1914 - World War I in the Far East. Coleman was on the Australian leg of his trip when the war broke out in early August.
Thursday, Oct. 29, Suwa Marie,
Arrived Penang 11. Found that the Emden had torpedoed a Russian troop ship with French soldiers on board yesterday night. 200 lives lost. Also sank a torpedo boat cruising outside. The mast still shows above water. Went ashore this morning in the launch, half a dozen bloated bodies floating, come up from the Sunken Russian man –of-war. It is horrible.
… The Penang Gazette & Straits Chronicle describes the Emden’s exploit – the Russian Curiser Zhentchug, was sunk in 15 m.[minutes] of 355 men 1 of. [officer] & 89 were killed & 3 off.[officers] & 120 men wounded, many terribly. (continued)
Notebook 19, 1914 – 1915, pages 2 – 4
Notebook. A.P. Coleman. Thursday, October 29, Suwa Marie [entry with sketches of sampans in Penang opposite], Field Notebook 19, 1914 -1915, page 2
Notebook. A.P. Coleman. Padi [sic] fields and Gilded Pagoda, South of Rangoon [sketches], Field Notebook 19, 1914 -1915, page 23
Notebook. A.P. Coleman. The War as seen from the Far East, [lecture notes], n.d.: pages 1 - 2
Watercolour. A.P. Coleman. City Gates, Assisi : 101.
Watercolour. A.P. Coleman. Near Interlaken Switzerland : [219].
Watercolour. A.P. Coleman. Gibraltar from the South : [269].
Watercolour. A.P. Coleman. Hillside near Adelaide, South Australia : 104.
Watercolour. A.P. Coleman. Jenolan Caves, New South Wales : 107.
Watercolour. A.P. Coleman. Near Cairns, Queensland : [414].
Watercolour. A.P. Coleman. Maori Ruins, Lake Rotorua, New Zealand, (A hot spring in the foreground) : [253].
Watercolour. A.P. Coleman. Raised Beach, Wellington, N.Z. : 409. n.d.
Watercolour. A.P. Coleman. Arthur's Pass w/ Beech with pale green lichen tufts - paler and greener than this. n.d
Watercolour. A.P. Coleman. Wangarui Bay, New Zealand Coast, East side. n.d.
Notebook. A.P. Coleman. Singapore, Chinese Boats [sketches, part of Friday, Oct. 23, Near Sumatra, entry], Notebook 18, 1914, page 84
Watercolour. A.P. Coleman. Morning, Rangoon River : 351. n.d.
Notebook. A.P. Coleman. Fields near Gulbarga, almost a dozen domes, old & new in sight at Gulbarga many low palm trees. Garments green and pink. Woman carrying basket, Bombay. [sketches in December 1, 1914 En route to Madras entry], Field Notebook 19, 1914 – 1915, Opposite page 53
Watercolour. A.P. Coleman. Hindoo Temple near Jubbulpore [Jabalpur], Central India : 304.
Watercolour. A.P. Coleman. Darjeeling, India. n.d.
Watercolour. A.P. Coleman. Farm House near Shanghai (Christmas Day) 1914 : S535.
Watercolour. A.P. Coleman. Fujiyama from neighborhood of Gotemba, Rice stacks in the foreground, Jan. 1, 1915 : S498.
Watercolour. A.P. Coleman. Golden Gate, San Francisco, Evening : 282. n.d.