Box/File List

Donald B. Smith

2013.08, Box 1
Series: 1: Records relating to research on Peter and Eliza Jones
11Peter Jones: Biographical overviews
12Peter Jones: Character outlook and appearance
13Peter Jones: Sermons
14Peter Jones: Interest in history
15Peter Jones: Anecdote book
16Peter Jones: Images (includes photocopies of certificate of ordination and marriage certificate)
17Peter Jones: Final images
18Peter Jones: Images
19Peter Jones: Portrait of Eliza with son, George Jones, dated 1853
110Augustus Jones: Overviews
111Augustus Jones: Rundell M. Lewis' timeline, 1957
112Corres. re: Augustus Jonas
113Augustus Jones: Timeline
114Augustus Jones: Location of his land
115Augustus Jones War of 1812, claim for losses
116Gage family
117John Jones: Biographical information
118John Jones: Timeline
119Sarah Tekarihogen (wife of Augustus Jones)
120Rachel Jones Parker (Peter Jones' sister)
121Catharine Jones Russell (daughter of Augustus Jones) (genealogical information compiled by her granddaughters Roseanna Hoover and Wilma Jamieson, 1959-1962; given to Donald Smith in 1976 by Helen Hoover)1976
122Catharine Jones Russell: Corres.
123Francis Wilson Jones
124Peter Jones: Archival holdings
125Peter Jones: Growing up Mississauga
2013.08, Box 2
Series: 1: Records relating to research on Peter and Eliza Jones
21Peter Jones: Family tree (by Allan Sherwin)
22Burlington Heights1985, 2008, n.d.
23Peter Jones: 1821-1824
24War of 1812: Mississauga at Western End of Lake Ontario
25Peter Jones: Grand River, 1816-1824
26Peter Jones: Conversion to Methodism, June 1823
27Upper Canada: Funding Methodist Missions
28Thomas Davis and Davisville1987
29Squire Davis
210Davisville: Papers by Gary Warrick2002-2005
211DVD "Written in the Earth: The Story of Davisville" and corres. with Carol Bruce2007
212Methodist: Grand River Mission
213Peter Jones: 1825-1828
214Peter Jones: Diary, Dec. 6, 1827-Feb. 14, 1828
215York Council, January 1828
216Peter Jones: Diary, Feb. 15-April 8, 1828
217Bidwell Committee (Buckley Waters), Feb. 23, 1828
218Peter Jones: Diary, Aug. 23, 1828-Sept. 17, 1829
219Peter Jones: American Tour, March-May 1829
220Peter Jones: Corres., press clippings, 1829
221Peter Jones: Corres., press clippings, 1830-March 1831
2013.08, Box 3
Series: 1: Records relating to research on Peter and Eliza Jones
31Peter Jones: British Tour, 1831-May 1832
32Peter Jones: Album, 1831-1832
33Peter Jones: Masks, "idols"
34Peter Jones: Missionary Reports, corres., 1832-1834
35Peter Jones: The Field Family1972, 1975, n.d.
36Peter Jones: Children of Peter and Eliza Jones
37Charles Augustus Jones
38Frederick Jones
39George Jones
310Peter Jones: Translation of the Methodist Discipline, 1835
311Peter Jones: Missionary Reports, corres., 1835-1837
312Peter Jones: Educational/Industrial Schools
313Peter Jones: British Tour, 1837-1838
314Peter Jones: Queen Victoria, Sept. 14, 1838 (wampum)
315Peter Jones: British Tour, Autograph book
316Peter Jones: Missionary Reports, corres., 1838-1839
317Eliza Jones: Diary of English Trip, March 22-Sept. 20, 1838
318Mississauga: ("One Bowl") Hunting rights on the North Shore of Lake Ontario, 1840 2007, n.d.
319Peter Jones: Missionary Reports, corres., 1840-1841
320Peter Jones: The Monthly Review articles by Hugh Scobie, May 1841
321Peter Jones: Missionary Reports, corres., 1842-1844
2013.08, Box 4
Series: 1: Records relating to research on Peter and Eliza Jones
41Peter Jones: Missionary Reports, corres., 1845
42Peter Jones: Photograph, Edinburgh, Aug. 4, 18451987, n.d.
43Peter Jones: Missionary Reports, corres., 1846
44Peter Jones: Missionary Reports, corres., 1847
45Peter Jones: Missionary Reports, corres., 1848-1849
46Peter Jones: Missionary Reports, corres., 1850-1851
47Peter Jones: Reinternment of Joseph Brant, Nov. 25, 1850
48Peter Jones: Missionary Reports, corres., 1852
49Peter Jones: White Fish Point, Lake Superior, July 1852
410Peter Jones: Missionary Reports, corres., 1853
411Peter Jones: Missionary Reports, corres., 1854
412Peter Jones: Investor in the Buffalo and Brantford Railway
413Peter Jones: Missionary Reports, corres., 1855
414Peter Jones: The final years and June 1856
415Eliza Field: General
416Peter Jones: Eliza Field inscription book (Louise Thorp)
417Ojibwe: Marriage and women
418Ojibwe women
419Eliza Jones: Images
420Jones family: Peter, Eliza, and children
421Eliza Jones: Notes for Ph D thesis "Negotiating Race and Gender in the Diaries of Eliza Jones, British Wife of an Ojibwa Missionary in Upper Canada, 1823-1883" by Jennifer Lund 2010
422Eliza Jones: Transcribing of council minutes, letters, translations (editorial work)
423Eliza Jones: England years
2013.08, Box 5
Series: 1: Records relating to research on Peter and Eliza Jones
51Eliza Field Jones: Diary, 1833
52Peter Jones: Wedding, Sept. 8, 1833
53Francis Hall
54Eliza Jones: Diary, mid-1830s
55Eliza Jones: Contact with First Nations and her status (Indian)
56Eliza Jones: Diary, April 13, 1834-Sept. 13, 1835
57Eliza Jones' copy of Jones, Evans, and Maungwudaus Hymn Book, 1837
58Elizabeth Jones (daughter of John Jones and Christiana Brant Jones), 1838
59Eliza Jones: Diary, 1838-1841 (irregular entries)
510Eliza Jones: Diary, July 18, 1845-Nov. 9, 1845
511Peter Jones: Echo Villa (built in1851)
512Eliza Jones: Diaries, misc., 1850s (attached to 1845 Diary)
513Eliza Jones: Diary, 1854
514Eliza Jones: Diary, April 24-June 29, 1856
515John Carey: Chippewa of the Thames, "Muncy" Report 1994
516Eliza Jones: Editing of Peter's diaries, history
517Eliza Jones: Diary, Oct. 9, 1863-Jan. 19, 1864
518Eliza Jones: Diary, Jan. 1 1869-May 1, 1870
519Eliza Jones: Diary, 1871
520Eliza Jones: Diary, 1872
521Eliza Jones: Sketch of the Life of Captain Joseph Brant, Thayendanagea 1872
522Eliza Jones: Diary, 1873-1874 (selected entries)
523Eliza Jones: Diary, Oct. 24, 1880-June 1, 1881
524Eliza Jones: Diary, 1882
525Eliza Jones: Memoir of Son, Charles Augustus Jones
526Christmas Day, 1882
527Eliza Jones: Diary, 1883
528Eliza Jones: Will, 1889
529Eliza Jones: 1890 and August 17, 1890 (death)

