Records relating to research on Methodists and The Credit Mission (Mrs. Catharine Sutton or Nahnee, Peter Jacobs, and Joseph Sawyer)

Title: Records relating to research on Methodists and The Credit Mission (Mrs. Catharine Sutton or Nahnee, Peter Jacobs, and Joseph Sawyer)
Dates of Material:
1.28 m of textual records
Scope and content

Series consists of research files on methodism, methodists, and the Credit Mission, including timelines, biographical information, photocopies of correspondence and reports, and other records. It is divided into four subheadings: Non-Aboriginal Methodist Church personalities, The Credit Mission, Nahnee (Mrs. Catharine Sutton), and Peter Jacobs and Henry Steinhauer.

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Non-Aboriginal Methodist Church personalities
711Methodist Indians: Government Christian Guardian articles
712Methodist/First Nations, 1840-1885
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81Canada West Methodists' Plan to Consolidate First Nation Missions: Resolution of Committee on Indian Affairs, Feb. 1856, Government Response
83Methodists: Personalities
84Ezra Adams
85Robert Alder
86J.B. Benham
87Robert and Elizabeth Brooking
88Robert Brooking: Corres.
89John Carroll
810William Case
811William Case and Egerton Ryerson
812Rev. A. Burnside: B.D. Thesis on William Case, 19571957
813William Case: Journal, 1808-1809
814William Case: Corres., reports, 1780-1829
815William Case: Corres., reports, 1830-1855
816"Mrs. William Case": Hetty Hubbard, Eliza Barnes
817William Case: Jubilee Sermon, London, June 6, 1855
818William Case: Female Mission Workers
819John Douse
820Lorenzo Dow
821James Evans
822James Evans: Corres.
823Ephraim Evans
824James Evans: Timeline
825James Evans: Inventories of papers
826T.S. Howard
827Abner Hurd (1813-1836)
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91Sylvester Hurlburt
92Thomas Hurlburt
93Thomas Hurlbert: Timeline
94Wellington Jeffers
95John Lawrence
96Mercy Manwaring
97William Mason
98John Pitezel: Methodists in Michigan, early 1850s
99James Richardson
910Matthew Richey
911Samuel Rice
912Benjamin Slight
913Joseph Stinson
914Joseph Stinson: Methodist Ojibwe Outreach, 1830s
915Rev. Cortland Van Dusen
916Thomas Williams
917Soloman Waldron
918Enoch Wood
The Credit Mission
919Old Credit Mission: Images
920Old Credit Mission: Timeline, 1825-1847
921Old Credit: Maps
922Old Credit Mission: Descriptions of the Village
923Old Credit Mission: Adjustment of British Law (Mark Walters)
924Conrad Heidenreich: Mississauga of the Credit, to 1847
926Old Credit Mission, 1825-1847: Background
927Hope MacLean: Mississauga education, mid 19th century (thesis)
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101Upper Canada: Non-native education
102Dr. Joseph Adamson
103Mississauga on the Credit: Heritage
104Credit Mission: Census, 1835
105Credit Mission: Transitional year, letters and annuities (New Credit Reserve Office), 1846
106Mississauga: Born on Toronto Island
107James Ajetance
108John Cameron (1764-1828)
1010William Elliott (1842-1925)
1011Isaac B. Henry, Joseph Henry, and descendants
1013Charles Herkimer
1014James Johnson ("Yankee Jim")
1015Thomas McGee (1799-1856)
1016James McLean: Indian Agent, 1857-1863
1017Mike family: New Credit, 1871-1872
1018Peter Olds
1019Peter Salt (nephew of Rev. Allan Salt)
1020David Sawyer: Timeline
1021Joseph Sawyer
1022Joseph Sawyer portrait (James Spencer)
1023Quinipeno (Bronte Creek)
1024John Summerfield
1025James Tobico
1027Removal to New Credit, 1847
1028Old Credit Mission: Location of lots, 1846
1029Port Credit: Toronto Township
1030Credit Mission Church Registry
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111Old Credit Mission: Family history charts done in early 1970s
112J.S. Buckingham
113James Coleman
114Rev. James Magrath
115Thaddeus Osgoode: Comments on Peter Jones
Nahnee (Mrs. Catharine Sutton)
117Nahnee: General
118Nahnee: Images and rough notes
119Nahnee: General articles
1110Nahnee: "Catharine" or "Catherine"?
1111Nahnee: Spelling of her name
1112Kaikake Sonigo (Polly)
1113Nahnee: Credit River childhood and Credit Mission, 1824-1846
1114Nahnee: Excellent sources (duplicates)
1115William Sutton (1811-1894): Timeline

File contains one strip of 3 negatives of what appears to be a seated portrait of Mr. Wm Sutton (as labeled on the images).

