Victoria Historical Collection
Victoria Historical Collection
Box/File List
Series 1: General historical material
Identifier | Title | Date | |
1989.094V TR-1 | Edwin C. Guillet scrapbook, "The Victoria College Manuscript Discoveries" |
1938 |
1989.150V TR-1 | Constitution of the Theological Union of Victoria University |
[ca. 1877] |
2011.02V 1-1 | News clipping. "Sir John at Cobourg. Address from the students at Victoria University" |
[18-] |
2011.02V 1-2 | Speech of John Wilson, Speaker of the House of Assembly on the Marriage Bill |
[1829] |
2011.02V 1-3 | Letter of support for establishment of Upper Canada Academy from [Mr?] Clapham, Quebec, to William Lord (Conference President), Upper Canada |
Nov 18 1835 |
2011.02V 1-4 | Reply of the Lieutenant-Governor to the address of the Wesleyan Methodist Church |
Nov 29 1838 |
2011.02V 1-5 | E. Ryerson, "Explanatory and practical observations at the opening of the college" |
1841 |
2011.02V 1-6 | E. Ryerson. "Inaugural address on the nature and advantages of an English and liberal education" |
1842 |
2011.02V 1-7 | Commencement address by John Dunbar (student) |
1849 |
2011.02V 1-8 | Letter. E. Ryerson to the Church re: removal of Victoria to Toronto |
1850 |
2011.02V 1-9 | Excerpt from the answer of the British Conference to the Address of the Canadian Conference, re: Victoria College |
1851 |
2011.02V 1-10 | The Gazette of the University of Victoria College |
1855 |
2011.02V 1-11 | Letter to Ryerson to write an article on the history of the college |
1857 |
2011.02V 1-12 | "Extravagant expenditure in Toronto of the Upper Canada University endowment" by Rev. W.H. Poole |
[1860?] |
2011.02V 1-13 | Address delivered before the alumni of the University of Victoria College, by Professor Wilson, A.M. |
May 22 1861 |
2011.02V 1-14 | Clippings from Journal of education for Upper Canada |
1870 |
2011.02V 1-15 | Practical test of Christianity, a sermon delivered before the Theological Union of Victoria University, by Rev. Hugh Johnston |
May 13 1883 |
2011.02V 1-16 | Editorial in The Christian Guardian [?] typescript |
May 23 1883 |
2011.02V 1-17 | News clipping, "The new Victoria:. corner-stone laying" The Christian Guardian Supplement |
1891 |
2011.02V 1-18 | Jubilee volume of the History of Victoria U, circulars |
[ca. 1891] |
2011.02V 1-19 | News clippings re: discovery of historical records |
1931 |
2011.02V 1-20 | Signatures, Cobourg pilgrimage |
June 10 1932 |
2011.02V 1-21 | "Two events of 1832" by Professor C.B. Sissons |
1932 |
2011.02V 1-22 | The Cazenovia Seminary Bulletin [re: early Victoria History] |
1938 |
2011.02V 1-23 | W.E. McNeill, "Queen's or Victoria: which was first?" [includes correspondence] |
1941 |
2011.02V 1-24 | Proposal for a brief history of Victoria University |
n.d. |
2011.02V 1-25 | "Early Education in Upper Canada," S.F. Maine [student paper for A.J. Johnston] |
n.d. |
Series 2: The 'University Question' and federation
Identifier | Title | Date | |
2011.02V 1-27 | Appeals and petitions re: university question from Wesleyan Methodist church to government ['The University Question' ] |
1854-1888 |
2011.02V 1-26 | Historical material re: 'The University Question' |
1847-1858 |
2011.02V 1-28 | Address of the Wesleyan Conference [regarding 'The University Question'] |
n.d. |
2011.02V 1-29 | The University Question considered by a graduate |
1845 |
2011.02V 1-30 | Appeal of the Wesleyan Conference on the Question of Liberal Education in Upper Canada |
1859 |
2011.02V 1-31 | University Question: The Statements of John Langton and Daniel Wilson |
1860 |
2011.02V 1-32 | Proceedings and Evidence of the Select Committee on the Petition of Stinson and Harper re: the University of Toronto |
1860 |
2011.02V 1-33 | University Question: The Rev. Dr. Ryerson's Defence of the Wesleyan Petitions |