File contains two copies of a photograph of Lambeth Cottage in Brantford, Ontario, where Eliza Jones' funeral was held. The photos were taken in 1998.

(Photos P1)
530Peter Jones: Misunderstanding of Land at Muncey, 1855
531James Bovell
532Dr. Egerton Griffin
533Judge Stephen James Jones
534Peter Jones: Immediately after his death

File contains a photograph of Peter Jones' monument in Greenwood Cemetery in Brantford.

(Photos P1)
2013.08, Box 6
Series: 1: Records relating to research on Peter and Eliza Jones
61National Aboriginal Month, Kick Off Event, Dundas Square, June 1, 20102010
62First Nations and Christianity
63United Church Apology, Bill Phipps, Oct. 26, 19981998
64Indian Religion: Christian Missionary Work
65Mississauga Portraits: Conversion to Christianity
66Methodism in Upper Canada: Methodist Episcopal-Cavish Conference (Methodist Episcopal Church)
67Methodist doctrine, discipline, and organization
68Methodism: Organization and culture of John and Charles Wesley
Correspondence re: Sacred Feathers
69Corres. (incoming) 1970-1975
610Corres. (incoming) 1976-1977
611Corres. (incoming) 1978
612Corres. (incoming) 1979-1980
613Corres. (incoming) 1981-1982
614Corres. (incoming) 1983
2013.08, Box 7
Series: 1: Records relating to research on Peter and Eliza Jones
71Corres. (incoming) 1984
72Corres. (incoming) 1985
73Comments on book and contract (University of Nebraska Press) 1985-1986
74Corres. (incoming and outgoing) 1986
75Corres. (incoming and outgoing) 1987
76Sacred Feathers book tour, Nov. 16-21, 1987 1987
77Corres. (incoming and outgoing) 1988
78American and British reviews 1988-1990
79Canadian reviews 1987-1990
710Corres. (incoming) 1972-1988
Series: 2: Records relating to research on Methodists and The Credit Mission (Mrs. Catharine Sutton or Nahnee, Peter Jacobs, and Joseph Sawyer)
Non-Aboriginal Methodist Church personalities
711Methodist Indians: Government Christian Guardian articles
712Methodist/First Nations, 1840-1885
2013.08, Box 8
Series: 2: Records relating to research on Methodists and The Credit Mission (Mrs. Catharine Sutton or Nahnee, Peter Jacobs, and Joseph Sawyer)
81Canada West Methodists' Plan to Consolidate First Nation Missions: Resolution of Committee on Indian Affairs, Feb. 1856, Government Response
83Methodists: Personalities
84Ezra Adams
85Robert Adler
86J.B. Benham
87Robert and Elizabeth Brooking
88Robert Alder: Corres.
89John Carroll
810William Case
811William Case and Egerton Ryerson
812Rev. A. Burnside: B.D. Thesis on William Case, 19571957
813William Case: Journal, 1808-1809
814William Case: Corres., reports, 1780-1829
815William Case: Corres., reports, 1830-1855
816"Mrs. William Case": Hetty Hubbard, Eliza Barnes
817William Case: Jubilee Sermon, London, June 6, 1855
818William Case: Female Mission Workers
819John Douse
820Lorenzo Dow
821James Evans
822James Evans: Corres.
823Ephraim Evans
824James Evans: Timeline
825James Evans: Inventories of papers
826T.S. Howard
827Abner Hurd (1813-1836)
2013.08, Box 9
Series: 2: Records relating to research on Methodists and The Credit Mission (Mrs. Catharine Sutton or Nahnee, Peter Jacobs, and Joseph Sawyer)
91Sylvester Hurlburt
92Thomas Hurlburt
93Thomas Hurlbert: Timeline
94Wellington Jeffers
95John Lawrence
96Mercy Manwaring
97William Mason
98John Pitezel: Methodists in Michigan, early 1850s
99James Richardson
910Matthew Richey
911Samuel Rice
912Benjamin Slight
913Joseph Stinson
914Joseph Stinson: Methodist Ojibwe Outreach, 1830s
915Rev. Cortland Van Dusen
916Thomas Williams
917Soloman Waldron
918Enoch Wood
The Credit Mission
919Old Credit Mission: Images
920Old Credit Mission: Timeline, 1825-1847
921Old Credit: Maps
922Old Credit Mission: Descriptions of the Village
923Old Credit Mission: Adjustment of British Law (Mark Walters)
924Conrad Heidenreich: Mississauga of the Credit, to 1847
926Old Credit Mission, 1825-1847: Background
927Hope MacLean: Mississauga education, mid 19th century (thesis)
2013.08, Box 10
Series: 2: Records relating to research on Methodists and The Credit Mission (Mrs. Catharine Sutton or Nahnee, Peter Jacobs, and Joseph Sawyer)
101Upper Canada: Non-native education
102Dr. Joseph Adamson
103Mississauga on the Credit: Heritage
104Credit Mission: Census, 1835
105Credit Mission: Transitional year, letters and annuities (New Credit Reserve Office), 1846
106Mississauga: Born on Toronto Island
107James Ajetance
108John Cameron (1764-1828)
1010William Elliott (1842-1925)
1011Isaac B. Henry, Joseph Henry, and descendants
1013Charles Herkimer
1014James Johnson ("Yankee Jim")
1015Thomas McGee (1799-1856)
1016James McLean: Indian Agent, 1857-1863
1017Mike family: New Credit, 1871-1872
1018Peter Olds
1019Peter Salt (nephew of Rev. Allan Salt)
1020David Sawyer: Timeline
1021Joseph Sawyer
1022Joseph Sawyer portrait (James Spencer)
1023Quinipeno (Bronte Creek)
1024John Summerfield
1025James Tobico
1027Removal to New Credit, 1847
1028Old Credit Mission: Location of lots, 1846
1029Port Credit: Toronto Township
1030Credit Mission Church Registry
2013.08, Box 11
Series: 2: Records relating to research on Methodists and The Credit Mission (Mrs. Catharine Sutton or Nahnee, Peter Jacobs, and Joseph Sawyer)
111Old Credit Mission: Family history charts done in early 1970s
112J.S. Buckingham
113James Coleman
114Rev. James Magrath
115Thaddeus Osgoode: Comments on Peter Jones
Nahnee (Mrs. Catharine Sutton)
117Nahnee: General
118Nahnee: Images and rough notes
119Nahnee: General articles
1110Nahnee: "Catharine" or "Catherine"?
1111Nahnee: Spelling of her name
1112Kaikake Sonigo (Polly)
1113Nahnee: Credit River childhood and Credit Mission, 1824-1846
1114Nahnee: Excellent sources (duplicates)
1115William Sutton (1811-1894): Timeline

