New Acquisitions for February 2024

A - General
Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes.
The World almanac and book of facts.
Canadian almanac & directory.
B - Philosophy
Queering philosophy Kim Q. Hall.
B63 .H35 2022 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
The philosophy of action guest editors: Michael McKenna & Carolina Sartorio.
B105 .A35 P556 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
The enigma of justice : freedom and morality in the work of Immanuel Kant, G. W. F Hegel, Agnes Heller, and Axel Honneth Claire Nyblom.
B105 .J87 N93 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Freedom : a disease without cure Slavoj Žižek.
B105 .L45 Z58 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
How Socrates became Socrates : a study of Plato's Phaedo, Parmenides, and Symposium Laurence Lampert.
B317 .L336 2021 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Aristotle's discovery of the human : piety and politics in the Nicomachean ethics Mary P. Nichols.
B430 .N53 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Inventions of Enlightenment since 1800 : concepts of Lumières, Enlightenment and Aufklärung edited by Nicholas Cronk and Élisabeth Décultot.
B802 .I58 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Philosophy as stranger wisdom : a Leo Strauss intellectual biography Carlo Altini.
B945 .S84 A66 2022 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Hospitality Jacques Derrida ; edited by Pascale-Anne Brault and Peggy Kamuf ; translated by E. S. Burt.
B2430 .D482 E5 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
What is critique? ; and The culture of the self Michel Foucault ; edited by Henri-Paul Fruchaud, Daniele Lorenzini, and Arnold I. Davidson ; translated by Clare O'Farrell.
B2430 .F722 E5 2024 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Leibnizing : a philosopher in motion Richard Halpern.
B2598 .H35 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
A precarious happiness : Adorno and the sources of normativity Peter E. Gordon.
B3199 .A34 G675 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
The culmination : Heidegger, German idealism, and the fate of philosophy Robert B. Pippin.
B3279 .H49 P526 2024 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
When Spinoza met Marx : experiments in nonhumanist activity Tracie Matysik.
B3998 .M385 2022 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Hope, trust & forgiveness : essays in finitude John T. Lysaker.
BD216 .L97 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Ignorance : a philosophical study Rik Peels.
BD221 .P425 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
The weirdness of the world Eric Schwitzgebel.
BD331 .S39 2024 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Art rebellion : the aesthetics of social transformation Malcolm Miles.
BH301 .P64 M55 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Mandeville's Fable : pride, hypocrisy, and sociability Robin Douglass.
BJ1520 .D68 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Here lies bitterness : healing from resentment Cynthia Fleury ; translated by Cory Stockwell.
BJ1535 .R45 F5413 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Historical etiquette : etiquette books in nineteenth-century western cultures Annick Paternoster.
BJ1821 .P38 2022 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
BF - Psychology
The sensory studies manifesto : tracking the sensorial revolution in the arts and human sciences David Howes.
BF233 .H69 2022 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
The other side of empathy Jade E. Davis.
BF575 .E55 D36 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Shame : the politics and power of an emotion David Keen.
BF575 .S45 K44 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Psychonauts : drugs and the making of the modern mind Mike Jay.
BF1045 .A48 J39 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Art of the Grimoire : an illustrated history of magic books and spells Owen Davies
BF1558 .D38 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Magus : the art of magic from Faustus to Agrippa Anthony Grafton.
BF1593 .G73 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
BL - Religion
Emotions and religious dynamics edited by Douglas J. Davies with Nathaniel A. Warne.
BL65 .E46 E46 2021 STACKS (VIC_EMMAN)
Handbook of religion and health Harold G. Koenig, Tyler J. VanderWeele, John R. Peteet.
BL65 .M4 K638 2024 STACKS (VIC_EMMAN)
Female faith practices : qualitative research perspectives edited by Nicola Slee, Dawn Llewellyn, Kim Wasey and Lindsey Taylor-Guthartz.
BL625.7 .F459 2024 STACKS (VIC_EMMAN)
Between three worlds : spiritual travelers in the western literary tradition John C. Stephens.
BL71.5 .S84 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Beatrice's last smile : a new history of the Middle Ages Mark Gregory Pegg.
Pagans : the visual culture of pagan myths, legends and rituals Ethan Doyle White.
BL432 .D69 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Atheists and atheism before the Enlightenment : the English and Scottish experience Michael Hunter.
BL2765 .G7 H86 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
BM - Judaism
The Dead Sea Scrolls in the context of hellenistic Judea : proceedings of the tenth meeting of the International Organization for Qumran Studies (Aberdeen, 5-8 August, 2019) edited by Pieter B. Hartog, Andrew B. Perrin ; with the collaboration of Shelby Bennett, Matthew Hama.
BM487 .I58 2019 STACKS (VIC_EMMAN)
BP - Islam
The healing power of Sufi meditation by as-Sayyid Nurjan Mirahmadi & Hedieh Mirahmadi ; foreword by Shaykh Muhammad Adil Nazim al-Haqqani ; introduction by Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani.
BP189.7 .N35 M57 2005 STACKS (VIC_EMMAN)
BQ - Buddhism
Awakening and insight : Zen Buddhism and psychotherapy edited by Polly Young-Eisendrath and Shoji Muramoto.
BQ4570 .P76 A98 2002 STACKS (VIC_EMMAN)
Weaving the paths of Buddhism and psychotherapy : the practice of human being Helen Carter.
BQ4570 .P76 C368 2023 STACKS (VIC_EMMAN)
Zen and the heart of psychotherapy by Robert Rosenbaum.
BQ9418.6 .R67 1999 STACKS (VIC_EMMAN)
BR - Christianity
Virga directionis eccliasticoru[m].
Abundantly more : the theological promise of the arts in a reductionist world Jeremy S. Begbie.
