VIC163H: Cultural Forms & Their Meanings

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Conducting Research

Oxford Reference
A collection of reference books (dictionaries and encyclopedias) published online by the Oxford University Press. Search this collection to develop a working knowledge of a topic and find scholarly sources.

Oxford Bibliographies
A bibliography is a list of the books of an author or publisher, or on a specific subject. Oxford Bibliographies, compiled by scholars and librarians, contain extensive lists of annotated titles on many topics within the study of:

This resource is a great way to find authoritative sources.

Each subject contains an extensive introduction (which provides an overview of the topic) as well as a list of annotated titles of books, arranged by category.

A single integrated search platform for books, articles, periodicals, primary sources, and other materials.

It provides links to full texts of ebooks and journal articles.

Additional Resources

Other major research resources are listed by discipline on the University of Toronto Libraries web site, including:

Citation & Style Guide

MLA (Modern Language Association)

Research & Writing Support

Research Help

  • online reference service
  • research consultation service: advance notice is required to book an appointment with the librarian
  • before requesting an appointment, please identify a topic of research, conduct preliminary research using the resources outlined in this guide, and locate at least one source (such as a book or journal article) that is relevant to your topic of research
  • please be prepared to discuss your findings with the librarian during a research consultation
  • we recommend requesting an appointment as soon as you begin your work on completing a particular assignment. The librarian contact for the class is Ms. Agatha Barc, Reader Services & Instruction Librarian (agatha [dot] barc [at] vicu [dot] utoronto [dot] ca).

Writing Help

Victoria College Writing Centre
Students are highly encouraged to book an appointment at the Victoria College Writing Centre, where you can receive an individual consultation from a writing instructor. 

Writing at the University of Toronto
Includes helpful advice on all aspects of academic writing, from incorporating and citing sources to revising your work. The resource also contains information on specific types of writing in numerous disciplines, including philosophy.

created by: Agatha Barc | updated: 17 October 2023

Last updated: October 17, 2023