AFM was a key organizer and participant in this event. Includes the event program, AFM’s handwritten meeting notes, the final typescript of the event for all readers (organized in large part by AFM), a facsimile of Pier Girogio DiCicco’s Roman Candles anthology (1978), and a facsimile portion of DiCicco’s Mediterranea, edited by Corrado Paina, another key participant in the event.

27French Letter SocietyJuly 2024

Contains first edition materials by the newly organized fine press publisher, French Letter Press, started by Deborah Barnett, whose history and first three publications AFM introduced on the evening of their launch at 25 Liberty Street in Toronto on 6 July 2024. Includes:

1) Seven pages of notes and correspondence between Moritz, Barnett and Beatriz Hausner related to AFM’s opening remarks.

2) The order of operations for the launch.

3) A rare fine press welcome letter attached to Hausner and Barnett’s collaboration The Throat is Syrupy/The Skin Remembers.

4) Sonja Greckol and N. Moskwa’s collaboration Glacier Melt Matters/Prize Inside.

5) Stephen Cain and Jesse Graham’s collaboration This Message Has No Content/The Fall.

28Poetry Events2020-2021

Correspondence and documents related to AFM’s poetry appearances in 2020 (virtual) and 2021. Includes a handwritten note about upcoming events, correspondence regarding 2021 poetry events and AFM’s appearance on Howl Radio Broadcast on CIUT FM, invitations to poetry events including the Eden Mills Writers Festival Online, Word on the Street and the Toronto International Festival of Authors, a poem published in Vallum and printed for a Zoom recording, and handwritten notes and an order of events form for Here is Elsewhere: Literature in Translation.

29Poetry Events2023

Correspondence and documents related to AFM’s poetry appearances in 2023, including an invitation to the TIFA Opening Reception, AFM’s reading list for a December 6 reading for Bernadette Dyer at the High Park Toronto Public Library Branch, notes from a meeting regarding AFM’s Poet Laureate Legacy Project-Ravine Haiku, and a list of poems to read at the reading and lecture on War Poetry by Michael O’Siadhail at Trinity College in September 2023.

210Weekly Bengali MailJuly 2024

A copy of the 18 July 2024 Weekly Bengali Mail newspaper with an article on AFM, roughly translated as “The Poems of A.F. Moritz – A Sad Song… That Gives Pleasure”. Since beginning his tenure as Toronto’s Poet Laureate in 2019, AFM has been a frequent participant in the annual Canadian Bengali Literary Festival in Scarborough.

211Poetry and Medicine Script2019

Typescript of items AFM read at the Hospital for Sick Children in his remarks on poetry and medicine.

214Musical Programs2023-2024

Musical programs, reading order and thank you notes from George Elliott Clarke for two events where AFM’s poetry was put into song and performed for an audience: Wound Turned to Light, Confluence Concerts (October 2023) and George Elliott Clarke Presents 5 Poets Breaking Into Song #12, The Fisher Sessions (May 2024).

2024.10, Box 3
Series: 11: Personal material
35Victoria University, Goldring degree2024

Invitations and program related to AFM’s attendance at the 2024 Convocation in which Blake Goldring received his honorary doctorate. AFM served as the Goldring named chair until his official retirement and the two became friends over the course of his tenure.

Series: 2: Teaching
36University of Toronto: Representative Poetry Online2023

Correspondence, meeting agenda, meeting notes and handwritten notes regarding modernization of the University of Toronto’s Representative Poetry Online. AFM was an Advisory Board Member. Changes included the appointment of Marc Plamondon as General Editor and updating the RPO to reflect new technologies and additional poets.

37University of Toronto: New Writing in Canada2007

Handwritten notes by AFM on contemporary Canadian poets and poetry books from 2007, when he originated the new course ENG357, New Writing in Canada, for the Department of English.

38Victoria University: Notes on Paz2011-2024

Handwritten notes by AFM on Octavio Paz, both for his own work and for teaching. Also includes a small pamphlet on the Aztec Calendar and a printout of an image related to Aztecs.

39Victoria University: Notes on Ellul (with Tennyson)2012-2024

Handwritten notes by AFM on Jacques Ellul, as well as Tennyson, both for his own work and for teaching.

310Victoria University: Notes on Miłosz2009-2024

Handwritten notes by AFM on Czesław Miłosz, both for his own work and for teaching.

311Victoria University: Notes on DeLillo2009-2024

Handwritten notes and research printouts by AFM on Don DeLillo’s Cosmopolis, primarily for teaching.

312Victoria University: Notes on Arendt2016-2024

Handwritten notes by AFM on Hannah Arendt, primarily for teaching. Includes a Smithsonian clipping (2012).

313Victoria University: Notes on Lubrin2021-2024

Handwritten notes written on typed poems and promotional materials in praise of Canisia Lubrin, particularly The Dyzgraphxst. Primarily for teaching and welcoming a visiting scholar, but also for AFM’s own writing.

314Victoria University: Notes on Breton and Rimbaud2019-2024

Handwritten notes and typed translations (some by AFM) of André Breton and Arthur Rimbaud, for AFM’s own use and for teaching.

315Victoria University: More Notes on Miłosz, Blake and Ellul2009-2024

Handwritten notes by AFM on Czesław Miłosz, William Blake, Joseph Ellul and others, both for his own work and for teaching.

316Victoria University: Notes on Film and Music2010-2024

Handwritten notes by AFM on film and music, primarily for teaching but also for his own work. Includes some printouts of film images and articles on civil rights and music.

317Victoria University: Charley Patton2010-2024

Typewritten items related to American musician Charley Patton, for teaching and for AFM’s own work. Includes AFM’s transcriptions of Patton’s songs, revised in places by himself, and AFM’s notes in essay form on Patton and the 1927 Mississippi flood.