BR115 .A8 B433 2023 STACKS (VIC_EMMAN)
Promise and poison : the story of emerging Christianity John Van Hagen ; foreword by Thomas Sheehan.
BR129 .V36 2023 STACKS (VIC_EMMAN)
The saved and the damned : a history of the reformation Thomas Kaufmann ; translated from the German by Tony Crawford.
BR305.3 .K3813 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
BS - Bible
The SBL study Bible : New Revised Standard version updated edition with the Apocryphal Deuterocanonical books / fully revised and updated by The Society of Biblical Literature ; [general editors, Steven L. McKenzie, Kristin De Troyer, F. Scott Spencer ; associate editors, Dexter E. Callender Jr., Corrine Carvalho, Matthew Goff, Sarah Shectman, Shively T. J. Smith ; revised edition general editor, Harold W. Attridge ; original edition general editor, Wayne A. Meeks].
BS191.5 .A1 2021 S35 2023 STACKS (VIC_EMMAN)
NRSVue Holy Bible : with DeuterocanonicalApocryphal books of the Old Testament : New Revised Standard Version updated edition
BS191.5 .A1 2022 N49 2022 STACKS (VIC_EMMAN)
Why the Bible began : an alternative history of scripture and its origins Jacob L. Wright.
BS447 .W75 2023 STACKS (VIC_EMMAN)
At the table of Holy wisdom : global hungers and feminist biblical interpretation Barbara E. Reid.
BS521.4 .R44 2023 STACKS (VIC_EMMAN)
Psalmen übersetzt und erklärt von Hermann Spieckermann.
BS1430.53 .S685 2023 STACKS (VIC_EMMAN)
Telónai im Neuen Testament : zwischen sozialer Realität und literarischem Stereotyp Aliyah El Mansy.
BS2545 .T33 E4 2024 STACKS (VIC_EMMAN)
Jairus's daughter and the female body in Mark Janine E. Luttick.
BS2585.52 .L88 2023 STACKS (VIC_EMMAN)
A disabled apostle : impairment and disability in the letters of Paul Isaac T. Soon.
BS2650.52 .S66 2023 STACKS (VIC_EMMAN)
1 & 2 Thessalonians Seyoon Kim and F. F. Bruce.
BS2725.53 .K54 2023 STACKS (VIC_EMMAN)
Honouring age : the social dynamics of age structure in 1 Timothy Mona Tokarek LaFosse.
BS2745.52 .L34 2023 STACKS (VIC_EMMAN)
Revelation Lynn R. Huber with Gail R. O'Day ; Amy-Jill Levine, volume editor ; Barbara E. Reid, OP, general editor.
BS2825.53 .H84 2023 STACKS (VIC_EMMAN)
BT - Doctrinal Theology
Revelation in the vernacular Jean-Pierre Ruiz.
BT83.575 .R85 2021 STACKS (VIC_EMMAN)
Speaking in tongues : a critical historical examination Philip E. Blosser and Charles A. Sullivan ; forewords by Dale M. Coulter and James Likoudis.
BT122.5 .B56 2022 STACKS (VIC_EMMAN)
Speaking in tongues : a critical historical examination Philip E. Blosser and Charles A. Sullivan ; forewords by Dale M. Coulter and James Likoudis.
BT122.5 .B56 2022 STACKS (VIC_EMMAN)
Beyond male and female? : a theological account of intersex embodiement Sam Ashton.
BT708 .A786 2024 STACKS (VIC_EMMAN)
Suffering well and suffering with : reclaiming marks of Christian identity Aimee Patterson
BT732.7 .P38 2023 STACKS (VIC_EMMAN)
BV - Practical Theology
Act fast : spiritual practices for a climate in crisis edited by Alydia Smith.
A gospel for all ages : teaching and preaching with the whole church David M. Csinos ; foreword by HyeRan Kim-Cragg ; with contributions from Amy Casteel, Karen DeBoer, Jim Keat, Tammy Tolman, Murray Wilkinson, and Talashia Keim Yoder.
BV1579 .C85 2022 STACKS (VIC_EMMAN)
Harry Stack Sullivan and Anton T. Boisen : comrades and revolutionaries in psychotherapy Raymond J. Lawrence.
BV4012 .L39 2022 STACKS (VIC_EMMAN)
Unmasking white preaching : racial hegemony, resistance, and possibilities in homiletics edited by Lis Valle-Ruiz and Andrew Wymer.
BV4211.3 .U56 2022 STACKS (VIC_EMMAN)
Hearing spiritual voices: medieval mystics, meaning and psychiatry Christopher C.H. Cook.
BV4509.5 .C6595 2023 STACKS (VIC_EMMAN)
BX - Denominations and Sects
The Anglican tradition from a postcolonial perspective Kwok Pui-Lan.
BX5005 .K96 2023 STACKS (VIC_EMMAN)
The works of John Wesley [editor in chief, Frank Baker].
BX8217 .W5 1975 STACKS (VIC_EMMAN)
The Routledge companion to John Wesley edited by Clive Murray Norris and Joseph W. Cunningham.
BX8495 .W5 R68 2024 STACKS (VIC_EMMAN)
Year book and directory The United Church of Canada.
The untied church of Canada : unfettered for 2025 celebrations Brian Arthur Brown ; foreword by the Rt. Rev. Carmen Landowne, Moderator.
BX9881 .B76 2023 STACKS (VIC_EMMAN)
The Anglican tradition from a postcolonial perspective Kwok Pui-Lan.
BX5005 .K96 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
The works of the Reverend George Whitefield, M.A., late of Pembroke-College, Oxford, and Chaplain to the Rt. Hon. the Countess of Huntingdon : containing all his sermons and tracts which have been already published : with a select collection of letters, written to his most intimate friends, and persons of distinction, in England, Scotland, Ireland, and America, from the year 1734, to 1770, including the whole period of his ministry : also some other pieces on important subjects, never before printed; prepared by himself for the press : to which is prefixed, An account of his life, compiled from his original papers and letters.
