This is
a representation of the Wreck of the Reliance (East Indiaman) off
the French Coast near Boulogne, November 12, 1842.
The print was designed and printed by G. Baxter from the description
of R. Dickson, the only English survivor.
The Times of November, 1842, describes the wreck as follows: "She
was of 1,550 tons, built in 1825 at Deptford and left Gravesend
on June 15th, 1841. In a dreadful and terrific gale the ship went
ashore, and the scene on the sandy beach was extraordinary from
the number of boxes of tea washed up, and out of the 27,000 boxes
she had on board, only 1,386 were recovered. The only persons saved
besides Robert Dickson were Wm. O'Neill, a seaman, one Norwegian,
one Prussian, and three men from Manila, and amongst those lost
were the captain, 27 Chinamen who embarked at Whampoa, and 17 men
from Manila who joined at Macao." The ship was bound from China
to London, and was lost off Merlemont.