Box/File List

Northrop Frye

1988, Box 1
Series: 2.1: Notes
1G"Notes for a commentary on Milton", 19571957

18 leaves, ts, cc

1H"Notes for a commentary on Milton" cont'd.

25 leaves, ts, cc

Series: 2.3: Addresses, articles, essays, introductions,interviews, benedictions, sermons, prefaces, forewords, lectures, toasts, tributes, memorial services, reviews
1A"Face to face", Acta Victoriana, 19381938

3 leaves, printed [F23]

1A"Reflections at a movie", The Canadian Forum, 19421942

2 copies: 3 leaves, printed; 7 leaves, ts, cc [D14]

1B"The eternal tramp", 19471947

2 copies: 10 leaves, ts, cc [D31] [RW]

1C"Nothing to fear but fear", The Canadian Forum, 19491949

2 copies: 2 leaves, printed; 4 leaves, ts, cc [F48] [RW]

1C"Regina vs. the world", The Canadian Forum, 19531953

2 copies: 2 leaves, printed; 4 leaves, ts, cc [F56] [RW}

1D"John George Diefenbaker", presentation of Prime Minister for an honorary doctorate, 19571957

3 copies: 2 leaves

1DCulture and the National Will, convocation address at Carleton University, May 17, 19571957

14 leaves, printed [C1]

1E3 Lectures: University of Toronto Installation Lectures, 19581958

[printed title page, table of contents and introduction; lectures presented at the installation of Claude T. Bissell], 5 leaves, printed [D105]

1ECulture and the National Will

14 leaves, printed [C1]

1F"Culture and the national will"

11 leaves, ts [C1]

1F"The changing pace in Canadian education", the Second Annual Kenneth E. Norris Memorial Lecture, 19631963

Includes foreword to published text, 9 leaves, printed [C3] [OE]

1G"The study of English in Canada", The Dalhousie Review, 19581958

7 leaves, printed [D96] [OE]

1I"Humanities in a new world", a University of Toronto Installation Lecture, 19581958

20 leaves, printed [D105]

1J"Humanities in a new world"

20 leaves, xerox of printed text [D105]

1KAddress at a banquet for the graduating class of Victoria University, 19581958

4 leaves, ts

1KGreetings from the Principal of Victoria College, The Strand, 19591959

1 leaf, printed [F57]

1L["By liberal things"], address of Northrop Frye on the occasion of his installation as Principal of Victoria College, 19591959

3 copies: 11 leaves, ts [C2]

1M"The Stepsure letters", 19601960

2 copies: 12 leaves, ts, cc [D116]

1N"Academy without walls", Canadian Art, 19611961

3 copies: 10 leaves, ts [D121] [RW] [OE]

1NAddress at the Senior Dinner, Victoria University, 19601960

3 leaves, ts

1O"Academy without walls", address presented at the Canadian Conference of the Arts, 19611961

11 leaves, ts [D121] [RW] [OE]

1P"The critical discipline", Canadian Universities Today: Symposium Presented to the Royal Society of Canada in 1960, 19611960, 1961

11 leaves, ts [D123] [OE]

1PAddress to the Ontario Curriculum Institute, [ca. 1961]1961

5 leaves, ts, cc

1PInterview with Frye and discussion by seminar participants about education at the college level

4 leaves, ts

1Q"The changing pace in Canadian education", 19631963

13 leaves, printed [C3] [OE]

1QAddress on behalf of the Governor-General's Committee during the awards ceremony, 19621962

2 leaves, ts

1QConvocation address at Queen's University, 19621962

Includes letter from Rev. Dr. T.T. Faichney, 7 leaves, ts [D126]

1R"The changing pace in Canadian education", 19631963

13 leaves, printed [C3] [OE]

1RConvocation address at the University of British Columbia, 19631963

7 leaves, ts, cc

1S"The developing imagination", 19631963

27 leaves, ts, cc [D137]

1T"Introduction": T.S. Eliot, 19631963

5 leaves, ts [A5]

1TAddress honouring the four winners of the Governor-General's Awards, 19631963

3 leaves, ts

1U"The problem of spiritual authority in the nineteenth century", 19641964

25 leaves, ts, cc [D150]

1V"Shakespeare and the modern world", 19641964

10 leaves, ts [H8] [RW]

1V"The rising of the moon: a study of "A Vision", 19651965

16 leaves, ts, cc [D157]

1W"The rising of the moon..."

25 leaves, ts, cc [D157]

1X"Foreward": George Orwell, 1984, 19671967

5 leaves, ts [D170]

1XSummary of speech given at freshman welcome, Victoria University, 19661966

1 leaf, ts; 2 copies: 2 leaves, ts

1XWelcome to the Conference on Editorial Problems, [University of Toronto], 19671967

2 leaves, ts [F83]

1XWhidden Lecture Series, McMaster University, 1967, Outline of one page for each of three lectures: "City of the end of things", "Improved binoculars", "Clair de lune intellectuel"1967

2 copies, ts [A10]

1Y"General editor's introduction": Shakespeare Series, 19681968

5 leaves, ts [D179]

1Y"Literature and society", 19681968

20 leaves ts, cc [RW]

1Y"On value judgements", 19671967

8 leaves, ts [D173]

1Y"On value judgements", address at the MLA, Chicago, 19671967

12 leaves, ts, xerox [D173]

1YComment on the Vietnam War, 19671967

1 leaf, printed [F79]

1988, Box 2
Series: 2.1: Notes
2ppNotes for a paper ...

2 leaves, ts, cc

2PPNotes for a paper to be read in San Francisco, 19681968

2 leaves, ts, cc

Series: 2.3: Addresses, articles, essays, introductions,interviews, benedictions, sermons, prefaces, forewords, lectures, toasts, tributes, memorial services, reviews
2AA"Literature and society", 19681968

20 leaves, ts, xerox [RW]

2BB"Silence in the sea", Pratt Lecture at Memorial University of Newfoundland, 19691969

20 leaves, ts, cc [C5]

2CC"The revelation to Eve", 19691969

24 leaves, ts [D195]

2DD"The revelation to Eve", 19681968

25 leaves [incomplete], ts, cc [D195]

2EE"The revelation to Eve", 19681968

35 leaves [pp. 1-15, 26-36], ts, cc [D195]

2FF"The revelation to Eve", 19681968

20 leaves [pp. 16-36], ts, cc [D195]

2GG"Higher education and personal life", 19681968

2 copies: 2 leaves, ts; 4 leaves ts, cc

2GG"The university and the heroic vision", convocation address at the University of Saskatchewan, 19681968

2 copies: 6 leaves, ts; 9 leaves, ts, cc [D183]

2HHConvocation address at Franklin & Marshall College upon receiving an honorary degree, 19681968

7 leaves, ts

2HHConvocation address at Loyola College, Montreal, 19681968

Includes letter from Eric O'Connor, 2 copies: 6 leaves, ts; 9 leaves, ts

2II"Mythos and Logos", lecture at the Indiana School of Letters, 19681968

14 leaves [pp. 1-14], ts, cc [D181]

2IIConvocation address at Franklin..., 19681968

10 leaves, ts

2JJ"Mythos and Logos"

2 copies: 14 leaves [pp. 15-29], ts, cc; 9 leaves [pp. 1-9], ts, cc [D181]

2KK"Mythos and Logos"

22 leaves [pp. 10-32], ts, cc [D181]

2LL"The top of the tower: a study of the imagery of Yeats", lecture at Sligo, Ireland, 19681968

21 leaves, ts [D184]

2MM"The top of the tower...", 19681968

25 leaves [pp.1-25], ts, cc [D184]

2NN"The top of the tower..."

6 leaves [pp. 26-32], ts, cc [D184]

2OO"Old and new comedy", lecture for the Thirteenth International Shakespeare Conference, Stratford, 19681968

5 leaves, printed 3 copies: 8 leaves, ts, cc; 11 leaves, revised, ts, cc; 11 leaves, ts, cc [D194]

2PP"The social importance of literature", address to the annual meeting of the Canadian Association of School Superintendents and Inspectors, 19681968

2 copies: 13 leaves, ts; 11 leaves, ts [D175] [OE]

2PPSpeech for Victoria Chapel, 19681968

4 p., ts

2QQ"Research and graduate education in the humanities", copy of a transcript for the Proceedings of the Association of Graduate Schools in the Association of American Universities, 19681968

2 copies: 12 leaves, ts; 13 leaves, ts, cc [D182] [OE]

2RR"The ethics of change: the role of the university", lecture at Queen's University, 19681968

12 leaves [pp. 1-12], ts, cc [D177, D191, H16]

2RRDiscussion at Queen's University, 19681968

2 copies: 5 leaves, ts; 5 leaves, ts, cc

2SS"The ethics of change..."

5 leaves [pp. 13-18], ts, cc [D177, D191, H16]

2SS"The ethics of change..."

18 leaves, ts [D177, D191, H16]

2TT"The ethics of change..."

18 leaves, ts [D177, D191, H16]

2UU"The university and personal life", 19681968

18 leaves, ts [D197]

2VV"The university and personal life", 19681968

31 leaves, ts, cc [D197]

2WW"America: true or false?", 19691969

2 copies: 3 leaves, ts; 5 leaves, ts, cc [D188] [RW]

2WW"Anarchism and the universities", The New Society, 19691969

7 leaves, printed [D185, D186, D197]

2WW"Introduction": Lawren Harris, 19691969

5 leaves, ts [D192]

2XX"Sign and significance", address at the Claremont Reading Conference, 19691969

13 leaves, ts, cc [D196]

2XX"The only genuine revolution", interview with Bruce Mickleburgh, Part I, Monday Morning, 19691969

7 leaves, printed [G12] [WGS]

2YY"Preface": Agghiacciante simmetria: Uno studio su William Blake, 19761976

3 leaves, ts [A1d, D236]

2YY"The Critical Path", first public lecture at the University of California at Berkeley, 19691969

11 leaves, holograph [D200]

2YYInterview with Bruce Mickleburgh, Part II, Monday Morning, 19691969

9 leaves, uncorrected page proofs [G12] [WGS]

2YYTribute to Jessie Macpherson, 19691969

2 copies: 2 leaves, ts; 3 leaves, ts [F84]

2ZZ I"The Critical Path", first public lecture at the University of California at Berkeley, 19691969

2 copies: 19 leaves, ts; 5 leaves [pp. 1-5], ts, cc [D200]

2ZZ II"The Critical Path"

23 leaves [pp. 6-29], ts, cc [D200]

2ZZ II"The day of intellectual battle: reflections on student unrest", convocation address at the University of Western Ontario, 19691969

8 leaves, ts [OE]

1988, Box 3
Series: 2.3: Addresses, articles, essays, introductions,interviews, benedictions, sermons, prefaces, forewords, lectures, toasts, tributes, memorial services, reviews
3CA"The day of intellectual battle: reflections on student unrest", convocation address at the University of Western Ontario, 19691969

5 leaves, ts [OE]

3CAConvocation address at Acadia University, 19691969

2 copies: 5 leaves, ts, xerox; 6 leaves, ts

3CBConvocation address at York University, 19691969

2 copies: 8 leaves, ts; 5 leaves, ts

3CBFuneral service for Virginia Knight, 19691969

7 leaves, ts

3CC"Tradition and change in the theory of criticism", 19691969

17 leaves, ts, cc

3CCFuneral service for Virginia Knight, 19691969

8 leaves, ts, cc

3CD"Rear view crystal ball", The Canadian Forum, 19701970

4 leaves, ts [D199] [RW]

3CDRededication service, Hart House, 19691969

2 copies: 5 leaves, ts; 7 leaves, ts [D198]

3CEThe Canadian Forum, April/May 19701970

[contains "Rear view crystal ball", pp. 54-57] [D199] [RW]

3CF"Communications and society", transcript of a radio broadcast on Radio 3, 16 June 19701970

6 leaves, ts, xerox [D202]

3CFSermon in the chapel at Merton College, Oxford, 19701970

2 copies: 3 leaves, ts; 4 leaves, ts

3CG"A revolution betrayed: freedom and necessity in education", convocation address at the University of Windsor, 19701970

2 copies: 5 leaves, ts; 1 copy: 7 leaves, ts, cc [OE]

3CGThe Listener, 9 July 19701970

[contains "Communications", pp. 33-37; version of the radio broadcast on Radio 3, 16 June 1970] [D202]

3CH"The definition of a university", lecture at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, 19701970

20 leaves, ts [2 additional pages from a different version] [D210]

3CI"The definition of a university", lecture at OISE, 19701970

27 leaves, ts, cc [D210]

3CJThe Bush Garden, preface, 19711971

2 copies: 5 leaves, ts; 1 copy: 7 leaves, ts, cc [A13]

3CK"Agon and Logos: revolution and revelation", 19711971

35 leaves, ts, cc [D217]

3CL"Agon and Logos...", 19711971

35 leaves, ts, xerox [D217]

3CMThe Critical Path, footnotes

2 leaves, ts [A14]

3CMThe Law Society of Upper Canada Gazette, 1970, Vol. IV, no. 21970

[contains "Literature and the law", pp. 70-77.] [D201] [RW]

1988, Box 4
Series: 2.3: Addresses, articles, essays, introductions,interviews, benedictions, sermons, prefaces, forewords, lectures, toasts, tributes, memorial services, reviews
4ADraft introduction to Harcourt Brace Jovanovich anthology, 19721972

5 leaves, ts

4B"Education and the rejection of reality", 19711971

20 leaves, ts, cc [D208] [OE]

4C"Education and the rejection..."

20 leaves, ts, photocopy [D208] [OE]

4D"The leap in the dark", advent sermon in the Victoria College Chapel, 19711971

10 leaves, ts [RW]

4E"The quality of life in the seventies", address to University of Toronto Alumni, 19711971

20 leaves, ts [D209] [RW]

4F"The quality..."

20 leaves, ts, xerox [D209] [RW]

4G"The quality..."

12 leaves, ts, xerox [D209] [RW]

4H"Stanley Llewellyn Osborne", 19711971

4 leaves, ts

4I"Wallace Stevens and the variation form", address at the International Association of University Professors of English Conference, Istanbul, 19711971

28 leaves, ts, xerox [D218]

4J"William Blake", talk for the BBC, 19711971

8 leaves, ts [RW]

4KWilliam Blake", talk for the BBC, 19711971

11 leaves, ts, cc [RW]

4L"The Canadian scene: explorers and observers", lecture for the exhibition of Canadian landscape painting, 1670-1930, at the Elvehjem Art Center, University of Wisconsin, 19721972

4 leaves, ts [D215]

4M"The Canadian scene: explorers and observers", lecture for the exhibition of Canadian landscape painting, 1670-1930, at the Elvehjem Art Center, University of Wisconsin, 19721972

2 copies: 7 leaves, ts; 7 leaves, ts, cc [D215]

4NEssay for the Commission to Study University Research, unpublished, 19721972

12 leaves, ts, cc

4O"Universities and the deluge of cant", convocation address at the University of Waterloo, 19721972

7 leaves, ts, cc [D212]; 5 leaves, draft ts.

4P"Universities and the deluge of cant", convocation address at the University of Waterloo, 19721972

7 leaves, ts, photocopy [D212]

4Q"The critic and the writer", speech at the Learned Societies Meetings at McGill University, 19721972

9 leaves, ts [H28]

4R"Introduction": Irving Layton, Il freddo verde elemento, translation by A. Lorenzini, 19741974

4 leaves, ts, cc [D222]

4S"Introduction": Il freddo verde elemento ...

5 leaves, ts, cc [D222]

4T"On teaching literature", 19721972

46 leaves [incomplete] [C6] [OE]

4U"On teaching literature", [2nd revision], 19721972

41 leaves, ts, cc [C6] [OE]

4VOn teaching literature, 19721972

32 leaves, printed, xerox [C6] [OE]

4W"Pistis and Mythos", summary of argument prepared for the Canadian Society for the Study of Religion Conference at McGill University, 19721972

4 leaves, ts [D214]

4X"Pistis and Mythos", summary of argument

5 leaves, ts, xerox [D214]

4Y"The search for acceptable words", 19731973

24 leaves, ts [D216]

4Z"The search for acceptable words"

25 leaves, ts, cc [D216]

4AA"The search for..."1973

7 leaves, printed page proofs for Spring 1973 issue of Daedalus [D216]

4BBPrinted clippings from The Strand, 19731973

"The archetypes of literature" (two parts), "The Bible as epic", "Myth and the imagination", "Contemporary deism"

4CC"Lester Bowles Pearson, 1897-1972"1973

tribute read at Victoria College Chapel, 1973, 4 leaves, ts

4DD"Lester Bowles Pearson..."

3 leaves, ts

4EE"Life after death: Spengler's vision of decline", 19731973

18 leaves, ts [D220]

4FF"Life after death..."

27 leaves, ts, cc [D220]

4GG"The Decline of the West by Oswald Spengler"1974

8 leaves, printed proofs for the Winter 1974 issue of Daedalus [D220]

4HH"The Renaissance of books"

25 leaves, ts, cc [D219]

4II"The times of the signs: an essay on science and mythology", 19731973

47 leaves, ts [D223]

4JJ"The times of the signs..."

42 leaves, ts, cc [D223]

4KK"Wisdom and knowledge", sermon at St. Thomas Aquinas Church, Toronto, 19731973

8 leaves, ts [RW]

4LL"Wisdom and knowledge", 19731973

5 leaves, ts [RW]

1988, Box 5
Series: 2.3: Addresses, articles, essays, introductions,interviews, benedictions, sermons, prefaces, forewords, lectures, toasts, tributes, memorial services, reviews
5A"Substance and evidence", sermon preached in the Memorial Chapel at Harvard University, 19741974

9 leaves, ts [RW]

5B"Substance and evidence"

3 leaves, ts [RW]

5C"The rhythms of time", address at the Comparative Literature Symposim on "Time and the Poetic Self", 19741974

11 leaves, ts [MM]

5D"The rhythms of time"

9 leaves, ts, cc [MM]

5E"The rhythms of time"

17 leaves, ts, cc [MM]

5FWedding of Patricia Russell and Andrew Binnie, 19741974

2 copies: 6 leaves, ts; 2 leaves, ts, cc

5G"Canada: new world without revolution", address at a Royal Society of Canada Symposium, 19751975

14 leaves, ts [D227]

5H"Canada: new world ..."

10 leaves, ts, cc [D227]

5I"Charms and riddles", address at Northeastern University, 19751975

14 leaves, ts [D224] [A16]

5J"Foreword": Glenna Davis Sloan, Child as Critic, 19751975

2 leaves, ts [D228]

5K"Foreword": Child as Critic

3 leaves, ts, cc [D228]

5L"Charms and riddles"..., 19751975

20 leaves, ts, cc [D224] [A16]

5M"History and myth in the Bible", address to the English Institute, 19751975

14 leaves, ts [D234]

5N"History and myth in the Bible"

19 leaves, ts, cc [D234]

5OSummation of the Symposium on Television Violence, 19751975

15 leaves, ts [D237] [RW]

5P"On knowing things by heart: for Northrop Frye", citation by Angus Fletcher at Milton Dinner, 19751975

9 leaves, ts

5QAddress for the inauguration of Gordon Keyes, 19761976

3 leaves, ts

5R"Charms and riddles", 19761976

30 leaves, ts, cc [A16] [D224]

5S"Conclusion": Literary History of Canada: Canadian Literature in English, 19761976

27 leaves, ts [D154]

5T"Conclusion": Literary History

27 leaves, ts, cc [D154]

5U"Conclusion": Literary History

27 leaves, photocopy [D154]

5V"Expanding eyes", 19751975

31 leaves, ts, cc [D226]

5W"Haunted by lack of ghosts: some patterns in the imagery of Canadian poetry", address at Harvard University, 19761976

24 leaves, ts, cc [D224]

5X"Haunted by lack of ghosts"

12 leaves, printed page proofs [D224]

5Y"National consciousness in Canadian culture", address to the Royal Society of Canada, 19761976

20 leaves, ts [D235]

5Z"National consciousness"

15 leaves, ts [D235]

5AAMLA Presidential Address, 19761976

19 leaves, ts [D238]

5BB"Preface": ADE/ADEL Bulletin, 19761976

2 leaves, ts [D231]

5CC"Preface": ADE/ADEL Bulletin, 19761976

3 leaves, ts, cc [D231]

5DD"Preface": Spiritus mundi, 19761976

6 leaves, ts [A16]

5EEPreface, title page, table of contents, corrections: Spiritus mundi: twelve literary essays, 19761976

16 leaves, ts, cc [A16]

5FF"The responsibilities of the critic", lecture at Johns Hopkins University, 19761976

24 leaves, ts, cc [D232] [MM]

5GG"The responsibilities of the critic"

24 leaves, photocopy [D232] [MM]

5HH"Romance as masque", address presented at the Symposium on Shakespeare's Romances, University of Alabama, 19751975

28 leaves, ts [D225]

5II"Romance as masque"

39 leaves, ts, cc [D225]

5JJ"Romance as masque"

27 leaves, ts, cc [D225]

5KK"Romance as masque"

27 leaves, mimeograph [D225]

1988, Box 6
Series: 2.1: Notes
6ANotes for Secular Scripture, 19761976

28 leaves, holograph, ts

6BNotes for Secular Scripture, 19761976

35 leaves, ts, cc

6CNotes for "Canadian culture today", 19761976

3 leaves, ts, cc

6ENotes for "Canadian culture today", 19771977

3 leaves, ts, cc

Series: 2.3: Addresses, articles, essays, introductions,interviews, benedictions, sermons, prefaces, forewords, lectures, toasts, tributes, memorial services, reviews
6D"Canadian culture today", address at a Symposium on Twentieth-century Canadian Culture, Washington, D.C., 19771977

19 leaves, ts [D243]

6F"Culture as interpenetration", address to UNESCO's International Council of Philosophy and Humanistic Studies Symposium, Montreal, 19771977

15 leaves, ts [D240]

6G"Haunted by lack of ghosts: some patterns in the imagery of Canadian poetry", 19771977

19 leaves, ts [D244]

6H"A summary of the Options Conference", 19771977

10 leaves, ts, cc [D241, H46]

6I"A summary of the Options ..."

13 leaves, ts, cc [D241, H46]

6J"A summary of the Options conference", The University of Toronto Bulletin, 19771977

2 leaves, printed [D241, H46]

6KAddress by Frye on the occasion of his installation as Chancellor of Victoria University, 19781978

7 leaves, ts, cc

6LAddress by Frye...

9 leaves, ts

6MAddress by Frye...

8 leaves, ts, cc

6NInterview: Northrop Frye, Acta Victoriana Centennial 1878-1978, Fall 19781978

1 leaf, printed [G29]

6O"Kathleen Hazel Coburn", presentation of Coburn for an honorary Doctor of Letters at Victoria College, 19781978

3 leaves, ts

6P"Kathleen Hazel Coburn"

3 leaves, ts, cc

6QAddress upon receiving the Royal Bank Award, 19781978

16 leaves, ts [D245]

6RAddress upon receiving the Royal Bank Award

12 leaves, ts, mimeograph [D245]

6SAddress upon receiving the Royal Bank Award, final draft

2 copies: 16 leaves, ts, cc [D245]

6TAn Address by Dr. H. Northrop Frye 1978 Recipient of the Royal Bank Award, 19781978

2 copies: 16 leaves, ts [D245]

6U"The teacher's source of authority", address at the American Educational Research Association Conference, 19781978

17 leaves, ts [D251]

6UClosing remarks and questions

12 leaves, ts

6UIntroduction of Frye

2 leaves, ts

6V"The teacher's source of authority"

15 leaves, ts, cc [D251]

6W"The teacher's source of authority"

16 leaves, ts [D251]

6X"The teacher's source of authority", Curriculum Inquiry, 9:1, 19791979

5 leaves, printed [D251]

6YLecture at Victoria College, 19781978

4 leaves, ts, cc

1988, Box 7
Series: 1.1: General correspondence
7A1Abrams, M.H.1969, 1973, 1974, 1978

1 received, 1 sent 1969; 1 sent 1973; 1 received, 1 sent 1974; 1 received, 1 sent 1978. Includes invitation to a dinner and symposium in honour of Abrams.

7A1Abramson, Laurie R.1976

1 received, 1 sent 1976.

7A1Association of Chairmen of Departments of English of Ontario Universities1972

2 received, 2 sent 1972.

7A1University of Aberdeen1967

1 received, 1 sent 1967.

7A2Adair, Bill1976

1 received, 1 sent 1976.

7A2Adams, Richard P.1973, 1975

1 received, 1 sent 1973, 1975.

7A2Adams, Robert1969

1 received, 1 sent 1969.

7A2Adelman, Howard1969

1 received, 1 sent 1969. Subjects: "Utopia on the campus".

7A2Association of Canadian Television and Radio Artists1977

1 received, 1 sent 1977.

7A3Ahmad, Iqbal1969, 1970, 1971, 1974, 1975

1 received 1969; 2 received, 2 sent 1969; 1 received, 1 sent 1970; 1 sent 1971; 1 received 1974; 1 sent 1975.

7A3University of Alabama1978

1 received, 1 sent 1978.

7A4Albright, Gordon1969, 1970, 1977

2 received, 2 sent 1969; 1 received, 1 sent 1970; 2 received, 1 sent 1977. Includes ms book outline by Albright.

7A5Aldridge, Alfred Owen1969

1 sent 1969.

7A5Ali, Raza1974, 1975

Letter of recommendation 1974. 1 received [from M. Marshall] 1974; 1 sent [to M. Marshall] 1975.

7A5Allan, Doug1976

1 received, 1 sent 1976.

7A5Allen, Larry1972

1 received, 1 sent 1972.

7A5Allentuck, Marcia1968

1 sent 1968.

7A5Allison Fund1973

2 received, 1 sent 1973.

7A6American Academy of Arts and Sciences1969, 1972, 1974, 1975, 1976

2 received, 1 sent 1969; 3 received, 1 sent 1972, 1974; 4 received 1975; 1 received 1976. Subjects: Frye elected a Foreign Honorary Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1969; bicentennial symposium on Canadian-American relations.

7A7American Comparative Literature Association1962

1 received 1962. Includes copy of the constitution of the Association. Subjects: Frye elect a member of the Advisory Board of the Association.

7A7American Council of Learned Societies1966, 1975

1 received, 1 sent 1966; 2 received, 1 sent 1975.

7A7American Philosophical Society1976

4 received, 2 sent 1976. Includes notification of Frye's election to the Society.

7A8Amis, Martin1971, 1978

1 received, 1 sent 1971; 2 received, 1 sent 1978.

7A8Anderson, David Lauri1970, 1977

1 received, 1 sent 1970; 1 received 1977. Includes curriculum vitae.

7A8Anderson, Estelle1974

1 received, 1 sent 1974.

7A8Anderson, Jane1977

1 received 1977.

7A9Anderson, John1968

1 received, 1 sent 1968.

7A9Andrews, Catharine1978

1 received 1978.

7A9Ansari, A.A.1965

2 received, 2 sent 1965. Subjects: Book on Blake by Ansari.

7A9Antczak, Janice1977, 1978

1 received, 1 sent 1977; 3 received, 1 sent 1978. Includes questions to be asked in an interview.

7A9Antioch College1961

1 sent 1961.

7A9Antippas, Andy P.1970

1 sent 1970.

7A10AEDIC [Arctic Institute]1976

1 received, 1 sent 1976. Includes draft of conference programme.

7A10Antman, Jeffrey1976

1 received, 1 sent 1976.

7A10Antoniou, Sylvia A.1977

2 received, 1 sent 1977. Includes a short bibliography of Frye's art criticism.

7A10Appignanesi, Richard1966

1 received 1966.

7A10Applebaum, Lon1971

1 received, 1 sent 1971.

7A10Arete Publishing Company1977

1 received, 1 sent 1977.

7A10ARION1969, 1973, 1974

1 received, 1 sent 1969. Includes a questionnaire about Horace. 1 received 1973; 1 sent 1974. Includes comments by Frye on Horace and prefatory remarks by Frye for an issue on Classics.

7A11Armao, Eugene V.1972

1 received, 1 sent 1972.

7A11Armour, F.T.1968, 1969

1 received, 1 sent 1968; 1 received 1969.

7A11Arndt, Walter1975

1 received, 2 sent 1975.

7A11Arnold, Magda1960

1 received 1960.

7A11Aronson, Alex1965

1 received, 1 sent 1965.

7A11Arscott, W. Hugh1967

1 received, 1 sent 1967.

7A11Ashby, Eric1969

1 received, 1969.

7A11Ashley, C.A.1962

1 sent 1962.

7A12-A13Ashraf, S.A.1971, 1972

1 received, 1 sent 1971. Includes cv and letters to D. Hoeniger and Malcolm Ross among others regarding Ashraf. 2 received, 1 sent 1972.

7A14Andersen, Lillian1967

1 received, 1 sent 1967.

7A14Asilomar Conference1978

1 received, 1 sent 1978.

7A15Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies1974, 1976, 1977

3 received, 2 sent 1974; 1 received, 1976, 1977.

7A15Association of Master Teachers1965, 1966

1 received, 1 sent 1965; 2 received 1966.

7A15Assumption College1972, 1973

1 received [1972]; 1 sent 1973.

7A15Asti-Rose, Michael1978

1 received 1978. Includes biographical sketch.

7A15Athabasca University1976

1 received, 1 sent 1976.

7A15Atkinson, Michael1972

1 received, 1 sent 1972.

7A15Austin, Lewis1978

1 sent 1978.

7A16Australian National University1977, 1978, 1978

6 received, 4 sent 1977; 4 received, 4 sent 1978. Subjects: Frye's visit to New Zealand/Australia in the summer of 1978.

7A16Avison, Margaret1971, 1972

1 sent 1971; 1 received 1972.

7B1Baker, Janet1974

2 sent 1974. Copy to Lorna Fraser.

7B1Baker, John Ross1973

1 received, 1 sent 1973.

7B1Baker, Sheridan1960

1 sent 1960.

7B1Balazy, Teresa1975

1 received 1975.

7B1Baldwin, R.G.1962

1 sent 1962.

7B1Bancroft, Marjorie A.1978

1 received, 1 sent 1978.

7B1Barbier, Carl1971

1 received, 1 sent 1971.

7B1Barker, Earle W. Jr.1975

1 received, 1 sent 1975. Includes poem.

7B2Bar Ilan University1969, 1970, 1974

3 received, 2 sent 1969; 2 received, 1 sent 1970; 1 received, 2 sent 1974.

7B2Barker, Arthur1976

1 telegram concerning A.B. 1976.

7B2Barlow, Joan1962

1 received, 1 sent 1962.

7B3Barnet, Sylvan1962, 1965

1 received, 1 sent 1962, 1965.

7B3Barr, D.J.1962

1 sent 1962.

7B3Barristers' Society1973

1 received, 1 sent 1973.

7B3Barroll, Leeds1960, 1972

1 sent 1960, 1972.

7B3Barry College, Toronto1967

1 received, 1 sent 1967.

7B3Barton, Henry A.1965

1 received, 1 sent 1965.

7B3Bartram, Dorothy1974

1 sent 1974.

7B3Bates, James E.1960

1 received, 1 sent 1960.

7B3Bateson, Gregory1961

1 sent 1961.

7B4Bathurst Heights Secondary School1971, 1972

1 received, 1 sent 1971; 1 received 1972.

7B4Battestin, Martin C.1969

1 sent 1969.

7B4Bauer, Walter1976

1 sent 1976. Includes notice of death of WB in December 1976, diagnosis of illness and printed funeral oration.

7B5Baugh, David J.1977

1 received, 1 sent 1977. Includes copy of thoughts on confederation through the study of astrology.

7B5Baum, Joan1967

2 received, 1 sent 1967.

7B5Baumgardner, George1969

1 sent 1969. Copy to J.J. Chew.

7B5Beattie, Munro1960, 1961, 1966

1 sent 1960, 1961; 1 received, 1 sent 1966.

7B6Beach, Margaret A.1976

1 received, 1 sent 1976.

7B6Beckman, Richard1969

1 received, 1 sent 1969.

7B6Beckman, Susan1976, 1977

1 received, 1 sent 1976, 1977. Subjects: E.J. Pratt.

7B6Beder, E.A.1972

1 received 1972.

7B6Beharriell, Fred1976

1 received 1976. Includes cv.

7B7Bell, Allan1969

1 received, 2 sent 1969.

7B7Bell, B.S. (Evelyn).1965

1 received, 1 sent 1965.

7B7Bell, John W.S.1968

1 received, 1 sent 1968.

7B7Benham, Donald B.

Proposal for an M.A. research essay.

7B8Bentley, Allen1960, 1964, 1965, 1974

1 received 1960; 1 received, 1 sent 1964. Includes poem. 1 received, 1 sent 1965. Includes thesis proposal and poetry. 2 received, 1 sent 1974.

7B8Bentley, Eric1966

1 received 1966.

7B8Bentley, G.E. Jr.1962, 1965, 1968, 1969, 1975

1 sent 1962, 1965; 1 received, 1968; 1 sent 1969, 1975. Subjects: Blake Catalogue.

