2018.03V2-6 |
[Margaret Addison Renovations, 2000] |
2009.10V-2-8 |
Wymilwood Coffee Shop Review and Recommendations by Harley, Little Associates |
2018.03V3-1 |
Women's Union, 1950-1951 |
2018.03V1-5 |
Women's Residence Sub/Committee |
2018.03V1-4 |
Women's Residence 1957-1958 |
2012.03V-2-5 |
Walkway (Victoria University/St. Michael's College) |
2018.03V1-6 |
Victoria Women's Residence - Inspection Reports - Gordon S. Adamson & Associates |
2018.03V1-2 |
Victoria University Women's Residence - Contract - The Board of Regents, Victoria University and Eastern Construction Company Limited |
2018.03V1-7 |
Victoria University Women's Residence (New) Building Committee, May 1958 |
2018.03V2-1 |
Victoria University Women's Residence (New) Building Committee, 1958-1959 |
2016.05V-1-5 |
Victoria University Summary of Buildings |
2017.05V-TR-1 |
Victoria University Signage Program - specifications and results |
2015.04V-3-3 |
Victoria University Insurance Report - Osler, Hammond & Nanton |
2015.04V-3-2 |
Victoria University Inspection Report by Johnson & Higgens |
2015.04V-3-1 |
Victoria University Fire Insurance Schedule - Osler, Hammond & Nanton |
2015.04V-3-4 |
Victoria University Estimated Value of Buildings for Insurance Purposes prepared by John Kinsey and Associates Limited |
2015.04V-3-8 |
Victoria College Group - Secondary feeders and D.C. conversion report |
2004.005V-1-2 |
Victoria College Building foyer renovation project |
1987.180V-4-17 |
Victoria College alterations |
1987.180V-4-11 |
Victoria College & residence alterations |
1987.180V-4-12 |
Victoria College & residence alterations |
1987.180V-23-9 |
Theatre, Victoria |
1987.180V-5-8 |
The Men of the Trees |
1987.180V-6-1 |
Superintendent |
1987.180V-6-2 |
Superintendent |
1987.180V-6-3 |
Superintendent |
1987.180V-6-4 |
Superintendent |
1987.180V-6-5 |
Superintendent |
1987.180V-6-6 |
Superintendent |
1987.180V-6-7 |
Superintendent |
2018.03V3-2 |
Student's Union, 1952-53 |
2012.11V-1-4 |
Stephenson House agreement |
2004.037V-7-8 |
Stephenson House -financial administration |
2004.037V-7-10 |
Stephenson House - Stephenson Trust |
2004.037V-7-9 |
Stephenson House - Stephenson Memorial |
2004.037V-7-7 |
Stephenson House - F.C. Stephenson Estate |
2004.037V-7-6 |
Stephenson House |
2015.13V-1-1 |
Stephenson House |
2018.03V2-8 |
Space Inventory Request |
2016.05V-1-6 |
Schedule of Operating Costs Incurred in Maintaining Lillian Massey Building |
2004.037V-7-3 |
Rowell Jackman Hall – planning and contract records |
2004.037V-7-4 |
Rowell Jackman Hall – planning and contract records |
2004.037V-7-5 |
Rowell Jackman Hall -- quantity survey work |
2012.03V-1-1 |
Rowell Jackman Hall - Development and collateral agreements |
1987.180V-4-15 |
Residence Furnishings Report |
2009.10V-2-9 |
Report on Upgrading of Life/Fire/Safety Features by Page & Steele Architects |
2012.03V-2-4 |
Renewal leases from University of Toronto |
1987.114V-1-1 |
Records of the purchase of organ for Victoria College Chapel |
2015.04V-2-13 |
Proposal for development at 113-151 Bloor Street West |
2004.037V-7-2 |
Pratt Library renovations – Vanbots contracts |
2012.03V-2-3 |
Parking by-laws |
1987.180V-5-9 |
Organ for chapel |
2009.10V-3-1 |
Northrop Frye Hall Asbestos Survey Report by Decommissioning Consulting Services |
2007.060V-1-4 |
Northrop Frye Hall |
1987.180V-5-1 |
New Academic Building alterations |
1987.180V-4-16 |
New Academic Building |
2004.037V-7-1 |
Margaret Addison Hall renovations – stipulated price contract |
