Wallace Family fonds
Wallace Family fonds
Box/File List
Series 1: Records of Paul Anthony Wilson Wallace
Identifier | Title | Date | |
2018.07V9-1 | Correspondence as Canadian author |
1916-1923 |
2018.07V9-2 | Correspondence as Canadian author |
1924-1933 |
2018.07V9-3 | Dorothy Wallace letters from Edmonton |
1919-1920 |
2018.07V9-4 | Dorothy Wallace letters from Edmonton |
1920-1921 |
2018.07V9-5 | Manuscripts on Canadian subjects |
n.d. |
2018.07V9-6 | Correspondence with Victoria University faculty - Robertson, Bennett, Sissons |
1946-1962 |
2018.07V10-1 | Diary [Toronto] |
Jan-Feb 1904 Nov 1900-Nov 1901 |
2018.07V10-2 | Diaries [Toronto] |
1906 1905 1904 1903 1902 |
2018.07V10-3 | Scribbling Book [diary/notebook] |
1905-1906 |
2018.07V10-4 | Diary [Toronto, Go Home Bay] |
1907 |
2018.07V10-5 | Notebook |
1907-1909 |
2018.07V10-6 | Notebook: 'Exercises in Penmanship, Exercise 1' |
1910 |
2018.07V10-7 | Notebook: 'Exercises in Penmanship, Exercise 2' |
1910-1911 |
2018.07V10-8 | Diaries/Photographic Records |
1913 1912 1911 1910 1908 |
2018.07V11-1 | Composition Book: Story and diary of hiking in the Swiss Alps |
1911 |
2018.07V11-2 | Composition Book: account of experiences in France in August, 1914, story sketches |
August 1914 |
2018.07V11-3 | Journals |
1911-1916 |
2018.07V11-4 | Diaries/Notes |
1916-1919 |
2018.07V11-5 | A Soldiers Diary [England, Canada] | ONLINE |
1916-1917 |
2018.07V11-6 | Journal [Wales, Toronto, Edmonton] |
July 1919 - August 1921 |
2018.07V11-7 | Journal [Edmonton] |
August 1921 - May 1922 |
2018.07V12-1 | Journal |
1922-1935 |
2018.07V12-2 | Account Book |
1913-1921 |
2018.07V14-1 | Manuscript: The Canadian Herodotus - intro and ch. 1 |
1924 |
2018.07V14-2 | Manuscript: The Canadian Herodotus - ch. 2-4 |
n.d. |
2018.07V14-3 | Manuscript: The Canadian Herodotus - ch. 5-8 |
n.d. |
2018.07V14-4 | Manuscript: The Canadian Herodotus - ch. 9-11 |
n.d. |
2018.07V14-5 | Manuscript: The Canadian Herodotus - ch. 12-14 |
n.d. |
2018.07V14-6 | Manuscript: The Canadian Herodotus - ch. 15-16 |
n.d. |
2018.07V14-7 | Manuscript: The Canadian Herodotus - ch. 17-18 |
n.d. |
2018.07V14-8 | Manuscript: The Canadian Herodotus - "Quebec", "Montreal" |
n.d. |
2018.07V14-9 | Manuscript: The Canadian Herodotus - ch. IV-V, "Maritimes", "Ottawa" |
n.d. |
2018.07V14-10 | Manuscript: The Canadian Herodotus - ch. VI-VII, "Toronto", "Niagara" |
n.d. |
2018.07V14-11 | Manuscript: The Canadian Herodotus - ch. VIII, "Tecumseh County", IX "The Georgian Bay" |
n.d. |
2018.07V14-12 | Manuscript: The Canadian Herodotus - ch. X "Lake Superior", XI "Winnipeg" |
n.d. |
2018.07V14-13 | Manuscript: The Canadian Herodotus - XII "Regina + Saskatoon", XIII "The Open Prairie", XIO "Calgary + Edmonton" |
n.d. |
2018.07V14-14 | Manuscript: The Canadian Herodotus - XV "The Rocky Mountains", XVI, "Vancouver" |
n.d. |
2018.07V14-15 | Manuscript: The Canadian Herodotus - XVII "Vancouver Island", XVIII "From Van to Yukon" |
n.d. |
2018.07V14-16 | Manuscript: M.A. Thesis, "English Travel of the 17th Century in Europe" |
1923 |
2018.07V14-17 | Manuscript: "A Bit of Selkirk Bush" |
n.d. |
2018.07V14-18 | Manuscript: "Canadian Writers Need Canadian Critics", "A Word to Reviewers" |
n.d. |
2018.07V14-19 | Manuscript: "Chief Joseph Montour", "The Iroquois Nation Welcomes You" |
n.d. |
2018.07V14-20 | Manuscript: "Children’s Tales" |
n.d. |
2018.07V14-21 | Manuscript: "The Eternal Freshman" |
n.d. |
2018.07V14-22 | Manuscript: "The Historian & The Literary Critic" |
n.d. |
2018.07V14-23 | Manuscript: "Horehound al Raschid", "Corporal Coaly", "unnamed manuscript" |
n.d. |
2018.07V14-24 | Manuscript: "The Little Gray Man" |
n.d. |
2018.07V14-25 | Manuscript: "Wesakachah: A Study in the New Theology", "The Rolling Head and Other Legends of Wesakaychak" |
n.d. |
2018.07V14-26 | Manuscript: Story writing course, #2 |
n.d. |
2018.07V14-27 | Notes re: Haliburton, the West, Marmette, Bigot |
n.d. |
2018.07V14-28 | Miscellaneous Notes |
n.d. |
2018.07V14-29 | Miscellaneous Notes |