7B9Bentman, Raymond1971

1 sent 1971.

7B9Benziger, James1962

1 sent 1962.

7B9Berea College1976

1 received, 1 sent 1976.

7B9Bernholtz, Ben1977

1 received, 1 sent 1977.

7B9Berthoff, Warner1970, 1975

1 sent 1970; 1 received, 1 sent 1975.

7B9Bertram, J.1960

1 sent 1960.

7B9Best, Ernest1973

1 received, 1 sent 1973.

7B9Beta Sigma Phi Award1962

1 sent 1962.

7B9Bettina, Sister1967

1 received, 1 sent 1967.

7B9Beye, C.R.1976

1 sent 1976.

7B10Bibaoco, Eva J.1966, 1970

1 received, 1 sent 1966; 2 received, 2 sent 1970. Includes copy to Donald Smith.

7B10Bickersteth, J. Burgon1969

1 received 1969.

7B10Biggar and Wilkie Teachers' Associations1977

1 received, 1 sent 1977.

7B10Bignon, Robert1974, 1976

1 received, 1 sent 1974, 1976.

7B10Bilder, J. Raban1963

1 received, 1 sent 1963. Subjects: art of the novelist.

7B10Billiar, Donald E.1966

1 received 1966.

7B10Biron, Luc-André1972

1 received, 1 sent 1972.

1988, Box 8
Series: 1.1: General correspondence
8B11Bishop, Peter V.1966

1 received 1966.

8B11Black, A.H.1961

1 sent 1961.

8B11Black, Bob1977, 1978

2 received 1977; 1 sent 1978.

8B11Black, Max1966, 1968, 1969, 1973, 1975

2 received, 2 sent 1966. Includes statement regarding the Society for the Humanities. 1 received 1968; 2 received, 1 sent 1969; 1 sent 1973, 1975. Subjects: appointment as Professor-at-Large at Cornell.

8B12Black, Sandra1973

1 sent 1973.

8B12Black, Theodore1961, 1965, 1973

1 sent 1961; 1 received, 1 sent 1965, 1973.

8B12Blackmur, R.P.1960

1 sent 1960.

8B12Bladen, Vincent1978

1 sent 1978.

8B12Blake, Jack E.1975

1 received 1975.

8B12Blake, Jerry S.1974

1 received, 1 sent 1974. Includes cv.

8B12Blessing, Joanne C.1968

1 received, 1 sent 1968.

8B12Blissett, William1965, 1968, 1972

1 sent 1965, 1968, 1972.

8B12Blitch, A.F.1970

1 sent 1970.

8B13Block, Haskell M.1970

1 sent 1970.

8B13Blondel, Jacques1970

1 received, 1 sent 1970.

8B13Bloom, Edward1961

1 sent 1961.

8B13Bloom, Harold1960, 1961, 1963, 1968, 1969

1 received, 2 sent 1960; 1 sent 1961, 1963; 1 received 1968; 2 received, 2 sent 1969.

8B13Bloomfield, Caroline1972

1 sent 1972.

8B14Blunden, E.1947, 1948, 1964

1 received 1947, 1948; 1 received 1964. Includes advertisement for Frye's lecture "The structure and spirit of comedy" at the University of London, 1964.

8B14Bly, Robert1973

1 sent 1973.

8B14Bobbs-Merrill Co.1971, 1972

1 received, 1 sent 1971; 3 received, 3 sent 1972. [Frye terminated his position as Editor-in-Chief of the College Classics in English series in September 1972.]

8B14Bodnar, Lydia1970, 1971

1 received 1970; 1 sent 1971.

8B15Boissonneau, Alice Eedy1973, 1974

2 received, 1 sent 1973; 1 received, 1 sent 1974.

8B16-B17Bolgan, Anne1962, 1963, 1967, 1971, 1972, 1974

2 sent 1962; 1 sent 1963; 1 received, 1 sent 1967. 2 received, 1 sent 1971. Includes correspondence with Robin S. Strachan, Director of McGill-Queen's UP. 1 received, 1 sent 1972, 1974.

8B18Bomphray, Clint1975

1 received, 1 sent 1975.

8B18Bompiani, Ginevra1978

2 received, 1 sent 1978.

8B18Book & Periodical Development Council1977

1 received 1977; 2 received, 2 sent 1977. [Frye's remarks regarding The Symons Report [Report of the Commission on Canadian Studies] was accidentally omitted upon publication of the report.]

8B18Books in Canada1978

2 received, 2 sent 1978. Includes survey form about English Canadian fiction, non-fiction and poetry.

8B18Boothroyd, Rev. D.C.1968

1 received, 1 sent 1968.

8B19Bossin, Bob1972

1 received, 1 sent 1972. Includes plans for a conference on madness at the University of Toronto.

8B19Boston Arts Review1974 1 received, 1 sent 1974.
8B19Boston College1969, 1970, 1976

1 received, 1 sent 1969. Includes outline for a conference on literature and theology. 2 received, 2 sent 1970; 2 received, 1 sent 1976.

8B19Bouchard, Denis1967, 1977 1 received, 1 sent 1967; 1 sent 1977.
8B20Boudreau, Gordon V.1971

1 received, 1 sent 1971. Includes abstracts of a lecture on Henry David Thoreau.

8B20Bouissac, Paul1976

1 sent 1976.

8B20Boundary 21971, 1972

1 received, 1 sent 1971, 1972.

8B20Bourne, John Frye1971

1 received, 1 sent 1971. Subjects: ancestry of the Frye family.

8B20Bowdoin College1967

1 received, 1 sent 1967.

8B21Bowering, G.1976

1 received, 1 sent 1976.

8B21Bowling Green State University1969, 1972

3 received, 3 sent 1969; 1 received, 2 sent 1972.

8B21Boxer, Avi1972

1 received, 1 sent 1972.

8B21Boyer, B.W.1976

1 received, 1 sent 1976.

8B21Boyette, Purvis E.1967, 1970

1 sent 1967, 1970.

8B21Boyle, Harry1977

1 received 1977.

8B21Bradford, Rev. Douglas1962

1 sent 1962.

8B22Bradley University1965

1 received, 1 sent 1965.

8B22Brander, Kalliopi Lakmini Danikas1975

1 received, 1 sent 1975.

8B22Brantley, Richard E.1974

1 received, 1 sent 1974.

8B22Braswell, Laurel1969, 1970

1 received, 1 sent 1969, 1970.

8B22Braude, Nan1971

1 received, 1 sent 1971.

8B22Break Thru1967

1 received, 1 sent 1967. Subjects: interviews with Frye for a radio series called Break Thru.

8B22Brée, Germaine1975, 1976

1 received 1975; 1 received, 1 sent 1976. Subjects: Modern Language Association.

8B23Biran, Michael1965

1 received, 1 sent 1965.

8B23Brelvi, Ebadat1969

1 received, 1 sent 1969.

8B23Bresser, Mrs. I.1972

1 received, 1 sent 1972.

8B23Brett, Gerard1961

1 received 1961. Includes lines on a set of 12 trenchers.

8B23Bridgewater State College1976

1 received, 1 sent 1976.

8B23Brindle, Ian D.1969

1 received 1969. Includes poetry.

8B23Brine, Margaret1969

1 received, 1 sent 1969.

8B23Bringhurst, Robert1972

1 received, 1 sent 1972.

8B24Brink, Andrew1967, 1968, 1971, 1974 1 received 1967, 1968; 1 received, 1 sent 1971, 1974.
8B24Brisman, Leslie1977

1 sent 1977. Includes xerox of a book review.

8B24British Academy1975

2 received, 1 sent 1975. Subjects: Election of Frye as a Corresponding Fellow of the Academy.

8B25British Broadcasting Corporation1963, 1969, 1970, 1971, 1971, 1978

1 received, 1 sent 1963;1 received 1969; 4 received, 1 sent 1970; 2 received 1971, 2 sent 1971; 1 received, 1 sent 1978. Subjects: talks for the BBC.

8B26B.C. English Teachers' Association1974

2 received, 1 sent 1974.

8B26B.C. School Trustees Association1965

1 received 1965.

8B26British Council1959, 1975

1 [to H. Bennett] 1959; 1 received, 1 sent 1975.

8B26Broda, Robert J.1969

1 received, 1 sent 1969.

8B27Brookner, Ed1969, 1972, 1973

1 received 1969, 1972, 1973. Includes poem.

8B27Brothers, Anita Uhl1962

1 sent 1962.

8B27Broughton, Robert1976

1 received, 1 sent 1976.

8B27Broustra, C.1971

1 received, 1 sent 1971.

8B27Brower, Reuben1970, 1972

1 received, 1 sent 1970; 1 sent 1972. Includes invitation 1972.

8B27Brown, Calvin S.1962

1 sent 1962.

8B28Brown, Ian1968

1 received, 1 sent 1968. Subjects: The Educated Imagination.

8B28Brown, Merle E.1962

1 sent 1962.

8B28Brown, Mrs. James1974

1 sent 1974.

8B28Brown, Randy1977

1 received, 1 sent 1977.

8B28Bruce, Charles1969

1 received, 1 sent 1969. Includes xerox of an extract from Lehman's book about the Sitwells.

8B28Bruckman, Pat1975, 1978

1 sent 1975, 1978.

8B28Bruffee, Kenneth A.1970, 1971

2 received, 1 sent 1970; 1 received 1971.

8B28Brumfield, William1978

Printed notice of an exhibition of photographs by WB. 1 sent 1978.

8B29Brunner, Jerome S.1961

1 sent 1961.

8B29Bryant, M.D.1972

1 received 1972.

8B29Bryn Mawr College1967

2 received, 1 sent 1967.

8B29Bucove, Bernard1972, 1973

1 sent 1972; 1 received 1973.

8B29Buddhist Publication Society1962

1 received, 1 sent 1962.

8B29Buford, Albert H.1969

2 received, 2 sent 1969.

8B29Buitenhuis, Elspeth1974

1 received, 1 sent 1974.

8B29Buitenhuis, P.M.1964, 1968

1 received 1964; 1 received, 1 sent 1968.

8B30Buncic, Ray1978

1 received, 1 sent 1978.

8B30Bunner, Freda1972

1 received, 1 sent 1972.

8B30Burling, Robbins1967

1 sent 1967.

8B30Burlington Public Library1973, 1975

1 received, 1 sent 1973, 1975.

8B30Burnett, Betty1975

1 received, 1 sent 1975. Includes article.

8B31Burns, Margaret M.1962

1 sent 1962.

8B31Burton, B.A.1969

1 received, 1 sent 1969.

8B31Burton, Ian1962

1 sent 1962.

8B31Bush, Douglas1961, 1971

1 sent 1961, 1971.

8B31Bush, Roland1977

1 sent 1977.

8B31Butler, Colin1973

2 received, 2 sent 1973. Includes cv.

8B32Butler, Francelia1976

3 received, 3 sent 1976.

8B32Butson, Barry1967

1 received, 1 sent 1967.

8B32Butt, Gene1973

1 received, 1 sent 1973.

8B32Bynum, David E.1977

1 sent 1977. Includes letter to R. Thompson.

1988, Box 9
Series: 1.1: General correspondence
9C1Cain, Tom1968, 1972

1 sent 1968; 1 received, 1 sent 1972.

9C1Calarco, Joseph1976

1 received, 1 sent 1976.

9C1University of California, Berkeley1973

1 received, 1 sent 1973.

9C1University of California, Irvine1967, 1977

1 received, 1 sent 1967. Includes a proposal for a conference on aesthetics. 2 received, 2 sent 1977.

9C1University of California, Los Angeles1970, 1972

2 received, 3 sent 1970; 1 received, 1 sent 1972.

9C2California State University1972

1 received, 1 sent 1972.

9C2Calin, William1977

3 received, 3 sent 1977.

9C2Camden, Carroll1959

1 sent 1959.

9C2Cameron, Kenneth N.1962, 1973, 1974

1 sent 1962; 1 received, 3 sent 1973. Includes review of a book by KC. 1 sent 1974.

9C2Cameron, Sharon1978

1 sent 1978.

9C2University of Cambridge1971

1 received, 1 sent 1971.

9C3Campbell, Fanny1970, 1972

1 received, 1 sent 1970; 1 sent 1972.

9C3Campbell, John1975

1 received, 1 sent 1975.

9C3Campbell, Joseph1963

1 sent 1963.

9C3Campbell, Mary1968

1 received, 1 sent 1968.

9C3Campbell, Sandra1978

1 received, 1 sent 1978. Includes copy of a letter from Lorne Pierce to Mrs. Pelham Edgar. Subjects: Pelham Edgar.

9C3Camu, Pierre1978

2 received, 1 sent 1978.

9C4-C9Canada Council1956-1978

Correspondence regarding candidates for grants; conditions of support for special lecturers; award of the Canada Council Medal and grants to Frye; participation in and subsequent resignation from a consultative group on the needs of scholars in the humanities; participation in the Selection Committee of the New Translation Programme; and lists of works recommended for translation.

9C10Canada Foundation1958-1967

Correspondence concerning the Foundation and its assistance in assessing applications to the Canada Council.

9C10Canadian Booksellers Association1977

1 received, 1 sent 1977.

9C11Canadian Broadcasting Corporation1962, 1965, 1966, 1970, 1971, 1973, 1974, 1977

3 received, 2 sent 1962; 1 received 1965; 5 received, 1 sent 1966. Includes agreement regarding Frye's participation in a radio programme, "The Human Condition"; schedule of programmes in the series "Ideas"; contract from the CBC. 1 received, 1 sent 1970; 5 received, 2 sent 1971; 1 received, 1 sent 1973, 1974, 1977.

9C12Canadian Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament1963

1 sent 1963.

9C12Canadian Committee for a Democratic Spain1973

1 received, 1 sent 1973. Includes programme for a conference.

9C12Canadian Comparative Literature Association1972-1973

Correspondence about the Canadian Review of Comparative Literature and the Association.

9C12Canadian Conference of the Arts1962, 1978

1 sent 1962; 1 received, 1 sent 1978.

9C13Canadian Corporation for the 1967 World Exhibition1967

1 received, 1 sent 1967.

9C13Canadian Drama1977

1 received, 2 sent 1977.

9C13Canadian Embassy, Washington, D.C.1976, 1978

2 received 1976; 1 received 1978. Includes text of an interview with Frye included in the Embassy's publication Canada Today/D'Aujourd'hui.

9C14Canadian Forum1965-1969

Includes correspondence, minutes of meetings of the directors, two issues, and a financial statement for December 1968.

9C15Canadian Institute of International Affairs1976

1 received, 1 sent 1976. Includes an outline for the fourth Lester B. Pearson Conference.

9C15Canadian Institute of Planners1977

1 received, 1 sent 1977.

9C15Canadian Institute on Public Affairs1962, 1977

2 sent 1962; 1 received, 1 sent 1977.

9C15Canadian Literature Club1968

1 received n.d.; 1 received, 1 sent 1968.

9C15Canadian Speech Communication Journal1968

1 received, 1 sent 1968.

9C15Canale, Selby1973

2 received, 2 sent 1973.

9C16Cantwell, Sister Margaret1969, 1970

1 received, 1 sent 1969; 3 received, 3 sent 1970.

9C16Caplan, Alan1972

1 received, 1 sent 1972.

9C16Caplan, Usher1971

1 received, 1 sent 1971. Subjects: Anatomy of Criticism.

9C16Cardinal, C.H.1963

1 sent 1963.

9C16Carefoot, Ernie1973

1 received, 1 sent 1973.

9C16Carens, James F.1969

1 received, 1 sent 1969.

9C16Cargas, Harry J.1971

1 received, 1 sent 1971. Includes clipping.

9C17Carnegie Institute of Technology1965, 1966

1 received, 1 sent 1965; 2 received 1966.

9C17Carner, Frank1976

1 received, 1 sent 1976.

9C17Carpenter, T.1975

1 received, 2 sent 1975.

9C17Carr, Duane1976

1 sent 1976.

9C17Carruthers, Ian1970

1 received, 1 sent 1970.

9C17Carson, Mike1974

1 received, 1 sent 1974.

9C17Case Western Reserve University1971

1 received, 1 sent 1971.

9C17Cattley, Robert1960

1 sent 1960.

9C18Celli, John1973, 1974

1 received, 2 sent 1973; 1 received 1974. Subjects: archetypes.

9C18Centennial Projects and Planning1965

Copy of an address by Hon. Maurice Lamontagne, 1965.

9C19Castillo, Nardo1967

1 received, 1 sent 1967.

9C19Centennial Commission1966

1 received, 1 sent 1966. Includes outline of a literary competition.

9C19Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences (Stanford, Calif.)1964, 1965, 1976

1 received, 1 sent 1964, 1965, 1976.

9C19Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions1970

1 received, 1 sent 1970.

9C19[Centennial Project of the National Gallery of Canada]1966

Includes correspondence and typescript of a catalogue entry on William Blake by Frye 1966.

9C20Central Elgin Collegiate Institute1966

1 received, 1 sent 1966.

9C20Central Missouri State College1970

1 received, 1 sent 1970.

9C20Central Washington State College1965, 1966, 1972

1 received, 1 sent 1965; 1 received 1966; 1 received, 1 sent 1972.


1 received, 1 sent 1967.

9C20Chakrabarti, Kalipada1972

1 received, 1 sent 1972.

9C20Chamberlain, Evelyn M.1969

1 received, 1 sent 1969.

9C20Channel 791972

1 received, 1 sent 1972.

9C20Channel 91965

1 received 1965.

9C20College of Charleston1966

1 received, 1 sent 1966.

9C21Chayes, Irene H.1962, 1965, 1968, 1973, 1975

1 sent 1962; 1 received, 1 sent 1965, 1968; 1 sent 1973, 1975.

9C21Cheney, Patrick G.1973, 1975

1 received, 1 sent 1973, 1975.

9C21Chiasson, Rod1976, 1977

1 received, 1 sent 1976; 2 received, 2 sent 1977. Includes xerox of an article on pay-TV.

9C22Brooklyn College1966

1 received, 1 sent 1966.

9C22Child, Philip1965

1 sent 1965.

9C22Chippewa Secondary School1960

1 sent 1960.

9C22Chisholm, Elspeth1941, 1973

1 received 1941, 1973.

9C22Chittick, V.L.O.1967, 1968

1 received, 1967, 1968.

9C22Chow, Deborah1977

1 received, 1 sent 1977.

9C22Christopher, J.R.1972

1 sent 1972.

9C22Church, Barry1973

1 received, 1 sent 1973.

9C22City University of New York. City College.1965, 1966

1 received, 1 sent 1965; 1 received 1966.

9C22University of Cincinnati1976

1 received, 1 sent 1976.

9C23City University of New York Graduate School and University Center1969, 1978

1 received, 1 sent 1969; 1 received, 2 sent 1978. Includes notice of conference.

9C23Clareson, Thomas D.1973

1 sent 1973.

9C23Clarion State College1966

1 received, 1 sent 1966.

9C23Clark, Douglas1978

1 received, 1 sent 1978.

9C23Clark, Sharon1973

1 received, 1 sent 1973.

9C23Clarke, Garrick I.1960, 1976

1 sent 1960; 1 received 1976.

9C23Clarkson, Stephen1976

1 received, 1 sent 1976.

9C23Queens College (New York, N.Y.)1966

1 received 1966.

9C24Clement, Sarah V.1970

1 received, 1 sent 1970.

9C24Clendenning, Anne1973

2 received, 2 sent 1973.

9C24Cliche, Colomb1969, 1970

1 sent 1969, 1970. Includes a copy of a letter from Cliche to P. Juneau resigning from the CRTC 1970.

9C24Clifford, Anne1975

1 sent 1975.

9C24CLIO: An interdisciplinary Journal of Literature, History & the Philosophy of History1971

2 received, 1 sent 1971.

9C25Clipper, Lawrence J.1970

1 received, 1 sent 1970.


1 received from K. Polanyi 1963. Includes copies of letters from European scholars expressing interest in a new scholarly journal.

9C25Coates, Brian1971

2 received, 1 sent 1971. Subjects: mythical universe.

9C25Coates, Mrs. E.1970

1 received, 1 sent 1970.

9C25Coffin, Lawrence1970

1 received, 1 sent 1970. Includes pages of proverbs.

9C26Cole, Betty1974

1 received, 1 sent 1974. Subjects: prejudice.

9C26Cole, Wayne1977

1 received, 1 sent 1977.

9C26Coles, D.1967, 1975

1 received n.d.; 1 received, 1 sent 1967; 1 sent 1975.

9C26Colgate University1968

1 received [from Wolfgang Iser], 1 sent 1968. Includes outline of a conference on Poetics and Hermeneutics held in Constance in 1968.

1988, Box 10
Series: 1.1: General correspondence
10C27College Center of the Finger Lakes1970

2 received, 1 sent 1970.

10C27Collier Books1962

1 received, 2 sent 1962.

10C27Collingwood Collegiate Institute1970

1 received, 1 sent 1970.

10C27Collins, Ben L.1965, 1967

1 received, 1 sent 1965, 1967.

10C27Colorado College1970 1 received, 1 sent 1970.
10C27Columbia College (Columbia, University)1970

2 received, 2 sent 1970.

10C28Canadian Poetry Conference Committee1969

1 received, 1 sent 1969. Includes outline of conference.

10C28Columbia University1959, 1963, 1963

1 sent 1959, 1963; 1 received, 1 sent 1963.

10C28Colvin, Claude R.1976

1 received, 1 sent 1976.

10C28Colvin, J.A.1972

1 received 1972.

10C28Comfort, Charles F.1970

1 sent 1970.

10C28Commission on Canadian Studies1977

1 received 1977.

10C28Common, R.H.1971

2 received, 2 sent 1971.

10C29Comparative Drama1967

2 received, 3 sent 1967.

10C29Comparative Literature Association1962

1 sent 1962.

10C29Comparative Literature Conference1975

1 received, 1 sent 1975. Includes announcement about the 2nd International Comparative Literature Conference in the Republic of China.

10C29Comparative Literature Studies1967

Correspondence (1967) regarding the transfer of the journal from Maryland to Urbana; and a symposium on the art of the narrative. Includes printed notice of a change of the journal's address and an offprint of a review essay by A.O. Aldridge.

10C30Concordia Senior College1966, 1967, 1968

2 received 1966; 1 received, 1 sent 1967; 4 received, 4 sent 1968.

10C30Cone, Edward T.1967, 1968

1 received 1967; 1 sent 1968.

10C30Conrad Grebel College1961

1 received, 1 sent 1961.

10C30The Compass1970

1 received, 1 sent 1970.

10C31Conville, Richard Lane Jr.1966, 1971, 1978

3 received 1966; 1 received, 1 sent 1971, 1978.

10C31Cook, Albert1978

1 sent 1978.

10C31Cook, Debbie1973

1 received, 1 sent 1973.

10C31Cook, Melville1970

1 sent 1970. Includes copies of Christmas poems.

10C32Cook, Ramsay1971

1 received, 1 sent 1971.

10C32Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art1965, 1973

1 received, 1 sent 1965, 1973.

10C33Cormier, Mrs. Armand1976

Death notice communicated by Charles Delfen, CRTC. Includes telegramme and reply 1976.

10C33Corringham, John1978

1 received, 1 sent 1978.

10C33Costanzo, William V.1967

1 received, 1 sent 1967.

10C33Cottino-Jones, Marga1974

1 received, 1 sent 1974.

10C33Couch, William1970

2 received, 1 sent 1970.

10C33Coull, Judy1962

1 sent 1962.

10C33Council of Ministers of Education (Canada)1972

1 received, 1 sent 1972. Includes outline of seminar on transmission technology for education.

10C34Coursen, Herbert R. Jr.1965, 1967, 1968

1 received 1965, 1967; 1 sent 1968.

10C34Coutts, Eleanor1967, 1969, 1974

1 received 1967, 1969; 1 sent 1974. Includes testimonial concerning her education.

10C34Covert, William B.1968

2 received, 1 sent 1968.

10C34Cowan, Mrs. J.S.1973

2 received, 1 sent 1973.

10C34Cox, C.B.1968

1 received, 1 sent 1968.

10C34Cragg, Florence1976

1 received, 1 sent 1976.

10C35Craig, Hardin1962

1 sent 1962.

10C35Cranston, Flip1969

3 received, 3 sent 1969.

10C35Craven Enterprises, Yorkshire1968

2 sent 1968.

10C35Crawford, Thomas P.1969

2 received, 2 sent 1969.

10C35Creed, Robert P.1962

2 sent 1962.

10C35Creelman, John1972

1 received 1972.

10C35Creighton, John1962

1 sent 1962.

10C36Crescent Heights High School1961

1 sent 1961.

10C36Crispo, John1972

1 sent 1972.


1 sent 1960.

10C36Cross, Irving E.1973

2 sent 1973.

10C36Crossley, Don1977

1 sent 1977.

10C36Crowe, Helen1971

2 received, 1 sent 1971.

10C36Cullen, Patrick1975

2 sent 1975.

10C36Culler, Jonathan1976, 1977

1 received [1976]; 1 sent 1977.

10C36Curtin, Frank D.1966

1 sent 1966.


concerning a conference on the languages of humanistic studies; a proposal to study the future of intellectual institutions; and essays contributed by Frye to the journal.


Correspondence (1968-1979) with S.R. Graubard, editor of

10D8Dale, G.O.1963

1 sent 1963.

10D8Dancy, John1970

2 received, 1 sent 1970. Subjects: Anatomy of Criticism.

10D8Danforth Foundation1967

Correspondence (1967) regarding the conference of Danforth Graduate Fellows for 1968.

10D8Dargan, Tom1970

1 received, 1 sent 1970.

10D8Dau, Heather E.1970

1 received, 1 sent 1970.

10D9Davenport, Robert G.1976

1 received, 1 sent 1976. Includes clipping from The New Statesman.

10D9Davids, Arthur1973, 1974

1 received, 1 sent 1973, 1974. Includes poem.

10D9Davidson, Donald J.1971

1 received, 1 sent 1971.

10D9Davies, J.M.Q.1976

1 received, 1 sent 1976.

10D9Dr. Jean Davey Honorary Fund1973, 1974

1 received 1973; 2 received, 1 sent 1974.

10D10Davin, Dan1968, 1969

1 received 1968; 1 sent 1969.

10D10Davis, Andrew H.1968

2 received, 1 sent 1968.

10D10Davis, Marion Trites1975

1 received, 1 sent 1975.

10D10Davis, William G.1969, 1970

1 received, 1 sent 1969; 1 received 1970.

10D10Davison, Cathy1967

1 received 1967.

10D10Dawson, D.A.1972

1 received, 1 sent 1972.

10D10Day, Janet1975

1 received, 1 sent 1975.

10D10Day, Robert Adams1971, 1976

1 received, 1 sent 1971; 1 sent 1976.

10D11De Boer, Hans A.1962

1 sent 1962.

10D11De Kuyper, Fernand V.1963

1 sent 1963.

10D11Deacon, William Arthur1965

4 received, 2 sent 1965.

10D11Dean, Christopher1962

1 sent 1962.

10D11Dean, William K.H.1965

1 sent 1965.

10D11Deaton, Mary B.1964

1 received 1964.

10D11Del Grande, Martha1978

1 received, 1 sent 1978.

10D11University of Delaware1976

1 received, 1 sent 1976.

10D12De Lisle, Harold F.1978

1 received, 2 sent 1978.

10D12De Loach, Allen1970, 1973

1 sent 1970, 1973.

10D12Deller, Clarke1961

1 sent 1961.

10D12Delpino, Louis1973

1 received, 1 sent 1973.

10D12Dembo, Pamela1974

1 received, 2 sent 1974. Includes thesis abstract.

10D13De Nagy, Christophe1971, 1972, 1973

4 received, 4 sent 1971; 4 received, 1 sent 1972; 2 sent 1973. Includes notice of death in July 1973.

10D13Dembowski, Peter1965

1 sent 1965.

10D13Demson, D.E.1978

1 sent 1978.

10D14Dennis, Marie1967

1 received 1967. Includes carbon copy of an essay on Gray's Elegy.

10D14Southwestern Ohio Educational Research Council, Inc. Department of English Language Arts1973

1 received, 1 sent 1973.

10D14University of Denver1962

1 sent 1962.

10D15De Visser, Helen1973

1 received, 1 sent 1973.


2 received, 1 sent 1978.

10D15Di Benedetto, Vincent1974

1 received, 1 sent 1974.

10D15Dickens Fellowship1970

1 received, 1 sent 1970.

10D15Dickey, John1967, 1970, 1972

1 received 1967; 2 received, 1 sent 1970; 1 sent 1972.

10D15Dickinson College1972

1 received, 1 sent 1972.

10D15University of Detroit1967

1 received, 2 sent 1967.

1988, Box 11
Series: 1.1: General correspondence
11D16Dickinson, Hugh1967

1 received, 1 sent 1967.

11D16Dickler, Howard1973

1 received, 1 sent 1973.

11D16Dickman, Owen E.1974, 1975

2 received, 1 sent 1974; 1 received 1975. Subjects: theory of communication.

11D16Diller, Edward1971

1 received, 1 sent 1971. Includes cv.

11D16Dobson, Virginia1961

1 sent 1961.

11D16Dolezel, Lobomir1973

1 sent 1973.

11D16Donahue, Mrs. A. Jos.1968

1 received, 1 sent 1968.

11D17Donner, H.W.1969

3 received, 2 sent 1969.

11D17Donoghue, Denis1963, 1964, 1965, 1971

1 received 1963, 1964; 1 received, 1 sent 1965; 1 sent 1971.

11D17Dorward, David M.1978

1 sent 1978.

11D17Doubleday Canada Ltd.1971, 1972

1 received, 1 sent 1971; 1 sent 1972.

11D18Douglas, Crerar1968

1 received, 1 sent 1968. Includes contents and draft chapter of a projected book about Frye.

11D18Dowling, William C.1977

1 received, 2 sent 1977.

11D18Downey, James1974

1 received, 1 sent 1974.

11D18Doyle, John R. Jr.1963

1 sent 1963.

11D19Douglas Duncan Picture Loan Society1964

Miscellaneous letter from The Clearing, Markham, 1964, regarding David Milne.

11D19Dozier, Jane1972

1 received, 1 sent 1972.

11D19Drew University1976

1 received, 1 sent 1976.

11D19Dryden, Allton1971

3 received, 2 sent 1971. Includes letters from Lorna Fraser to Dryden, from LF to Frye and from Frye to LF.

11D19Duckworth, M.W.1962

1 sent 1962.

11D19Duke University1966

1 received, 1 sent 1966.

11D20Duncan, Helen Brown1976, 1977 1 received 1976; 1 received, 1 sent 1977.
11D20Dundas District High School1962

1 sent 1962.

11D20Dunn, Thomas1973 1 received, 1 sent 1973.
11D20Dunnington, Hazel B.1965

1 received, 1 sent 1965.

11D20Durand, Régis G.1968

1 received, 1 sent 1968.

11D20Durham, Mrs.1971

Birth announcement and reply 1971.

11D20Duston, Owen1969

1 received, 1 sent 1969.

11E1Eadie, Tom1963

1 received, 2 sent 1963.

11E1Easson, Roger1973

1 sent 1973.

11E1Easterbrook, T.1974

1 sent 1974.

11E1Eaton, Charles E.1970

1 sent 1970.

11E1Eby, Loella J.M.1977

1 received, 2 sent 1977.

11E1Eddy, Junius1971

2 received, 1 sent 1971. Subjects: The Upsidedown Curriculum.

11E1Edel, Leon1962

1 sent 1962.

11E1Edey, Ken1972

1 sent 1972. Includes letter from University News Bureau.

11E1Edgar, Pelham1974

1 sent 1974. Includes correspondence between James Morrison and Lorna Fraser.

11E2Edison, Mrs. John1976, 1978

1 sent 1976; 1 received, 1 sent 1978.

11E2Educational Research Council of Greater Cleveland1966

1 sent 1966.

11E2Edwards, Oliver1970

1 received, 1 sent 1970.

11E2Edwards, Paul1975

1 received, 1 sent 1975.

11E2Edwards, Philip W.1967

1 received, 1 sent 1967.

11E2Eggert, Suse1978

1 received, 1 sent 1978.

11E2Ehrenfeld, David W.1973

1 received, 1 sent 1973.

11E2Eliezri, Rabbi Yehuda D.1970

1 received, 1 sent 1970.

11E2Ellen, Sister Ruth1971

1 received, 1 sent 1971.

11E3Elliott, George P.1970

1 received, 1 sent 1970.

11E3Elliott, John W.1966

1 received, 1 sent 1966.

11E3Elmslie, Mary Jane1974

1 received, 1 sent 1974.

11E3Elon College1972

1 received, 1 sent 1972.

11E3Emery Collegiate Institute1975

1 received, 1 sent 1975.

11E3Emin, Deborah1972

2 received, 1 sent 1972.

