How do I activate my UTORid?
Proceed to any workstation in the library that is not a catalogue lookup station. Press Ctrl + Alt + Delete on the keyboard and click Click on the UTORid Assistance icon on the screen. This will direct you to the UTORid Management, where you will need to follow further instructions.
See also:
How Do I... for guidance on finding information, research, and writing.
How do I verify my UTORid?
Please go to UTORid Management and follow the instructions.
If you are unable to sign in to one of the workstations, please proceed to any workstation in the library that is not a catalogue lookup station. Press Ctrl + Alt + Delete on the keyboard and click Click on the UTORid Assistance icon on the screen. This will direct you to the UTORid Management, where you will need to follow further instructions.
How do I retrieve my UTORid and/or password if I have forgotten or lost it?
You can look up your forgotten UTORid if you remember your @mail.utoronto.ca email address and password, on the UTORid Information page.
We are not able to recover forgotten passwords. Students (but not faculty or staff) can recover them only if the forgotten password utility has been previously set up on the UTORid Management page. Otherwise, you will have to visit the Information Commons Help Desk, which is located on the main floor of John P. Robarts Research Library. To reach the staff directly: call 416-978-HELP or e-mail help [dot] desk [at] utoronto [dot] ca.
We are not able to recover lost activation keys. Please contact the Help Desk for assistance.
As a visiting student, can I get a temporary UTORid account?
If you are currently taking courses at U of T, it is possible to create an account once you are registered and have received a library card. To do this visit the UTORid creation page. If you encounter any problems, visit the Help Desk or call 416-585-4470
Desktop Computers
Where can I find catalogue lookup machines?
All workstations are able to access the catalogue. In addition, catalogues used only for title lookups are located on every floor and you are not required to login with your UTORid in order to use them.
How do I login to the computer workstations?
You are required to enter your UTORid and password in order to use the workstations. The UTORid account that you use for signing in to your UTORmail account is the same for logging in to the desktop computers.
Does this library have a quick print workstation and where can I find it?
It is located on the main floor, next to the IT Support Desk.
You are not required to sign in with your UTORid to use the workstation, but there is a ten-minute limit for use. If you need to edit your document before printing, please use one of the full service workstations.
Are there any workstations available for public use?
The use of our workstations is limited to U of T students, staff, faculty, guest account holders*, and UTL direct borrowers.
*For visitors who are unable to access the eduroam Wi-Fi network, U of T Faculty or Staff can sponsor a 5 day guest account, which includes both public computer and wi-fi access.
Instructions for sponsoring a guest can be found here: https://wireless.utoronto.ca/connect/
Please click here to see the Locations of Library Computers Publicly Available for Visitors.
What type of software is available?
All of our workstations use Microsoft Windows 10. The following software is available on all computers:
- Microsoft Internet Explorer
- Mozilla Firefox
- Microsoft Office Professional (including Word, Excel, and PowerPoint)
- Adobe Acrobat Reader
Here is a complete list complete list of what's on a regular workstation.
In addition to the above programs, the five scanning workstations in the South Information Commons are equipped with the following:
- ABBYY FineReader (optical character recognition software)
- Epson Scan Utility
- Adobe Acrobat Pro
Here is the complete list for a scanning workstation.
Accessible Workstation
How may I use the accessible workstation?
If you wish to use it, please ask at the Inquiry Desk, located on the main floor. When you enter the building, please proceed straight ahead and go through the security gates on the left to reach the Inquiry Desk. Please do not hesitate to ask staff for directions.
The workstation includes the following software:
- Kurzweil 1000 (tutorial CD available for sign out at circulation desk)
- Kurzweil 3000
- ZoomText
- Microsoft Office
- Internet Explorer
How do I open programs available on this workstation?
The most commonly used programs can be started by pressing the Windows key followed by the first letter of the program’s name. For example Windows + J will start Jaws. There are two Windows keys: they are the second key to the left and right of the spacebar. You can start Word, Excel, Internet Explorer, Jaws, Kurzweil 1000, and ZoomText this way.
Other programs are available through the programs menu. To access them, press the Windows key followed by the letter p on the keyboard. You can then use the arrow keys to navigate to the submenus and shortcuts to programs.
What type of hardware is available?
Like other public workstations, this one prints to the printers adjacent to our IT Help Desk. Payment is with your T-Card or a guest print card. Please do not hesitate to ask staff for directions or assistance with printing.
There is a scanner to the right of the computer. The scanner cover opens at the front of the scanner. The top of the page you are scanning should go against the right edge of the glass platen.
What type of technical support does this library provide?
Technical help is available from the IT Support Desk. For assistance, please ask library staff at the Inquiry Desk.
Printed guides for Jaws and Kurzweil 1000 are available in the library’s reference collection. Please inform staff if you would like to consult them. A guide for Zoomtext is available at:
There is also a Braille guide for Jaws. A tape tutorial and other materials for Kurzweil are available at the Inquiry Desk for in-library use.
Library Laptops
How do I sign out a laptop?
Two kinds of laptops are available for borrowing; please ask at the Main Desk. The Windows laptops are available for use within the library; the Chromebook laptops may be taken out of the library.
