Box/File List

Kathleen Coburn

Box 1
Series: 1: General correspondence
11 Adair, Patricia 1955-1956
12 Alston, R.C.1963-1967
13 Arthur, Eric 1971-1982
14 Bald, R.C. 1939-1965
15 Beyer, Werner W. 1951-1955
16 Bloom, Harold1963-1964
17 Blunden, Edmund1946-1968
18 Boulger, James D.1956-1969
19 Brinkley, R. Florence1943-1955
110 Buchanan, Edith1958-1971
111 Carpenter, James 1966-1967
112 Cleverdon, Douglas1963
113 Cottle, A. Basil1954-1955
114 Crow, John1959-1968
115 Crump, John 1975
116 Darbishire, Helen 1949-1960
117 Davis, Bartram R.1958
118 Davis, Herbert and Gladys1963-1968
119 Fairley, Barker 1947-1962
120 Garnett, Richard 1963-1970
121 Gascoyne, David1951
122 Gordon, D.J. 1952-1953
123 Grant, Douglas 1955-1966
124 Grigson, Geoffrey 1949-1961
125 Haeger, Jack

[typescript only]

126 Hayward, John1952-1955
Box 2
Series: 1: General correspondence
21 Hodgson, Alison1965-1967
22 Hogan, Beatrice and J.P. Hogan 1958-1962
23 Jamaica 1956-1957
24 Jeffares, A. Norman 1962-1965
25 de Kresz, Norah and Geza 1955-1959
26 Logan, James V.1964-1968
27 Lewis, Naomi1963
28 Mallowan, M.E.L1963
29 Metzger, Lore1957-1974
210 Mill, Anna1957-1958
211 McPherson, Hugo and Louise1962-1966
212 Nicholson, Mary 1962
213 Norman, Sylva 1959-1969
214 Parker-Rees, Anna1964-1965
215 Pearson, Lester B. 1966
216 Penn, Margaret1960-1966
217 Pope, Willard B.1965-1967
218 Raysor, Thomas M. 1939-1958
219 Richards, I.A. and Dorothea1970-1984
220 Richards, I.A. and Dorothea cont’d [1934?]1951–1969
221 Royal Society of Canada1958-1960
222 Royal Society of Literature and British Academy 1952-1959
223 von Ruperti, W. and I. 1931-1983
224 St. Hugh’s College, Oxford 1957-1963
Box 3
Series: 1: General correspondence
31 Schneider, Elisabeth1940-1962
32 Scholars, letters from1951-1963
33 Schulz, Max 1959-1963
34 Scicluna, Hannibal P.1955
35 Seaton, Mary Ethel 1959-1974
36 Springer, Hugh 1959-1980
37 Sultana, Donald E. 1958-1975
38 Sutherland, James1963-1964
39 Thorneycroft, Gertrude1953?
310 Twentieth Century Views (Prentice Hall, Inc.)—Correspondence 1962-1967
311 Twentieth Century Views, Maynard Mack1962-1968
312 Twentieth Century Views, Pending1964-1967
313 University of Toronto—Exchange Lectures1950-1966
314 University of Wisconsin1958-1959
315 Vancouver Art Gallery, Emily Carr paintings1965
316 Watson, George1956-1976
317 Wells, Gabriel1942-1943
318 White, R.J. 1956-1974
Box 4
Series: 1: General correspondence
41 Wiley, Margaret L.1951-1956
42 Wilkinson, E. Mary1947-1970
43 Wilkinson, C.S.1953
44 Willey, Basil1950-1963
45 Willoughby, Leonard1951-1962
46 Yarlott, Geoffrey1967-1968
47 Arnold, Lorna1966-1979
48 Arnold, Lorna1966?-1968
49 Beer, Charles1969-1972
410 Beres, David1951-1980
411 Bonnycastle, Stephen & Ann1971-1980
412 British Museum and Pilgrim Trust1937-1970
413 Cacciatore, Vera1961-1977
414 Cairns, Huntington1973-1974
415 Calleo, D.P.1961-1966
416 Curry, Kenneth 1939-1977
417 Deschamps, Paul1957-1964
Box 5
Series: 1: General correspondence
51 Eichner, Hans 1965-1966
52 Eliot, Maurice Slater1965-1974
53 Forster, Leonard 1972-1984
54 Foxon, David1964-1970
55 Fry, Christopher1978-1980
56 Gardner, Helen 1962?-1978
57 Grossman, Walter 1962-1977
58 Haverford College1972
59 Indians (Canadian & Eskimo) 1962
510 Japanese Trip 1977
511 Katsurada, Rikichi 1963-1964
512 Maxwell, J.C.1957-1974
513 Moorman, Mary1951-1970
514 Iwaoka, Meiko & Nakamasa1976-1978
515 Nether Stowey College (Nat’l Trust)1963-1973
516 Okamoto, Masao1963-1978
517 Orsini Margaret, Sale of Books1978-1979
518 Owen, Margaret1950-1975
519 Poynter, F.N.L.1963-1964
520 Raphael, Chaim1977-1978
521 Renier, Anne & Fernando1950-1976
522 Schneider, Elisabeth1964-1980
Box 6
Series: 1: General correspondence
61 Schrickx, William1957-1966
62 Schulz, Max F. 1964-1981
63 Tamura, Kenji1971-1984
64 Tanabe, Takao 1964-1965
65 Times Literary Supplement, The Times1955-1978
66 Tsurumi, Kazuko 1976-1977
67 U.S.A., Jews 1974-1975
68 Warner, Francis1970
610 Watson, Vera1963-1976
611 Werkmeister, Lucyle 1954-1968
612 Willey, Basil 1964-1976
613 Wolff, Michael1966
614 Wordsworth, Jonathan1965-1983
615 Personal Correspondence, flyers1934-1944
616 Commonwealth Visiting Fellowship1961-1965
617 Association of Universities of the British Commonwealth 1961-1963
618 University of London1963-1964
619 Wordsworthians 1951-1963
620 Tillotson, Kathleen, Bedford College 1962-1964
621 Thorpe, C.D., University of Michigan1951-1957
Box 7
Series: 1: General correspondence
71 Thornton, James C. 1958-1967
72 Tabobandung1946-1956
73 Monture, Ethel Brant 1953-1959
74 Letters from K. to “Al”1923-1931
75 Fruman, Norman [reviews + letter]1972-1974
76 Gillam, Stanley1965-1980
77 Hall, John 1964-1987
78 Bookbinders1965-1984
79 MacKenzie, Norman1963-1984
710 Lovat–Dickson, Rache 1976-1984
711 Lea, Kate1966-1986
712 Knights, L.C.1966-1985
713 Jovanovich, W. 1984-1985
714 Housser, Yvonne [Typescript, correspondence]1976-1982
715 Hart–Davis, Rupert1963-1985
716 Guest–Gornall, R. 1971-1973
Box 8
Series: 1: General correspondence
81 Garnett, Richard1970-1986
82 Levere, Trevor1970-1984
83 Carr, Emily 1946-1968?
84 Harding, Anthony J. (Ed. CN V–) 1984-1988
85 Hemlow, Joyce1965-1980
86 Israel1971-1984
87 Japan, General1959-1987
88 Japan, K.C. Trip1977
89 Kato, Ryotaro1963-1983
810 Holler, E.M.1986-1988
Box 9
Series: 1: General correspondence
91 British Academy, K.C. Election—Corresponding Fellow 1973
92 Eliot, Mrs. T.S. (Valerie)1976-1990
93 Crick, Joyce 1982-1986
94 Edel, Leon1959-1982
95 Buchanan, Edith 1953-1987
96 Monture, Ethel, Indians1965-1972
97 Dimitroff, Phillip1982-1988
98 Reiman, Donald H. 1981-1986
99 Hotels, addresses, etc. 1960-1983
910 Microfilm reproduction1962-1984
911 Fairley, Barker 1964-1986
912 Adam [Carleton?] Smith, Janet1961-1985
913 Emmet, Dorothy 1964-1981
914 The Grandmothers 1965-1974
915 Oxford University Press 1978
916 Prang, Margaret1963-1985
917 Miller, Craig W. (Requests for Xeroxes etc.)1957-1986
Box 10
Series: 1: General correspondence
101 McLennan, Gordon 1977-1983
102 von Ruperti, Max1939
103 Tabobandung Family 1960-1983
104 Friends of the Osborne and Lillian H. Smith Collections1969-1979
105 Jarvis, Mary Hoskin, Historical Street Names of Toronto