11E3Emmet, Gerald1978 1 received, 1 sent 1978.
11E3The Encyclopedia of Philosophy1965

1 received 1965. Subjects: Frye's essay on Blake for The Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

11E4Engelberg, Edward1961, 1973

1 sent 1961; 3 received, 1 sent 1973.

11E4England, Martha1973, 1974

1 received, 1 sent 1973; 1 sent 1974.

11E4English Institute1968-1976

Correspondence (1968-1976) about meetings and publications.

11E5English Studies in Canada1977, 1978

2 received, 1 sent 1977; 1 received 1978.

11E5English Studies Today1973

2 sent 1973. Includes notice to members.

11E5The English Quarterly1968-1975

Correspondence (1968-1975) about the first issues of the journal.

11E6Eno, B.E.1972

1 received, 1 sent 1972. Subjects: tragedy

11E6Eno, Margaret1972

1 received, 1 sent 1972.

11E6Enscoe, Gerald E.1969

1 sent 1969.

11E6EP Group of Companies1973

1 received, 1 sent 1973. Includes printed brochure of volumes available in microform.

11E6Epstein, Edmund L.1971

1 received 1971.

11E6Erdman, David V.1962, 1967, 1968

1 sent 1962; 3 received, 2 sent 1967. Includes copy of letter on Erdman's behalf. 1 sent 1968.

11E6Ervin, John Jr.1974

1 received, 1974.

11E6Estall, H.M.1963

1 sent 1963.

11E6Etherington, Mrs. A.G.1962

1 sent 1962.

11E6Euclid Central Junior High School, Ohio1963

1 received, 1 sent 1963.

11E7Canada: Dept. of External Affairs.1972, 1977

1 received, 1 sent 1972; 1 received [1977]. Includes service in Ottawa for Commonwealth Day.

11E7Evans, Jimn.d.

1 received n.d.

11E7Everson, R.G.1969, 1970

1 received, 1 sent 1969, 1970.

11E7Ewart College1978

1 received, 1 sent 1978.

11E7Ewen, Judy1970

1 received, 1 sent 1970.


1 received, 1 sent 1972.

11F1Faber, Marion1975

1 received 1975.

11F1Fagles, Robert1975, 1977

1 received, 1 sent 1975; 1 sent 1977. Includes notice of a complimentary copy of RF's book on Aeschylus having been sent to Frye.

11F1Faibish, Roy.1976, 1977

4 received, 4 sent 1976. Includes copy of letter from Faibish to Peter Newman. 1 received, 2 sent 1977.

11F2Fairleigh Dickinson University1973

3 received, 1 sent 1973. Includes a sketch of a position paper on the Bible and literature.

11F2Fairley, T.C.1972

2 received 1972.

11F2Falardeau, Jean-Charles1961, 1969, 1970, 1975

1 sent 1961, 1969; 1 received 1970; 1 sent 1975.

11F2Margaret Fairley Memorial Fund1973

2 received 1973.

11F3Fallis, George1972

1 sent 1972.

11F3Fan, Ada M.1975

1 received, 1 sent 1975.

11F3Fanshawe College1974

1 received, 1 sent 1974.

11F3Farband Labour Zionist Order1965

1 received, 1 sent 1965.

11F3Farber, Paul L.1968, 1969

1 received 1968; 1 sent 1969.

11F3Farley, Tom1964, 1965, 1969

1 received, 1 sent 1965, 1969. Includes an English version of a radio talk given by TF in 1964.

11F4Farmer, Ernest J.1961

1 sent 1961.

11F4Farmer, Norman K.1971

1 received, 1 sent 1971.

11F4Federation of Women Teachers' Associations of Ontario1969

1 received, 1 sent 1969.

11F4Feldman, Irving1970, 1976, 1977

1 received 1970; 3 received, 1 sent 1976. Includes poems. 1 received, 1 sent 1977.

11F5Felix, Mrs. A.1965

1 sent 1965.

11F5Felperin, Howard1966

1 received 1966.

11F5Fennell, Mrs. W.O.1973

1 received, 1 sent 1973.

11F5Fennelly, John F.1974

1 received, 1 sent 1974.

11F5Ferguson, Frank A.1966

1 received, 1 sent 1966.

11F5Ferres, John H.1975

1 received, 2 sent 1975.

11F6Feshbach, Sidney1961, 1967, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1976

1 sent 1961; 1 received, 1 sent 1967, 1972; 3 received, 2 sent 1973; 1 sent 1974. Includes a copy of a letter from Frye to W.A.C.H. Dobson about Feshbach (1976) and Feschbach's letter to Dobson. 1 sent 1976. Subjects: The Anatomy of Criticism.

11F6Fieleke, Laurel1965

1 received, 1 sent 1965.

11F6Finkelstein, Norman1978

1 received, 1 sent 1978.

11F6Firestone, R.1970

1 received, 1 sent 1970. Includes a letter from Morley J. Pape and reply from Frye.

11F7Fischer, Mark F.1978

1 received, 1 sent 1978.

11F7Fish, Stanley E.1967

1 sent 1967. Acknowledges receipt of book on Paradise Lost by SF.

11F7Fisher, Mrs. A.1973

1 received, 1 sent 1973.

11F7Fisher, S.T.1978

1 received, 1 sent 1978.

11F7Flannagan, Roy C.1966, 1967

1 received, 1 sent 1966; 2 received, 2 sent 1967.

11F7Flemington, Frank1960

1 sent 1960.

11F8Fletcher, Angus1965, 1966, 1967, 1972, 1974, 1976

1 received n.d.; 1 received, 1 sent 1965. Includes summary of his research plans. 1 sent 1966, 1967; 4 received, 2 sent 1972; 2 received, 1 sent 1974; 1 sent 1976.

11F8Fletcher, Ian1976

1 received, 1 sent 1976.

11F9Flint, Cudworth1964

1 sent 1964.

11F9Flores, Olga E.1975

1 received, 1 sent 1975.

11F9Fogel, Sydney1967

1 received 1967. Includes poems.

11F9Foley, Anne Compton1974

1 received, 1 sent 1974.

11F10Foley James1976, 1977

2 received, 1 sent 1976, 1977. Subjects: Frye inducted into the Academy of Canadian Writers.

11F10Ford, George H.1962, 1966, 1977

2 sent 1962; 2 received, 2 sent 1966; 1 sent 1977.

11F10Forsyth, Ray1970

1 received, 1 sent 1970.

11F11Foster, Frank K.1971, 1972

1 received, 1 sent 1971, 1972.

11F11Foster, Leslie D.1978

1 received, 1 sent 1978.

11F11Foster, Susan1965

1 received, 1 sent 1965.

11F11Four Decades1976

1 received, 1 sent 1976. Includes notice of journal.

11F11Fox, Arthur1962

1 sent 1962.

11F11Fox, Denton1970, 1976, 1978

1 sent 1970; 1 received, 1 sent 1976; 1 sent 1978.

11F11Franceschetti, Antonio1976

1 received, 1 sent 1976. Subjects: Ariosto; Boiardo.

11F12The Franklin Mint/Franklin Library1973-1977

Correspondence (1973-1977) documenting Frye's participation on an advisory board of the Franklin Library, publishing arm of the Franklin Mint.

11F13Fraser, Dorothy1972

1 received, 1 sent 1972. Includes clipping.

11F13Fraser, Hermia1977, 1978

1 received, 2 sent 1977; 1 received 1978.

11F14Fraser, John1978

1 received, 1 sent 1978.

11F14Fraser, Russell A.1976

1 received, 2 sent 1976.

11F14Freccero, John1968

2 received, 1 sent 1968.

11F14Fredericks, Casy1973

1 received, 1 sent 1973.

11F14French, Goldwin1973, 1975

1 received, 1 sent 1973. Includes invitations regarding the installation of GF as President and Vice-Chancellor of Victoria University. 1 received, 1 sent 1975.

11F14French, John1977

1 received 1977. Includes comments from his thesis supervisor at Carleton.

11F15Frerichs, Eilert1978, 1979

Invitation to lunch with EF extended by Kingsley Joblin 1978. Includes programme outline for teach-in on national unity 1979.

11F15Friar, Kimon1970

1 received, 2 sent 1970.

11F15Friedberg, Gregg1976

1 sent 1976.

11F15Frimet, Hillel1968

1 received, 1 sent 1968.

11F15Frisch, Anthony1960

1 sent 1960.

11F15Frith, David1978

1 received, 1 sent 1978.

11F15Frohock, W.P.1961

1 sent 1961.

11F15Frost, Stanley B.1963

1 sent 1963.

11F16Frye, Arthur J.1978

1 received, 1 sent 1978.

11F16Furst, Alan1970 2 received, 1 sent 1970. Includes cv.
11F16Fussell, Paul Jr.1962, 1970, 1975

1 received 1962; 1 received, 1 sent 1970, 1 sent 1975.

11F16[F], Brick?1960

1 received 1960.

1988, Box 12
Series: 1.1: General correspondence
12G1-G4Gabriella (Kremen), Kathryn G.R.1970, 1971, 1972, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978

1 received, 1 sent 1970. Includes outline of proposed book on Blake. 1 received 1971. 1 received, 1 sent 1972; 5 received, 3 sent 1974; 3 received, 2 sent 1975. Includes cv, church programme. 7 received, 4 sent 1976; 6 received, 3 sent 1977. Includes poetry and copy of a letter from Vanguard about publishing her poems. 6 received, 3 sent 1978.

12G5Gadsden, Ingrid1973

1 received, 1 sent 1973.

12G5Gallman, John1972

1 received, 1 sent 1972. Subjects: science fiction.

12G5Gambone, Kenneth1963

1 sent 1963.

12G6Gannon College1968-1971

Correspondence (1968-1971) regarding speaking invitations.

12G6Garneau, E.A.P.1975

1 sent 1975.

12G6Garnet, Eldon1974, 1977

1 sent 1974; 1 received, 1 sent 1977.

12G6Gartshore, Elizabeth1978

1 received, 1 sent 1978.

12G6Gassner, John1962

1 sent 1962.

12G6Gauthier, David P.1960

1 sent 1960.

12G6Geigner, Rita D.1961

1 sent 1961.

12G6Gelley, Alexander1973

1 received, 1 sent 1973.

12G7Blair, John G.1972

1 received, 1 sent 1972.

12G7George Washington University1973, 1975

2 received, 1 sent 1973; 1 received, 1 sent 1975.

12G7George, Mrs. Fred (Helen)1969, 1970

2 received, 1 sent 1969; 2 received, 2 sent 1970.

12G7Georgian College of Applied Arts and Technology1977

2 received, 1 sent 1977.

12G7Gerber, Helmut E.1960

1 sent 1960.

12G8Gerriets, Stephen1973

1 received, 1 sent 1973. Includes illustration of Blake.

12G8Gesser, Mrs. Esther1964

1 received, 1 sent 1964.

12G8Giamatti, A. Bartlett1968, 1969

1 received 1968; 1 sent 1969.

12G8Gibbs, A.M.1976

1 received, 1 sent 1976.

12G8Gibbs, C.K.1970

1 received, 1 sent 1970?

12G8Gibson, William M.1963

1 sent 1963.

12G8Gillespie, Alastair1963

1 sent 1963. Includes letter from T.E. Reid and copy of Bertrand de Jouvenel's remarks for a conference opening.

12G9Gilmour, David1974

1 sent 1974.

12G9Girling, H.K.1961

1 sent 1961.

12G9Glassco, John1976

1 received, 1 sent 1976.

12G9Glenesk, Rev. William1968, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1978

1 received, 1 sent 1968; 1 sent 1973; 1 received, 1 sent 1974; 1 sent 1975; 2 received 1976; 1 received 1978.

12G9Glicksohn, Susan1970

1 received, 1 sent 1970. Subjects: science fiction.

12G9The Globe and Mail1972

2 sent 1972. Subjects: Draft Report of the Wright Commission.

12G10Godfrey, J.M.1974

1 received, 1 sent 1974.

12G10Gokturk, Aksit1971

1 sent 1971.

12G10Goldberg, Alan R.1960

1 sent 1960.

12G10Goldberg, Gerald Jay1965

1 received, 1 sent 1965.

12G10Golden, Bruce1978

1 received, 1 sent 1978.

12G10Goldin, Frederick1962

1 sent 1962.

12G10Goldstein, Laurence1966, 1967

1 received n.d. Includes poem. 1 received, 1 sent 1966, 1967.

12G10Goldstein, Melvin1972

2 sent 1972. Includes letter to William Keith about MG.

12G11Gomes, Peter J.1976

1 received 1976.

12G11Gonzalez-Crus, Luis F.1976

1 received, 2 sent 1976

12G11Goode, Delmer M.1960

1 sent 1960.

12G11Goranowski, Rick1975

1 received, 1 sent 1975.

12G11Gordon, D.R.1960

1 sent 1960.

12G11Gormally, Mary F.1970

1 sent 1970. Includes a letter to A.C.M. Ross.

12G11Goshen College1972-1973

Correspondence (1972-1973) inviting Frye to give the S.A. Yoder Memorial Lecture.

12G11Gottcent, John H.1977

1 received, 1 sent 1977. Includes a prospectus for a basic bibliography on the Bible as literature.

12G12Gould, Allan M.1972, 1977

1 received, 1 sent 1977. Includes letter of recommendation from Frye 1972.

12G12Gould, S.H.1962

1 sent 1962

12G12Gould, Warwick R.1969

1 received, 1 sent 1969.

12G12Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley1967, 1968

3 received, 2 sent 1967; 2 received, 2 sent 1968.

12G12Graham, Desmond1971

1 received, 1 sent 1971. Includes letter to Douglas LePan.

12G12Greater Toronto Cable TV Association1971

1 received, 1 sent 1971.

12G13Graham, J.W.1966, 1967

1 received, 1 sent 1966, 1967.

12G13Graham, Kenneth W.1972

1 received, 1 sent 1972.

12G13Graham, Robin1977, 1978

1 received 1977; 1 sent 1978.

12G13Granetz, Marc1975

1 received, 1 sent 1975.

12G13Grant, Douglas1968

1 received, 1 sent 1968.

12G14Grant, John E.1965, 1968, 1971, 1973, 1975

2 received, 2 sent 1965. Includes a checklist of criticism by Frye. 1 received, 1 sent 1968, 1971. Includes cv. 1 received, 1 sent 1973, 1975. Includes a list of Frye's publications since R. Denham's bibliography.

12G15Gray, Donald1960

1 sent 1960.

12G15Gray, Jack1972

1 received, 1 sent 1972.

12G15Gray, John1968, 1973

1 received, 1 sent 1968, 1973. Includes invitation to dinner in honour of J.M. Gray.

12G15Greene, Donald1974

1 received, 1 sent 1974.

12G15Greenland, Cyril1967, 1968

1 sent 1967; 1 received, 2 sent 1968.

12G15Gregson, Myrna1972

1 received, 1 sent 1972.

12G15Greig, Angela1976

1 received, 1 sent 1976.

12G16Grella, George1967, 1970

1 received 1967; 2 sent 1970. Includes offprint.

12G16Greydanus, Alida1976

1 received, 1 sent 1976.


1 received 1960.

12G16Griggs, Mary Ann1968

1 received, 1 sent 1968.

12G16Grime, Marilyn1967

1 received, 1 sent 1967.

12G16Grimes, Ronald L.1973

1 sent 1973.

12G16Gross, Harvey1965

1 received, 1 sent 1965.

12G17Grossberg, Fred1970, 1973, 1975, 1976

1 received 1970; 1 received, 1 sent 1973; 2 received, 1 sent 1975; 1 received 1976.

12G17Guha, Naresh1965

1 received, 1 sent 1965.

12G17Guindon, Roger1977

1 received, 1 sent 1977.

12G17Gulston, C. Lawrence1970

1 received, 1 sent 1970.

12G18Gundy, H. Pearson1968, 1969, 1972

1 received, 1 sent 1968. Includes typescript of Frye's comments made during a discussion following a paper, "The Ethics of Change: The Role of the University", he read at a Queen's University symposium in November 1968. 1 received, 1 sent 1969; 1 sent 1972.

12G18Gundy, P.1962

2 sent 1962.

12G18Gwenna Mary, Sister1972

2 received, 1 sent 1972.

12H1Haehlen, Jeanne1976

2 received, 1 sent 1976.

12H1Haessler, George1978

1 received, 1 sent 1978. Subjects: survival of civilization.

12H1Hagerman, Edward1971

1 received, 1 sent 1971.

12H1Hagopian, John V.1960

1 sent 1960.

12H2Hagstrum, Jean H.1968, 1970, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1977

1 received, 2 sent 1968. Includes cv of E.B. Hungerford. 1 sent 1970; 2 sent 1972; 1 sent 1973, 1974, 1977.

12H2Hain, Robert1976

1 received, 1 sent 1976.

12H2Hall, James B.1971

1 received, 1 sent 1971.

12H2Hall, K.H.D.1961

1 sent 1961.

12H2Hallet, A.C. Hollis1974

1 received 1974.

12H2Halliday, John1971

1 received, 1 sent 1971.

12H3Hallman, Eugene1974

1 received, 1 sent 1974.

12H3Halloran, William1968

1 received, 1 sent 1968.

12H3Halperin, Izzy1970

2 sent 1970.

12H3Halperin, Richard1972, 1974

1 received, 1 sent 1972; 1 received, 2 sent 1974.

12H3Hamilton, J.D.1971

2 received, 1 sent 1971.

12H3Hamlin, Robert1960

1 sent 1960.

12H3Hamline University1976, 1977

1 received, 1 sent 1976, 1977.

12H4-H5Hanley-Thompson Associates1971

Agreement between Frye and H-T Associates concerning the development of four scripts for the Learning Corporation of America 1971. Includes correspondence and copies of scripts.

12H6Hanna, Robert1978

1 received, 1 sent 1978. Includes poems.

12H6Hanover College1967

1 received, 1 sent 1967.

12H6Hansen, Abby Dubman1975, 1976

1 received 1975; 1 sent 1976.

12H6Hansen, Bert1972

1 sent 1972.

12H6Hargreaves, Geoffrey1976

1 received, 1 sent 1976.

12H6Harkness, Rose Mae1967

1 received, 1 sent 1967.

12H6Harmon, William1974

3 received, 3 sent 1974.

12H7Harper, Carol Ely1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974

1 received n.d. Includes poems. 1 received 1970; 1 received, 1 sent 1971; 1 sent 1972. 1 received 1973. Includes application for grant to publish a magazine Experiment. 1 received 1973; 1 sent 1974.

12H7Harrigan, F. Wayne1972

1 received, 1 sent 1972.

12H8Harris, Jeanette1971

1 received 1971.

12H8Harris, Marjorie1973

2 received 1973.

12H8Harris, Mrs. Lawren1967, 1968

1 received 1967; 1 received, 2 sent 1968.

12H8Hartman, Geoffrey1962, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1974, 1978

1 sent 1962, 1968; 1 received, 2 sent 1969; 1 sent 1970; 1 received, 1 sent 1974; 1 sent 1978. Subjects: undergraduate curriculum.

12H8University of Hartford1977

1 received, 1 sent 1977. Includes grant application for conference funds.

1988, Box 13
Series: 1.1: General correspondence
13H9Hartwick Review1967

2 sent 1967 concerning the serial.

13H9Harvard Divinity School1974

1 received, 1 sent 1974.

13H9Harvard University1972, 1978

1 received, 1 sent 1972, 1978.

13H9The Harvard Advocate1961

1 sent 1961.

13H9The Harvard Club of Toronto1973, 1977

1 received, 1 sent 1973, 1977.

13H9The Harvard Crimson1974

1 received, 1 sent 1974.

13H10Hashmi, Alamgir1973, 1974, 1977

2 received, 1 sent 1973; 5 received, 3 sent 1974; 1 received, 1 sent 1977.

13H10Hauge, Hans1971

1 received, 1 sent 1971. Subjects: two levels of nature; Hebrew and Christian traditions.

13H11Haverford College1968, 1974

1 received, 2 sent 1968, 1974.

13H11Hayes, Ann1967

1 received, 1 sent 1967.

13H11Hazen, James1969

1 received, 1 sent 1969.

13H11Healey, Chris1975

1 received 1975.

13H11Hebb, Donald1973

1 received, 1 sent 1973.

13H11Hebert, Jacques1976

1 sent 1976.

13H11Heidelberg College1972

1 received, 2 sent 1972.

13H12Heilman, Robert1970, 1971, 1974

2 received, 2 sent 1970; 1 received, 1 sent 1971. Includes invitation to a retirement party for RH. 2 received, 1 sent 1974.

13H13Hekimian, Ivan-Constantin1974, 1975, 1976

1 received 1974; 7 received, 2 sent 1975; 2 received, 1 sent 1976. Includes memorandum from the English Department about financial assistance.

13H13Hendry, J.F.1973

1 received, 1 sent 1973.

13H14Harcourt Brace Jovanovich1977

1 sent 1977.

13H14Hepworth, Brian E.1978

4 received, 2 sent 1978.

13H14Herder and Herder1968

1 received, 1 sent 1968.

13H14Hernachi, Tomn.d.

1 received n.d.

13H14Hernadi, Paul1972

1 sent 1972.

13H14Heroy, Susan1977

1 received, 1 sent 1977.

13H14Herwin, Angela1968

2 received, 2 sent 1968.

13H14Heyman, Michael Gerald1969

1 received, 1 sent 1969.

13H14Hogarth, Pete1972

1 received 1972.

13H15Higgins, Richard1975, 1976, 1977, 1978

1 received, 1 sent 1975; 1 received, 3 sent 1976; 2 received, 1 sent 1977. Includes an analysis of a ms by Higgins. 1 received, 3 sent 1978.

13H15Higher Education Research Institute1975

1 received, 1 sent 1975. Includes a printed study of career opportunities for doctorates in the humanities.

13H15Hill and Wang, Inc.1961

1 received, 1 sent 1961.

13H16Hill, Ruth1978

1 received 1978. Includes a score.

13H16Hillen, David1962

1 sent 1962. Subjects: Austin Farrer; Auguste Sabatier.

13H16Himy, Armand1978

1 sent 1978.

13H16Hinz, Evelyn1971, 1973

1 sent 1971, 1973.

13H16Hlavsa, Virginia1968

1 received, 2 sent 1968. Includes an essay "Assembling the Anatomy". Subjects: Anatomy of Criticism.

13H17Hobart and William Smith College1973

2 received, 2 sent 1973.

13H17Hoeniger, F. David1971

1 received, 2 sent 1971.

13H17Hofman, Daniel1969, 1970, 1972

1 received, 1 sent 1969; 1 sent 1970, 1972.

13H17Hofstra University1965, 1966

2 received, 2 sent 1965; 1 received, 1 sent 1966.

13H17Hollahan, Eugene1977

1 received, 1 sent 1977. Includes a note for Evelina.

13H18Hollander, John1968, 1975, 1976

1 sent 1968, 1975; 1 received, 1 sent 1976.

13H18Holmes, David1976

1 received, 1 sent 1976.

13H18Holmes, Jeffrey1971

1 received 1971.

13H18Holmes, John W.1977

1 received, 1 sent 1977. Includes a copy of convocation address.

13H19College of the Holy Cross (Worcester, Mass.)1966

1 received, 1 sent 1966.

13H19Hook, Andrew1972

1 received, 1 sent 1972.

13H19Hook, Judith1972

1 received, 1 sent 1972.

13H19Hopwood, V.G.1965, 1969, 1971, 1977

1 received, 2 sent 1965. Includes a copy of a letter to the Humanities Research Council of Canada from VGH and one from Frye on behalf of Hopwood's application. 2 received, 1 sent 1969; 1 received n.d., 1971, 1977.

13H19Hornyansky, Michael1965

1 received 1965.

13H19Horovitz, Michael1971

2 received, 1 sent 1971

13H19Hosek, C.1976

2 received, 1 sent 1976.

13H19Hosley, Richard1962

1 sent 1962.

13H20Hotchkiss, Bill1974

1 received, 1 sent 1974.

13H20Houghton Mifflin Company1978

2 received, 1 sent 1978. Includes advance report from the editors of The Poetry Anthology.

13H20Houser, Mr. & Mrs Elmore1973

1 sent 1973. Includes outline of the 3T3 VIC - 40th year reunion.

13H20Houston, John Porter1964

1 received, 1 sent 1964.

13H20Howard, M. David1975

1 received, 1 sent 1975.

13H20Howard, Rev. Wilbur K.1978

1 received, 1 sent 1978.

13H20Howard, Richard1974

1 sent 1974.

13H20Howe, Irving1961

1 sent 1961.

13H20Hoye, Robert E.1971

1 received, 1 sent 1971.

13H21Hughes, Mrs. Daphne1961

1 received, 1 sent 1961. Includes letter of recommendation to University College, University of London.

13H21Hughes, Peter1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974

2 received, 2 sent 1970, 1971; 1 received, 3 sent 1972; 1 received 1973, 1974. Includes cv.

13H21The Hudson Review1960, 1961, 1964

1 sent 1960; 2 sent 1961; 1 received, 1 sent 1964.

13H22Hulcoop, John1971 1 sent 1971.
13H22Hull, William1971

2 sent 1971.

13H22Humanities Research Council of Canada1963, 1975 1 received, 1 sent 1963; 1 received 1975. Includes form concerning the assessment of manuscripts.
13H22Humfrey, Belinda1962

1 sent 1962.

13H22Hunter, Mrs. P.I.1965

1 received, 1 sent 1965.

13H23Hunter, William B.1963, 1971

1 sent 1963; 1 received, 1 sent 1971.

13H23Huntington University1961

1 sent 1961.

13H23Hurlburt, Russell B.1967

1 received 1967. Includes poems about the Vietnam War.

13H23Huskey, S.G.1965

1 received, 1 sent 1965.

13H23Hylton, John and Susan1977

1 received 1977.

13I1Iconomatrix1975, 1976

1 received, 1 sent 1975; 1 received 1976.

13I1Ignatieff, G.1972

1 received, 1 sent 1972.

13I1Illinois Institute of Technology1961

1 sent 1961.

13I1Imperial Tobacco Company of Canada Ltd.1967

1 received, 1 sent 1967.

13I1University of Illinois Press1978

1 received, 2 sent 1978. Includes preface to a ms Frye is requested to read.

13I2Impulse1971, 1972

1 received, 1 sent 1971, 1972.

13I2Information Canada1971

1 received 1971. Includes outline for a proposed set of educational TV programmes.

13I2Ingber, Richard1975

1 received, 1 sent 1975. Includes outline for an essay.

13I2Inglee, Roy S.1969

1 received, 1 sent 1969.

13I3Inglis, John1963, 1969, 1970

1 sent 1963; 1 received 1969; 1 sent 1970.

13I3Inkster, T.J.1973

1 received, 1 sent 1973.

13I3Innis College, University of Toronto1978

1 received, 1 sent 1978.

13I3Inter American University of Puerto Rico1974

1 received, 1 sent 1974. Includes preface to a special issue on Caribbean Literature.

13I4Interchange1976, 1977

1 received, 1 sent 1976, 1977. Includes text of an interview with Frye. Subjects: literacy.

13I4Interchurch Broadcasting1971

1 received, 1 sent 1971.

13I5International Association for Federal Union1977

1 received, 1 sent 1977.

13I5International College, Los Angeles1978

1 received, 1 sent 1978.

13I5International Communication Association1973

1 received, 1 sent 1973.

13I6International Comparative Literature Association1966-1973

Correspondence (1966-1973) concerning the 7th congress.

13I6International Conference on Racism & War1970

1 received, 1 sent 1970. Includes outline of the conference.

13I7International Symposium on the Science of Creative Intelligence1972

1 received, 1 sent 1972.

13I7University of Iowa1965-1977

Correspondence (1965-1977) inviting Frye to participate in symposia.

13I8Iowa State University1977, 1978

1 received, 1 sent 1977, 1978.

13I8Irwin, David1962

1 sent 1962.

13I8Irwin, S.M.1973

1 received, 1973.

13I8Irwin, William A.1964

1 received, 1 sent 1964.

13I8Issacs, Leonard1970

1 received, 1 sent 1970.

13I9Iser, Wolfgang1969, 1970

1 received, 1 sent 1969. Includes a description of the theme of the 5th colloquium on poetics and hermeneutics. 1 received, 1 sent 1970.

13I9Iversen, Anders1972

1 received, 1 sent 1972.

1988, Box 14
Series: 1.1: General correspondence
14J1Jackson, Berners W.1961, 1968

1 sent 1961; 1 received, 1 sent 1968.

14J1Jahner, Sr. Elaine1969

1 received, 1 sent 1969. Includes diagram about teaching literary criticism.

14J1James, Leslie1960

1 sent 1960.

14J1Jameson, F.R.1976, 1978

1 received, 1 sent 1976; 1 sent 1978.

14J1Janes, Regina1971

1 received, 1 sent 1971.

14J1Jeff's Book & Music Exchange1968

1 received, 2 sent 1968.

14J1The Japan Foundation1978

1 received 1978.

14J2Jayne, Edward1973, 1974, 1975

2 received, 1 sent 1973; 1 sent 1974; 2 received, 1 sent 1975. Subjects: The Critical Path; Marxism; Christianity.

14J2Jehn, David J.1972, 1973

1 received n.d.; 5 received, 5 sent 1972; 1 received, 1 sent 1973.

14J3Jeffrey, Larryn.d.

1 received n.d.

14J3Joblin, Kingsley J.1964

1 sent 1964. Includes correspondence about the nomination of KJJ for the Alumni/Faculty Award.

14J3Johns Hopkins University1961, 1966

1 sent 1961; 2 received, 1 sent 1966.

14J3Johnson Society of the Central Region of Canada and the U.S.1971, 1972

2 received, 1 sent 1971; 1 received, 1 sent 1972.

14J3Johnson, S.F.1967

1 sent 1967.

14J3Johnston, Mrs. R. H.1970

1 received, 1 sent 1970.

14J3Jollow, M.E.1963

1 sent 1963.

14J4Johnstone, Kenneth1962, 1972, 1973, 1974

1 received, 1 sent 1962, 1972. Includes essay. 1 received 1973; 1 received, 1 sent 1974.

14J4Johnstone, Robert1962, 1976

1 sent 1962; 2 received, 2 sent 1976.

14J5Jonas, A.D.1962

1 sent 1962.

14J5Jonas, Hans1962, 1963

1 sent 1962, 1963.

14J5Jones, D. Margaret1960

1 sent 1960.

14J5Jones, Duane1972

1 received, 1 sent 1972. Subjects: Fearful Symmetry; Blake.

14J5Jones, Henry Frank1960

1 sent 1960.

14J5Jones, Joseph1962

1 sent 1962.

14J5Jones, Richard D.1965

1 received 1965.

14J5Jordan, John E.1963

1 sent 1963

14J5Jordan, Robert M.1969

1 sent 1969.

14J5Joseph, Sister Miriam1962

1 sent 1962.

14J6Journal of Canadian Fiction1971, 1972

2 received, 1 sent 1971; 1 sent 1972. Includes subscription flyer.

14J6Journal of Narrative Technique1971, 1978

1 received, 1 sent 1971, 1978.

14J6Journal of the History of Ideas1968

1 received, 1 sent 1968. Includes copy of correspondence between J. Adlard and Journal.

14J6Jozef, Bella1973

1 received, 1 sent 1973.

14J6Jurdjevic, V.1972

2 received 1972.

14K1Kadish, Frank1978

1 received, 1 sent 1978.

14K1Kahn, Sholom J.1973

1 sent 1973.

14K1Kalamazoo College1965

1 received, 1 sent 1965.

14K1Kansas State University1975, 1976

1 received 1975; 1 sent 1976.

14K1Kapleau, de Lancey1977

2 received, 1 sent 1977.

14K1Kappa Kappa Gamma Fraternity1967

1 received, 1 sent 1967.

14K1Kappell, Mrs. Jean Lightfoot1970, 1971

1 received 1970; 1 sent 1971.

14K1University of Kansas1965, 1967, 1968

1 received, 1 sent 1965; 1 received 1967; 1 sent 1968.

14K2Kapuskasing District High School1962

1 sent 1962.

14K2Katz, Ellen R.1965, 1966

1 received, 1 sent 1965; 1 received 1966.

14K2Kavame, Riyat1971

1 sent 1971.

14K2Keane, Patrick J.1969, 1972

1 received, 1 sent 1969, 1972.

14K2Keast, William R.1968

1 sent 1968.

14K2Keating, Pierson1960

1 sent 1960.

14K2Keeble, G.F.1970

2 received, 2 sent 1970. Includes xerox of a clipping from Broadcasting about Keeble.

14K2University of Keele1962

1 sent 1962.

14K3Keith, W.J.1962, 1972

2 sent 1962; 1 received, 1 sent 1972.

14K3Keitner, Wendy J.1973

1 received, 1 sent 1973.

14K3Kell, A.C.1977

1 sent 1977. Includes a brochure about Leith United Church and clipping.

14K3Kellberg, Valerie1977 1 received, 1 sent 1977.
14K3Kellhauser, John T.1978

1 sent 1978.

