Applying to Graduate Programs

Writing a Personal Statement & Admission Essay

Graduate School: Winning Strategies for Getting In
Mumby, David G.

Book cover of Graduate School: Winning Strategies for Getting InA comprehensive advice book on all aspects of applying and studying in a graduate program: selecting graduate programs and schools, understanding the factors (other than undergraduate grades and coursework) that influence the application process, applying (writing a personal statement, interviewing, submitting letters of recommendation), identifying research interest and prospective research supervisors, and many other topics.

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Reference and Stacks

Effective Admission Letters
Procter, Margaret

Advice on some qualities students should consider in writing personal statements and options for organizing an admission letter. 

Also includes information on other academic websites that provide advice and examples of successful statements and letters to graduate programs.

How to Write a Winning Personal Statement for Graduate and Professional School
Stelzer, Richard J. 3rd. ed.

How to Write a Winning Personal Statement for Graduate and Professional SchoolCritical guidance on how to start writing a personal statement and information on what to include (and what not to include) when considering the content of your statement. Provides examples of personal statements and outlined the criteria admissions committee consider as part of the application process. The book includes information on applying to business, law, and medical schools as well as other selected graduate programs.

Graduate Admissions Essays: Write Your Way into the Graduate School of Your Choice
Asher, Donald. 4th. ed.

Graduate Admissions Essays: Write Your Way into the Graduate School of Your Choice Demystifies the graduate school application process and offers a detailed action plan for applying to graduate programs. Includes sample essays and outlines common pitfalls to avoid in the application process. The author provides detailed instruction on  how to craft a winning essay. This edition includes a new chapter dedicated to online applications and how they are managed, processed, and considered.

Writing an Admission Test

Career Development: Graduate School Preparation
University of Toronto Career Exploration & Education

A selection of ebook study guides, organized by each type of admission test: Graduate Record Examinations (GRE), Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT), Law School Admission Test (LSAT), Medical College Admission Test (MCAT), and Pharmacy College Admission Test (PCAT).

The titles can be accessed online through the library catalogue (valid UTORid and password are required for access off-campus). 

Succeeding as a Graduate Student

Grad School Essentials: A Crash Course in Scholarly Skills
Shore, Zachary

Book cover of Grad School Essentials: A Crash Course in Scholarly SkillsIn this book, Shore teaches how to master the five most crucial skills you need to succeed in any graduate program: how to read, write, speak, act, and research at a higher level. Each chapter in this accessible guide outlines an approach to acquiring a skill and then demonstrates how to enhance it.

Academic Proposals in Graduate School
Procter, Margaret

General advice on considering several aspects related to writing successful thesis and grant proposals: information to include and the style of writing to adapt. 

Writing a Graduate Thesis or Dissertation
Blair, Lorrie

Writing a Graduate Thesis or DissertationA comprehensive guide to research, writing, and interpersonal skills associated with working as a graduate student: differentiating between the various thesis formats, preparing a proposal, writing a literature review, choosing a methodology, collecting and analyzing data, understanding research ethics and academic integrity, and defending the thesis. The book also deals with the many interpersonal issues, including finding and working with a supervisor. Also contains advice on establishing an academic profile by presenting research at conferences, and publishing journal articles.

Becoming an Academic: How to Get Through Grad School and Beyond
Mewburn, Inger

Book cover of Becoming an Academic: How to Get Through Grad School and BeyondPractical advice related to all aspects of working as a graduate student: thesis and article writing, time management, research strategies, mastering new technologies, applying for promotion, dealing with sexism in the workplace, polishing grant applications, and deciding what to wear to give a keynote address.

A Field Guide to Grad School: Uncovering the Hidden Curriculum
Calarco, Jessica McCrory

A Field Guide to Grad School : Uncovering the Hidden CurriculumA detailed guide to navigating every stage of completing postgraduate studies: deciding whether to pursue a degree, identifying a potential advisor, securing funding for your research, finishing your degree and finding a job.


Locating Additional Resources

Please consult one of our reference librarians or schedule a research consultation if you have questions about the resources listed in the guide or if you would like to find additional books, articles or online sources and advice related to applying to graduate programs.

created by: Agatha Barc | reviewed & updated: 8 August 2024