copy of manuscript

106 Fidelity Trust 1976-1983
107 Seaton, M. Ethel (KC’s mentor at Oxford)1930-1966
108 Hutchinson, Joanna1949-1966
109 Philosophical Lectures of S.T.C., Correspondence 1933-1969
Box 11
Series: 1: General correspondence
111 Christensen, Merton A. 1966-1977
112 Christensen, Merton A. 1967-1977
113 Orr, Carol, Princeton University Press1970-1978
114 Orr, Carol, Princeton University Press1974-1978
115 Winer, Bart (Copy Ed. CC) 1972-1977
116 Winer, Bart1969-1971
117 Winer, Bart1967-1968
Box 12
Series: 1: General correspondence
121 Winer, Bart1959-1966
122 Mays, J.C.C. (Ed.CC) 1978-1982
123 Mays, J.C.C. 1963-1977
124 Read, Herbert and family1952-1979
125 Bennett, Harold1962-1968
126 Thorneycroft, Gertrude1946-1981
127 Barrett, John D. (Bollingen Foundation)1973-1981
128 Davis, Bertram 1958-1973
129 Wheeler, Kathleen1975
Box 13
Series: 1: General correspondence
131 Gough, Freda to K. Coburn1986
132 Royal Institution1972-1973
133 Royal Literary Fund 1968-1983
134 Royal Ontario Museum1982
135 Royal Society of Canada1983-1987
136 St. Hugh’s College1964-1987
137 Savage, Basil1969-1985
138 Schwarz, Erwin—Poetical Works
139 Silcox, David 1964-1981
1310 Sze, Mai Mai1976-1982
1311 Sotheby & Co.—S.T.C. manuscript 1968-1982
1312 Takahashi, Yasunari 1964-1985
1313 Routledge & Kegan Paul 1969-1990
1314 Robinson Family 1970-1987
1315 Tracy, Ann 1970-1987
Box 14
Series: 1: General correspondence
141 Turner, Eunice 1962-1983
142 University of Toronto Press1986-1987
143 Whalley, E. and family 1964-1987
144 Whitaker, Hilda1969-1984
145 Woof, Robert 1957-1985
146 Whiting, F.A. 1960-1979
147 Wilkinson, Mary1969-1978
148 Wordsworth Circle 1973-1984
149 Wordsworth, Dove Cottage, etc.1966-1987
1410 Yamanouchi, Hisaaki1962-1987
1411 Yura, Kimiyoshi1958-1987
1412 Zacks Abramov, Ayala1962-1989
1413 Roberts Gallery1983-1985
Box 15
Series: 1: General correspondence
151 Macpherson, Jessie 1964-1968
152 Macpherson, Jessie1969

death (1969)

153 Jessie Macpherson Memorial Fund and Etrog Sculpture1971
154 Tracy, Ann1987-1990
155 Zacks, Ayala 1969-1974
156 Correspondence re. Zacks 1971-1974
157 Beres, David 1956-1974
158 Meighen, Arthur1952-1960
159 Arthur, Eric 1970-1973??
Box 16
Series: 1: General correspondence
161 General Correspondence A–Z
Box 17
Series: 1: General correspondence
171 Correspondence, miscellaneous 1988-1991
172 Correspondence, miscellaneous 1962-1988
173 Correspondence, personal 1966-1970
174 Personal letters, G. Whalley, Herbert Read, etc.1963-1973
175 Personal Correspondence Assorted1965-1975
176 Hart–Davis, Rupert1969-1970
177 Whalley, George, (CC ed) Correspondence1970-1972
178 Whalley, George, Correspondence1973-1977
179 Whalley, George, Correspondence 1978-1984
Box 18
Series: 2: Subject correspondence
181 Coleridge Family1977-1981
182 Cockerell, Winifred and Gilbert Coleridge1948-1953
183 Coleridge, Winifred ?1932-1962
184 Coleridge, Phillis1934-1950
185 Coleridge, G.H.B1936-1946
186 Coleridge, E.H. and G.H.B. Coleridge (Wills and Copyright)
187 Coleridge, A.D.1958-1966
188 Coleridge, Richard [Lord]1970-1983
189 Colerdige, Alwyne1968-1985
1810 Coleridge, Alwyne (cont’d)1948-1967
Box 19
Series: 2: Subject correspondence
191 Coleridge, N.F.D.—his book list
192 Leggett, Annette1979-1980
193 Coleridge, Lord1953-1957
194 Coleridge, Jessie [Lady]1934-1952
195 Coleridge, Jessie [Lady]1953-1957
196 Coleridge, Jessie [Lady]1953-1957
197 Coleridge, John and Lovelace1972-1983
198 Coleridge Tomb; Ernest Raymond1961
199 Coleridge, W.H.P and Mrs.1961-1968
1910 Coleridge Family, correspondence etc.1931-1980
1911 Coleridge Family Tree
1912 Coleridge, Denise and Nicholas1949-1950
Box 20
Series: 2: Subject correspondence
201 Christabel
202 Ancient Mariner

[reviews 1799, 1811]


203 Coleridge Archives
204 Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, general comments on
205 Coleridgiana
206 British Museum gift (1937); STC MS Purchase (1949)
207 Bollingen report to 1951
208 Hart-Davis, Rupert1953-1960
209 Hart-Davis, Rupert1961-1966
2010 Boyle, Gertrude M.1964-1974
2011 Boyle, Gertrude M.1957-1963
2012 Boyle, Gertrude M.1951-1956
Box 21
Series: 2: Subject correspondence
211 Chadwick, Dr. Owen
212 British Museum, Manuscript Dept. etc.
213 Willoughby, Prof. L.A.
214 Geraldine, Sister (St. Joseph’s College)
215 Royal Society of Literature
216 Anderson, Richard G. (Bollingen Foundation)
Box 22
Series: 2: Subject correspondence
221 Guggenheim, The John Simon Memorial Foundation 1952-1958
222 Scholarships and Research Facilities
223 Ford Foundation
224 Humanities Research Council of Canada 1951
225 Modern Language Association of America1938-1948
226 Scholarships Available1949-1955
227 Leverhulme Research Fellowships1948-1959
228 University of Toronto, Grants1937-1957
229 Expenses1948-1952
Box 23
Series: 2: Subject correspondence
231 Coleridge Account (Phone slips)1986-1987
232 Rockefeller Foundations: Bellagio Centre1980-1983
233 Scholarships and Fellowships Available1959-1968
234 Canada Council1966-1985
235 Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation 1961
236 Guggenheim, The John Simon Memorial Foundation1963-1986
237 Leverhume Research Awards1960-1973
Box 24
Series: 2: Subject correspondence
241 Cambridge University Press and others1939-1949
242 Clarendon Press, Oxford1937-1972
243 Clarke, Irwin & Co.1946-1963
244 P.F. Collier & Son Corporation1959-1960
245 Massada Press Ltd., Israel1972-1975
246 McGraw–Hill Company of Canada Ltd. 1962
247 Oxford University Press1945-1962
248 The Pilot Press Ltd.1946-1951
249 Martin Secker and Warburg Ltd.1962
2410 University of Chicago Press1957-1960
2411 University of Toronto Press1952-1963
Box 25
Series: 2: Subject correspondence
251 Jonathan Cape Limited 1949
252 Farrar, Straus & Co. Inc.1950-1955
253 Harvard University Press1957-1964
254 The Macmillan Company of Canada Ltd.1969-1976
255 Princeton University Press1970-1973
256 Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd.1964-1969
257 Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd.1954-1963
258 Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd.1949-1953
Box 26
Series: 2: Subject correspondence
261 Bollingen Foundation—John D. Barrett1966-1969
262 Bollingen Foundation—John D. Barrett1951-1965
263 Bollingen Foundation—Wallace Brockway1957-1966
264 Bollingen Foundation—Wallace Brockway1952-1956
265 Bollingen Foundation—Wolfgang Sauerlander etc.1960-1967
266 Bollingen Foundation—Wolfgang Sauerlander etc.1956-1959
267 Bollingen Foundation—Vaun Gillmor1965-1976
268 Bollingen Foundation—Vaun Gillmor1954-1964
269 Bollingen Foundation—Flora Merrill1960-1962
Box 27
Series: 2: Subject correspondence
271 Research Assistant—Margaret Avison1959-1963
272 Research Assistant—S.J. Arthur; T.C. Skeat1951-1962
273 Research Assistant—Joseph Galea1959-1971
274 Research Assistant—Rev. R.J. O’Donnell1953
275 Research Asst.—Oliver Stoner [Morchard Bishop]1950-1957
276 Research Asst.—Oliver Stoner [Morchard Bishop]1958-1984
277 Housser, Yvonne1954-1962
Box 28
Series: 2: Subject correspondence
281Coleridgians correspondence – "A"1950-1984

Includes correspondence from:

  • Abraham, Mani
  • Adamson, Jeremy
  • Africa, T.W.
  • Ahmad, Munir
  • Appleyard, J.A.
  • Aronow, Gerry
  • Assumpta, Sister M.
  • Attridge, Bruce

Includes a note from Mary Rowell Jackman to Kathleen Coburn.

