Box/File List

Eva Kushner

Box 1
Series: 1: Records relating to publications
11 “Patrice de la tour du pin”1961(pub. 1961)
12 “Rina Lasnier”1964(Fides pub. 1964)
13 “Rina Lasnier”1969(Seghers pub. 1969)
14 “Saint-Denys Garneau” drafts1964-1967, 19671964–1967 (pub. 1967)
15 “Francois Mauriac” drafts1967-1972, 19721967–1972 (pub. 1972)
16 “Francois Mauriac” final version19721972 (pub. 1972)
17 Anthology Polonaise (“Antologia poezji Quebeku”)1985 (pub. 1985)
18 “Pontus de Tyard et son oeuvre poetique”2001(pub. 2001)
19 “Living Prism: Itineraries in Comparative Literature”2001(pub. 2001)
110 “Living Prism: Itineraries in Comparative Literature original material”
111 “Living Prism: Itineraries in Comparative Literature” correspondence1999-2000
112 “Histoires des poetiques”2002(pub. 2002)
Box 2
Series: 1: Records relating to publications
22 “Chants de Boheme” (poetry)1963-1974
23–10“Pontus de Tyard et son oeuvre poetique”1997-1998
211 “Living Prism: Itineraries in Comparative Literature” proofs and index 2001(pub. 2001)
Series: 4: Records relating to professional activities and teaching
Translation work
21 “Introduction to the Philosophy of Teilhard De Chardin“, by Claude Tresmontant
Box 3
Series: 1: Records relating to publications
31“Rina Lasnier” notes by E.K.; and drafts of R.L.’s “Les Gisants” and “Quatrains quotidiens”1963, 1964-1969
Series: 2: Articles, addresses and related records
311 “Claudel: l’Amerique: une solitude”
312 “Rene Char: la poesie, ordre insurge”
313 Vigny
314 Erasme
315 Eluard
316 “Canadian contributions to world culture” radio scripts1950-1951
317 “Religious life in Canada” radio scripts1951-1952
318“La poesie moderne devant l’absurde” and “Le poesie francaise est-elle vivante”1956-1959
319Various works1957-1966
320Various talks1958-1961
321 “Chroniques des arts et les letters“ radio scripts1961-1963
322 “Le mythe d’Orphee chez Anouilh” lecture for College international de Cannes1963
323 Baudelaire1964-1967
324 Colloque Saint–Denys–Garneau1968
325 Dictionnaire des Oeuvres Litteraires du Quebec entries1975-1993
326 “Asymptotes ou paralleles? Les etudes litteraires entre la science etl’hermeneutique”, Lisbon1989
327 “Verite dans le siscours scientifique du XVIE siecle”1994
328 “One night at the M.L.A.” (pub. in Spiel)1997
Series: 3: Personal records
33 School assignments and class notes1945-1947
34 Notes re camps and meetings1945-1947
35 Notes for abandoned thesis topic–Poesie: le sens de l’histoire chez les poètes1953
36 Notes for thesis “Le mythe d’Orphée dans la literature française contemporaire”1954-1955
Series: 4: Records relating to professional activities and teaching
32 Anthology Hongroise–anthology de la poesie Quebecoise pour traduction hongroise1978–[1984?]
38 Invitations to “Palmes Academiques”1996
37 From Rina Lasnier1962-1984
39 “Problems of Philosophy”1952-1953
310 RR McGill University undergraduate students1977-1980
Box 4
Series: 2: Articles, addresses and related records
41 “La poetique de Gilles Henault”
42 Dialogue and subjectivity
43 “La poesie francaise actuelle: vers un art poetique nouveau?”1962
44 “The critical method of Gaston Bachelard”1962
45 Victor Segalen1963-1999
46 Saint-Denys Garneau1967-1994
47 “The concept of invention and its role in Renaissance literary theory”1969
48 “La poetique de l’espace chez Saint-Denys Garneau”1970
49 Quebec poetry1970
410 “The classical subtext in the work of Christine de Pisan”1985-1986
411 “La satire au XVe siecle” (pub. 1988)1988
412 “Saint-Denys Garneau, poetique”1993
413 “Was King Picrochole free? (Rabelais between Luther and Erasmus)”1993
414 Michel Foucault1994
415 “Le don du Luthier et autres fictions”1994-1996
416 Renaissance studies in Canada1995
417 “Mirror mirror on the wall, who’s the deepest of them all?”1995
418 Gaston Bachelard and Canadian literature1998
419 “L survivence du mythe d’Orphee en XXe siecle”1998
420 “English as global language”2001
Series: 4: Records relating to professional activities and teaching
Translation work
422 Organization of the Children’s Arts Festival1994-1995
421 Pierre Seghers1958-1969
423 Television correspondence course on CBC for French Canadian universities–Gabrielle Roy1968-1969
425Television correspondence course on CBC for French Canadian Universities–Saint-Denys Garneau1968-1969
426 Creation of Carleton University Renaissance Centre1967-1975
Box 5
Series: 2: Articles, addresses and related records
51 “La pensee sociale de Symphorien Champier”
