Graphic material

Title: Graphic material
Dates of Material:
369 photographs : b&w ; 40.5 cm x 60.5 cm or smaller
436 photographs : col. ; 35 cm x 28 cm or smaller
1 photograph : sepia ; 13 cm x 7.5 cm
Scope and content

Series consists of photographs documenting Ken Taylor's personal and professional life, as well as drawings, cartoons and illustrations. Also included is an album of photographs taken by Peter Bregg for a photo exhibition on the 1979 hostage crisis, presented to Taylor as a gift.

Source of supplied title

Title based on contents of the series.

Finding aids

File list available (see below).

2018.08, Box 1


(Photos P1-24)
2018.11, Box 1
14Photograph of Ken Taylor at a department store[195-?](Photos P1)
15Scrapbookca. 1967

Pages from a scrapbook containing photographs of Ken Taylor from news clippings, and a letter from C.E. McGaughey to Robert Thompson, Head of Trade Commissioner Services on Taylor's movement from Karachi, Pakistan to London, England.

2018.13, Box 12
1216Wedding photographs1960


(Photos P1-2)
1217Family photo album1976-1977

61 photographs

2018.13, Box 13
131Family photo album1977-1979

142 photographs

132Family photo album and scrapbookca. 1978

6 photographs, mostly of the Taylor family at their residence in Tehran, 1 photograph of Douglas Taylor's elementary school class, clippings from Iran newspapers and some correspondence.

(Photos P1-7)
133Family photo album and scrapbookca. 1977

26 photographs, mostly of the Taylor family's residence in Tehran. Also includes newspaper clippings and a card.

134Photographs of the Taylor family in Karachi, London and Chamonixca. 1968

34 photographs

135Trade Commissioner Service Class1959


(Photos P1)
136National Iranian Oil Company photo album1977

Photographs of Ken Taylor touring the National Iranian Oil Company. Album given to Taylor from the National Iranian Oil Company Public Relations department.

(Photos P1-16)
137Presentation of credentials to the Shah1977

Photographs of Ken Taylor presenting his credentials in a special ceremony, and photographs of the reception.

(Photos P1-6)
138US Congressional Gold Medal ceremony1981


(Photos P1-7)
139Ken Taylor receiving the key to New York City1980


(Photos P1-4)
1310Baseball Game at Yankee Stadium1980

Photographs of the baseball game held in honour of Canada at Yankee Stadium. Ken Taylor threw the first pitch of the game. Includes a slide.

(Photos P1-3)
1311Provincial Cabinet Ministers and US State Legislators Symposium1980

Photographs of the symposium in Halifax, Nova Scotia, including the Offshore Oil and Gas Governance Meeting that took place there. Includes a news clipping.

(Photos P1-13)
1312Charter Day Celebration, UC BerkeleyApril 10, 1980

Photographs of the Charter Day Celebration at the Greek Theatre, UC Berkeley.

(Photos P1-3)
1313Niagara Grape and Wine Festival[1980-1981?]


(Photos P1-3)
1314Canadian National Exhibition Official Opening1980


(Photos P1-4)
1315Winter Horse Show1981-1982


(Photos P1-12)
2018.13, Box 14


(Photos P1-4)
142Photographs of Ken Taylor at various events1980-1983


(Photos P1-38)
143Personal photographs[193-?]-1982


(Photos P1-26)
144Photographs of Ken Taylor and other individuals1977-1989


(Photos P1-14)
145Photographs of Ken Taylor accepting awards1980-1981


(Photos P1-19)
146Miscellaneous photographs1980


(Photos P1-4)
2018.13, Box 15
15 /OS1Portrait of Ken Taylor at the Million Dollar Round Table Annual Meeting1982

Includes a frame with a message to Ken written on it.

(Photos P1)
15 /OS2Photograph of Victor L. Tomseth, Michael Howland and Bruce Laingenca. 1981

Framed photograph of three American diplomats with their signatures: Victor L. Tomseth (counselor for political affairs), Michael Howland (assistant regional security officer), and Bruce Laingen (chargé d’affaires, US embassy). All three were held hostage during the American embassy takeover.

(Photos P1)
15 /OS10Political cartoons and caricatures1980-1984


Caricatures of Ken and Pat Taylor (1984);

Political cartoon drawn by Rusins Kaufmanis of the Ottawa Citizen (ca. 1980);

Autographed cartoon drawn by Roy Peterson of the Vancouver Sun, dedicated to Ken Taylor (1983);

Cartoon of Ken Taylor drawn on an envelope and autographed by Tom Innes of The Calgary Herald (1980)

15 /OS11Bill Davis' visit to Tehran1978


(Photos P1-25)
15 /OS15Ken Taylor scraperboard1982

Scraperboard illustration of Ken Taylor created by Art Hutchinson. Includes accompanying notes.