n.d. |
2018.07V14-30 | Correspondence |
1919-1975 |
2018.07V15-3 | Correspondence re: Edward Wilson Wallace and Harold Bennett |
1928-1929 |
2018.07V15-4 | Young Peoples' Friend |
1900-1908 |
2018.07V15-5 | Child's Own Paper |
1902-1903 |
2018.07V15-6 | The Morning Mouser |
1905-1906 |
2018.07V15-7 | Early Writing and Cartoons |
1902-1910 |
2018.07V15-8 | Notebooks from Go Home Bay |
[190-?] |
2018.07V15-9 | Composition Book |
ca. 1907 |
2018.07V16-1 | O Temora, O Moses [play] |
n.d. |
2018.07V16-2 | O Temora, O Moses: Act IV [play] |
ca. 1906 |
2018.07V16-3 | List of manuscripts sent to publishers and their fate |
1916-1927 |
2018.07V16-4 | Publishers' Agreements |
1922-1923 |
2018.07V16-5 | Article on Chief Joseph Montour |
1936 |
2018.07V16-6 | Published Articles |
n.d. |
2018.07V16-7 | Bibliography of Paul A.W. Wallace's writings, prepared by David H. Wallace |
1996 |
2018.07V17-1 | Address: "Ideals in Journalism" various drafts |
n.d. |
2018.07V17-2 | Editing work: The Harbord Review |
February 1907 |
2018.07V17-3 | Editing work: "Selection from Sam Slick" introduction |
n.d. |
2018.07V17-4 | Editing work: "Selection from Sam Slick" Part I |
n.d. |
2018.07V17-5 | Editing work: "Selection from Sam Slick" Part II |
n.d. |
2018.07V17-6 | Editing work: "Selection from Sam Slick" Part III: The Witch of Inky Dell |
n.d. |
2018.07V17-7 | Editing work: "Selection from Sam Slick" Part IV: The Old Judge |
n.d. |
2018.07V17-8 | Editing work: "Winter Studies & Summer Rambles" A. Jamieson, introduction |
n.d. |
2018.07V17-9 | Editing work: "The Travels of Lord Herbert of Cherburg" introduction |
n.d. |
2018.07V17-10 | Editing work: "The Travels of Lord Herbert of Cherburg" Intro, Part I |
n.d. |
2018.07V17-11 | Editing work: "The Travels of Lord Herbert of Cherburg" Part II, III, pg. 40-102 |
n.d. |
2018.07V17-12 | Editing work: "The Intendant Bigot" by J. Marmette pg. i-29 |
n.d. |
2018.07V17-13 | Editing work: "The Intendant Bigot" by J. Marmette pg. 30-63 |
n.d. |
2018.07V17-14 | Editing work: "The Intendant Bigot" by J. Marmette pg. 64-104 |
n.d. |
2018.07V17-15 | Editing work: "The Intendant Bigot" by J. Marmette pg. 105-149 |
n.d. |
2018.07V17-16 | Editing work: "The Intendant Bigot" by J. Marmette pg. 150-198 |
n.d. |
2018.07V17-17 | Editing work: "The Intendant Bigot" by J. Marmette pg. 199-232 |
n.d. |
2018.07V17-18 | Editing work: "The Intendant Bigot" by J. Marmette pg. 233-287 |
n.d. |
2018.07V17-19 | Editing work: "The Intendant Bigot" by J. Marmette pg. 288-331 [end] |
n.d. |
2018.07V18-1 | Workbook: "The Intendent Bigot" and "Les Anciens Canadiens" |
n.d. |
2018.07V18-2 | Workbook: "Canadian Classics" and "Chevalier de Mormac" |
n.d. |
2018.07V18-3 | History of Madawaska Club Go-Home Bay 1898-1948 |
1949 |
2018.07V18-4 | Active Service Testament |
1916 |
2018.07V19-1 | Correspondence: Paul Wallace and Dorothy Wallace [Paul overseas for WWI] |
1916-1924 |
2018.07V19-2 | Reminiscences: "The House Not Made With Hands" Paul A.W. Wallace |
1932 |
2018.07V19-3 | Reminiscences: "The House Not Made With Hands" Paul A.W. Wallace Part II, III |
1932 |
2018.07V19-4 | Reminiscences: "The House Not Made With Hands" Paul A.W. Wallace Part IV, V |
1932 |
2018.07V20 | The Epistle of Paul to the Philippians |
1928 |
Series 2: Records of Edward Wilson Wallace, Jr.
Identifier | Title | Date | |
2018.07V12-3 | Account of bicycle tour of England, Scotland, and Ireland |
1936 |
2018.07V15-2 | "Round the world with Edward" |
1927 |
Series 3: Records of Muriel Joy Wilson Wallace
Identifier | Title | Date | |
2018.07V12-6 | Diaries |
June - July 1902 1899 |
2018.07V12-7 | Diary [Toronto, Go Home Bay] |
1905 |
2018.07V13-1 | Diary [Europe] |
1910-1911 1906 |
2018.07V13-2 | Diary [Europe] |
1911 |
2018.07V13-3 | Address Book |
ca 1920-1940 |
Series 4: Photographs
Identifier | Title | Date | |
1997.014 | [Family Photographs] |
ca. 1850 - 1972, predominant 1880-1920 |
2018.07 | [Family Photographs] |
1891-1928, predominant 1916-1922 |