1860 |
2011.02V 2-1 | University Question: Being a Report of the Public Meeting held at the Kingston Conference |
1860 |
2011.02V 2-2 | University Reform: Dr. Ryerson's Reply to the Recent Pamphlet of Mr. Langton and Dr. Wilson |
1861 |
2011.02V 2-3 | University Reform - Report of the Resolutions Adopted at a Great Public Meeting |
1861 |
2011.02V 2-4 | Defence of the Plan of University Reform |
1863 |
2011.02V 2-5 | University Reform Defended: in Reply to six Editorials of the Globe and Leader |
1863 |
2011.02V 2-6 | University federation: resolutions, reports and correspondence |
n.d. |
2011.02V 2-7 | Memo to S.H. Blake re: University matters |
n.d. |
2011.02V 2-8 | Memoranda re: Draft Federation Scheme |
n.d. |
2011.02V 2-9 | "To the Commission," memo from N. Burwash [re: federation] |
n.d. |
2011.02V 2-10 | "Confidential for Consideration" [re: federation] |
n.d. |
2011.02V 2-11 | "Synopsis of Proposals and Objections" [re: federation] |
n.d. |
2011.02V 2-12 | Private [re: federation] |
n.d. |
2011.02V 2-13 | Memo re: Lieut. Governor's Commission re: U of T from N. Burwash [re: federation] |
n.d. |
2011.02V 2-14 | Documents re: federation |
1884-1927 |
2011.02V 2-15 | N. Burwash (?) handwritten notes re: projected move from Cobourg to Toronto, on printed handbook for Methodist Church General Conference, held at Metropolitan Church |
Sept 1 1886 |
2011.02V 2-16 | Letter to the Editor of the Globe by Rev. N. Burwash re: Confederation of the Colleges and University work in Ontario |
1886 |
2011.02V 2-17 | Letter from Provincial Secretary's Office re: federation of Victoria University and suspension of conferring degrees |
1890 |
2011.02V 2-18 | Letter from students re: removal of Victoria University from Cobourg to Toronto |
[189-?] |
2011.02V 3-1 | The Rev. Dr. Nelles on Federation |
n.d. |
2011.02V 3-2 | A National University [re: Trinity] |
n.d. |
2011.02V 3-3 | University Consolidation: A Plea for Higher Education in Toronto" by Canadensis (Dr. Hodgins) |
1876 |
2011.02V 3-4 | Principal Grant, Three Brief Addresses on the Duty of the Legislature to the Colleges of the Province |
[188-?] |
2011.02V 3-5 | University Federation: Trinity Resolution |
1885 |
2011.02V 3-6 | Alexander Sutherland, "The Proposed Plan of College Confederation" |
1885 |
2011.02V 3-7 | Should Victoria University Join the Proposed Federation of Colleges? |
[1885?] |
2011.02V 3-8 | E.H. Dewart, "University Federation: Considered in its Relations to the Educational Interests of the Methodists Church" |
[1886?] |
2011.02V 3-9 | N. Burwash, "The Present Aspects of University Federation" |
1887 |
2011.02V 3-10 | H. Hough, "Victoria Under Federation" |
1887 |
2011.02V 3-11 | (Proposed) Victoria College, Toronto. John Potts |
1887 |
2011.02V 3-12 | Hon. Geo. W. Ross, speeches delivered by Ross on Second Reading of University Federation Bills |
1887 |
2011.02V 3-13 | "Facts Concerning Federation" by James Allan |
1889 |
2011.02V 3-14 | Independents Vindicated [re: federation] |
[189-?] |
2011.02V 3-15 | Federation Vindicated |
[1890?] |
2011.02V 3-16 | J.S. Ross, "A Catechism on College Federation" |
[1890?] |
2011.02V 3-17 | N. Burwash, "Some Further Facts concerning Federation" |
1890 |
2011.02V 3-18 | To the Alumni and Friends of Victoria University [re: federation] |
1893 |
2011.02V 3-19 | N. Burwash, "The Work and Wants of a Provincial University" |
1896 |
2011.02V 3-20 | Petition to Lieutenant governor in Council re: membership to U of T Senate |
[1896?] |
2011.02V 3-21 | Nathanael Burwash, two letters re: conditions of Federation |
1898 1897 |
2011.02V 3-23 | N. Burwash & J. Loudon, "Queen's University and the University Question" and "The University Question" |
1901 |