14K3Kemp, Albin1968 1 received, 1 sent 1968.
14K4Kemp, F. Roy1974, 1975, 1976

1 sent 1974; 3 received 1975; 3 received, 4 sent 1976.

14K4Kempster, Brian W.1970

1 received, 1 sent 1970.

14K4University of Kentucky1963, 1965, 1966, 1971

1 received, 1 sent 1963; 1 received 1965, 1966; 1 received, 2 sent 1971.

14K5Keller, John E.1970

2 received, 1 sent 1970.

14K5Kentucky Wesleyan College1972

1 received, 1 sent 1972.

14K5Kenyon College1973, 1974, 1975, 1975

Brochure of a symposium 1975. 1 received, 1 sent 1973, 1974, 1975.

14K5Kermode, Frank1967

1 received, 1 sent 1967.

14K6Kessler, Martin1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1978

1 received, 1 sent 1971; 7 received, 4 sent 1972. Includes cv, description of a proposed study, bibliography. 1 received, 1 sent 1973; 1 received 1974. Includes newsletters on rhetorical criticism. 1 sent 1978.

14K7Keyes, G.1977

1 sent 1977.

14K7Keyfitz, Nathan1974

1 received, 1 sent 1974.

14K8Kher, Inder Nath1968, 1973, 1975, 1976

1 received, 2 sent 1968; 1 received, 1 sent 1973; 2 received, 1 sent 1975; 1 sent 1976.

14K8Kifer, Devra1973

1 received, 1 sent 1973. Includes a note on pig-nut.

14K8Kilgallin, Tony1974

1 received, 1 sent 1974.

14K8King, John Reymes1966

1 received, 1 sent 1966.

14K9King, Marjorie1961

1 sent 1961.

14K9King, Norman1975

1 received, 1 sent 1975.

14K9King-Bay Chaplaincy1978

1 received, 1 sent 1978.

14K9Kingsbury Productions1976

1 received, 1 sent 1976.

14K9Kingston, Robert J.1977

1 received 1977.

14K9Kiralis, Karl1971

1 received, 1 sent 1971.

14K9Kirby, Blaik1977, 1978

1 received, 1 sent 1977, 1978.

14K9Kirkconnell, Watson1960, 1961

1 sent 1960, 1961.

14K9Kizer, Carolyn1969

1 received, 1 sent 1969.

14K10Klemp, Pauln.d.

1 received n.d.

14K10Knight, H. Campbell1978 1 received 1978.
14K10Knight, H.C.1978

1 sent 1978. Includes a letter from the VIC Registrar regarding Andrew Knight.

14K10Knight, Ronald P.1968

1 received, 1 sent 1968.

14K10Knoepflmacher, U.C.1965

1 sent 1965.

14K10Knutson, Harold C.1977

1 sent 1977.

14K10Kodaks, E.1972

1 received, 1 sent 1972.

14K10Kodama, Hisao1961

1 received, 1 sent 1961.

14K10Kolb, Gwin J.1967

1 received 1967.

14K10Konyves, Thomas1973

1 received, 1 sent 1973.

14K10Korkowski, Bud1975

1 received, 1 sent 1975.

14K10Kott, Jan1973, 1977

1 sent 1973, 1977.

14K10Kraft, James1975

2 received, 1 sent 1975.

14K11Kravit, Patricia Flynn1968

1 received, 1 sent 1968.

14K11Krieger, Murray1966

1 sent 1966.

14K11Kroitor, Harry P.1960

1 sent 1960.

14K11Kuipers, J.1969

1 received, 1 sent 1969. Subjects: "Utopia on the campus".

14K11Kurisko, Mrs. S.R.1963

1 sent 1963.

14K11Kushner, Mrs. Eva1970

3 received, 2 sent 1970.

14L1La Guardia, Eric1960, 1968

1 sent 1960; 2 received, 1 sent 1968.

14L1LaBelle, Maurice M.1969

1 received, 1 sent 1969.

14L1Labor, Earle1975

2 received, 2 sent 1975.

14L1Labriola, Albert C.1971

1 received, 1 sent 1971.

14L1Lafayette College (Easton, Pa.)1974

1 received, 1 sent 1974.

14L1Lagerroth, Erland1972

1 sent 1972.

14L1Laing, Blair (Laing Galleries)1976

Correspondence with John Evans and Douglas Hartle about Laing's art collection 1976.

14L1Laing, Gertrude1973

1 received, 1 sent 1973.

14L2La Trobe University1974

1 received, 1 sent 1974.

14L2Lakehead Board of Education1976

1 received, 1 sent 1976.

14L2LaMarsh, Judy1976

2 received, 1 sent 1976.

14L2Lamb, Kenneth B.1972

2 received, 1 sent 1972.

14L2Land, S. and H.1973

1 received, 1 sent 1973.

14L2Langer, Bernie1967

1 received, 1 sent 1967.

14L2Lanham, Jon1974

1 received 1974.

14L2Lautenslager, Rev. Dr. E.S.1962

1 received, 1 sent 1962.

14L3Law, Bill1974

1 received, 1 sent 1974. Includes flyer about new journal It Needs to be said....

14L3Lawler, J.R.1967, 1969, 1974

1 received, 1 sent 1967, 1969, 1974.

14L3Lawlis, Merritt1968

1 sent 1968.

14L3Lawlor, John1963, 1966, 1970

1 sent 1963; 1 received 1966; 3 received, 1 sent 1970.

14L3Lawrence Park Collegiate, Toronto1967

1 received, 1 sent 1967.

14L4Lawrence University1965

1 sent 1965.

14L4Lawrence, Mrs. D.1971

1 received, 1 sent 1971. Subjects: comedy; Aristophanes; Bernard Shaw; Shakespeare.

14L4Lawrence, Robert G.1964

1 received, 1 sent 1964.

14L4Le Comte, Edward1973, 1974

1 received, 1 sent 1973, 1974.

14L4LeBlanc, Roland1961

1 received, 1 sent 1961.

14L4Lechno, Luc1970

1 received, 1 sent 1970.

14L4LeCoat, Gerard1974

1 received, 1 sent 1974.

14L4Leddy, J.F.1972

1 received, 1 sent 1972.

14L5Lee, Dorothy1967

1 received 1967. Includes poems.

14L6Lee, Peter H.1971

1 received, 1 sent 1971.

14L6Leech, Clifford1972, 1974

2 received, 2 sent 1972; 1 received, 1 sent 1974.

14L6Leeds, Bruce1976

1 received, 1 sent 1976.

14L6Leland, Marine1961, 1976

1 sent 1961; 1 received, 1 sent 1976.

14L6University of Leeds1961

1 received, 1 sent 1961.

14L7Le Pan, Emily1973

1 received, 1 sent 1973.

14L7Lemba, Clare1970

1 received [1970]. Includes outline of a programme on educational reform.

14L7Lenaghan, R.T.1962

1 sent 1962.

14L7Lengyel, Cornel1977

1 sent 1977. Includes brochure describing his writings.

14L7Lenz, Guenter H.1975

1 received 1975.

14L7Lerner, Arthur1965, 1971

1 sent 1965; 2 sent 1971.

14L7Leslie, Rev. Charles1961

1 sent 1961.

14L7University of Lethbridge1971

1 received, 2 sent 1971.

14L8Le Vay, John1977

1 received, 1 sent 1977.

14L8Levin, Harry1961, 1968, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1978

1 sent 1961, 1968; 2 sent 1972; 1 sent 1973; 1 received, 1 sent 1975; 1 sent 1978.

14L8Levine, Richard A.1966

1 received, 1 sent 1966. Includes table of contents for Backgrounds to Victorian Literature.

14L8Lewis, R.W.B.1967

1 sent 1967.

14L8Linden, Eric1978

1 sent 1978.

14L8Linney, Melvin1972

1 received, 1 sent 1972.

14L8Linthicum, John1976

1 sent 1976.

14L8Lister, Raymond1960

1 sent 1960.

14L8The Liggett School1963

1 sent 1963.

14L9Lawrence, Lipking1970, 1972

1 received, 2 sent 1970; 1 received, 1 sent 1972.

14L9Little, William T.1969, 1970

1 received, 1 sent 1969, 1970.

14L9Lofstrom, E.V.1970

1 received, 1 sent 1970.

14L9Logan, James V.1962, 1965

1 sent 1962; 3 received, 3 sent 1965.

14L10Longo, Lucas1971

2 received, 2 sent 1971.

14L10Lord, Albert B.1961

1 sent 1961.

14L10Lorimer, Donald1977

1 received 1977.

14L10Lorimer, Jim1971

1 sent 1971. Includes statement about the sale of the Ryerson Press to McGraw-Hill.

14L10The First International Lonergan Congress1970

Correspondence (1970) concerning the conference.

1988, Box 15
Series: 1.1: General correspondence
15L11California State College, Los Angeles1961

1 sent 1961.

15L11Loss, Archie1976

1 received, 1 sent 1976.

15L11Lowell House1977, 1978

1 received, 1 sent 1977, 1978.

15L11Lowinsky, Naomi1973

1 received, 1 sent 1973. Subjects: Blake; Tarot cards; symbolic numbers.

15L11Loyola College (Montréal, Québec)1963, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1974

1 received, 1 sent 1963, 1970, 1971; 1 received 1972; 1 sent 1974.

15L11Loyola University (New Orleans, La.)1974

1 sent 1974.

15L12Ludwig, Jack1966, 1968, 1969, 1972, 1974, 1975

1 received, 1 sent 1966; 2 received, 2 sent 1968; 1 received 1969, 1972; 1 sent 1974; 1 received, 1 sent 1975.

15L12Ludwig, Richard1963

1 sent 1963.

15L12Lueders, Ed1977

2 received, 1 sent 1977. Includes letter from and to Harper & Row for The Clam Lake Papers by EL.

15L13Luria, S.E.1975

1 received 1975.

15L13Lynch, Peter J.1978

1 sent 1978. Includes bibliography of books by Leacock still in print.

15L13Lynnwood Arts Centre1976, 1977

1 received, 1 sent 1976; 3 received, 3 sent 1977. Includes outline of a colloquium.

15L13Lyons, Charles R.1967

1 received, 1 sent 1967.

15M1McAuliffe, Sister Angela1974

2 received, 1 sent 1974.

15M1McClelland, Mrs. J.1960

1 sent 1960.

15M1McCormick, Peter1976

1 received, 1 sent 1976.

15M1McCutcheon, M.W.1962

1 sent 1962.

15M1McDaries, Thomas1972

2 received, 1 sent 1972.

15M1McDonagh, George R.1961

1 sent 1961.

15M1McDonald, Chris1977

1 received, 1 sent 1977.

15M1McDonald, Ian1978

1 sent 1978.

15M1McDougall, Donald H.1977

1 received 1977.

15M2McEachern, Bevan1969

1 received, 1 sent 1969.

15M2McEachern, K.D.1975

1 received, 1 sent 1975.

15M2McEnaney, Frank1970

1 received, 1 sent 1970.

15M2McGibbon, D.W.1970

1 received, 1 sent 1970. Includes clipping.

15M2McGonigal, James1977

1 received, 1 sent 1977.

15M2McIntyre, Rev. John P.1974

1 received 1974.

15M2The McGill Literary Society1965

1 received, 1 sent 1965. Includes copy of its constitution.

15M3Mack, Maynard Jr.1968, 1971

1 received, 1 sent 1968; 2 received, 1 sent 1971.

15M3Mackay, Colin1960

1 sent 1960.

15M3Mackey, Louis1972

1 received 1972.

15M3McKain, David W.1966

1 received, 1 sent 1966.

15M3McKeen, George1971

1 received, 1 sent 1971. Includes clipping of a comment by Eric Nicol.

15M3McKillop, A.B.1976

1 received, 1 sent 1976. Includes an analysis of a ms sent by McKillop.

15M3McKinney, Louise1978

1 received, 1 sent 1978. Includes ms.

15M4MacKinnon, Murdo and Elizabeth1978

1 received 1978.

15M4Macksey, Richard A.1970, 1971, 1972, 1974

1 sent 1970, 1971; 2 received, 1 sent 1972; 1 sent 1974.

15M4McKinnon, Alastair1978

1 received 1978.

15M4McLaughlin, James1977

1 received, 2 sent 1977.

15M5MacLennan, R.M.1976

1 received, 1 sent 1976.

15M5Mclean, Hugh1961, 1964, 1965, 1967, 1969, 1974, 1975

1 received 1961; 1 sent 1964; 1 received, 1 sent 1965; 1 received 1967; 1 received, 1 sent 1969, 1974, 1975.

15M5McLeod, A.L.1969

1 received, 1 sent 1969.

15M5McManus, Michael1977, 1978 1 received 1977; 1 sent 1978.
15M5McMaster, Juliet1976

1 received, 1 sent 1976.

15M6MacPhail, Jean1960

1 sent 1960.

15M6McNabb, Barbara1968, 1976

1 received 1968; 1 received, 1 sent 1976.

15M6McNaught, Ken1978

1 received, 1 sent 1978. Includes ms. Subjects: Red Tories.

15M6McNeel, Dr. B.H.1962

1 sent 1962.

15M6McNeill, Mrs. W.R.D. (Lucy)1977

1 received, 1 sent 1977.

15M6McPherson, David1974

1 received, 1 sent 1974.

15M7Jessie Macpherson Art Acquisition Fund1973

1 received, 1 sent 1973.

15M7Macpherson Report1968

Correspondence (1968) relating to the Report. Includes a report on the Report.

15M7Macpherson, Hugh1966

1 received, 1 sent 1966.

15M8MacQueen, John1970

2 received, 1 sent 1970.

15M8MacQueen, Rev. Angus1967

1 received, 1 sent 1967.

15M8McWhir, Anne1976

1 received, 1 sent 1976. Includes ts comments on her readings.

15M8McWilliams, Carey1968

1 received, 1 sent 1968.

15M9Maas, Willard1968

2 received, 1 sent 1968.

15M9Magner, James E.1965, 1966

1 received, 2 sent 1965; 1 sent 1966. Includes poetry.

15M9Magowan, Robin1970

1 sent 1970.

15M9Mahmoud, Fatma Moussa1961

1 sent 1961.

15M9Malley, J. Douglas1961

1 sent 1961.

15M9Malloch, Archie1963

1 sent 1963.

15M9Malof, Joseph1966

1 received 1966.

15M9Mandel, Eli1963, 1976

1 sent 1963; 1 received, 1 sent 1976.

15M10Mandel, Oscar1970

1 sent 1970.

15M10Manitoba Association of Teachers of English1971

1 received, 1 sent 1971.

15M10Manitoba Educational Association1963

1 received, 1 sent 1963.

15M10Mankato State College1966

2 received, 2 sent 1966.

15M10Manson, Mark1972

1 received, 1 sent 1972.

15M10Marcotte, Gilles1970, 1976

1 sent 1970, 1976.

15M10Marquette University1965

1 received, 2 sent 1965.

15M10Marsh, Florence1966

1 sent 1966.

15M10Marshall, T.A.1965

1 received, 1 sent 1965.

15M10Modern Language Association of America1965

1 received 1965.

15M10The Montreal Star1958

1 received 1958.

15M11Mansions of the Spirit1967

Correspondence concerning the book 1967.

15M11Martin, Henrietta1972

1 received 1972.

15M11Martin, Jay1970, 1975

1 sent 1970, 1975.

15M11Martin, Nic1971

1 received, 1 sent 1971.

15M11Martin, Rev. J.D.1965

1 sent 1965.

15M11Martin, Sandra1976

1 received, 1 sent 1976.

15M11Marywood College1978

1 received, 1 sent 1978.

15M11Maskell, F.G.B.1975

1 received, 1 sent 1975. Subjects: censorship; television.

15M11University of Maryland, Baltimore County1976

1 received, 1 sent 1976.

15M12Mason, Bas1972

1 received, 1 sent 1972.

15M12Massey, Irving1960

1 sent 1960.

15M12Matheson, Gwen1968, 1976

1 received 1968, 1976.

15M12Matthews, B.C.1972

1 received, 1 sent 1972.

15M12Mazzaro, Jerome1970

1 sent 1970.

15M12Megill, Allan1975

1 received 1975. Includes testimonials on behalf of Megill.

15M13Mehta, Sudhir Kumar1970

Curriculum vitae 1970.

15M13Mellor, Bunny1965, 1969

1 received, 1 sent 1965, 1969.

15M13Melo, Jorge1972

1 received, 1 sent 1972.

15M13University of Melbourne1965

1 received, 2 sent 1965.

15M14Mendelson, Ralph1971

1 received, 2 sent 1971.

15M14Menil Foundation Inc.1973

1 received, 1 sent 1973. Includes outline of a colloquium.

15M14Mercier, Vivian1971

1 sent 1971.

15M15Merton College1974, 1975

1 received 1974; 1 received, 2 sent 1975.

15M15Messenger, Bill1976

1 received, 1 sent 1976.

15M15Metzler, Gertrude L.E. Vrooman1969

1 received, 1 sent 1969.

15M15Metzler, Jack1973

1 received 1973.

15M15Miale, Walter1969, 1970

1 received, 1 sent 1969, 1970. Subjects: Anatomy of Criticism; ritual; drama.

15M16Michener, Mrs. Roland1978

1 received, 1 sent 1978.

15M16Mickleburgh, Bruce E.1964

1 sent 1964.

15M16Midwest Modern Language Association1977

1 received, 1 sent 1977. Includes proposal of a review issue for the MMLA bulletin.

15M16Midzunoe, Yuichi1972

1 received, 1 sent 1972.

15M16Milani, Lois Darroch1972, 1974

3 received, 2 sent 1972; 2 received, 1 sent 1974. Includes printed flyer for Robert Gourlay, Gadfly by LDM of Ampersand Press.

15M16University of Michigan1978

1 received, 1 sent 1978.

15M17Milburn, G.1973

1 received, 1 sent 1973. Subjects: teaching the novel.

15M17Miller, J. Hillis1974, 1976

1 received 1974; 1 received, 1 sent 1976.

15M17Miller, Laurence1977

1 received, 1 sent 1977.

15M17Miller, Mary Jane1965

1 received, 1 sent 1965.

15M17Millgate, Michael1973

1 received, 1 sent 1973.

15M17Mills, Howard M.1978

1 received 1978.

15M17Milton Newsletter1967, 1969

1 received, 1 sent 1967, 1969. Subjects: The Return of Eden; resignation from the Board of Advisory Readers.

15M18Milton Society of America1963-1964, 1975-1976

Correspondence (1963-1964, 1975-1976) concerning meetings and dinners. Includes copy of the minutes for the annual meeting 1963.

15M18Milton Studies1968

Correspondence (n.d., 1968) about volumes of the journal.

15M18Milton Tercentenary Festival Committee1974

2 received, 1 sent 1974.

15M18Mimico Heights School1961, 1969

2 sent 1961; 1 received 1969.

15M18Miner, Paul1962

1 received n.d.; 1 sent 1962.

15M18University of Minneapolis1961

1 sent 1961.

15M19University of Minnesota1968-1978

Correspondence (1968-1978) concerning a proposed visiting lectureship and a conference.

15M20Mitchell, David A.1977

2 received, 1 sent 1977.

15M20Mitchell, Louis D.1975

1 received, 2 sent 1975.

15M20Modern Drama1977

1 received, 1 sent 1977.

15M20University of Missouri--Columbia1978

2 received, 1 sent 1978.

15M21-M23Modern Language Association of America1962-1976

Correspondence (1962-1976) concerning elections, meetings, MLA publications, and a special fund-raising campaign (1977). Includes Handbook, and Teaching Manual. [Frye elected president in 1976.]

1988, Box 16
Series: 1.1: General correspondence
16M24-M30Modern Language Association of America1962-1976

Correspondence (1962-1976) concerning elections, meetings, MLA publications, and a special fund-raising campaign (1977). Includes Handbook, and Teaching Manual. [Frye elected president in 1976.]

16M30Modern Poetry Association1976

1 received, 1 sent 1976.

16M31Moe, Henry Allen1963

1 received, 1 sent 1963.

16M31Moffet, Robin1962 1 sent 1962.
16M31Mogan, Peter1974

1 received, 1 sent 1974.

16M31Moira Secondary School1976 1 received, 1 sent 1976.
16M31Mol, Hans1976

1 received, 1 sent 1976.

16M31Monk, Mrs. Lorraine1977 1 sent 1977.
16M31Montgomery, John Warwick1963

1 sent 1963.

16M31University of Montana (Missoula)1973, 1977

Correspondence (1973, 1977) concerning speaking engagements.

16M32Montreal International Film Festival1966

1 received, 1 sent 1966. Includes flyer outlining the festival programme.

16M32Moore, Alan1973

1 received, 1 sent 1973.

16M32Moore, Mrs. James1969

1 received, 1 sent 1969.

16M32Morgan, B.Q.1965

1 received, 1 sent 1965.

16M32Université de Montréal1976

1 received, 1 sent 1976.

16M33Morgan, Eleanor1972, 1973

2 received, 1 sent 1972; 2 received, 2 sent 1973.

16M33Morgan, J.E.H.1965

1 sent 1965.

16M33Morley, Pat1969, 1972, 1974

3 received, 2 sent 1969; 1 sent 1972; 1 received, 1 sent 1974. Subjects: C.S. Lewis.

16M34Moroz, Valentyn1975

1 received, 1 sent 1975.

16M34Morris, Alexander1978

2 received, 1 sent 1978. Includes poetry.

16M34Morton, J. Howard1968

1 received, 1 sent 1968.

16M34Morton, Lionel1975

1 received 1975.

16M34Morton, Murray1963, 1964

1 received 1963; 1 sent 1964.

16M34Moskal, Edward1971

1 received, 1 sent 1971.

16M34Motycka, Richard1972

1 received, 1 sent 1972. Subjects: Fables of Identity.

16M35Mount Mary College1967

2 received, 1 sent 1967.

16M35Mt. Angel College1967

1 received, 1 sent 1967.

16M35Muggeridge, Mrs. J.1978

1 received, 1 sent 1978. Includes copy of a petition for the latin mass.

16M35Mulryne, Ronnie1965

1 received 1965.

16M35Multilingual Television1977

1 received, 1 sent 1977.

16M35Muntean, George1974

1 sent 1974.

16M35Munteano, B.1968

1 sent 1968.

16M35Murphy, Patrick1976

1 received, 1 sent 1976.

16M35Murphy, Rev. J. Stanley1962

1 sent 1962.

16M35Murphy, Vincent1976 1 received, 1 sent 1976.
16M35Murshid, Tazeen Mahnaz1971

1 sent 1971. Includes letter forwarding TMM's letter to the Canadian Bureau of International Education and reply.

16M36Musica Rara1973, 1974

1 received, 1 sent 1973; 2 received, 1 sent 1974. Includes catalogue and invoice.

16M36Mussman, Eileen1977

1 received, 1 sent 1977.

16M36Myers, Martin1970, 1972

2 received, 1 sent 1970; 1 received 1972. Includes correspondence with Harper & Row about Myers' novel The Assignment.

16M36Myers, Rev. A.J.1959

1 sent 1959.

16N1Narasimhaiah, C.D.1976

1 received, 1 sent 1976. Includes invitation to attend the fourth triennial conference of the Association for Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies.

16N1Nason, Helen1968

1 received, 2 sent 1968. Subjects: irony.

16N1Nathanson, Leonard1971

1 sent 1971.

16N1Nathoo, Julius B.1978

1 received, 1 sent 1978.

16N1National Arts Centre1975, 1976

1 received 1975; 1 sent 1976.

16N1National Conference on the Law1971

1 received, 1 sent 1971. Includes programme outline.

16N1National Institute for the Science of Creative Intelligence1977

1 received 1977.

16N2National Research Council1963, 1971

1 sent 1963; 2 received, 2 sent 1971. Includes description of the activities of a panel on the benefits of higher education.

16N2-N3North American Treaty Organization1961

Correspondence (1961) about a proposed citizens' commission on NATO, draft description of the commission and printed material.

16N4Needham, Rodney1978

1 received regarding a lunch for RN 1978.

16N4Neese, Richard Cavnes1976

1 received, 1 sent 1976.

16N4Nelson High School1965

1 received, 1 sent 1965.

16N4Nelson, Fiona Maclaren1977

1 received 1977.

16N4Nelson, William1963

1 sent 1963.

16N4Nesbitt, Bruce1973

1 received, 1 sent 1973.

16N4New Literary History1968, 1969, 1970

1 received, 1 sent 1968; 1 sent 1969; 2 received, 2 sent 1970.

16N4University of Nebraska--Lincoln1964

1 sent 1964.

16N4University of New Hampshire1961

1 received, 1 sent 1961.

16N5New Press1971

1 received, 1 sent 1971.

16N5New York Post1967

1 received, 1 sent 1967. Subjects: hippies; anarchism.

16N5New York State College for Teachers1960

1 sent 1960.

16N5New York State English Council1965

1 received, 1 sent 1965.

16N5Newbery, Rev. J.W.E.1960, 1961, 1962

3 sent 1960; 2 sent 1961, 1962.

16N5Newcomer, Susan1972

1 received, 2 sent 1972. Subjects: Blake; symbolism.

16N6Newman, C.J.1967

1 received, 1 sent 1967.

16N6Niagara Falls Collegiate Vocational Institute1977

1 received, 1 sent 1977.

16N6Nicol, John1965

1 received, 1 sent 1965.

16N6Nishio, Akira1971-1972, 1975

3 received, 3 sent 1971-1972; 1 sent 1975.

16N6Noel, Daniel C.1969

1 received, 1 sent 1969. Subjects: theological criticism; R.K. Bultmann.

16N7North Carolina State University1974, 1975, 1976

3 received, 2 sent 1974; 1 received, 1 sent 1975, 1976.

16N7North Dakota State University1966

1 received, 1 sent 1966.

16N7Northeastern University1974, 1975

1 received, 1 sent 1974; 1 received 1975.

16N7Northern Electric Company1960

1 sent 1960.

16N7Northmount High School1963

1 sent 1963.

16N8Noy, Dov1971, 1972

1 received, 1 sent 1971; 2 received 1972.

16N8University of Notre Dame1965, 1970, 1973, 1976

2 received, 2 sent 1965, 1970; 3 received, 2 sent 1973; 1 received, 1 sent 1976.

16N9Nuoga, D.I.1973

1 received, 1 sent 1973.

16N9Nurmi, Martin1963, 1975

1 received 1963; 1 received, 1 sent 1975.

16N9Nurmi, Ruth1975

1 received, 1 sent 1975.

16N9Nyce, James M.1974

3 received, 2 sent 1974. Includes proposal for a thesis topic.

16N9Nynych, Stephanie1976, 1977

1 received, 1 sent 1976; 2 received, 2 sent 1977.

1988, Box 17
Series: 1.1: General correspondence
17O1O'Hanley, Tom1976

1 received, 1 sent 1976.

17O1O'Malley, T.P.1972

1 received 1972.

17O1Oakville Public Library and Centennial Gallery1977, 1978

1 received, 2 sent 1977; 1 received, 1 sent 1978.

17O1Oberlin College1973

2 received, 1 sent 1973.

17O1Ohio University1976

1 sent 1976.

17O1Olivetti Canada Limited1976

1 sent 1976. Includes visiting card.


1 received, 1 sent 1978.

17O1Ontario Institute for Studies in Education1973, 1974, 1976

1 received 1973; 1 sent 1974; 1 received, 1 sent 1976. Subjects: literacy.

17O2O'Reilly, Patrick1969, 1976

1 received, 1 sent 1969; 1 received 1976.

17O2Ontario Curriculum Institute1965, 1966

1 sent 1965; 1 received, 1 sent 1966. Subjects: amalgamation of OISE and the Ontario Curriculum Institute.

17O2Ontario Modern Language Teachers' Association1971

2 received, 1 sent 1971.

17O2Ontario Welfare Council1966

1 received, 1 sent 1966.

17O2University of Oregon1978

1 received, 1 sent 1978. Includes curriculum vitae of Irving Wohlfarth.

17O3Orr, Carole1971

1 received, 1 sent 1971. Subjects: literacy.

17O3Osborn, Mrs. Chase S.1963

1 received, 1 sent 1963.

17O3Osborne, Rev. Dr. S.L.1971, 1972

2 received, 1 sent 1971; 1 received, 1 sent 1972.

17O4Ostrach, Herbert F.1974, 1975, 1976, 1977

2 received, 2 sent 1974, 1975. Includes a critical response to Frye's letter. 1 received, 1 sent 1976. Includes an analysis of Ostrach's letter by a third party. 1 received 1977. Subjects: myth; the Western (film).

17O5Ostry, Adam1978

1 received, 1 sent 1978.

17O5Ottawa Conference & Fair: Shaping the Future: Canada in the Global Society1978

1 received, 1 sent 1978.

17O5Oughton, Jack1967

2 received, 1 sent 1967. Includes a collage.

17O5Overseas Book Centre1974, 1976, 1978

1 received 1974, 1976; 1 received, 1 sent 1978.

17O6Owen, Ivon M.1973, 1976

1 received, 1 sent 1973; 1 sent 1976.

17O6Owen, Rev. D.R.G.1962

1 sent 1962.


4 received, 2 sent 1971. Includes copy of a letter of appeal on behalf of OXFAM.

17P1Pacala, Leon1972

1 received 1972.

17P1Pacey, Desmond1968, 1972, 1973

1 received, 1 sent 1968; 1 received 1972; 1 received, 2 sent 1973. Subjects: Pelham Edgar.

17P1Paddock, Harold1974

1 sent 1974.

17P1Pafford, Ward1962

1 sent 1962.

17P1Paladino, Thomas1975

1 received, 1 sent 1975.

17P1Palmer, Lou1972

1 received, 1 sent 1972.

17P1Palmer, Mildred1970

1 received, 1 sent 1970.

17P1Palsson, Hermann1971, 1975, 1976

1 sent 1971; 2 sent 1975, 1976. Subjects: Icelandic sagas.

17P1Pandeya, Shiva M.1975

2 received, 2 sent 1975.

17P2Panichas, George A.1973, 1974

1 received, 1 sent 1973; 1 received 1974.

17P2Park, William1967, 1972, 1976

1 sent 1967, 1972; 2 received, 1 sent 1976. Includes excerpt from an essay on Frye's work by WP. Subjects: beliefs; T.S. Eliot.

17P2Parke, Chris1978

1 received, 1 sent 1978.

17P3Parker, R.1972

1 received 1972.

17P3Parker, William Riley1964

1 received, 1 sent 1964. Subjects: Samson Agonistes.

17P3Parr, Albert Eide1969, 1970, 1978

1 sent 1969, 1970, 1978.

17P3Patrides, C.A.1962, 1963, 1966, 1967

1 received, 1 sent 1962; 1 received 1963; 2 received 1966; 2 received, 2 sent 1967.

17P3Patterson, Annabel1971, 1973

2 received, 2 sent 1971; 1 received 1973.

17P3Patterson, Gordon1973

1 received, 1 sent 1973.

17P4Pau-Llosa, Ricardo1977, 1978

2 received, 2 sent 1977. Includes curriculum vitae. 1 received 1978.

17P4Paul, Richard L.1961

1 sent 1961.

17P4Pearce, Joseph Chilton1970

1 received, 1 sent 1970. Includes a synopsis of a manuscript.

17P4Pearson, J.J.1960

1 sent 1960.

17P5Pecheux, Mother Mary Christopher1960

1 sent 1960.

17P5Peck, Russell A.1972

1 sent 1972.

17P5Pedersen, Donald B.1971

1 received, 1 sent 1971.

17P5Pelczynski, Zbigniew1978

1 received, 1 sent 1978.

17P5Pendergrast, Mark1974

1 received, 1 sent 1974.

17P5Penner, Dr. Harold1973

1 received, 1 sent 1973.

17P5Philomathean Society1973

2 received, 2 sent 1973.

17P5University of Pennsylvania1976, 1978

1 received, 1 sent 1976. Includes programme for an international conference. 2 received, 1 sent 1978.

17P6Pennsylvania State University1967, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1972

2 received, 2 sent 1967, 1968; 1 sent 1969; 1 received, 2 sent 1970; 1 received, 1 sent 1972.

17P6Peretti, Sergio1970

1 received, 2 sent 1970. Subjects: sources and influences on Frye.

17P6Perkins, Jane C.1973

1 received, 1 sent 1973.

17P7Perry, Bernard1976

2 received, 1 sent 1976 concerning BP.

17P7Perry, Edward and Alma1976

2 received 1976. Includes xerox copies of photographs regarding Perry's ancestors.

17P7Peter, John1968

1 received, 2 sent 1968. Subjects: The Malahat Review.

17P7Petersson, Robert1971

1 received, 1 sent 1971.

17P7Peyre, Henri1961, 1976

1 sent 1961; 1 received, 1 sent 1976.

17P8Phillips, Jenny1976

4 received, 3 sent 1976.

17P8Phillipson, Donald J.C.1977

1 received, 1 sent 1977.

17P8University of Pittsburgh1978

1 received, 1 sent 1978.