File contains one strip of 3 negatives of what appears to be a seated portrait of Mr. Wm Sutton (as labeled on the images).

1116Nahnee: Owen Sound, 1846-1852
1117Bill Fitzgerald: Reports on Lots 31-34 (includes CD-R) 1999, 2003-2004
1118Sault Ste. Marie: Methodists' Mississauga outreach, early 1830s/ George McDougall, early 1850s
1119Nahnee: Sault Ste. Marie, 1852-1856
1120John Sheridan Hogan
1121Nahnee: Indian Status after Gradual Civilization Act (1857)
1122Nahnee: Owen Sound, 1857-1860 (Comet in 1860)
1123Nahnee: En route to England, March-April 1860
1124Nahnee: Trip to England, May-Sept. 1860
1125Quakers: New York City, 1860s
2013.08, Box 12
Series: 2: Records relating to research on Methodists and The Credit Mission (Mrs. Catharine Sutton or Nahnee, Peter Jacobs, and Joseph Sawyer)
121Nahnee: Lewis Henry Morgan, March 1860
122The Alsops
123Ethnological Society of London
124Captain William Kennedy
125Nahnee: Return to Canada and Owen Sound, 1860-1865
126Nahnee: Queen Victoria, June 1860
127Nahnee: On Manitoulin Island, early 1860s
128Charles Julyan: Timeline
129Julyan Family: Corres.
1210The Toronto Leader, 1862
1211Susan Schank: Sutton family descendants
1212Nahnee: Catharine Sutton Jr. (1852-1900)
1213Susan Schank: Corres. and articles
1214Nahnee: Donald Smith's texts
1215William Sutton: Journals
1216Sutton Property: Lots 31-35

File contains 44 photographs and 6 negatives. The photographs are organized into three sets:

The first two sets contain photographs of the Sutton Property taken in fall 1996. Each set is comprised of 19 photos, with captions describing the images on the reverse side.

The third set contains six photographs of Sutton's Point taken in August 1997, with captions describing the images on the back of each photo.