2011.02V 3-22 | Letter to Chancellor Burwash from B.E. Walker [re: federation] |
1898 |
2011.02V 3-24 | Newsclippings re: federation |
1885-1891 |
2011.02V 3-25 | University Federation: clippings, pamphlets, etc. [scrapbook] |
1887-1889 |
Series 3: Legislation
Identifier | Title | Date | |
2011.02V 4-1 | Acts relating to Victoria College and Albert College |
n.d. |
2011.02V 4-2 | Correspondence re: 1841 charter |
December 7 1934 |
2011.02V 4-3 | Private bill re: Victoria University |
n.d. |
2011.02V 4-4 | Consolidation of acts relating to Victoria University |
n.d. |
2011.02V 4-5 | Report of Select Committee on Upper Canada Academy to the Honourable the Commons House of Assembly |
n.d. |
2011.02V 4-6 | An act to Incorporate the Upper Canada Academy under the name and style of "Victoria College" 1841 |
1941 1841 |
2011.02V 4-7 | Petition to the Honorable the Commons House of Assembly of the Province of Canada, in Provincial Parliament assembled, from the Conference of the Wesleyan Methodist Church in Canada, 1854 |
June 12 1854 |
2011.02V 4-8 | Return to an Address from the Legislative Assembly to His Excellency the Governor General, 1856 |
1856 |
2011.02V 4-9 | An act to Amend the Charter of Victoria College, 1858 |
1858 |
2011.02V 4-10 | To the Hon. The Legislative Assembly of Canada - the Memorial prepared by order and in behalf of the Conference of the Wesleyan Methodist Church, in Canada |
1862 |
2011.02V 4-11 | Petition to the Lieutenant-Governor re: grammar School Fund of Ontario, 1868 |
1868 |
2011.02V 4-12 | An act to consolidate and amend the acts incorporating Victoria College at Cobourg, 1874 |
1874 |
2011.02V 4-13 | An act respecting the Victoria College of Cobourg, 1879, 1883 |
1882-1883 1879 |
2011.02V 4-14 | An act to amend the acts incorporating Victoria College and Albert College, 1884 | ONLINE |
1884 1883 |
2011.02V 4-15 | An act to consolidate and amend the acts incorporating Victoria College at Cobourg, ch. 79, Statutes of Ontario, 1874, as amended by Chap. 93, Statutes of Ontario, 1884 |
1884 |
2011.02V 4-16 | Statutes of Victoria University, 1886 |
1886 |
2011.02V 4-17 | An act respecting the federation of the University of Toronto and University College with other Universities and Colleges, 1887 |
1887 |
2011.02V 4-18 | An act to amend the act respecting federation of the University of Toronto and University College with other Universities and Colleges, 1889 |
1889 |
2011.02V 4-19 | An act to amend the act respecting the federation of the University of Toronto and University College with other Universities and Colleges, 1891 |
1891 |
2011.02V 4-20 | Address delivered by the Hon. G.W. Ross, on moving the second reading of a bill re: University of Toronto, in the Legislative Assembly of Ontario, April 1st 1897 |
1897 |
2011.02V 4-21 | An act to Amend the Acts relating to Victoria University, 1897 |
1897 |
2011.02V 4-22 | An act to amend The University Act, 1906 |
1913 |
2011.02V 4-23 | An act to Consolidate and Amend the Acts Respecting Victoria University, 1915 |
1915 |
2011.02V 4-24 | "The University Act" (Toronto) A Review of University Legislation and some of its results by the Hon. Sir William Mulock |
1924 |
2011.02V 4-25 | The University Act, 1927 |
1927 |
2011.02V 4-26 | An Act respecting Victoria University and Union Theological College, 1928 |
1928 |
2011.02V 4-27 | An Act respecting Victoria University, 1944 |
1944 |
2011.02V 5-1 | The University of Toronto Act |
1947 |
2011.02V 5-2 | Act respecting the Library of Knox College and Certain Archives |
1950 |
2011.02V 5-3 | The Victoria University Act, 1951 |
1951 |
2011.02V 5-4 | The University of Toronto Act, 1947, as amended by 1953, ch. 107; 1955, ch. 90; 1958, ch. 119; and 1959, ch. 103, 1964 |
1964 |
2011.02V 5-5 | The Victoria University Act, 1951 and By-Laws The Board of Regents, 1961, 1958, 1966 |
