John Mercel Robson fonds
John Mercel Robson fonds
Box/File List
Series 1: Correspondence
Identifier | Title | Date | |
1997.104V /TR | Correspondence 1974-1976 |
1974-1976 |
2011.08V 9-9 | Correspondence 1981 |
1981 |
2011.08V 10-2 | Incoming |
July-Dec 1983 |
2011.08V 9-4 | Incoming |
1977 |
2011.08V 5-3 | Incoming |
Jan-June 1966 |
2011.08V 5-4 | Incoming |
July-Dec 1966 |
2011.08V 10-1 | Incoming |
Jan-June 1983 |
2011.08V 9-11 | Incoming |
July-Dec 1982 |
2011.08V 6-1 | Incoming |
Jan-June 1967 |
2011.08V 6-2 | Incoming |
July-Dec 1967 |
2011.08V 9-10 | Incoming |
Jan-June 1982 |
2011.08V 6-4 | Incoming |
Jan-July 1968 |
2011.08V 6-5 | Incoming |
July-Dec 1968 |
2011.08V 7-2 | Incoming |
Jan-July 1969 |
2011.08V 7-3 | Incoming |
July-Dec 1969 |
2011.08V 9-8 | Incoming |
1980 |
2011.08V 7-5 | Incoming |
Jan-June 1970 |
2011.08V 8-1 | Incoming |
July-Dec 1970 |
2011.08V 9-7 | Incoming |
1979 |
2011.08V 8-3 | Incoming |
Jan-June 1971 |
2011.08V 8-4 | Incoming |
July-Dec 1971 |
2011.08V 8-5 | Incoming |
Jan-June 1973 |
2011.08V 9-1 | Incoming |
1975 |
2011.08V 9-2 | Incoming |
1976 |
2011.08V 9-6 | Incoming |
1978 |
2011.08V 4-7 | Incoming |
Jan-June 1965 |
2011.08V 1-2 | Incoming |
1954-1957 |
2011.08V 1-3 | Incoming |
1954 |
2011.08V 1-4 | Incoming |
Jan-June 1955 |
2011.08V 1-5 | Incoming |
July-Dec 1955 |
2011.08V 2-1 | Incoming |
1956 |
2011.08V 11-3 | Incoming |
July-Dec 1986 |
2011.08V 2-3 | Incoming |
1958 |
2011.08V 2-4 | Incoming |
1959 |
2011.08V 2-5 | Incoming |
1960 |
2011.08V 2-6 | Incoming |
Jan-June 1961 |
2011.08V 3-1 | Incoming |
July-Dec 1961 |
2011.08V 11-2 | Incoming |
Jan-June 1986 |
2011.08V 3-3 | Incoming |
Jan-June 1962 |
2011.08V 3-4 | Incoming |
July-Dec 1962 |
2011.08V 10-8 | Incoming |
July-Dec 1985 |
2011.08V 3-6 | Incoming |
Jan-June 1963 |
2011.08V 4-1 | Incoming |
July-Dec 1963 |
2011.08V 10-7 | Incoming |
Jan-June 1985 |
2011.08V 4-3 | Incoming |
Jan-June 1964 |
2011.08V 4-4 | Incoming |
July-Dec 1964 |
2011.08V 10-5 | Incoming |
July-Dec 1984 |
2011.08V 10-4 | Incoming |
Jan-June 1984 |
2011.08V 5-1 | Incoming |
July-Dec 1965 |
2011.08V 1-1 | Incoming correspondence and other records 1947-1953 |
1947-1953 |
2011.08V 4-6 | Incoming correspondence from family 1965 |
1965 |
2011.08V 5-6 | Incoming correspondence from family 1967 |
Spring 1967 |
2011.08V 10-3 | Outgoing |
1983 |
2011.08V 11-4 | Outgoing |
1986 |
2011.08V 2-2 | Outgoing |
1944, 1956- 1960 |
2011.08V 3-2 | Outgoing |
1961 |
2011.08V 11-1 | Outgoing |
1985 |
2011.08V 3-5 | Outgoing |
1962 |
2011.08V 4-2 | Outgoing |
1963 |
2011.08V 10-6 | Outgoing |
1984 |
2011.08V 4-5 | Outgoing |
1964 |
2011.08V 9-5 | Outgoing |
1977 |
2011.08V 5-2 | Outgoing |
1965 |
2011.08V 5-5 | Outgoing |
1966 |
2011.08V 9-12 | Outgoing |
1982 |
2011.08V 6-3 | Outgoing |
1967 |
2011.08V 7-1 | Outgoing |
1968 |
2011.08V 7-4 | Outgoing |
1969 |
2011.08V 8-2 | Outgoing |
1970 |
2011.08V 9-3 | Outgoing |
1976 |
Series 2: Records and memorabilia relating to early education and personal life
Identifier | Title | Date | |
2011.08V 13-2 | Awards and recognitions, copies of records |
1971-1988 |
2011.08V 13-3 | Condolences and obituaries |
1995 |
2011.08V 12-5 | Cunard steamship |
1951-1956 |
2011.08V 12-3 | Lecture notes, principals of scientific method as applied to psychology |
1947-1948 |
2011.08V 11-6 | Memorabilia from undergraduate years |
1949-1953 |
2011.08V 12-1 | Memorabilia from undergraduate years–student publications |
1946-1954 |
2011.08V 11-5 | Middle school and secondary school |
1934-1947 |
2011.08V 12-4 | Personal memorabilia |
1946-1979 |
2011.08V 13-1 | Playbills and other programmes |
1952-1984 |
2011.08V 12-2 | School work |