1217Nahnee: Georgian Villas
Peter Jacobs and Henry Steinhauer (1817?–1845)
1218Peter Jacobs: Overview
2013.08, Box 13
Series: 2: Records relating to research on Methodists and The Credit Mission (Mrs. Catharine Sutton or Nahnee, Peter Jacobs, and Joseph Sawyer)
131Peter Jacobs: Images
132Peter Jacobs: Endorsements and evaluations of his character
133Peter Jacobs: Mike Angel's Inventories and things to see
134Peter Jacobs: Timeline, ca. 1813-1839
135Cummer Mills Camp: Meeting ground, June 10-13, 1828
136Peter Jacobs: Timeline, 1840-1845
137Methodists' Outreach to North West/ Rupert's Land, 1840-1854
138Rainy Lake: Boundary Waters (overview articles)
139Rainy River/ Lac La Pluie, Lac Seul, Osnaburgh (Angel/ Brown)
1310Peter Jacobs: Exeter Hall, May 1, 1843
1311Exeter Hall, London, England: Background
1312Peter Jacobs: The Cranes (Ed and Mary Rogers), 1841-1845
1313Peter Jacobs: Timeline, 1846-1849
1314Kane, Paul, and Peter Jacobs, June 15, 1846
1315Letitia Hargrave
1316Peter Jacobs: 1850
1317Peter Jacobs: 1851
1318Peter Jacobs: 1852
1319Peter Jacobs: 1853
1320Peter Jacobs: 1854
1321Peter Jacobs: 1855
1322Peter Jacobs: 1856-1858
1323Peter Jacobs: 1859-1865
1324Peter Jacobs: 1866-1890
1325Betsey Anderson Jacobs
1326Anderson Family (Rice Lake): Jacobs family corres.
1327Captain Charles Anderson (Peter Jacobs' wife's father)
2013.08, Box 14
Series: 2: Records relating to research on Methodists and The Credit Mission (Mrs. Catharine Sutton or Nahnee, Peter Jacobs, and Joseph Sawyer)
141Major Francis John St. Quintin
142Peter Jacobs Jr.
143Rev. Peter Jacobs Jr.: Timeline
144Charles Jacobs
145Maria Jacobs (Nawang)
146Peter Jacobs: Daughters and Betsey
147Rev. John Jacobs
148Andrew Jacobs
149Peter Jacobs: Descendants
1410J.H. Lefroy
1411Lavern Jacobs
1412John Tanner
1413Steinhauer: Timeline, 1817?-1839
1414Steinhauer: Timeline, 1840-1845
Series: 3: Records relating to research on Maungwudaus (George Henry)
1415Maungwudaus: Misc.
1416Maungwudaus: Talks
1417"Keekaunis" (meaning of the word)
1418Maungwudaus: Link to Peter Jones
1419Pishikay (Maungwudaus' father)
1420Rev. Frederick O'Meara and Francis Wilson Jones, early 1840s
1421Art Einhorn: Re Maungwudaus, N.E. New York State
1422Maungwudaus: Physical appearance and characteristics
1423Maungwudaus: Family members' names
1424Maungwudaus: Translations
1425Maungwudaus: His texts
1426Henrys: Waterloo County
1427Maungwudaus: To 1835
2013.08, Box 15
Series: 3: Records relating to research on Maungwudaus (George Henry)
151Maungwudaus: 1836-1840
152William Jones
153Wilmot Township: Assault on Elisabeth Johnson, 1840
154Maungwudaus: 1841 and departure for Europe, Fall 1844
155Galt: Old Jack (Mississauga Claim to Galt)
156Galt and Mississaugas
157J.W. Keating
158J.W. Keating: Timeline
159First Nation Land Surrender, Western District, Upper Canada
1510Walpole Island
1511Maungwudaus: Walpole Island, July 31, 1844 (background)
1512Walpole: Oliver Servais on Jesuits
1514Walpole Island: Timeline
1515William Scott: Maungwudaus' departure, late 1844

Note: William Scott is the father of Duncan Campbell Scott.  See Pelham Edgar Fonds 9, Series 5