282Coleridgians correspondence – "B"1942-1985

Includes correspondence from:

  • Badawi, Prof.
  • Banks, T.W.
  • Barbieri, Fabrizio
  • Barcus, James E.
  • Barker, Arthur
  • Barnet, Sylvan
  • Barnard, John
  • Barresi, John
  • Beatty, Arthur
  • Beckwith, Marc
  • Berkoben, Lawrence D.
  • Betz, Paul
  • Beyer, Werner W.
  • Black, Luisa
  • Bomsey, Edward N.
  • Boulger, James D.
  • Bouslog, Charles S.
  • Bowler, E. Anne
  • Braekman, W.
  • Brayer, Abe
  • Breitkreuz, Hartmut
  • Brett, Raymond L.
  • Brisman, Leslie
  • Bygrave, Stephen
  • Byrd, Mrs.
283Coleridgians correspondence – "C"1949-1986

Includes correspondence from:

  • Calleo, David P.
  • Cameron, Kenneth Neill
  • Camp, G.C.
  • Carnall, Geoffrey
  • Carpenter, J.A.
  • Carpenter, Maurice
  • Carter, John
  • Chayes, I.H.
  • Chen, Joyce Waley[?]
  • Christy, Nicholas P.
  • Clayton, James W.
  • Cockerline, Charles W.
  • Coffman, Ralph J.
  • Cornwell, John
  • Crawford, Walter B.
  • Crunden, Mrs. Robert M.
  • Curtis, Jared
  • Cutsinger, James S.
284Coleridgians correspondence – "D & E"1957-1986

Includes correspondence from:

  • Dahl, E.J.
  • Dargel, G.W.
  • Darrach, Lisa
  • Davidson, Graham
  • Davidson, John B.
  • Davies, Lloyd G.
  • Deen, Leonard W.
  • Degrois, Madame D.
  • Demarest, Anthony
  • Deneau, Daniel P.
  • Dingwall, E.J.
  • Doughty, Owsald
  • Dowden, Peter
  • Duffy, John J.
  • Elliott, Maurice S.
  • Elwin, Malcolm
  • Emmet, Prof.
  • Empson, William
  • Eng, Erling
  • Epstein, Harry
  • Epstein, Mark
285Coleridgians correspondence – "F"1956-1985

Includes correspondence from:

  • Falck, Colin
  • Ferris, David S.
  • Findlay, G.H.
  • Fisch, Max H.
  • Fletcher, Robin
  • Flint, Allen
  • Ford, George H.
  • Ford, Stephen H.
  • Frazier, Mr. [?]
  • Frothingham, Richard
  • Fruman, Norman
  • Fullmer, June Z.
286Coleridgians correspondence – "G"1960-1987

Includes correspondence from:

  • Gardner, C.O.
  • Gatti, Hilary
  • Gelmon, Judith
  • Gérard, Albert
  • Gettmann, Royal A.
  • Goetzman, Robert
  • Gotimer, Mary Eugene
  • Gowler, Steve
  • Graziani, René
  • Gutteridge, John
287Coleridgians correspondence – "H"1951-1983

Includes correspondence from:

  • Hall, Thomas
  • Hands, Celia
  • Happel, Stephen P.
  • Haug, Claudia C.
  • Hauser, David R.
  • Henniger, Isabel
  • Higgins, Richard (Dick)
  • Hijikata, Jatswio
  • Hill, Alan G.
  • Holder, John
  • Holmes, Richard
  • Höltgen, K.J.
  • Hull, R.F.C.
  • Humfrey, Belinda
  • Hutchings, Patrick
288Coleridgians correspondence – "J" & "K"1956-1982, [n.d.]

Includes correspondence from:

  • Jenkins, Patricia M.
  • Johnson, Mary Lynn
  • Jones, Charles E.
  • Jones, Peter N.
  • Joseph, M.K.
  • Kaufman, Paul
  • Keeney, Steven H.
  • Keppel-Jones, David
  • Keppler, Carl
  • Kessler, Edward
  • Keynes, Geoffrey
  • Kibler, James
  • King-Hele, Desmond
  • Kirkwood, James J.
  • Kitson, Peter
Box 29
Series: 2: Subject correspondence
291Coleridgians correspondence – "L"1951-1981

Includes correspondence from:

  • Lacey, Paul A.
  • Lange, Donald
  • Lange, Norman
  • Lefebure, Molly
  • Levy, David
  • Lindsay, Julian
  • Lockridge, Laurence S.
  • Lonsdale, Roger
  • Lyman Jr., Dean B.
292Coleridgians correspondence – "M"1950-1987

Includes correspondence from:

  • Mackinder, Dorothy
  • Marshall, William H.
  • Martin, C.G.
  • Maynard, Diana
  • McAleer, Edward C.
  • McConnell, Marion
  • McElderry Jr., B.R.
  • McGillivray, James D.
  • McKusick, James C.
  • McManaway, James G.
  • McMillan, Montague
  • McNeillie, Andrew
  • Meier, H.H.
  • Meighen, Rt. Hon. Arthur
  • Mercer, Dorothy
  • Miall, David S.
  • Miami University (Frank Jordan)
  • Miller, Arnold V.
  • Miller, Milton
  • Miller Jr., John T.
  • Mishra, Shrikrishna
  • Morrow, John
  • Moynihan, Martin J.
  • Mudge, Bradford K.
  • Muecke, D.C.
  • Mulvany, J.A. (includes journal issue of Cumbria Lake District Life, Vol. 23, No. 6, Sept. 1973)
293Coleridgians correspondence – "N" & "O"1971-1985

Includes correspondence from:

  • Nabholtz, John R.
  • Nettesheim, Josefine
  • Niebuhr, Richard R.
  • Nye, Eric W.
  • Orman, John
294Coleridgians correspondence – "P"1942-1984

Includes correspondence from:

  • Pappageorge, Julia M.
  • Parker, Reeve
  • Patterson Jr., Charles I.
  • Pearce, Donald
  • Philip, John R.
  • Plotz, Judith A.
  • Pollin, Burton R.
  • Pottle, Frederick A.
  • Potts, Abbie Findlay
  • Powell, L.B.
  • Preyer, Robert O.
  • Priestly, Julia S.
  • Pym, David P.
295Coleridgians correspondence – "R"1951-1986

Includes correspondence from:

  • Rao, K.S.N.
  • Reid, S.W.
  • Ridenour, G.
  • Robbins, Derek M.
  • Roberts, Andrew
  • Roos, Arnold
  • Rosenbaum, Barbara
  • Rosenheim, Edward
  • Rukeyser, Muriel
  • Rule, Philip C.
  • Russell, S.H.
  • Russo, John Paul
296Coleridgians correspondence – "S"1951-1983

Includes correspondence from:

  • Salter, F.M.
  • Salvatori, Mariolina
  • Sanders, C.R.
  • Sanderson, David R.
  • Sankey Jr., Benjamin T.
  • Sastri, P.S.
  • Schimmel, Harold
  • Schulz, Max F.
  • Seronsy, Cecil C.
  • Shaffer, Elinor S.
  • Shields, John C.
  • Shipps, Anthony W.
  • Shotton, John
  • Shuter, William F.
  • Silver, Brenda R.
  • Simmons, J.S.G.
  • Sloan, Phillip
  • Sloane, Eugene H.
  • Small, Thomas E.
  • Smith, Bernard
  • Smith, David
  • Smith, W.D.A. (Denis)
  • Stephens, Fran
  • Strickland, Edward
  • Stuart, John A.
  • Suguna, A.
297Coleridgians correspondence – "T" & "V"1955-1986

Includes correspondence from:

  • Taylor, Anya
  • Thorpe, William H.
  • Todd, Ruthven
  • Tuck, J.P.
  • Viebrock, Helmut
  • Visweswariah, H.S.
298Coleridgians correspondence – "W"1951-1985

Includes correspondence from:

  • Ward, Aileen
  • Waterman, A.M.C.
  • Watson, Jeanie
  • Weaver, Ann C.
  • Weaver, Jack W.
  • Weber, C.A.
  • Weinglass, D.H.
  • Weissman, Steve M.
  • Wellek, René
  • Wendling, Ronald C.
  • Whitney, Ross R.
  • Wieden, F.
  • Wiener, Philip P.
  • Williams, Geoffrey B.
  • Willis, Irene Cooper
  • Wilson, Douglas
  • Wilson, John C. (Jack)
  • Windthorst, Rolf E.
  • Wittreich, Joseph
  • Wright, John W.
299Coleridgians correspondence – "Y" & "Z"1967-1970

Includes correspondence from:

