Professional Materials
This series contains records regarding E.J. Pratt's professional materials as a writer and professor, including: his thesis, "The Demonology of the New Testament..."; addresses, lectures, essays; notebooks; course outlines and notes on English literature; reports; and licence agreements
Title based on contents of series.
The series is stored in 15 boxes.
File list available (see below).
Box 1 | ||||
Addresses, lectures, essays, and reviews | ||||
1 | 7 | Introductory remarks for a reading of The Great Feud at University of Western Ontario | 1958 | Annotated typescript; typescript carbon copy |
Box 2 | ||||
2 | 11–12 | Introductory material for readings of The Roosevelt and the Antinoe | [195-] | Annotated typescript; annotated carbon copy of typescript |
Box 3 | ||||
3 | 18 | Introductory material for a reading of The Titanic | [between 1935 and 1964] | Annotated typescript; [The plan of the poem.] Address. Possibly introductory remarks given at Lawrence Park Collegiate, Toronto. Originally filed with a script for broadcast of The Titanic (Box 3, File 26). |
3 | 24 | Introductory material for readings of Brébeuf and his Brethren | [between 1940 and 1964], 1940 | One holograph; two annotated transcripts; one typescript document titled "An introduction by Dr. Pratt to an evening of a recital of Brébeuf and his Brethren. Memo to Prof. E.J. Pratt from C. A. Chant concerning the date of eclipses in 1635 and 1636. June 5, 1940 |
3 | 25 | Dr. Pratt's discussion of Brébeuf and his Brethren | [between 1940 and 1964] | Corrected typescript (carbon copy). Introductory material for a reading the poem to his friends Three typescript documents two titled "Dr. Pratt's discussion of Brébeuf and his Brethren" |
Box 4 | ||||
4 | 28 | Introductory material for Dunkirk | [between 1941 and 1964] | Annotated typescript |
Box 5 | ||||
5 | 42 | Commentary to accompany addresses and readings of Behind the Log | [between 1947 and 1964] | Annotated typescript; annotated transcript (carbon copy); |
Box 6 | ||||
6 | 49 | Introductory material for readings of Towards the Last Spike | [between 1952 and 1964] | Corrected typescript, introductory material for readings of The Last Spike; corrected typescript and carbon copy, introductory material for a reading at a banquet at the York Club hosted by Sir Ellsworth Flavelle where Pratt was guest of honour, September 19, 1952 Also includes an empty notebook titled "The Last Spike" See also: Box 8, File 63, Notebook, containing notes on Lorne Pierce and Dr. John Short;. |
Box 7 | ||||
Notebooks | ||||
7 | 51 | Notebook | [1932?] | Holograph notebook containing drafts of: prose passages on Phelps, Shaw, Galsworthy, Bliss Carmen, May Adam; draft poems later forming a part of The Fable of the Goats including "The Empty Room," and "The Mirage"; explanation of the genesis of “The Depression Ends”; Introduction for a reading; draft poems "Bereft," "The Empty Room," "Mad"; miscellaneous lists and notes |
Addresses, lectures, essays, and reviews | ||||
7 | 60 | Commentary on shorter poems | [192-?-1964?] | Holograph and typescript comments on poems including: "Erosion," "The Fog," "The Way of Cape Race," “The Feline Silhouette,” Holograph and typescript notes to accompany readings of poems including: "Ice Floes," "A Feline Silhouette," "The History of John Jones," "The Shark," "Old Harry," "Sea-Gulls," "On the Shore," "Erosion," "The Child and the Wren," "The Prize Cat," "Silences," "The Lee-Shore," "The Iceberg," "The Prize-Winner,"; drafts of "Under the Lens" |
Box 8 | ||||
Thesis | ||||
8 | 61 | The Demonology of the New Testament in its Relation to Earlier Developments, and to the Mind of Christ | 1912 | Master of Arts thesis, University of Toronto, 1912; photocopy of transcript |
Notebooks | ||||