1516Maungwudaus: En route to Europe, via USA, 1844-March 1845
1517Ojibwe (Iowa) and Ojibwe (Mississauga) with Catlin in Europe, 1843-1848
1518Catlin's Ojibwa in Britain and France, 1843
2013.08, Box 16
Series: 3: Records relating to research on Maungwudaus (George Henry)
161George Catlin
162George McKee
163Maungwudaus:: Britain, April-Aug. 1845
164Maungwudaus: France (background)
165Maungwudaus: France, Aug.-Dec. 1845
166Maungwudaus: France and Belgium, 1845-1846 (background)
167Alexandre Vattemare: Ojibwe orthography
168Louis-Philippe: King of France, Oct. 1845
169Maungwudaus: Belgium, Jan. 1846
1610Say-Say-Gon: Buried in London, Jan. 29, 1846
1611Maungwudaus: Britain, late Jan. 1846-April 1848
1612Maungwudaus: Aboriginal Week, New England
1613Maungwudaus: First Nation entertainers and herbalists
1614Maungwudaus: Herbal doctor
1615Maungwudaus: USA, late 1840s-late 1870s
1616Maungwudaus: USA, June-Dec. 1848
1617Maungwudaus: 1849
1618Maungwudaus: 1850
1619John Tecumseh Henry: Dartmouth College, 1849-1850
1620Frank Little: 1850
1621Taundoqua or Neebinookway (Maungwudaus married her in 1850)
1622Maungwudaus and George Copway: 1850-1858
1623Twinsburg Institute: Rev. Samuel Bissell, 1850-1851
1624Maungwudaus: 1851
1625Maungwudaus: Queenston and Lewiston Bridge, March 20, 1851
1626Maungwudaus: St. Lawrence Hall, Toronto, April 21-22, 1855
1627Maungwudaus: 1852
1628Maungwudaus: 1853-1856
2013.08, Box 17
Series: 3: Records relating to research on Maungwudaus (George Henry)
171Maungwudaus: 1857-1858
172Maungwudaus: Henry David Thoreau
173Maungwudaus: 1859
174Maungwudaus: 1860-1864
175Maungwudaus: 1865-1870s
176Denmark and Carthage, New York State
177History of photography
178Maungwudaus: Illustrations of where he was in his travels
179Maungwudaus: Daguerreotypes
1710George Henry: Illustrations (George Catlin)
1711"Lord Elgin's Chieftain", ca. 1850
1712Buffalo and Erie County Historical Society daguerreotype
1713Paul Kane: Portrait of Maungwudaus, 1851
1714Maungwudaus: Troupe daguerreotype, 1851 (Chicago Historical Society)
1715Maungwudaus: Carte de Visit, 1860s
1716Maungwudaus: Daguerreotype, George Eastman House, Rochester, N.Y.
1717Nicolas Graver: Daguerreotype, June 6, 1854
1718Maungwudaus: Library and Archives Canada
1719Maungwudaus: Daguerrotype, Oct. 9, 2009 (Sotheby)
1720Jane Van Norman Turano
Series: 4: Records relating to research on George Copway
1721Copway: General
1722Copway: Physical description
1723Copway: Pictographic writing
1724Copway as a speaker
1725Copway: Temperance crusader
1726Copway: Donald Smith's articles and biographical sketches
1727Scott Michaelson: Commentator on Copway
1728Copway: Boyhood at Rice Lake, 1818-1834
1729Chief John Copway
1730David Copway
1731John Taunchey (uncle of George Copway)
2013.08, Box 18
Series: 4: Records relating to research on George Copway
181Enmegahbowh: Background articles and references
182Enmegahbowh: Timeline
183Thomas Need
184Chief George Paudash and his son Mosang Paudash
185Copway: Treaty, 1834-1839
186La Pointe: 1835-1836
187Copway: Translations of "Acts of the Apostles" and "St. Luke", 1835-1836
188Peter Akers: Ebenezar Manual Labour School
189Alfred Brunson, 1837
1810William T. Boutwell
1811Daniel Chandler
1812John Clark
1813Edmund Ely
1814Thomas M. Fullerton, 1842
1815Sherman Hall
1816Peter Marksman
1817Granville Sproat
1818Copway: Treaty, 1837-1839
1819Copway: 1840
1820Copway: 1841
1821Copway: 1842
1822Copway: 1843
1823Copway: 1844
1824Copway: 1845
1825Moses Medwayosh: Rice Lake, winter 1845-1846
1826Copway: 1846
2013.08, Box 19
Series: 4: Records relating to research on George Copway
191Elizabeth Howell Copway
192Elizabeth Howell Copway: Handwriting
193George Copway: Handwriting
194Rev. William Howell (Knaresborough)
195George and Elizabeth Copway's children
196George A. Copway (1842-1865?)
197Minnehaha Copway and Samuel F. Passmore
198Henry Howell (1789-1869) and Elizabeth Varey Howell (1790-1864)
199Thomas Howell (1840?-?)
1910Caroline Howell and Richard Stainton
1911Sarah Howell (1823-1894) and George Wilson
1912Copway: Tours through Eastern USA, late 1840s (background on Native American presence)
1913Copway: 1847
1914Copway: 1848
1915Copway: Jan.-March 1849
1916Copway: April-July 1849
1917Copway: Aug.-Dec. 1849
1918Kahgega, 1849
1919Helen de Kroft, June 1849
1920Copway: Pocahontas (d. Aug. 19, 1849)
1921Julius Taylor Clarke: Ojibway Conquest, Sept. 1849-early Oct. 1849
1922Julius Taylor Clarke: Summer 1849
2013.08, Box 20
Series: 4: Records relating to research on George Copway
201Copway: Visit to Mormon settlement, late Sept. 1849
202Copway: Jan.-July 10, 1850
203Copway: Legend as a Children's Story, Traditional History 1850
204Running Sketches, 1851: On European Travels, July-Dec. 1850
205Copway: Abroad, July-Dec. 1850 (background)
206Copway: July 10-Aug. 10, 1850
207Copway: Sept.-Dec. 1850
208Copway: Jan-June 1851
209Copway: July-Dec. 1851
2010Copway's American Indian: July 10-Oct. 4, 1851
2011Copway's American Indian, Index: 1851
2012Copway: 1852
2013Copway: Red Jacket, 1852 (background)
2014Copway: 1853
2015Copway: 1854
2016"Know-nothings": Early and mid-1850s (background)
2017Copway: Lincoln references
2018Copway: 1855
2019Copway: 1856
2020Copway: 1857
2021Copway: Oct. 1857
2022Copway: 1858
2023Copway: 1859
2024Copway: 1860
2025Copway: Geneva, N.Y., early 1860s
2026Sarah Gardner Gleson Copway (1819-1892)
2027Copway: 1861
2013.08, Box 21
Series: 4: Records relating to research on George Copway
211Copway: 1862
212Copway: 1863
213Copway: 1864