52 La Tour du Pin1961
53 “Litterature et societe cnadiennes-francaises” colloque1964
54 “Les poesie canadienne–francaise”1969
55 Various works–primarily on theory of literary history1977-1990
56 Various works1986-1989
57 Convocation at Acadia Univeristy1988
58 “Power with a grain of salt”1991-1994
59 “Erasmus and the paradox of subjectivity”1994-1996
510 “La politesse amoureuse” Conference in Reims1998-1999
Series: 4: Records relating to professional activities and teaching
511 Professional1955-1961
512 “Famous authors” (includes Irving Layton, Josef Skvorecky, Margaret Atwood, Pierre Trudeau (Xmas card), Tony Kushner, Pierre Emmanuel, Patrice de Le Tour du Pin)1959-1981
513 “Famous authors” (includes T.S. Eliot, Claire Goll, Raymond Klibansky, Roger Mehl, Pierre Emmanuel, Pierre Seghers)1960-1963
514 Correspondence1961-1963
515 Mauriac book (includes Northrop Frye, Rina Lasnier, Francois Mauriac)1966-1977
516 Simone de Beauvoir1967
517 Renaissance volumes1971-1979
518 Projet renaissance–Andre Stegmann1971-1993
519 Projet renaissance1972-1980
520 Projet renaissance–Tibor Klaniczay1972-1992
521 Renaissance vol. III1973-1993
522 “Theorie litteraire: problemes et perspectives”1978-1989
523 Congratulations on becoming President of Victoria University1987-1988
524 Conferences (includes Weimar)1978
525 Conferences1979-1980
526 Organization at McGill of conference on “Poetry and Religion 1545–1585”1982-1985
530Conferences1989, 1991, 1994, 1995
531 China and Korea–establishing relations between Emmanuel and Hanshin University
532 Honorary degree from Western University (includes convocation address)1996
Box 6
Series: 1: Records relating to publications
61 “Living Prism: Itineraries in Comparative Literature”1998-1999
62–4“Anthologie de la poesie quebecoise”1973-1996
Series: 2: Articles, addresses and related records
65 “Le statut du symbole dans la poesie de la Renaissance”
66 Rabelais
67 “Modern French poetry and the Arts: a critical inquiry”1960
68 Yvan Goll1964
69 “Satire et masque dans la poesie du quinzieme siecle”1967-1988
610 J.A. Comenius1967-1992
611 “Aspects of the Orpheus myth in Renaissance Literature”1971
612 Textes sur le dialogue1982-1987
613 Various unrevised material1982-1993
614 Various material on education, the Humanities, leadership and other subjects1983-1993
615 “Literary studies, cultural studies: the case for a cease-fire”1987
616 “Cheminements feminins vers la philosophie”1998-1999
617 “Le Crepuscule de la Renaissance et son inscription dans l’histoire des Literatures”1998-1999
618 “Poetry in the second half of the century in Canada: monologue or Dialogue?”1999
Series: 4: Records relating to professional activities and teaching
Translation work
62 Anthology Hongroise–anthology de la poesie Quebecoise pour traduction hongroise1978–[1984?]
619 Queen’s University (includes offer to become Chair of French Department)1974-1997
620 McGill University1976-1985
621 The New Canadian Encyclopedia1981-1987
622 “Children’s rights and stories” project1993-1994
Box 7
Series: 4: Records relating to professional activities and teaching
71 Canada Council1968-1970
72 Canada Council1970-1972
73 Canada Council1972-1973
74 Canada Council1973-1974
75 Canada Council1974-1975
76 Canada Council1976-1977
77 Canada Council1977-1978
78 National Library Advisory Board1976-1980
79 National Library Advisory Board1978-1980
710 National Library Advisory Board1979-1981
Box 8
Series: 4: Records relating to professional activities and teaching
81 Conferences1962-2000
82 Humanities Research Council1971-1978
83 Humanities Research Council1976-1978
84 Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada1971-1973
86 Societe des ecrivans canadiens (section de Montreal)1977-1980
87 “Canadian Review of Comparative Literature” special issue on Renaissance translation1978-1981
88 Conferences1993
89 International conference on Northrop Frye in Beijng, and visit to Hanshin University1993-1994
810 “Rethinking Renaissance literary history” conference1998-1999
85 Canadian Studies Committee (McGill)1976-1977
Box 9
Series: 4: Records relating to professional activities and teaching
97“L’Epoque de la Renaissance IV: Crise et essors nouveaux 1560–1610” manuscripts[199–?]
98 “L’Epoque de la Renaissance IV: Crises et essors nouveaux 1560–1610” proofs2000
Box 10
Series: 1: Records relating to publications
101 “Rina Lasnier” correspondence and financial records 1962-1972, 1964

