Records relating to research on Peter and Eliza Jones

Title: Records relating to research on Peter and Eliza Jones
Dates of Material:
1.32 m of textual records
Scope and content

Series consists of biographical and genealogical information gathered on Peter and Eliza Jones, including timelines, photographs, photocopies of original correspondence and diaries, and other records. Also includes drafts and published copies of articles written by Smith about Peter and Eliza Jones.

Access restrictions

Access to correspondence with Don Jones and the Seth Crawford research file (2018.02) is restricted until 2040.

2013.08, Box 1
11Peter Jones: Biographical overviews
12Peter Jones: Character outlook and appearance
13Peter Jones: Sermons
14Peter Jones: Interest in history
15Peter Jones: Anecdote book
16Peter Jones: Images (includes photocopies of certificate of ordination and marriage certificate)
17Peter Jones: Final images
18Peter Jones: Images
19Peter Jones: Portrait of Eliza with son, George Jones, dated 1853
110Augustus Jones: Overviews
111Augustus Jones: Rundell M. Lewis' timeline, 1957
112Corres. re: Augustus Jonas
113Augustus Jones: Timeline
114Augustus Jones: Location of his land
115Augustus Jones War of 1812, claim for losses
116Gage family
117John Jones: Biographical information
118John Jones: Timeline
119Sarah Tekarihogen (wife of Augustus Jones)
120Rachel Jones Parker (Peter Jones' sister)
121Catharine Jones Russell (daughter of Augustus Jones) (genealogical information compiled by her granddaughters Roseanna Hoover and Wilma Jamieson, 1959-1962; given to Donald Smith in 1976 by Helen Hoover)1976
122Catharine Jones Russell: Corres.
123Francis Wilson Jones
124Peter Jones: Archival holdings
125Peter Jones: Growing up Mississauga
2013.08, Box 2
21Peter Jones: Family tree (by Allan Sherwin)
22Burlington Heights1985, 2008, n.d.
23Peter Jones: 1821-1824
24War of 1812: Mississauga at Western End of Lake Ontario
25Peter Jones: Grand River, 1816-1824
26Peter Jones: Conversion to Methodism, June 1823
27Upper Canada: Funding Methodist Missions
28Thomas Davis and Davisville1987
29Squire Davis
210Davisville: Papers by Gary Warrick2002-2005
211DVD "Written in the Earth: The Story of Davisville" and corres. with Carol Bruce2007
212Methodist: Grand River Mission
213Peter Jones: 1825-1828
214Peter Jones: Diary, Dec. 6, 1827-Feb. 14, 1828
215York Council, January 1828
216Peter Jones: Diary, Feb. 15-April 8, 1828
217Bidwell Committee (Buckley Waters), Feb. 23, 1828
218Peter Jones: Diary, Aug. 23, 1828-Sept. 17, 1829
219Peter Jones: American Tour, March-May 1829
220Peter Jones: Corres., press clippings, 1829
221Peter Jones: Corres., press clippings, 1830-March 1831
2013.08, Box 3
31Peter Jones: British Tour, 1831-May 1832
32Peter Jones: Album, 1831-1832
33Peter Jones: Masks, "idols"
34Peter Jones: Missionary Reports, corres., 1832-1834
35Peter Jones: The Field Family1972, 1975, n.d.
36Peter Jones: Children of Peter and Eliza Jones
37Charles Augustus Jones
38Frederick Jones
39George Jones
310Peter Jones: Translation of the Methodist Discipline, 1835
311Peter Jones: Missionary Reports, corres., 1835-1837
312Peter Jones: Educational/Industrial Schools
313Peter Jones: British Tour, 1837-1838
314Peter Jones: Queen Victoria, Sept. 14, 1838 (wampum)
315Peter Jones: British Tour, Autograph book
316Peter Jones: Missionary Reports, corres., 1838-1839
317Eliza Jones: Diary of English Trip, March 22-Sept. 20, 1838
318Mississauga: ("One Bowl") Hunting rights on the North Shore of Lake Ontario, 1840 2007, n.d.
319Peter Jones: Missionary Reports, corres., 1840-1841
320Peter Jones: The Monthly Review articles by Hugh Scobie, May 1841
321Peter Jones: Missionary Reports, corres., 1842-1844
2013.08, Box 4
41Peter Jones: Missionary Reports, corres., 1845
42Peter Jones: Photograph, Edinburgh, Aug. 4, 18451987, n.d.
43Peter Jones: Missionary Reports, corres., 1846
44Peter Jones: Missionary Reports, corres., 1847
45Peter Jones: Missionary Reports, corres., 1848-1849
46Peter Jones: Missionary Reports, corres., 1850-1851
47Peter Jones: Reinternment of Joseph Brant, Nov. 25, 1850
48Peter Jones: Missionary Reports, corres., 1852
49Peter Jones: White Fish Point, Lake Superior, July 1852
410Peter Jones: Missionary Reports, corres., 1853
411Peter Jones: Missionary Reports, corres., 1854
412Peter Jones: Investor in the Buffalo and Brantford Railway
413Peter Jones: Missionary Reports, corres., 1855
414Peter Jones: The final years and June 1856
415Eliza Field: General
416Peter Jones: Eliza Field inscription book (Louise Thorp)
417Ojibwe: Marriage and women
418Ojibwe women
419Eliza Jones: Images
420Jones family: Peter, Eliza, and children
421Eliza Jones: Notes for Ph D thesis "Negotiating Race and Gender in the Diaries of Eliza Jones, British Wife of an Ojibwa Missionary in Upper Canada, 1823-1883" by Jennifer Lund 2010
422Eliza Jones: Transcribing of council minutes, letters, translations (editorial work)
423Eliza Jones: England years
2013.08, Box 5
51Eliza Field Jones: Diary, 1833
52Peter Jones: Wedding, Sept. 8, 1833
53Francis Hall
54Eliza Jones: Diary, mid-1830s
55Eliza Jones: Contact with First Nations and her status (Indian)
56Eliza Jones: Diary, April 13, 1834-Sept. 13, 1835
57Eliza Jones' copy of Jones, Evans, and Maungwudaus Hymn Book, 1837
58Elizabeth Jones (daughter of John Jones and Christiana Brant Jones), 1838
59Eliza Jones: Diary, 1838-1841 (irregular entries)
510Eliza Jones: Diary, July 18, 1845-Nov. 9, 1845
511Peter Jones: Echo Villa (built in1851)
512Eliza Jones: Diaries, misc., 1850s (attached to 1845 Diary)
513Eliza Jones: Diary, 1854
514Eliza Jones: Diary, April 24-June 29, 1856
515John Carey: Chippewa of the Thames, "Muncy" Report 1994
516Eliza Jones: Editing of Peter's diaries, history
517Eliza Jones: Diary, Oct. 9, 1863-Jan. 19, 1864
518Eliza Jones: Diary, Jan. 1 1869-May 1, 1870
519Eliza Jones: Diary, 1871
520Eliza Jones: Diary, 1872
521Eliza Jones: Sketch of the Life of Captain Joseph Brant, Thayendanagea 1872
522Eliza Jones: Diary, 1873-1874 (selected entries)
523Eliza Jones: Diary, Oct. 24, 1880-June 1, 1881
524Eliza Jones: Diary, 1882
525Eliza Jones: Memoir of Son, Charles Augustus Jones
526Christmas Day, 1882
527Eliza Jones: Diary, 1883
528Eliza Jones: Will, 1889
529Eliza Jones: 1890 and August 17, 1890 (death)
530Peter Jones: Misunderstanding of Land at Muncey, 1855
531James Bovell
532Dr. Egerton Griffin
533Judge Stephen James Jones
534Peter Jones: Immediately after his death

