Political campaign files

Title: Political campaign files
Dates of Material:
2.58 m of textual records
16 photographs: b&w
1 photograph: col.
Scope and content

Series consists of general correspondence arranged alphabetically by last name of correspondent relating to a variety of political campaigns.

Source of supplied title

Title based on contents of the series


The series is stored in 12 boxes

Finding aids

File list available (see below)

Box 11
111 By–electionsOctober, 1978
112 By–electionsOctober, 1978
113 London West By–electionSpring, 1981
114 Spadina By-election, J. Coutts, 17 August, 1981, press clippings1981
115 Spadina By-election, J. Coutts17 August, 1981
116 Ontario Provincial Election19 March, 1981
117 Ontario Election2 May, 1985
118 Ontario ad hoc, Four Seasons Hotel, Ottawa, Wednesdays1980-1981
119 Ontario Liberals, Park Plaza, Toronto, Friday meetings1980-1981
1110 Ontario Liberal Party Strategy1980
1111 Elections, TorontoNovember, 1978
1112 General Election1979
1113 Campaign1979
1114 Liberal Candidates1979
1115 Liberal Party, National Campaign Committee, minutes of meetings1979
1116 Communications meeting, Four Seasons (Ottawa)1 March, 1979
1117 Candidate’s workshop, Ottawa30/31 January 1979
1118 Correspondence re: election results22 May, 1979
1119 Campaign ’80, Candidate’s list
1120 Communications1980
1121 Election ’80, Letters re: policy, campaign, strategy, etc.,
1122 Election ’80, Letters to the ridings
1123 Campaign ’80, Miscellaneous
1124 National Campaign Committee Dinner
1125 P.E. Trudeau Speeches1980
1126 Strategy1980
1127 The Drache Archival Collection of Published material, “Anatomy of an Election Campaign, The Federal Election, 27 June 1949, Constituency of North Winnipeg
1128 TV Debate1980
1129 Correspondence re: election results18 February, 1980
1130 Correspondence re: election results18 February, 1980
1131 D.K. Davey, Letters re: election congratulations1980
1132 “The Trudeau Team”, Corpus Information Services Ltd.1980
1133 Candidates, 1984 Campaign
1134 Campaign ’84 correspondence
1135 Campaign ’84 correspondence
1136 Campaign ’84, Angus Reid correspondence
1137 Phone directory
1138 Campaign ’84, Disarmament
1139 Daily messages
Box 12
121 Campaign ’84, Keith Davey’s notes
122 Campaign ’84, Keith Davey’s notes
123 Campaign ’84, Expenses
124 Campaign Readiness Committee, Expenses
125 Campaign ’84, Media
126 Campaign ’84, Press clippings
127 Campaign ’84, Odds & Sods
128 National Campaign Readiness Committee26 May, 1983
129 National Campaign Readiness Committee13 October, 1983
1210 National Campaign Readiness Committee8 March, 1984
1211 Campaign Readiness, correspondence
1212 Prime Minister Tour
1213 Campaign ’84, Red Leaf advertising
Box 13
131 Campaign ’84, Speeches
132 Campaign ’84, Strategy
133 Campaign ’84, Questionnaire results
134 Western Subcommittee1983
135 Western Liberal caucus1981
136 Election Night4 September, 1984
137 Federal election21 November, 1988
138 Letters to defeated and elected candidates1984
Box 17
171 Yukon Liberals1981
172 British Columbia Liberals1982-1988
173 Alberta Liberals1981-1988
174 Saskatchewan Liberals1981-1987
175 Manitoba Liberals1982-1987
176 Liberal Party (Ottawa)1979-1982
177 Liberal Party (Ottawa), Gordon Ashworth1979-1982
178 Liberal Party (King Street)1980-1988
179 Ontario Liberal Party1980-1985
1710 Ontario Liberals1980-1988
1711 Kathy Robinson, Toronto1980-1982
1712 Ontario Liberal Federation1966-1976
1713 Quebec Liberals [folder empty]
1714 Maritime Liberals1981-1984
1715 Liberal Convention1968
1716 Liberal Convention material1968
1717 Hellyer campaign1968
1718 John Turner campaign photographs

[prints, colour & black and white]


Box 33
Campaign files, 1963–1966
331 Strategy reports, party platform statements1965
332 Probable election trends in Eglinton riding (1963)

Campaign clinic notes.