  • Yates, Francis
  • Zall, Paul M.
  • Gerald [?]
Box 30
Series: 2: Subject correspondence
301 Orsini, G.N.G. (early CC ed.)1963-1976
302 Erdman, David C. (CC ed..1955-1974
303 Abrams, M.H. (CC ed.)1953-1975
304 Patton, Lewis (CC ed.)1954-1975
305 Bosstetter, E.E. (CC ed.)1955-1976
306 Rooke, Barbara (CC.1965-1979
307 Rooke, Barbara (CC ed.)1953-1964
Box 31
Series: 2: Subject correspondence
31 Letters of Recommendation A–P
Box 32
Series: 2: Subject correspondence
32 Letters of Recommendation R–Z
Box 33
Series: 2: Subject correspondence
331 The Bodley Head1976-1982
332 In Pursuit of Coleridge: Congratulatory Letters1977-1984
333 Clarke Irwin—In Pursuit of Coleridge1977-1983
334 Correspondence—In Pursuit of Coleridge1975-1977
335 Vic. Univ.—Appointment of K.C. as Assistant Head of Women’s Residences1930-1932
336 Louis Muhlstock1952
337 E.J. Pratt Family and Library1953-1970
338 International Student Centre1967-1970
339 University of Toronto Library1952-1957
3310 Liberal Arts Club of Vic. EJP The Last Spike1952
3311 Committee re pensions, etc. in Victoria Univ.
3312 Jessie Macpherson Art Acquisition Fund1974-1977
3313 Archives—material for
Box 34
Series: 2: Subject correspondence
341 McGibbon, Pauline1973-1975
342 Morgan, Peter (University College)1976
343 Coleridge—Representative Poetry
344 Victoria College, English Department1969-1986
345 Victoria College, Council, Senate Publications1982-1985
346 Victoria College, President and Principal 1970, 1984-1986
347 Victoria College, KC Insurance, Pension1969-1981
348 University of Toronto, Dept. of English1984
349 Order of Canada, Kathleen Coburn et al1974-1987
3410 Univ. Toronto Information Services1977, 1986
3411 Coburn Family1960-1987
3412 Kathleen Coburn—Dr. of Sacred Letters1986
3413 Trent University—Honorary Degrees1975-1986
3414 Cambridge University—Honorary Degrees1975
3415 Conference on Editorial Problems, U of T.1971-1985
3416 Long Service Honour Award—University of Toronto1978
3417 Princeton University—Honorary Degree 1983
3418 University of British Columbia—Hon. Degree 1975
Box 35
Series: 2: Subject correspondence
351 Graduate Students—Correspondence etc.1969-1984
352 University of Toronto—Honorary Degree 1978
353 Victoria University—Sesquicentennial 1987
354 Barnes, Robin (neé Valliant)1970-1976
355 Victoria University—Chief Librarian1969-1987
356 Massey College—Correspondence1974-1979
357 The Royal Society of Canada—Chauveau Medal 1979
358 Vic. Univ.—100th Anniversary of First Woman Graduate1984
359 Victoria University—Reception for K. Coburn 1983
3510 University of Toronto—University College1969-1971
3511 Victoria University—Correspondence, General1972-1987
3512 Victoria University—Sororities 1963
3513 York University
3514 Curriculum Vitae—Kathleen Coburn
3515 Timothy King—Accounts, Pickering College1984
3516 Timothy King—Correspondence with Sheldon Clark 1983-1984
3517 Timothy King—Correspondence with Hans Pape 1984
3518 Timothy King—Correspondence with Department of Indian Affairs1983-1985
3519 Timothy King—Miscellaneous1983-1984
3520 Photographs—K. Coburn, Colleagues and Friends
Box 36
Series: 2: Subject correspondence
361 List of Handwriting found in VUL Coleridge Collection
362 Cipher and Drawings in CN III and Photostat (?) of prospectus for STC’s Philosophical lectures
363 Complimentary Copy List, STC Notebooks Vol. I, II, III1961-1974
364 STC Notebooks K. Coburn Inquiries1948-1957
365 STC Notebooks K. Coburn Inquiries1958-1961
366 STC Notebooks K. Coburn Inquiries1962-1983
367 STC Notebooks Vol. III, KC Inquiries1947-1970
368 STC Notebooks Vols. IV & V, KC Inquiries1972-1975
369 STC Notebooks Vols. IV & V, KC Inquiries1976-1987
3610 “New” Notebook? 1984
Box 37
Series: 2: Subject correspondence
371 General Inquiries to K. Coburn1948-1986
372 STC Notebooks, Astronomy: Jon Darius1976-1982
373 STC Notebooks I & II, Desiderata
374 STC Notebooks—Merton Christensen’s material
375 STC Notebooks III—Cambridge University Press1968-1972
376 STC Notebooks IV—Lorna Arnold (research) notes
377 STC Notebooks IV—Galley changes
378 STC Notebooks—Correspondence re Concordance Index 1975-1987
379 STC Notebooks—Concordance Index
3710 Index Rules
3711 Photographs, S.T.Coleridge, Lake District
3712 Photographs

STC, Ottery St. Mary, Notebook pages, etc.

Box 38
Series: 2: Subject correspondence
381 Christensen, Merton, Correspondence1981-1985
382 Christensen, Merton, Correspondence1979-1980
383 Christensen, Merton, Correspondence1972-1978
384 Christensen, Merton, Correspondence1966-1971
Box 39
Series: 2: Subject correspondence
391 Collected Coleridge Logo
392 Collected Coleridge Announcements
393 Collected Coleridge Style Sheet and Editorial Directives
394 Collected Coleridge Eds.: Team Letters, etc.1959-1987
395 Collected Coleridge Addenda and Corrigenda
396 Collected Coleridge—Libraries—Inquiries1963-1981
397 Collected Coleridge—Editors: Projected Dates1969-1984
398 Barfield, Owen, (CC co-ed. with KC) Philosophical Lects: Correspondence1981-1987
399 Barfield, Owen, Correspondence1963-1980
Box 40
Series: 2: Subject correspondence
401 Collected Coleridge—Bate, W. Jackson (Ed., Biographia Literaria)—Correspondence1967-1985
402 Collected Coledridge—Beer, John (Ed.,)—Correspondence1956-1987
403 Collected Coleridge—Colmer, John (Ed., Church and State)—Correspondence1954-1985
404 Collected Coleridge—Engell, James (Ed. Biographia Literaria)—Correspondence1979-1983
405 Collected Coleridge—Erdman, David (Ed. Essays on his own Times)—Correspondence1965-1984
406 Collected Coleridge—Erdman, David (Ed. Essays on his own Times)—Correspondence1958-1964
Box 41
Series: 2: Subject correspondence
411 Collected Coleridge—Jackson, Heather and Robin de J. (Eds, Shorter Works and Fragments, Marginalia (HJ) and Logic)—Correspondence1978-1987
412 Collected Coleridge—Jackson, Heather and Robin de J. (Eds, Shorter Works and Fragments, Logic and Marginalia (HJ))—Correspondence1960-1977
413 Collected Coleridge—Mays, J.C.C. (Ed. Poetical Works)—Correspondence1982-1987
414 Collected Coleridge—McFarland, Thomas (Ed. Philosophical Lectures & Opus Maximum)—Correspondence1963-1985
415 Collected Coleridge—Mann, J.P. (Ed. Theological Lectures)—Correspondence1953-1983
416 Rooke, Barbara (KC exec. of her estate) papers
Box 42
Series: 2: Subject correspondence
421 Collected Coleridge—Bollingen Foundation1972-1979
422 Collected Coleridge—General Introduction 1963
423 Collected Coleridge—Blurbs on editors and editions1962-1978
424 Collected Coleridge—Woodring, Carl (Ed. Table Talk)—Correspondence1974-1986
425 Collected Coleridge—Woodring, Carl (Ed.Table Talk)—Correspondence1959-1973
426 Collected Coleridge—Princeton University Press1981-1987
427 Collected Coleridge—Bailey, Herbert S., Dir, Princeton University Press1969-1985
428 Collected Coleridge—Hitchcock, Joanna, Asst. Dir.,Princeton University Press1985-1986
429 Collected Coleridge—McGuire, William, Princeton University Press1967-1984
Box 43
Series: 2: Subject correspondence
431 Princeton University Press—Correspondence Production Editors: [Powers, E.; Brown, R.]1979-1988
432 Princeton University Press—Sounders, Bev (accounts)1975-1987
433 Princeton University Press—Norin, Art and others (accounts)1968-1975
434 Winer, Bart—CC Copy Editor correspondence1977-1988
435 Princeton University Press—Thatcher, Sandford, Asst1978-1981


436 Princeton University Press—Thatcher, Sanford1982-1985
437 Barth, Rev. J. Robert—Correspondence1966-1986
438 Beer, John—(CC ed. Aids to Reflection)—correspondence1982-1984
439 Foakes, Reg—(CC ed. Literary Lectures)1983-1984
Box 44
Series: 2: Subject correspondence
441 Jackson, Heather—Correspondence with F. Gough1985
442 Mann, Peter (CC ed. Lectures 1795) Correspondence1984
443 Hart-Davis, Rupert—Correspondence1963-1974
444 Microfilm (Preston Microfilming) 1960
445 Bollingen-Rupert Hart-Davis Contract1964
446 Chronocological Tables of S. T. Coleridge’s life
447 Indexers—Miscellaneous1961-1969
448 Acknowledgements—CC
Box 45
Series: 3: Research and editorial records
451 GW: Archiv für den Thierischen Magnetisismus
452 Handwriting/Various
453 STC Notebooks—Location of etc.
454 Tennemann MS Correspondence
455 Christabel—Sotheby’s
456 Kubla Khan
457 STC Library Borrowings (from University of Gottingen)
458 Indexers and Researchers1968-1984
459 STC: Contributions to Periodicals etc.
4510 British Museum MSS: 2800, 2801, 47864
4511 CN: Style Sheet, etc.
4512 CC: Style Sheets and notes etc.
Box 46
Series: 3: Research and editorial records
461 Cornell University Library—Correspondence1936-1962
462 Yale University Library—Correspondence1936-1968
463 New York Public Library (Berg Coll.)—Correspondence1947-1976
464 Bristol Public Library—Correspondence1958-1960
465 British Library—Correspondence 1984
466 Dendurent, H.O.—Correspondence1970-1974
467 Booksellers Catalogues (STC Items)
468 Duke University Library—Correspondence1960-1969
469 Liverpool Public Library and University of Liverpool Library—Correspondence1960-1961
4610 Folger Shakespeare Library—Correspondence1960-1968
4611 Gillman Sale Catalogue (Blackwood’s 531) & typescript
4612 Library of Congress—Correspondence1937-1980
4613 Huntington Library—Correspondence1931-1980
4614 Libraries and Museums, General—Correspondence1935-1982

plus STC holdings

4615 Coleridge, A.H.B.—Correspondence 1964
4616 McGill University, Redpath Library—Correspondence 1960
4617 Harvard Library 1961?-1978
Box 47
Series: 3: Research and editorial records
471 Ottery Manuscripts
472 Victoria College Library—Acquisitions
473 Pierpont Morgan Library—Correspondence1950-1967
474 Princeton University Library1960-1968
475 Southey CollectionWinter 1980

