Northrop Frye insert collection

Victoria University Library holds over 2000 monographs containing annotations by Northrop Frye. Over the course of several years, as the collection was processed and added to the University of Toronto Libraries Catalogue, various materials were found inserted between the pages of several books. As the number of inserts continued to grow, plans were made to organize them into a formal collection in order to establish intellectual control and preserve their research value. A Material Culture student was hired in 2023 to arrange the inserts according to document type and order them chronologically. Descriptions were written to provide contextual information. The titles and call numbers of the monographs where the inserts were originally found have been included where possible.
The Northrop Frye insert collection is comprised of textual and graphic records and artifacts that were found inserted between the pages of the Northrop Frye annotated monograph collection. The records are personal in nature and consist of letters, cards, photographs, locks of hair, news clippings and a square piece of decorative paper.
Box | File No. | Item No. | Title | Date | Document Type | Book Title | Call Number | Notes |
1 | 1 | 1 |
[Invitation to Shakespeare's Macbeth] |
1977 | Invitation | Astrology and religion among the Greeks and Romans | Frye annotated, no. 1637 | The insert is an invitation from The Director of the Graduate Centre for Study of Drama to attend the opening night of Shakespeare's Macbeth at Hart House. |
2 | 2 | [Invitation] | 1983 | Invitation letter | Autobiography | Frye annotated, no.332 | The insert is an invitation from Anne Weldon to attend meetings of the Liberal Arts Club and the Writers' Group. | |
3 | 3 | [Letter to David Hoeniger] | 1970 | Letter | Northrop Frye in modern criticism: selected papers from the English Institute: [review] | PN75.F7 K75 | The insert is a letter from Northrop Frye to Professor David Hoeniger. | |
4 | 4 | [Handwritten letter to Norrie] | 1971 | Letter | The princess and Curdie | Frye annotated, no. 588 | The insert is a note from H about cleaning the piano. H could be Frye's wife, Helen. Norrie is Frye's nickname. | |
5 | 5 | [Handwritten note] | 1986 | Letter | Roman Poems | Frye annotated, no. 1502 | The insert is a short handwritten note to Northrop Frye about leaving for Italy. The words "With the compliments of the Istituto Italiano di Cultura" are at the top of the notecard. | |
6 | 6 | Letter from Janine Zend to Mrs. Widdicombe | 1991 | Letter | Daymares | PR9199.3.Z44 D3 1991 | A letter from Janine Zend expressing her sadness and sympathy following Frye's death. Mrs. Widdicombe was Frye's assistant. | |
7 | 7 | [Photo of a small child] | 1948 | Photograph | The cantos of Ezra Pound | Frye annotated, no. 485 | The photograph is a studio portrait of a child in a white outfit leaning against a table with their chin in their hand. | |
8 | 8 | [Photo of Frye and Helen] | 1982 | Photograph | Wagner nights | Frye annotated, no.125 | The photograph depicts Northrop and Helen Frye standing outdoors in front of a miniature village. | |
9 | 9 | Hambourge-Hollinshead Recital postcard | 1908 | Postcard | Burke's speeches & letters on American affairs | Frye annotated, no. 424 | ||
10 | 10 | Instruction Package | n.d. | Note | Zen in the art of archery | Frye annotated, no. 985 | A handwritten note listing financial information. | |
11 | 11 | [Greeting card from Irene Clarke] | 2022 | Greeting card | The arts in Canada: a stock-taking at mid-century | N6545.R57 1958 | The card includes artwork by Emily Carr ("Stumps"). | |
12 | 12 | [Marcel Aymé publisher's advertisement] | 1950 |
Publisher's advertisement |
The barkeep of Blemont | Frye annotated, no. 1694 | The insert contains a biography of writer Marcel Aymé. | |
13 | 13 | [Locks of hair / news clipping] | n.d. | Artifact | The Holy Bible | Frye annotated, no. 1871 | Three locks of hair, one light blonde and tied with a ribbon, one dark blonde, and one light brown tied in a knot. Also includes a news clipping of an article detailing events in Lennoxville in Sherbrooke, Quebec. | |
14 | 14 | [Paper square] | n.d. | Artifact | The last days of Pompeii | Frye annotated, no. 1928 | A paper square, possibly Japanese paper, decorated with two figures on a column against a red background. |
Last updated: August 30, 2024