
Financial Donations
Financial donations to the Archives may be made by cheque to "Victoria University Library."
For questions or instructions on how to donate online, please contact the Victoria University Library administrative office by phoning 416-585-4471 or emailing elsie [dot] nisonen [at] utoronto [dot] ca (subject: Donation%20to%20Victoria%20University%20Archives) (Elsie Nisonen).
Personal Papers
The Archives is currently interested in acquiring the personal papers of students and alumni that depict the University’s student life, including:
- Diaries
- Journals
- Reminiscences
- Scrapbooks
- Photographs
- Ephemera (pamphlets, programs, etc)
These may document the following:
- Athletics
- Social events
- Orientation
- Residence
- Theatre
- Other activities
Please contact the Archivist to discuss potential donations of personal papers: archives [at] vicu [dot] utoronto [dot] ca (subject: Donating%20Personal%20Papers) or 416-585-4562.
Tax Receipts
Tax receipts are not generally issued for donations of personal papers; however the Chief Librarian reserves the right to issue a tax receipt in exceptional circumstances.
Books and Periodicals
The Archives does not acquire books and periodicals; however these may be donated to the Victoria University Library by emailing beth [dot] shoemaker [at] vicu [dot] utoronto [dot] ca (subject: Dontating%20to%20the%20Library) (Beth Shoemaker), Head of Bibliographic Services.
Last updated: July 29, 2024