1962–1972 (Fides pub. 1964)

Series: 2: Articles, addresses and related records
102 “Le personage d’Orphee chez Ronsard”1964-1966
103 “Renaissance dialogue and subjectivity”199-?
Series: 4: Records relating to professional activities and teaching
109“L’Epoque de la Renaissance IV: Crise et essors nouveaux 1560–1610” manuscripts[199–?]
1010 “L’Epoque de la Renaissance IV: Crise et essors nouveaux 1560–1610” early drafts[199–?]
104 From Rina Lasnier and other others (includes Jean-Paul Pinsonneault, Adrien Therio)1962-1972
Box 11
Series: 4: Records relating to professional activities and teaching
111Correspondence relating to “Readings in comparative literature from the seventeenth century to the present”, an unpublished manuscript by Christopher S. Durer2000
116“Readings in comparative literature” manuscript[199–?]
Box 12
Series: 1: Records relating to publications
121 Correspondence relating to “Mauriac”1975-1979
Series: 2: Articles, addresses and related records
122 Radio lectures and interviews on Saint-Denys Garneau1967
Series: 3: Personal records
123 Dissertations françaises1942-1945
Series: 4: Records relating to professional activities and teaching
125 Canada Council1966-1976
126 Canada Council1977
127 Canada Council1978-1979
128 Canada Council1979-1980
129 Seiziemistes canadiens (became Canadian Society for Renaissance Studies)1975-1976
1210 Limoges Conference1977-1978
1211-12“La problematique du sujet chez Montaigne” Conference at Victoria University (includes paper by E.K.)1992-1994
124 Various incoming (includes Gabrielle Roy, Gatien Lapointe, Jean-Paul Pinsonneault)1964-1994
1214Correspondence and other records relating to television course on Saint-Denys Garneau1968-1969
Box 13
Series: 2: Articles, addresses and related records
131 Myths in modern drama
132 “‘Globalisation’ and ‘Individualism’ in Comparative Literature Studies”2000
Series: 4: Records relating to professional activities and teaching
133 Humanities Association of Canada1964-1970
134 American Comparative Literature Association1965-2001
135 Colloque Baudelaire de Nice1967-1969
136 Canadian Comparative Literature Association1968-1971, 1993
137 Canadian Comparative Literature Association1971-2000
138 Canadian Comparative Literature Association1972-1998
139 International Comparative Literature Association Congress in Bordeaux1970
1310 International Comparative Literature Association1973-1975
1311 “L’Epoque de la Renaissance 1400–1600”1978
1312 Royal Society of Canada–Freedom of Scholarship and Science1981-1993
1313 Royal Society of Canada–Freedom of Scholarship and Science1993-1994
1314 Royal Society of Canada–Freedom of Scholarship and Science1995
1315 Royal Society of Canada–Freedom of Scholarship and Science1996
1316 Renaissance I1982
1317 Stuttgart University Conference1995-2002
1318 International Federation for Modern Languages and Literatures Congress (Bangkok)2002
1319 Correspondence re the “Anthology of Quebec Poetry” Polish translation1975-1984
Box 14
Series: 1: Records relating to publications
141 “Etudes sur le dialogue a la Renaissance” draft[2000?]
Series: 2: Articles, addresses and related records
142 French Canadian Poetry[1960?]–[1975?]
143 Mauriac1975–[1980?]
144 Moderne Encyclopedie der Wereldliteratuur1979-1984
145 Pierre Emmanuel1993-1994
Series: 3: Personal records
146 Royal Order of Canada1997-2001
Series: 4: Records relating to professional activities and teaching
1419 McGill University Summer School1956-1969
1420 McGill University Department of French Language and Literature1976-1986
1421 Carleton University1965-1976
147 Modern Language Association1973-1976
148 M.L.A. programme1974-1979
149 M.L.A. French Renaissance Division1977-1978
1410 M.L.A. French Renaissance Division1979
1411 France–Canada exchange programs1977-1979
1412 Collaboration with the University of Limoges, France1979-1980
1413 International Comparative Literature Association Conference1982-1983
1414 Japan1987-1992
1415 Postmodernism1992
1416 Montaigne1991-2004
1417 Centre d’analyse des literatures francophones des Ameriques (CALIFA) Poetry Conference1993
1418 Athenes/Thessalonique2002-2003
Box 15
Series: 1: Records relating to publications
151 “Le Dialogue a la Renaissance: histoire et poetique”2004
Series: 2: Articles, addresses and related records
152 Various lectures and papers1969–[1997?]
153 Various papers[1981?]–1987
154 Convocation addresses1988-1989
155 Paper on Renaissance rhetoric, poetry, subjectivity1990-1994
Series: 4: Records relating to professional activities and teaching
156 Canadian Society for Renaissance Studies1974-2004
157 ICLA Congress, Paris1985
158 SSHRC Infrastructure Study1985-1987
159 Departmental evaluations1986-1999