File contains a photograph of Peter Jones' monument in Greenwood Cemetery in Brantford.

(Photos P1)
2013.08, Box 6
61National Aboriginal Month, Kick Off Event, Dundas Square, June 1, 20102010
62First Nations and Christianity
63United Church Apology, Bill Phipps, Oct. 26, 19981998
64Indian Religion: Christian Missionary Work
65Mississauga Portraits: Conversion to Christianity
66Methodism in Upper Canada: Methodist Episcopal-Cavish Conference (Methodist Episcopal Church)
67Methodist doctrine, discipline, and organization
68Methodism: Organization and culture of John and Charles Wesley
Correspondence re: Sacred Feathers
69Corres. (incoming) 1970-1975
610Corres. (incoming) 1976-1977
611Corres. (incoming) 1978
612Corres. (incoming) 1979-1980
613Corres. (incoming) 1981-1982
614Corres. (incoming) 1983
2013.08, Box 7
71Corres. (incoming) 1984
72Corres. (incoming) 1985
73Comments on book and contract (University of Nebraska Press) 1985-1986
74Corres. (incoming and outgoing) 1986
75Corres. (incoming and outgoing) 1987
76Sacred Feathers book tour, Nov. 16-21, 1987 1987
77Corres. (incoming and outgoing) 1988
78American and British reviews 1988-1990
79Canadian reviews 1987-1990
710Corres. (incoming) 1972-1988
2017.03, Box 1
11Eliza Jones: "Eliza Field Jones Carey's Mission to 'Civilize' the Native Women of the Early Nineteenth Century Upper Canada" thesis by Jennifer Lund1991


12Eliza Jones: Biographical information1997

Excerpt from "Significant Lives: Profiles of Brant County Women".

2018.02, Box 1
11 RRCorrespondence with Don Jones2015-2016

Correspondence regarding Augustus Jones, Peter Jones and the Mississauga.

12Augustus Jones Marriages and Children2017

Includes correspondence.

13 RRSeth Crawford

Contains biographical information on Seth Crawford, an early Methodist worker and friend of Peter Jones.

2019.05, Box 1
11Creighton, Kennedy

Research material related to Kennedy Creighton, a Methodist minister and friend of Peter Jones who welcomed him to his home in St. Catharines.

14Locating the site where Peter Jones was converted to Methodism, 18232014-2016


17"The Red Atlantic: American Indigenes and the Making of the Modern World, 1000-1927"2014

Article with information on Peter Jones, used in Smith's research notes.

2023.01, Box 1
11"A Most Unusual Transatlantic Courtship, 1831-1833"ca. 1977

Handwritten draft article on the courtship of Peter Jones and Eliza Field. Published in The Beaver in 1977 as "The Transatlantic Courtship of the Reverend Peter Jones".

See 2023.01, Box 1, File 2 for the published article.

12Articles on Peter and Eliza Jones1977

Copies of three articles written by Smith on the marriage of Peter and Eliza Jones. Published in The Beaver in 1977. Includes:

"The Transatlantic Courtship of the Reverend Peter Jones". The Beaver: The Magazine of the North, Outfit 308:1, Summer 1977.

"Eliza and the Reverend Peter Jones". The Beaver: The Magazine of the North, Outfit 308:2, Autumn 1977.

"Peter and Eliza Jones: Their Last Years". The Beaver: The Magazine of the North, Outfit 308: 3, Winter 1977.