1953-1954 |
2011.08V 12-6 | Smoking paraphernalia |
n.d. |
Series 3: Articles and other writing
Identifier | Title | Date | |
2011.08V 13-8 | Based on CV binders - Articles |
1960-1964 |
2011.08V 14-1 | Based on CV binders - Articles |
1965-1969 |
2011.08V 14-2 | Based on CV binders - Articles |
1970-1979 |
2011.08V 14-3 | Based on CV binders - Articles |
1980-1990 |
2011.08V 13-7 | Based on CV binders - Chapters |
1962-1985 |
2011.08V 13-4 | Based on CV binders - CVs |
1985-1994 |
2011.08V 13-5 | Based on CV binders - Editing nineteenth-century texts |
1967 |
2011.08V 14-4 | Based on CV binders - H.O. Hmnnn writes and talks |
1964-1993 |
2011.08V 13-6 | Based on CV binders - James and John Stuart Mill/Papers of the Centenary Conference |
1976 |
2011.08V 15-6 | Based on CV binders - Reviews |
1980-1989 |
2011.08V 15-5 | Based on CV binders - Reviews |
1970-1979 |
2011.08V 15-4 | Based on CV binders - Reviews |
1959-1969 |
2011.08V 15-3 | Based on CV binders - Reviews, "Light Prose" in "Letters in Canada" |
1961-1976 |
2011.08V 14-5 | Based on CV binders - Talks |
1959-1969 |
2011.08V 15-2 | Based on CV binders - Talks (includes installation address) |
1990-1999 |
2011.08V 15-1 | Based on CV binders - Talks (includes installation address) |
1980-1989 |
2011.08V 14-6 | Based on CV binders - Talks (includes installation address) |
1970-1979 |
2011.08V 15-8 | Other writings - Book Parade column |
1964 |
2011.08V 16-5 | Other writings - Hmnnn and other parodies/writings on education and politics |
n.d. |
2011.08V 16-3 | Other writings - Newspaper writings and other articles |
1969-1983 |
2011.08V 16-4 | Other writings - Other writings |
1982-1983, n.d. |
2011.08V 15-7 | Other writings - Poetry |
1963, n.d. |
2011.08V 16-6 | Other writings - Reviews of Hmnnn Report and Bill's books |
1966-1970 |
2011.08V 16-1 | Other writings - Telegram Reviews |
1965 |
2011.08V 16-2 | Other writings - Telegram Reviews |
1966 |
Series 4: Records relating to research and projects
Identifier | Title | Date | |
2011.08V 17-8 | "Approaches to Literature" series |
1962 |
2011.08V 17-7 | Disraeli |
n.d. |
2011.08V 17-4 | EIOLR xeroxes - J.S. Mill |
n.d. |
2011.08V 17-5 | J.S. Mill and Harriet Taylor Mill |
n.d. |
2011.08V 17-2 | J.S. Mill collection at Yale |
1989 |
2011.08V 17-1 | J.S. Mill General file, additional letters |
1954-1990 |
2011.08V 16-7 | J.S. Mill letters, lists and correspondence |
1943-1949, n.d. |
2011.08V 17-6 | Mill Taylor Collection |
n.d. |
2011.08V 17-10 | Project on using fiction as historical sources |
1965-1970 |
2011.08V 17-9 | Proposal for 18th century catalogue |
1966 |
2011.08V 17-3 | Un-foldered research material on J.S. Mill |
1989, n.d |
Series 5: Records relating to academic life and community service
Identifier | Title | Date | |
2011.08V 19-4 | Dept. of English, merit increases |
1982 |
2011.08V 18-6 | IFF [International Forum Foundation] |
1966-1968 |
2011.08V 19-3 | Installation as Victoria College Principal [programme and address] |
1971 |
2011.08V 18-7 | International Teach-In |
1966-1967 |
2011.08V 18-8 | International Teach-In |
1966-1968 |
2011.08V 19-1 | International Teach-In - news clippings |
1966 |
2011.08V 18-5 | Macbeth video, Ontario Dept. of Education |
1968 |
2011.08V 18-1 | National fund for the University of Toronto |
1959-1960 |
2011.08V 18-4 | OISE, English Study Committee |
1967 |
2011.08V 18-2 | Ontario Curriculum Institute |
1964 |
2011.08V 18-3 | Ontario Department of Education |
1966-1968 |
2011.08V 19-5 | Royal Society Newsletter (editor) |
1984-1985 |
2011.08V 19-6 | Royal Society of Canada |
1986–1989 |
2011.08V 19-2 | Theses (active) |
1967-1969 |