Subject/correspondence files

Title: Subject/correspondence files
Dates of Material:
1.22 m of textual records
1 compact disc
Scope and content

Series consists of subject/correspondence files relating predominantly to William Blake scholarship, 1968–2013, including typescripts and drafts of articles, bibliographies, theses, thesis proposals, fiction and other writings with accompanying correspondence sent by students and academics for Bentley’s appraisal, and containing his annotations made on the material; proposals and applications for grants and potential publications with requests for Bentley’s assessment; correspondence/acquisition lists re collecting material; as well as correspondence re various academic matters.

General notes

Records in this series are a representative sampling of a much larger extent of material accumulated by Bentley

2007.10, Box 1
11 Various correspondence found in publications1969-2006
12 Various correspondence1976-2005
13 Abley, Mark—“Ivimy” manuscripts
14 Abo Akademi1973-1974
15 Aethered, Alexander1980
16 Baine, Rodney M.—“Blake’s animal symbolism : a study of zoological symbolism… ” 1979-1982
17 Baine, Rodney M.—“Blake’s Dante in a different light”1990
18 Bedard, Michael—“The gates of paradise : a life of William Blake”2002
19 “Bibliomania”2002
110 Blake collection of Raymond E. Thompson1974-1984
111 Blake events2006
112 Blake Society of St. James, Piccadilly1985-1997
113 Bogan, James—“A guidebook to William Blake’s ‘Jerusalem’”1981
114 Books owned—Blegny’s “Zodiacus Medico-Gallicus”2002
115 Bowden, Betsy—“Sacred/secular/Blake/Stothard: contrasting conceptions of the Canterbury pilgrimage, 400 years along the way”1993
116 Bright, John Adams—“Marriage of heaven and hell” material aspects2004
117 Brown, James B.—“The history of an illusion: the meaning of the four Zoas in Blake’s “‘The fourZoas’” 1984
118 Brown, Judy—“The marriage of heaven and hell” manuscript novel1981-1990
119 Carr, Stephen Leo—“William Blake’s print-making process in ‘Jerusalem’”1979
120 Crosby, Mark—“‘A fabricated perjury’ the [mis]trial of William Blake”2007
121 Davies, Keri—“The lost Moravian history of William Blake’s family: snapshots from the archive”2006
122 Davies, Keri—“William Blake in contexts: family, friendships, and some intellectual microcultures of eighteenth- and nineteenth-century England” thesis
123 Davies, Keri—“William Blake in contexts: family, friendships, and some intellectual microcultures of eighteenth- and nineteenth-century England” thesis