17P9Pitzer College1975

1 received, 1 sent 1975.

17P9Plaskett, John1975

1 received, 1 sent 1975. Includes analysis of a manuscript by a third party.

17P9Plaster, Mrs. John H.

Copy of a letter from Vincent Tovell to Mrs. Plaster.

17P9Poggioli, Renato1960

1 sent 1960.

17P9Polak, Fred L.1965

1 received, 1 sent 1965.

17P9Polk, Mrs. M. Atwood1968

1 sent 1968.

17P9PTL: a journal for descriptive poetics and theory of literature1973

1 received, 1 sent 1973. Includes information about a new literary journal.

17P10Polka, Brayton1967, 1968, 1977

1 received, 2 sent 1967 regarding BP. Includes outline of a History course at York University. 1 received, 2 sent 1968. Includes an outline for a study of dialectic and interpretation and analysis by a third party. 1 received, 1 sent 1977.

17P10Poole, Roger1977

2 received, 2 sent 1977. Includes curriculum vitae.

17P11Port Credit Secondary School1961

1 received, 1 sent 1961.

17P11Portuguese Amnesty Conference1966

1 received, 1 sent 1966.

17P11Pratt Institute1976

1 received, 1 sent 1976.

17P11Preminger, Alex1970, 1975

1 received, 1 sent 1970, 1975.

17P11Prescott College1969, 1970

1 received 1969. Includes xerox of an article from the Prescott Courier. 1 sent 1970.

17P11Preston, Kerrison1970

1 received, 1 sent 1970.

17P12Preston, Raymond1970

1 received, 1 sent 1970. Includes poetry.

17P12Preston, Richard J.1975

1 received, 1 sent 1975. Subjects: Edward Sapir.

17P12Price, Cecil J.L.1963

1 sent 1963.

17P12Price, Martin1972

1 received, 1 sent 1972.

17P12Princeton Theological Seminary1963

1 sent 1963.

17P12Princeton University1971, 1972

2 received, 2 sent 1971; 3 received, 1 sent 1972.

17P12Pringle, Vicki1965

2 received, 1 sent 1965.

17P13Provincial Association of Protestant Teachers of Quebec1965, 1966

1 received 1965; 1 sent 1966.

17P13Purdie, Nan1972

1 sent 1972.

17P13Purdue University1965, 1966, 1967

1 received, 1 sent 1965, 1966, 1967.

17P13Pyle, F.1965

1 received 1965.

17Q1Bernard Quaritch Limited1970-1978

Correspondence (1970-1978) concerning orders for books. Includes invoices.


1 received, 1 sent 1965.

17Q2Qunicy College1978

1 received, 1 sent 1978.

17R1Raconta, Carmen1977

1 received, 1 sent 1977.


1 received, 1 sent 1965.

17R1Rados, Irene1965

1 received, 1 sent 1965.

17R1Rainsberry, Fred1978

1 received, 1 sent 1978.

17R1Raisman, Montague1971

1 received 1971.

17R1Rajan, Balachandra1972

2 received, 2 sent 1972. Includes programme for a series on The Waste Land.

17R1Ram, T.1976

1 received 1976.

17R1Rama Sarma, M.V.1972

1 received, 1 sent 1972.

17R1Randall, Helen1973 1 sent 1973.
17R1Rapp, Lawrence P.1972

1 received, 1 sent 1972. Subjects: myth; Jung.

17R2Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk Central School1965

1 received, 1 sent 1965.

17R2Regan, Mrs. R.H.1961

1 received, 2 sent 1961.

17R2Reid, D.C.S.1967

1 received, 1 sent 1967. Includes a report from the Alberta Association of Social Workers.

17R2Reid, Elizabeth1965

1 received, 1 sent 1965.

17R2Reid, Mrs. C. (Verna)1972

2 received, 1 sent 1972.

17R2Reinert, Rev. P.C.1968

1 received, 1 sent 1968.

17R3Renaissance and Reformation1977

1 received, 2 sent 1977.

17R3Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute1965, 1966

1 received, 1 sent 1965; 1 received, 2 sent 1966.

17R3Reynolds, Mrs. Mary T.1976

1 received, 1 sent 1976.

17R3Rhodes University1975, 1976

1 received 1975; 1 received, 1 sent 1976.

17R3Rice, G.R.A.1972

1 received, 1 sent 1972.

17R3The Resuscitator1963

1 received, 1 sent 1963.

17R3University of Rhode Island1961

1 received, 1 sent 1961.

17R4Marion Richmond & Associates Ltd.1973, 1974

1 received, 1 sent 1973; 2 received, 1 sent 1974.

17R4Richards, I.A.1973

1 received 1973.

17R4Richards, R.A.K.1978

1 received, 1 sent 1978.

17R4Richards, William1962

1 received, 1 sent 1962.

17R4Riddell, Ronald C.1969

1 received, 1 sent 1969.

17R5Rieger, James1973

1 sent 1973.

17R5Riley, Greg1966

1 received, 1 sent 1966.

17R5Roberts, Mrs. B.W.1963

1 sent 1963.

17R5Roberts, Peter C.1976

1 received, 1 sent 1976. Subjects: Blake.

17R5Robertson, Duncan1978

1 received, 1 sent 1978.

17R5Robertson, J. Charles1964

1 received, 1 sent 1964.

17R5Robertson, R.T.1960

1 sent 1960.

17R5Robertson, R.W.W.1959

1 sent 1959.

17R5Robins' portrait

Notice of a wire regarding a portrait owned by Mrs. J.D. Robins to Ian McNairn, UBC.

17R5Robinson, Berton E.1967

1 received, 1 sent 1967.

17R5Robinson, Brian1965

1 sent 1965.

1988, Box 18
Series: 1.1: General correspondence
18R6Robson, Mrs. D.O.1976

1 sent 1976.

18R6Rodd, Mrs. Roscoe S.1962

1 sent 1962.

18R6Rogers, E.S.1974-1976

Correspondence (1974-1976) with Rogers Radio Broadcasting, Cable T.V., Telecommunications Ltd.

18R6Rogers, James1964

1 sent 1964. Subjects: literature and dehumanization.

18R6Romans, Mrs. R.G.1976

1 sent 1976.

18R7Rogers, Daphne1971, 1973, 1976

1 received, 1 sent 1971; 2 received, 1 sent 1973, 1976.

18R7Rollin, Roger B.1971

2 received, 1 sent 1971. Includes Herrick Conference questionnaire.

18R7Rose, Edward J.1965, 1966

2 received, 1 sent 1965; 1 sent 1966.

18R8Rosenbaum, S.P.1973

2 received, 2 sent 1973.

18R8Rosenberg, Samuel1973, 1974, 1975, 1978

2 received, 2 sent 1973; 1 received 1974; 2 received, 2 sent 1975. Includes xerox of a clipping from The London Daily Telegraph. 1 received, 1 sent 1978.

18R8Rosenblatt, J.1973

1 sent 1973.

18R8Rosenblood, Norman1972

1 received, 1 sent 1972. Subjects: historical novel.

18R8Rosenfield, Claire1967

1 received, 1 sent 1967.

18R9Ross, A.C.M.1973

1 received 1973.

18R9Ross, Colin1972, 1975

1 received, 1 sent 1972, 1975.

18R9Ross, Mabel M.1960

1 received [1960].

18R9Ross, Mrs. D.W.M. (Molly)1969

1 received, 1 sent 1969.

18R9Ross, Robin1978

2 received, 1 sent 1978.

18R9Rossiter, Peter1976

2 received, 2 sent 1976. Includes invoice for photographs.

18R9Rouillard, C. Dana1961

1 sent 1961.

18R9Rouse, John J.1976

1 received, 1 sent 1976.

18R10Rousseau, G.S.1964

1 sent 1964.

18R10Routh, Michael1974

1 received, 1 sent 1974.

18R10Rowland, Paul1965

1 received, 1 sent 1965.

18R10Rowles, M.C.1972

2 received, 1 sent 1972.

18R10Royal Architectural Institute of Canada1978

1 received, 1 sent 1978.

18R10Rudzik, Orest1978

1 received, 1 sent 1978.

18R10The Ryerson Press1960, 1962

2 sent 1960; 1 sent 1962.

18S1Sabol, Andrew J.1963

1 received, 1 sent 1963.

18S1Sabri-Tabrizi, G.1968, 1969

2 received, 2 sent 1968; 2 received, 1 sent 1969. Includes xerox copy of a published introduction to a television programme on Blake by Jacob Bronowski. Subjects: Blake.

18S1Sachs, Viola1975

1 received, 1 sent 1975.

18S1Sacksteder, William1968, 1975, 1976

1 received, 1 sent 1968; 1 received 1975; 1 sent 1976.

18S1Sadtler, Helen C.1978

1 received, 1 sent 1978.

18S1St. Bonaventure University1974

1 received, 1 sent 1974.

18S2St. David N.D.P. Association1970, 1971

1 received, 1 sent 1970; 1 received, 2 sent 1971.

18S2St. James Literary Society of Montreal1972

1 received 1972.

18S2St. John's College (Annapolis, Md.)1971

1 received 1971. Includes programme of celebration activities.

18S2St. John's College (Santa Fe, N.M.)1973

3 received, 2 sent 1973.

18S2St. John, J. Bascom1968

1 received, 1 sent 1968.

18S3College of St. Thomas (Saint Paul, Minn.)1963

1 received, 2 sent 1963.

18S3Saint Mary's College (Notre Dame, Ind.)1969

1 received, 1 sent 1969.

18S3St. Lawrence University1960, 1965, 1966, 1976

1 sent 1960; 2 received, 2 sent 1965; 1 received 1966; 1 received, 1 sent 1976.

18S3St. Louis University1961

1 sent 1961.

18S3St. Michael's College Students' Union Visual Arts Week Committee1977

1 received, 1 sent 1977. Includes plan of activities.

18S3St. Thomas University (Fredericton, N.B.)1977

1 received, 2 sent 1977.

18S4Sakell, Matenia1967

1 received, 1 sent 1967.

18S4Sams, Henry W.1963

1 sent 1963.

18S4Samuel, George1960

1 received, 1 sent 1960.

18S4Samuel, Irene1973

1 sent 1973.

18S4Sandler, Florence R.1973

1 received, 2 sent 1973. Subjects: Blake and religion.

18S4Sandler, Zellene1969

1 received, 1 sent 1969.

18S4Sandmel, Samuel1972, 1976

1 received 1972, 1976. Includes biographical promotional material for a book by Sandmel and a copy of the table of contents.

18S4Sarner, Julia1976, 1977

1 received 1976; 1 sent 1977.

18S5Sasayama, Takashi1967

1 sent 1967.

18S5Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation1978

1 received, 2 sent 1978.

18S5University of Saskatchewan1964, 1968, 1971, 1973

1 received, 1 sent 1964; 3 received, 3 sent 1968; 1 received, 1 sent 1971; 2 received, 2 sent 1973.

18S6Satire Newsletter1965, 1974

1 received, 1 sent 1965; 1 received 1974.

18S6Satterthwaite, Sheafe1968 1 received, 1 sent 1968. Includes a proposal for a summer institute on the countryside at Williams College, Mass. Subjects: education in Marxist countries.
18S6Saunders, Tom1978

1 received, 1 sent 1978.

18S6Savage, Robert S.1962

1 sent 1962.

18S6Sawyer, Richard1974

1 received, 1 sent 1974.

18S6Sayre, Robert F.1968, 1969

2 received, 1 sent 1968; 1 sent 1969. Includes copy of an application for a research assignment.

18S7Scarborough College1976, 1977

1 received, 1 sent 1976, 1977.

18S7Schaefer, W.D.1977

2 received, 2 sent 1977.

18S7Schneider, Peter1973

1 received, 1 sent 1973. Subjects: Anatomy of Criticism; archetype of tragedy.

18S7Schoeck, Richard1965, 1968, 1970

1 sent 1965, 1968, 1970.

18S7Scholes, Robert1974

1 sent 1974.

18S7School and College Conference on English1973

1 received, 1 sent 1973.

18S8Charles Scribner's Sons1974

2 received, 1 sent 1974.

18S8Schroder, Kirsten1971, 1972

1 received 1971; 1 sent 1972.

18S8Schuh, Cornelia1978

2 received 1978.

18S8Schultz, Howard1963

1 received, 1 sent 1963.

18S8Schulz, Max F.1960, 1962

1 sent 1960, 1962.

18S8Scott, F.R.1969

1 received, 1 sent 1969.

18S8Scott, Janis1972

1 received, 1 sent 1972 regarding JS's thesis proposal.

18S8Scott, Ted1972

1 sent 1972.


1 received, 1 sent 1976.

18S8Sir Walter Scott Festival1971

1 received, 1 sent 1971.

18S9Seabury-Western Theological Seminary1976

1 received, 1 sent 1976.

18S9Seary, E.R.1971

1 received, 1 sent 1971.

18S9Seary, Peter1972-1976

Correspondence (1972-1976) regarding the appeal of PS against the denial of tenure to him.

18S9Secondary Universe Conference IV1971

1 received, 1 sent 1971.

18S9Secondary Universe Conference V1972

1 received, 1 sent 1972.

18S10Pelican Shakespeares1962, 1963

1 sent 1962, 1963.

18S10Seepaul, L.1970

1 received, 1 sent 1970.

18S10Selwyn House School1976

2 received, 1 sent 1976.

18S10Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology1978 1 received 1978.
18S10Shaked, Gershon1967, 1970, 1974

1 sent 1967, 1970, 1974.

18S10Shakespeare Association of America1976 1 received, 1 sent 1976.
18S10The Shakespeare Institute1966, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1977 1 sent 1966, 1970; 2 received, 2 sent 1971; 1 sent 1972; 2 received, 1 sent 1973; 1 sent 1974, 1975, 1977.
18S10University of Sudbury1970

1 received 1970.

18S11-S12Shakespeare Studies1966-1973

Correspondence (1966-1973) concerning articles, change of publisher to the University of South Carolina Press in 1972, and Frye's participation on the advisory board of The South Carolina Shakespeare.

18S13Shanker, Sidney1965, 1966

1 received 1965; 1 sent 1966.

18S13Shanski, John1971

1 received, 1 sent 1971. Includes clipping about the Ukrainians in Canada, statistics (1971) and invitation to a CRTC reception (1974).

18S13Shapiro, Daniel1976

1 received, 1 sent 1976.

18S13Shapiro, Michael N.1973

2 received, 2 sent 1973.

18S13Sharma, G.N.1974

1 sent 1974.

18S13Sharma, Mohan Lal1970, 1971, 1977

1 received, 1 sent 1970, 1971. Includes curriculum vitae. 2 received, 1 sent 1977.

18S14Shattuck, Roger1971, 1974

1 received, 1 sent 1971; 1 sent 1974.

18S14Sheffield, Edward F.1971

1 received, 1 sent 1971.

18S14Sheridan Technical School1961

1 sent 1961.

18S14Shipley, George A.1974

1 sent 1974.

18S14Short, Robert C.1972

1 received, 1 sent 1972.

18S14Shumaker, Wayne1962

1 sent 1962.

18S14Siddiqi, Nazeer1977

1 received, 1 sent 1977.

18S14Sieglen, Sean1975

1 received, 1 sent 1975.

18S14Siksay, William1978

1 received, 1 sent 1978.

18S14Silcox, David1973, 1977, 1977

1 received n.d.; 1 sent 1973; 1 received, 1 sent 1977. 1 sent [to Vera Frankel] 1977.

18S14Silverman, Raymond J.1969

1 received, 1 sent 1969. Includes copy of letter from the National Council of Teachers of English to Silverman.

18S15Sim, Victor W.1974

1 received, 1 sent 1974.

18S15Simmons, J.L.1968, 1970

1 sent 1968, 1970.

18S15Simon, Myron1974

1 received, 1 sent 1974.

18S15Sims, Elaine1974

1 received, 1 sent 1974.

18S15Sinclair, Lister1972

1 received, 1 sent 1972.

18S16Sir George Williams University1962-1972

Correspondence (1962-1972) concerning lectures and search for a Dean of Graduate Studies.

18S16Sirluck, Ernest1960, 1962, 1965, 1977

1 sent 1960, 1962; 1 received 1965; 1 received, 1 sent 1977.

18S16Sirluck, Katherine1978

1 received n.d.; 1 received, 1 sent 1978.

18S17Sir Wilfrid Laurier Collegiate Institute1971

1 received, 1 sent 1971.

18S17Sirois, Antoine1977 1 received, 1 sent 1977.
18S17Skelhorne, Jean M.1976

2 received, 1 sent 1976. Includes advertisement for publication of The Adult Learner in the University: Does Anybody Care?

18S17Skill, Elaine S.1966

1 received 1966.

18S17Skulski, Kenneth1976

1 received, 1 sent 1976.

18S17Slavick, William H.1978

1 received, 1 sent 1978.

18S17Sloan, Glenna Davis1977

2 received, 2 sent 1977.

18S17Slopen, Beverley1977

1 sent 1977.

18S17Sly, Douglas1976

1 received, 1 sent 1976.

18S18Smarr, Janet L.1973

1 received, 1 sent 1973. Subjects: The Educated Imagination; censorship; readership; the artist and the neurotic.

18S18Smith, A.J.M.1964, 1976

1 sent 1964; 2 sent 1976. Includes flyer for a symposium.

18S18Smith, Alice G.1977

1 received, 1 sent 1977.

18S18Smith, Janet1976

1 sent 1976. Includes list of theses dealing with man in his landscape.

18S18Smith, Marion B.1962, 1966

2 sent 1962; 1 sent 1966.

18S18Smith, Olive I.1975

1 received 1975.

18S19Smith, Patricia Keeney1975

1 received, 2 sent 1975. Includes curriculum vitae and testimonials.

18S19Smith, Paul1967

1 received, 1 sent 1967.

18S19Smith, Peter D.1961

1 received, 1 sent 1961.

18S19Smith, Raymond1974

1 received 1974.

18S19Smith, Sarah1975

1 received, 1 sent 1975.

18S20Solway, David1972, 1973, 1976

1 received, 1 sent 1972; 1 sent 1973; 1 received, 1 sent 1976.

18S20Soucy, Theodore Philias1967, 1968

1 received 1967; 1 received, 2 sent 1968.

18S20University of South Carolina1973

1 received, 1 sent 1973.

18S20University of Southwestern Louisiana1973

2 received, 1 sent 1973.

1988, Box 19
Series: 1.1: General correspondence
19S21Shakespeare Newsletter1969

1 received, 1 sent 1969.

19S21Speigel, Morley1963, 1968

1 sent 1963; 1 received, 1 sent 1968. Includes copies of applications by Speigel for teaching positions as well as teaching material.

19S21Spettigue, D.1967

1 received, 1 sent 1967.

19S21Spicer, Keith1973

1 sent 1973.

19S22Spininger, Dennis J.1975, 1976

1 received 1975; 1 sent 1976.

19S22Spriet, Pierre1968

1 sent 1968.

19S22Spritzer, Hildie1971, 1973

1 received, 1 sent 1971, 1973.

19S22Stallknecht, Newton P.1971, 1972, 1973

1 received, 1 sent 1971; 1 received 1972; 1 sent 1973. Includes invitation to a retirement banquet for NPS.

19S23Stanczykowski, Casimir G.1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977

2 received, 1 sent 1972; 1 received, 1 sent 1973; 2 received, 1 sent 1974. Includes notice for CFMB (multilingual broadcasters), Montreal. 2 received, 2 sent 1975, 1976; 2 received, 1 sent 1977.

19S24State University College (Oswego, N.Y.)1963, 1965

1 sent 1963, 1965.

19S24State University College at Fredonia1965, 1973, 1974

1 received, 1 sent 1965, 1973, 1974.

19S24State University of New York College at New Paltz1967, 1968

1 received, 1 sent 1967. 1 received 1968. Includes outline of a bicentenary conference on Laurence Sterne.

19S24State University of New York College at Oneonta1963, 1974

1 sent 1963; 1 received, 1 sent 1974.

19S24State University of New York College, Geneseo1966

1 received, 1 sent 1966.

19S24State University of New York, Alfred1965

1 received, 1 sent 1965.

19S25State University of New York at Binghamton1966, 1973, 1975

2 received, 3 sent 1966; 2 received, 1 sent 1973; 2 received, 2 sent 1975.

19S25State University of New York at Buffalo1972, 1974

2 received, 1 sent 1972; 1 received, 1 sent 1974.

19S25State University of New York at Stony Brook1968

2 received, 2 sent 1968.

19S26States, Bert1971, 1972

1 received, 1 sent 1971, 1972.

19S26Steckler, Vera1975

1 received, 1 sent 1975.

19S26Steed College, Tenn.1978

1 received, 1 sent 1978.

19S26Steeves, Earl1976

1 received 1976.

19S26Steinhoff, Stephen1976

1 received, 1 sent 1976.

19S27Stephenson, Sandra1975, 1976

1 received 1975. Includes poems. 1 sent 1976.

19S27Sterling, Theodore D.1976

1 received, 1 sent 1976.

19S27Stern, Herbert J.1960

1 sent 1960. Includes letter of introduction on his behalf.

19S27Stevenson, H.A.1971

1 received, 1 sent 1971.

19S27Stevenson, John A.1961

1 sent 1961.

19S27Stewart, Douglas J.1967

1 received, 1 sent 1967.

19S27Stickler, Susan1971

1 received, 1 sent 1971.

19S27Stiling, Frank1963

1 sent 1963.

19S27Stilwell, Derek1971

1 received, 1 sent 1971.

19S28Scarlett Heights Collegiate Institute1971, 1974

1 received 1971; 1 received, 1 sent 1974.

19S28Stingle, Richardn.d.

1 sent n.d.

19S28Stocker, Arthur F.1961

1 sent 1961. Includes invoice.

19S28Stockton State College1976 1 received, 1 sent 1976. Includes flyer about the college.
19S28Stonehewer, Mrs. Lila1968

1 received, 1 sent 1968. Subjects: E.J. Pratt.

19S28Story, C.M.1970

1 sent 1970.

19S28Stouck, David1977

1 received, 1 sent 1977.

19S28Stouffville District High School1966 1 received 1966.
19S28Stratton, G. William1975 1 received 1975.
19S28Stroup, Thomas B.1972

1 sent 1972.

19S28Structuralist Review1976

1 received, 1 sent 1976. Includes prospectus for a review.

19S28Struthers, J.R. (Tim)1977

1 received, 1 sent 1977. Subjects: E.J. Pratt.

19S29Struve, Gleb1960

1 sent 1960.

19S29Stuart, Rev. E.D.1965

1 received, 1 sent 1965.

19S29Stykolt, Hilary1964

1 sent 1964.


1 received, 1 sent 1966. Includes description of a proposed journal.

19S29Sucksmith, H.P.1963

1 sent 1963.

19S29Suhre, Lawrence R.1971

1 received, 1 sent 1971. Includes short bibliography on black humour.

19S29University of Toronto. Students' Administrative Council.1976

1 received, 1 sent 1976.

19S30Sullivan, Charlotte1961

1 sent 1961.

19S30Sullivan, Sister Bede1973

1 received, 1 sent 1973. Includes flyer for a conference.

19S30Sultan, Stanley1975

1 received, 1 sent 1975.

19S30Svendsen, Kester1962

1 sent 1962.

19S30Sweeney, John1964

1 received, 1 sent 1964.

19S30Sword, Jack1972, 1974

1 received, 1 sent 1972; 1 received 1974.

19S30Szasz, Thomas S.1962

1 sent 1962.

19T1Tabachnick, Stephen E.1977

1 sent 1977.

19T1Tafts, Wilfrid M.1963

1 sent 1963. Includes clipping and memo from the bursar regarding Tafts.

19T1Tamura, Kenji1973, 1977

1 received 1973; 1 received, 1 sent 1977. Includes curriculum vitae and testimonials on behalf of Tamura.

19T1Tashiro, Tom T.1962

1 sent 1962.

19T1Taube, Eva1969

1 received, 1 sent 1969.

19T1Taylor, Charles1977

1 received, 1 sent 1977.

19T2Taylor, Maxwell1978

1 received, 1 sent 1978.

19T2Taylor, Patrick1973 2 received, 1 sent 1973.
19T2Teeuwissen, Walter J.1974

1 received, 1 sent 1974.

19T2Telluride Association1969 1 received, 2 sent 1969.
19T2Temple University1969, 1970, 1973, 1975

2 received, 2 sent 1969; 2 received, 1 sent 1970, 1973; 1 received 1975.

19T3Templeton, Charles B.1973

1 received, 2 sent 1973.

19T3Teunissen, John J.1971

1 sent 1971.

19T3Texas A & M University1966

1 received, 1 sent 1966.

19T3University of Tennessee, Knoxville1972, 1976

1 received, 1 sent 1972; 2 received, 1 sent 1976.

19T3University of Texas at Arlington1977

1 received, 2 sent 1977. Includes proposal for a symposium on symbol and myth in art and contemporary culture.

19T3University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio1977

1 received, 1 sent 1977. Includes letter from and reply to the Canadian Embassy 1977.

19T3[Canadian Embassy, Washington]1977

1 received 1977 regarding photographs taken during a speaking engagement at the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden.

19T4Texas Tech University1977, 1978

1 received, 1 sent 1977, 1978.

19T4Thalia1977, 1978

1 received, 1 sent 1977; 1 sent 1978. Includes subscription flyer for the journal.

19T4Thibeault, Thomas D.1974

1 received, 1 sent 1974.

19T4Thiel, Philip1961

1 received 1961.

19T4Thier, Karl-Heinz1969

1 received, 2 sent 1969.

19T4Thomson, A.W.1967

1 received, 1 sent 1967.

19T5Thomson, Luella1972, 1973

1 received 1972. Includes photographs. 1 sent 1973.

19T5Thorburn, Leo1962

1 sent 1962.

19T5Thorpe, James III1966

1 received, 1 sent 1966.

19T5Thurmond, Margaret E.1970, 1971

1 received 1970; 1 sent 1971.

19T5Tierney, Bill1976

2 received, 2 sent 1976.

19T5Titze, Edna1971, 1972

1 received 1971; 1 received, 1 sent 1972. Includes copy of a request from the University of Waterloo to microfilm ET's thesis.

19T6Tilley, E. Allen1978

1 received, 1 sent 1978.

19T6Tilley, Winthrop1963

1 sent 1963.

19T6Timothy, Hamilton B.1967

2 received, 1 sent 1967. Subjects: Milton.

19T6Tokay, Miss Guner1971, 1972, 1973, 1974

1 sent 1971; 1 received, 1 sent 1972; 1 received [1973?]; 1 sent 1974.

19T6Tonkin, Darryl; Shaw, Stuart1972

1 received, 1 sent 1972.

19T6Toronto Teachers' College1963

1 received, 1 sent 1963.

19T6Torrance, Robert1967

1 sent 1967.

19T6Tory, Alan P.1977

1 received, 1 sent 1977.

19T6University of Toronto, Dept. of Alumni Affairs.1978

1 received, 1 sent 1978.

19T7Tovell, Vincent1972, 1973, 1976, 1977

1 received, 1 sent 1972, 1973; 2 received, 1 sent 1976, 1977. Subjects: Images of Canada.

19T7Townsend, J.B.1966

1 received, 2 sent 1966.

19T7Trachuk, John1973, 1974

1 received 1973; 1 sent 1974.

19T7Treacy, Mary Jane1978

1 received, 1 sent 1978.

19T8Tracy, Neil1969

1 received, 1 sent 1969.

19T8Tribby, William L.1970

1 received, 1 sent 1970. Includes copy of a thesis abstract.

19T8Trickett, Rachel1973

1 received, 1 sent 1973.

19T8Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland)1965

1 sent 1965.

19T8Trinity High School1965

1 received, 1 sent 1965. Includes programme for a summer conference on the humanities.

19T8Trinity University (San Antonio, Tex.)1976

1 received, 1 sent 1976. Includes description of a colloquy on the relationships among the gospels.


1 received, 1 sent 1974. Includes subscription renewal form.

19T9Trowell, D.C.1975

1 received, 1 sent 1975.

19T9Truax, John1978

1 received, 2 sent 1978. Subjects: Jacques Maritain; Paul Claudel.

19T9Tucker, William1977

2 received, 1 sent 1977.

19T9Tufts University1976

1 received, 1 sent 1976.

19T9Tuttle, R. Dale1965

1 received 1965.

19T9Tuyn, Harry1966

2 received, 1 sent 1966.

19T9Tyrrell, Marilyn1962

1 sent 1962.

19U1Underhill, Frank H.1961, 1970

1 sent 1961; 1 received, 1 sent 1970.


Correspondence (1972-1977) concerning a symposium on linguistic and cultural diversity (1972) and a discussion about a working definition of culture for the Canadian Commission for Unesco (1977). Includes programme descriptions and drafts of working papers.


Correspondence (1972-1977) concerning a symposium on linguistic and cultural diversity (1972) and a discussion about a working definition of culture for the Canadian Commission for Unesco (1977). Includes programme descriptions and drafts of working papers.

19U3The United Church Observer1973, 1978, 1983

1 received, 1 sent 1973, 1978, 1983.

19U3Union College (Barbourville, Ky.)1965

1 received, 1 sent 1965.

19U3United Empire Loyalists' Association of Canada1965

1 received 1965. Includes letter sent to D.J. De Mille.

19U3United Theological College (Montreal)1963

1 sent 1963.

19U3University Center in Virginia, Inc.1972, 1973, 1974

2 received, 1 sent 1972; 1 received, 1 sent 1973; 1 received 1974.

19U4University Scholarships of Canada1966-1968

Correspondence (1966-1968) concerning the fund. [In 1966 Frye became a Patron of the organization but in 1968 had his name removed from the list of patrons.]

19U5Unruh, Donald1973

2 received, 2 sent 1973. Subjects: Blake; The Marriage of Heaven and Hell.

19U5Urquhart, R.W.I.1962

1 sent 1962.

1988, Box 20
Series: 1.1: General correspondence
20V1Van Bodegraden, C.1968

1 received, 1 sent 1968.

20V1Van den Hoven, Adrian T.1971

1 received, 1 sent 1971. Includes letter of introduction on behalf of VdH.

20V1Van Domelen, John1967

1 received, 1 sent 1967. Subjects: Wilson Knight.

20V1Van Ghent, Dorothy1960, 1961

1 received [1960?]; 1 sent 1961.

20V1Vance, Eugene1972 1 received, 1 sent 1972.
20V1Vancouver City College1970

1 received, 2 sent 1970.

20V1Vanderbilt University1966

1 received, 1 sent 1966.

20V2Van Sickle, John1972

1 received, 1 sent 1972. Includes purchase notice for The Arminarm Eclogues.

20V2Van Toorn, P.1969, 1970, 1974

1 received, 1 sent 1969, 1970; 1 sent 1974.

20V2Vasudeva, Suraksha1972, 1974, 1975

1 received, 1 sent 1972; 1 received 1974; 2 received, 1 sent 1975. Subjects: Anatomy of Criticism.

20V2Vendler, Helen1973, 1977

1 received, 1 sent 1973, 1977.

20V2Verma, R.1970

2 received, 1 sent 1970.

20V3University of Vermont1962, 1963, 1965, 1975

1 sent 1962, 1963; 2 received, 2 sent 1965; 1 received, 1 sent 1975.

20V3Victoria College Union1970

1 received, 1 sent 1970. Includes a statement on curriculum and request for Frye's comments.

20V3Victoria University Students' Administrative Council1971

1 received, 1 sent 1971.

20V3Vieth, Paul1965

1 sent 1965.

20V4The Viking Press Inc.1971, 1974

1 received, 1 sent 1971, 1974. Includes release flyers.

20V4Villani, Sergio1976

1 received, 1 sent 1976.

20V4Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University1976

1 received, 1 sent 1976.

20V4Vivante, P.1971

1 sent 1971.

20V4Voitkus, M. Audrey1977

2 sent 1977.

20V4Volk, Nicholas1972

1 received, 1 sent 1972.

20V4Voss, Tony1977

1 received, 1 sent 1977.

20W1The Wascana Review1966, 1967

1 received, 1 sent 1966; 1 sent 1967.

20W1University College of Wales1969

1 received, 1 sent 1969.

20W1University of Washington1963, 1977

1 received, 1 sent 1963; 2 received, 2 sent 1977.

20W1Waddington, Miriam1971

1 received, 1 sent 1971.

20W1Walder, Bernard D.1967

1 received, 1 sent 1967.

20W1Warhaft, Sidney1965

1 received, 1 sent 1965.

20W1Warner, M.M.1973

2 received, 1 sent 1973.

20W2Waspi, Nancy1967

1 received, 1 sent 1967.

20W2Wasserman, Earl1967

1 received, 1 sent 1967.

20W2Wasson, Richard1963, 1967, 1968, 1970, 1973

1 received n.d., 1963; 2 received, 1 sent 1967; 1 received, 2 sent 1968; 1 sent 1970, 1973.