C - Auxiliary Sciences of History
Alle thyng hath tyme : time and medieval life Gillian Adler and Paul Strohm.
CB353 .A27 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Tales things tell : material histories of early globalisms Finbarr Barry Flood and Beate Fricke.
CB354.6 .F56 2024 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
The tiny and the fragmented : miniature, broken, or otherwise incomplete objects in the ancient world edited by S. Rebecca Martin and Stephanie M. Langin-Hooper.
CC100 .T559 2018 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
D - Old World History
Globalization and transculturality from antiquity to the pre-modern world edited by Serena Autiero and Matthew A. Cobb.
D56 .G55 2022 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Women and the crusades Helen J. Nicholson.
D160 .N535 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
The long winter of 1945 : Tivari Anna Di Lellio and Dardan Luta ; art by Dardan Luta.
D804 .Y8 D513 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Bystander society : conformity and complicity in Nazi Germany and the Holocaust Mary Fulbrook.
D804.3 .F853 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Between two worlds : Jewish war brides after the Holocaust Robin Judd.
D804.47 .J83 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Rain of ash : Roma, Jews, and the Holocaust Ari Joskowicz.
D804.5 .G85 J67 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
The lion and the dragon : Britain and China : a history of conflict Lawrence James.
DA47.9 .C6 J36 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
The effects of The Black Death in England : magna mortalitas by Albin Wallace.
DA225 .W35 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Hunting the falcon : Henry VIII, Anne Boleyn, and the marriage that shook Europe John Guy and Julia Fox.
DA333 .B6 G89 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
A Sussex highway. by Ruth Cobb ; illustrated by the author
DA670 .S98 C55 1946 WOOLF (VIC_PRATT)
Julian : Rome's last pagan emperor Philip Freeman.
DG317 .F744 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Mussolini's nature : an environmental history of Italian Fascism Marco Armiero, Roberta Biasillo, and Wilko Graf Von Hardenberg ; translated by James Sievert.
DG571 .A844 2022 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Fascism, the war, and structures of feeling in Italy, 1943-1945 : tales in Chiaroscuro Simonetta Falasca-Zamponi.
DG571 .F22 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Machiavelli : from radical to reactionary Robert Black.
DG738.14 .M2 B43 2022 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Our enemies will vanish : the Russian invasion and Ukraine's war of independence Yaroslav Trofimov.
DK508.852 .T736 2024 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Russia against modernity Alexander Etkind.
DK510.76 .E85 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
The dissident : Alexey Navalny : profile of a political prisoner David M. Herszenhorn.
DK510.766 .N383 H477 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Phoenicians among others : why migrants mattered in the ancient Mediterranean Denise Demetriou.
DS80.3 .D46 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Syria divided : patterns of violence in a complex civil war Ora Szekely.
DS98.6 .S99 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
England's Jews : finance, violence, and the Crown in the thirteenth century John Tolan.
DS135 .E5 T558 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Your eyes will be my window : essays Jodi Varon.
DS135 .U4 V28 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Overreach : how China derailed its peaceful rise Susan L. Shirk.
DS779.46 .S56 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Ramesses the Great : Egypt's king of kings Toby Wilkinson.
DT88 .W556 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
E - North American and General U.S. History
Finding God on the Indian road : exploring the intersectionality between Native American and Christian spiritual living Chad Johnson.
E98 .R3 J59 2023 STACKS (VIC_EMMAN)
kôhkominawak otâcimowiniwâwa = Our grandmothers' lives as told in their own words Cree texts edited and translated by Freda Ahenakew and H.C. Wolfart ; new foreword by Arok Wolvengrey.
E99 .C88 K65 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
It stops here : standing up for our lands, our waters, and our people Rueben George with Michael Simpson.
E99 .S21 G46 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Is there God after Prince? : dispatches from an age of last things Peter Coviello.
E169.12 .C66 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
The authenticity industries : keeping it "real" in media, culture, and politics Michael Serazio.
E169.12 .S44 2024 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
The making of Black Lives Matter : a brief history of an idea Christopher J. Lebron.
E185.615 .L393 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Ordinary notes Christina Sharpe.
E185.625 .S538 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Freedom : the enduring importance of the American Revolution Jack D. Warren, Jr.
E208 .W33 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Passionate mothers, powerful sons : the lives of Jennie Jerome Churchill and Sara Delano Roosevelt Charlotte Gray.
E807.1 .R56 G73 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
F - Canadian History, U.S. State and Local History
Reflections of a Siamese twin : Canada at the end of the twentieth century John Ralston Saul.
F1008.3 .S38 1998 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Distant stage : Quebec, Brazil, and the making of Canada's cultural diplomacy Eric Fillion.
F1029.5 .B7 F55 2022 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
The Canadian who's who.
Working for Canada : a pilgrimage in foreign affairs from the New World Order to the rise of populism Geoff White.
F1034.3 .W458 2022 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Render unto Caesar : the life and legacy of Maurice Duplessis Conrad Black.
F1053 .D9 B5 1998 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Are you willing to die for the cause? : [revolution in 1960s Quebec] Chris Oliveros.
F1053.2 .O45 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Where they stood : the evolution of the Black Anglo community in Montreal by researchers and authors, Matthew Mullone, Sherwins Jean, Anne Victoria Jean-Franc̦ois, Jessica Williams-Daley, Renee White, Amanda Georgina Ghartey Asomani-Nyarko, Yoanna Joseph, Donna Fabiola Ingabire, Fanta Ly, Black Community Resource Centre.