1510 International Congress of the Brazilian Comparative Literature Association (ABRALIC)1995-1996
1511 International Conference on Frye Studies, Hoh-Hot, China1997
1512 Rina Lasnier obituary for the Royal Society1999
1513 FILLM Conference, New Caledonia2003
1514 Correspondence while teaching at University College London1958-1959
1515 Carleton University1974-1977
1516 Defence of thesis by student1992-1994
Box 16
Series: 2: Articles, addresses and related records
161 Michaux1967
162 “Comparative Literature in Canada”1968
163 “Victor Segalen and China: a Dialectic of Reality and Imagination”1974-1975
164 “Melancolie et personnalite poetique a la Renaissance: quelques exemples”1985
165 Montaigne1988
166 Northrop Frye1990-2002
167 Gaston Miron1998
168 “Renaissance or Renaissances? Periodizing 16th Century French Literature”2002
169 “Le ‘Dialogues des dialogues’ et la ‘Pleiade philospophique’”2003
Series: 3: Personal records
1610 Old Testament paper for R.B.Y. Scott1948-1949
1611 Sermons given at various churches and from Homiletics class1948-1954
1612 Material about Eva Kushner1962-2000
Series: 4: Records relating to professional activities and teaching
1613 Bulletin et association des seiziemistes1974-1976
1614 Liasion Committee Between Representatives of the HRCC/SSRCC and the Advisory Academic Panel/Canada Council1976-1977
1615 Task Force on National Unity1978
1616 Renouvellements dans la theorie de l’histoire literaire colloque international Montreal1982
1617 Evaluation of the Renaissance Centre, University of Sherbrooke1981-1982
1618 Evaluation of the Comparative Literature program, University of North Carolina1986
1619 Petrarch’s ‘Triumphs’: Allegory and Spectacle Conference1986-1987
1620 Evaluation of Ph D program in French at the University of Moncton1989
1621 Conferences1991-1992
1622 Frye Collected Works1993-1997
1623 “L’epoque de la Renaissance: tome IV”1993-1997
1624 “L’epoque de la Renaissance: tome IV” correspondence1993-2000
1625 Challenge of Human Rights Symposium1996
1626 Northrop Frye Centre1996-2001
1627 Human Rights Issues and the Responsibility of Scientists, Rome1996-1997
1628 Hebrew University of Jerusalem1999-2002
1629 Canadian Semiotic Association, Halifax2003
1630 Introductory Philosophy extension course taught at Sault Ste. Marie, for University of Western Ontario1957
1631 History of Thought course taught at West Essex College, England, forThe Workers’ Educational Association1959
1632 Carleton University Renaissance Centre1975-1976
2007.06, Box 1
Series: 1: Records relating to publications
11 “Mauriac”1972 (pub. 1972)
12 “Le dialogue a la Renaissance : historie et poetique” correspondence and other records2003-2004
13 “Le dialogue a la Renaissance : histoire et poetique” proofs2004
Series: 2: Articles, addresses and related records
14 Ronsard 1985-1998
15 Du Bellay1993-1995
16 “Frontieres du sacre et du profane”[ca. 1996]
17 Paper given at the “Rhetoric” Conference in Cape Town, South Africa1996
18 “Deux miroirs, trios locutrices du XVIe siecle” 1996-1997
Series: 3: Personal records
19 Correspondence (includes Hubert Aquin, Charles Dutoit, Jean Cayrol)1959-1996
110 Premier T.C. Douglas’s notes for nomination speech for national Leadership of the New Party, 19611961
Series: 4: Records relating to professional activities and teaching
111 Canada Council Grant applications1970-1974
112 Canadian Review of Comparative Literature1972-1978
113 Canadian Review of Comparative Literature1976-1978
114 Canadian Review of Comparative Literature1976-1986
115 Canadian Review of Comparative Literature1978-1981
116 Canadian Review of Comparative Literature1979-1994
117 Canadian Review of Comparative Literature1980-1990
2007.06, Box 2
Series: 4: Records relating to professional activities and teaching
21 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)1983-1988
22 SSHRC1985-1993
23 International Comparative Literature Association (ICLA) Paris Proceedings1985-1993
2008.02, Box 1
Series: 2: Articles, addresses and related records
11 Tyard : Perarquisme - Platonisme
12 “L’Hexagone : vers une philosophie nouvelle du langage”1988
13 “Cheminements feminins vers la philosophie a la Renaissance”[1998?]
Series: 3: Personal records
14 Student Christian Movement1945-1954
15 Correspondence (includes Claire Martin, Annie Joly-Segalen, Raymond Klibansky)1954-1992
16 “Ode a la Terre Prochaine” poem by Yves-Gabriel Brunet1972
17 Clippings, programmes from convocations/installations1972-1996
18 Ontario Coalition of Senior Citizen Organizations (OCSCO)2004
Series: 4: Records relating to professional activities and teaching
19 VIIth Congress of the International Comparative Literature Association1973