20W3Watson, Edward A.1971, 1973

2 received, 2 sent 1971; 1 received, 1 sent 1973. Includes excerpts from a manuscript on the glossary of Restoration and eighteenth-century critical terms.

20W3Watt, Frank1960

1 sent 1960.

20W3Watt, James1970

1 received, 1 sent 1970.

20W3Watters, R.E.1967

1 received, 1 sent 1967.

20W3Waugh, Charles G.1973

1 received, 1 sent 1973. Includes science fiction survey form.


1 sent 1972.

20W4Wayne State University1975, 1978

1 received 1975; 2 received, 1 sent 1978.

20W4Weaver, Judith1977

1 received, 1 sent 1977.

20W4Webb, Theodore A.1970

2 received, 2 sent 1970.

20W4Webber, Joan1975

1 received, 1 sent 1975.

20W4Weber, K.J.1974

1 received, 1 sent 1974.

20W4Webster, W.L.1971

2 received, 1 sent 1971.

20W5Weil, Herbert S.1967

1 received, 1 sent 1967. Includes copy of an application to the National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities.

20W5Weir, J.1971

1 received, 1 sent 1971.

20W5Weldon, Mrs. Suzanne1971

1 received, 1 sent 1971.

20W6Wellek, René1960, 1962, 1972, 1973, 1975

1 sent 1960, 1962, 1972, 1973; 1 received, 1 sent 1975.

20W6Wellesley College1974, 1975

1 received 1974; 2 received, 1 sent 1975.

20W6Welna, Richard1970

1 received, 1 sent 1970. Includes proposal for a series of college literature anthologies. Subjects: Anatomy of Criticism; epos.

20W6Wesley Works Project1962, 1963

3 received, 2 sent 1962. Includes letter from a team member indicating that Oxford UP may be interested in publishing the volumes. 1 received, 1 sent 1963.

20W7West Ferris Secondary School1973

1 received, 1 sent 1973.

20W7West Georgia College1976

1 received, 1 sent 1976.

20W7West Humanities Review1961

1 received, 1 sent 1961.

20W7West Virginia University1964

1 received, 1 sent 1964.

20W7West, David S.1976

1 received, 1 sent 1976. Includes xerox of published poems about the North West passage explorers.

20W7Westminster College (New Wilmington, Pa.)1971, 1973

1 received, 1 sent 1971, 1973.

20W7Westview Centennial Secondary School1974

1 received, 1 sent 1974.

20W8Western Washington State College1965

1 received, 1 sent 1965.

20W8Whaley, Carol1975

1 received, 1 sent 1975.

20W8Whaley, W. Gordon1969

1 received, 1 sent 1969.

20W8Whalley, George1966

1 received 1966.

20W8Wheatley, J.H.1967

1 received, 1 sent 1967. Includes copy of a talk on the history of the institute by JHW.

20W8Wheelwright, Philip1966, 1968

1 received 1966; 1 sent 1968.

20W9White, Clare V.1972

2 received, 1 sent 1972.

20W9White, Edward M.1966

1 received 1966.

20W9White, Hayden1977, 1978

1 sent 1977, 1978. Includes invitation to a reception and advertisement of a lecture by HW at the University of Toronto.

20W9White, Hudson1974

1 received, 2 sent 1974.

20W9White, John1971

1 received, 1 sent 1971. Includes open letter from J.B. Conacher concerning a new U of T Bill introduced in the Ontario Legislature by the Minister of University Affairs.

20W9Whitehead, F.A.1965

1 received, 1 sent 1965.

20W9Whitney, Ross R.1973

1 received, 1 sent 1973.

20W10Wiegand Memorial Foundation, Inc.1965

2 received, 2 sent 1965.

20W10Wiles, R.M.1963

1 sent 1963.

20W10Willard, Helen D.1965, 1971, 1972, 1975

2 received, 1 sent 1975. Includes an advertisement for the Lowell Institute lectures 1965. 1 received, 1 sent 1971, 1972.

20W10William Lyon Mackenzie Collegiate Institute1972

Invitation (1972) to speak at the Society '73 programme. 1 sent 1972.

20W10Williams College1972, 1973

1 received, 1 sent 1972, 1973.

20W11Willis, John R.1960

1 sent 1960.

20W11Wilson, Allan1972

1 received, 1 sent 1972. Includes poems.

20W12Bernard Wilson Limited (Music Sellers and Publishers)1967, 1968, 1969, 1972

1 received, 2 sent 1967. Includes catalogue for 1968 and copy of a bank draft. 1 sent 1968; 1 received, 2 sent 1969. Includes letter sent to a music company in Italy and a notice of bankruptcy of Bernard Wilson Ltd. 1968. 2 received, 2 sent 1972. Includes catalogues from Wilsons Music & Books.

20W13Wilson, Cecil1965, 1975

1 received, 1 sent 1965, 1975. Includes biographical sketch of a Czech philosopher, Ladislav Klima.

20W13Wilson, D.M.1975

1 received, 1 sent 1975.

20W13Wilson, Don1978

1 sent 1978.

20W13Wilson, Milton1960

1 sent 1960.

20W13Wilson, Paul1969, 1970

1 received 1969; 2 sent 1970.

20W13Wilson, Rev. H. Rex1960, 1962, 1966

1 received 1960; 1 sent 1962; 1 received, 1 sent 1966.

20W13Wimsatt, W.K.1972, 1975

1 received, 1 sent 1972, 1975.

20W14University of Witwatersrand1975, 1976 1 received 1975; 1 sent 1976.
20W14Williams, Mrs. John (Joan)1965

1 received, 1 sent 1965.

20W14Winspear, Mary1961, 1978

1 sent 1961; 1 received, 1 sent 1978.

20W14Winter, Carol1973

1 received, 1 sent 1973.

20W14Wisconsin Council of Teachers of English1973

1 received, 1 sent 1973.

20W14Wisconsin State University--Superior1971

1 received, 1 sent 1971.

20W14Wisconsin Union1966

1 received, 1 sent 1966.

20W14Witke, Joanne1970, 1973 1 received, 1 sent 1970; 1 received 1973.
20W14Wittreich, J.A.1975

1 sent 1975.

20W14Wolfe, Claudia1975

1 received, 1 sent 1975. Subjects: metaphor.

20W15Wolfe, Roy I.1962, 1973

1 sent 1962, 1973.

20W15Wolfson, Martin1971, 1974

1 received, 1 sent 1971, 1974.

20W15Wolkenfeld, Jack1968

1 received, 1 sent 1968.

20W15Wolper, Roy S.1970

1 received, 2 sent 1970.

20W15Wood, Mrs. Alan W. (Elizabeth)1970

1 received, 1 sent 1970. Subjects: Christ figure.

20W15Woodcock, George1972, 1973

2 received, 1 sent 1972; 1 sent 1973.

20W15Woodhouse, A.S.P.1963

1 sent 1963.

20W16College of Wooster1978

1 received, 1 sent 1978.

20W16University Women's Club in Woodstock1962

1 sent 1962.

20W16Woodman, Ross G.1960, 1976

1 sent 1960; 1 received, 1 sent 1976. Includes research statement for an application to the Canada Council.

20W16Woodruff, Neal1976

1 received 1976.

20W16Woods, Charles B.1960

1 sent 1960.

20W16Woodside, Willson1963

1 sent 1963.

20W17World Centre for Shakespeare Studies Ltd.1974

2 received, 2 sent 1974. Includes description of a plan to rebuild the Globe Theatre on its original site and minutes of a meeting.

20W17Wright Commission1972

Letter to the Editor of The Toronto Star 1972.

20W17Wright, Nora Dewolfe1978

1 received, 1 sent 1978.

20W17Writers' Development Trust1977

1 received, 1 sent 1977.

20Y1The Yeats Society (Sligo) Inc.1971, 1972, 1973

1 received, 1 sent 1971, 1972, 1973.

20Y1Yale University Media Design Studio1977

1 received, 1 sent 1977.

20Y1Yeomans, Ed1973

1 received 1973.

20Y1Yezzo, Dominick1973, 1974

1 received 1973; 1 sent 1974. Subjects: Blake.

20Y2YMCA Counselling Service1968

1 received, 1 sent 1968. Includes flyer describing services offered.

20Y2York Memorial Collegiate Institute1977

1 received, 1 sent 1977.

20Y2York Mills Collegiate Institute1966

1 received, 1 sent 1966.

20Y2Yoshida, Minoru1971

1 sent 1971. Includes letter from Charles A. Owen, Jr. who forwarded a book by MY to Frye.

20Y2Yoshimura, Masakazu1974

1 sent 1974.

20Z1Zebrowski, John1975

1 received, 1 sent 1975.

20Z1Zellermayer, Ruben1977

2 received, 1 sent 1977. Includes curriculum vitae.

20Z1Zimansky, Curt1976

1 sent 1976. Includes xeroxed page from A Natural Perspective with comments by CZ.

20Z1Zimbardo, Rose1968, 1972

2 received, 1 sent 1968. Includes comments by Frye on a ms. 1 received, 1 sent 1972. Subjects: A Midsummer Night's Dream; discordia concors.

20Z1Zsuffa, Joseph1975, 1976

1 received, 2 sent 1975. Includes synopsis for a novel. 1 received, 1 sent 1976.

1988, Box 21
Series: 2.3: Addresses, articles, essays, introductions,interviews, benedictions, sermons, prefaces, forewords, lectures, toasts, tributes, memorial services, reviews
216"On teaching literature", general editor's introduction: Literature: Uses of the Imagination, 19721972

90 leaves, ts, xerox [C6]

217"On teaching literature"

93 leaves, ts, xerox [C6]

Series: 2.4: Books
211Divisions on a Ground, 1982. Includes table of contents and individual essays of Part I: Writing1982

88 leaves, ts, mimeograph, printed [A20]

212Divisions on a Ground, 1982. Contains Part II: Teaching1982

60 leaves, ts, printed

213Divisions on a Ground, 1982. Contains Part III: The Social Order1982

74 leaves, ts

214The Myth of Deliverance: Reflections on Shakespeare's Problem Comedies, 1983.1983

101 leaves, ts, cc [A21]

215The Myth of Deliverance, 19831983

96 leaves, xerox of printed page proofs

1988, Box 22
Series: 2.4: Books
221Fearful Symmetry, [introduction, chapters 7-9], 19471947

91 leaves, ts, cc [A1]

222Fools of Time , 19671967, 1968

102 leaves, ts with printer's annotations. Includes letter (1968) from the University of Toronto Press returning the manuscript. [A9]

223The Well-Tempered Critic, 19631963, 1979

74 leaves, ts with printer's annotations. Includes letter (1979) from Frye to Lorna Fraser donating ms to Victoria University Library. [A6]

224A Natural Perspective, 19651965

124 leaves, ts with printer's annotations [A7]

225The Return of Eden, 19651965

119 leaves, ts with printer's annotations [A8]

226A Study of English Romanticism, 19681968, 1969

164 leaves, ts with printer's annotations. Includes letter (1969) from Jane Welch Widdicombe to Lorna Frazer donating ms to Victoria University Library. [A11]

1988, Box 23
Series: 2.4: Books
231The Critical Path, 19711971

2 copies: 172 leaves, ts; 202 leaves, ts, cc [A14]

232The Critical Path

2 copies: 128 leaves, ts, cc; 98 leaves, ts, xerox; 2 copies: 172 leaves, ts, xerox

233The Critical Path, 19711971

206 leaves, ts with printer's annotations. Includes letter from Frye to Lorna Fraser donating manuscript to Victoria University Library.

Series: 5.2: Sound tape reels
23"The educated imagination", Massey Lectures 3, 4, 5 and 6 broadcast by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation in 1962, 19751962, 1975
1988, Box 24
Series: 2.4: Books
241The Stubborn Structure, 19701970

490 leaves, ts, cc [A12]

242"Canada and its poetry"

19 leaves, ts, cc

242"Canadian and colonial painting"

4 leaves, ts, cc

242"Conclusion to a literary history of Canada"

55 leaves, ts, xerox [A13]

242"David Milne: an appreciation"

6 leaves, ts, cc

242"Lawren Harris: an introduction"

7 leaves, ts, cc

242"Preface to an uncollected anthology"

16 leaves, ts, printed

242"Silence in the sea"

23 leaves, ts, xerox

242"The narrative tradition in English-Canadian poetry"

13 leaves, ts, xerox

242"Turning new leaves"

7 leaves, ts, cc

242Individual essays in the collection: "Letters in Canada"

165 leaves, ts, cc

242The Bush Garden, 1971: Preliminary pages to the collection1971

15 leaves, ts cc.

1988, Box 25
Series: 2.4: Books
251The Secular Scripture, 19761976

Master proof and xerox copy: 83 leaves. Preface and preliminaries: 5 leaves, printed, xerox [A15]

252The Secular Scripture, 19761976

Galley proofs, original and copy: 83 leaves

253The Secular Scripture, 19761976

95 leaves, printed

1988, Box 26
Series: 2.4: Books
261-2Spiritus Mundi, 19761976

Text: 307 leaves, ts with printer's annotations. Notes: 2 leaves, ts [A16]

1988, Box 27
Series: 2.4: Books
Material relating to The Great Code
271-2The Great Code: The Bible and Literature, 19821982

440 leaves, ts [1st draft to publishers] [A19]

1988, Box 28
Series: 2.4: Books
281181 leaves, computer printout
282165 leaves, computer printout cont'd. 8 leaves, ts
283186 leaves, computer printout 3 leaves, ts
1988, Box 29
Series: 2.4: Books
291"Chapter One: Approaches and Assumptions"
2911. A Personal Genesis

28 leaves, ts, cc

2911. A Personal Record

11 leaves ts, cc

2912. Myth and Narrative

19 leaves, ts, cc

2913. Metaphor and Meaning

15 leaves, ts, cc

291[Outline of the four-part study]

5 leaves, ts, cc

291[Schematic diagrams]

11 leaves, holograph, ts

292Chapter Four: The World of Work

21 leaves, ts, cc

292Chapter One: Animated Nature

25 leaves, ts, cc

292Chapter One: Myth and Metaphor

32 leaves, ts, cc

292Chapter Ten

32 leaves, ts, cc

292Chapter Two: Synchronic and Diachronic Myth

40 leaves, ts. cc

293Mercury -- 3. Myth and Narrative

26 leaves, ts, cc

293Sun -- 5. Metaphor and Meaning

27 leaves, ts, cc

293Venus -- 4. The Double Mirror

16 leaves, ts, cc

293[Sections]: Moon -- 2. Metamorphoses of Language

26 leaves, ts, cc

294Larkin Stuart Lecture, January 30, 1980January 30, 1980

4 copies [incomplete]: 26 leaves, ts [includes 4 miscellaneous leaves]; 19 leaves, ts; 20 leaves, ts, cc; 19 leaves, ts, cc

295The Great Code: Part One: Myth and Metaphor

[7 sections], 80 leaves, ts, cc

296Book One: Myth..., Part Two: Narrative
296Chapter Five: The Double Mirror

35 leaves, ts, cc

296Chapter Four: Ordeals of Water and Fire

28 leaves, ts, cc

296Chapter One: Births and Deaths of Gods

39 leaves, ts, cc

296Chapter Six: The Comic Romance

8 leaves, ts, cc

296Chapter Three: The World of Work

31 leaves, ts, cc

296Chapter Two: Icon and Idol

30 leaves, ts, cc

296The Great Code: Book One: Myth and Metaphor, Part One: Imagery
297Part One: ..., Chapter Two: Genealogy of the Gods

29 leaves, ts, cc

297Part One: Imagery, Chapter One: Myth and Metaphor

22 leaves, ts, cc

297The Great Code: Preface

7 leaves, ts, cc


1. "Over thirty years ago..." [draft of preface?] 2. "One of the most..."

298Chapter Four: Seeds of Time

11 leaves, ts, cc

298Chapter Two: The Comic Romance

22 leaves, ts, cc

298The Great Code: Chapter One: First Commentary: Point of View

27 leaves, ts, cc

298[Chapter ? "Not everybody has read the Bible..."]

39 leaves, ts, cc

299Chapter Two

49 leaves, ts

299The Great Code: Chapter One

26 leaves, ts

299[Chapter ? "The kings of Israel and of Judah..."]

24 leaves, ts

1988, Box 30
Series: 2.4: Books
301-2The Great Code

440 leaves, computer printout with printer's annotations [includes prelims and notes]

303The Great Code: Index

50 leaves, ts

304The Great Code

233 leaves, printed proofs, xerox

305The Great Code

Notes: 20 leaves, ts, xerox. Index, 18 leaves, printed galleys, xerox

1988, Box 31
Series: 1.2: Family correspondence
311[Howard], Aunt Mary1929

1 sent [to Donald Howard] 1929. Includes holograph note on "Eccentric".

312[Fyre, Mrs. H.E.], Aunt Cassie1932

1 sent [to Donald Howard?] 1932.

313Garrett, Rev. Rufus1937, 1942

2 sent [to Rev. Donald B. Howard] 1937, 1942. Includes unsigned Christmas card.

314[Howard Garrett], Aunt Dollie1929

1 sent [to Rev. Donald B. Howard] 1929. Includes clipping showing a photograph of Emmanuel College Alumni 1929.

315[Howard Garrett], Aunt Dollie1933

2 sent [to Rev. Donald B. Howard] 1933.

316Howard, Aunt Mary1929, 1930, 1931

1 sent [to Donald Howard] 1929, 1930, 1931.

316[Howard], Maryn.d., [1929]

2 sent [to "Girls"] n.d.; 1 sent [1929].

317Includes service from St. James United Church of Canada, Montreal1938, 1943, 1944

1 sent 1938, 1943, 1944.

317[Howard], Aunt Hatty1931, 1932, 1934, 1935, 1936

1 sent [to Donald Howard] 1931, 1932, 1934; 2 sent 1935; 1 sent 1936.

317[Howard], Aunt Hatty1945

1 sent [to Husey] 1945.

317[Howard], Aunt Hatty1945

1 sent [to "Children"] 1945. Includes service from the Metropolitan United Church, Victoria.


1 sent [to Ross] n.d.

318Frye, Northrop1934

1 sent [to Donald Howard] 1934.

318Programmes of services (4) from Wesley Memorial Church, Moncton 1929-1930.1929-1930
318[Frye, Mrs. H.E.], Aunt Cassie1929, 1930, 1931, 1932, 1933, 1934, 1935, 1936, 1937, 1938, 1939, 1940

2 sent [to Donald Howard] n.d., 1929; 1 sent 1930, 1931; 2 sent 1932; 3 sent 1933; 2 sent 1934; 3 sent 1935; 2 sent [1936?]; 2 sent 1937; 4 sent 1938.
Includes Christmas card. 4 sent 1939. Includes clipping announcing the wedding of Alma Clavering Howard to Patrick William Rolleston. 4 sent 1940.

Series: 2.3: Addresses, articles, essays, introductions,interviews, benedictions, sermons, prefaces, forewords, lectures, toasts, tributes, memorial services, reviews
319Service from Wesley Memorial United Church, Moncton, 19311931
3110Memoir of Helen Frye prepared by Northrop Frye, 19861986
1988, Box 32
Series: 1.1: General correspondence
321[Mason], Jack1939

1 received 1939.

322A[vison], M[argaret]1951

1 received 1951.

322Budd and Larner, Law Offices1951

2 received 1951.

322Bush, Hazel1951

1 [to Helen] 1951.

322Daniells, Royn.d.

1 received n.d.

322Edgar, Dona1951

1 received 1951.

322Frye, Mr. H.E.1950, 1951

1 received n.d., 1950, 1951.

322Frye, Mrs. H.E.1940

1 received 1940.

322Frye, Northrop1962

1 [to Helen] 1962.

322Guggenheim Memorial Foundation1951

1 received 1951.

322Hughes, Merritt Y.1951

1 received 1951.

322Irving, Jack1951

1 received 1951.

322Joseph, Mike1939

1 received 1939.

322Kemp, Mr. S.H.F.1951

1 received 1951.

322Kemp, Mrs. S.H.F.n.d.

1 [to Helen] received n.d.

322Little, W.J.1951

1 received 1951. Includes description of the General Pension Plan at Victoria University.

322Peyre, Henri1951

1 received 1951.

322Potts, Abbie F.1951

2 received 1951.

322Richards, Dorothea and I.A.1951

1 [to Helen] 1951.

322Stingle, Dickn.d.

1 received n.d.

322[Godfrey], Eleanor1951

1 [to Helen] 1951.

322[McGreevy], Marion1950, 1951

1 [to Helen] 1950, 1951.

322[Richards], Dorothean.d.

1 [to Helen] n.d.

322[Robins], John1951

1 received 1951.

322[Ross], Macn.d.

1 received n.d.

323A Space1978

1 received, 1 sent 1978.

323Ali, Winston1972

1 received 1972.

323Association of Canadian Television and Radio Artists1970

1 received, 1 sent 1970.

323Hough, Graham1967

1 received, 1 sent 1967.

323J.B. Lippincott Company1961

1 received n.d.; 1 sent 1961.


1 received 1965.

323Johnston, George (poet)1976, 1977

2 received, 2 sent 1976. Includes congratulatory note for Munro Beattie. 1 received, 1 sent 1977.

323Long, Burke O.1977

1 received, 1 sent 1977. Includes proposal for a collection of critical studies.

323Martz, Louis L.1962

1 received, 1 sent 1962.

323O'Driscoll, Robert1978

1 received, 1 sent 1978.

323Ornstein, Robert1977

1 received, 1 sent 1977.

323Richter, David H.1977

1 received, 1 sent 1977.

323Ridd, Carl1971

1 received, 1 sent 1971. Includes curriculum vitae of Arthur Owen Barfield.

323Rogers Cable1970

1 received, 1 sent 1970. Includes draft of letter to subscribers.

323Routledge Kegan Paul Books Ltd.1978

4 received, 2 sent 1978.

323St. Lawrence University1966

1 sent 1966.

323State University of New York at Buffalo1966

1 received 1966.

323Summers, Joseph H.1963

1 sent 1963.

323United Church of Canada Chignecto Presbytery1971

2 received, 2 sent 1971.

323Woodcock, George1967

1 received, 1 sent 1967.

323Yale University Press1964

1 received, 1 sent 1964.

324"Bluebeard's Wife". Poem.
324English Institute1964, 1965

1 received 1964; 6 received, 1 sent 1965. Includes copy of the discussion following the Institute's sessions in 1965.

324Jackson, Barney W.1968

1 received, 1 sent 1968.

324Perkins, David1977

2 received, 1 sent 1977.

324The Donwood Institute1973

1 received 1973.

324Theall, Don1966

1 received 1966.

324University of Michigan1968

1 received, 2 sent 1968.

325[Colleagues of Victoria College]1959

1 sent 1959.

Series: 3.4: Photographs
327Painting of Northrop Frye by Douglas Martin, 1972.1972

(Photos P1-4)
327Photographs of the dust wrapper of Fearful Symmetry, 1947.1947(Photos P1-4)
327Victoria College graduation portrait of Northrop Frye, 1933.1933

(Photos P1-4)
328Portraits of Frye by Milan Rupic, 1978.1978

(Photos P3-4)

Series: 6: Publications by Northrop Frye
329Printed transcript of "The ideas of Northrop Frye", CBC Radio Ideas Programme, Feb. 19, 26, March 1990.1990
3210Offprints of university bulletins containing articles by and about Frye;...1959, 1978, 1989

...programmes of the installation of Frye as Principal of Victoria College (1959); copy of address by Frye at his installation as Chancellor of Victoria College (1978) and address by the College President; guide to the Northrop Frye exhibition (1989).

Series: 7.1: Reviews, bibliographies, articles
326Photocopies of: book reviews of Frye's work, biographical information, articles about Frye in newspapers, and bibliographies of Frye's work, 1959-1977.1959-1977
3211Copies of magazines containing articles about Frye (1973-1982) and Frye exhibition guide (1989).1973-1982, 1989
3212Offprints of articles about Frye from German periodicals.
1988, Box 33
Series: 5.1: Sound cassettes
33"The critic and the teacher"June 1, 1972

Recorded at the annual meeting of the Association of Canadian University Teachers of English (ACUTE), Montreal, June 1, 1972.

Series: 5.2: Sound tape reels
33"The critic and the teacher"June 1, 1972

Recorded at the annual meeting of the Association of Canadian University Teachers of English (ACUTE), Montreal, June 1, 1972

Series: 5.4: Video cassettes
33"Images of Canada: journey without arrival"1976
33"The scholar in society: Northrop Frye in conversation"1984
1988, Box 34
Series: 5.3: Film reels
34"Images of Canada: journey without arrival"1975, 1976

Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, [produced 1975; telecast 1976]. Includes transcript.

34"The scholar in society: Northrop Frye in conversation"1984

National Film Board of Canada, 1984

1988, Box 35
Series: 1.1: General correspondence
351Aaron, Janet S.1979

1 sent 1979. Includes outline of a seminar on Canada-United States relations.

351Adamson, Arthur1979

2 sent 1979. Includes outline of a sabbatical leave project.

351Adeney, Jeanne1978, 1979

1 [to Helen] 1978; 1 sent 1979.

351Adeney, Marcus1965

1 received, 1 sent 1965.

351Agnes Scott College1979

1 received, 1 sent 1979.

351Anderson, Patrick1972, 1973, 1974, 1979

1 received, 3 sent 1972; 1 received, 1 sent 1973, 1974, 1979.


1 received 1979. Includes survey form.


1 received, 1 sent 1978.

352Academy of Literary Studies1979, 1980

2 received, 1 sent 1979. Includes membership list. 1 received 1980.

352Adams, Laura M.1980

1 received, 1 sent 1980. Includes outline of a Fry family.

352Akrigg, G.P.V.1969, 1980

1 received, 1 sent 1969; 1 sent 1980.

352AMTEC [Association for Media and Technology in Education in Canada]1980, 1981

1 received, 1 sent 1980. Includes printed description of the Association's purpose, conference programme 1981.


352Anderson, Peggy1976, 1978, 1980

1 sent 1976; 2 received, 1 sent 1978, 1980.

352Associated Publishers and Authors, Inc.1978, 1979, 1980

2 sent 1978, 1979. Includes cancelled cheque. 1 sent 1980. Includes form letter from the publishers of the Interlinear Hebrew-Greek-English Bible.

352Ault, Donald1973, 1974, 1975, 1978, 1980

1 received 1973; 6 received, 2 sent 1974; 1 received, 3 sent 1975; 1 received, 1 sent 1978. 1 received 1980. Includes copy of letter from Chicago UP rejecting ms, copy of charts and preface from the ms, and an assessment of the ms by M. Dolzani. 1 from and to [Martin Nurmi] 1973 regarding Ault.

352Auty, James1980

1 received, 1 sent 1980.

353Abousenna, Mona1981

1 received, 1 sent 1981. Includes description of the First International Conference of Literature.

353Academy of Canadian Writers1980, 1981

1 received 1980; 2 received 1981.

353ACLALS [Association for Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies]1981

3 received, 2 sent 1981. Includes Chairman's newsletter.

353Allan, Timothy J.1981

1 sent 1981.

353Anderson, Mary1981

1 received, 1 sent 1981.

353Angell, Roger1981

1 sent 1981.

353Applewood Heights Secondary School1981

1 received, 1 sent 1981.

354Abraham, Elizabeth1982

1 received, 1 sent 1982.

354Alexander, Ian

Notes [prepared by IA] for a conversation scheduled for July 13, [19--].


354Allen, Thomas J.1981, 1982

1 sent 1981; 2 received, 1 sent 1982. Includes clipping about Colin MacCabe. Subjects: structuralism at Cambridge; Colin MacCabe.

354American University in Cairo1981, 1982

1 received 1981; 1 received, 1 sent 1982.

354Anderson, Ross and Violet1982

1 received, 1 sent 1982.

354Andrews, D.G.1982

1 received 1982.

354Andrus, C.H.1982

1 received 1982. Includes assessment of Andrus ms by M. Dolzani.

354Arizona State University1981, 1982

1 received, 1 sent 1981, 1982.

354Art Gallery of Hamilton1982

1 received, 1 sent 1982. Includes copy of a preface to a book being published in conjunction with exhibition.

354Athabasca University Magazine1982

1 received, 1 sent 1982.

355Ackerman, James S.1972, 1983

1 received, 1 sent 1972. Includes analysis of Ackerman ms by M. Dolzani. 1 sent 1983.

355Anderson, Marion Scribner1983

1 received, 1 sent 1983.

355Antoniuk, David1983

1 received 1983. Includes assessment of DA ms by M. Dolzani.

355Armatage, Kay1983

1 received, 1 sent 1983.

355Armstrong State College (Ga.)1983

1 received, 1 sent 1983.

356Academy of Medicine1983, 1984

1 received, 1 sent 1983, 1984.

356Ades, John I.1965, 1968, 1970, 1983, 1984

1 received, 1 sent 1965, 1968; 1 sent 1970; 1 received, 1 sent 1983, 1984. Includes a note on Vergil and pizza.

356Alcorn, Richard L. Jr.1984

1 received 1984.

356Alfred University1984

1 received, 1 sent 1984.

356Alley, Douglas1984

1 received, 1 sent 1984.

356Altieri, Charles1972, 1973, 1980

3 received n.d.; 1 sent 1972; 1 received, 1 sent 1973; 1 sent 1980. Includes assessment of CA ms by M. Dolzani.

356Amnesty International1981-1984

1981-1984. Includes appeals for support.

356Association for Jewish Studies1984

1 received, 1 sent 1984.

357Albee, Edward1985

1 received, 1 sent 1985; 1 [to Howard Moss] 1985.

357Alexander, Howard1981, 1984, 1985

1 received, 1 sent 1981. Includes copy of HA's talk. 4 received, 2 sent 1984; 1 received, 1 sent 1985.

357Alphi Phi Fraternity1985

1 received 1985.

357American Philosophical Society1985

2 received, 1 sent 1985.

357Anderson, Abbott J.1973, 1980, 1985

1 received, 1 sent 1973, 1980, 1985. Includes xerox of a printed comment by Frye on AA's poetry and an analysis of AA's poetry by M. Dolzani.

357Anderson, William1985

1 sent 1985.

357Appignanesi, Richard

Correspondence about RA and an analysis of his book Stalin's Orphans by M. Dolzani.

357Appleton [van Drainen], Elizabeth1985

1 received 1985. Includes printed supplementary appendix to Edward de Vere and the War of Words.

357Art Gallery of Ontario1976, 1979, 1984, 1985

1 received 1976; 2 received 1979; 1 received 1984; 2 received 1985. Includes brochure on reciprocal membership.

357Associazione Internazionale per gli Studi di Lingua e Letteratura Italiana1966-1967, 1972-1985

Correspondence (1966-1967) with Vittore Branca about Frye's participation in the international conference in Budapest in 1967. [Frye did not read his paper in person.]

Correspondence (1972-1985) about honorary membership in the Association and Frye's introductory remarks to the XIIth Congress in May 1985.

357Auburn University1985

1 received, 1 sent 1985. Subjects: literary criticism and the teaching of literature.

357The Antigonish Review1985

1 received 1985.

358Bastien, Donald Gregory1979

2 received, 1 sent 1979.

358Bates, Mrs. Beverley Robertson1979

1 received, 1 sent 1979.

358Blake Studies1968, 1979

Correspondence (1968, 1979) concerning subscription renewals and orders.

358Bolechato, Josephine1979

1 received, 1 sent 1979. Includes clipping reproducing Frye's Royal Bank Award address from The Grad Post 1978.

358Brown University Press1979

1 sent 1979. Includes advertisement from Brown University Press for Four Hundred Songs and Dances from the Stuart Masque.

358Brown, Mrs. E.K. (Peggy)1979

1 received, 1 sent 1979. Subjects: E.J. Pratt papers.

358Burke, A.1979

1 received, 1 sent 1979.

358Université de Bordeaux1979

1 received, 1 sent 1979.

359Baker, Terrence D.1980

2 received, 1 sent 1980. Includes TB ms and analysis by M. Dolzani.

359Bassani, Giorgio1980

1 sent 1980.

359Benson, Larry1979, 1980

2 received 1979; 1 sent 1980.

359Binnie, J. Andrew1973

1 received, 1 sent 1973. Includes testimonial on his behalf.

359Binnie, Patricia1974

1 received, 1 sent 1974.

359Birtch, George1980

1 received 1980.

359Bogen, Nancy1980 1 sent 1980. Includes analysis of NB ms by M. Dolzani.
359Boyle, Marjorie O'Rourke1980

2 received, 1 sent 1980. Includes letter announcing Guggenheim Award.

359Brandeis University1979, 1980

1 received, 2 sent 1979; 1 received, 1 sent 1980.

359Broomfield, Mrs. G.1978, 1979, 1980

1 received, 1 sent 1978; 1 received 1979; 1 sent 1980. Includes two samples of art tapestry by A.G. Broomfield.

359University of Bologna1980

2 received, 1 sent 1980.