2019.02, Box 2
29Guatemala photo albumca. 1960

53 photographs mostly of the Taylor family in their residence in Guatemala. Also includes news clippings and a postcard.

210Department of Trade and Commerce Trainees photo1958


(Photos P1)
211University of California, Berkeley1980


(Photos P1-2)
212American hostage release ticker tape paradeJanuary 30, 1981

Photographs of the parade and party at New York City Hall celebrating the return of the American hostages. Event is incorrectly identified as "Key to NYC" on the reverse side.

(Photos P1-12)
213Salon Rendez-vous '871987

Includes a letter from Salon Rendez-vous president William Spears.

(Photos P1-13)
214Alumni Reunion at the Four Seasons in Atlanta2005


(Photos P1-3)
215Photographs of Ken Taylor at various events1967, 1981-1983


(Photos P1-29)
216Photographs of Ken Taylor accepting awards1981, 2013


(Photos P1-4)
217Photographs of Ken Taylor and other individuals[196-]-1982


(Photos P1-12)
218Personal photographs[ca. 1978-1980]


(Photos P1-4)
219Photographs of Pat Taylor1981-1982


(Photos P1-7)
220Portrait of Ed and Lily Schreyer1982

Portrait of Ed Schreyer, Governor General of Canada (1979-1984), and his wife Lily, signed and dedicated to Ken and Pat Taylor.

(Photos P1)
2019.02, Box 4
4 /OS3American hostage release ticker tape parade aerial photographJanuary 30, 1981

Includes an article from the Daily News.

(Photos P1)
4 /OS4Thank You, Canada1981

Includes a frame with a dedication inscription to Ken Taylor from the Eller advertising company.

(Photos P1)
4 /OS17Political cartoon1981

Political cartoon drawn by Vance Rodewalt of the Calgary Sun, dedicated to Ken Taylor.

2019.02, Box 10
10 /OSCanadian Football Hall of Fame cartoonca. 1980

Cartoon drawn by Blaine MacDonald of The Hamilton Spectator.

2020.03, Box 4
42Personal photographs[194-], 1960

Includes a photograph from Ken and Pat Taylor’s wedding and a photograph of Ken Taylor with his father.

(Photos P1-2)
43Portraits[ca. 198-], [20--]


(Photos P1-8)
44Photographs of Ken Taylor at various events1980-1981, 1985, 2000

A note, program and brochure accompany the photographs of the Lester B. Pearson Garden opening ceremony.

(Photos P1-6)
45Photographs of Ken Taylor and other individuals1977, 1980-1981


(Photos P1-17)
46Signed photographs1981, 1983, [ca. 2000]

Signed photographs from political figures.

(Photos P1-4)
47Miscellaneous images2013

Photocopies of images of Ken Taylor at various events, including the Empire Club in Toronto, the premier of Argo in Washington, and an event at Victoria University.

48Hostage: The 1979 Crisis in Iran2009

Album containing reproductions of 35 black and white photographs taken by Peter Bregg during the 444 days that 52 US embassy staff were held hostage in Iran. The photos were part of an exhibit by Bregg marking the thirtieth anniversary of the crisis. Ken Taylor attended and spoke at the opening reception at the IX Gallery in Toronto on November 4, 2009.

49Political cartoon1980

A political cartoon by Francis Brennan.

2020.03, Box 13
13 /OS12Portrait of Ken Taylorca. 1980

Professional portrait of Ken Taylor by Yousuf Karsh, mounted on cardboard.

(Photos P1)
13 /OS13The Detroit/Windsor International Freedom Award cartoon1980


2022.05, Box 1
113Early Days – Calgary1942, 1950, [192-]-[194-]

Photographs of Ken Taylor during his childhood in Calgary. See descriptions in the photograph database for more details.

(Photos P1-66)
114Photographs of Ken Taylor in his youthca. 1950, ca. 1952, [193-?]-[194-?]


(Photos P1-17)
115Ken Taylor with Rich Little and Jeanne Wordenca. 1980


(Photos P1)
116Miscellaneous photographsca. 1980, ca. 2000


(Photos P1-3)
2022.05, Box 2
2 /OS2Scrapbook1989

Loose pages from a scrapbook containing photographs, news clippings, cards and programs.

Also includes a news clipping of Ken and Pat Taylor's wedding. 

2022.06, Box 1
11Ken Taylor in his embassy office in Tehranca. 1978

NOTE: Photograph is currently on display in the E.J. Pratt Library Reading Room.

(Photos P1)