October Updates – A Great Success!

The 24th Annual Victoria College Book Sale was a HUGE success! Opening night was packed with book-lovers, searching through the boxes for hidden treasures, and enjoying the thrill of the hunt.
 Our undercover book sale spies informed us that overheard banter included: “This sale is always the best!” and “Have you checked out the art books yet? Really great selection.”

 Also: “I wish every day was the Victoria College Book Sale!” *








*no source confirmed, but general assumption from all in attendance








Thank you all so much for coming out and supporting Victoria College! We hope you had a wonderful time and found some amazing new additions to your own library.
This year there was over $90,000 realized to help benefit the Victoria College Library. We would like to send a special thank you to all the volunteers who have worked tirelessly over the past year, and really pushed themselves to work long hours during the sale itself, to make this event what it was.

Thank you Friends of Victoria University Library for all for your dedication, determination, patience and great attitudes! We appreciate your efforts in making Victoria College a wonderful place to learn, and a nurturing community to be a part of!

Keeping in this theme of constant learning, the next event from the Friends of Victoria University Library will be a special lecture series night titled “Virginia @ Vic: The Woolf/ Hogarth Press/ Bloomsbury Collection @Victoria University”, with guest speaker Carmen Königsreuther Socknat, Head of Bibliographic Services at the Victoria University Library. The event will be held at 7pm in Alumni Hall at Old Vic, on Thursday November 5th. The evening will delve into Virginia’s Woolf’s life, and explore some of the many interesting pieces that our library has as part of its extensive Woolf collection.




“Books are the mirrors of the soul.” – VW







And of course, we look forward to next year’s book sale as we already begin sorting through books for great additions to the 25th Annual Victoria College Library Book Sale!

Happy Fall!