Montreal, 1973

110 Travel grants1977-1979
111 Projet renaissance1982-1984
112 “Comparative History of Literature in Europeann Languages (CHLEL)” Renaissance volume1983-1993
113 Volume IV of the Proceedings of the 1985 Paris ICLA Congress (preparation)1985-2000
114 Northrop Frye Centre–Poetry collections by Tunde Okanlawon1993
2008.12, Box 1
Series: 2: Articles, addresses and related records
11 Various works1957-1999
12 “Thoughts upon Renaissance Literary Historiography”
13 “The classical heritage in modern literatures: a warning”
14 “Orphee, chantree de lui-meme”
15 “Chute, ou renouvellement de l’histoire litteraire?”
16 “Marshall McLuhan et la survivance de la literature”
17 “Reconceiving the European Renaissance: thoughts on a renewed literary historiography”
18 “La poesie de cour”
19 “Literary history as experimentation”
110 “Angoisse et vocation poetique”
111 “Northrop Frye et la possibilite du dialogue intercultural”
112 “A funding agency’s perspective: line of defence”
113 “History and the absent self”
114 “Le role de la vision dans l’oeuvre pedagogique de Comenius”
115 “Reflexions sur les limites d’une histoire compare des literatures de langues Europeennes”
116 “Subjectivite et alterite chez quelques voyageurs du XVIe siècle”
117 “L’Humour de Michaux”1967
118 “Le probleme de l’originalite chez un ecrivain de la Renaissance: Ponus de Tyard”1971
119 “Le role social des humanites: permanences et transformations”1973
120 “Permaences et transformations des mythes dans le theatre moderne: quelques parameters”1977
121 “Pontus de Tyard devant le pouvoir royal”1978
122 “The concept of invention and its role in Renaissance literary theory”1980
123 “The crisis in literary studies” (Presidential address at International Comparative Literature Association Congress)1982
124 “Myth and literature: the example of modern drama”1983
125 “L’evolution du sacre chez Pontus de Tyard”1987
126 “Qui est Pasithee?”1988
127 “Pontus de Tyard, poete lyrique”1989
128 “La literature compare parmi les sciences humaines”1990
129 “Comparative literary history as dialogue among nations”1990
130 Renaissance dialogue1991
131 “History and the power of metaphor”1992
132 “Dialogues et verite: reflexions autour de Pontus de Tyard”1993
133 “Myths dans la literature contemporaine d’expression francaise”1994
134 “Quand la poesie Quebecoise songe a elle-meme”1995
135 “Deffence et illustration: perspectives europeenes”1995
136 “Saint-Denys Garneau epistolier: monologue ou dialogue?”
137 “Etudes litteraires, etudes culturelles: soeurs jumelles ou frères ennemis?”
138 “One night at the M.L.A.”1997
139 “Is Comparative Literature ready for the Twenty-First Century”1999
140 “Renaissance or Renaissances? Periodizing 16th Century French Literature”2003
Series: 3: Personal records
141 School notebook1937-1939
142 Various occasions and events1955-1996
143 Incoming correspondence (includes Rina Lasnier, R.B.Y. Scott, Rene Wellek, Jane Jacobs)1957-2001
144 Incoming correspondence (includes Ted Rogers, A. B. B. Moore, invitation to Northrop Frye’s wedding)1964-1998
Series: 4: Records relating to professional activities and teaching
145 Carleton University proposed French Ph.d programme1963-1971
146 International Federation for Modern Languages and Literatures (FILLM) Congress, Pakistan1969
147 Academic appointments/honours1980-1996
1 Photograph: b&w (Michael Burns Photography Ltd.)1993