The Wordsworth Circle

476 Victoria College Library—Notes on Collection
477 Victoria College Library—STC Marginalia in Collection
478 University of London Library—A.L. 298
479 United States, Libraries etc.—Coleridge Holdings
4710 University of Kentucky Library, Peal Collection—Coleridge Holdings
4711 STC Notebooks—correspondence and clippings re photographing them
Box 48
Series: 3: Research and editorial records
481 University of Texas—Coleridge Collection holdings and Correspondence1960-1980
482 United States, Libraries—Inquiries re Coleridge holdings1960-1979
483 Victoria College Library—Purchase of Coleridge Collection and other STC MSS1952-1983
484 Book Repair1982
485 Second Lay Sermon (1817)—Correspondence1970-1971
486 Malta Garrison Library—List of contents
487 United States, Libraries—STC Holdings (Richard Haven List)
488 Notebook Transcripts E.H.C. (from Mr. King of Blackwells’)
489 Notebook Material—General Notes
4810 Notebooks, vol. III—Miscellaneous
4811 Notebooks—Description of Contents
4812 Notebook 23.21—photocopy
4813 Notebook 25

typescript (not complete)

4814 Notebook 33

(photocopy of MS)

4815 Notebook 37

typescript (not complete)

4816 Notebook 61


Box 49
Series: 3: Research and editorial records
491 Medical entries: typescript pp.


492 Allston, Washington—Correspondence with H.W.L. Dana and with Gazette des Beaux-Arts1942-1944
493 Beaumont, George—Catalogues (2) from Leicester Art Gallery
494 Cochrane, Lord/S.T. Coleridge plus a photo of STC labelled “The Betham miniature”
495 German in STC’s Notebooks and translation.
496 Hebrew alphabet
497 Hutchinson, Sara—Keepsakes etc.
498 Hutchison, Sara—References to STC in S.H. Letters, List of S.H. Letters; List of names used in S.H. Letters; S.H. fragments
499 Imagination—C. etc.
4910 Indexing—preparation of cards etc.
4911 Kubla Khan—Correspondence 1960
4912 Personal, STC connections, addresses etc.
4913 Lakes country: STC notebooks—transcriptions
4914 Latin entries in Notebooks
4915 Malta—Correspondence, clippings, etc.
4916 Notes, Miscellaneous unlocated
4917 Newton—Notes from F.E.L. Priestley1982
4918 Psychoanalytical material in connection with STC Notebooks
4919 Scottish Tour—K.C.
4920 Shorthand (Gurney System)—KC inquiry 1937
4921 “Soother in Absence”—TLS clipping 1953
4922 Southey and S.T.C.—photocopies of their MSS
4923 Stoddart, J.—copies of letters 1801
4924 Foakes, Reginald A., CC ed. Literary Lectures—Correspondence1962-1973
4925 Foakes, Reginald A., CC ed. Literary Lectures—Correspondence1974-1987
Box 50
Series: 3: Research and editorial records
501 Aids to Reflection—photocopies
502 Biographica Literaria—Correspondence, corrections etc.
503 Church and State—corrections etc.
504 Essays on His Own Times—Correspondence, corrections etc.
505 Essay on Method—Correspondence 1962
506 The Friend—typescript of Introduction
507 The Friend—Notes1809-1810
508 The Friend—Work in Progress; galleys, notes etc.
509 The Friend—Revised MSS, notes, correspondence etc.
5010 The Friend—Serial No.’s and collation tables
5011 The Friend—Latin
Box 51
Series: 3: Research and editorial records
511 Lay Sermons—Manuscript copies, notes, correspondence1971-1976
512 Lay Sermons—Notes, correspondence1966-1970
513 Literary Lectures—Notes, MSS, correspondence1964-1979
514 Literary Remains—Notes, correspondence 1976
515 Marginalia Vol. II typescript and notes
516 Logic—Notes, Correspondence1976-1978
517 Marginalia—Notes, Correspondence1964-1981
Box 52
Series: 3: Research and editorial records
521 Marginalia I & II: typed notes
522 Opus Maximum—Notes, photocopies STC MSS
523 Philosophical Lectures 11 & 12—KC/OB roughs, photographs etc.
524 Philosophical Lectures 2 to 11—KC/OB roughs
525 Poetical Works—Correspondence, notes etc.1966-1982
Box 53
Series: 3: Research and editorial records
531 Shorter Works and Fragments—MSS, notes, revisions, etc.
532 Coleridge Notebook 3 1/2.70 typescript
533 Table Talk—Working papers
534 Table Talk—Working papers cont’d1973-1975
535 Theological Lectures—Inquiries1966
536 The Watchman—notes
Box 54
Series: 3: Research and editorial records
541 Levere, Trevor—Correspondence and notes1971-1990
542 Whalley, George—Correspondence and notes1968-1981
543 Marginalia style; off-print (lost marg.); roughs
544 Medical Entries in Coleridge’s Notebooks
545 Monkhouse Family


546 Jackson, Robin de J.—Correspondence and notes1972-1976
547 Sara Coleridge to Aubery de Vere and ?Sara Norton and M.A. De Wolfe Howe?—Transcriptions of Letters
548 Dating Problems in CC
549 Haven, Richard—Correspondence 1949–1976 and “Chronological Listing 1793–1834”1949-1976


5410 Winer, Bart re Marginalia—Correspondence with F. Gough1986-1987
5411 Modiano, Raimonda (researcher)—Correspondence1977-1987
5412 The Friend, Index—Correspondence, etc.1966-1967
5413 Darius, Jon—Correspondence re astronomy1976-1978
5414 Crick, Joyce (researcher)—Correspondence1975-1986
5415 Winer, Bart—Correspondence1968-1978
Box 55
Series: 3: Research and editorial records
551 Philosophical Lectures—3–6; 10 & 11: rough notes
552 Philosophical Lectures II & XI—Notes from Lorna Arnold
553 Philosophical Lectures I–XIV—Draft intro., Notes, MSS, etc.
554 Marginalia—Correspondence, and draft notes
555 Aids to Reflection—Photocopies AR (1825) Correspondence
556 Shorter Works and Fragments—draft, notes, etc.
Box 56
Series: 3: Research and editorial records
561 Collected Coleridge Style Sheet 19641964
562 Princeton University Press—Correspondence, editorial and financial1973-1974
563 Arnold, Lorna—Correspondence, notes etc.1975-1979
564 Aids to Reflection—Photocopies of notes from John Beer
565 Poetical Works—correspondence and photocopies : J.C.C. Mays, Richard Garnett, J. Hitchcock, J. Crick and notes etc.1984-1988
566 Philosophical Lecture—marked up MSS, notes, etc.
567 Philosophical Lecture XI—rough notes
568 Philosophical Lecture XII—rough notes, MSS, notes etc.
569 Philosophical Lecture XIII—rough notes, MSS, notes etc.
Box 57
Series: 3: Research and editorial records
571 Coleridge Notebooks vol. IV—Galley corrections
572 Coleridge Notebooks—Lists and Contents
573 Concordial Index—Correspondence1982-1984
574 Coleridge Notebooks vol. V—Correspondence A. Harding (CN ed.)1985-1986
575 Coleridge Notebooks vol. III—Latin notes
576 Coleridge Notebooks vol. III—Language Lists
577 Coleridge Notebooks vols. I, II, III—Addenda and Corrigenda
578 Coleridge Notebooks vol. III—Addenda and Corrigenda
579 Coleridge Notebooks vol. I—Addenda and Corrigenda
5710 Coleridge Notebooks vol. II—Addenda and Corrigenda
5711 Coleridge Notebooks—Description & condition of
5712 Coleridge Notebooks—Material for vols. IV and V
5713 Coleridge Notebooks vol. III—Acknowledgements list
5714 Ancient Mariner—Notes for possible film script
5715 Coleridge Notebook 29?—Typescript
5716 Coleridge Notebooks vol. V—Rough notes
Box 58
Series: 3: Research and editorial records
581 Coleridge Notebook 29—Typescript, corrections
582 Coleridge Notebook 29—first rough text and M. Avison’s notes
583 Coleridge Notebooks vol. IV—“The Unsolved in CN IV”, queries etc.
584 Nye, Eric W.—Correspondence re STC portraits1982-1988
585 Kubla Khan—PMLA article (Oct. 1974) and notes on a BBC TV program1974
586 Kabbala

notes and photocopies

587 Italian translations (Beatrice Corrigan)
588 Italian notes—Volume 3+
589 Latin—ref. CC and CN
5810 Re Gillman family 1972
5811 Gibbon Muratori—CN III1966
5812 Coleridge Notebooks, general—listing of no. of leaves etc.
Box 59
Series: 3: Research and editorial records
591 Coleridge Notebook 39

bound carbon copy typescript with corrections

592 Coleridge Notebook 38

bound carbon copy typescript with corrections

593 Coleridge Notebook 40

bound carbon copy typescript with corrections

594 Coleridge Notebook 37

bound carbon copy typescript with corrections

595 Coleridge Notebook 18

typescript with corrections “for typing”

