Canadian Literature and Poetry in English

Reading & Writing About Poetry & Literature
Research Handbook
Literary Research and Canadian Literature: Strategies and Sources Reznowski, Gabriella N. Outlines research strategies and recommends the best tools, print and online (including bibliographies, journal indexes, archival collections and other resources), for researching various topics in Canadian literature in both English and French. |
PR9184.3 .R39 2011 Reference |
Writing Handbooks & Close Reading
A Short Guide to Writing About Literature Barnet, Sylvan and William E. Cain Advice on reading and writing analytically about various types of literary forms including fiction, drama, and poetry. |
PN81 .B35 2012 Reference |
Writing About Literature Roberts, Edgar V., editor Introduces a number of analytical approaches important in the study of literature, along with guidance for writing informative and well-focused themes based on these approaches, including close reading. |
PE1408 .R593 2012 Reference & Stacks |
How a Poem Moves: A Field Guide for Readers of Poetry Sol, Adam A collection of 35 short essays that walks readers through an array of contemporary poems, with the aim of instructing them how to analyze and appreciate poetry. |
PN1042 .S66 2019 Stacks |
The Power of Story: On Truth, the Trickster, and New Fictions for a New Era Johnson, Harold Award-winning Indigenous author Harold R. Johnson discusses the promise and potential of storytelling. He explains the role of storytelling in every aspect of human life, from personal identity to history and the social contracts that structure our societies. |
Available Online
P96 .S78 J64 2022 |
MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers Mondern Language Association of America The Handbook is not only limited to the mechanics of incoporating the MLA style into research papers. It also contains helpful advice on avoiding plagiarism and the importance of correctly documenting cited sources. |
PN147 .G53 2016 Reference & Stacks |
A Glossary of Literary Terms Abrams, M. H., and Geoffrey G. Harpham A complete glossary of essential literary terms presented as a series of engaging essays that explore the definitions and their context. |
PN 41 .A184 2015 Reference |
A Handbook to Literature Harmon, William Considered a classic in the field of literary studies, the handbook explains literary terms, and includes types of literary criticism, genres and movements, with emphasis on the American literary history. |
PN 41 .H6 2012 Reference |
Johns Hopkins Guide to Literary Theory & Criticism Groden, Michael, Martin Kreiswirth, and Imre Szeman, editors Contains entries on a broad spectrum of topics in literary theory and criticism, including major theorists, movements, and philosophical approaches to the study of literature. |
Available Online
PN 81 .C56 2012 |
reviewed & updated 27 October 2023 | compiled by Agatha Barc
Last updated: October 27, 2023