1951-1966 |
2011.02V 5-6 | University of Toronto Act , 1971 |
1971 |
2011.02V 5-7 | An Act to amend The University of Toronto Act, 1971 |
1978 |
2011.02V 5-8 | The University of Toronto Act, 1971, as amended by 1978, ch. 88 |
1979 |
2011.02V 5-9 | The Victoria University Act, 1951, as amended by the Victoria |
1981 |
Series 4: University administration
Identifier | Title | Date | |
2011.02V 5-10 | Original draft of Charter of Upper Canada Academy with amendments and annotations | ONLINE |
1836 |
2011.02V 5-11 | Letter to Rev. Egerton Ryerson from W.S. Conger informing him of his appointment to the office of Principal, Victoria College |
Sept 3 1841 |
2011.02V 5-13 | Victoria College. Inventory of property |
1845 |
2011.02V 5-14 | Address to the members and friends of the Wesleyan Methodist Church in Canada in behalf of Victoria College |
1851 |
2011.02V 5-15 | Letter requesting statistics for Victoria College from Governor General's Secretary to M. Richey, College President |
July 11 1851 |
2011.02V 5-16 | Address of the Conference in behalf of Victoria College |
1854 1852 |
2011.02V 5-17 | Annual report of the President of Victoria College |
1858-1859 |
2011.02V 5-18 | Minutes of Committee on Insurance and two letters from Queen Insurance Co. to Lachlin Taylor |
1868 |
2011.02V 5-19 | Letter and transcription of statue re: election of alumni representatives to the Senate |
1879 |
2011.02V 5-20 | Subscriptions to the Ryerson Chair, correspondence and lists |
1885-1886 |
2011.02V 5-21 | Resolution of Committee on College Agency, Niagara Conference |
1887 |
2011.02V 5-22 | Victoria College. Letters to Dr. N. Burwash |
1888-1889 |
2011.02V 5-23 | Reports re: Cobourg outbreak of diphtheria and sanitary state of College buildings |
1889 |
2011.02V 5-24 | Mr. J.W.L. Forster's letter to Dr. Potts re: Colonial Conference |
1896 |
2011.02V 5-25 | Senate. Memo to Premier re: University Bill of 1901 |
n.d. |
2011.02V 5-26 | Memo re: University of Toronto |
[1905?] |
2011.02V 5-27 | N. Burwash. Old letters kept for samples of signature |
1905-1912 |
2011.02V 5-29 | Dean of Residence. Correspondence with Imperial Munitions Board |
1918 |
2011.02V 5-30 | University of Toronto Alumni Association. Letter to Prof. Langford and certificate re: loan to G.F. Hammer |
1920 |
2011.02V 5-31 | Regional College of social and religious surveys held in Knox College |
Mar 1 1923 |
Series 5: Finances, fundraising and property
Identifier | Title | Date | |
1987.057V TR-2 | Victoria College contract to build Faraday hall |
1876 |
2011.02V 6-1 | Victoria College, to Maclean Strong (food and dry goods), accounts |
1842-1845 |
2011.02V 6-2 | Victoria College monthly account for the year 1844 with Mrs. Webster |
1844 |
2011.02V 6-3 | Victoria College,.to Gravely Jackson (chemicals and substances), accounts |
1845-1846 |
2011.02V 6-4 | Treasurer statements |
1852-1857 |
2011.02V 6-5 | Fundraising documents |
1852-1918 |
2011.02V 6-6 | Letter from the Auditor of Public Accounts in regard to Victoria and Regiopolis Colleges |
1856 |
2011.02V 6-7 | Deed of land from Town of Cobourg to Victoria College |
Mar 26 1857 |
2011.02V 6-8 | Minutes, committee on plans of Victoria University |
1888 |
2011.02V 6-9 | Memoranda re: Victoria College Bill, 1844, letter from John Lake re: value of land to be leased to Victoria College |
1889 |
2011.02V 6-10 | Abstract of building accounts; abstract of tender |
1889 n.d. |
2011.02V 6-11 | Methodist Book and Publishing House. Statement of notes cashed and returned |
1889-1890 |
2011.02V 6-12 | News clipping re: new college building | ONLINE |
1890 |
2011.02V 6-13 | John Wesley Centenary fund |
1890-1891 |
