This print
was taken from a drawing sent over by friends of the Baptist Missionary
Society in Jamaica to the Committee of the Missionary Society. The
following is a description of the print which is an incident in
the life of Rev. William Knibb:
"It is 4.30 a.m., January 2nd, 1842. While the partial darkness
of night reigned o'er sea and land and long before day dawned o'er
the ocean and adjacent country the shores of the bay of Jamaica
called 'Half-Moon Bay' presented the most interesting appearance.
Thousands of persons had congregated themselves; a whisper might
be heard. At the hour above-named, Mr. Knibb commenced the service.
One hundred and forty-five candidates were waiting to go down into
the water with the pastor. The line of persons entering the water
formed into a half-circle, in the centre of which stands the administrator,
and one or two leaders or deacons on right and left conduct the
candidates to him or lead them back to the shore to the houses prepared
for their reception..." - Baptist Reporter, 1812.