P1 Eva Kushner behind podium accepting Honorary Doctorate from St. Michael’s College

2008.12, Box 2
Series: 4: Records relating to professional activities and teaching
21 Literary Research Foundation–Correspondence and minutes1983-2003
22 Literary Research Foundation–Financial1983-2003
23 Literary Research Foundation–Fundraising correspondence1983-1997
24 Literary Research Foundation–Fundraising letters1991-1995
25 Literary Research Foundation–Statutes and registration1983-2003
26 Renaissance Project1987-1988
27 “Histoire des poetiques”1987-1997
28 McGill-Queen’s Press (Board member)1987
29 Canadian Committee on Women in Engineering1990-1992
210 Children’s Arts Festival, Victoria1993-1995
211 Northrop Frye Centre1994-1995
212 Human Rights And Responsibilities Symposium1997
213 “Dialogue of Cultures” vol. 112000
214 International Comparative Literature Association 50th Anniversary2005
2009.13, Box 1
Series: 3: Personal records
11 Doctoral thesis titled “Le mythe d’Orphée dans la literature française contemporaine”1956

Clippings are articles about Kushner   

13Memorabilia–passports, programmes and other printed material1950-1991

Includes programme for The Royal Society of Canada (Eva Kushner new fellow 1982) and programme for the Investiture of The Order of Canada as well as programmes from various convocations/installations. 

14Incoming correspondence (includes Jean Ethien Blais, R.B.Y. Scott, Laure Rièse)1963-1999
17Material related to Tony Kushner2000-2009

Tony Kushner is a playwright and relative of Eva Kushner.

Series: 4: Records relating to professional activities and teaching
15 “Children’s Rights and Stories” research project1994
16 International Human Rights Network of Academies and Scholarly Societies1996-2007
2019.03, Box 1
Series: 3: Personal records
11French Protestant Hymn Book1940-1945

Hymn book from Kushner's time in Cognac, France.

12Song book1941-1945

Kushner's song book from when she was a Protestant Girl Guide in France.

13New Testament received at the Église Réformée de France in Cognac1943

Received on the occasion of Kushner's first communion.

14Writing and notes in the equivalent of Grade 11 in Cognac, Franceca. 1945


16Memorabilia 1960s1961-1968,1996

Includes a McGill University French Summer School brochure, news clippings, a review of Chants de Bohême, an article on becoming a member of the Order of Canada, a letter congratulating Kushner on being an Officer of l’Ordre des Palmes Académiques (1996), and a biographical sketch of Alain Grandbois.

17Articles by or about Eva1961-2014

Also includes articles about Donn Kushner, a certificate of appreciation from CARE Canada, and a review of Actes du Colloque international: Renouvellements dans la théorie de l’histoire littéraire.