2011.02V 6-14 | Agreement between John Edward Berkeley Smith, Bursar of the University and Colleges at Toronto and the Board of Regents of Victoria University [lease] |
1892 |
2011.02V 6-15 | Victoria University dedicatory service |
1892 |
2011.02V 6-16 | Application for a loan to James Henderson |
1893 |
2011.02V 6-17 | To the alumni and friends of Victoria University, from Burwash |
1893 |
2011.02V 6-18 | H.A. Massey, deed of gift to Ontario Ladies College |
1895 |
2011.02V 6-19 | Deed of land for Fred Victor Mission, memorandum of independence |
1896 |
2011.02V 6-20 | Victoria College, accounts (food and dry goods) |
n.d. |
2011.02V 6-21 | Victoria College, accounts (food and dry goods) |
n.d. |
2011.02V 6-22 | Plan re: gymnasium |
n.d. |
2011.02V 6-23 | Building Committee, report of meeting re: repairs to President's residence |
n.d. |
2011.02V 6-24 | List of information placed in cornerstone of new Emmanuel College residences |
n.d. |
2011.02V 6-25 | "Walter E.H. Massey's will," The evening telegram |
Dec 9 1901 |
2011.02V 6-26 | Bell Telephone Co. of Canada Ltd,. letter to Chancellor re: a cable through university grounds |
1901 |
2011.02V 6-27 | Victoria College, receipts re: payments of interest and principal of Indian Relic Fund |
1901-1919 |
2011.02V 6-28 | "Victorian work of women: an historic record for the corner stone" |
1902 |
2011.02V 6-29 | Draft of inscription and list of contents of cornerstone of Victoria Women's Residence (Annesley Hall) |
[1903?] |
2011.02V 6-30 | Chancellor, specifications for building for athletic ground and letter from R.A. Graydon, builder |
1905 |
2011.02V 6-31 | Letters concerning C.D. Massey's subscription of funds for Departments of Elocution, English and French |
1907 |
2011.02V 6-32 | Offer by Lillian Massey Treble to erect Household |
1907 |
2011.02V 6-33 | Library, subscription of 50,000 by Andrew Carnegie |
1907-1909 |
2011.02V 6-34 | Canadian Bank of Commerce, savings bank pass-book |
1908-1914 |
2011.02V 6-35 | Men's residence, letter from C.D. Massey |
1909 |
2011.02V 6-36 | Letters re: endowment fund subscriptions, by C.D. Massey |
1909 |
2011.02V 6-37 | Letters re: subscriptions to Library Building Fund by C.D. Massey |
1909-1910 |
2011.02V 6-38 | Victoria College Library, subscription and expense book |
1909-1911 |
2011.02V 6-39 | Library, subscriptions by C.D. Massey, letter from A. Eames, chairman of Library Building Committee |
1910 |
2011.02V 6-40 | Documents re: Carnegie Foundation |
[1910?] |
2011.02V 6-41 | Documents re: central heating plant |
1916 1912 1910 |
2011.02V 7-1 | Victoria University, salary lists, salary augmentations |
1917-1932 1910-1912 |
2011.02V 7-2 | Accounts with Sproatt and Rolph and statement re: alterations to Victoria College Building |
1911 |
2011.02V 7-3 | Letters from the National Trust Co. re: treasureship of Victoria College |
1911 |
2011.02V 7-4 | J.H. Bull, letter to Chancellor Burwash re: scholarships |
1912 |
2011.02V 7-5 | National Trust Co. Ltd., letter re: mortgage of property of Robert Simpson Co. |
1912 |
2011.02V 7-6 | Documents with Dunnington and Grubbe re: trees and grounds |
1913 |
2011.02V 7-7 | Victoria University accounts, 20 Highview Crescent property |
1914-1919 |
2011.02V 7-8 | Receipt for installment of mortgage on 20 Highview Cr. |
1917 |
2011.02V 7-9 | Dean of Residence Vincent Massey re: overseas training company |
1918 |
2011.02V 7-10 | Victoria University accounts, time and mileage book |
1918-1919 |
2011.02V 7-11 | Letter from C.D. Massey to President Burwash re: Dean's House |
1919 |
2011.02V 7-12 | Victoria College, salary list |
1920-1921 |
2011.02V 7-13 | Correspondence re: Elizabeth Morse Bequest |
1921 |
2011.02V 7-14 | Trust agreement, C.E. Armstrong et al. and J.R. Johnston et al. |
April 15 1929 |
2011.02V 7-15 | Copy of trust agreement, Memorial Trust Fund, Class of 1928. |
