Philosophy - Selected Sources

General Reference Works

The Dictionary of Philosophy
Ed. Simon Blackburn
The Blackwell Dictionary of Western Philosophy
Bunnin Nicholas and Jiyuan Yu

B41 .B79 2004


The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy
Ed. Robert Audi

B41 .C35 2015


Dictionary of Continental Philosophy
Ed. John Protevi

B41 .D46 2006


Hutchinson Dictionary of Ideas
Ed. Anne-Lucie Norton

B41 .H88 1995


Dictionary of World Philosophy
Iannone, A. Pablo

B41 .I26 2001


Routledge Dictionary of Philosophy
Proudfoot, Michael and A. R. Lacey

Strong in logic, metaphysics, philosophy of language, epistemology, ethics, aesthetics and philosophy of religion.

The Encyclopedia of Philosophy 10-Volume Set.

Comprehensive, containing various philosophical subjects and compiled by a board of scholars headed by Donald Borchert.

B51 .E53 2006


The Oxford Companion to Philosophy
Ed. Ted Honderich
Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Ed. Edward Craig

Comprehensively covers areas of philosophy not previously considered as part of the Anglo-American academic mainstream (e.g., feminism, Asian philosophy, Islamic philosophy).

B51 .R68 1998


Dictionary of Untranslatables: a Philosophical Lexicon
Barbara Cassin, Ed.

B51 .V6313 2014


Thinking and Writing about Philosophy
Bedau, Hugh Adam

Covers all stages of reading, analyzing, / responding to philosophical texts and arguments. Full coverage of research & documentation.

Historical Dictionary of Ancient Greek Philosophy
Preus, Anthony

B111 .P74 2007


Philosophical Dictionary
Bunge, Mario

A dictionary of modern philosophy.

B791 .B765 2003


Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Provides detailed, scholarly information on key topics and philosophers in all areas of philosophy.

The Columbia Companion to Twentieth-century Philosophies
Boundas, Constantin V

B804 .C55 2007


Fifty Key Contemporary Thinkers: From Structuralism to Post-humanism
Lechte, John

B804 .L32 2008


American Philosophy: an Encyclopedia
John Lachs, Robert Talisse, Eds.

B850 .A43 2008


New Dictionary of the History of Ideas
Maryanne Cline Horowitz, editor in chief

CB9 .N49 2005


Branches of Philosophy

A New History of Western Philosophy
Anthony Kenny

From its origins to the late 20th century.

B72 .O8 2010


Encyclopedia of Asian Philosophy
Ed. Oliver Leaman

Introductions to the branches, themes, and concepts in Asian philosophy. (See also Companion Encyclopedia of Asian Philosophy B121 .C66 1997 Reference).

B121 .E53 2001


Source Book in Chinese Philosophy
Trans. And compiled by Wing-Tsit Chan.
Encyclopedia of Chinese Philosophy
Ed. Antonio S. Cua

Major periods, thinkers and central concepts in Chinese philosophy and the history of Confucianism (classical to the 20th century).

B126 .E496 2003


Introduction to Classical Chinese Philosophy
Van Norden, Bryan W
An Introduction to Indian Philosophy
Perrett, Ror W
Encyclopedia of Classical Philosophy
Ed. Donald J. Zeyl

Pilosophy of Greek and Roman antiquity. Also a resource for obscure thinkers and concepts. Chronology of classical philosophy.

B163 .E53 1997


Edinburgh Encyclopedia of Continental Philosophy
Ed. Simon Glendinning

Comprehensive overview of central movements, authors, and themes in continental philosophy.

B791 .E34 1999


The History of Continrntal Philosophy
Alan D. schrift, General Editor

This first comprehensive history of the continental tradition of philosophy is divided chronologically and thematically, into 8 volumes.

B791 .H57 2010


Encyclopedia of the Enlightenment
Ed. Alan Charles Kors

Covers all aspects of culture, politics, science and philosophy from 1670 to the early 1800s.

B802 .E47 2003


Columbia Companion to Twentieth-Century Philosophies
Ed. Constantin V. Boundas

Cover both the Anglo-American analytic and European continental traditions.

B804 .C55 2007


The Handbook of Western Philosophy
Ed. G.H.R..

Deals with Anglo-Saxon philosophical tradition. Major sections: Meaning and Truth; Theory of Knowledge; Metaphysics; Philosophy of Mind; Moral Philosophy and Art and Religion. A glossary of philosophical terms. Chronologiesof enlightenment and modern philosophy are provided.

