Canadian Literature

Book & Publishing History:
Macmillan Company & Ryerson Press
Macmillan Company of Canada
The Literary Legacy of the Macmillan Company of Canada: Making Books and Mapping Culture Panofsky, Ruth Examines the contribution of publishers and editors (including Hugh Eayrs, John Gray, and Hugh Kane) to the formation of the Canadian literary canon, beginning with the establishment of Macmillan Canada in 1905. |
Available Online
Z483 .M32 P35 2012 |
“‘Head of the Publishing Side of the Business’: Ellen Elliott of the Macmillan Company of Canada” Panofsky, Ruth Ellen Elliott was secretary and director of Macmillan from 1937 to 1947 and one of the first professional women to hold a senior position in the Canadian publishing industry. An accomplished book editor, Elliott’s career brought her in contact with E.J. Pratt, Frederick Philip Grove, W.O. Mitchell, P.K. Page, and many other prominent authors and poets associated with Macmillan. |
Available Online |
A Bibliography of Macmillan of Canada Imprints, 1906–1980 Whiteman, Bruce et al.
Z483 .M32 W48 1985 Reference |
Ryerson Press
The House of Ryerson, 1829–1954 Pierce, Lorne
Z232 .R9 P5 1954 Canadiana |
On Publishers & Publishing Pierce, Lorne Pierce discusses the role of book publishing houses and editors in Canadian culture and society during the early fifties. |
Z278 .P548 1951 Canadiana Pamphlets |
An Editor’s Creed Pierce, Lorne
Z483 .P5 Canadiana |
Both Hands: A Life of Lorne Pierce of Ryerson Press Campbell, Sandra Presents the life and work of Lorne Bruce Pierce (1890–1961), the influential, long-serving editor of the Ryerson Press, who was also known as a publisher, biographer, and literary critic. |
Z483 .P53 C34 2013 Stacks |
The Ryerson Imprint: A Check-List of the Books and Pamphlets Published by the Ryerson Press Since the Foundation of the House in 1829 Wallace, W. Stewart
Z1367 .R9 W3 Reference |
reviewed & updated 20 May 2021 | compiled by Agatha Barc
Last updated: January 31, 2024