May 1929 |
2011.02V 7-16 | Faculty of Theology, campaign for Emmanuel |
1929 |
Series 6: Collections management
Identifier | Title | Date | |
2011.02V 7-17 | Reading room subscription and account |
1844 |
2011.02V 7-18 | Report to the Board of Regents by N. Burwash re: the various collections of the Victoria museum now in the Royal Ontario Museum |
1914 |
2011.02V 7-19 | Provenance of Cobourg letter box |
n.d. |
2011.02V 7-20 | Location of certain files, data re: staff members |
1936-1943 |
Series 7: Committees
Identifier | Title | Date | |
2011.02V 7-21 | Board of Regents, minutes of judgment dissolving injunction against moving from Cobourg to Toronto |
1890 |
2011.02V 7-22 | Minutes of committee, Jubilee |
1891 |
Series 8: Students, faculty and academic matters
Identifier | Title | Date | |
2011.02V 8-1 | Accounts of examinations [copy] |
May 22 1844 May 24 1843 |
2011.02V 8-2 | Return of students |
1844-1845 |
2011.02V 8-3 | Letter of resignation from John Wilson, Professor of Latin and Greek |
Sept. 18 1849 |
2011.02V 8-4 | Scholarship certificates |
1853 |
2011.02V 8-5 | Graduates in medicine, Victoria College |
1855-1903 |
2011.02V 8-6 | Victoria College, register of black marks (demerit points) for students |
1856-1858 |
2011.02V 8-7 | Rules and regulations governing academic and residential aspects of student life |
[ca. 1862-1864] |
2011.02V 8-8 | Petition to Board re: junior class' dissatisfaction with professor |
1867 |
2011.02V 8-9 | Memorial requesting financial support after being dropped from faculty from William Kingston to College Board |
May 10 1870 |
2011.02V 8-10 | Memorial requesting salary increase from Faculty of Arts to Victoria College Board |
1871 |
2011.02V 8-11 | Record of student absences? [n.d.], rules and regulations from students, codified in 1876 |
1876 n.d. |
2011.02V 8-12 | Members of Faculty in Arts and Theology and Victoria College stats |
1878 |
2011.02V 8-13 | Committee appointed to report on a scheme for holding June matriculation exams at other places than Cobourg – report |
1883 |
2011.02V 8-14 | Records of the Faculty Reading Club |
Jan 1886 |
2011.02V 8-15 | Acta dispute re: mineralogy requirement |
1888 |
2011.02V 8-16 | Report of Board of Regents Committee on "V.P." Society (Science Association) |
1889 |
2011.02V 8-17 | Lecture to class of 1890 |
[1890] |
2011.02V 8-18 | Agreement with Stavisky [?] to teach German |
1892 |
2011.02V 8-19 | Correspondence re: candidates from Wesleyan Ladies College |
1893 |
2011.02V 8-20 | Report of candidates from Albert College |
1893 |
2011.02V 8-21 | Two lists of Alma College candidates |
1893 |
2011.02V 8-22 | Senior stick |
1895 |
2011.02V 9-1 | Appeal of "indefinite suspension" from two students to the President and Faculty of Arts |
n.d. |
2011.02V 9-2 | Proposed scheme for uniting university honor and pass matriculation examinations with the examinations for the first and second class teachers |
n.d. |
2011.02V 9-3 | Senate resolution vs. exam fee hike |
n.d. |
2011.02V 9-4 | [Student proposals for district representatives on the mission field] |
n.d. |
2011.02V 9-5 | Recommendation of Rev. Henry Youngman for honorary D.D. |
1902 |
2011.02V 9-6 | Report on reorganization of faculty |
1907 |
2011.02V 9-7 | [Wm Houston application for teaching position] |
1907 |
2011.02V 9-8 | Victoria College graduate’s resident in Toronto |
1907-1909 |
2011.02V 9-9 | Lucie D. Massey letter to Chancellor Burwash re: Chair of Greek Language and Philosophy |
1909 |
2011.02V 9-10 | Documents and correspondence re: case of Prof. George Jackson |
1910-1912 |
2011.02V 9-11 | Autographs of Doctors of Divinity, Ecumenical Conference |
Oct 9 1911 |
2011.02V 9-12 | Minutes of Faculty Committee held at Victoria University College Library |