F1054.5 .M89 B585 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
G - Geography, Anthropology, Folklore, Etc.
The globemakers : the curious story of an ancient craft Peter Bellerby.
GA260 .B45 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Women and climate change : examining discourses from the Global North Nicole Detraz.
GE195.9 .W478 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Memory, mobility, and material culture edited by Chiara Giuliani and Kate Hodgson.
GN406 .M449 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Ways of eating : exploring food through history and culture Benjamin A. Wurgaft and Merry I. White.
GN407 .W87 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
How to be a Renaissance woman : the untold history of beauty & female creativity Jill Burke.
GT2341 .E85 B87 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Invitation to a banquet : the story of Chinese food Fuchsia Dunlop.
GT2853 .C6 D86 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
What nudism exposes : an unconventional history of postwar Canada Mary-Ann Shantz.
GV450 .S485 2022 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
H - Social Sciences
Moral issues in global perspective edited by Christine M. Koggel.
HM665 .M67 2006 STACKS (VIC_EMMAN)
Moral issues in global perspective edited by Christine M. Koggel.
HM665 .M67 2006 STACKS (VIC_EMMAN)
Moral issues in global perspective edited by Christine M. Koggel.
HM665 .M67 2006 STACKS (VIC_EMMAN)
Social democracy, capitalism, and competition : a manifesto Marcel Boyer.
HB501 .B74 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
The industrial revolution in world history Peter N. Stearns.
HD2321 .S74 2021 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
How Canada works : the people who make our nation thrive Peter Mansbridge and Mark Bulgutch.
HD5728 .M268 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
The sociology of housing : how homes shape our social lives edited by Brian J. McCabe and Eva Rosen.
HD7293 .S615 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
The synchronized society : time and control from broadcasting to the Internet Randall Patnode.
HE8700.66 .U6 P37 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Love + work : how to find what you love, love what you do, and do it for the rest of your life Marcus Buckingham.
HF5549.5 .M63 B827 2022 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Zygmunt Bauman and the theory of culture Dariusz Brzeziński ; translated by Katarzyna Bartoszyńska.
HM479 .B39 B7913 2022 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Late modernity in crisis : why we need a theory of society Andreas Reckwitz, Hartmut Rosa : translated by Valentine A. Pakis
HM831 .R4313 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
The algorithm : how AI decides who gets hired, monitored, promoted, and fired and why we need to fight back now Hilke Schellmann.
HM846 .S344 2024 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Deepfakes Graham Meikle.
HM851 .M45 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
A history of fake things on the Internet Walter J. Scheirer.
HM851 .S2485 2024 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
The joy of consent : a philosophy of good sex Manon Garcia.
HQ32 .G36513 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Trouble with gender : sex facts, gender fictions Alex Byrne.
Nothing ever just disappears : seven hidden histories Diarmuid Hester.
HQ75.2 .H47 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Drag : a British history Jacob Bloomfield.
HQ77.2 .G7 B566 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
White supremacy, racism and the coloniality of anti-trafficking edited by Kamala Kempadoo and Elena Shih.
HQ281 .W45 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Control : the dark history and troubling present of eugenics Adam Rutherford.
HQ751 .R87 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Lineages of the feminine : an outline of a history of women Emmanuel Todd with the collaboration of Baptiste Touverey ; translated by Andrew Brown.
HQ1121 .T5313 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
In a human voice Carol Gilligan.
HQ1206 .G585 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Understanding digital racism : networks, algorithms, scale Sanjay Sharma.
HT1521 .S53 2024 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Al Capone story, S. Meralli ; art, PF Radice.
HV6248 .C17 M48 2023 OVERSIZE (VIC_PRATT)
Al Capone story, S. Meralli ; art, PF Radice.
HV6248 .C17 M48 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Denial of genocides in the twenty-first century edited by Bedross Der Matossian.
HV6322.7 .D468 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
The bastard of Fort Stikine : mutiny, madness, and murder in the Hudson's Bay Company and the murder of John McLoughlin Jr. Debra Komar.
HV6533 .A53 K64 2015 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Syrian gulag : inside Assad's prison system Jaber Baker and Uğur Ümit Üngör.
HV8964 .S96 B3513 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Seeking social democracy : seven decades in the struggle for equality Ed Broadbent with Frances Abele, Jonathan Sas & Luke Savage.
J - Political Science
Claiming value : the politics of priority from Aristotle to Black Lives Matter Alena Wolflink.
JA79 .W655 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Hegel's world revolutions Richard Bourke.
JC233 .H46 B664 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
The West versus the rest and the myth of Western exceptionalism Imad A Moosa.
JC359 .M66 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Democracy and exclusion Patti Tamara Lenard.
JC423 .L4639 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
The crisis of democratic capitalism Martin Wolf.
JC423 .W564 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Liberty and equality Raymond Aron ; translated by Samuel Garrett Zeitlin ; with a preface by Mark Lilla ; and an epilogue by Pierre Manent.
JC585 .A7613 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Political rumors : why we accept misinformation and how to fight it Adam J. Berinsky.
JK1726 .B474 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Why not moderation? : letters to young radicals Aurelian Craiutu.
JK1726 .C73 2024 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Four threats : the recurring crises of American democracy Suzanne Mettler and Robert C. Lieberman.
JK1726 .M48 2020 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Canadian politics : critical approaches Christopher Cochrane, University of Toronto, Kelly Blidook, Memorial University, Rand Dyck, Carleton University.
The future of geography : how the competition in space will change our world Tim Marshall.
JZ5695 .M37 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
K - Law
Falling rocket : James Whistler, John Ruskin, and the battle for modern art Paul Thomas Murphy.
