Records Destruction or Transfer

At the end of a record's life cycle, we start to look at disposition.
Disposition: The final action to be taken on records at the end of their retention periods. At Victoria, this is usually either destruction or transfer to the Archives for permanent retention.
Regular Disposition: Destruction or Transfer
- Reduces clutter in filing cabinets and computer drives/servers.
- Reduces risk of legal liability by ensuring destruction of records in accordance with the law.
- Ensures the University's historical record and organizational memory are preserved in the Archives.
- Helps staff stay familiar with records held in the office and encourages better records management, collaboration, and knowledge transfer.
Important Destruction Note!
All appropriate approvals must be received BEFORE destruction begins.
University Records (no matter what format they're in) must be destroyed according to our procedures. Transitory Records do not require permission to destroy - please review the Transitory Records Tip Sheet for more information on identifying and destroying Transitory Records.
Records cannot be destroyed if:
- The records are the subject of any current or anticipated claim, litigation, investigation, legal hold, audit or program review.
- The records contain information of enduring value for the Victoria University Archives.
Procedures: Destruction or Transfer
Review and complete the relevant Tip Sheet and Forms. Have questions? Please contact the Records Manager for assistance.
Last updated: September 19, 2022