8 | 63 | Notebook | [between 1950 and 1964] | Holograph notebook containing drafts of: prose passage on Lorne Pierce and Dr. John Short; essay on 1930s English literature – Eliot, Hopkins, Auden; financial and income tax information; notes on the Fraser River for Towards the Last Spike; notes on a speech at Victoria College; notes on a letter re “In Absentia”; letter to the Awards committee of the Royal Society of Canada endorsing the application of Karl Klinck; notes for a reading of some Newfoundland poems; address on “The Great Feud”; essay on Paradise Lost; letter of thanks for a book received during his recuperation from a broken arm; poem on church union; address for Class of 2T6 reunion, 1956; welcome to Northrop Frye on the occasion of his installation as principal of Victoria College, 1959; introduction for a reading of “Angelina”; note on W.O. Mitchell and Mona Gould; introduction for a reading of "Towards the Last Spike"; address on the humanities; notes on Andrea del Sarto; address on the idea of a university; toast at St. George’s Day dinner Notebook possibly also includes introductory note on Healey Willan; comments on an essay on his own poetry; notes on student essays; letter re lecture in Houston; letter in response to his receipt of a volume of poems; address for reunion dinner – highlights, lowlights and characters;; introduction of Roy Campbell; miscellaneous notes, letters, and addresses |
8 | 64 | Notebook | [between 1945 and 1964] | Holograph notebook containing drafts of: address on science as a form of poetry; notes for lecture on The Roosevelt and the Antinoe; introduction for a reading; lecture on Eugene O’Neill; introduction for a reading of poems of the sea and the land; introduction of Dr. C.T. Currelly to Senior Dinner, Victoria College; letter re. radio broadcast; course outlines; letter re. publishing new poets; poem on the occasion of Her Majesty’s visit to Canada, 1959 |
8 | 65 | Notebook | [between 1927 and 1932] | Holograph notebook containing drafts of: miscellaneous prose; word lists; fragments from The Roosevelt and the Antinoe; radio talk on Moby Dick; questions on Orlando; address on Herman Melville; lists of definitions; address on literature and life; essay on style and expression, science and literature; miscellaneous poems; address on fundamental principles that underlie any literary composition (thesis); essay on the book on the Brontës; poem “Legacy” (leaf 9-65-109); poem “To an Old Nurse” (leaf 9-65-114); address on the origins of The Roosevelt and the Antinoe; introductory notes for “The Nurse,” “The Haunted House,” “Putting Winter to Bed,” “The Way of Cape Race,” and “Cherries” (leaf 9-65-126); poem “The Depression Ends” (leaf 9-65-134) |
Box 9 | ||||
Addresses, lectures, essays, and reviews | ||||
9 | 66 | Address on Robert Burns delivered in St. John’s, NL to the St. Andrew’s Society | between 1948 and 1949] | Two transcripts, annotated documents Address, titled "The Immortal Memory" given at Burns Nicht on January 25, 1949, the 190th Anniversary at St. John's Newfoundland St. Andrew's Society |
9 | 67 | Toast at St. George’s Day dinner | [194-?] | Annotated typescript |
9 | 68 | Addresses on Newfoundland | [between 1927 and 1964], 1927, 1942, 1952 | Annotated typescript addresses on Newfoundland including: [Newfoundland idioms and types], addresses at Banff (1952) and Assumption College, Windsor (1942); [Newfoundland idioms and types]; address to Canadian Authors’ Association dinner, etc.; [Newfoundland idioms and types], addresses (1952); [Newfoundland idioms and types] address; [The great seal hunt] address, manuscript title in another hand: "Ice floes"; [Call and answer on the sea], address to Women’s Canadian Club, Montreal (February 8, 1927), and unknown typescript pages; [Newfoundland dogs and their lifesaving habitats] address; [Marconi and the invention of wireless telegraphy] address |
9 | 69 | Addresses on university and early life | [between 1949 and 1964] | Annotated typescript addresses on university and early life including: [Reminiscences of university, highlights and lowlights. 1953]; [Highlight associations in my early life], radio broadcast in Newfoundland; [Reminiscences and reflections on university life], address at honorary degree ceremony, Queen’s University, October 19, 1949; A Personal Story [Reminiscences about publishing]; [Address at Assumption College, 1955?]; [Address to first-year students] |