18Beginnings of my life in Canada, mostly Montreal, preceded by a few months in Prague at the French high schoolca. 1946-1953

Title taken from the file. Includes daily calendar notes, letters, and pages torn from journals.

19[Scholarly records from Cognac, France]1940-1945

Title based on contents of the file. Originally titled “Lived in Cognac-occupied France, a summer of escape in the country, 1940-1945”.

Includes a Université de Poitiers Baccalauréat de l’Enseignement Secondaire certificate, an Académie de Poitiers Livret Scolaire [report book], scholarly notebooks, and handwritten notes from school.

110Eva, public life1966-1998

Includes news clippings, articles, correspondence, promotional material, and programs and brochures.

Series: 4: Records relating to professional activities and teaching
15Important memorabilia1974-2007

Includes meeting minutes, a publication on ethical guidelines for peer reviewers, conference and event programs, a letter from Marion King of the Research Grants Division of SSHRC, a letter from Vic grad and former president of Latvia Vaira Vikis-Freibergs, postcards and letters from Quebec poets, letters from academics and scholars on literary events/programs/initiatives, and letters from various societies and associations.

2019.03, Box 2
Series: 3: Personal records
22David Johnston - All Years1958-2013

David Johnston was Principal and Vice-Chancellor of McGill University from 1979-1994 and Governor General of Canada from 2010-2017. File includes letters and holiday cards from David and his wife Sharon, and letters from David's mother, Dorothy.

29[Records primarily from Eva Kushner's youth]1946-2005

Title based on contents of the file. Originally titled “Invitations, Participations – All Years”.

Includes pages from Kushner's Canadian passport, marriage certificate from R.B.Y. Scott the Minister of Religion at McGill, news clippings, letters from the Department of Citizenship and Immigration, certificate of Canadian citizenship, school notes, program for installation as President and Vice Chancellor at Vic, letters from McGill University, Baccalauréat de l’Enseignement Secondaire, and Kushner's contract with Presses Universitaires de France for her book Histoire des Poetiques.

Series: 4: Records relating to professional activities and teaching
21ICLA History1976-2016

Includes reports, letters to and from Kushner regarding the ICLA, calls for papers, and a certificate.

23SSHRC Insight Development Applications1964, 2012-2017

Includes notices, reports, correspondence, and a call for proposals.

24Fragments by EK on literary history[n.d.]


25Eva's courses1980-1981, 2008

Course syllabi for McGill University and Victoria College.

26Participation in Renaissance Studies, publications, meetings1976-2017

File consists of records of Eva's involvement in various societies, publications and meetings she helped create and includes letters, reports, a Canadian Society for Renaissance Studies Newsletter, a Canadian Society for Renaissance Studies Executive Meeting agenda, an Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada statement on academic freedom and institutional autonomy, a CSRS subscription, a program of McGill University International Colloquium, and a description of a project overseen by Kushner.

27Projects, institutions, publicationsca. 1973, 2000?

Includes the Canadian Comparative Literature Association Constitution and By-Laws and blurbs and reviews of Kushner's book L’Epoque de la Renaissance.

28Eva's Invitations - All Years1971-1998

Invitations to seminars and conferences, as well as letters from Kushner confirming her attendance. Also includes 5 colour photographs of Kushner at various events, including at the Order of Canada ceremony.

210Literary Research Foundation of Canada1985-1989


2023.09, Box 1
Series: 1: Records relating to publications
11[Publication correspondence]1994, 1996, 2018

Correspondence relating to works on Tyard and an anthology of French-Canadian poetry.


Loose pages from a scrapbook containing news clippings, articles, reviews, and ephemera relating to publications, in particular Chants de Bohême and Rina Lasnier. The contents span the years 1962-1963, 1967 and 1972.

13[Research notes][n.d.]

Handwritten notes and photocopies of articles on various literary subjects, primarily in French. Includes excerpts of essays, an abstract, news clippings and Kushner’s review of Montaigne and the Gods: Mythological Key to the Essays by Daniel Martin.

Series: 2: Articles, addresses and related records
14[Articles and essays][n.d.]