596 Coleridge Notebook 48

bound carbon copy typescript with corrections

597 Coleridge Notebook 45

bound carbon copy typescript with corrections

598 Coleridge Notebook 47

bound carbon copy typescript with corrections

599 Coleridge Notebook 46

bound carbon copy typescript with corrections

5910 Colerdige Notebook 59

bound carbon copy typescript with corrections

5911 Coleridge Notebook 56

bound carbon copy typescript with corrections

5912 Coleridge Notebook 44

bound carbon copy typescript with corrections

5913 Colerdige Notebook 43

bound carbon copy typescript with corrections

Box 60
Series: 3: Research and editorial records
601 Coleridge Notebook 42

bound carbon copy typescript with corrections

602 Coleridge Notebook 41

bound carbon copy typescript with corrections

603 Coleridge Notebook 34

bound carbon copy typescript with corrections

604 Coleridge Notebook 35

bound carbon copy typescript with corrections

605 Coleridge Notebook 20

bound carbon copy typescript with corrections

606 Coleridge Notebook 51

bound carbon copy typescript with corrections

607 Colerdige Notebook 52

bound carbon copy typescript with corrections

608 Coleridge Notebook 53

bound carbon copy typescript with corrections

609 Coleridge Notebook 54

bound carbon copy typescript with corrections

6010 Coleridge Notebook 55

bound carbon copy typescript with corrections

6011 Coleridge Notebook 25

bound carbon copy typescript with corrections

6012 Coleridge Notebook 36

bound carbon copy typescript with corrections

6013 Coleridge Notebook 33

bound carbon copy typescript and MS with corrections

Box 61
Series: 4: Lectures and publication files
611 “The Writer and Society in the Nineteenth Century; Prose”



612 University of Toronto Review (Spring 1980)—Interview with K.C.1980
613 “The Canadian Essay” (1948)1948

MS, typescript, notes


614 “The Indian in Canadian Literature”

typescript, notes, clippings etc.


615 “The Indian in Canadian Literature”

notes, clippings, etc.


616 The Canadian Forum: “The Case of Mr. Ojibway” (42) and “Red Man’s Burden” (44)

Copies of notes, typescript etc.


617 U of T. Quarterly (July 1956) KC’s review of “Flight of the Skylark” by Sylva Norman1956
618 Canadian Forum (January 1947)—review of Emily Carr’s “Growing Pains”1947
619 The Canadian Forum (August 1944)—KC reviews of Stefan George’s “Poems”1944
6110 The Portcullis Theatre

typescript of article on by K.C.


Box 62
Series: 4: Lectures and publication files
621 “Coleridge and the Sense of Restraint”

typescripts and notes

622 Riddell Memorial Lectures—typescript of “The Self Conscious Imagination: a study of the Coleridge Notebooks” delivered at King’s College, University of DurhamFebruary, 1973
623 “Coleridge on Shakespeare”—typescript of lecture for Japan but not used October, 1977
624 Miscellaneous Lectures—typescripts (“The Indian in Canadian Literature”; “Nineteenth Century Poetry”; “The Writer and Society in the Nineteenth Century; Prose”; “The Canadian Essay”; “Virginia Woolf, A discussion of some of her novels”
625 Typescript for a lecture on Coleridge and philosophy, Madison, Wisconsin16 October, 1978
626 S.T.C. Bicentenary Talks, 19721972

partial typescript and 2 photographs


627 Alexander Lectures1977

correspondence, notes, typescripts etc.


628 Alexander Lecture II

MS and typescript (with corrections)


629 Alexander Lecture I

Typescript (with corrections)


6210 Alexander Lecture III

Typescript (with corrections etc.)


6211 Alexander Lectures

Correspondence, guest list etc.


6212 Inquiring Spirit (paperback 1979)1979

correspondence, proofs, etc.


Box 63
Series: 4: Lectures and publication files
631 Modern Language Review—KC review of Letters of C. & M. Lamb ed. Edwin W. Marrs
632 Collins Illustrated Dictionary of Biography—Contribution on S.T.C.

Correspondence and typescript


633 Letters of Sarah Hutchinson, ed. K.C.

Correspondence, notes etc.


634 OEA Lecture, “Wordsworth and Coleridge”, 194?



635 British and Canadian Broadcasting Corporations



636 Lectures (various) and correspondence
637 University of Toronto Quarterly (1956),—“Coleridge & Wordsworth & the Supernatural”1956



638 Highgate Literary and Scientific Institution—“Coleridge in Highgate” and correspondence1972-1983
639 Con Scotts, Especially Scott194?

typescript for lecture? article?


6310 “Coleridge Redevivus,” in The Major English Romantic Poets—Correspondence re K.C. contribution1954-1957
6311 “Hazlitt on the Disinterested Imagination,”—Correspondence, typescript, notes etc.1959-1963
6312 Inquiring Spirit—Correspondence1950-1980
6313 Inquiring Spirit, Piracy—Correspondence 1979
6314 “Poet into Public Servant”, (Royal Society of Canada)—Typescripts
6315 Japan, visit Oct/Nov 1977—Various talks1977
6316 Christ’s Hospital Bicentenary of STC—KC Talk (1972)—Correspondence, typescript, etc.1972
6317 Bicentenary of STC’s Birth (1972—Correspondence, clippings, etc.)1972-1974
6318 The Royal Institution Lecture—Correspondence, typescript, notes etc.October, 1972
Box 64
Series: 4: Lectures and publication files
641 Reviews, various—Correspondence, typescripts, notes etc.1956-1981
642 “The Self Conscious Imagination, The Riddell Memorial Lectures”—Correspondence, typescript, notes etc.1973
643 “Coleridge and Restraint,” U of T QuarterlyApril, 1969



644 Gian Orsini Memorial Colloquium, Talk—Correspondence, typescriptOctober, 1968
645 I.A.R. [Richards] and S.T.C.—Typescript



646 The Listener, Sept. 1949, (B.B.C.)—“Coleridge’s Notebooks”, article by K.C., typescripts, copy of Listener1949
647 Newspapers, letters to by K.C.1964-1976
648 “The Interpenetration of Man and Nature”, Warton Lecture, British Academy, Feb. 1963—Correspondence, typescript, notes, proofs1962-1965
649 Reflexions in a Coleridge Mirror (Prentice Hall 1965)—typescript1965



Box 65
Series: 4: Lectures and publication files
651 The Commonwealth Scholar (Spring 1963)1938, 1944, 1963

contains article by J.R. de J. Jackson, “Coleridge and Professor Coburn’s Edition”; Victoria Library Bulletin (March 1938)—contains article on K.C. and unpublished Coleridge Note-books; Gazette des Beaux-Arts V 25: 249–52, April, 1944 [pp. 249, 250 only], “Notes on Washington Allston from the unpublished notebooks of S.T. Coleridge” by ?

652 Reviews and offprints by K.C.1956, 1959

e.g. Queen’s Quarterly, Vol. LXVI, No. 3, 1959—contains “Biography in Depth, the `Whole Soul’ of Wordsworth”; Univ. of Toronto Quarterly, Vol. XXV, No. 2, January, 1956—contains “Coleridge and Wordsworth and ‘the Supernatural’”

653 MLN, May, 1960—review of Collected Letters of S.T.C. by E.L. Griggs, vols. 3 & 4 (incomplete); Modern Philology, May 1960, Review of vols. 1–4.1960
654 Clippings, typescript, etc., of articles, reviews by K.C.
655 Reviews (scrapbook)1957, 1961

The Notebooks of Samuel Taylor Coleridge (Vol. I, 1957 and Vol. II, 1961)

656 Reviews (scrapbook)1949, 1951, 1954

The Philosophical Lectures of S.T.C. (1949); The Grandmothers (1949); Inquiring Spirit, 1951; The Letters of Sara Hutchinson 1954.

657 Reviews: Experience into Thought and Inquiring Spirit
658 Reviews: The Notebooks of S.T.C., Vol. III
659 Reviews: “Self-Conscious Imagination”
6510 Reviews: In Pursuit of Coleridge
Box 66
Series: 4: Lectures and publication files
661 Unpublished typescript (2 pp) and MS by K.C.
662 UofT exam booklet with “K.C. Lit. Abortions” written on it containing pencilled ? and loose notes
663 Notebook with notes re V. Woolf at back and re “The Grandmothers”? at front containing clippings and random? notes etc.
664 Various notes, correspondence (in German) for ? “The Grandmothers”?
665 Notes, correspondence [with publishers and Lillian H. Smith] drawings re MS called “Georgian Bay Holiday”
666 Envelope containing MS “Adventure the Fifth, Two Royal Rides” by Kip Emerson [K.C.]; reader’s report on “Kitchikewana’s Heel” by Kip Emerson; letter and agreement between K.C. & Wm. Collins Sons to buy “Kitchikewana’s Heel” for $250
667 Draft typescript and proofs of The Grandmothers titled “Hands and Eyes”


668 Correspondence, notes, page proofs of The Grandmothers1948-1949
669 Typescript (corrected and marked up) of In Pursuit of Coleridge
Box 67
Series: 4: Lectures and publication files
671 Typescript of In Pursuit of Coleridge with list of corrections for typesetter (in binder)
672 The Grandmothers, Correspondence 1949–1951, letters of congratulation, clippings, illustrations, copies of reviews, etc.1949-1951
Box 68
Series: 5: Scrapbooks and journals
681 “Undergraduate Scrapbook”
682 K.C. Diary/journal notes, scrapbook items, loose papers1930-1931
683 K.C. Diary/journal notes1930's–1940's but mostly 1950's–1960's
Box 69
Series: 6: Personal files
691 Cranfield House, Apt. 15, 97 Southampton Row, London W.C. 1—Correspondence re purchase, legal matters, etc.1968-1983
692 Cranfield House, rental correspondence, bills, Cranfield House Residents Association, etc.1984-1991
693 Conreal Inc.—Correspondence, legal papers related to the Estate of Samuel Zacks1982-1985
694 MacFarlanes, Solicitors—Correspondence re taxation1973-1976
695 Binder containing notes from K.C.’s caretakers1987-1988

Includes a letter from Lilian Conway to Freda Gough about Kathleen Coburn's condition. 