Are the library laptops configured for wireless connection and printing? What type of software is available?
The laptops are configured for wireless Internet access and are also equipped with office software and wireless printing.
What is the lending period and what is the fine for overdue laptops?
Windows laptops can be signed out for six hours (renewable). Chromebooks are available as a two day loan. The overdue fine for laptops is 50 cents per hour.
Wireless Access
What are the names of the service set identifiers (wireless connections) available at U of T?
They are UofT (for members of the University of Toronto) and eduroam (for members of other Eduroam universities).
What are the user credentials for UofT?
They refer to your UTORid and password.
What are the supported Wi-Fi standards at U of T?
They are 802.11b, 802.11g, 802.11a, and 802.11n.
How do I configure my laptop for a wireless connection?
We have provided a detailed sets of instructions for Windows and Mac users on our Wireless Access page.
As a resident of Victoria University, where can I find information about Internet connection and technical support?
ResNet provides network connection and technical support to the residents of Victoria University. Please consult Victoria University Residential Networking for details, including office hours, registration guidelines, and updates of your bandwidth usage.
Which buildings on campus provide wireless service?
To see which buildings at the St. George campus are covered by UTORcwn and U of T, a map detailing campus buildings where the wireless network is available can be found at U of T Map. Click on Wireless once the map is loaded.
What do I do if my T-Card is stuck or jammed in a reader?
The T-Card reader is plugged into a power bar behind the printer, press the power button on the power bar off, and then turn it back on to reset the T-Card reader and remove your T-Card.
How do I add money to the balance on my TCard?
You need to use the TCard machine, which is located in the South Information Commons, across from the IT Support Desk. Instructions are posted on the machine. The machine only accepts Canadian bills, and $1 or $2 coins, no cards or other change.
As a visiting scholar, where can I purchase a card for printing and how much does it cost?
Library visitor cards can be purchased at the Inquiry Desk on the main floor at a cost of $5 each.
What is the cost of printing per page?
By default, all print jobs are printed double-sided and cost 15 cents per page (or 30 cents per single sheet, double-sided).
How do I print my document single-sided?
If you would like to print your document single-sided, please refer to the instructions we have included in Printing.
What is the location of the printers?
On the main floor, the printing station is located next to the IT Support Desk, adjacent to the South Information Commons.
In the EClassroom in the third floor (usually available for use during November and March), the printing station is located right at the entrance as you come in.
Is colour printing available in this library?
Yes. By default, all print jobs are printed double-sided and cost 50 cents per page (or $1 per single sheet, double-sided). Please choose Colour Printer when sending your file for printing. Please refer to Printing for more information.
Is wireless printing supported by this library?
Yes, a detailed sets of instructions for Windows and Mac can be found under Printing.
Where are the scanners located?
The standalone scanner is on the 2nd floor, in an alcove near the elevator and main stairway. It is a KIC Bookeye scanner, a powerful yet very easy to use machine.
A quick guide to using this scanner can be found here: https://guides.library.unlv.edu/bookeye/tutorials
There are also four desktop scanners in the last row of South Information Commons workstations.
Priority in using these workstations is assigned to users who need to scan their files.
All scanning is free and you may email the scan to yourself or save the scan to a USB key.
We also have a microfiche and microfilm scanner in an alcove along the north wall of the main floor. Please ask at the Inquiry Desk for assistance using this machine.
How do I use the scanners?
The standalone scanner is quite easy to use, and instructions are posted on the wall. Please ask at the IT Help Desk if you require assistance.
For the desktop scanners, please consult our Guide to Scanning (PDF) for basic set of instructions. Technical support for using the scanners, along with printed copies of the brochure, are available at the IT Support Desk.
For the microfiche and microfilm scanner, please refer to Microfiche and Microfilm Reader.
What type of software is available on the scanning workstations?
Software includes an image editing program called Gimp, the web page editor KompoZer, and ABBYY Fine Reader optical character recognition (OCR) software, a function that allows you to turn a printed document into editable text. Adobe Acrobat is also on the machines.
Specialized software for the microfiche and microfilm scanner includes ViewScan (for viewing files, such as microfilm), ImgBurn (for burning scanned files onto a CD) and Core FTP Lite (for sending files over a file transfer protocol connection).
IT Support Desk
Where can I find the IT Support Desk?
It is on the main floor of the library. As you enter the building, go toward the Inquiry Desk to your left and proceed past the elevator to the South Information Commons. The desk is located between the quick print station and the printing station.
When it is open?
Please refer to IT Support Desk hours.
What type of technical assistance is provided?
Our priority is providing assistance with any library software or hardware that appears to be malfunctioning and general technical support in utilizing information technology in the library.
Technical support relating to users’ personal devices, such as smartphones, is limited and will be provided as time permits.
For instructions on connecting to the Internet using mobile devices, please consult Information Commons Help Desk: Wireless Support for Mobile Devices.
When is the EClassroom open for use?
Additional workstations in the EClassroom are usually available in November and March. For hours and location, please refer to EClassroom.
Last updated: November 1, 2024