1992.042V 1-7 |
Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges |
1992.042V 1-8 |
Board of Colleges |
1992.042V 1-9 |
Board of Colleges |
1992.042V 1-10 |
Board of Colleges |
1992.042V 1-11 |
Board of Colleges |
1992.042V 1-12 |
Board of Colleges, correspondence |
1992.042V 2-1 |
Board of Colleges, general correspondence |
1992.042V 2-8 |
Canadian Council of Churches |
1992.042V 2-15 |
College of Churches of Christ in Canada |
1992.042V 2-16 |
College Unity |
1992.042V 2-17 |
College Unity Ad Hoc Study Committee |
1992.042V 2-18 |
Commission on Post Secondary Education in Ontario |
1992.042V 2-19 |
Commission on the Ministry (United Church) correspondence |
1992.042V 2-20 |
Committee on Co-operation in Theological Education in Toronto |
1992.042V 2-22 |
Consultative Committee of Hamilton Conference |
1992.042V 3-13 |
Covenant College Board of Management |
1992.042V 3-14 |
Covenant College Anglican Women’s Training College Joint Committee |
1992.042V 3-15 |
Covenant College, discussion with Emmanuel College |
1992.042V 3-16 |
Covenant College correspondence |
1992.042V 3-17 |
Covenant College terms of affiliation |
1992.042V 4-2 |
Department of Religious Studies |
1992.042V 4-3 |
Division of Ministry and Education |
1992.042V 4-15 |
Hamilton Clinical Training School |
1992.042V 6-2 |
National Consultation on Theological Education |
1992.042V 7-6 |
Theological Professors of United Church Conferences |
1992.042V 7-7 |
Theological Students’ Society of Toronto |
1992.042V 7-8 |
Toronto Graduate School of Theological Studies (T.S.T.) |
1992.042V 7-9 |
Toronto Graduate School Church History Department |
1992.042V 7-10 |
Toronto Institute for Pastoral Training |
1992.042V 7-11 |
Toronto Institute for Pastoral Training |
1992.042V 7-12 |
Toronto Institute for Pastoral Training |
1992.042V 7-13 |
T.S.T. |
1992.042V 7-14 |
T.S.T., Advanced Degree Division |
1992.042V 7-15 |
T.S.T., Coordinating Committee on Theological Education In Canada |
1992.042V 7-16 |
T.S.T., correspondence |
1992.042V 7-17 |
Toronto Summer School in Theology |
1992.042V 7-18 |
Trinidad affiliation |
1992.042V 7-19 |
Trinity College |
1992.042V 8-1 |
United Church of Canada |
1992.042V 8-2 |
United Church of Canada |
1992.042V 8-3 |
United Church of Canada, Committee on the Theological College |
1992.042V 8-4 |
United Church of Canada, Division of World Outreach |
1992.042V 8-5 |
United Church of Canada, National Staff Conference |
1992.042V 8-6 |
University of Toronto Act |
1992.042V 8-7 |
U. of T. convocations |
1992.042V 8-8 |
U. of T. correspondence |
1992.042V 8-9 |
Vancouver School of Theology |
1992.042V 8-10 |
Victoria University including Archives |
1992.042V 8-11 |
Victoria University–CUG |
1992.042V 8-12 |
World Council of Churches |
1992.042V 8-13 |
Wycliffe College |
1994.040V 2-1 |
Canadian School of Missions |
1994.040V 4-3 |
Toronto Graduate School of Graduate Studies |
1994.040V 4-4 |
United Church Training School |
1994.040V 4-5 |
United Church Training School |
1994.040V 4-6 |
United Church Training School affiliation |
1994.040V 4-7 |
United Church Training School installation |
2002.105V 5-3 |
Committee on Co-operation in Theological Education in Toronto |
2002.105V 5-4 |
Committee on Co-operation in Theological Education in Toronto |
2002.105V 5-6 |
Consultation between Emmanuel College and Conferences |
2002.105V 5-7 |
Consultation between Emmanuel College and Reps for four Conferences |
2002.105V 5-8 |
Consultation between Emmanuel College and Reps for United Church Conferences |
2002.105V 5-9 |
Consultation between Emmanuel College and Reps for United Church Conferences |
2002.105V 5-10 |
Consultation between Emmanuel College and four Conference Reps and Queen’s University |
2002.105V 5-11 |
Consultation–Emmanuel/Queen’s/Centre for Christian Studies/ five Conferences |
2002.105V 5-12 |
Consultations–various |
2002.105V 6-10 |
Coordinating Committee on Theological Education in Canada |
2003.150V 1-1 |
United Church of Canada Division of Ministry, Personnel and Education |
2003.150V 1-2 |
United Church of Canada Division of Ministry, Personnel and Education |
2003.150V 1-3 |
United Church of Canada Division of Ministry, Personnel and Education |
2003.150V 1-4 |
United Church of Canada Division of Ministry, Personnel and Education - Joint Commission on Appointments |
2003.150V 1-5 |
United Church of Canada Division of Ministry, Personnel and Education - Task Force on Learned Ministry |
2004.088V 1-7 |
Associations of Theological Schools (ATS): issues in theological education |
2004.088V 2-9 |
Churches’ Council on Theological Education |
2004.088V 2-10 |
Churches’ Council on Theological Education |