696 Correspondence—various (mostly personal)1975, 1982-1985
697 Correspondence—various (personal). Correspondents include Laurens van der Post (1980), Jean Little (1961), and John Livingstone (1931)1931, 1961, 1980
698 Correspondence from Lawren Harris re the purchase by Kathleen Coburn of paintings by Emily Carr 1943-1946
Box 70
Series: 6: Personal files
701 Passports, K.C. (8)1948-1991
702 Date books (21)1950s-1970s
703 Legal documents

(i.e. J. McPherson’s will, mortgages etc.)

704 Doctor of Letters degree from U.B.C.–K.C.1976
705 Speeches re Doctors of Letters degree, University of Toronto1978
706 Birth certificate, Toronto Memorial Society membership card
707 Address books
Box 71
Series: 3: Research and editorial records
711 Christabel—Notes, photocopies, photographs, correspondence1951-1971
712 Coleridge—note on Christabel, Vic Report (March 1938), notes on Coleridge MSS (unpublished STC notebooks)1938
713 “Selections from the Coleridge Notebooks”

typescript and notes

714 Omniana—pages of book pasted on legal sized pages with handwritten notes, amended footnotes etc.

[in brown envelope with Morchard Bishop’s name and address on it?]

Box 72
Series: 7: Graphic materials
72 /OS11 album (50 photographs: b&w). Photographs of friends, family, Baysville and the Ox Tongue River. [191-?]


72 /OS21 album (310 photographs: b&w). "Photographs varied 1919-1928."1919-1928

Photograph album contains photographs of Harbord Collegiate, Wychwood Park, Camp Kitchekewana on Beausoleil Island and Camp Couchiching.  Also contains photographs of Victoria College campus, University of Toronto campus as well as Victoria College class and team photographs, including the Vic 1924 girls softball team and Vic 1928 girls hockey team, with identified individuals (see below).

1 photograph: b&w. Girls softball team Vic1924, Individuals identified: Ruth Hazelwood, Lulu Bates, Helen Brett, Peter Partridge, Marion Horton, Helen White, Marjorie Scott, Francis Swine, Nellie Buckle, Dorothy Carver, K. Coburn.

1 photograph: b&w. Class photograph, individuals identified: Dorothy Endicott, K. Coburn, Isabel Creighton, Jean Nichol, Marie Tremaine, Lorna Cotton, Mrs. E.J. Pratt, Madeleine Stinson, Ruth Jenking.

1 photograph: b&w. Class photograph, individuals identified: K. Coburn, Gwen Fife, Margaret Clare, Marie Tremaine, Muriel West, Mrs. E. J. Pratt, Dorothy Forward, Isabel Oaks.

1 photograph: b&w. Class photograph, individuals identified: Ralph Sargeant, Bill Addison, Stanley St. John, Charlie Carcallen, Marion Forward, Minto Leitch, Dr. Ford, Carl Reinke, Blanche Snell, K. Coburn.

1 photograph: b&w. Class photograph, individuals identified: Mary Lewis, K.Coburn, K.West, Blanche Snell, Anne Rittenhouse, Dorothy Endicott, Evelyn Caswell, Mrs. Pratt, Mabel Henderson, Eileen Gillan.

1 photograph: b&w. Class photograph, individuals identified: K. Carcallen, Mildred Jackson, Helen Day, Lois Girvan, K. Dobson, Eileeen Gillan, Blanche Sneel, Mrs. Pratt, K.Coburn, Norah Holden.

1 photograph: b&w. Girls hockey team 1928. Individuals identified: Daisy Juanee, Edith West, Frances Cameron, Lois Reynolds, Lulu Bates, K. Coburn, K. Eaton, Winnie McMath, Sheila Sissons, Marion Bray, R. Vanstone, Jack Houston.

72 /OS31 album (35 photographs: b&w), 1 photograph: b&w. "Chiefly snaps sent home from England and Germany."1930-1930

Includes a class photograph from St. Hugh's.   

72 /OS44 photographs: b&w. Portraits of Coburn family including Kathleen Coburn's mother and father. [192-?]-[194-?]


72 /OS51 album (40 photographs: b&w). Photographs of Kathleen Coburn and family. [190-?]-[193-?]


72 /OS61 photograph: b&w ; 34 x 26 cm. Portrait of Kathleen Coburn. [197-?]


Box 73
Series: 7: Graphic materials
73137 photographs: b&w negatives ; 11 x 7 cm. Photographs of Kathleen Coburn and friends at Camp Couchiching. 1922

See Box 72, File 2 photograph album for related photographs.      

73298 photographs: b&w negatives ; 11 x 7 cm and 9 x 6 cm. "Georgian Bay and Lockwood." Photographs of family at the cottage, boating. 1924


73314 photographs: 7 b&w and 7 b&w negatives ; 9 x 6 cm. Photographs of canoeing, cottage, nature scenes and family members.[192-?]-[193-?]
734190 photographs: 114 b&w and 76 b&w negatives ; 11 x 7 cm and 9 x 6 cm. Photographs of Kathleen Coburn and friends at the cottage, canoeing, scenery and family. [192-?]-[193-?]

Includes photograph titled "Writing PhD. thesis."  Unidentified woman may be Jessie MacPherson.  See Box 75, File 2 for related material. Also includes a photograph of the Midland City steamboat.

(Photos P1-2)
735127 photographs: 4 b&w and 123 b&w negatives ; 11 x 7 cm and 9 x 6 cm. Photographs of Kathleen Coburn at the cottage and canoeing, nature scenes.[192-?]-[193-?]
73647 photographs: 3 b&w, 38 col.,1 col. slide and 5 col. negatives ; 35 mm. Photographs of Echo Valley farmhouse and visitors.[193-?]-1977


737109 photographs: 13 b&w, 63 col. and 33 col. negatives ; 35 mm. Photographs of Kathleen Coburn and family at Echo Valley farmhouse and family home. [196-?]-[197-?]


738101 photographs: 7 b&w, 61 col. and 34 col. negatives ; 35 mm. Photographs of Kathleen Coburn and family at cottage and nature scenes. 1969-[198-?]


(Photos P1)
73944 photographs: 4 b&w and 40 col. Photographs of cottage scenery.1962-[198-?]


731057 photographs: col. slides. Photographs of family, Echo Valley farmhouse and construction site. 1966-1970


731145 photographs: 38 col., 3 col. negatives ; 16 mm and 4 b&w negatives ; 35 mm. Photographs of Kathleen Coburn and her dog.1969-[198-?]


731210 photographs: 6 b&w, 2 col., 1 col. slide and 1 b&w negative ; 5 x 3 cm. Portraits of Kathleen Coburn. [193-?]-[198-?]


Box 74
Series: 7: Graphic materials
74156 photographs: 2 b&w, 54 b&w negatives ; 11 x 6 cm and 7 x 4 cm. "Vic and Harbord." Photographs of graduations from Victoria College and Harbord Collegiate. [192-]-[193-]

Includes 2 photographs of Victoria College buildings, including Annesley Hall.  See Box 72, File 2 photograph album for related photographs.  

7422 albums (36 photographs: b&w). 47 photographs: 23 b&w and 24 b&w negatives ; 11 x 6 cm and 9 x 6 cm. Photographs of Kathleen Coburn's friends and family.[191-?]-[194-?]


74342 photographs: 23 b&w and 19 b&w negatives ; 9 x 6 cm. Photographs of family and unidentified children. [193-?]-[194-?]


74426 photographs: 9 b&w and 17 b&w negatives ; 11 x 7 cm and 9 x 6 cm. Photographs of unidentified people including a man with a horse on a ship.[193-?]


74517 photographs: 9 col., 2 col. slides and 6 col. negatives ; 45 mm and 16 mm. Photographs of Kathleen Coburn's family. [196-?]-1987


746169 photographs: 2 b&w, 122 col., 1 colour slide and 44 col. negatives ; 35 mm and 16 mm. Photographs of Kathleen Coburn and friends including Valerie Eliot and Ayala Zacks-Ambramov.[196-?]-1982


74779 photographs: 30 b&w, 14 col., 33 b&w negatives ; 9 x 6 cm and 2 col. negatives ; 35 mm. Photographs of family in Ireland. [193-]-1968


74821 photographs: 9 b&w and 12 b&w negatives ; 9 x 6 cm. Photographs of Paris.[193-?]