2004.037V-6-7 |
Margaret Addison Hall renovations – general architectural project manual |
2004.037V-6-8 |
Margaret Addison Hall renovations - general mechanical and electrical project manual |
2018.03V2-5 |
Margaret Addison Hall - Addendum #1 |
2004.005V-1-1 |
Lillian Massey Building renovations |
2007.060V-1-3 |
Liens |
2016.05V-1-4 |
Lester B. Pearson Peace Garden |
2009.10V-2-5 |
Land Use Study by Gordon Adamson and Associates |
2009.10V-7-4 |
Isabel Bader Theatre |
2015.04V-3-5 |
Insurance inspection reports |
2009.10V-2-7 |
Insurance appraisal report re construction of Burwash Hall/Annesley Hall by Vercan Associates |
2012.03V-2-2 |
Institutional Zoning By-laws/Historic Buildings Agreement |
2004.037V-6-6 |
Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology |
1987.180V-5-2 |
Institute for the History & Philosophy of Science & Technology |
2004.037V-6-5 |
Infrastructure grants |
2018.03V3-5 |
H9 - Wymilwood - 1988 - Beaver Cook & Leitch - Alterations |
2018.03V4-4 |
H46 - Annesley Hall - 1989 - Page & Steele - Progress certificates |
2018.03V4-3 |
H45 - Annesley Hall - 1989 - Page & Steele - Renovations |
2018.03V4-2 |
H42 - Annesley Hall - Layout plans |
2018.03V3-7 |
H35 - Alumni Office - Drawings of room and furniture |
2018.03V5-6 |
H3 - Wymilwood - 1988 - Page & Steele - Alterations |
2018.03V3-6 |
H24 - Wymilwood - 1988 - Beaver Cook & Leitch |
1987.180V-5-10 |
Grounds |
1987.180V-5-11 |
Grounds |
1987.180V-5-12 |
Grounds |
2018.01V-1-13 |
Goldring Student Centre project - budget update and site plan |
2024.05VTR |
Goldring - Space Planning |
2007.060V-1-1 |
General correspondence |
2018.03V2-4 |
General Architecture Project Manual for Renovations to Margaret Addison Hall, vol 2 of 2 |
2018.03V2-3 |
General Architecture Project Manual for Renovations to Margaret Addison Hall, vol 1 of 2 |
2018.03V3-4 |
G12 - Wymilwood - 1987-1988 - Page & Steele - Ground floor alterations |
2018.03V5-5 |
G11 - Wymilwood - 1986 - Page & Steele - Fire Safety upgrading |
2018.03V3-8 |
G1 - Burwash - Men's Residence - 1995 - Photos and drawings - Renovations |
2015.04V-3-7 |
Fire Insurance Inspection Report submitted by The Western Assurance Co. |
2004.037V-6-4 |
Facilities Renewal Program (FRP) - grants [includes completed audit statements] |
2004.037V-6-3 |
Facilities Renewal Program (FRP) - grants [includes audit statements and auditor's report] |
2004.037V-6-2 |
Facilities Renewal Program (FRP) - grants |
2004.037V-6-1 |
Facilities Renewal Program (FRP) |
2007.060V-1-2 |
Facilities Renewal Program |
2018.03V5-4 |
F13 - Annesley Hall - 1959 - Gordon S. Adamson - Kitchen, women's union |
1987.180V-5-6 |
Extension of Steam Line |
1987.180V-5-7 |
Extension of Steam Line |
1987.180V-4-10 |
Emmanuel College specifications |
2009.10V-3-4 |
E.J. Pratt Library renovations correspondence |
2009.10V-3-3 |
E.J. Pratt Library Pre-Renovation Facility Survey Report by Decommissioning Consulting Services |
2009.10V-3-2 |
E.J. Pratt & Emmanuel College Libraries Renovations Feasibility Study & Building Program by Shore Tilbe Irwin & Partners |
1987.180V-4-13 |
Demolition, 67 Queen's Park |
2023.22VTR |
Declaration Under Sections 17 and 34 of the Planning Act |
2018.03V3-3 |
D30 - Wymilwood - 1951 - Horwood & White - Specification for Building |
2018.03V1-1 |
D-19 Margaret Addison Hall 1958 Gordon S. Adamson & Cover Survey Plan Block "A" |
1987.180V-7-1 |
Correspondence identification of the original corner stone in Cobourg |
2018.03V3-10 |
Contract Documents - Lester B. Pearson Garden for Peace and Understanding |