Compact disc

2007.10, Box 2
21 Deck, Raymond—“Blake and Swedenborg” dissertation1977-1978
22 Deck, Raymond—“Curiouser and curiouser : “William Blake and ‘The book of Enoch’”1978
23 De Luca, V.A.—“The changing order of plates in ‘Jerusalem’, chapter II”1982
24 Dilworth, Tom—“‘Infant joy’, Blake’s revolutionary riddle-poem”1999
25 Dorrbecker, D. W.—“Innocence lost and found: an untraced copy traced”1981
26 Dorrbecker, D.W.—“‘The song of Los: the Munich copy and a new attempt to understand Blake’s images”1988
27 Dowdey, Landon—“The four Zoas”1980-1982
28 Eaves, Morris/Essick, Robert/Viscomi, Joseph—“The Blake archive”
29 Eldridge, Aethelred and Alexandra1968-1983
210 Essick, Robert N.—“Blake in the marketplace 1992”
211 Essick, Robert N.—“Blake in the marketplace 2006”
212 Essick, Robert N.—Proposal for William Blake commercial book illustrators1988
2007.10, Box 3
31 Essick, Robert N.—Sotheby sale1989
32 Fitzwilliam Museum list of acquisitions1986
33 Flaxman bibliography1977-1979
34 Freed, Eugenie R.—“The enslavement of the daughters of Albion : Blake and Mary Wollstonecraft”2001
35 Frost, E.C.—“Blake’s ‘Ancient of days’”1979
36 Fry, Collin—Print of “Tyger”1996
37 Frye, Northrop1990, 2003
38 Frye, Northrop—Lecture notes on “Jerusalem”1996
39 Fuller, David—Blake exhibition of Durham University and Cathedral Libraries1993
310 Gabbett-Mulhallen, K.A.—“Blake’s ‘Night thoughts’ designs: context, Christology and composite work”1976
311 Gandy, Michael—Genealogical information on Blake/Boucher
312 Gardner, Stanley1981-1982
313 Gardner, Stanley—“Songs of innocence and of experience”1989
314 Getty Publications Program1986
315 Gimeno, Francisco—“Blake in Spain”2002
316 Gleckner, Robert—Blake entry for “Spenser Encyclopedia”1983
317 Gleckner, Robert—Teaching “Songs of innocence and of experience” questionnaire1984
318 Gleckner, Robert—“W.J. Linton, latter-day Blake”1980
319 Gourlay, Alexander S.—A new colored copy of “Night thoughts” at Smith College1993
2007.10, Box 4
41 Gourlay, Alexander S.—“Philip D. Sherman’s Blakes at Brown University”1992-1993
42 Grant, John E.—“Blake’s title pages for ‘Songs of innocence and of experience’ and other visions of the expulsion from Eden”1980-1981
43 Grant, John E.—“The powers of “death” in Blake’s ‘Night thoughts’ engravings”2002
44 Grant, John E.—“Who shall bind the infinite and arrange it in libraries? The use of G.E. Bentley Jr.’s ‘Blake books’ and ‘William Blake’s writing’”1981
45 Grenfell, Michael—“Blake and gnosis”1997
46 Heisler, Ron—“William Blake as political economist: a discovery”1988
47 Hillyard, Brian—“David Steuart: man and book collector” lecture1987
48 Hori, Keiko—“William Blake is Mary Wollstonecraft”1983
49 Iowa videodisc Blake proposals1984
410 Johnson, Mary Lynn—“Blake, Chodowiecki, Schellenberg, lips, and images for ‘The proprietors of the English Lavater”2002
411 Johnson, Mary Lynn—“Effacing Chodowiecki: engravings by Blake and others for the Fuseli-Lavater Physiognomy”1993
412 Johnson, Mary Lynn—“The fall and promise of redemption in Blake’s biblical watercolours for Thomas Butts”1980
2007.10, Box 5
51 Keynes, Geoffrey1972
52 King, James—Blake biography proposals1983
53 King, James—“Cowper, Hayley, and Samuel Johnson’s ‘Republican’ Milton’”1988
54 Ko, So Woong—“A study of the Japanese criticism of William Blake’s poetry”1976
55 Kukota, Irina1999
56 La Belle, Jenijoy—Motif catalogue of Blake’s designs Guggenheim proposal1989
57 Latona, Robert1981
58 Lister, Antony—“George John, 2nd Earl Lister and his ‘Librarian’ Thomas Frognall Dibdin”1987
59 Looper, Edna2004
510 Masefield, John—“Words on the anniversary of the birthday of William Blake”1993
511 Matheson, Suzanne—“Let no strangers to the Muses enter: art and the public sphere In Romantic Britain”1998
512 Mee, Jon—“‘Portentous, as the written wall’: Millenarianism and politics in Blake’s ‘Night thoughts’ designs”1994
513 Miner, Paul—“The Bard’s Prophetic song”2002
514 Miner, Paul—“Blake and the night sky”1985
515 Minney, Penny—“Job’s Gethsemane : tradition and imagination in William Blake’s illustrations for the ‘Book of Job’”1997
516 Minney, Penny—“‘Rescue archaeology’ in 1800: a fourteenth century find and Blake’s ‘Job’ water-colours”1998
517 Moravian Church2004
518 Mulhallen, Karen—“William Blake’s designs for Edward Young’s night thoughts” Review1981
519 Naunton, Stewart—Blake collection1993
520 Otto, Peter1989
521 Paley, Morton D.—“Why Blake?” film prospectus1981
522 Phillips, Michael—Proposal for biography of Blake1986
2007.10, Box 6
61 Pierce, John—“Blake’s writing of ‘Vala or the four zoas’: a study of textual development”1987, 1991
62 Read, Dennis1993
63 Read, Dennis—“Appealing to ‘A great madjority’: Blake, Cromek, and the Chalcographic Society”1981
64 Read, Dennis—“Blake’s eschatology”1980
65 Read, Dennis—“The career of R.H. Cromek”
66 Read, Dennis—“Cromek’s provincial advertisements for Blake’s ‘Grave’”1976
67 Read, Dennis—Reviews of “The counter-arts conspiracy” by Morris Eaves/“Dangerous enthusiasm” by Jon Mee1994
68 Read, Dennis—“The rival Canterbury pilgrims of Blake and Cromek: Herculean figures in the carpet”, 1987 9 Rix, Robert W.—“The Bible of Hell: William Blake and the discourses of radicalism”2002
610 Rix, Robert W.—“Blake, Bacon and ‘The devils arse’”2001
611 Robson, Lane/Viscomi, Joseph—“Copper intoxication—the cause of Blake’s death?”1995
612 Rose, E.J.—“The grotesque in Blake and Goya” Killam Research Fellowship Proposal1984
613 Sato, Hikari—“Blake in the Orient” International Conference2003
614 Scroyer, Richard—“The 1788 publication date of Lavater’s ‘Aphorisms’”1976
615 Schuard, Keith—various articles2005-2006
616 Sklar, Susanne—“Apocalyptic wedding: Jacob Boehme’s visions and William Blake’s ‘Jerusalem’”
617 Sotheby’s sale of “Urizen”1999
618 Sperduti, Leonardo1978
619 Stedman, John—“Narrative of his expedition against the revolted negroes of Surinam”1985
620 Stothard album1995
621 Suances, Francisco Gimeno2007
622 Sung, Mei-Ying—“Technical and material studies of William Blake’s engraved ‘Illustrations of The Book of Job(1826)’”
2007.10, Box 7
71 Swinburne correspondence1995
72 Taylor, Dena Bain—“Emanations of the divine: Kabbalistic elements in the Poetry and designs of William Blake”1983
73 Tolley, Michael—“The annotated Blake: a new, variorum edition”1989
74 Tory, Alan—“Mr. Blake’s transatlantic rainbow” a contemporary play in three acts1976, 1979
75 Tyson, G.P—“Joseph Johnson : a liberal bookseller”1974
76 University of California at Los Angeles1994
77 Van Kleeck, Justin—“Blake’s four…‘Zoa’s’?”
78 Vaulbert de Chantilly, Marc—“Property of a distinguished poisoner: Thomas Griffiths Wainewright and the Griffiths family library”2001
79 Viscomi, Joseph—“Blake and the idea of the book”1989-1990
710 Viscomi, Joseph—“Digital facsimiles: reading the William Blake archive”2002
711 Viscomi, Joseph—“Like father like son : the unknown Blake acquisitions of Thomas Butts, Jr. and the market for Blake in 1852”1994
712 Viscomi, Joseph—“William Blake’s ‘The phoenix/to Mrs. Butts’ redeux”1994
713 Volger, Thomas “Intertextual signifiers and the Blake of that already”1986
714 Wallace, Christina—“Illuminating Blake : a new reading of William Blake’s “The marriage of heaven and hell” thesis2001, 2002
715 Ward, Aileen—“Who was Robert Blake”1995
2007.10, Box 8
81 Warner, Janet—“Blake’s wife: a novel”2000-2002
82 Whitehead, Angus—“But, Kitty, I better love thee: George Richmond’s annotation To ‘Song [I love the jocund dance]’ in Volume II of Alexander Gilchrist’s ‘Life of William Blake (1863)”2004
83 Whittingham, Selby—“The Blake Society at St. James’”1986
84 Windle, John1997
85 Witke, Johanne “‘Jerusalem: Blake’s epic defense of art”1982
86 Wright, John—“On ‘Song of innocence’: a new Blake attribution”1986
2012.01, Box 1
11Various correspondence 1997-2011
2014.08, Box 1
11Blake in Spanish [correspondence]2012