February 19 1912 |
2011.02V 9-13 | Printed letters re: scientific discovery of Mr. Richard A. Ley |
1914 |
2011.02V 9-14 | Rev. James Colwell, testimonials |
1922 |
2011.02V 9-15 | Rose Cullen scholarship |
1930 1924 |
2011.02V 9-16 | Emmanuel College parodies read at banquet |
1937 |
2011.02V 9-17 | Matriculation scholarships |
1938 |
2011.02V 9-18 | Invitation to annual reception for new students with Rev. Prof and Mrs. McLaughlin, from the YMCA and YWCA |
1944 |
2011.02V 9-19 | Notice re: funeral of Prof. Lassere |
1945 |
2011.02V 9-20 | "The Zodiaca," publication of the class of 1928 |
Nov 11, 1948 Oct 16 1948 |
2011.02V 9-21 | Emmanuel College student opinion questionnaire |
1968 |
Series 9: Articles, lectures, and poetry
Identifier | Title | Date | |
2011.02V 9-22 | "A Canadian's Reply to Mr. Goldwin Smith on the Colonies" |
1863 |
2011.02V 9-23 | Correspondence about publication of book by Henry George Tomkins |
[189-] |
2011.02V 9-24 | Methodist Education in Canada by Rev. N. Burwash |
1891 |
2011.02V 9-25 | S.W.L. Stewart, lecture notes on Hamilton's Metaphysics |
[18--?] |
2011.02V 9-26 | "What the World Owes to China" by C.T. Currelly |
[19-?] |
2011.02V 10-1 | Personal papers - Pelham Edgar? |
[19-?] |
2011.02V 10-2 | W.T. Brown article - "Three Ideals of Education" |
[19-?] |
2011.02V 10-3 | Two mms of Goldwin Smith (?) |
[1903?] |
2011.02V 10-4 | Notes on Canadian History by Prof. A.S. Cummings, Wesley College Winnipeg |
June 1926 |
2011.02V 10-5 | "The Christian View of Suffering" by R.P. Bowles |
1928 |
2011.02V 10-6 | Address given by Professor C.B. Sissons at the Convocation of Arts of Victoria University |
Sept 28 1943 |
2011.02V 10-7 | Poetry. "Understanding," author unknown |
n.d. |
2011.02V 10-8 | Unidentified book of poetry |
n.d. |
2011.02V 10-9 | Poetry [various, unidentified] |
n.d. |
2011.02V 10-10 | Notes - What is Christianity |
n.d. |
2011.02V 10-11 | Philosophy Dept. Printed notes re: "Realism and Idealism" |
n.d. |
2011.02V 10-12 | Notebook containing sermons on church renewal (preached in Japan) and Christian perfectionism, unidentified |
n.d. |
2011.02V 10-13 | Part of unidentified mss. discussing public education |
n.d. |
2011.02V 10-14 | Paper, "A Discussion of [Ferral Perdineran?]" [very old] |
n.d. |
2011.02V 10-15 | Sermon notes of John William Fletcher |
n.d. |
Series 10: Records of the Educational Society and Brantford District College Convention
Identifier | Title | Date | |
2011.02V 10-16 | The Educational Society, Toronto Conference |
1899 |
2011.02V 10-17 | Constitution of Educational Society |
n.d. |
2011.02V 10-18 | Minutes of Brantford District College Convention |
1869 |
Series 11: Correspondence
Identifier | Title | Date | |
2011.02V 10-20 | Steward (Rev. C.R. Allison) letter from R. Van Norman |
1836 |
2011.02V 10-21 | Duncan Campbell, letter to brother in Scotland, the year of the McKenzie Rebellion |
1838 |
2011.02V 10-22 | Autographed letter of John A. Macdonald to Dr. Potts (Victoria U). |
Sept 26 1887 |
2011.02V 10-23 | Autographed letters loaned by Mr. Philip Bellows |
1894-1935 |
2011.02V 10-24 | Various correspondence |
1844-1901 |
2011.02V 10-25 | Unidentified letters |
n.d. |
Series 12: Illuminated manuscripts and documents
Identifier | Title | Date | |
2011.02V 11-1 | To the Rev. N. Burwash, S.T.D.: LL.D. Chancellor, Victoria University [from students] |
Oct 22 1892 |
2011.02V 11-2 | Resolution of the Board of Regents of Victoria College to Chancellor Burwash [re: resignation] |
Oct 17 1913 |
2011.02V 11-3 | Resolution to establish Burwash Lectureship |
n.d. |
2011.02V 11-4 | Christian greetings to Chancellor and Mrs. Wallace from Victoria U. staff |
Dec. 1933 |
2011.02V 11-5 | Victoria's congratulations to Trinity College, on their centenary |
1951 |