KD379 .W47 M87 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
L - Education
The origins of German self-cultivation : "Bildung" and the future of the humanities edited by Jennifer Ham, Ulrich Kinzel, and David Tse-Chien Pan.
LA721.5 .O75 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Rethinking Freire and Illich : historical, philosophical, and theological perspectives edited by Rosa Bruno-Jofré, Michael Attridge, and Jon Igelmo Zaldívar.
LB880 .F732 R48 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
How to read like you mean it Kyle Conway.
LB1050.45 .C66 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
The student : a short history Michael S. Roth.
LB3605 .R68 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
The class : a memoir of a place, a time, and us Ken Dryden.
ML - Literature on music
A song to sing, a life to live : reflections on music as spiritual practice Don Saliers and Emily Saliers ; forward by Krista Tippett.
ML3921 .S17 2019 STACKS (VIC_EMMAN)
N - Fine Arts
The stained glass of Herkenrode Abbey by Isabelle Lecocq and Yvette Vanden Bemden ; with Keith Barley, Alison Gilchrist, Marie Groll, Penny Hebgin-Barnes, John McNeill, Joseph Spooner.
NK5355 .H37 L43 2021 LIBRARYUSE (VIC_CRRS)
Ars Habsburgica : new perspectives on sixteenth-century art edited by Fernando Checa & Miguel Ángel Zalama.
Worship space acoustics : 3 decades of design editors: David T. Bradley, Erica E. Ryherd, Lauren M. Ronsse.
An Indigenous present edited by Jeffrey Gibson [and Jenelle Porter]
N6538 .A4 I67 2023 OVERSIZE (VIC_PRATT)
The artist Helen Coombe (1864-1937) : the tragedy of Roger Fry's wife Martin Ferguson Smith.
N6797.C66 S65 2023 WOOLF (VIC_PRATT)
Grief made marble : funerary sculpture in classical Athens Seth Estrin.
NB133.5 .S46 E88 2023 OVERSIZE (VIC_PRATT)
P - Philology, Linguistics, Etc.
Foundations of global communication : a conceptual handbook Kai Hafez and Anne Grüne ; translated by Alex Skinner.
P96 .I5 H26 2022 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Handwritten : remarkable people on the page Lesley Smith.
P211 .S65 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Hashtag activism interrogated and embodied : case studies on social justice movements edited by Melissa Ames and Kristi McDuffie.
P302.37 .H37 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Fixers : agency, translation, and the early global history of literature Zrinka Stahuljak.
P306.97 .S63 S73 2024 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Nabokov noir : cinematic culture and the art of exile Luke Parker.
PG3476 .N3 Z817 2022 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
The narrow cage and other modern fairy tales Vasily Eroshenko ; translated by Adam Kuplowsky ; foreword by Jack Zipes.
PL805 .R67 A2 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
PA - Classical Literature
Placita Aëtius ; edited and translated by Jaap Mansfeld, David T. Runia.
PA3860 .A172 P53 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Homer and his Iliad Robin Lane Fox.
PA4037 .L326 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Philosophical orations Maximus of Tyre ; edited and translated by William H. Race.
PA4244 .M27 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Philosophical orations Maximus of Tyre ; edited and translated by William H. Race.
PA4244 .M27 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Ovid's Heroides and the Augustan principate Megan O. Drinkwater.
PA6519 .H7 O88 2022 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Bede and the theory of everything Michelle P. Brown.
PA8260 .B765 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
PN - General and Comparative Literature, Performing Arts
The sociology of literature Gisèle Sapiro ; translated by Madeline Bedecarré and Ben Libman.
PN51 .S31513 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
The place it was done : location and community in contemporary American and British crime fiction Šarka Bubíková and Olga Roebuck.
PN56 .C7 B83 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Madness, language, literature Michel Foucault ; translated by Robert Bononno ; edited by Henri-Paul Fruchaud, Daniele Lorenzini, and Judith Revel ; introduction by Judith Revel.
PN56 .M45 F68 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Myth and fairy tale in contemporary fiction edited by Alexandra Cheira.
PN56 .M94 M928 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Marx for cats : a radical bestiary Leigh Claire La Berge.
PN56 .S654 L334 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Writing against expulsion in the post-war world : making space for the human David Herd.
PN56.5 .I55 H47 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
The pensive citadel Victor Brombert ; foreword by Christy Wampole.
PN75 .B69 A3 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
The fine art of literary fist-fighting : how a bunch of rabble-rousers, outsiders, and ne'er-do-wells concocted creative nonfiction Lee Gutkind.
PN171 .C74 G885 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
The secret in medieval literature : alternative worlds in the Middle Ages Albrecht Classen.
PN682 .S316 C53 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Right this way : a history of the audience Robert Viagas.
PN1590 .A9 V53 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Conspicuous feminism on television : gender, power, and #MeToo Anna Marie Bautista.
PN1992.8 .W65 B38 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Movie-made Los Angeles John Trafton.
PN1993.5 .U65 T67 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Abject pleasures in the cinematic : the beautiful, sexual arousal, and laughter Aaron Kerner.
PN1995.9 .A8 K47 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Screening social justice : Brave New Films and documentary activism Sherry B. Ortner.
PN1995.9 .D6 O897 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
The labors of fear : the modern horror film goes to work edited by Aviva Briefel and Jason Middleton.
PN1995.9 .H6 L24 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Cloverfield : creatures and catastrophes in post-9 11 cinema / Steffen Hantke.
PN1995.9 .M6 H36 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
The art of classic sci-fi movies edited by Adam Newell ; introduction by Kim Newman ; with contributions from Nick Jones, Stephen Jones, Mark Salisbury, Margaret A. Weitekamp.
PN1995.9 .P5 A68 2023 OVERSIZE (VIC_PRATT)
The forgotten victims of sexual violence in film, television and new media : turning to the margins Stephanie Patrick, Mythili Rajiva, editors.
