M.L. Knight fonds

Fonds number


Name of Creator

Knight, M.L. (Mary Louise)

Dates of Material



M.L. Knight fonds

Source of title proper

Title based on the contents of the fonds.


5 cm of textual records
21 slides

Administrative History

M.L. (Mary Louise) Knight (née Kilgour) was born in Winnipeg, Manitoba in 1924 to the Rev. Hugh Bryans Kilgour and Mae Louise Kilgour (née Cory). In 1945, she attended Victoria College, where she met her future husband David James Knight and studied with Northrop Frye. She later became Professor of English at Victoria College as well as an author, poet and publisher. Her works include The Lace Volcano and Overlooking the Red Jail.

After raising four sons, M.L. Knight began working on collages and exhibited her work at more than a dozen shows. Her largest work, the "Vic Collage", is in the main hall of Old Victoria College in Toronto.

M.L. Knight died in 2013 in Toronto.

Scope and Content

Fonds consists of the following material from M.L. Knight: script of speech (with a brief biography) about the design and composition of the Victoria College Collage, 1996; 21 slides of the Collage (17 to accompany the script); labelled and mounted research/background material for the Collage, 1991–1992.


Immediate Source of Acquisition


Finding Aids

Slides are described in the photograph database: http://archival-photos.vicu.utoronto.ca/