214Copway: Recruiting Union Army, 1864 (background)
215Augustus Paudash (1842-1864)
216Copway: 1865
217Copway: 1866-1868
218Copway: Death, 1869
219Copway: Images
2110Copway: New edition of Life, corres.
2111Copway: Bibliography of letters, articles, books
2112Copway: Reprinting of his writing
2113Copway: Texts by others
2114Copway: Famous acquaintances
2115New York City: Late 1840s, 1850s
2116William Apes and Copway
2117William Cullen Bryant
2118James Fenimore Cooper
2119Erastus Corning
2120Felix O.C. Darley
2121Duyckinck Brothers
2122Millard Fillmore
2123Ferdinard Freiligrath
2124Horace Greeley, New York Tribune, 1860
2125Washington Irving
2126Amos Laurence and family
2013.08, Box 22
Series: 4: Records relating to research on George Copway
221Jenny Lind
222Henry W. Longfellow
223Anne Lynch Botta
224Lewis Henry Morgan
225Francis Parkman
226Franklin Pierce
227Henry Schoolcraft
228Ephraim Squier
229Zack Taylor, President
2210N.P. Willis, 1854
2211R.A. Young
Series: 5: Records relating to research on John Sunday and H.P. Chase
2212John Sunday: Overview articles
2213John Sunday: Images
2214John Sunday: Misc.
2215John Sunday: Talk at Queen's, Jan. 10, 2001 2001
2216John Sunday: Dodem
2217Mississauga, East Lake Ontario: Place names (Sagonaska, Moira)
2218Bay of Quinte, Kingston area hunting territories
2219Bay of Quinte: Kingston Mississauga Land Agreements, late 18th-early 19th century (Islands)
2220Early Belleville, Bay of Quinte
2221John Sunday: Timeline to 1835
2222Crysler's Farm, Nov. 13, 1813
2223New York: John St. Church, 1828
2224L'Anse/ Keweenaw Bay, 1832-1833
2013.08, Box 23
Series: 5: Records relating to research on John Sunday and H.P. Chase
231Grape Island: General, 1826-1836
232Grape Island: Methodist Missionary Station, 1827-1837 (Terence T. Whyte)
233Grape Island: Timeline, 1826-1837
234John Sunday: Timeline, 1836-1837 (English Tour)
235John Sunday: Timeline, 1838-1840
236John Sunday: Timeline, 1841-1848
237John Sunday: Timeline, 1849-1856
238John Sunday: 1857-1865
239John Sunday: Timeline, 1866-1876
2310Alderville: Timeline, 1837-1857
2311Alderville: Timeline, 1858-1882
2312Methodist Indian Mission Work: Francis Berry, 1867
2313Copway: Signatory to the Alderville Petition, Sept. 20 [25?], 1866
2314John Sunday: Obituaries
2315Memorial to John Sunday and William Case, 1877-1878
2316George Blaker: Timeline
2317David Craddock (student at Victoria College and of John Sunday, Jr.)
2318Peter Crowe
2319John Simpson
2320John Sunday Jr. and descendants
2321Henry P. Chase
2322Henry P. Chase: Timeline
2323Henry P. Chase: Notes from Arthur Bousfield, 1860s, 1870s
2324Henry P. Chase: Dictionary of Canadian Biography
2013.08, Box 24
Series: 6: Records relating to research on Egerton Ryerson and Allen Salt
241Ryerson: Background
242Ryerson: Images
243William Gush: Ryerson portrait
244Ryerson: John Langton on his finances
245Ryerson: Indian residential schools
246Ryerson: Timeline
247Ryerson: African Canadians
248Ryerson: French Canadians
249Ryerson: Aboriginal Peoples, 1803-1829
2410Ryerson: Aboriginal Peoples, 1830-1839
2411Ryerson: Aboriginal Peoples, 1840-1882
2412Phillipp Emanuel Von Fellenberg
2413Hofwyl, Switzerland, early 19th century
2414Hofwyl: Illustrations
2415Ryerson family
2416Normal School and Ryerson University
2417Egerton Ryerson: Descendants
2418Mary Armstrong Ryerson and family at Victoria Street
2419Edwy Ryerson
2420George Ryerson and Dr. George Stanley Ryerson
2421John Ryerson
2013.08, Box 25
Series: 6: Records relating to research on Egerton Ryerson and Allen Salt
251William Ryerson
252Rev. Allen Salt (1818-1911)
253Salt: Illustrations
254Allen Salt: To 1854
255McCue family and Jane McCue (Allen's second wife)
256Allen Salt: Diary, 1854-1855
257Salt: Diary, 1855-1874
258Salt: Missionary Sermons, January 1874
259Charlotte Salt (1855-1875) and Wesleyan Ladies' College, Hamilton
2510Salt: Lectures in the North West, 1872
2511Salt: Traditional History of Ojibwa, 1874
2512Salt: Religion notes, 1865, 1870
2513Salt: Diary, 1874-1882
2514Salt: Enfranchisement file, June 17, 1889
2515Salt: Timeline, 1880s-1890s
2516Salt: Diary, 1882-1884
2517Salt: Diary, 1884-1886
2518Salt: Diary, 1886-1889
2519Salt: Diary, 1889-1892
2520Salt: Diary, 1892-1893
2521Salt: Diary, 1893-1896
2522Salt: Diary, 1899-1901
2013.08, Box 26
Series: 7: General research
26 The Mississauga on the North Shore of Lake Ontario, to 1800
2013.08, Box 27
Series: 7: General research
27 The Mississauga on the North Shore of Lake Ontario, to 1800 (cont.) and Augustus Jones, family, and young Peter Jones
2013.08, Box 28
Series: 7: General research
28 Augustus Jones, family, and young Peter Jones (cont.) and John Sunday: Methodists and Mississauga
2013.08, Box 29
Series: 7: General research
29 John Sunday: Methodists and Mississauga (cont.) and Non-Aboriginal Personalities
2013.08, Box 30
Series: 7: General research
30 Non-Aboriginal Personalities (cont.)
2013.08, Box 31
Series: 7: General research
31 Credit Mississauga: Relations with Grand River Iroquois
2013.08, Box 32
Series: 7: General research
32 Peter and Eliza Field Jones: Credit Mission
2013.08, Box 33
Series: 7: General research
33 Peter and Eliza Field Jones: Credit Mission (cont.)
2013.08, Box 34
Series: 7: General research
34 Muncey, St. Clair, Walpole, Lake Simcoe, Saugeen, Newash, The Sault
2013.08, Box 35
Series: 7: General research
35 Muncey, St. Clair, Walpole, Lake Simcoe, Saugeen, Newash, The Sault (cont.) and George Copway and Rice Lake: British Indian Policy
2013.08, Box 36
