2011.02V 8-1 |
Accounts of examinations [copy] |
2011.02V 8-2 |
Return of students |
2011.02V 8-3 |
Letter of resignation from John Wilson, Professor of Latin and Greek |
2011.02V 8-4 |
Scholarship certificates |
2011.02V 8-5 |
Graduates in medicine, Victoria College |
2011.02V 8-6 |
Victoria College, register of black marks (demerit points) for students |
2011.02V 8-7 |
Rules and regulations governing academic and residential aspects of student life |
2011.02V 8-8 |
Petition to Board re: junior class' dissatisfaction with professor |
2011.02V 8-9 |
Memorial requesting financial support after being dropped from faculty from William Kingston to College Board |
2011.02V 8-10 |
Memorial requesting salary increase from Faculty of Arts to Victoria College Board |
2011.02V 8-11 |
Record of student absences? [n.d.], rules and regulations from students, codified in 1876 |
2011.02V 8-12 |
Members of Faculty in Arts and Theology and Victoria College stats |
2011.02V 8-13 |
Committee appointed to report on a scheme for holding June matriculation exams at other places than Cobourg – report |
2011.02V 8-14 |
Records of the Faculty Reading Club |
2011.02V 8-15 |
Acta dispute re: mineralogy requirement |
2011.02V 8-16 |
Report of Board of Regents Committee on "V.P." Society (Science Association) |
2011.02V 8-17 |
Lecture to class of 1890 |
2011.02V 8-18 |
Agreement with Stavisky [?] to teach German |
2011.02V 8-19 |
Correspondence re: candidates from Wesleyan Ladies College |
2011.02V 8-20 |
Report of candidates from Albert College |
2011.02V 8-21 |
Two lists of Alma College candidates |
2011.02V 8-22 |
Senior stick |
2011.02V 9-1 |
Appeal of "indefinite suspension" from two students to the President and Faculty of Arts |
2011.02V 9-2 |
Proposed scheme for uniting university honor and pass matriculation examinations with the examinations for the first and second class teachers |
2011.02V 9-3 |
Senate resolution vs. exam fee hike |
2011.02V 9-4 |
[Student proposals for district representatives on the mission field] |
2011.02V 9-5 |
Recommendation of Rev. Henry Youngman for honorary D.D. |
2011.02V 9-6 |
Report on reorganization of faculty |
2011.02V 9-7 |
[Wm Houston application for teaching position] |
2011.02V 9-8 |
Victoria College graduate’s resident in Toronto |
2011.02V 9-9 |
Lucie D. Massey letter to Chancellor Burwash re: Chair of Greek Language and Philosophy |
2011.02V 9-10 |
Documents and correspondence re: case of Prof. George Jackson |
2011.02V 9-11 |
Autographs of Doctors of Divinity, Ecumenical Conference |
2011.02V 9-12 |
Minutes of Faculty Committee held at Victoria University College Library |
2011.02V 9-13 |
Printed letters re: scientific discovery of Mr. Richard A. Ley |
2011.02V 9-14 |
Rev. James Colwell, testimonials |
2011.02V 9-15 |
Rose Cullen scholarship |
2011.02V 9-16 |
Emmanuel College parodies read at banquet |
2011.02V 9-17 |
Matriculation scholarships |
2011.02V 9-18 |
Invitation to annual reception for new students with Rev. Prof and Mrs. McLaughlin, from the YMCA and YWCA |
2011.02V 9-19 |
Notice re: funeral of Prof. Lassere |
2011.02V 9-20 |
"The Zodiaca," publication of the class of 1928 |
2011.02V 9-21 |
Emmanuel College student opinion questionnaire |