B804 .H17 1988


Historical Dictionary of Existentialism
Michelman, Stephen

B819 .M53 2008


Understanding Phenomenology
Cerbone, David R.
Continuum Encyclopedia of British Philosophy
Ed. A. C. Grayling

B1111 .C66 2006


Historical Dictionary of Husserl's Philosophy
Drummond, John J
A Companion to Metaphusics
Eds. Jaegwon Kim, Ernest Sosa and Gary S. Rosenkrantz
Handbook of Metaphysics and Ontology
Eds. Hans Burkhardt & Barry Smith

Provides overviews of the most important theories, thinkers, ideas and concepts in metaphysics and ontology.

The Philosophy of Mind and Cognition
Eds. David Braddon-Mitchell and Frank Mitchell
The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Time
Ed. Craig Callender

BD638 .O94 2011


The Oxford Companion to the Mind
Ed. Richard L Gregory

BF31 .O94 2004


A Companion to Aesthetics
David E. Cooper, Ed. ; advisory editors, Joseph Margolis and Crispin Sartwell
Encyclopedia of Aesthetics
Ed. Michael Kelly

Covers individuals, concepts, periods, theories, issues and movements in the history of aesthetics from ancient up to the present. BJ63 .E46 1999 Reference

BH56 .E53 1998


Encyclopedia of Ethics.
Ed. Susan Neiburg Terkel.

For quick reference, this work serves as a dictionary-like, general introduction to ethics with terms and movements of the field.

BJ63 .E46 1999


Dictionary of Ethics, Theology and Society
Ed. Paul Barry Clarke & Andrew Linzey

Ethical, theological and political influences: "Western society continues to be deeply indebted to the Judeo-Christian tradition" (intro)

Ed. John K. Roth (3 volumes)
A Dictionary of Philosophy of Religion
Charles Taliafero and Elsa J. Marty, eds.

BL51 .D525 2010


Encyclopedia of Environmental Ethics and Philosophy
J. Baird Callicott and Robert Frodeman, editors in chief

GE42 .E533 2009


The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Major Social Theorists
Ritzer, George
Feminist philosophies A-Z
McHugh, Nancy Arden
Concise Encyclopedia of Philosophy of Language
Ed. Peter V. Lamarque

Language, Metaphysics & Ontology; Language & Mind; Truth & Meaning; Language & Logic; Formal Semantics; Pragmatics & more.

Philosophy of Language A-Z
Tanesini, Alessandra

“This dictionary introduces readers to the main theories, problems, figures and arguments in the philosophy of language.”

P107 .T36 2007


Political Philosophy: what it is and why it matters 
Beiner, Ronald
A Companion to Contemporary Political Philosophy
Eds. Robert Goodin, Philip Pettit and Thomas Pogge

JA71 .C565 2007


Political Philosophy A-Z
Jonathan E. Pike

JA71 .P498 2007


The Routledge Companion to Social and Political Philosophy
Eds. Gerald Gaus and Fred D’Agostino
Concise Encyclopedia of Philosophy of Language
Ed. Peter V. Lamarque
Philosophy of Language A-Z
Tanesini, Alessandra

“This dictionary introduces readers to the main theories, problems, figures and arguments in the philosophy of language.”

P107 .T36 2007


The Philosophy of Literature
Lamarque, Peter
The Philosophy of Science: an Encyclopedia
Sahotra Sarkar
Philosophy of Science: Key Concepts
French, Steven
Encyclopedia of Bioethics
Ed. Warren Thomas Reich

Individual Philosophers

(Look up the philosopher as “subject” in the catalogue)

Historical Dictionary of Husserl's Philosophy
Drummond, John J
The Oxford handbook of Nietzsche

B3317 .O94


The Deleuze and Guattari dictionary
Young, Eugene B, with Gary Genosko and Janell Watson

Philosophy on the WWW

Department of Philosophy, University of Toronto
Episteme Links: Philosophy Resources on the Internet [Gateway]
Erratic Impact's Philosophy Research Base.

Integrates text resources with the best online resources in all philosophical genres and their related fields.

Philosophy in Cyberspace [Gateway]
Guide to Philosophy on the Internet [Gateway]
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Detailed, scholarly information on key topics and philosophers in all areas of philosophy.

Internet Philosopher.

Interactive tutorial for learning how to use the Internet for philosophy.

Philosophy Pages

Western philosophical tradition, including: Dictionary of Philosophical Names and Terms; survey of the History of Western Philosophy; Timelines for intellectual figures; Summary treatment of elementary principles of logic, etc.

PhilPapers: Online Research in Philosophy
by David Chalmers and David Bourget.

Database that currently holds 200,000 items, over 60 percent of which are articles. Ability to create an account

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Essay-length articles on various aspects, themes and figures in philosophy. Articles written by philosophers who have published refereed articles on their respective topics. Contains substantial articles on topics in philosophy.

