Scholarly activities/publications records

Title: Scholarly activities/publications records
Dates of Material:
1.49 m of textual records
2 audio cassettes
Scope and content

The series documents S.A. Nigosian’s career as a scholar in the field of religious studies. The material includes theses, copies of published works, drafts of manuscripts, proofs, cassettes of interviews and workshops, as well as correspondence and other records related to scholarly publishing.

The material in the series is arranged by form of the material (i.e. articles, correspondence).

Box 1
12 Articles (2)
13 Articles (3)
14 Book reviews
17 Publications about Nigosian
18 Reviews of Publications of Nigosian
19 Publications–Announcements
110 Publications–Annotated, etc.
116 First manuscript, entitled Religion in Global Perspective1983
117 First manuscript, entitled Borrowing from Ancient Records: The Old Testament and Apocrypha 2000
Box 2
24 Bedford/St. Martins Press–Correspondence (World Religions), 3rd ed.
25 Biblica–Correspondence
29 Ishwaran–Correspondence
210 Curriculum Vitae
211 Government of Ontario–Ministry of Culture and Recreation
214 International Congress for Asia and North African Studies (ICANAS)
215 International Organization for the Study of the Old Testament (IOSOT)
222 McGill–Queen’s University Press–Correspondence re Old Testament
228 Who’s Who
Box 3
31 Correspondence: Islam: Its History, Teaching and Practices
32 Manuscript Islam: Its History, Teaching and Practices, edited from Indiana University Press, March/03
33 Manuscript Islam: Its History, Teaching and Practices–page proofs from Indiana University Press, May/03
37 Work in progress: Old Testament and Apocrypha: a) Titles, Preface, Contents; b) Reviews of Readers
34 Correspondence: Old Testament and Apocrypha, 20002000
35 Correspondence: Old Testament and Apocrypha, 20012001
36 Correspondence: Old Testament and Apocrypha, 2002–032002-2003
38 Manuscript: Old Testament and Apocrypha–first draft Jan/03 Johns Hopkins University PressJan. 2003
39 Manuscript: Old Testament and Apocrypha–second draft, Sept/03Sept. 2003
310 Manuscript: Old Testament and Apocrypha–copy-edited, Jan/04Jan. 2004
Box 4
42 Manuscript: From Ancient Writings to Sacred Texts–edited and page proofs
43 Manuscript: Islam: Its History, Teaching and Practices–printer’s proof pages, Sept./03Sept. 2003
Box 5
51 Manuscript Occultism–draft 1
52 Manuscript Occultism–draft 2
53 Manuscript Occultism–draft 3
54 Manuscript Occultism–draft 4
55 Manuscript Occultism–draft 5
56 Manuscript Occultism–draft 5
Box 6
61 M.A. Thesis “Indo-Aryan Religion in Achaemenid-Persia”1970
62 Ph.D Thesis “The Song of Moses (Deut. 32:1–43)”1975
63 “Socio-Cultural Aspects of Adaptation of Zoroastrians Settled in Canada and the United States”1982
64–5Zoroastrianism research material and notes1994-2004
66 “Zoroastrianism: a Historian’s Dilemma”1997
67 The Canadian Society of Biblical Scholars1988-2003
68 “Occult Practices in Ancient Israel: the Biblical Evidence” revised manuscript2004
Box 7
71 World Religions, correspondence re photographs1998
72–3World Religions, 4th ed., first draft2004
74–5World Religions, 4th ed., second draft2005
76 Cassette of radio interview on CJRT re publication of Occultism in the Old Testament1978
77 Cassette of “Cosmogonic Views According to Biblical Writers” from Templeton Toronto Summer Workshop1998
Box 9
91 Offprints of articles1974-1979
92 Offprints of articles1993-1998
93 Offprints of articles2000-2004
Unfinished research, 1996–[ca. 2006]
94 Moses–Hero
95 Founders of Religion
96 Religion Through the Ages
97 Collation of reviews and academic use of World Religions, 3rd ed.2005
98–11Revised draft of World Religions, 4th ed.2006
Box 10
101–2Books on religion annotated by S.N.
2008.01, Box 1
World religions: A Historical Approach, 4th ed., 2002–2007
11–4Edited manuscript
2008.01, Box 2
21–3Page proofs
24 E-mail correspondence related to manuscript
25 “Instructor’s manual” edited manuscript
26 “Instructor’s manual” corrected page proofs
2008.11, Box 1
Magic and divination in the Old Testament, 2004–2008
11 Correspondence proposing manuscript to publishers
12 Proposed manuscript titled “Magic and Divination in Ancient Israel: The Biblical Evidence”
13 Revised manuscript sent to Sussex Academic Press, England
14 Copy-edited manuscript and page proofs
15 Author’s promotion form
16 Book cover proof
17 Personal notes on Old Testament and Ancient Near East
World Religions: A Historical Approach, 4th ed., (pub. 2008)
18 Corrections
19 Corrected page proofs
110 “Instructor’s manual” list of corrections
2011.08, Box 1
World Religions: A Historical Approach, 4th ed., (pub. 2008)
11Notes, addresses and announcements and other records re public lectures 2004-2006
12Correspondence, applications and fiancial records re grants 2004-2009
The Zoroastrian Faith: tradition and modern research (pub. 1993)
13Correspondence, reviews and other records 1990-2007
From ancient writings to sacred texts: the Old Testament and Apocrypha (pub. 2004)
14Correspondence, financial and other records 2003-2011
Islam: its history, teaching, and practices (pub. 2004)
15Correspondence, author questionnaire and ohter records 2002-2004
Magic and divination in the Old Testament (pub. 2008)
16Correspondence to and from Sussex Academic Press 2008
2014.04, Box 1
11Annotated books for research


12Chronological charts - Ancient Near East and Bible


13Chronological charts - World Religions