Subject Files

The Archives holds subject files, which are collections of resource material put together by archivists for research purposes. Contents include news clippings, articles, photocopies of archival material, and other documentation on the following topics.
Box 1: Buildings
- General
- Annesley Hall
- Birge-Carnegie Library
- Burwash Hall
- Colonnade
- E.J. Pratt Library
- Emmanuel College (Building)
- Faraday Hall
- Hotel
- Isabel Bader Theatre
- Lillian Massey Building
- Margaret Addison Hall
- Northrop Frye Hall
- Residences, Men's
- Rowell Jackman Hall
- Stephenson House
- Upper Canada Academy/Victoria College (Building, Cobourg)
- Victoria College (Building, Toronto)
- Wymilwood
Box 2: General
- General History
- Acta Victoriana
- Albert College
- Alumni Association
- Archives
- Art Collection
- Astrolabe
- Beer
- The Bob
- Canadian Standard Labour
- Centenary Celebrations
- Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies (CRRS)
- Church Connection
- Colours (Scarlet and gold)
- Crest (Coat-of-Arms) – Vic and Emmanuel
- Crucified Woman Statue
- Dancing
- Deans at Victoria University
- Drama
- Emmanuel College Graduation Hymn
- Emmanuel College historical information
- Federation
- Fire in Old Vic (1911)
- Founding
- Gate House
- German Department
- Honorary Degrees
- Medicine, Faculty of
- Meteorite
- Military Service
- Mulock Cup
- Museum
- Music
- Northrop Frye Centre
- Orientation
- Pagoda
- Pearson Peace Garden
- Phoenix Theatre Alliance
- Pilgrimage to Cobourg (1932)
- Property
- Queen Victoria (includes flag in Burwash)
- Rhodes Scholars
- Senior Stick
- Sesquicentennial Celebrations
- Song—“The Old Ontario Strand”
- Student Newspapers
- Sundial
- Victoria Women’s Association
- War Memorial
- Women at Victoria
- Wood Family
- World War I
Last updated: October 26, 2016