PN1995.9 .V5 F65 2022 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Apocalypse television : how The day after helped end the Cold War David Craig ; foreword by Robert Iger.
PN1997 .D327 C73 2024 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
John Ford Joseph McBride and Michael Wilmington.
PN1998.3 .F65 M378 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Every man for himself and God against all : a memoir Werner Herzog ; translated by Michael Hofmann.
PN1998.3 .H47 A3 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
The cinema of Powell and Pressburger edited by Nathalie Morris & Claire Smith.
PN1998.3 .P69 C56 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
John Waters : pope of trash edited by Jenny He, Dara Jaffe ; with contributions by Jeanine Basinger, B. Ruby Rich, David Simon, John Waters ; interview by Sean Baker, Debbie Harry, Barry Jenkins, Johnny Knoxville, Bruce LaBruce, Ricki Lake, Orville Peck, Iggy Pop, Cindy Sherman, Kathleen Turner, Christine Vachon, Edgar Wright.
PN1998.3 .W38 J65 2023 OVERSIZE (VIC_PRATT)
The final curtain : the art of dying on stage Laurence Senelick.
PN2071 .D43 S46 2022 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Run towards the danger : confrontations with a body of memory Sarah Polley ; with illustrations by Lauren Tamaki.
PN2308 .P65425 A3 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
The visual life of romantic theater, 1780-1830 edited by Diane Piccitto and Terry F. Robinson.
PN2593 .V57 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Free indirect : the novel in a postfictional age Timothy Bewes.
PN3347 .B49 2022 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Transcending the game : debate, education, and society edited by Shawn F. Briscoe.
PN4181 .T725 2024 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Radical journalism : resurgence, reform, reaction edited by Seamus Farrell, Eugenia Siapera, and George Souvlis.
PN4751 .R33 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
A hitch in time : reflections ready for reconsideration Christopher Hitchens.
PN4874 .H52 A5 2024 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
The lady's magazine (1770 - 1832) and the making of literary history Jennie Batchelor.
PN5124 .W6 B38 2022 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Fourteen days : a literary project of the Authors Guild of America : a collaborative novel edited by Margaret Atwood and Douglas Preston ; stories by Charlie Jane Anders, Margaret Atwood, Jennine Capó Crucet, Joseph Cassara, Angie Cruz, Pat Cummings, Sylvia Day, Emma Donoghue, Dave Eggers, Diana Gabaldon, Tess Gerritsen, John Grisham, Maria Hinojosa, Mira Jacob, Erica Jong, CJ Lyons, Celeste Ng, Tommy Orange, Mary Pope Osborne, Douglas Preston, Alice Randall, Ishmael Reed, Roxana Robinson, Nelly Rosario, James Shapiro, Hampton Sides, R. L. Stine, Nafissa Thompson-Spires, Monique Truong, Scott Turow, Luis Alberto Urrea, Rachel Vail, Weike Wang, Caroline Randall Williams, De'Shawn Charles Winslow, Meg Wolitzer
PN6071 .D58 F68 2024 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Where I'm coming from : selected strips 1991-2005 by Barbara Brandon-Croft.
PN6727 .B75 W442 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Night fever Ed Brubaker, Sean Phillips ; colors by Jacob Philips.
PN6727 .B77 N54 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Miracleman. The golden age story, Neil Gaiman ; art, Mark Buckingham ; color art, D' lsraeli ; select painted art (pages 47-48, 155-160), Mark Buckingham ; lettering, Todd Klein.
PN6727 .G35 M48 2022 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Blackward Lawrence Lindell.
PN6727 .L55 B53 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
I am only a foreigner because you do not understand by L. Nichols.
PN6727 .N488 I35 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Ruined written by Sarah Vaughn ; pencils and colors by Sarah Winifred Searle ; inks by Niki Smith.
PN6727 .V284 R85 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Birds of Maine Michael DeForge.
PN6733 .D435 B58 2022 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Monkey meat : the first batch.
PN6747 .B33 M6565 2022 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Social fiction Chantal Montellier ; translated and with an introduction by Geoffrey Brock ; lettering by Dean Sudarsky.
PN6747 .M56 S6313 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
My brilliant friend Chiara Lagani, Mara Cerri ; from the novel by Elena Ferrante ; translated from the Italian by Ann Goldstein.
PN6767 .L34 A4413 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
The naked tree Keum Suk Gendry-Kim ; translated by Janet Hong.
PN6790.K63 G46413 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
PQ - Literature of the Romance Languages
Le roman de Silence Heldris de Cornouailles ; édition par Danièle James-Raoul.
PQ1483 .H42 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
The world according to Proust Joshua Landy.
PQ2631 .R63 A82776 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Yoga Emmanuel Carrère ; translated from the French by John Lambert.
PQ2663 .A7678 Z46 2022 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
The scent of flowers at night Leïla Slimani ; translated from the French by Sam Taylor.
PQ2719 .L56 Z46 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
The scarecrows of Saint-Emmanuel André Major ; translated by Sheila Fischman.
PQ3919.2 .M3 E513 1977 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
PR - Canadian and English Literature
Cultural capital : the problem of literary canon formation John Guillory ; with a new introduction by Merve Emre.
Mothers of the mind : the remarkable women who shaped Virginia Woolf, Agatha Christie and Sylvia Plath Rachel Trethewey.
PR119 .T74 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Romantic Indians : native Americans, British literature, and transatlantic culture 1756-1830 Tim Fulford.
PR448 .I536 F85 2006 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
The limits of familiarity : authorship and romantic readers Lindsey Eckert.
PR457 .E25 2022 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Retroland : a reader's guide to the dazzling diversity of modern fiction Peter Kemp.