2015.04V-2-1 |
Chartered Trust Co. 113-151 Bloor Street West Property Proposal |
1987.180V-5-4 |
Central Power Plant |
1987.180V-5-5 |
Central Power Plant |
2012.03V-2-1 |
Carpark Management Services |
2009.10V-2-6 |
Campus Centre Location Study |
2004.037V-5-6 |
Burwash Hall Upper Houses stipulated price contract for renovations |
2004.037V-5-5 |
Burwash Hall Upper Houses general project manual for renovations |
2004.037V-5-4 |
Burwash Hall project - tender papers, schedules and other records |
2004.037V-5-2 |
Burwash Hall project - site meeting minutes |
2004.037V-5-3 |
Burwash Hall project - site meeting minutes |
2004.037V-5-1 |
Burwash Hall project - Page and Steele Architects |
2004.037V-4-6 |
Burwash Hall project - financing |
2004.037V-4-5 |
Burwash Hall project |
2004.037V-4-4 |
Burwash Hall Lower House mechanical project manual for renovations - stipulated contracts for renovations |
2004.037V-4-3 |
Burwash Hall Lower House mechanical project manual for renovations - general project manual for renovations |
2004.037V-4-2 |
Burwash Hall Lower House mechanical project manual for renovations - electrical project manual for renovations |
2004.037V-4-1 |
Burwash Hall Lower House mechanical project manual for renovations |
1987.180V-5-3 |
Birge-Carnegie renovations |
2015.04V-2-12 |
Binscarth Road Residence Complete General Conditions - Catto and Catto architects |
2012.11V-1-2 |
Bader Theatre donation agreement |
2012.11V-1-1 |
Bader Theatre contracts |
2018.03V6-2 |
Bader - Surveys, plans, drawings |
2018.03V6-3 |
Bader - Progress Photos |
2018.03V5-8 |
Bader - OMB and Toronto |
2018.03V6-1 |
Bader - Correspondence |
2018.03V5-10 |
Bader - Contracts and Addendum |
2018.03V5-7 |
Bader - Architects Prequalifcation and Proposals |
2018.03V5-3 |
B8 - Annesley - 1989 - Page & Steele - Drawings and description of reno |
2018.03V3-11 |
B7 - Annesley - 1988 - Woodcliff Construction Project Proposal |
2018.03V1-3 |
B38 - Margaret Addison - 1959 - Gordon S. Adamson - Layout Plans, Drawings |
2018.03V4-1 |
B26 - Annesley - 1966 - Dorer - Drawings and specifications |
2018.03V5-2 |
B1 - Annesley - 1988 - Page & Steele - Drawings of alterations |
2009.10V-2-1 |
Architects' report on the sites of buildings and the physical growth of Victoria University |
2009.10V-2-2 |
Appraisal report of Victoria University by Fidelity Appraisals |
2009.10V-2-3 |
Appraisal report of South House by Fidelity Appraisals |
2009.10V-2-4 |
Appraisal report for Victoria College Building/Ryerson House/Nelles House/Cavan House/Gandier House/Bowles House/Emmanuel College Building/Birge-Carnegie by Fidelity Appraisals |
2015.04V-3-6 |
Appraisal Report - CURIE Replacement Cost New Study, Buildings and Contents. American Appraisal Canada, Inc. |
2004.037V-3-4 |
Annesley Hall renovations - contracts |
2004.037V-3-2 |
Annesley Hall renovations |
2004.037V-3-3 |
Annesley Hall renovations |
2004.037V-3-1 |
Annesley Hall renovation project tenders |
1987.180V-4-14 |
Annesley Hall kitchen alterations |
2018.03V4-5 |
Annesley Hall Correspondence |
2018.03V2-2 |
Addison Hall Retrofit - Feb 1999 |
2018.03V3-9 |
A21 - Burwash - Men's Res. - Photographs of renovations |
2018.03V5-1 |
A20 - Annesley - 1989 - Page & Steele - Drawings, alterations |
2018.03V2-7 |
1981-1982 - Victoria College Renovations - Minutes of Meetings on Site |
2015.04V-2-2 |
113, 127, 137, 147 Bloor Street Specifications for demolition |
2012.11V-1-3 |
"Library of the Future" architect's contract |