749300 photographs: 134 b&w, 166 b&w negatives ; 9 x 6 cm. 38 postcards. Photographs of England and Germany including Oxford, St. Hugh's College, London, Winchester Castle, Cornwall, Heidelburg, Dresden and Berlin. 1931-1932

Includes photographs aboard the Duchess of Atholl passenger ship.

74101 album (14 photographs: 7 b&w and 7 b&w negatives). 80 photographs: 25 b&w, 37 col, 7 b&w negatives ; 9 x 6 cm and 11 col. negatives ; 45 mm. Photographs of trips to England and Europe including Dundon Beacon Somerset, Ottery, Battersea Park in London.1946-1981

Includes a photograph of Samuel John Taylor Coleridge, age 3 years, with Grandpa.

741118 photographs: 15 col. and 3 col. negatives ; 16 mm. 1 textual record. 1 postcard. Photographs and postcard of Israel. 1979

Textual record is an announcement of a lecture by Kathleen Coburn at Tel Aviv University.

Box 75
Series: 7: Graphic materials
75233 photographs: 22 b&w and 11 col. Photographs of Jessie MacPherson. [190-?]-1967


75320 photographs: b&w. 2 Postcards. "Early Days." Photographs of a young Kathleen Coburn and family. [189-?]-[192-?]


75469 photographs: 53 b&w and 16 col. 1 textual record. Photographs of Kathleen Coburn, friends, family and colleagues including a photograph of Kathleen Coburn and Northrop Frye as well as George Whalley and Barker Fairley. [191-?]-1991

Textual record is a copy of Kathleen Coburn's obituary.

75556 photographs: b&w. 1 postcard. Photographs of a young Kathleen Coburn, family and children. [191-?]-1944


7568 photographs: 2 b&w, 1 b&w contact sheet (48 images), 4 b&w negatives ; 9 x 6 cm and 11 x 6 cm and 1 col. negative ; 16mm. Photographs and portrait of Kathleen Coburn. [193-?] - [197-?]


75724 photographs: b&w. Photographs of Kathleen Coburn as a child, her parents and other family members. [189-?]-[194-?]


7589 photographs: 8 b&w and 1 ambrotype. Coburn family portraits. [186-?]-[193-?]


Box 76
Series: 7: Graphic materials
76127 photographs: col. slides. "Angmering and England." 1962-1963
76254 photographs: col. slides. Photographs of Echo Valley Farm and nature scenes. 1966-1972


763104 photographs: col. slides. Photographs of vacations to Israel. 1971-1976


764124 photographs: col. slides. Israel, various locations. [197-]

These slides were purchased as a set. 

765145 photographs: col. slides. Photographs of cottage, farm house and Cayman Islands vacation. 1960-1970
Box 77
Series: 2: Subject correspondence
774 Collected Coleridge—Correspondence with Rupert Hart-Davis1962
775 Collected Coleridge—Correspondence 1961
Series: 6: Personal files
771 Ellis family correspondence1902-1904
772 Coburn family correspondence c.1866-1940s
773 Vic Class of 2T8—Minute book1924-1938
774–5Correspondence, 1961–1962, re Table Talk, The Friend1961-1962
776 Paul Mellon Foundation for British Art—correspondence between Kathleen Coburn and Paul Mellon, and related correspondence1968-1985
Box 78
Series: 6: Personal files
781 Indian Lore and Memories—5 exercise books each containing handwritten material and a separate typed transcript.
782 Mrs. Tabobandung—Her Life Experiences


783 Mrs. Christina Jane Tabobandung—Her notes, stories, memories, typescript, 3 letters

[2 from Christina Tabobandung and 1 from Barbara]

784 Typescript “Indian Stories”—envelope marked “MSS by Barbara Tabobandung”
Box 79
Series: 3: Research and editorial records
791Philosophical Lectures (Abbreviations + Text) Lectures I, II, III, IV, V, VI1986

Also contains an envelope with correspondence with Owen Barfield. Note says it is to be kept with the edition.   

792Philosophical Lectures (Text) - Lectures VII, VIIII, IX, X, XI, XII, XIII, XIV1986


793Philosophical Lectures (Notes) - Lectures I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII1986


794Philosophical Lectures (Notes) - Lectures IX, X, XI, XII, XIII, XIV1986


795Philosophical Lectures - Appendix A, B, B additions, E1986


796Philosophical Lectures (Text, Notes) - Lectures I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII1986


797Philosophical Lectures (Text, Notes) - Lecture VIII, IX, X, XI, XII, XIII, XIV1984-1986


Box 80
Series: 1: General correspondence
802Rossiter, [A.P.]1954-1983

Includes incoming and outgoing correspondence with A.P. Rossiter, as well as letters to Barbara Grant. See also File 80-6 for A.P. Rossiter's notebook on Samuel Taylor Coleridge (Series 2 - Subject Correspondence).

803-4Griggs, Earl Leslie1939-1976


805Lowes, J.L.1933-1939


807House, Humphrey1952-1958


808Vittorio [Forgini?]1954

Unable to decipher name on folder. 

809Hanson, Lawrence1936-1955


8010Nicholson, Norman1951-1953

Many letters are from E.R. Denwood.

8011-14Whalley, George C.W. 1951-1969


Series: 2: Subject correspondence
801Coleridgians 1933-1948


806A.P. Rossiter - Notes on STC [Samuel Taylor Coleridge]1952-1955

Contains 13 photographs.   

Box 81
Series: 6: Personal files
81 Artifacts: 16 medals

- Overseas Battalion Niagara Rangers 176—military badge
- 1919 Victory Loan Essay Competition—pendant
- H.C.I.—pin
- Victoria College 28—pin
- Victoria University 1928—The Regent’s Medal
- Canadian Girls in Training—2 pins
- Officer of the Order of Canada—original medal received by Kathleen Coburn in 1974; small medal; 4 lapel pins; 10th anniversary coin; programme from Investiture ceremony
- Queen Elizabeth II—silver jubilee coin (with ribbon)
- Chauveau medal 

2007.02, Box 1
Series: 3: Research and editorial records
11–16Microfilm copies of research materials relating to Coleridge
2007.02, Box 2
Series: 1: General correspondence
21 Correspondence, miscellaneous1953-1986
Series: 3: Research and editorial records
Annotated material
22 Inquiring spirit : new presentation of Coleridge from his published and unpublished prose writings (edited by Coburn, pub. 1950)1950


23 Inquiring spirit


24 The Grandmothers (by Coburn, pub. 1949)1949
25 The Poetical works of Milton
26 Thesis by Coburn—“Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s Marginalia on W.G. Tennemann’s Geschichte Der Philosophie”[ca.1932]
27 Gillman sale catalogue items lists
2007.02, Box 3
Series: 7: Graphic materials
3 /OSVictoria University poster for "The Grandmothers"[1949?]
2016.02, Box 1
Series: 1: General correspondence
118Zachs, Ayala1969


Series: 2: Subject correspondence
114Table Talk1964

Correspondence with Carl Woodring and Rupert Hart-Davis regarding responses to A. Coleridge

115Bart Winer, Bollinger Foundation 1965-1966


Series: 3: Research and editorial records
112[Notebook with notes on Coleridge]1931?

Notebook is from Kathleen Coburn's time at St. Hugh's College and contains notes from and about Coleridge's lecture on 11th January 1819.  

113[Rough notes]1953-1983


116[Notebook with poems]1931

Notebook contains poetry copied by Kathleen Coburn, including poems by Walt Whitman, Rudyard Kipling, Goethe, etc.   

117[Notes on STC Marginalia?][193-]

Note for title was provided by Freda Gough.  

Series: 6: Personal files
Kathleen Coburn Estate
13Correspondence between Freda Gough and Ayala Zacks Abramov re estate1991-1995


11Obituaries and memorial services1991


12Correspondence between Valerie Eliot and Freda Gough regarding estate1986-1999


14Correspondence between Freda Gough and Frank Coburn regarding estate1990-1995


15Correspondence between Freda Gough and Bob Brandeis of Victoria University Library regarding estate1991-1992

Correspondence is mainly about donation of Coleridge books and material to the library.    

16Correspondence between Freda Gough and Carol Rothkopf regarding estate1992-1994

Correspondence is mainly about the Cranfield House property in London.  

17Correspondence between Freda Gough and others regarding estate 1991-2000


18Canada Council Coburn Fellowship1976-2000

Correspondence with Canada Council and other records relating to the Coburn Fellowship.

1915 Cranfield House contents list1992


110Death certificate and funeral arrangements1991

Also includes a DNR request signed by Kathleen Coburn.   

111The Royal Society of Canada memorial article1992-1993


112Lists of possessions - 85 Willcocks Avenue, Toronto1991-1992


2016.02, Box 2
Series: 8: Honorary Degrees and Awards
2 /OS1Honorary Degrees and Order of Canada1973-1986

Honorary Degrees are from Princeton, UofT and Victoria University.   

2018.04, Box 1
Series: 1: General correspondence
11Pottle, Frederick A.1965

Letter from Pottle thanking Coburn for her contribution to the book From Sensibility to Romanticism: essays presented to Frederick A. Pottle.

See Box 1, File 6 for related correspondence with Harold Bloom.