PR881 .K388 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Fear and clothing : dress in English detective fiction between the First and Second World Wars Jane Custance Baker.
PR888 .D4 B35 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
The art and thought of the Beowulf poet Leonard Neidorf.
PR1585 .N45 2022 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Dido, Queen of Carthage by Christopher Marlowe ; edited by Ruth Lunney.
PR2670 .D5 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
What was Shakespeare really like? Stanley Wells ; with a foreword by Stephen Fry.
PR2900 .W45 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Stalking Shakespeare : a memoir of madness, murder, and my search for the poet beneath the paint Lee Durkee.
PR2929 .D865 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Shakespeare and disgust : the history and science of early modern revulsion Bradley J. Irish.
PR3069 .A8 I75 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
How to direct Shakespeare Adrian Noble.
PR3091 .N629 2022 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Quantitative literary analysis of the works of Aphra Behn : words of passion Laura L. Runge.
PR3317 .Z5 R86 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Milton and the resources of the line John Creaser.
PR3591 .C74 2022 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Dickens and Victorian psychology : introspection, first-person narration, and the mind Tyson Stolte.
PR4592 .P74 S76 2022 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Scott's works.
Scott's works.
Scott's works.
Scott's works.
Scott's works.
Scott's works.
Scott's works.
Scott's works.
Scott's works.
Scott's works.
Ford Madox Ford Max Saunders.
PR6011 .O53 Z83 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
The limits of love : the lives of D.H. Lawrence and Frieda von Richthofen Michael Squires.
PR6023 .A93 Z923858 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Myth, magic, and power in Tolkien's middle-earth : developing a model for understanding power and leadership James E. Siburt.
PR6039 .O32 Z8247 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Juyūb muthqalah bi-al-ḥijārah wa "riwāyah lam taktub baʻd" taʼlīf Firjīnīyā Wūlf ; tarjamah Fāṭimah Nāʻūt ; murājaʻah wa-taṣdīr Māhir Shafīq Farīd.
PR6045 .O72 A524 2009 WOOLF (VIC_PRATT)
Razkazi Virdzhinii︠a︡ Ulf; prevela ot angliĭski Iglika Vasileva; khudozhnik na korit︠s︡ata Stefan Kasŭrov.
PR6045 .O72 A5257 2019 WOOLF (VIC_PRATT)
Mrs Dalloway Virginia Woolf.
PR6045 .O72 M51 2022 WOOLF (VIC_PRATT)
La Señora Dalloway Virginia Woolf ; traducción: Benjamin Briggent.
PR6045 .O72 M5118 2021 WOOLF (VIC_PRATT)
Street haunting Virginia Woolf.
PR6045 .O72 S78 2022 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Margaret Atwood : a symposium edited by Linda Sandler.
PR6051 .T9 Z7825 1977 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
The Malahat review : an international quarterly of life and letters.
PR6051 .T9 Z7825 1977 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
The contemporary Leonard Cohen : response, reappraisal, and rediscovery Kait Pinder and Joel Deshaye, editors.
PR6053 .O35 Z565 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Poor things : episodes from the early life of Archibald McCandless M. D. Scottish public health officer edited by Alasdair Gray.
PR6057 .R25 P66 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
The letters of Seamus Heaney selected and edited by Christopher Reid.
PR6058 .E2 A4 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
The future : a novel Naomi Alderman.
PR6101 .L43 F48 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
The glutton : a novel A.K. Blakemore.
PR6102 .L363 G58 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
My friends : a novel Hisham Matar.
PR6113 .A87 M9 2024 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
The future future Adam Thirlwell.
PR6120 .H575 F88 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Away from the dead David Bergen.
PR9199.3 .B413 A92 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
A North American education : a book of short fiction by Clark Blaise.
PR9199.3 .B48 N6 1973 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Tribal justice Clark Blaise.
PR9199.3 .B48 T75 1974 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
The river gets wider R. L. Gordon.
PR9199.3 .G626 R58 1974 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Paul Nolan : a novel by Robert Harlow.
PR9199.3 .H334 P38 1983 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Self : a novel Yann Martel.
PR9199.3 .M3143 S4 1997 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
The Great Victorian Collection Brian Moore.
PR9199.3 .M617 G7 1975 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Home game Paul Quarrington.
PR9199.3 .Q37 H6 1983 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
The coming of winter David Adams Richards.
PR9199.3 .R487 C6 1982 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Furniture music : a Northern in Manhattan: poets politics [2008-2012] / Gail Scott.
PR9199.3 .S3698 Z46 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Cold : a novel Drew Hayden Taylor.
PR9199.3 .T294 C65 2024 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Everything there is : a novel M.G. Vassanji.
PR9199.3 .V38 E94 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Cocktail : stories Lisa Alward.
PR9199.4 .A59 C63 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Reuniting with strangers : a novel Jennilee Austria-Bonifacio.
PR9199.4 .A9262 R48 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Full fadom five David C.C. Bourgeois.
PR9199.4 .B676 F85 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Blackout : the Concordia computer riots Tamara Brown, Kym Dominique-Ferguson, Lydie Dubuisson, Mathieu Murphy-Perron.
PR9199.4 .B7586 B53 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Sister seen, sister heard Kimia Eslah.
PR9199.4 .E86 S57 2022 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Spells, wishes, and the talking dead = Mamahtâwisiwin, pakosêyimow, nikihci-âniskotâpân : poems Wanda John-Kehewin.
PR9199.4 .J6364 S64 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Forgiveness Hiro Kanagawa ; adapted from the memoir Forgiveness : a gift from my Grandparents by Mark Sakamoto ; illustrated by Cindy Mochizuki.
PR9199.4 .K363 F67 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Crow Lake Mary Lawson.
