Frequently Asked Questions
The books and periodicals in the collection of the library are listed in LibrarySearch, the University of Toronto Libraries’ online catalogue. If you need assistance with looking up a title, please consult our staff at the circulation desk on the main floor.

The general collection is arranged by Library of Congress Classification:
- books in the A to G range are shelved on the second floor
- books in the H to Z range are located on the ground floor
- reference collection is available in the reading room on the main floor.
Please consult General Collections for more information regarding the scope of our collections.
Current and back issues of magazines, literary periodicals, and scholarly journals are located on the second floor of the library. Please use LibrarySearch, the University of Toronto Libraries’ online catalogue, to locate the title of a specific publication.

Our rare-book and special collections are organized into finding aids which can be searched.

To request materials from our special collections or rare books, please submit your request through Special Collections Access, a library account designated for this purpose. Please consult our detailed guide if you need assistance with creating an account and booking an appointment.
Researchers must provide a minimum of three weekdays’ advance notice to request an appointment for consulting materials. Upon retrieval, materials can be consulted in the special-collections reading room on the first floor. The collections are available for use from 9:30 am until 4:30 pm Monday to Friday.
About the Library

The library is located on the Victoria University campus at 71 Queen’s Park Crescent East. The closest subway station is Museum and the closest major intersection is Bloor Street West and Avenue Road.

Please consult Library Hours as our opening times vary throughout the year. Extended hours begin before each exam period.

Our priority is to serve the Victoria University and University of Toronto communities including students, faculty and staff. However, members of the general public are also able to use the spaces and publicly available resources if there is little impact on this priority group.
In addition, however, during busy times, or due to non-compliance with our conduct regulations, we do reserve the right to ask general public members to come back at a less busy time or to leave the library.
While members of the public are welcome to use the library’s collections within the building, borrowing privileges are extended only to the current University of Toronto students, faculty, librarians, and staff who have a valid library card (TCard), and to the alumni of Victoria University.
Access to the computer workstations within the Information Commons, including printing and software, is restricted to the current U of T students, students, faculty, librarians, and staff. Please consult Library Services: Members of the Public for more information.
To create an optimal study and research environment for all library patrons, including external visitors, it is mandatory that every user of the Library familiarize themselves with and adhere to the University of Toronto Library Conduct Regulations. We reserve the right to ask anyone who does not adhere to these regulations to leave the library.
Printers are located next to the IT Support Desk on the main floor of the library, past the elevator.
Photocopiers are available on the ground floor adjacent to the student lounge and on the first floor in the south end of the reading room behind the staircase.
Four scanners are located on the main floor, in the last row of South Information Commons. A standalone scanner is on the second floor, in an alcove near the elevator and main stairway. It is a KIC Bookeye scanner, a powerful yet very easy to use machine. Instructions are available on the wall in the scanning area.
Please refer to Library Services: Technology for more information on the hardware and software available in the library.

Robert Farquharson Information Commons, located on the first floor of the library, has workstations equipped with software to assist with completion of assignments and essays. In addition, laptops are available at the circulation desk for use in the library and Chromebooks and tablets can be borrowed for three days with a valid TCard.

There are four group study areas in the library: two are located on the Queen’s Park Avenue level (located on the floor below the main level) and additional two study rooms are located on the second floor.
One room is bookable for groups of five or more students: please consult Booking the Group Study Room for more information.
The library has individual study carrels located on the first floor (in the reading room) and on the second floor. Additional study space is also available on the ground floor (located one floor below the first floor). Larger tables are available for use in the reading room.
The Old Exam Repository can be accessed through the main University of Toronto Libraries. A valid UTORid and password are required to view exams from previous years.
Research and Computing Assistance

Please visit the Reference Desk on the main floor of the library to consult a librarian. Drop-in reference service is available Monday to Friday from 9:30 am until 4:30 pm.
For immediate assistance, please connect with a reference librarian via an online reference service, Ask a Librarian.
If you require extensive help in using the catalogue or finding journal articles on the topic of your research assignment, consider booking a consultation with a librarian.
An advanced notice of at least twenty-four hours is required (excluding weekends and holidays) for all appointment requests.

Librarians are available for appointments customized to the research requirements of particular assignments.
We are generally available for consultations Monday to Friday, between 9:30 am and 4:30 pm. An advanced notice of at least twenty-four hours is required (excluding weekends and holidays).
To request an appointment, please use the online contact form or visit the Reference Desk.
Our computing facility is divided into North and South Information Commons. They are all equipped with Internet Office computers. They offer Internet access, library catalogue, and electronic library resources as well as Microsoft Office and open source Office like suites (see complete listing on Information Commons).
Four workstations in the last row of South Information Commons include scanners, scanning software, Internet access and Microsoft Office (see complete listing on Information Commons).
North Information Commons is located in the front of the Circulation Desk on the main floor.
South Information Commons is located on the main floor past the elevator.

Technical assistance is available at the IT Support Desk on the main floor.
Our priority is providing assistance with any library software or hardware that appears to be malfunctioning and general support in utilizing information technology in the library.

Information on obtaining a TCard, the photo ID student card used for borrowing books and accessing library’s services, can be found on the TCard website.
Undergraduates may borrow up to 50 books at one time. Graduate students may borrow up to borrow 200 books at one time.
Please visit Loan Periods: Books to find out how long books are available to you.

During opening hours, books can be returned to the book drop located by the Circulation Desk on the main floor.
After hours, books should be left in the book drop at the outside entrance of the library, which is located at the top of the stairs and on the left side of the main entrance. Materials from other libraries should be returned to the library from which they were borrowed.
Course reserves and short-term loan books are available for a shorter loan period than other circulating books—generally two hours, one day or three days.
All course reserves and short-term loan books are located behind the Circulation Desk. Please look up the title of the book you would like to borrow in the library catalogue and give the call number to a staff member working at the desk.
See also:
How Do I... for guidance on finding information, research, and writing.