3510Bates, Ronald1968, 1969, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1981

1 received, 2 sent 1968; 1 received, 1 sent 1969. Includes selected bibliography of Frye's work. 2 received, 1 sent 1977; 2 received, 2 sent 1978. Includes clipping. 1 received, 1 sent 1979. Includes cc of ms "Northrop Frye, teacher". 1 received, 1 sent 1981.

3510Beeson, D.A.1981

1 received, 1 sent 1981.

3510Beissel, Henry1965, 1980

1 received, 1 sent 1965; 3 received 1980. Includes assessment of HB ms "Cantos North" by M. Dolzani.

3510Bell, Robert H.1981

1 received, 1 sent 1981. Includes offprint.

3510Bennington College1981

1 received, 1 sent 1981. Includes description of the Ben Belitt Lectureship.

3510Bercovitch, S.1978, 1979, 1980, 1981

Invitation to attend lecture 1978. 1 sent 1979; 1 received, 1 sent 1980; 1 sent 1981. Includes analysis of SB ms by M. Dolzani.

3510Bertz, Douglas1980, 1981

1 received 1980; 2 received, 2 sent 1981.

3510Beth Tzedec Congregation1981

1 received 1981.

3510Bishop, Scott1981

1 received, 1 sent 1981.

3510Boilesen, Lisbeth A.1981

1 received, 1 sent 1981. Includes invitation to an exhibition from Humber College Creative Photography Program.

3510Botstein, Leon1981

1 received, 1 sent 1981.

3510Boundy, John E.M.1981

1 received, 1 sent 1981.

3510Burrill, Gary1981

2 received, 1 sent 1981.

3510Bush, Joan1981

1 received, 1 sent 1981.

3511Bailey, Alfred1965, 1982

1 received, 1 sent 1965; 1 sent 1982.

3511Baldwin, E. MargueriteJanuary 1982

Eulogy, Memorial Service, January 1982.

3511Barker, W.W.1982

1 received 1982.

3511Bate, Walter Jackson1968, 1969, 1978

1 received n.d.; 1 sent 1968; 1 received, 1 sent 1969; 1 sent 1978.

3511Becker, John E.1982

1 received, 1 sent 1982.

3511Belliveau, J.E.1977, 1982

1 received, 1 sent 1977; 1 received 1982.

3511Belval, Ray1982

1 received, 1 sent 1982.

3511Bennett, Donna1982

1 received, 1 sent 1982. Includes sources of allusions made by Frye in the conclusion to the Literary History of Canada.

3511Berrill, John1982

1 received, 1 sent 1982.

3511Blackman, Cyril1982 1 received, 1 sent 1982. Subjects: The Great Code.
3511Booth, Wayne1968, 1981, 1982

3 received, 3 sent 1968; 1 received, 1 sent 1981, 1982.

3511Boston Public Library1982

1 received, 1 sent 1982.

3511Bowles, Beatrice V.1982

2 received, 2 sent 1982.

3511Brandon University1982

1 received 1982.

3511Branksome Hall, Toronto1981, 1982

1 received 1981; 1 sent 1982.

3511Brown, Michele Lynne1982

1 received, 1 sent 1982.

3511University of Bristol1982, 1983

2 received, 1 sent 1982. Includes outline of Colston Symposium 1983.

1988, Box 36
Series: 1.1: General correspondence
361Baguley, David1983

2 received, 1 sent 1983.

361Bangor Theological Seminary (Me.)1983

1 received, 1 sent 1983. Includes printed notice about the Samuel Harris Lectures.

361Barreto-Rivera, Rafael1983

1 sent 1983. Includes analysis of RBR ms by M. Dolzani.

361Bennett, James R.1983

1 received, 1 sent 1983. Includes list of books on stylistics prepared by M. Dolzani.

361Bindman, David1983

1 sent 1983.

361Bishop, Jonathan1982, 1983

1 received 1982; 1 received, 1 sent 1983. Includes analysis of JB ms by M. Dolzani.

361Bloor Street United Church, Toronto1972, 1975, 1979, 1983

2 received, 2 sent 1972; 1 received, 1 sent 1975, 1979; 1 received 1983.

361Boston University1974, 1979, 1983

2 received, 2 sent 1974; 2 received, 1 sent 1979, 1983.

361Boutilier, Fabian1981, 1983

1 received 1981. Includes analysis of FB ms by M. Dolzani. 1 received, 1 sent 1983.

361Brack, Frederick G.1983

1 received, 1 sent 1983.

361Breech, James1983

Complimentary volume by JB from Doubleday Canada. 1 sent 1983. Includes analysis of JB volume by M. Dolzani.

361Buckley, J.1970, 1974, 1978, 1979, 1983

1 sent 1970; 1 received 1974; 1 received, 1 sent 1978; 1 sent 1979, 1983.

361Buckley, Joanne L.1983

1 received, 1 sent 1983.

361Burnhamthorpe Collegiate Institute1978, 1983

1 received, 1 sent 1978, 1983.

361The Banff Centre1981, 1983

1 received, 1 sent 1981; 4 received, 1 sent 1983.

361The Bible and the Arts Inc.1982

Correspondence (1982-1983) concerning exhibition at the Musée des Beaux-Arts, Montreal, and invitation to Frye to join the advisory committee.

362Barker, Terry1984

1 received 1984. Includes a ms.

362Beattie, Sandra1984

Copy of an open letter 1984.

362Beckett, Robert1984

1 received [from The Writers' Centre] 1984 on behalf of RB. Includes copy of a letter from RB to the Centre.

362Best, Ernest1984

1 received, 1 sent 1984.

362Billigheimer, Rachel V.1982, 1984

1 received 1982; 1 received, 1 sent 1984. Includes assessment of RB thesis by M. Dolzani.

362Bishop, Carroll1984

1 sent 1984. Includes analysis of CB ms The Devil's Diamond by M. Dolzani.

362Bissell, Claude1971, 1973, 1976, 1977, 1983, 1984

2 sent 1971, 1973; 1 received 1976. Includes statement of project for a Rockefeller Foundation scholarship and curriculum vitae. 3 received, 3 sent 1977. 1 received 1983; 1 sent 1984.

362Bjorge, Harold1984 2 received, 1 sent 1984. Includes assessment of HB ms by M. Dolzani.
362Blake1974-1983 Correspondence (1974-1983) concerning special publications, subscription and support for the Quarterly.
362Blickzilner, Edith1984

1 received 1984.

362Bonanno, Giovanni1984

1 received, 1 sent 1984.

362Boys' Choir of Toronto1981, 1984

1 received, 1 sent 1981; 1 received 1984.

362Brand, Richard1984

1 sent 1984. Subjects: The Great Code.

362Brantley, Richard1984

1 received 1984. Includes printed description of a book on Locke.

362Braunoehler, Barbara1982, 1984

1 received 1982, 1984.

362Brown, Barry J.1984

2 received, 1 sent 1984. Includes poems.

362Burns, Dan E.1984

1 received, 1 sent 1984. Includes assessment of DB ms by M. Dolzani.

363Baguinho, Edith1985

1 received, 1 sent 1985. Subjects: study of English literature.

363Baird, John1985

1 received 1985.

363Bare, David1974, 1976, 1982

1 received, 1 sent 1974; 1 sent 1976, 1982. Includes copy of a letter from DB to Robert

363Baris, Sharon1982, 1983, 1985

1 received, 1 sent 1982. Includes assessment of RB ms by M. Dolzani. 1 received 1983, 1985. Subjects: Henry James; Hawthorne.

363Barros, James1985

1 received 1985.

363Barthelemy, Dossou1985

1 received, 1 sent 1985.

363Bhaktivedanta Institute1985

1 received, 1 sent 1985.

363Billard, Athelia1985

1 received, 1 sent 1985.

363Bodleian Library1985

1 received 1985. Includes brochure of the Canadian Friends of the Bodleian.

363Bremen, Brian A.n.d.

1 received n.d.

363Brown University1967, 1980-1983, 1985

Correspondence (1967, 1980-1983, 1985) concerning appointments and invitations. Includes notices of positions.

363Brown, Schuyler1985

1 received, 1 sent 1985.

363Buchanan, John1985

1 received, 1 sent 1985.

363Bucknell University1965, 1973, 1980, 1985

1 received, 1 sent 1965, 1973, 1980; 1 received 1985. Includes description of a new position in literary/critical theory.

363Butterfield, Deborah St. George1984

1 received 1984.

363University of British Columbia1965, 1970-1979, 1982, 1985

Correspondence (1965, 1970-1979, 1982, 1985) concerning lecture invitations, special issue of Canadian Literature commemorating the retirement of Roy Daniells.

363Weaver, C.B.C.1985

2 received, 1 sent 1985. Includes assessment of DB ms by M. Dolzani.

364Calvert, Carolyn1977, 1979

1 received, 1 sent 1977; 1 received 1979.

364Canadian Communication Association1979

1 received, 1 sent 1979. Includes statement of purpose of the association.

364Capone, Giovanna1979

1 received, 1 sent 1979.

364Central California Council of Teachers of English1979

1 received 1979.

364Chicago Review1979

1 received, 1 sent 1979.

364Claremont Center for Process Studies1979, 1980

1 received, 1 sent 1979. Includes description of a conference 1980.

364Conklin, William Earl1979

1 received, 1 sent 1979.

364Core Communications1979

1 received, 1 sent 1979. Includes advance publication notice for The Einstein Years.

364Critical Inquiry1977, 1978, 1979

1 received 1977, 1978, 1979.

365Canadian Opera Guild1980

1 received, 1 sent 1980.

365Capilano College1980

1 received, 1 sent 1980.

365Cavell, Richard1980

1 received, 1 sent 1980.

365Champlin, Marjorie1980

3 received, 1 sent 1980. Includes title page of a study of Sidney's sonnets.

365Chandler, S. Bernard1980

1 sent 1980.

365Colby, James1980

1 received, 1 sent 1980.

365College English Association1966, 1980

1 received, 1 sent 1966, 1980.

365Court, Jane Grace1973

1 received 1973. Includes résumé.

365University of California, Riverside1979, 1980

1 received, 1 sent 1979. Includes call for papers for the Second J. Lloyd Eaton Conference on Science Fiction and Fantasy Literature. 1 received, 1 sent 1980. Includes call for papers for the Third Conference.

366Callary, Eva1981

1 received 1981.

366Canadian Association for Adult Education1981

1 received, 1 sent 1981.

366Canadian College of Teachers1981

1 received 1981. Includes information concerning the CCT.

366Canadian Society for Education through Art1981

1 received, 1 sent 1981.

366Canisius College1969, 1970, 1974, 1976, 1978, 1981

1 received, 1 sent 1969, 1970, 1974, 1976, 1978; 2 received, 2 sent 1981.

366Castro, Robert1980, 1981 1 received, 1 sent 1980; 1 sent 1981. Includes assessment of RC ms.
366Cherry, Kelly1981

1 received 1981.

366Colville, Alex1962, 1981

1 sent 1962; 1 received, 1 sent 1981. Includes invitation to the installation of AC as chancellor of Acadia University.

366Conrad, William A.1981

1 received, 1 sent 1981. Includes list of works on play theory prepared by M. Dolzani.

366Cooper-Clark, Diana1981 1 received, 1 sent 1981. Subjects: detective story.
366Corrigan, Elena1981

Assessment of EC thesis on Shakespeare's romances prepared by M. Dolzani 1981.

366University of Chicago1968, 1979, 1981

1 received, 1 sent 1968, 1979, 1981.

366University of Connecticut1974, 1975, 1980, 1981

1 received, 1 sent 1974, 1975; 1 received 1980; 1 sent 1981.

367Abrams, M.H.1973

1 received, 1 sent 1973.

367Adams, Barbara A.1973

1 received, 1 sent 1973.

367Ambegaokar, Vinay1982

2 received, 1 sent 1982. Includes list of A.D. White Professors-at-Large 1965-1983.

367Arroyo, Ciriaco Moron1977

1 received, 1 sent 1977.

367Black, Max1968, 1970, 1971, 1973, 1975

3 received, 2 sent 1968. Includes copy of the director's report of the Society for the Humanities, 1967-1968. 4 received, 4 sent 1970. Includes invitation to a dinner honouring MB. 2 received 1971, 1973; 2 received, 2 sent 1975.

367Bowers, Raymond1976

2 received, 2 sent 1976.

367Cambridge University Press1982

3 received, 1 sent 1982. Includes a draft proposal for a new collaborative history of literary criticism. Subjects: history of literary criticism.

367Clarke Institute of Psychiatry, Toronto1982

1 received, 1 sent 1982.

367Cornell University
367Cottle, E.H.1973, 1982

1 received, 1 sent 1973, 1982.

367Crossroads 19821982

1 received, 1 sent 1982. Includes invitation to attend Crossroads: Toronto Forum on Urban Stress: 1982.

367Fogel, Ephim1979

1 received, 1 sent 1979.

367Gibian, George1967

1 received, 1 sent 1967.

367Guerlac, Henry1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975

1 received, 2 sent 1970. Includes correspondence about candidates for Cornell Fellowships. 2 received, 1 sent 1971; 1 received, 2 sent 1972; 3 received, 3 sent 1973. Includes description of post-doctoral Fellowships. 1 received, 1 sent 1975. Subjects: Society for the Humanities.

367Rideout, B.L.1968, 1971

1 received 1968, 1971. Includes form letter from Cornell about entry permit, certificate of eligibility for exchange status and statement regarding an honorarium from Cornell. Subjects: appointment as Visiting Fellow in the Society for the Humanities.

367University of California, Santa Barbara1974, 1975, 1980, 1982, 1983

2 received, 1 sent 1974; 1 received, 1 sent 1975, 1980; 2 received, 2 sent 1982; 1 received 1983.

367Windmuller, Thomas S.1976

1 received, 1 sent 1976.

1988, Box 37
Series: 1.1: General correspondence
371Canadian Society for Italian Linguistics and Language Teaching1982

1 received, 1 sent 1982.

371Canadian World Council of Churches Assembly Presentation1982

1 received, 1 sent 1982.

371Cappon, Daniel1982

1 received, 1 sent 1982. Subjects: The Great Code; language.

371Carlson, Harry G.1982

1 received, 1 sent 1982.

371Castro, Janice1982

1 received, 1 sent 1982. Includes correspondence with John Ayre about the possible use of Castro's letters in the biography of Frye.

371Central Michigan University1982

1 received, 1 sent 1982.

371Central State University (Wilberforce, Ohio)1982

1 received, 1 sent 1982.

371Chamberlain, Irene1982

1 received, 1 sent 1982.

371Christopher, Nicholas1982

1 sent 1982.

371Comfort, Alex1982

1 received, 1 sent 1982.

371Concordia University1978, 1979, 1982

1 received, 1 sent 1978; 1 received 1979; 1 received, 1 sent 1982.

371Conic, Nada1982

1 received, 1 sent 1982.

371Corkett, Anne1981, 1982

1 received 1981; 1 sent 1982.

371Cousland, Richard P.K.1982

1 received 1982.

371Cowan, Elizabeth1979, 1980, 1982

1 received n.d.; 1 sent 1979, 1980; 1 received, 1 sent 1982.

371Coxeter, H.S.M.1982

1 received 1982. Includes xerox from his book on geometry.

371Cragg, Laurie1982 2 received, 1 sent 1982.
371University of California Press1981, 1982

1 received, 1 sent 1981, 1982.

372Cadbury, William1983

1 received from, 1 sent to [Iowa University Press] regarding a ms on film criticism by WC, 1983. Includes an assessment by M. Dolzani.

372Campbell, Burke1983

1 received 1983. Includes assessment of BC book, the "first novel written on computer and published world-wide over the computer network".

372Canada Council1978-1983

Correspondence (1978-1983) about the translation of The Bush Garden into French; selection of Anatomy of Criticism for the Book Kit Exchange Programme; support for World Literature Written in English; a bibliography of Canadian literature for an Israeli University; and nomination of The Great Code for the Governor General's Award.

372Canadian Association for Irish Studies1973, 1983

1 received, 1 sent 1973, 1983.

372Canadian Embassy, Bonn1983

1 received 1983.

372Canadian Federation for the Humanities1983

1 received 1983. Includes copy of a letter from the executive director to W. Temelini (U of Windsor) about the Federation, printed Bulletin of the Federation and history of the Federation.

372Canadian Programming Service1983

1 received, 1 sent 1983.

372Carnegie-Mellon University1976, 1977, 1983

1 received, 1 sent 1976; 1 received, 2 sent 1977; 1 received, 1 sent 1983.

372Cheney, Michael R.1983

1 received, 1 sent 1983.

372Chiasson, Michael1983

1 received, 1 sent 1983.

372Ching, Julia1983

1 received, 1 sent 1983. Includes outline of the Third International Congress of Chinese Philosophy.

372Clarke Gerard1982, 1983

1 received 1982; 2 received, 1 sent 1983. Includes an assessment of a GC ms by M. Dolzani.

372Cole, Neil B.1983

1 received, 1 sent 1983.

372Common, Robert1983

3 received, 1 sent 1983.

372Conway, Jane1983

1 sent 1983.

372Cosmos Club1983

1 received, 1 sent 1983.

372Current Events Club1978, 1983

1 received, 1 sent 1978, 1983.

372University College of Cape Breton1983

1 received, 1 sent 1983.

373Canadian Human Rights Foundation1984

2 received, 1 sent 1984. Includes programme for colloquium on human rights.

373Canadian Museums Association1984

2 received, 1 sent 1984.

373Canadian Writers' Foundation1981, 1982, 1983

1 received, 1 sent 1981; 2 received, 1 sent 1982; 3 received, 1 sent 1983.

373Carlsen, Robin Woodsworth1980, 1981, 1984

2 received, 2 sent 1980. Includes printed advertisement for Crisis in Iran and list of quotations from reviews. 1 received, 2 sent 1981; 1 sent 1984.

373Carnwath, Anne1964, 1984

1 received 1964; 1 received, 1 sent 1984.

373Central United Church, Moncton, N.B.1984

1 received, 1 sent 1984.

373Chavkin, Allan1983, 1984

1 received 1983. Includes analysis of AC article on Saul Bellow and Wordsworthian Romanticism by M. Dolzani. 1 sent 1984. Subjects: Blake; liberal humanism.

373City University of New York1984

1 received, 1 sent 1984.

373Cleveland State University1983, 1984

1 received, 1 sent 1983, 1984.

373Coburn, Kathleen1984

1 sent 1984.

373Collins, Anna1984

1 received 1984.

373Conklin, Janet1984

2 received, 1 sent 1984. Subjects: archetype; stereotype.

373Cooper, Barry1984

1 received, 1 sent 1984.

374Canadian Institute for Historical Microreproductions1984, 1985

2 received, 1 sent 1984; 1 received 1985.

374Canadian Society for the Study of Religion1984

1 received 1984.

374Cervo, Nathan1970, 1971, 1982, 1983

1 received 1970; 1 received, 1 sent 1971, 1982; 1 received 1983. Includes offprint and analysis by M. Dolzani.

374Chadwick, C.M.1985

1 received, 1 sent 1985. Includes clipping about Frye in the Times Higher Education Supplement.

374Champagne, James1985

1 received, 1 sent 1985. Includes assessment of JC's critique of Richard III by M. Dolzani.

374Chiapelli, Fredi1985

1 sent 1985.

374Chop, Alex1985

2 received, 1 sent 1985.

374Christiansen, Mary Y.1985

1 received, 1 sent 1985.

374Cunningham, Ralph1985

2 received, 1 sent 1985.

374Curran, Catherine B.1985

1 received, 1 sent 1985. Includes outline for a book.

374Curtis-Hare, Dorothyn.d.

1 received n.d. Includes copy of excerpts from tape made by Frye to be published by Methuen.

374University of Colorado, Boulder1979, 1981, 1985

2 received, 1 sent 1979; 1 received, 1 sent 1981, 1985. Includes plans for a conference on the Bible.

375Daniells, Roy1965-1966, 1972-1979

Correspondence (1965-1966, 1972-1979). Includes poetry and some printed material. Subjects: Governor General Awards; Christian Church; religious belief; myth; truth; Royal Society of Canada.

375Davison, James D.1972, 1979

1 received, 1 sent 1972; 2 received 1979. Includes printed excerpt from a University Calendar.

375Dills, Kay1979

1 received, 1 sent 1979.

375Dobson, W.A.C.H.1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1978, 1979

1 received 1971; 1 sent 1972, 1973, 1974; 1 received 1978, 1979. Includes printed translations of poetry by Li Po.

375Dowling, David1979

1 received, 1 sent 1979.

376Daher, Michael1980 1 received, 1 sent 1980.
376De Bruyn, J.1980

1 sent 1980.

376De Rose, Ida M.1979, 1980

1 received 1979; 2 sent 1980.

376Di Cicco, Pier Giorgio1980 1 received, 1 sent 1980.
376Doerrie, Waltraud and Domnick, Angelika1980 1 received, 1 sent 1980.
376Donnell, David1979, 1980

1 received, 1 sent 1979; 1 sent 1980.

376Doob, Ms. Eveline Bates1973, 1974, 1980

2 received, 2 sent 1973. Includes poem and copies of correspondence between Bates Doob and the Chicago Review. 2 received 1974; 1 received, 1 sent 1980. Includes poem.

376Dudley-Rowley, Marilyn1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1980 1 received 1975; 1 received, 1 sent 1976; 1 sent 1977; 3 received, 1 sent 1978; 1 received, 1 sent 1980.
377De Iuliis, Celestino1981

1 received 1981. Includes assessment of CDI poetry by M. Dolzani.

377Dean, Stanley R.1981

1 received, 1 sent 1981. Includes clipping from the Congressional Record.

377Duncan, Joseph E.1981

1 received, 1 sent 1981. Includes assessment of a JD ms by M. Dolzani.

378Danchin, Pierre1982

1 sent 1982.

378Davis, Craig R.1982

1 received, 1 sent 1982.

378Demrs, Shelley1982

1 received, 1 sent 1982.

378Dowdey, Landon1980, 1981, 1982

3 received 1980. Includes assessment of a new edition of Blake's Four Zoas by LD. 1 received, 1 sent 1981. Includes a second assessment of the ms. 1 received 1982.

378Du Brul, Fr. Peter1982

1 received, 1 sent 1982.

378Dudek, Louis1967, 1981, 1982

1 received, 1 sent 1967, 1981, 1982.

378Dunn, James1982

1 received, 1 sent 1982.

378University of Dallas1979, 1981-1982

Correspondence (1979, 1981-1982) about a visiting lectureship.

379Dallas (Tex.)1983

1 received 1983.

379Dance in Canada Conference1983

1 received, 1 sent 1983.

379Dartmouth College1967, 1969, 1974, 1982

Correspondence regarding a lecture at DC (1967), the Dartmouth Bicentennial (1969), invitations to lecture (1974, 1982), and request to serve as external examiner on a promotions committee.

379Debrett's Peerage Ltd.1983

1 received, 1 sent 1983.

379Dobson, Ross V.1983

1 received, 1 sent 1983.

379Doidge, Norman1974, 1979, 1983

1 received 1974, 1979. Includes assessment of ND ms by Douglas Bertz (1980) and M. Dolzani (1983). 1 received, 1 sent 1983.

379Dougall, Lucy1983

1 received, 1 sent 1983.

379Du Priest, Travis1983

1 received, 1 sent 1983.

3710Dalhousie University1967, 1978, 1980, 1984

Correspondence regarding an invitation to speak (1967, 1984) and a visiting lectureship (1978, 1980).

3710Davies, Robertson1981, 1984

1 received 1981. Includes copy of a letter from Jack McClelland to RD. 1 received, 1 sent 1984.

3710Deinert, Herbert1984

1 received, 1 sent 1984.

3710Dekter, Elaine1984

1 received, 1 sent 1984.

3710Dobell, Colin1984

2 received 1984.

3710Drew University1984

1 received, 1 sent 1984.

3710Dunn, Robert1984

1 received, 1 sent 1984.

1988, Box 38
Series: 1.1: General correspondence
381De Beaugrande, Robert1985

1 received, 1 sent 1985. Includes assessment of RdB ms by M. Dolzani.

381De Mestral, Claude1966, 1978, 1981, 1985

1 received, 1 sent 1966, 1978; 1 received 1981. Includes xerox of articles by CM published in newspapers/magazines. 3 received, 2 sent 1985. Subjects: Anatomy of Criticism.

381Djwa, Sandra1970, 1972, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1980, 1981, 1983, 1984, 1985

3 received, 2 sent 1970, 1972. Includes curriculum vitae. 1 received, 1 sent 1974; 3 received, 2 sent 1975; 2 received, 1 sent 1976; 4 received, 3 sent 1980; 3 received, 1 sent 1981; 6 received, 5 sent 1983; 1 received, 1 sent 1984. Includes excerpt from an interview with Frye. 2 received, 2 sent 1985. Includes assessment of a SD ms on Pratt's poetry by M. Dolzani. Subjects: E.J. Pratt; Carl Klinck; F.R. Scott; English Language Research Committee of the Association for Canadian and Quebec Literatures.

381Dussinger, John1976, 1978, 1981, 1982, 1985

2 received, 2 sent 1976. Includes curriculum vitae. 1 sent 1978; 1 received, 1 sent 1981; 1 sent 1982, 1985.

382Edmundson, Janice1979

1 received, 1 sent 1979.

382Elmwood Cemetery Co., Moncton1974, 1975, 1978, 1979

Correspondence (1974, 1975, 1978, 1979) concerning care of the Frye family plot. Subjects: Frye family plot.

382Engle, Paul1979

1 sent 1979.

382Evans, J.A.S.1979

1 sent 1979.

383Edwards, Eileen1980

1 received, 1 sent 1980.

383Emory University1967, 1978, 1979, 1980

Correspondence regarding invitations to a conference (1967), to address the American Society for 18th Century Studies (1978), to address the Society for Biblical Literature (1979), and to nominate candidates for a position in the English Department (1980).

383Essick, Robert1973, 1974, 1980

2 received, 1 sent 1973; 1 received, 1 sent 1974. Includes copy of a cheque for payment of a reprinted article. 1 received, 1 sent 1980.

384Elliott, Rita1981

1 received, 1 sent 1981.

384Ellmann, R.1962, 1968, 1981

1 sent 1962, 1968; 2 received, 1 sent 1981.

384Engel, Martin1969, 1980, 1981

1 received, 1 sent 1969; 1 received 1981. Includes xerox of ME address at the Symposium for Research in Art (1980) and an assessment by M. Dolzani.

384Engell, James1981

1 sent 1981.

384Institute for Environmental Studies1981

1 received, 1 sent 1981.

385Board of Education for the Borough of Etobicoke1982

1 received, 1 sent 1982.

385Edwards Books & Art1982

1 received, 1 sent 1982.

385El Saffar, Ruth S.1977, 1978, 1979, 1982

1 received, 1 sent 1977; 2 received, 2 sent 1978; 1 received, 2 sent 1979; 1 received, 1 sent 1982. Subjects: contemporary critical theory; Derrida.

385Elbers, F.J.n.d.

1 received n.d.

385Elson, Ann1982

1 received, 1 sent 1982.

386Ecumenical Study Commission on Public Education1983

2 received, 2 sent 1983. Includes advertisement for the conference.

386Erickson, Wayne

Brief discussion of The Faerie Queene.

386Ewing, Mr. and Mrs. D.1972, 1980, 1981, 1983

1 received n.d.; 1 received, 1 sent 1972; 1 received 1980; 1 sent 1981; 1 received, 1 sent 1983. Includes news release from the Macdonald Stewart Art Centre.

387Ededahl, Ron1984

1 received 1984.

387Egan, Susanna1984

1 received, 1 sent 1984.

387Elie, Jeffrey1984

1 received, 1 sent 1984.

387Elkin, Henry1984

1 received, 1 sent 1984.

387Elkington, Kim1983, 1984

1 received, 1 sent 1983; 1 sent 1984. Includes assessment of KE thesis by M. Dolzani.


5 received, 2 sent 1984. Includes description of the Eranos conference for 1984.

387Everard, Mark1984

1 received, 1 sent 1984. Subjects: Robert Weaver.

388Eastern Michigan University1965, 1970, 1972, 1973, 1980, 1982, 1985

1 received, 1 sent 1965; 2 received, 1 sent 1970; 1 received 1972; 1 received, 1 sent 1973; 1 received, 2 sent 1980; 1 received, 1 sent 1982, 1985.

388Eaves, Morris1973, 1975, 1977, 1978, 1980, 1985

1 sent 1973; 1 received, 1 sent 1975; 3 received, 2 sent 1977; 3 received, 4 sent 1978; 1 received, 1 sent 1980; 1 received 1985.

388Evans, Don1985

1 received 1985. Includes xerox of an issue of Commonweal for July 1984.

388Evans, Margaret C.1985

1 received, 1 sent 1985. Subjects: Rosemond Tuve.

389Fisher, Cecil1979

1 received, 1 sent 1979.

389Florida State University1978, 1979

1 received 1978; 1 sent 1979.

389Folger Institute of Renaissance and Eighteenth Century Studies1975, 1979

1 received, 1 sent 1975. Includes description of the Institute since its founding in 1970. 1 received, 1 sent 1979.

389Forbes, Greg1979

1 received, 1 sent 1979. Includes xerox of clipping about GF and advertisement of workshops and lectures sponsored by St. Lawrence College.

389Fournier, Louis1979

2 received, 1 sent 1979.

389Frean, Rolyn.d.

1 received n.d.

389Freed, Lewis1979

1 received, 1 sent 1979.

389Funk and Wagnalls1979

1 received, 1 sent 1979.

389Macnutt, James W.1978, 1979

1 received 1978; 1 sent 1979.

3810A.C. Forrest Memorial Fund1980

1 received, 1 sent 1980.

3810Fee, Margery1980

2 received, 1 sent 1980. Includes a summary of MF thesis. Subjects: Pelham Edgar; Canadian literature course.

3810Fortune1979, 1980

1 received 1979; 1 sent 1980.

3810Fredrickson, John M.1980

1 received 1980.

3811Fairlinger, Shirley1981

1 received, 1 sent 1981.

3811Fink, B. Raymond1981

1 received, 1 sent 1981.

3811Foley, Andrew J.1975, 1976, 1977, 1981

3 received, 1 sent 1975; 2 received, 2 sent 1976. Includes xerox of clipping from The NY Times Book Review. Includes essay 1977. 1 received, 1 sent 1981. Includes copy of a letter about the U.S. Stock Market sent to a British banker 1981.

3811Fowler, Alastair1974, 1975, 1976

1 received 1974, 1975; 2 sent 1976.

3811University of Edinburgh1981

2 received, 1 sent 1981.

3812Feldman, Howard J.1982

1 received, 1 sent 1982.

3812First Unitarian Church of Hamilton1982

1 received, 1 sent 1982.

3812Five Oaks Christian Workers Center1982

1 received, 1 sent 1982.

3812Fixler, Michael1970, 1971, 1974, 1977, 1978, 1982

1 received, 1 sent 1970; 1 sent 1971; 1 received, 1 sent 1974, 1977. Includes list of publications by MF. 1 received 1978; 2 sent 1982. Includes assessment of MF ms by M. Dolzani.

3812Flattery, Bruce1982

1 received, 1 sent 1982.

3812Fontaine, Fernand1982

3 received, 2 sent 1982. Includes curriculum vitae of Pierre Mathieu.

3812Forum1971, 1977-1982

Correspondence (1971, 1977-1982) about the periodical, invitation to Frye to join the Advisory Editorial Board (1977) and cessation of publication in 1982. Includes printed biographical details about members of the board 1977.

3812Fraser, Rev. Peter D.1982

1 received, 1 sent 1982. Subjects: Bible.

3812Frey, Lee1982

1 received, 2 sent 1982.

3812Friedman, Norman1981

3 received, 2 sent 1981. Includes description of proposed study.

3812Friends of the National Gallery of Canada1982, 1983

1 received, 1 sent 1982; 1 received 1983.

3812Frost, Everett C.1969, 1979, 1982

1 received, 1 sent 1969, 1979; 2 received, 2 sent 1982. Includes draft descriptions of proposals for broadcasts about mythology.

3812Fulcher, M.1982

1 received, 1 sent 1982.

3813F., Neil1983

1 received 1983.

3813Fanfare Bookshop1983

1 received, 1 sent 1983.

3813Florida Atlantic University1983

1 received, 1 sent 1983.

3813Foulds, W.D.1983

1 sent 1983.

3813Fox, Northrop1983

1 sent 1983.

3813Fulford, George1983

1 received, 1 sent 1983. Includes copy of an application to the Canada Council and assessment of Fulford's proposal by M. Dolzani.

3814Fennell, William1984

1 received 1984.

3814Findley, Timothy1984

Correspondence (1984) with Penquin Books Canada about TF ms Not Wanted on the Voyage requesting a few words for the book cover. Includes assessment of the ms by M. Dolzani.

3814Finn, Brian

Text of a song cycle to accompany a tape (not included) and assessment by M. Dolzani.

3814Fisher, John1979, 1984

1 received, 1 sent 1979; 1 received 1984.

3814Fitzgerald, Judith1984

1 sent 1984. Includes statement by Frye for Quill and Quire article by JF.

