Victoria University (Toronto, Ont.). Senate fonds

Fonds number


Name of Creator

Victoria University (Toronto, Ont.). Senate

Dates of Material



Victoria University (Toronto, Ont.). Senate fonds

Source of title proper

Title based on the contents of the fonds.


1.94 m of textual records

Administrative History

The Senate was first given the power and authority to confer degrees in 1841 and consisted of four members of the provincial government, visitors of the College and ex-officio members of the Board and Senate. The Senate was also given power to establish student awards, summon Convocations, "make regulations and deal with all such matters of a strictly educational nature as have not in this Act been assigned to either of the Colleges", and "deal with other matters and affairs as may from time to time be committed to it by the Board." The Victoria University Senate's Executive Committee has the authority to confer honorary degrees to recognize the outstanding accomplishments of graduates of Victoria College and Emmanuel College and to honour the exemplary lives of others who have made extraordinary contributions to society. The Victoria College Registrar serves as Secretary of the Senate.

In the 1990s the Senate underwent a restructuring and Committee records stopped being transferred to the University Archives. Committees continued to exist for some time after the restructuring, but their records were not preserved separately. After the restructuring, complete Committee reports can be found in the Senate minutes.

Scope and Content

Fonds consists of five series: Minutes, 1855-2009; Records of the Scholarship Committee, 1934-1988; Records of various Committees, 1892-2001; Correspondence, reports and other records, 1860-1908, 1961, 2002-2010; and Records of the Nominating Committee, 1961-1994.



Immediate Source of Acquisition



Further accruals are expected

General Notes

See also Victoria University President's Office fonds (Fonds 2021), series 4 - Records relating to the Senate
See also Emmanuel College Principal's Office fonds (Fonds 2062), series 6 - Records related to committees and task forces and series 8 - Records related to honorary degrees.
See also Bursar's Office fonds (Fonds 2001), series 10 , subseries 4 - Records relating to scholarships
See also Victoria College Registrar's Office fonds (Fonds 2049), series 1, subseries 8 - Records related to the Board and Senate


Administrative Bodies