9 | 70 | Addresses on literature and poetry | [between 1947 and 1964] | Annotated typescript addresses including: Ironies and Echoes [address on the relation between science and poetry, 1947?]; In Quest of the Humanities [1953?], [In Quest of a University], address given at Princeton, N.J.; The Relation of Source Material to Poetry [address at C.L.A. Conference Luncheon]; [draft addresses and address given to the Canadian Library Association]; [The Golden Mean in poetry]; [Principles of poetic art]; Pitfalls in Verse Composition [or, the relation between source material and poetry]; [Parodies]; [On human action and deeds]; manuscript of Advertising, a sample As well, manuscript on recto of last leaf of a lecture on Parodies containing notes for a poetry reading. Originally filed with other addresses now in Box 9, File 71. |
9 | 71 | Addresses on literature and poetry | [between 1947 and 1964], [194-?], [1947?] 1948, 1949, 1952 | Annotated typescript addresses including: [The loss of The Titanic], address at Corpus Christi, Texas, 1952; [Science and poetry], address at Memorial College, St. John's, January 28, 1949; [The music of language]; [Difficulties in handling technical material] [ca. 1947]; The Outlook for Poetry [early 1940's]; Address upon the North American Martyrs, given at Queen's University, January 20, 1948; [excavations at Saint Maire], holograph and corrected typescript; [Brebeuf constructing a grammar; modern interpretation of Shakespeare]; [On the rescue of The Antinoe] Originally filed with other addresses in Box 9, File 70. |
9 | 72 | Tributes and introductions for friends and colleagues | [between 1932 and 1959], [1932?], 1948, 1949, 1953, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959 | Annotated typescript addresses including: [Tribute to J.W. Macmillan, 1932]; [Introduction of Prof. Pelham Edgar]; [Tribute to Pelham Edgar, 1948]; [Expression of appreciation for E.K. Brown, 1949]; Introduction to Roy Campbell, 1953; [Introduction of Roy C. with comments on student’s essays on verso]; In Memoriam -- Charles Trick Currelly (includes program for memorial service, May 7, 1957); manuscript, [Address at Canadian Club dinner, 1958]; [Welcome to Northrop Frye on his installation as Principal of Victoria College on October 21, 1959]; On Opening of Graphic Arts exhibition [April 14, 1956], includes 3 manuscript pages Note: numbering in lower right-hand corner corresponds with order of addresses. |
Box 10 | ||||
Course notes and outlines | ||||
10 | 72 | Notes and drafts for courses in English literature | [between 1920 and 1953] | Annotated typescript and holograph notes and drafts on topics in English literature including: Ben Johnson (10-72-1 to 10-72-3); [Ben Johnson] (10-72-4 to 10-72-7); [Ben Johnson] (10-72-8); Jonson (10-72-10); [Ben Johnson] (10-72-12); [Beaumont and Fletcher] (10-72-13 to 10-72-14); [Beaumont and Fletcher] (10-72-16 to 10-72-17); [Duchess of Malfi] (10-72-18 to 10-72-19); [Spenser] (10-72-20); Pastoralism (10-72-21); Milton (10-72-22 to 10-72-25); Bunyan (10-72-26 to 10-72-29); Pepys (10-72-30 to 10-72-33); Fielding (10-72-34 to 10-72-37); Pope (10-72-38); [Swift] (10-72-39); Swift (10-72-40); [Swift] (10-72-42); Richardson (10-72-43); Swift (10-72-44); Boswell [Life of Jonson] (10-72-46); [Ben Johnson] (10-72-48 to 10-72-51); Burke (10-72-53 to 10-72-54); Newman (10-72-56 to 10-72-61); [Huxley] (10-72-62 to 10-72-64); Arnold and [Introduction to course work] (10-72-65); [Romanticism] (10-72-66); Hardy (10-72-67); [Pessimism] (10-72-68); [O’Casey] (10-72-70 to 10-72-82); Angry Penguins, Time. July 17, '44 (10-72-71); O'Casey's Use of Expressionistic Technique (10-72-78); [List of essay topics] (10-72-84 to 10-72-85); [The between-the-wars generation] (10-72-86 to 10-72-88); [Meaning in poetry--Symbolism, Dadaism, Poetry magazine, Gertrude Stein] (10-72-90 to 10-72-101); [holograph notes] (10-72-96 to 10-72-97); [Outstanding movements in contemporary poetry] (10-72-102 to 10-72-109); [Eliot] (10-72-110 to 10-72-119); Pottle on Ash Wednesday of T.S.E. (10-72-120 to 10-72-121); Murder in the Cathedral (10-72-122 to 10-72-123); Dela Mare (10-72-124 to 10-72-125); [Hopkins] (10-72-126 to 10-72-131); Summary: Poetic Form of G.M. Hopkins (10-72-132 to 10-72-133); Gerard Manly Hopkins (10-72-134 to 10-72-135); [Influence of Auden, Spender, Lewis] (10-72-136 to 10-72-137); [Masefield] (10-72-138 to 10-72-140); Housman (10-72-142); [poem by Hugh Kingsmill with holograph notes] (10-72-142); [Tennyson] (10-72-146 to 10-72-150); [Yeats] (10-72-152 to 10-72-155); [Calendar list of contemporary poetry] (10-72-158); [fragment] (10-72-160); Contemporary Poetry, [Parodies] (10-72-162); [Introduction to a survey course on 20th century poetry and drama] (10-72-164); Numbers refer to individual pages within the file labelled by a previous archivist. Originally filed with other notes and drafts for courses in English literature in Box 10, File 73. |