Series: 7: General research
36 George Copway and Rice Lake: British Indian Policy (cont.) and Credit Mission families, 1826-1847
2013.08, Box 37
Series: 7: General research
37 Credit Mission families, 1826-1847 (cont.) and The Christian Guardian, 1829-1867, The Christian Advocate (New York City), 1826-1830, and Inventory of First Nations references (Upper Canada)
2013.08, Box 38
Series: 7: General research
38 Maungwudaus (George Henry), Peter Jacobs, Catharine Sutton (Nahnee), and Henry Steinhauer
2013.12, Box 1
Series: 8: Records relating to Mississauga Portraits
11 RRCorres. re: Mississauga Portraits1989-1990
12 RRCorres. re: Mississauga Portraits (cont.) 1991-1992
13 RRCorres. re: Mississauga Portraits (cont.) 1993-1996
14 RRMississauga Portraits: Grant ApplicationsOct. 1992
15 RRCorres. re: Mississauga Portraits (cont.) 1997-1998
16 RRCorres. re: Mississauga Portraits (cont.) 1999-2001
17 RRCorres. re: Mississauga Portraits (cont.) 2002-2004
18 RRCorres. re: Mississauga Portraits (cont.) 2005-2008
19Mississauga Talks: Ontario Genealogical Society, April 21-23, 2005April 2005
110 RRCorres. re: Mississauga Portraits (cont.) 2009
2013.12, Box 2
Series: 8: Records relating to Mississauga Portraits
21 RRCorres. re: Mississauga Portraits (cont.) 2010
22 RRCorres. re: Mississauga Portraits (cont.) 2011
23 RRCorres. re: Mississauga Portraits (cont.) 2012
24 RRHenry P. Chase corres. (Bousfield connection)2002-2004
25 RRCorres. re: Copway materials 1989-1993
26 RRCorres. re: Copway materials (cont.) 1994-1999
27 RRCorres. re: Copway materials (cont.) 2000-2008
2013.12, Box 3
Series: 8: Records relating to Mississauga Portraits
31 RRCorres. re: Copway materials (cont.)2009-2013
32 RRCorres. re: Enmegahbowh2000, 2011
33 RRCorres. re: Enmegahbowh (Stephen Schaitberger)2011
34 RRPeter Jones' biography outline by Prof. Allan Sherwin2010
35 RRCorres. with Allan Sherwin re: Peter Jones2001-May 2005
36 RRCorres. with Allan Sherwin re: Peter JonesJune 2005-2007
37 RRAllan Sherwin's notes from 2007 version of his MS2007
38 RRCorres. with Allan Sherwin re: Peter Jones2008-2013
39 RRCorres. re: Maungwudaus1989-1999
310 RRCorres. re: Maungwudaus (cont.) 2000-2007
311 RRCorres. re: Maungwudaus (cont.) 2008
312 RRCorres. re: Maungwudaus (paintings and photographs) 1989-2010
2013.12, Box 4
Series: 8: Records relating to Mississauga Portraits
41 RRCorres. re: Salt2003, n.d.
42 RRCorres. and news items re: Catharine Sutton1989-1996
43 RRCorres. and news items re: Catharine Sutton (cont.)1997-2011
44 RRCorres. and research re: Peter Jones' timeline 2002, n.d.
45Allan Sherwin's paper "Dr. Peter Edmund Jones (1843-1909) Mississauga Chess Champion" 2010
46Research re: Peter Jones
47 RRCorres. re: Peter Jones1984-2005
48Peter Jones: The Indian Newspaper (includes CD-R)
49Peter Jones: Taxidermy references
410John A. Macdonald: Biographical and genealogical information
411Macdonald Holmes interviews (CD-R and audiocassette)1975, 1976
412John Tecumseh Henry
413John Tecumseh Henry: Timeline
414 RRCorres. with Michelle Hamilton re: John and Nancy Tecumseh Henry1989-2012
415 RRCorres. with Cory Wilmot re: John Tecumseh Henry2012
416Tecumseh: Research
417Tecumseh: Seaborn's "The March of Medicine in Western Ontario"
418Tecumseh: Images
419Tecumseh: The Spiritual Railway
2013.12, Box 5
Series: 8: Records relating to Mississauga Portraits
51Corres. re: Mrs. John Henry photograph
52Tecumseh: Descendants
53Tecumseh: Genealogical information 1997
54Tecumseh: Images in costume
55Tecumseh: Exhibition poster, 1891
56Catalogue: Oronhyatekha Collection
57Abraham (Peewash/Peewaush) Henry
58Abraham (Peewash/Peewaush) Henry and Tom (Noodinokay) Henry
59Saigitoo (George Henry Jr.): CHA Roundtable, University of Waterloo, May 27, 2012 2012
510Saigitoo (George Henry Jr.)
511Maungwudaus in Britain: Background, 1845-1848
512John Joseph Gurney
513George Henry Jr.: Saugeen, 1871-1872
514Saigitoo (George Henry Jr.): Timeline
515George and Catharine Finger: Descendants
516New Credit: Lloyd King's accounts
517Amerindians and Inuit abroad
518Aboriginals in Europe
519Aborigines Protection Society and Society of Friends: North American Indians
2013.12, Box 6
Series: 8: Records relating to Mississauga Portraits
61Augustus d'Este: General
62Augustus d'Este: Images
63Augustus d'Este: Biographical sketches
64Augustus d'Este: Multiple Sclerosis
65Augustus d'Este's corres. with Peter Jones
66Augustus d'Este's corres.
67 RRCorres. re: Augustus d'Este1981-2011
68Augustus d'Este: Dacor Bacon House (includes 20 photographs)
69Peace Pipe: Background articles
610 RRPeace Pipe: David Braddell
611 RRAugustus d'Este: Pipe tomahawk (includes 13 photographs)
612Council at the Credit: Jarvis
613Dunmore: Logan's speech
614John Dunlop
615John Dunlop: Timeline
616Thomas Hodgkin (1798-1866)
617Joseph Howse
618Thomas Hodgkin's corres.
619d'Este and Hodgkin (acquaintance with Hunter and Norton)
620John Hunter
621Charles Augustus Murray
622James Cowles Prichard
2013.12, Box 7
Series: 8: Records relating to Mississauga Portraits
71Mississauga Portraits: Outlines
72 RRMississauga Portraits: University of Toronto Press corres. 2008-2011
73 RRMississauga Portraits: University of Toronto Press corres. 2012
74 RRMississauga Portraits: University of Toronto Press corres. Jan.-March 2013
75 RRMississauga Portraits: University of Toronto Press corres. April-June 2013
76 RRMississauga Portraits: Corres. 2013
2013.12, Box 8
Series: 8: Records relating to Mississauga Portraits
81 RRReg Good correspondence1991-1996