The Ism Book

an online dictionary of philosophy.

Voice of the Shuttle Philosophy Page.
Yahoo: Philosophy.

Electronic Books (UofT)

look up these books by title in the catalogue and click on “Connect to Resource”.

For more please go to “Best research resources for Philosophy”


A Kant Dictionary.
Caygill, Howard.

Thomas Aquinas: Contemporary Philosophical Perspectives .
Davies, Brian.

The Claim to Universality of Modernity and its Relation with Occidental Rationality: A study of Juergen Habermas's Philosophy of Modernity.
Mesbahian, Hossein.

Early Medieval Philosophy (480-ll50): an Introduction Rev. ed., 2nd ed.
Marenbon, John.

Ancient Philosophy of the Self
Pauliina Remes, Juha Sihvola, Eds.

Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy.
Sedley, D. N.

Encyclopedia of Postmodernism.
Taylor, Victor E.; Winquist, Charles E..

The Oxford Companion to Philosophy.
Honderich, Ted, Ed.

Essays deal with the most important topic areas in philosophical logic

Modern Philosophy: the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries.
Francks, Richard.

Dictionary of World Philosophy.
Iannone, A. Pablo.

(available in print B41 .I26 2001 Reference)

A Companion to Philosophical Logic .
Jacquette, Dale.

The Dictionary of the History of Ideas: Studies of Selected Pivotal Ideas.
Wiener, Philip P.

The Philosophers.

v. 1. George Berkeley, Letters; v. 2. F.H. Bradley, Correspondence; v. 3. The correspondence of Adam Ferguson; v. 4. The letters of David Hume; v. 5. David Hume, New letters; v. 6. Correspondence from the Past Masters edition of The complete works & select correspondence of Henry Sidgwick; v. 7. Adam Smith, Correspondence; v. 8. Life & letters of Herbert Spencer.

Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
10 vols. 2006. Donald. Borchert, Ed.

Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
Edward Craig, Ed.

The Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy.
Blackburn, Simon.

Encyclopaedia Judaica. 
Michael Berenbaum and Fred Skolnik, Eds. 2nd ed.

Encyclopaedia of Islam
2nd ed.P. Bearman , Th. Bianquis , C.E. Bosworth , E. van Donzel and W.P. Heinrichs, Eds.

Encyclopedia of Ethics.
C. Lawrence Becker, and Charlotte B. Becker, Eds.

Philosophy in Late Antiquity.
Smith, Andrew.

Phenomenology and Existentialism in the Twentieth Century. Book 1, New waves of philosophical Inspirations.
Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka, Ed.

Philosophy of Anthropology and Sociology.
Turner, Stephen P. and Mark W. Risjord.

Topics in Early Modern Philosophy of Mind .
Miller, Jon.

The Founders of Western Thought: the Presocratics: a Diachronic Parallelism between Presocratic Thought and Philosophy and the Natural Sciences.
Vamvacas, Constantine J.

Hellenistic and Early Modern Philosophy
Jon Miller Ed.

Socratic and platonic political philosophy: practicing a politics of reading 
Long, Christopher P. (Christopher Philip).

Electronic Databases (UofT)

Philosopher's Index

A major source for scholarly research in all areas of philosophy. It contains several hundred thousand bibliographic citations.

Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy (CD-ROM only at E.J. Pratt Library)

Comprehensive resource containing articles from all continents, all periods and cultures, that cover Anglo-American, ethical and political, cross-cultural, interdisciplinary, continental and contemporary philosophy. Quarterly updates and additions.

Research Guide to Philosophy (Kelly Library, St. Michael’s College)
Oxford Bibliographies Online

Respected resources (print and electronic formats), chosen and evaluated by scholars including published sources such as books (including specific chapters within a book), journals, and databases, and unpublished archives and data.

Arts & Humanities Citation Index

Provides access to current and retrospective bibliographic information and cited references found in over 1,400 of the world's leading arts and humanities journals from 1975 to the present.

ATLA Religion Database

The American Theological Library Association (ATLA)Religion Database is a major international index for the scholarly study of religion. All major religious faiths are represented.

British Humanities Index

Covers 320+ humanities journals, weekly magazines, and newspapers from the UK and other English-speaking countries.

Cambridge Histories Online

Online version of over 300 volumes of the Cambridge Histories book series published since 1960. Covers the history of the ancient and modern world, literature, language and linguistics, philosophy and religion, political thought and more.

JSTOR: The Scholarly Journal Archive

Full-text of back issues of core journals in the humanities, social sciences and sciences.