10 | 73 | Notes and drafts for courses in English literature | [between 1920 and 1953], 1926 | Annotated typescript and holograph notes and drafts on topics in English literature including: [Shaw and Ibsen] (10-72-166); Two or three years ago [Shaw] (10-72-168 to 10-72-170); Extract from a Letter of Rilke --- 1906 (10-72-172); [Shaw] and [notes on The Wild Duck] (10-72-174); [analysis of Arms and the Man by Shaw] (10-72-176); [analysis of Major Barbara by Shaw] (10-72-178 to 10-72-182); [Shaw] (10-72-184 to 10-72-185); [notes on Shaw and analysis of Saint Joan by Shaw] (10-72-186 to 10-72-192); [analysis of Saint Joan by Shaw] (10-72-194 to 10-72-196); [holograph notes on Hardy] (10-72-198); [Auden] (10-72-200 to 10-72-202); [Yeats and J.M. Synge] (10-72-204 to 10-72-207); [Synge] (10-72-208 to 10-72-211); [The Plough and the Stars by O’Casey] (10-72-212); [O’Neill] (10-72-214 to 10-72-226); [Modern poets, O’Neill, Masefield, and Yeats] (10-72-228 to 10-72-233); [Maugham] (10-72-234 to 10-72-239); [D.H Lawrence’s primitivism] (10-35-7 to 10-35-8); [Lecture on contemporary English and American poetry] (10-35-9 to 10-35-12); [Introduction to course] (10-35-16); [holograph notes with press cutting of "Dream Pedlary" by T. L. Beddoes] (10-35-17 to 10-35-18); Lord Morley on Swinburne, press cutting, June 26, 1926 (10-35-19); [Domestic and naturalistic drama] (10-35-21 to 10-35-22); [The anti-Romantic in drama] (10-35-23 to 10-35-24); [Prosody in literature: Shakespeare, Milton, Masefield, Hopkins] (10-41.9-1 to 10-41.9-4); [Haiku; Essay topics, Fall 1950] (10-45-1); Style (10-46.9-7); [Realism in literature] (10-?B-3); [Fry’s A phoenix too frequent.]; [Notes; Eliot; List of essay topics]; Yeats; Hardy Numbers refer to individual pages within the file labelled by a previous archivist, some leaves are unnumbered. Originally filed with other notes and drafts for courses in English literature in Box 10, File 72. |
10 | 74 | Shakespeare lectures | [between 1936 and 1953] | Annotated typescript and holograph notes and drafts for lectures on Shakespeare, including: Drama before Shakespeare, Elizabethan stage, Shakespeare's contemporaries, Shakespeare's English, aspects of Shakespearean idioms, Tragedy, Shakespeare's transmutation of his sources; Richard III; Henry IV, part I; Falstaff's speech on honour; Twelfth Night; Hamlet; Macbeth; Coriolanus; King Lear; Antony and Cleopatra; The Tempest; and Othello |
10 | 75 | Notes and drafts for courses in American literature | [between 1920 and 1953] | Annotated typescript and holograph notes and drafts on topics in American literature including: E.A. Robinson (10-74-1); The Pasture (10-74-2); Frost (10-74-3); Sandburg (10-74-5 to 10-74-8); Free Verse (10-74-9 to 10-74-10); [MacLeish] (10-74-11 to 10-74-12); [holograph notes including notes on Edmund Wilson] (10-74-13 to 10-74-14); [Shapiro] (10-74-15); Street Scene, Elmer Rice (10-74-17 to 10-74-20); Moby Dick by Herman Melville [draft of radio broadcast] (10-74-21 to 10-74-27); Robert Frost (10-74-29 to 10-74-33); Jeffers (10-38-1 to 10-38-7); Lindsay (10-38-9 to 10-38-10) |
10 | 77 | Course lecture notes | [between 1936 and 1953] | Annotated holograph and typescript notes for courses taught including: introduction to course; questions for classes; essay topics; comments on thesis |
Addresses, lectures, essays, and reviews | ||||
10 | 76 | Paradise Lost: With Special Reference to the first three books | [between 1920 and 1953] | Annotated holograph notes and typescript lecture on Paradise Lost Originally filed with C.B.C radio broadcast, "Andrea del Sarto" and address on William Wordsworth given at Cornell University. |