1116Nahnee: Owen Sound, 1846-1852
1117Bill Fitzgerald: Reports on Lots 31-34 (includes CD-R) 1999, 2003-2004
1118Sault Ste. Marie: Methodists' Mississauga outreach, early 1830s/ George McDougall, early 1850s
1119Nahnee: Sault Ste. Marie, 1852-1856
1120John Sheridan Hogan
1121Nahnee: Indian Status after Gradual Civilization Act (1857)
1122Nahnee: Owen Sound, 1857-1860 (Comet in 1860)
1123Nahnee: En route to England, March-April 1860
1124Nahnee: Trip to England, May-Sept. 1860
1125Quakers: New York City, 1860s
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121Nahnee: Lewis Henry Morgan, March 1860
122The Alsops
123Ethnological Society of London
124Captain William Kennedy
125Nahnee: Return to Canada and Owen Sound, 1860-1865
126Nahnee: Queen Victoria, June 1860
127Nahnee: On Manitoulin Island, early 1860s
128Charles Julyan: Timeline
129Julyan Family: Corres.
1210The Toronto Leader, 1862
1211Susan Schank: Sutton family descendants
1212Nahnee: Catharine Sutton Jr. (1852-1900)
1213Susan Schank: Corres. and articles
1214Nahnee: Donald Smith's texts
1215William Sutton: Journals
1216Sutton Property: Lots 31-35

File contains 44 photographs and 6 negatives. The photographs are organized into three sets:

The first two sets contain photographs of the Sutton Property taken in fall 1996. Each set is comprised of 19 photos, with captions describing the images on the reverse side.

The third set contains six photographs of Sutton's Point taken in August 1997, with captions describing the images on the back of each photo.

1217Nahnee: Georgian Villas
Peter Jacobs and Henry Steinhauer (1817?–1845)
1218Peter Jacobs: Overview
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131Peter Jacobs: Images
132Peter Jacobs: Endorsements and evaluations of his character
133Peter Jacobs: Mike Angel's Inventories and things to see
134Peter Jacobs: Timeline, ca. 1813-1839
135Cummer Mills Camp: Meeting ground, June 10-13, 1828
136Peter Jacobs: Timeline, 1840-1845
137Methodists' Outreach to North West/ Rupert's Land, 1840-1854
138Rainy Lake: Boundary Waters (overview articles)
139Rainy River/ Lac La Pluie, Lac Seul, Osnaburgh (Angel/ Brown)
1310Peter Jacobs: Exeter Hall, May 1, 1843
1311Exeter Hall, London, England: Background
1312Peter Jacobs: The Cranes (Ed and Mary Rogers), 1841-1845
1313Peter Jacobs: Timeline, 1846-1849
1314Kane, Paul, and Peter Jacobs, June 15, 1846
1315Letitia Hargrave
1316Peter Jacobs: 1850
1317Peter Jacobs: 1851
1318Peter Jacobs: 1852
1319Peter Jacobs: 1853
1320Peter Jacobs: 1854
1321Peter Jacobs: 1855
1322Peter Jacobs: 1856-1858
1323Peter Jacobs: 1859-1865
1324Peter Jacobs: 1866-1890
1325Betsey Anderson Jacobs
1326Anderson Family (Rice Lake): Jacobs family corres.
1327Captain Charles Anderson (Peter Jacobs' wife's father)
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141Major Francis John St. Quintin
142Peter Jacobs Jr.
143Rev. Peter Jacobs Jr.: Timeline
144Charles Jacobs
145Maria Jacobs (Nawang)
146Peter Jacobs: Daughters and Betsey
147Rev. John Jacobs
148Andrew Jacobs
149Peter Jacobs: Descendants
1410J.H. Lefroy
1411Lavern Jacobs
1412John Tanner
1413Steinhauer: Timeline, 1817?-1839
1414Steinhauer: Timeline, 1840-1845