82 RRReg Good correspondence2001-2013


83 RRMae Derrick correspondence2009-2011


84 RRKerry Moore correspondence2011-2012


85Missionary portraits/artifacts (not for reproduction)


86Portrait of Peter Jones


87Various notes/correspondence/research material


2016.06, Box 1
Series: 7: General research
11Henry Tekarihogea1978-1992


Series: 8: Records relating to Mississauga Portraits


Series: 9: Correspondence
1RR2 RRCorrespondence with Peter Hutchins re legal claim by Mississaugas of the New Credit2007-2008


2017.03, Box 1
Series: 1: Records relating to research on Peter and Eliza Jones
11Eliza Jones: "Eliza Field Jones Carey's Mission to 'Civilize' the Native Women of the Early Nineteenth Century Upper Canada" thesis by Jennifer Lund1991


12Eliza Jones: Biographical information1997

Excerpt from "Significant Lives: Profiles of Brant County Women".

Series: 7: General research
13Massey News article - Toronto's Indigenous past2013-2014


14Article, New library study rooms at Queen's University2017


15New Trail Magazine, Spring 2017, Vol. 73, No. 12017


2018.02, Box 1
Series: 1: Records relating to research on Peter and Eliza Jones
11 RRCorrespondence with Don Jones2015-2016

Correspondence regarding Augustus Jones, Peter Jones and the Mississauga.

12Augustus Jones Marriages and Children2017

Includes correspondence.

13 RRSeth Crawford

Contains biographical information on Seth Crawford, an early Methodist worker and friend of Peter Jones.

Series: 3: Records relating to research on Maungwudaus (George Henry)
14 RRCorrespondence re: Maungwudaus2013-2016


Series: 7: General research
15 RRLloyd King

Contains correspondence and biographical information related to Lloyd King, a New Credit Mississauga Elder.

16Ojibwe hymns

Includes a CD and an audio cassette. The CD consists of a recording of hymns performed by the Ojibwe Indian Choir at the Curve Lake Indian Reserve. The audio cassette consists of hymns performed by the Mnjikaning Ojibwe Singers. Curve Lake originally recorded in 1966.

Series: 9: Correspondence
17Various correspondence1976, 1988, 2009-2017


18 RRCorrespondence with Allan Sherwin2013-2015

Correspondence related to Mississauga items.

19Correspondence with students2016-2017


2019.05, Box 1
Series: 1: Records relating to research on Peter and Eliza Jones
11Creighton, Kennedy

Research material related to Kennedy Creighton, a Methodist minister and friend of Peter Jones who welcomed him to his home in St. Catharines.

14Locating the site where Peter Jones was converted to Methodism, 18232014-2016


17"The Red Atlantic: American Indigenes and the Making of the Modern World, 1000-1927"2014

Article with information on Peter Jones, used in Smith's research notes.

Series: 4: Records relating to research on George Copway
19"George Copway: Cultural Broker and Communicator", thesis1990

Thesis on George Copway written by Timothy J. Spindler for his Master of Arts History degree at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. Donald Smith assisted with research.

Series: 6: Records relating to research on Egerton Ryerson and Allen Salt
12Salt: Relations/Descendants1995-1996

Profiles and articles of the Salt family.

13Salt, Allen: Rainy River Mission, mid-1850s

A copy of The Ojibwa - Missionary Encounter at Rainy Lake Mission, 1839-1857, Michael R. Angel's thesis for his MA degree at the University of Manitoba in 1986. Donald Smith assisted with research.

Series: 7: General research
15Houle, Robert2010-2011

Material related to Robert Houle, a Saulteaux First Nations artist, critic and educator, including articles, interviews and an overview of an art exhibit in Paris.

Series: 8: Records relating to Mississauga Portraits
16Mississauga Portraits Corrections2013-2015


Series: 9: Correspondence
18Letter from Denis M. ShawMay 3, 1976


110 RRGeorge Copway correspondence2015-2018

Correspondence with students, academics and government officials related to Donald Smith's research and writings on George Copway.

111 RRAbraham Henry (Peewash/Peewaush) correspondence2018

Correspondence with David Krutz regarding Donald Smith's research on Abraham Henry.

112 RRVictoria Library: Agatha Barc2014-2018


2019.05, Box 2
Series: 10: Records relating to Sacred Feathers Award
25Sacred Feathers Award1989-2008


Series: 7: General research
22"A Tarnished Hero"2018

Photocopy of an article on Egerton Ryerson from The United Church Observer, March 2018.

Series: 8: Records relating to Mississauga Portraits
23Mississauga Portraits correspondence2008-2014


24Mississauga Portraits correspondence2014-2018


Series: 9: Correspondence
21 RRVictoria Library: Lisa Sherlock2009-2019


2019.05, Box 3
Series: 10: Records relating to Sacred Feathers Award
31Sacred Feathers Award2009-2017


32Sacred Feathers Award2018


2023.01, Box 1
Series: 1: Records relating to research on Peter and Eliza Jones
11"A Most Unusual Transatlantic Courtship, 1831-1833"ca. 1977

Handwritten draft article on the courtship of Peter Jones and Eliza Field. Published in The Beaver in 1977 as "The Transatlantic Courtship of the Reverend Peter Jones".

See 2023.01, Box 1, File 2 for the published article.

12Articles on Peter and Eliza Jones1977

Copies of three articles written by Smith on the marriage of Peter and Eliza Jones. Published in The Beaver in 1977. Includes:

"The Transatlantic Courtship of the Reverend Peter Jones". The Beaver: The Magazine of the North, Outfit 308:1, Summer 1977.

"Eliza and the Reverend Peter Jones". The Beaver: The Magazine of the North, Outfit 308:2, Autumn 1977.

"Peter and Eliza Jones: Their Last Years". The Beaver: The Magazine of the North, Outfit 308: 3, Winter 1977.

2023.07, Box 1
Series: 7: General research
11Credit River 1827 - Mississauga Ttile

Copies of research material related to Mississauga history, the legal opinions of the Mississauga of the Credit River and rights to ownership of their land.

12Davisville, Grand River2020-2021

Correspondence and research related to the location of Davisville, Grand River, where the Methodist Mississauga lived before relocating to the Credit River.

14Baldwin, Henry2003

Correspondence and research related to Henry Baldwin, a relative of Robert Baldwin who was the Secretary of the Indian 1846 Conference at the Narrows (Orillia).

Information supplied by Jim Morrison, an Indigenous claims researcher and a Victoria University alumnus.

Series: 9: Correspondence
13Victoria University: Diane Michaud2022

Correspondence with Diane Michaud regarding the Indigenous Learning Series at E.J. Pratt Library.