333 National Liberal Federation, campaign notes/strategy drafts1964
334 Strategy: Building the New Canada, Sept. 1965, Survey of Political Climate in Ontario Sept. 1965
335 Youth/women
336 Campaign college/campaign clinic1963
337 Reference material
338 Liberal Party of Canada, weekly reports from Keith DaveyAugust, 1965
339 Walter Gordon, Chairman, National Campaign committee
3310 Keith Davey personal correspondence file (1 of 2)
3311 Keith Davey personal correspondence file (2 of 2)
3312 Inside the Ottawa “Political” Establishment1966
3313 Incoming correspondence1965
3314 Regions and ridings: margin of victory or loss as a percent of total vote1953-1963
3315 Campaign file1964-1965
3316 Tentative curriculum for a Liberal School of Practical Politics[1959]
3317 Women, The Women’s Liberal Federation1964
3318 Young Liberal Federation of Canada
3319 Notes on Campaigning
3320 Federal election campaign file1957
3321 Agreement with McClelland & Stewart for a book on Canadian Politics (title undecided)18 Feb. 1966
Box 53
Campaign files, 1972
531 Election campaign manual
532 Liberal Candidate’s Briefing book
533 Correspondence re: election campaign
534 Liberal party of Canada campaign committee meeting
Box 54
Campaign files, 1973
541 Engagement calendar
542 Correspondence
543–5Provincial constituency statistics book
546 Davey notes
547 Economic nationalism
548–11Liberal Party organization handbook
5412 Correspondence, reports re: election preparedness
5413 Riding reports
5414 Feedback from active Liberals
5415 Davey notes on Senate
5416–17Correspondence file
Box 55
Campaign files, 1974
551 Correspondence, reports, notes, directory
552 Campaign correspondence
553 Correspondence, reports, notes
554–7Correspondence files
558 Keith Davey notes
559 Memos
5510 Budget
5511 Addresses
5512 Campaign bulletins
5513 Prime Minister—Personal
Box 68
Political campaign files, 1979
6811 Ontario riding histories
6812 Briefing book on issues and policies
Box 69
691 Standard Brands, public relations counsel and services
692 Can-Aide
693 Analytical communications
694 Keith Davey Limited
695 Advertising of the federal government in the ethnic media
696 Liberal National Campaign headquarters news
697 Ontario campaign committee meeting
698 Political Planning committee minutes
699 Campaign committee budgets
6910 Ontario campaign
6911 Red Leaf communications
6912 Political appointments
Box 70
Campaign files, 1979
701 Debate strategy
702 Liberal campaign and platform
703 Clipping book: “Positive attributes concerning Pierre Elliot Trudeau”
704 Post-election letters to Liberal candidates from Davey and Trudeau
Box 71
Campaign files, 1980
711Correspondence, speech notes, press clippings
712Correspondence, speech notes, press clippings


713Correspondence, speech notes, press clippings


714Correspondence, speech notes, press clippings


715Correspondence, speech notes, press clippings


716Correspondence, speech notes, press clippings


717Correspondence, speech notes, press clippings


718Correspondence, speech notes, press clippings

File contains a photograph of Albert John Coleman, Head of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Queen's University (1978).

(Photos P1)
719Correspondence, speech notes, press clippings


7110Correspondence, speech notes, press clippings

File contains a certificate signed by Joe Clark paying special tribute to Keith Davey.

7111 Waterloo Liberal nomination
7112 Committee on Mass Media, briefs submitted
7113 Committee on Mass Media, press releases, clippings