3814Fredeman, William E.1984

2 received 1984. Includes description of a proposed workshop on the state of English Studies.

3814Freedom of Expression Committee, Book and Periodical Development Council, Rights and Freedom/Writers' Union1984

1 received, 1 sent 1984.

3814Frye, Roland Mushat1971, 1972, 1976, 1979, 1984

2 received, 1 sent 1971; 1 received, 1 sent 1972. Includes description of progress of work on Milton. 1 sent 1976; 2 received, 2 sent 1979; 1 sent 1984. Subjects: Hamlet.

3814Fullerton, John Paul1984

2 received, 2 sent 1984. Subjects: Bible; Oscar Wilde; Blake; Nietzsche; Derrida.

3815Fisher, Robert1985

1 received, 1 sent 1985.

3815Fleck, P.1972, 1975, 1976, 1980, 1985

2 received, 1 sent 1972. Includes a copy of the Report on Post-Secondary Education in Ontario, 1972. 1 received, 1 sent 1975; 1 received 1976; 1 sent 1980, 1985. Subjects: Draft Report of the Wright Commission on Post-Secondary Education.

3815Friedland, Martin1985

1 sent 1985.

3815Friends of Public Broadcasting1985

1 sent 1985.

3815FWTAO [Federation of Women Teachers' Associations of Ontario]1985

1 received, 1 sent 1985.

1988, Box 39
Series: 1.1: General correspondence
391Gagnon, Colette1979

3 received, 1 sent 1979. Includes translations of letters from French.

392Galan, F.W.1980

1 received, 1 sent 1980.

392Gallus, Anja1980

1 received, 1 sent 1980.

392Goodale, Peter1980 1 received 1980.
392Gross, Marty1981

2 received 1981. Includes printed promotional material regarding a Gross film, "The Lovers' Exile".

392Guthrie, Hamish1976, 1980

3 received, 1 sent 1976; 1 received, 1 sent 1980. Subjects: Thoreau.

392University of Georgia1980

3 received, 2 sent 1980.

393Gill, Darshan1980

1 received 1980. Includes analysis of DG poetry by Douglas Bertz.

393Gleckner, Robert F.1967, 1977, 1981

1 received 1967; 1 sent 1977, 1981.

393Gogan, Donna1981

1 received, 1 sent 1981.

393Gottlieb, Erika1981

1 received, 1 sent 1981.

393Granditsch, Elizabeth1981

1 received 1981.

394Galloway, Priscilla1982

1 received, 1 sent 1982.

394Gardner, Terryn.d.

1 received n.d.

394Garrett, Jack1971, 1982

1 received, 1 sent 1971, 1982.

394Gitay, Yehoshua1982

1 sent 1982.

394Gleason, Allann.d.

1 received n.d.

394Glendon College1982

1 received, 2 sent 1982.

394Gordon, Bruce1982

1 received, 1 sent 1982. Includes poem.

394John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation1949, 1950, 1962, 1982

Copy of Frye's application for a Guggenheim (1949) and related correspondence (1950). 1 received 1962; 2 received, 1 sent 1982.

395Gethner, Perry1981, 1983

1 received, 1 sent 1981; 1 sent 1983. Includes an assessment of a PG ms by M. Dolzani.

395Glickman, Susan1978, 1983

1 received 1978, 1983.

395Goodman, William B.1976, 1977, 1979, 1980, 1983

3 received, 1 sent 1976; 2 received 1977; 2 received, 1 sent 1979; 1 sent 1980; 1 received, 1 sent 1983.

395Gordon, Douglas A.1983

1 received, 1 sent 1983.

395Green, Mrs. J.L.1983, 1984

1 received 1983, 1984. Includes list of questions for interview with Frye about his work on The Canadian Forum during the Thirties and a typescript of the interview itself. Subjects: The Canadian Forum; interview.

395Grube, John1978, 1979, 1982, 1983

1 received, 1 sent 1978. Includes xerox of a published short story. 1 received, 1 sent 1979; 1 sent 1982; 1 received 1983.

395Guild, Elspeth Hastings1983

1 received 1983.

395University of Guelph1972, 1977, 1980, 1982-1983

1 received, 1 sent 1972; 1 received 1977. Includes printed invitation to attend the installation of Pauline McGibbon as Chancellor of the University of Guelph. Correspondence (1980, 1982-1983) about speaking engagements.

396Gardner, Mel1984

1 received, 1 sent 1984.

396Gaunt, David M.1984

2 received, 1 sent 1984. Includes letter from Frye to Dolzani and reply. Subjects: iconographical resemblances.

396Giambelli, Franco1979, 1981, 1982, 1984

1 received, 1 sent 1979; 2 received, 1 sent 1981, 1982; 1 received 1984.

396Giles, W.H.1984

1 received, 1 sent 1984. Includes an analysis of WHG poems by M. Dolzani.

396Gool, Réshard1981, 1982, 1983, 1984 1 received 1981, 1982. Includes assessment by M. Dolzani of a novel by Ved Devagee. 2 received, 2 sent 1983; 1 received, 1 sent 1984. Includes assessment by M. Dolzani of Gool's book The Nemesis Caskett and copy of an edited version of a taped interview between Gool and the Maritime poet John Smith.
396Gordon, Douglas1984

1 sent 1984.

396Gorman, David1981, 1984

1 received, 1 sent 1981. Includes assessment by M. Dolzani of DG thesis "The criticism of NF". 1 sent 1984.

396Grams, Paul1984

1 received, 2 sent 1984. Includes abstract and table of contents of thesis and analysis of the thesis by M. Dolzani. Subjects: Blake.

396Grant, Webster1984

Correspondence (1984) about a dinner honouring WG.

396Gustafson, Ralph1981, 1984 1 received, 1 sent 1981; 1 sent 1984.
397Gibson, Graeme1985

Correspondence (1985) regarding a "chain letter" about free trade. Includes copy of a letter to Brian Mulroney signed by Frye. Subjects: U.S.-Canada Free Trade Agreement.

397Goodman, Nelsonn.d.

1 received n.d.

397Gould, S.H.1985

1 sent 1985.

397Goyder, George1985

1 received 1985.

397Gregory, Mr. and Mrs. W.1982, 1985

1 received, 2 sent 1982. Includes poem. 1 sent 1985.

397Greimas, A.J.1985

2 sent 1985.

397Guthrie, James1985

1 received, 1 sent 1985. Subjects: Frye's instruction in music.

397The Group of 781984-1985

Correspondence (1984-1985) concerning the Canadian government's position on SDI. Includes a statement on Canadian foreign policy by the Group.

398Hall, Robert, Jr.1962, 1968, 1969, 1978, 1979

1 sent 1962, 1968; 1 received 1969; 1 sent 1978; 2 sent 1979.

398Hamilton, John D.1979

1 received, 1 sent 1979.

398Hamlin, Cyrus1975, 1979

1 sent 1975, 1979.

398Hancock, Elma1971, 1979

1 received, 1 sent 1971, 1979. Includes poem.

398Harris, Lynda1979

1 received, 1 sent 1979.

398Harris, Rev. G.G.1979

1 received, 1 sent 1979.

398Herendeen, Warren1979

1 received, 1 sent 1979.

398Hoffman, Frank C.1979

1 received, 1 sent 1979.

398University of Hawaii at Manoa1979

1 received, 1 sent 1979. Includes description of the Department of English.

399Correspondence (1980) regarding the Charles E. Hendry Memorial Fund.1980
399Hare, F. Kenneth1980

1 received 1980.

399Heaman, Robert J.1971, 1980

1 received, 1 sent 1971, 1980. Subjects: Blake; Fearful Symmetry; experience of time.

399Hendry, Charles E. (Chick)1969, 1970, 1974

1 received, 1 sent 1969, 1970, 1974. Includes xerox of Pratt poem on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Arts and Letters Club of Toronto.

399Hermeneia, Fortress Press, Philadelphia1971, 1971-1979

1 sent 1971. Includes invoices for book purchases (1971-1979) and advertisement brochure.

399Howard University1980

2 received, 1 sent 1980.

399Huttar, Charles A.1977, 1980

1 received, 1 sent 1977. Includes description of the MLA division 39 topic for the December programme. 1 received, 1 sent 1980.

3910Harris, Maureen1981

1 received 1981. Includes copy of a proposal on storytelling accepted by the CBC for broadcast on "Ideas" and assessment by M. Dolzani.

3910Hart, John A.1981

1 received, 1 sent 1981.

3910Heike, Monika1981

1 received, 3 sent 1981.

3910Hendry, John1981

1 received, 1 sent 1981.

3910Herman-Sekulic, Maja1979, 1980, 1981

2 received, 2 sent 1979. Includes transcript of an interview with Frye. 1 received, 2 sent 1980; 1 received 1981. Subjects: interview.

3910Hieatt, A. Kent1980, 1981

1 received, 1 sent 1980, 1981.

3910Hollander, Charles1981

2 received, 1 sent 1981. Includes xerox of an article by CH.

3910Hoover, Robert C.1981

1 received 1981. Includes RCH ms and an assessment by M. Dolzani.

3910Hull, Brian1981

1 received, 1 sent 1981. Includes printed booklet about est.

3910Hutchinson, Janet1981

1 received, 1 sent 1981.

3911Hagerman, Sybil1982

1 received 1982.

3911Hanson, Robert1982

1 sent 1982.

3911Hare, Montgomeryn.d.

1 received n.d.

3911Hart House Debates Committee1977, 1982

1 received, 1 sent 1977; 1 received 1982.

3911Hatton, John1982

1 received 1982.

3911Hav, Richard1981

1 received, 1 sent 1981. Includes poems.

3911Havelock, Eric A.1974, 1978, 1981, 1982

1 received 1974, 1978, 1981; 1 sent 1982.

3911Higginson Family Museum1976, 1982

1 sent 1976; 1 received 1982. Includes offprint.

3911Hook, Janet1982

1 sent 1982.

3911Hyland, T.E.1982

1 received 1982. Includes poem in honour of E.J. Pratt.

3911The John Howard Society1980, 1982

2 received 1980; 1 sent 1982.

3911University of Houston Central Campus1979, 1982

Correspondence (1979, 1982) regarding symposia and faculty recruitment.

3911Watt, Rev. J. Robert1982

1 received, 1 sent 1982.

3912Hamilton College (Clinton, N.Y.)1983

1 received, 1 sent 1983.

3912Hammerschmidt, Hildegard1981, 1982, 1983

1 sent 1981. Includes announcement of a lecture by HH and a presentation card. 1 received, 1 sent 1982, 1983.

3912Hine, Daryl1960, 1972, 1978, 1983, 1983

1 received 1960; 1 received, 1 sent 1972, 1978; 1 sent 1983. Includes notice of a complimentary copy of a book on Theocritus by DH. Hughes, Gordon. 1 sent 1983.

3912Holmberg, Arthur1983

1 received, 1 sent 1983.

3912Hourihan, Paul1983

1 received, 1 sent 1983. Includes assessment by M. Dolzani of a ms by Shirley Therese Lewis.

3912Humber College, Toronto1983

1 received, 1 sent 1983.

3913Herring, Mark T.1984

1 received, 1 sent 1984. Includes an outline for a book on moral and ethical issues relating to educators and higher education to be published by Garland Press.

3913Hirsch, John1982, 1984

1 received, 1 sent 1982, 1984.

3913Hirst, Wolf Z.1982, 1984

1 received 1982. Includes assessment of a WZH ms by M. Dolzani. 1 received, 1 sent 1984.

3913Hutchison, Marija1984

1 received 1984.

3914Hagstrum, Jean1985

1 sent 1985.

3914Hamilton, Seymour1985

1 received, 1 sent 1985. Includes an assessment of a SH paper by M. Dolzani.

3914Harari, Josue1985

Correspondence about JH. 1 received, 1 sent 1985. Includes curriculum vitae.

3914Harbourfront Translation Symposium1983, 1985

1 received, 1 sent 1983; 3 received, 1 sent 1985. Includes a proposal for public discussion on translation.

3914Harvard, John M.1984, 1985

1 received, 1 sent 1984, 1985.

3914Horowitz, Lenore1982, 1985

1 received 1982; 1 received, 1 sent 1985.

3914Hughes, Peter1985

1 received, 1 sent 1985. Includes an assessment of a PH paper by M. Dolzani.

3914Humber, Charles1985

1 sent 1985.

3914Huntsville Literary Association1984, 1985

1 received, 1 sent 1984, 1985.

3915Hauser, Rick1983, 1984, 1985

1 received 1983; 1 received, 1 sent 1984; 1 received 1985. Includes copy of a grant application to produce a television series on myth and an assessment of the project by M. Dolzani.

1988, Box 40
Series: 1.1: General correspondence
401Iannucci, A.A.1980

1 sent 1980.

401International Council on the Future of the University1974, 1977, 1980

Correspondence (1974, 1977, 1980) regarding membership in the Council and attendance at meetings. Includes printed material.

401University of Illinois (Urbana-Champaign campus)1962, 1966, 1973, 1974, 1979-1980

Correspondence (1962, 1966, 1973, 1974, 1979-1980) relating to speaking engagements.

402Central Institute of Indian Languages1981

5 received, 2 sent 1981. Includes bulletin.

402Iliff School of Theology1979, 1980, 1981

1 received, 1 sent 1979, 1980, 1981.

402Indian Association for Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies1981

1 received, 1 sent 1981. Includes a note on the role of English in the Commonwealth.

402International October Meeting of Writers1981

1 received, 1 sent 1981.

403Indiana University1960, 1965, 1967, 1977, 1979, 1981-1982

Correspondence (1960, 1965, 1967, 1977, 1979, 1981-1982) regarding speaking invitations. Includes conference agenda, 1982.

403Irving, T.B.1982

1 sent 1982. Includes assessment of TBI book by M. Dolzani.

404ICLS [International Courtly Literature Society]1982, 1983

2 received, 1 sent 1982; 1 received, 1 sent 1983.

404Iler, Ralph1982

1 received 1982. Includes a study of the biblical story of creation by RI and an assessment by M. Dolzani.

404Includes printed description of the Fourth Triennial Congress, 1983.1983
404Iona College1969-1970, 1978-1979, 1983

Correspondence (1969-1970, 1978-1979, 1983) regarding guest lectures. Includes a description of Iona College.

404Italian Cultural Institute1980, 1982

1 received, 1 sent 1980; 1 received 1982.

404University of Idaho1983

1 received, 1 sent 1983. Includes a brief profile of the University.

405Institute of International Peace Studies1984

1 received, 1 sent 1984.


1 received, 1 sent 1984.

406Alnot, Stephanie1985

1 received, 1 sent 1985.

406Iacobelli, Lou1985

1 received, 1 sent 1985.

406Ito, Prof

Copies of chain letters on behalf of world-wide nuclear disarmament.

406aInstitute for Advanced Study (Princeton, N.J.)1982-1983, 1985

2 received, 1 sent 1985. Includes notice of a position vacancy; correspondence (1982-1983) about a report by a visiting committee to the School of Historical Studies, of which Frye was a member; copy of the report, printed brochure describing the Institute; holograph notes. Also includes information about the visiting committee, its purpose, a history of the school, curriculum vitae of faculty, and supplementary information about the Institute.

407Jacot, Michael1980

2 received 1980. Include curriculum vitae.

407Jepson, Laura1980

1 sent 1980.

407Johnsen, William A.1980

1 received, 1 sent 1980.

407Johnson, Anthony L.1980

1 sent 1980.

408Johnson, David1981

1 received, 1 sent 1981.

408Joseph, M.K.1979, 1981

1 received, 1 sent 1979; 1 sent 1981.

409Jackson, John1981

1 received, 1 sent 1981. Includes offprint.

409Japan Association of College English Teachers1980-1981

Correspondence (1980-1981) regarding a speaking engagement.

409Johnson, C.F.1981

2 received, 2 sent 1981. Includes an assessment of a CFJ ms by M. Dolzani.

4010Jeffreys, C.W.

Errata and corrigenda sheet for an issue of NJ devoted to CWJ.

4010Jensen, Jorgen I.1981, 1982

1 received 1981; 1 sent 1982.

4010Jewish Public Library1982

1 received, 1 sent 1982.

4010Johnson, Mary Lynn1982

2 received, 1 sent 1982.

4010Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. Stafford1976, 1982

1 received, 1 sent 1976, 1982.

4011C.G. Jung Foundation, Toronto1981, 1982, 1983

1 received 1981; 1 received, 1 sent 1982; 1 received 1983. Includes a statement by Frye supporting the efforts of the Foundation to secure funding for an Institute in Toronto.

4012James, Richard1984

1 received 1984. Includes copy of a letter sent to Wm. Thompson.

4012Johnstone, Ken1984

1 received, 2 sent 1984. Includes table of contents of a KJ ms and assessment by M. Dolzani.

4012Joseph the Provider1984

1 received, 1 sent 1984.

4012Journal of Narrative Technique1984

1 received, 1 sent 1984.

4013Jewkes, W.T.1976, 1979, 1981, 1985

1 received 1976; 1 sent 1979; 1 received, 1 sent 1981, 1985. Includes copy of a letter from Jewkes to a third party.

4013Jonas, Hans1985

1 sent 1985.

4014Kennedy, Dennis1979

1 received, 1 sent 1979.

4014Knight, Dave1971, 1975, 1979

1 sent 1971; 1 received, 1 sent 1975. Includes poems. 1 received, 1 sent 1979. Includes ts draft of a reply by Frye with holograph corrections.

4014Kozaki, Nobuaki1969, 1970, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1979

2 received, 1 sent 1969; 3 received 1 sent 1970; 2 received, 1 sent 1974; 1 received, 1 sent 1975; 1 received 1976; 1 received, 1 sent 1979. Subjects: standard prose.

4015Kennan, Patricia1980

1 received, 1 sent 1980.

4015Kennedy, Paul1980 1 received, 1 sent 1980.
4015Kostelanetz, Richard1973, 1974-1975, 1975, 1976, 1978

2 sent 1973. Includes correspondence (1974-1975) with Sheed and Ward Inc. about RK's book. 1 received 1975. Includes xerox of a profile of Frye. 2 received, 2 sent 1976; 1 received, 1 sent 1978. Subjects: CCF; NDP.

4016Kearney State College1980, 1981

1 received, 1 sent 1981. Includes excerpts from the European Studies Conference program, 1980.

4016Kerr, John1981

1 sent 1981. Includes an assessment of a JK paper.

4016Kinder, George1980, 1981

1 received, 1 sent 1980; 1 sent 1981. Includes an assessment of a GK ms by M. Dolzani.

4016King, Joyce1980, 1981

1 received 1980; 1 sent 1981. Includes an assessment of an JK article by M. Dolzani.

4016Kleiman, Ed1961, 1967, 1981

1 sent 1961; 1 received, 1 sent 1967; 1 sent 1981.

4016Klinck, Carl1975, 1976, 1981

1 received 1975; 1 sent 1976. Includes a bulletin to the editors of the Literary History of Canada. 2 received, 1 sent 1981.

4016Klonsky, Milton1981

1 received [from the MacArthur Foundation] 1981. Includes statement by MK about his work, an assessment by M. Dolzani and a printed brochure describing the Prize Fellows Program.

4016Kreisel, Henry1981

1 sent 1981.

4017Includes xerox copies of an article about Frye and an interview with Frye1969, 1970, 1976, 1982

1 sent 1969, 1970, 1976; 1 received, 1 sent 1982.

4017Kattan, Naim1967, 1968

5 received, 5 sent 1967. Includes clipping from Le Devoir. 3 received, 1 sent 1968.

4017Kent State University1981, 1982

1 received 1981; 1 sent 1982.

4017Kiselyak, Charles A.1976

1 received n.d.; 2 received, 1 sent 1976.

4017Kitchen, E.H.1982

1 received, 1 sent 1982.

4017Knight, Mary-Lou1982

1 received, 1 sent 1982.

4017Kugelman, Jay D.1982

1 received, 1 sent 1982. Includes a list of those invited to participate in a radio marathon reading.

4018Kaufman, Andrew1982, 1983

2 received, 1 sent 1982; 1 received, 1 sent 1983. Includes typed statement by Frye responding to four questions.

4018Kelly, Deirdre L.1983

1 received 1983.

4018Kennedy, Charles1983

1 sent 1983. Includes assessment of a CK ms by M. Dolzani.

4018Kennedy, Patricia1983

1 received, 1 sent 1983.

1988, Box 41
Series: 1.1: General correspondence
411Keogh, J.G.1984

2 received 1984. Includes study of G.K. Chesterton and curriculum vitae.

411Kerr, Elizabeth A.1984

1 received, 1 sent 1984.

411Klausner, David1984

1 received 1984.

411Krasner, James N.1984

1 received, 1 sent 1984. Includes an assessment of a JK ms by M. Dolzani.

411Kyung-Sook, Chung1982, 1983, 1984

1 received 1982, 1983; 1 sent 1984.

412Kenner, Hugh1960, 1963, 1974, 1975, 1979, 1985

1 sent 1960, 1963; 1 received 1974; 1 sent 1975; 1 received 1979; 1 received [from], 1 sent [to] Joseph Tabbi 1985. Includes copy of a profile of HK by Joseph Tabbi for The Canadian Forum.

412Kilian, Crawford1973, 1974, 1979, 1982, 1985

1 received 1973; 3 received, 4 sent 1974; 1 received, 1 sent 1979, 1982; 1 sent 1985.

412Krane, Edna1984, 1985

1 received 1984. Includes copies of published articles. 1 received, 1 sent 1985. Includes an assessment of a EK ms by M. Dolzani.

412Kroetsch, Robert1985

1 received, 1 sent 1985.

413Lane, Lauriat, Jr.1979

1 received, 1 sent 1979.

413Lieutenant-Governor Pauline McGibbon1978, 1979

2 received, 2 sent 1978; 1 received, 1 sent 1979.

413Lonardi, Graziella1979

1 received, 1 sent 1979. Includes list of participants in a meeting in Rome.

413Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge1979

1 received, 1 sent 1979.

414Laurason, Gwen1980

1 received, 1 sent 1980.

414Laurenzini, Amleto1979, 1980

1 received 1979; 1 received, 1 sent 1980.

414Lauzon, Laura1980

1 received, 1 sent 1980.

414Lemieux, Pierre-Hervé1980

1 sent 1980.

414Lorimer, Rowland1980

1 received, 1 sent 1980.

415Landor, R.A.1974, 1981

1 received, 1 sent 1974, 1981.

415Lee, Charles1981

1 received, 1 sent 1981.

415Lengyel, Cornel1981

1 received 1981. Includes assessment by M. Dolzani of a book by Andrew Longbow.

415Lichtenberg, James1981

1 received, 1 sent 1981.

415Liu, Richard1981

1 sent 1981. Includes calling card of RL.

415Luste, George J.1981

2 received, 1 sent 1981.

415Lynch, George

1 received n.d. Includes an assessment of a GL ms by M. Dolzani.

415University of Louisville1978, 1980, 1981

1 received 1978. Includes a call for papers. 1 received 1980; 1 sent 1981.

416Laurence, Margaret1970, 1979, 1981, 1982

1 received, 1 sent 1970; 1 sent 1979. Invitation (1981) to the installation of Margaret Laurence as Chancellor of Trent University. 1 sent 1981; 1 received, 1 sent 1982. Subjects: Pratt family.

416Laurentian University1966, 1982

1 received 1966; 1 received, 1 sent 1982.

416Lazarus, Felix1982

1 received, 1 sent 1982.

416Loma Linda University1982

1 received, 1 sent 1982.

416Lyons, Charles R.1982

1 received, 1 sent 1982.

417Leach, A. Searle1983

1 received 1983.

417Stephen Leacock Associates1969, 1971, 1982, 1983

1 received, 1 sent 1969. Includes a history of the Association and an offprint from The Canadian Library Journal. 1 received, 1 sent 1971, 1982, 1983.

418Lange, Heather1984

1 received, 1 sent 1984.

418Lee, Nancy1984

1 received 1984.

418Lee, Tanith

An assessment of a TL ms by M. Dolzani.

418Leland, Marine1983-1984

Correspondence (1983-1984) concerning a Marine Leland Memorial Fund at Smith College. Includes obituary notice and memorial service programme.

418Literary Criterion Centre1984

1 received, 1 sent 1984.

418Lubega, David E.1984

1 received 1984.

419Charles A. Lindbergh Fund, Inc.1985

1 received, 1 sent 1985. Includes description of the Lindbergh award.

419Ladouceur, Vincent1985

1 received, 1 sent 1985.

419Laymen's National Bible Committee Inc.1983, 1985

2 received, 2 sent 1983; 1 received, 1 sent 1985.

419League of Canadian Poets1985

3 received, 1 sent 1985. Includes description of the League and the Poets in the Schools programme.

419Lessard, Marcel1985

1 received, 1 sent 1985.

419Lipset, Seymour Martin1985

1 received 1985.

419Lipsitz, Hilary J.1985

1 received 1985.

419Loyola University of Chicago1985

1 received, 1 sent 1985.

419University of Lancaster1985

1 received, 1 sent 1985.

4110MacInnes, E.D.1977, 1979

1 received, 1 sent 1977, 1979. Includes copies of letters and speeches by EDM.

4110MacLure, Millar1970

2 received n.d.; 1 sent 1970.

4110McClelland, John1979

1 sent 1979.

4110McConaghy, T.W.1979

1 received, 1 sent 1979.

4110McCullough, Norah1979

2 received, 1 sent 1979.

4110McRoberts, Ann1979

1 received, 1 sent 1979.

4111Mac Adam, Alfred1980

1 received, 1 sent 1980.

4111McGill, Deborah1980

1 received 1980.

4111McPhee, Betty1980

1 received 1980.

4112MacGregor, Tim1970, 1971

1 received, 1 sent 1970; 3 received n.d.; 1 sent [to Mrs. Julie MacGregor] 1971.

4112Maclean, Doug[1981]

1 received [1981].

4112MacQuarrie, Murray1980, 1981

1 received, 1 sent 1980; wedding announcement (1980); 1 received 1981.

4112McCabe, Kevin1979, 1981

1 received, 1 sent 1979, 1981.

4112McCullough, Stewart1981

1 received, 1 sent 1981.

4112McCurdy, Joan1981

1 received, 1 sent 1981.

4112McLuhan, Marshall1971, 1979

2 received, 1 sent 1971; 1 sent 1979.

4112McLuhan, Mrs. Connie1981

1 received, 1 sent 1981.

4112R.P. McDonald Memorial Trust Fund1977, 1981

1 sent 1977; 1 sent [to Mrs. McDonald] 1981; 1 received concerning contribution to Fund 1981. Includes an order of service (1981).

4113McCulloch, Ernest Armstrong1982

Notes on the career of EAM at University of Toronto (1982).

4113McKay, John H.1982

1 received, 1 sent 1982. Includes printed articles by John McKay and about him.

4113McKay, Ken1972, 1980

2 received n.d.; 1 received, 1 sent 1972, 1980. Includes clipping.

4113McLaughlin, W. Earle1970, 1982

1 sent 1970. Includes invitation to a dinner honouring Morley Callaghan. 1 received 1982.

4113McLuhan, Stephanie1982

1 received 1982.

4113Mills, Howard M.1981, 1982

1 received 1981; 1 sent 1982.

4114Macdonald, W.A.1973, 1974, 1980, 1983

1 received, 1 sent 1973; 1 received 1974, 1980; 1 received, 1 sent 1983.

4114MacKinnon, John1983

1 received 1983.

4114MacLean, Bob1981, 1983

1 received 1981. Includes curriculum vitae and an assessment of a BM ms by M. Dolzani. 1 received, 1 sent 1983.

4114McLeod, Randall1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983

1 received, 1 sent 1978, 1979. Includes a printed announcement of a lecture by McLeod. 1 received 1980; 1 sent 1981; 1 received 1982; 3 received, 1 sent 1983.

4114McMaster University1961, 1967-1969, 1971, 1979-1980, 1983

Correspondence (1961, 1967-1969, 1971, 1979-1980, 1983) concerning speaking engagements and nominations.

4114McPherson, Hugo1962, 1967, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1974, 1981, 1982, 1983

1 sent 1962; 1 received, 1 sent 1967; 1 received 1968; 1 received, 1 sent 1969. Includes clipping. 4 received, 4 sent 1970; 2 received, 1 sent 1971; 1 received, 1 sent 1972; 1 sent 1974; 1 received 1981; 2 received, 1 sent 1982. Includes bibliography of publications by HM and a description of a project for SSHRCC. 1 received, 1 sent 1983.

4115Macalester College1985

2 received, 1 sent 1985.

4115MacLennan, Hugh1984

1 sent 1984. Includes invitations to receptions honouring HM.

4115McKellin, W.H.

Copy of an analysis of myth by WHM.

4116Maloney, Gilles1979

1 received, 1 sent 1979. Includes list of contributors to a Mélanges in honour of Maurice Lebel.

4116Martin, Glen1980

1 received, 1 sent 1980.

4116Massachusetts Institute of Technology1961, 1976, 1979

1 sent 1961; 1 received, 1 sent 1976; 2 received, 1 sent 1979. Includes announcement of positions available.

4116Mathews, Paul1979

1 received 1979.

4116Metropolitan United Church, Toronto1975, 1979

1 received, 1 sent 1975. Includes a report on religion and the arts (1975). 2 received, 1 sent 1979.

4116Meyers, Jeffrey1979

1 received, 1 sent 1979.

4116Millersville State College1977, 1979

1 received, 1 sent 1977, 1979.

4116Milligan, Shirley1976, 1977, 1979

1 received, 1 sent 1976; 3 received, 1 sent 1977; 1 received, 1 sent 1979. Includes an assessment of a SM essay.

4116Murad, Maria B.1979

1 received, 1 sent 1979.

4116University of Massachusetts at Boston1974, 1979

1 received, 1 sent 1974, 1979. Includes call for papers.

4117Maharishi International University1973, 1979, 1980

1 received, 1 sent 1973; 3 received, 1 sent 1979; 1 received, 1 sent 1980.

4117Merivale, Patricia1980

1 received n.d.; 2 sent 1980.

4117Miami University (Oxford, Ohio)1967, 1974, 1976

1 received, 1 sent 1967, 1974, 1976.

4117Monroe, Keith1979, 1980

1 received, 1 sent 1979. Includes curriculum vitae. 3 received, 1 sent 1980.

4117Montagnes, Ian1972, 1980

1 received, 1 sent 1972, 1980.

4117Mycue, Edward1976, 1980

1 received, 1 sent 1976. Includes poem. 1 sent 1980.

4117University of Miami1980

1 received, 1 sent 1980. Includes printed description of the Department of English and copy of the Department's newsletter.

4117University of Missouri--St. Louis1966, 1967, 1976, 1980

Dougherty, Charles T. 1 received, 1 sent 1967, 1976, 1980. Miller, Kenneth E. 1 received 1966.

4118Centre for Medieval Studies, Toronto1981

1 received, 1 sent 1981.

4118Melissinos, Stavros1980

Assessment by Douglas Bertz of SM volume of poetry (1980).

4118Milne, Lorus J.1981

1 received, 1 sent 1981.

4118Morgan, Marjorie1980

2 received 1980. Includes copy of a play by MM based on Blake and an assessment by Douglas Bertz.

4118University of Maine at Orono1966, 1976, 1981

Correspondence (1966, 1976, 1981) regarding speaking invitations.

1988, Box 42
Series: 1.1: General correspondence
421Magee, Charles1982

1 received, 1 sent 1982.

421Man-Environment Impact1982

1 received, 1 sent 1982. Includes programme for a conference.

421Martin, R.H.1981, 1982

1 received, 1 sent 1981, 1982.

421Marx, Steven1982

1 received, 1 sent 1982.

421Matheson, John R.1982

3 received, 4 sent 1982.

421Mihram, G. Arthur1981, 1982

3 received, 1 sent 1981; 1 sent 1982. Includes an assessment by M. Dolzani of a volume by Mihram. Subjects: metaphor.

421Monk, Philip1982

1 sent 1982.

421Morrison, K.L.1979, 1980, 1981

3 received, 2 sent 1979; 1 received, 1 sent 1980; 1 received 1981.

421University of Michigan1968-1969, 1973, 1977-1978, 1981-1982

Correspondence (1968-1969, 1973, 1977-1978, 1981-1982) regarding speaking engagements. Includes a description of a conference on the philosophy of graduate education.

422Malvern Collegiate Institute1983

1 received, 1 sent 1983.

422Mickleburgh, Brita1983

1 received, 1 sent 1983.

422Milic, Novica1983

1 received, 1 sent 1983.

422Modern Humanities Research Association1983

2 received, 2 sent 1983.

422Moore, Arthur and Margaret1983

Invitation to the Moore's 50th Wedding Anniversary (1983). 2 sent 1983.

422Moore, Mavor1971, 1983

2 received, 1 sent 1971. Includes xerox excerpt from Morals since 1900. 1 received, 1 sent 1983. Includes article by Mavor Moore from Connoisseur.