2004.088V 2-11 |
Churches’ Council on Theological Education |
2004.088V 3-11 |
Diaconal Ministry |
2004.088V 4-1 |
Diaconal Ministry Association |
2004.088V 4-2 |
Ecumenical forum |
2004.088V 4-3 |
Ecumenical Institute for Advanced Theological Studies (Jerusalem) |
2004.088V 8-3 |
Huntington University |
2004.088V 9-5 |
Inter-denominational committee on theological education |
2004.088V 9-6 |
Iona College |
2004.088V 9-8 |
Knox College, general correspondence |
2004.088V 11-6 |
London conference |
2004.088V 12-1 |
Manitou conference |
2004.088V12-2.1 |
Memorandum of Agreement - 1978 |
2004.088V 12-2.2 |
Memorandum of Agreement - Board of Regents and TST |
2004.088V 16-3 |
Shalom Institute |
2004.088V 16-6 |
St. Andrew’s UC |
2004.088V 16-8 |
St. Michael’s College |
2004.088V 16-12 |
TGSTS Committee of Direction |
2004.088V 16-13 |
TGSTS correspondence |
2004.088V 16-14 |
TG & TS enquiries |
2004.088V 17-5 |
UCC (United Church of Canada) |
2004.088V 17-6 |
UCC course |
2004.088V 17-7 |
UCC–CTEM (Committee for Theological Education for Ministry) |
2004.088V 17-8 |
UCC : DWO (Division of World Outreach) (1 of 2) |
2004.088V 17-9 |
UCC : DWO (Division of World Outreach) (2 of 2) |
2004.088V 18-1 |
UCC : DWO general |
2004.088V 18-2 |
UCC : DWO : Ann Duncan Gray World Outreach Teaching Fellowship |
2004.088V 18-3 |
UCC : DWO : Canada–China Program |
2004.088V 18-4 |
UCC : DWO: Interfaith Dialogue Committee |
2004.088V 18-5 |
UCC : DWO Task Force on Education |
2004.088V 18-6 |
UCC : DWO Task Force on Education |
2004.088V 18-7 |
UCC : MP&E (Ministry, Personnel and Education) : annual report by Emmanuel |
2004.088V 19-1 |
UCC : MP&E : Educated Ministry report |
2004.088V 19-2 |
UCC : MP&E : learning on the way |
2004.088V 19-3 |
UCC : MP&E : Theological Education Committee |
2004.088V 19-4 |
UCC : sexual orientation |
2004.088V 19-5 |
UCC : Toronto Conference |
2004.088V 19-6 |
UCC : Toronto Conference |
2004.088V 19-7 |
UCC : Toronto Conference |
2004.088V 19-8 |
United Methodist questionnaire |
2004.088V 19-9 |
University of Toronto : Board of Regents |
2004.088V 20-1 |
University of Toronto : campaign correspondence information |
2004.088V 20-2 |
University of Toronto : CUG |
2004.088V 22-8 |
World Council of Churches, general |
2004.088V 22-9 |
World Council of Churches, general |
2004.088V 22-10 |
World Council of Churches : Iona |
2004.088V 22-11 |
World Council of Churches : Mauritius |
2004.088V 22-12 |
World Council of Churches : Singapore trip |
2004.088V 22-13 |
World Council of Churches : Vancouver BC |
2015.03V 1-11 |
CanLead Forum [Competencies for Congregational Designated Ministry (CDM)] |
2015.03V 1-19 |
Deans and Principal's Meeting 2009 |
2015.03V 1-20 |
Deans and Principal's Meeting 2010 |
2015.03V 1-21 |
Deans and Principal's Meeting 2011 |
2015.03V 1-22 |
Deans and Principal's Meeting 2012 |
2015.03V 4-9 |
International Network in Advanced Theological Education (INATE) program |
2015.03V 4-10RR |
Candidacy - Annual reports to Presbytery and Conference |
2015.03V 4-11 |
Candidacy - Course Requirements For |
2015.03V 4-12RR |
Candidacy Record |
2015.03V 4-13RR |
Candidacy Record |
2015.03V 4-14RR |
Candidacy - Annual reports to Presbytery and Conference |
2015.03V 4-15 |
Candidacy Process (old) |
2015.03V 5-2 |
Churches' Council on Theological Education in Canada |
2016.09V 4-7RR |
Annual Reports to Presbytery and Conference |
2017.013V 1-11 |
Deans and Principals' Meeting - December 2001 |
2017.013V 1-12 |
Deans and Principals' Meeting - December 2003 |
2017.013V 1-13 |
Deans and Principals' Meeting - December 2004 |
2017.013V 1-14 |
Deans and Principals' Meeting - December 2005 |
2017.013V 1-15 |
Deans and Principals' Meeting - December 2006 |
2017.013V 2-4 |
Education for Church Leadership : Academic Sub-Committee Meeting [United Church of Canada] |
2017.013V 2-5 |
Education for Church Leadership: Academic Sub-Committee Terms of Reference [United Church of Canada] |
2017.013V 2-6 |
Education for Church Leadership: Guidelines for Appointments of Principals and Faculty of Theol. Schools [United Church of Canada] |
2017.013V 2-7 |
Education for Church Leadership CC: Visit to Emmanuel College [United Church of Canada] |
2017.013V 2-15 |
Ewha Woman's University |
2017.013V 3-1 |
Hanshin University |
2017.013V 4-11 |
Memorandum of Agreement, re. institutional relationships between the University of Toronto and the Federated Universities in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences |
2017.013V 6-8 |
UCC: Deans and Principals |
2017.013V 6-9 |
UCC: Testamur |
2017.013V 6-10 |
UCC: Transfer Candidates |
2017.013V 6-11 |
UCC ECL: Emmanuel College/Centre for Christian Studies |