2011.02V 4-1 |
Acts relating to Victoria College and Albert College |
2011.02V 4-2 |
Correspondence re: 1841 charter |
2011.02V 4-3 |
Private bill re: Victoria University |
2011.02V 4-4 |
Consolidation of acts relating to Victoria University |
2011.02V 4-5 |
Report of Select Committee on Upper Canada Academy to the Honourable the Commons House of Assembly |
2011.02V 4-6 |
An act to Incorporate the Upper Canada Academy under the name and style of "Victoria College" 1841 |
2011.02V 4-7 |
Petition to the Honorable the Commons House of Assembly of the Province of Canada, in Provincial Parliament assembled, from the Conference of the Wesleyan Methodist Church in Canada, 1854 |
2011.02V 4-8 |
Return to an Address from the Legislative Assembly to His Excellency the Governor General, 1856 |
2011.02V 4-9 |
An act to Amend the Charter of Victoria College, 1858 |
2011.02V 4-10 |
To the Hon. The Legislative Assembly of Canada - the Memorial prepared by order and in behalf of the Conference of the Wesleyan Methodist Church, in Canada |
2011.02V 4-11 |
Petition to the Lieutenant-Governor re: grammar School Fund of Ontario, 1868 |
2011.02V 4-12 |
An act to consolidate and amend the acts incorporating Victoria College at Cobourg, 1874 |
2011.02V 4-13 |
An act respecting the Victoria College of Cobourg, 1879, 1883 |
2011.02V 4-14 |
An act to amend the acts incorporating Victoria College and Albert College, 1884 |
2011.02V 4-15 |
An act to consolidate and amend the acts incorporating Victoria College at Cobourg, ch. 79, Statutes of Ontario, 1874, as amended by Chap. 93, Statutes of Ontario, 1884 |
2011.02V 4-16 |
Statutes of Victoria University, 1886 |
2011.02V 4-17 |
An act respecting the federation of the University of Toronto and University College with other Universities and Colleges, 1887 |
2011.02V 4-18 |
An act to amend the act respecting federation of the University of Toronto and University College with other Universities and Colleges, 1889 |
2011.02V 4-19 |
An act to amend the act respecting the federation of the University of Toronto and University College with other Universities and Colleges, 1891 |
2011.02V 4-20 |
Address delivered by the Hon. G.W. Ross, on moving the second reading of a bill re: University of Toronto, in the Legislative Assembly of Ontario, April 1st 1897 |
2011.02V 4-21 |
An act to Amend the Acts relating to Victoria University, 1897 |
2011.02V 4-22 |
An act to amend The University Act, 1906 |
2011.02V 4-23 |
An act to Consolidate and Amend the Acts Respecting Victoria University, 1915 |
2011.02V 4-24 |
"The University Act" (Toronto) A Review of University Legislation and some of its results by the Hon. Sir William Mulock |
2011.02V 4-25 |
The University Act, 1927 |
2011.02V 4-26 |
An Act respecting Victoria University and Union Theological College, 1928 |
2011.02V 4-27 |
An Act respecting Victoria University, 1944 |
2011.02V 5-1 |
The University of Toronto Act |
2011.02V 5-2 |
Act respecting the Library of Knox College and Certain Archives |
2011.02V 5-3 |
The Victoria University Act, 1951 |
2011.02V 5-4 |
The University of Toronto Act, 1947, as amended by 1953, ch. 107; 1955, ch. 90; 1958, ch. 119; and 1959, ch. 103, 1964 |
2011.02V 5-5 |
The Victoria University Act, 1951 and By-Laws The Board of Regents, 1961, 1958, 1966 |
2011.02V 5-6 |
University of Toronto Act , 1971 |
2011.02V 5-7 |
An Act to amend The University of Toronto Act, 1971 |
2011.02V 5-8 |
The University of Toronto Act, 1971, as amended by 1978, ch. 88 |
2011.02V 5-9 |
The Victoria University Act, 1951, as amended by the Victoria |