10 | 78 | Essays and book reviews | [between 1933 and 1964]; October 1933 | Annotated holograph and typescript notes on and drafts of essays and book reviews including: Twenty Years A-Growing [review of Maurice O’Sullivan's 1933 memoir published in Canadian Comment, 3, No. 1 (Jan. 1934)]; Synge, Riders to the Sea [review]; [Note on the revival of religious books after a calamity, and note on Housman]; Paul Vincent Carroll [review of play Shadow and substance] (with pasted press clipping on an Irish actress' encounters with fairies); [Sean O’Casey]; tearsheet of Pratt’s article on Housman, "The Nature of Poetry" Canadian Comment, 2, No. 10 (Oct. 1933); [Humour in Literature] |
10 | 81 | Address on Wordsworth at Cornell | [1943?] | Annotated typescript address on William Wordsworth delivered at Cornell University (ca. 1943) Originally filed with "Paradise Lost: With Special Reference to the first three books" and C.B.C radio broadcast, "Andrea del Sarto" . |
10 | 84 | The Canadian Author & Bookman, Vol. XXi, No. 1 | March 1945 | Bound copy of the journal containing article by Pratt, "Source Material and Poetry, From an Address to the Poetry Group, Montreal Branch, CAA", pp. 15 |
Box 11 | ||||
Reports | ||||
11 /OS | 3 | The Application of the Binet-Simon Tests (Standford Review) to a Toronto Public School | [between 1920 and 1921] | Encapsulated annotated holograph draft of "The Application of the Binet-Simon Tests (Stanford Revision) to a Toronto Public School"; report published in the Canadian Journal of Mental Hygiene, 3, No. 1 (April 1921), 95-116. |
Box 15 | ||||
15 | 13 | Officers, Toronto Branch, Canadian Mental Health Association | [195-?] | List of officers of the Toronto branch, Canadian Mental Health Association; n.d.; President: E.J. Pratt |
Box 17 | ||||
Addresses, lectures, essays, and reviews | ||||
17 | 14 | Material related to 2T6 Victoria reunions | [1933?] - 1976 | Pratt was the Honorary President for the graduating class to 1926; includes: holograph speech and speech notes for a reunion; 2 copies of typescript speech for a reunion; Typescript of poems "MM and a Little Bit More" - Two Versions and "Like Mother, Like Daughter"; Programme for 2T6 Victoria Silver Anniversary, October 27, 1951; list of graduates of Class of 1926, dated August 1961; "Class of 2T6" by K. and D Bernhardt published in Victoria Reports, December 1966; leaf from a copy of Victoria Reports, "Twenty-Fifth Reunion, Class of 1926" by John A. Irving; Programme for 2T6 Victoria 50th Anniversary of Graduation, June 4. 1976; menu for undated reunion |
Box 19 | ||||
Notebooks | ||||
19 | 11 | Loose notes and appointment book | [before 1964] | Loose holograph notes by E.J. Pratt on his writings, awards, and friends |
Licence agreements | ||||
19 | 9 | Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Contract and Licence to Perform | March 11, 1960 | Typescript, with holograph signatures, licence agreement allowing CBC to perform E.J. Pratt |
19 | 9 | Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Contract and Licence to Perform The Cachalot | June 20, 1961; June 21, 1961 | Typescript, with holograph signatures, licence agreement allowing CBC to perform Pratt's poem The Cachalot; includes accompanying typescript letter to Pratt from (Mrs.) Marion A. Taylor, Contract Assistant, National Script Department of CBC |
19 | 9 | Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Contract and Licence to Perform The Cachalot | March 2, 1964 | Typescript, with holograph signatures, licence agreement allowing CBC to perform Pratt's poem The Cachalot |
19 | 9 | Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Contract and Licence to Perform The Titanic | September 28, 1961 | Typescript, with holograph signatures, licence agreement allowing CBC to perform Pratt's poem The Titanic |
19 | 9 | Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Licence to Perform Written Material for "The Deed" | May 6, 1954 | Typescript and holograph licence agreement allowing CBC to perform Pratt's poem "The Deed" |
Box 31 | ||||
Addresses, lectures, essays, and reviews | ||||
31 | 2 | Canadian Poetry – Past and Present | October 1938 | Reprinted from the University of Toronto Quarterly, Vol. VIII, No. 1, October 1938 |
31 | 2 | The Decay of Romance | 1935 | Published in Quill & Quire, Vol. 1, No. 3, Summer 1935, pp. 11 |
31 | 2 | The Scientific Character of Psychology | March 1913 | Published in Acta Victoriana, Vol. XXXVII, No. 6, March 1913, pp. 300-304 Fragile, handle with care |