12Essick, Robert—"Blake in the Marketplace" 2012


13Grant, Mary Lynn—"Thomas Butts insures his art collection'2012


14Greg, Andrew—"Spurious issues of Lavater"2012


15Miner, Paul—"Blake: The metaphors of generation"[2012?]


16Pyle, Eric—"Illustrations for the 'Divine Comedy'"2012


17Cumberland Conference2006


2014.08, Box 2
211[Various correspondence]1982-2013


212Forster, E.M.1964


213Rosenwald, Lessing J.1957-1964


2014.08, Box 3
31[Invoices for rare books]1966-1996

  Also includes a ticket for a William Blake exhibition in Japan from September 22-November 25, 1990.

32[Correspondence with colleagues]1978, 2009, 2010

  Correspondence with colleagues including D.H. Weinglass, Rumyana Hristova, and Dennis M. Read.

2017.06, Box 1
11"The Accuracy of the Blake Trust Gray Catalogue"1974


12"Almost Blake"1974


13Bain, Iain1978-1979


14"Blake Bibliography"2001


15"Blake's Shadow"1978-1979


16"Blake's Stolen Pride"2005-2006


17Cambridge University Press2002-2005


18"The Colouring of Blake's Job Engravings"1973-1974

Includes copy of article.

19Davids, Roy1993


110Eaves, Morris1974, 1979


111Edwards, Anne2017


112Edwards, Rosa1985

Includes her article “James Edwards, Giambattista Bodoni, and the Castle of Otranto: some unpublished letters” published in Publishing History, XVIII, 1985 and 2 photographic prints.

113Essick, Robert — "2008 Checklist"2009


114Essick Robert — "William Blake and His Circle and Followers"2008


115Essick, Robert — "William Blake Printmaker"1978


116Essick, Robert — Various correspondence


117Essick, Robert/Windle, John2015


118"Ged" [Gerald Eades Bentley Sr.]1965, 1992


119"Georghiou, George1990


120Halliday, Robert1994

Correspondence regarding Learned Pigs. Contains excerpts of Pigs from other sources sent by Halliday.   

121Ivusic, Christine1978


122Jones, Sarah2009


123Marks, Philippa — "The Edwards of Halifax Bindery"1992-1995

Written by Marks to accompany The Edwards of Halifax. Also includes drafts and an offprint of The British Library Journal, Vol 24 No 2, 1998, in which the article first appeared.

124Paley, Morton1974, 1978, 2011


125Pausch, Peter1983-1984


126Ringler, Susan1982-1983


127Tyson, Gerald P.1981


128University of Toronto Press2004-2007

Correspondence regarding Edwards of Halifax publication.

129Watkinson, Raymond2000-2004


130Weber, Jeff1985


2017.06, Box 2
21"William Blake and the Alchemical Philosophers"1954, 1993

Correspondence regarding Bentley's B.Litt. thesis.

22[Various correspondence]1958, 1966-2016


2020.05, Box 1
11Mulhallen, Karen1993


12Richmond, Anthony W.1969

Found inside Volume 1 of Blake Supplementary no. 1110.