BR - Christianity
Theology in Motion.
The Asianization of Christianity.
Cup Overflowing : Wine's Place in Faith, Feasting, and Fellowship.
Citizenship Without Illusions : A Christian Guide to Political Engagement.
Wellbeing in Early Modern Christianity : Perspectives and Practices for a Happy Life
Karla Boersma and Herman J. Selderhuis (editors).
When the Spirit Is Your Inheritance.
Wild Faith : How the Christian Right Is Taking over America.
Faith for the Curious : How an Era of Spiritual Openness Shapes the Way We Live and Help Others Follow Jesus.
Swing Low, Volume 1 : A History of Black Christianity in the United States.
Swing Low, Volume 2 : An Anthology of Black Christianity in the United States.
White Evangelical Racism, Second Edition : The Politics of Morality in America.
BS - Bible
Mutual Influence in Priestly and Non-Priestly Pentateuchal Narratives : A Study of the Dynamic Interaction Behind the Textual Growth of P and Non-P
Aron Freidenreich.
The Africana Bible.
Reading the First Five Books : The Invitation of the Pentateuch's Stories.
Loving God and Neighbor: A Guide to Reading, Teaching, and Preaching Deuteronomy
Psalms in an Age of Distraction : Experiencing the Restorative Power of Biblical Poetry.
The Art of Preaching Old Testament Poetry.
Daniel Reconstructed : Reading, Teaching, and Preaching with Fresh Eyes.
Sermon on the mount : a beginner's guide to the kingdom of heaven
Amy-Jill Levine.
Scribes, Motives, and Manuscripts : Evaluating Trends in New Testament Textual Criticism.
True to Our Native Land.
Understanding the New Testament Use of the Old Testament : Forms, Features, Framings, and Functions.
John of History, Baptist of Faith : The Quest for the Historical Baptizer.
Being Real : The Apostle Paul's Hardship Narratives and The Stories We Tell Today
Philip Plyming.
Paul the Jew Under Roman Rule: Collected Essays
The State of Pauline Studies : A Survey of Recent Research.
Romans (Word and Spirit Commentary on the New Testament).
2 Corinthians (Word and Spirit Commentary on the New Testament).
Walking the Theological Life : Discovering Method for Theology in the Lives of Biblical Characters.
Redemptive Service : Loving Our Neighbors Well.
Targums and Rabbinic Literature.
BT - Doctrinal Theology
Only God will save us : the nature of God and the Christian life
Simon Cuff.
Atonement and the Life of Faith (Soteriology and Doxology).
The Difficult Words of Jesus : A Beginner's Guide to His Most Perplexing Teachings
Amy-Jill Levine.
Light of the world : a beginner's guide to Advent
Amy-Jill Levine.
Signs and Wonders : A Beginner's Guide to the Miracles of Jesus.
Mere Christian Hermeneutics : Transfiguring What It Means to Read the Bible Theologically.
Entering the passion of Jesus : a beginner's guide to holy week
Amy-Jill Levine.
World Christianity and Ecological Theologies.
Radical Kinship.
Earth and the Fullness Thereof: A Down-Home Reader in Ecological Theology
Jesus and His Promised Second Coming : Jewish Eschatology and Christian Origins.
Gustavo Gutiérrez and the Liberative Sight of Christ.
The Open Sanctuary : Access to God and the Heavenly Temple in the New Testament.
Light Unapproachable : Divine Incomprehensibility and the Task of Theology.
BV - Practical Theology
Why Sunday Matters: The Lord’s Day in Contemporary Christian Life
Reviving Mission : Awakening to the Everyday Movement of God.
The Pastoral Counseling Treatment Planner
James R. Kok and Arthur E. Arthur E. Jongsma.
Growing Women in Ministry : Seven Aspects of Leadership Development.
Ministering to Families in Crisis : The Essential Guide for Nurturing Mental and Emotional Health.
See My Body, See Me: A Pentecostal Perspective on Healing From Sexual Violence
Held in the Love of God : Discipleship and Disability.
A Hidden Wholeness : The Journey Toward an Undivided Life, 20th Anniversary Edition.
Invitation to Slow: Resist the Speed of Now, Make Space for Quiet, and Cultivate an Intentional Life
Language for the Soul: An Experiential Dictionary of the Christian Spiritual Life
Rest : A Theological Account
Euntaek David Shin.
Humility in the Writings of Charles Wesley and the Early Church Fathers
Do Not Forsake Me: Support for Dementia Caregivers
Queer-Affirming Pastoral Care
Kerstin Söderblom.
Church Culture : How to Assess It, Shift It, and Shape It.
Shape of the Church: The Seven Dimensions of Ecclesial Wholeness
World Christianity: An Introduction
Beyond Multiculturalism: Intentional Intercultural Congregations As an Expression of the Kingdom
Bivocational Ministry : Field Notes for Congregations and Ministers.