Drafts of essays and articles, most of which are unpublished. Includes:

  • “The emergence of the paradoxical self”, ca. 1990
  • “Dialogue et subjectivité à la Renaissance”, 1997
  • An introductory essay on translation, written by Kushner and Paul Chavy
  • “Note sur “l’endogénéité”, [n.d.]
  • “Perspectives sur l’histoire littéraire”, [n.d.] – possibly for a presentation in Utrecht
  • “Bilinguisme et solitudes Canadienne”, [n.d.]
15"Ou est mon pays?"1995

Open letter written by Kushner on Quebec and Canada relations.

16[Addresses and speeches][n.d.]

Includes a typed copy of a speech given on the 25th anniversary of l’Association portugaise de littérature compare [2012?] and an unidentified handwritten speech. 

Series: 3: Personal records
17[Certificates and awards]1942-1945


  • Distribution des prix, 1942 – List of Kushner’s school awards.
  • Brevet Sportif National certificate, 1944 – Card certifying that Kushner passed and acquired the national sports certificate.
  • Stenography certificate, 1945 – Card certifying that Kushner completed her stenography courses and obtained her diploma.
18Église Réformée de France certification letter1968

Note written by Pastor P. Fouchier certifying that Kushner was a member of the Église Réformée de France, Paroisse de Cognac (Cognac parish) from 1963-1965.

19Victoria University Chancellor’s Council certificate1996


110Donn Kushner correspondence[n.d.]

Wire correspondence from Kushner’s husband Donn.

111Ramon John Hnatyshyn1993

Letter from Kushner to the Right Honourable Ramon John Hnatsyhyn, Governor General of Canada, thanking him for selecting her as a recipient of the Commemorative Medal for the 125th Anniversary of Canadian Confederation.

112[Personal correspondence]1987, 1991, 2005, 2014, 2018

Contains correspondence from family friends. Includes an invitation to Eric Kushner’s wedding.

113 RRVictoria University donations2003, 2006, 2014-2016

Contains letters to Kushner from Victoria University administration regarding financial donations to bursaries and scholarships and a signed certificate of gift for donations of artwork. Includes a news clipping of Northrop Frye’s marriage to Elizabeth Brown (1986).

114Curriculum vitaeca. 1980


Series: 4: Records relating to professional activities and teaching
115“This Week at Carleton University”1964, 1967-1968

Carleton University bulletins with news updates concerning Kushner’s work as Associate Professor of French.

116Canadian Institute for Advanced Research1983-1984, 1996

Contains correspondence, meeting minutes and an overview of CIFAR.

117Royal Society of Canada1977, 1981-1982, 1994-1995, 1997-1999, 2013

Contains correspondence, memos, notes and reports relating to Kushner’s work with the Royal Society of Canada.

118International Human Rights-Royal Society of Canada1991, 1994-1998, 2001, 2011

Contains correspondence, meeting minutes, agendas, copies of appeals and draft resolutions relating to Kushner’s RSC work with the International Human Rights Network of Academies and Scholarly Societies.

119Important events1956, 1972, 1976, 1982, 1985, 1987, 1994-1995, 2005

Contains programs, letters, brochures, and news clippings relating to major events in Kushner’s life. Includes a portrait of Kushner.

120Académie Européenne des Sciences, des Arts et des Lettres2000

Includes a letter and proceedings.

121Report on activities2021-2022

Contains a report on Kushner’s activities for the Mary R.C. Jackman Professorship.

122[Professional correspondence]1976, 1981-1986, 1995-1997, 2000-2001

Contains letters from colleagues on various topics related to Kushner’s teaching, academic projects, and organizational work.

123News clippings1961-1962, 1973, 1983, 1985, 1987-1988, 1991

News clippings featuring articles on Kushner’s work and achievements. Includes programs and itineraries. Newspapers include: La Presse, Le Devoir, France-Amérique, L’Information médicale et paramédicale, McGill Reporter, Globe Reporter, The Strand, Newsline and The Sunday Globe.

124[Sault news clippings]1958, 1960

News clippings from Sault Daily Star and other regional papers with articles on Kushner’s teaching appointments in Sault St. Marie.

2023.09, Box 2
Series: 3: Personal records
2Humanities Research Council of Canada medalca. 1972

Presented to Eva Kushner who was chair from 1970-1972.

2023.09, Box 3
Series: 4: Records relating to professional activities and teaching
3“International Human Rights, RSC”July 1, 1960

Copy of the Canadian Bill of Rights, signed by John Diefenbaker.