Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission

Title: Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission
Dates of Material:
0.21 m of textual records
Scope and content

Series consists of correspondence, copies of transcripts, documents for and summaries of meetings relating to the Commission’s activities, and invoices in account with the Commission.

Source of supplied title

Title based on contents of series.


The series is stored in 2 boxes.

Finding aids

Item list available (see below).

1988, Box 75
751Copy of the transcript of the seminar on educational broadcasting by the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission held at Massey College, University of Toronto on January 19, 1978.January 19, 1978
752Copy of the transcript of the seminar on educational broadcasting by the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission held at Massey College, University of Toronto on January 19, 1978.1975, 1977-1978

Includes correspondence (1975, 1977-1978), list of participants in the seminar, agenda items, background information on the CRTC and educational broadcasting, transcript of the oral presentation to the CRTC by the Central Canada Broadcasters' Association and copy of a report and commentary by the Ontario Educational Communications Authority (TV Ontario).

753CRTC documents for meetings with the Research Branch and Research Sub-Committee of the Executive in April 1979.1979

Includes correspondence (1979).

754Information and correspondence about the formation of a Canadian Initiative in Electronic Media Research.1978
755Correspondence (1970-1972), notes on individual television shows and transcripts of meetings with P. Juneau, R. Chiasson and André Martin1970-1972

Includes some holograph notes.

756Invoices in account with the CRTC1975-1982
757Correspondence (1972-1973), essays and summaries of meetings relating to the Commission's activities.1972-1973
1988, Box 76
76 /OS1Certificate for appointment as Part-Time Member of the Canadian Radio-Television Commission1972


761Correspondence (1975-1978) with the Chairman of the CRTC, list of commissioners, copy of a speech by H. Boyle to the Broadcast Executives Society and of a memorial tribute to Fernand Cadieux b y A. Faibish.1975-1978
762Correspondence (1968) concerning the appointment of CRTC commissioners, the official announcement and press release with biographical sketches of the commissioners.1968
763"A Changed CBC for a Changed Canada", a report by the Committee of Inquiry into the CBC1977

Includes summary and conclusions, and correspondence (1977).

764Correspondence (1976-1977) about meetings of the Commission and the seminar on educational broad-casting.1976
765Transcript of Frye's contribution to the Symposium on Television Violence (1975), "Violence in the mass media...", and a summary of the symposium.1975
766Radio glossary of broadcasting and music industry jargon with some musical terms.
767Glossary of broadcasting terms and usage: Stage I.
767Two reports issued by the CRTC

Special Report on Broadcasting in Canada 1968-1978, Volume I; and Canadian Television Programs 1976-1977.