318Victoria University: Notes on Form and Content2010-2024

One page of handwritten notes and selected sample poems for teaching students about the form and content of poetry.

319Victoria University: Course Notes2003 and 2011

Handwritten notes for courses taught at Victoria University in 2003 and 2011.

320Victoria University: Student Thanks2012-2024

A collection of thank-you cards and end-of-year thank-you posters from students in AFM’s Vic One and Creative Writing Courses.

Series: 3: Poetry manuscripts, essays and related records
34Notebook and translations[n.d.]

File contains three items:

1) A small black notebook with 3 pages of handwritten notes and ideas.

2) AFM’s typewritten translation of Rainer Maria Rilke’s “Magic”.

3) A typewritten draft of AFM’s “Lao Tzu’s Spear” with a second page Russian translation by Svitlana Kobets. This poem was made for and published in an international anthology of poets writing in support of the arrested and imprisoned Russian punk girl-group Pussy Riot.

Series: 4: Correspondence / Subject files
31McKay2020, 2023-2024

Three handwritten letters from Canadian poet Don McKay to AFM, with a copy of AFM’s typewritten response to Don sent in 2024.

Series: 5: Poetry Readings
32Exiles Write Back2001

Program from Exiles Write Back, a session of readings and panel discussion at Massey College moderated by Beatriz Zeller (Haufner).

Series: 6: Periodicals containing material by or about A.F. Moritz
33[Poetry clippings]2008-2010

Three clippings from AFM’s career:

1) “A hidden treasure, a remarkable voice” review of The Sentinel by Richard Greene, The National Post, May 10, 2008.

2) “What Man Has Made of Man” by A.F. Moritz, Poetry, October 30, 2009.

3) “We will follow the earth” by A.F. Moritz, The Newspaper, Vol. XXXIII, No. 9, November 11, 2010.

2024.10, Box 4
Series: 1: Education
44Dissertation defense1975

Program of AFM’s final public examination in defense of his Ph.D. in English at Marquette University, with rules and regulations surrounding the defense and submission requirements, and the title page of the dissertation, with several handwritten notes in preparation for the defense as marginalia. Also includes a microfilm requirements brochure.

Series: 10: Translation projects
48Selected Poems in Bengali2024

A copy of Selected Poems of A.F. Moritz in Bengali, translated by Momo Kazi and published by Sanjoy Majumdar. Also includes a 3-page printout of an online translation of the author biography on the back flap.

49Variety Crossing 132011

Variety Crossing 13, Connectivism with AFM’s poem “What Way” on page 28, with a translation into Korean by editor Dae-Tong Huh on the opposite page. Includes a coordinating bookmark.

410Mirrors and Windows2010

Five poems by AFM translated into Mandarin by Anna Yin in her work Mirrors and Windows, Guernica Editions, 2021.

Series: 11: Personal material
43Johnstone broadside[n.d.]

Limited-edition broadside of Canadian poet Jim Johnstone’s poem, “Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte” from Baseline Press.

46Miscellaneous ephemera2004-2023

Miscellaneous correspondence, thank-you cards, pamphlets, invitations, tickets and newsletter articles.

412Revolt of the Masses[before 2024]

AFM’s annotated copy of José Ortega y Gasset’s The Revolt of the Masses.

Series: 2: Teaching
41Victoria University: Northrop Frye Office1993, [before 2024]

Contains various notes hung on the door of AFM’s office at Northrop Frye Hall and a poster for a Ludwig Zeller seminar on poetry, which hung on the wall of his office until he moved out in Spring 2024.

42Victoria University: Student Chapbooks2012-2013, 2019-2020

Five chapbooks and a typewritten poem by students in AFM’s Creative Writing courses.

Series: 4: Correspondence / Subject files
45Chester Johnson2010, 2013-2014

Typed letter from J. Chester Johnson to AFM with two enclosed texts of Johnson’s own works, with an inscribed note to AFM.

Series: 8: Anthologies containing A.F. Moritz poems
411Five Canadian Poets2021

A copy of Five Canadian Poets: Analytical Essays on James Deahl, John B. Lee, Don Gutteridge, Glen Sorestad and A.F. Mortiz by Miguel Ángel Olivé Iglesias, containing a poem by AFM and an essay about him by the author.

Series: 9: Literary related activities
47IV Festival de Poesía2010

Poster from the IV Festival de Poesía, Lenguas de las Americas at the Centro Cultural Universitario in Mexico, featuring AFM among the guest poets. The poster hung in AFM’s office in Northrop Frye Hall for more than a decade.

2024.10, Box 5
Series: 6: Periodicals containing material by or about A.F. Moritz
51Exile, Winter 20052005

Exile 2005 containing five poems by AFM.

52Poetry, January 20042004

Poetry, Vol. CLXXXV, No. 4, January 2004, containing five poems by AFM.

53Poetry, May 20062006

Poetry, Vol. CLXXXVIII, No. 2, May 2006 containing three poems by AFM.

54Poetry, June 20072007

Poetry, Vol. CXC, No. 3, June 2007 containing three poems by AFM.

55Poetry, November 20112011

Poetry, Vol. CXCIX, No. 2, November 2011 containing two poems by AFM.

56Griffin Poetry Prize Anthology2024

Griffin Poetry Prize Anthology 2024, edited by AFM and containing his preface.

Refer to 2024.10, Box 2, File 2 for material relating to AFM’s work as a jury member and editor for the Griffin Poetry Prize.


Freefall, Vol. 34, No. 1, Spring 2024 containing three poems by AFM.

58Verse Afire2024

Poem, “The Book Travels” in Verse Afire, Vol. 1, No. 2, June 2024.