PR9199.4 .L39 C76 2003 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Tear : a novel by Erica McKeen.
PR9199.4 .M4289 T43 2022 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Do you remember being born? : a novel Sean Michaels.
PR9199.4 .M527 D6 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
All the colour in the world : a novel CS Richardson.
PR9199.4 .R5237 A75 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Afro-Caribbean women's writing and early American literature edited by LaToya Jefferson-James.
PR9205 .A68 2022 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Tremor : a novel Teju Cole.
PR9387.9 .C67 T74 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
PS - American Literature
Book anatomy : body politics and the materiality of indigenous book history Amy Gore.
PS153 .I52 G67 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
The Sisterhood : how a network of Black women writers changed American culture Courtney Thorsson.
PS228 .W65 T48 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Writing the past in twenty-first-century American fiction Alexandra Lawrie.
PS374 .H5 L39 2022 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Changing minds : women and the political essay, 1960-2000 Ann Jurečič.
PS428 .J87 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Crime novels of the 1960s Geoffrey O'Brien, editor.
PS648 .C7 C75 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Phillis Wheatley Peters : biography of a genius in bondage Vincent Carretta.
PS866 .W5 Z5827 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Hawthorne's histories, Hawthorne's world : from Salem to somewhere else Michael J. Colacurcio.
PS1884 .C65 2022 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Watch and Ward Henry James ; edited by Pierre A. Walker and Jay S. Spina.
PS2116 .W38 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Fallen angel : the life of Edgar Allan Poe Robert Morgan.
PS2631 .M67 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Chasing bright medusas : a life of Willa Cather Benjamin Taylor.
PS3505 .A87 Z867 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Tales from Du Bois : the queer intimacy of cross-caste romance Erika Renée Williams.
PS3507 .U147 Z93 2022 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Taking things hard : the trials of F. Scott Fitzgerald Robert R. Garnett.
PS3511 .I9 Z62475 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
The chase and ruins : Zora Neale Hurston in Honduras Sharony Green.
PS3515 .U789 Z696 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Ex-wife Ursula Parrott ; with a foreword by Alissa Bennett ; and an afterword by Marc Parrott.
PS3531 .A666 E9 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
A nearby country called love Salar Abdoh.
PS3551 .B2687 N43 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Baumgartner : a novel Paul Auster.
PS3551 .U77 B38 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
The world according to Joan Didion Evelyn McDonnell.
PS3554 .I33 Z7734 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
The invisible hour : a novel Alice Hoffman.
PS3558 .O3447 I58 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Brooklyn crime novel Jonathan Lethem.
PS3562 .E8544 B76 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Absolution Alice McDermott.
PS3563 .C355 A67 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
The vulnerables Sigrid Nunez.
PS3564 .U475 V85 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Childwold Joyce Carol Oates.
PS3565 .A8 C47 1976 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Arabian nights of 1934 Geoffrey O'Brien.
PS3565 .B6689 A73 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
All over creation Ruth Ozeki.
PS3565 .Z45 A79 2004 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
The Homewood trilogy John Edgar Wideman.
PS3573 .I26 A6 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
The little liar : a novel Mitch Albom.
PS3601 .L335 L58 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
The new naturals : a novel Gabriel Bump.
PS3602 .U474 N49 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Blackouts : a novel Justin Torres.
PS3620 .O5897 B55 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
PT - Germanic Literature
February 1933 : the winter of literature Uwe Wittstock ; translated by Daniel Bowles.
PT401 .W62613 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Don't forget to live : Goethe and the tradition of spiritual exercises Pierre Hadot ; translated by Michael Chase ; with a foreword by Arnold I. Davidson and Daniele Lorenzini.
PT2193 .H2313 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
An ordinary youth Walter Kempowski ; translated from the German by Michael Lipkin.
PT2671 .E43 T313 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Q - Science
Women in science now : stories and strategies for achieving equity Lisa M. P. Munoz.
Q130 .M86 2023 STACKS (VIC_EMMAN)
Women in science now : stories and strategies for achieving equity Lisa M. P. Munoz.
Q130 .M86 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Mischievous creatures : the forgotten sisters who transformed early American science Catherine McNeur.
Q141 .M375 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Science and representative democracy : experts and citizens Mauro Dorato.
Q175.5 .D67513 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Moving to Mars : design for the red planet edited by Justin McGuirk, Andrew Nahum and Eleanor Watson.
QB641 .M885 2019 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
A book of noises : notes on the auraculous Caspar Henderson.
QC225.3 .H46 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Haste : the slow politics of climate urgency edited by Håvard Haarstad, Jacob Grandin, Kristin Kjaerås and Eleanor Johnson.
QC903 .H37 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
The evolution of power : a new understanding of the history of life Geerat J. Vermeij.
QH361 .V47 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
The tame and the wild : people and animals after 1492 Marcy Norton.
Shells : a natural and cultural history Fabio Moretzsohn.
QL405 .M67 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
The curious history of the heart : a cultural and scientific journey Vincent M. Figueredo.
QP111.4 .F54 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
The four realms of existence : a new theory of being human Joseph E. LeDoux.
QP360.5 .L43 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
R - Medicine
Hippocrates edited and translated by Paul Potter.
R126 .H54 2022 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Madame Restell : the life, death, and resurrection of old New York's most fabulous, fearless, and infamous abortionist by Jennifer Wright.
RG734 .R47 W75 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
S - Agriculture
Enchanted forests : the poetic construction of a world before time Boria Sax.
SD387 .S55 S29 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
T - Technology
Search for the unknown : Canada's UFO files and the rise of conspiracy theory Matthew Hayes.
TL789.6 .C3 H39 2022 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
The violence of colonial photography Daniel Foliard.
TR820.6 .F65 2022 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Endangered eating : America's vanishing foods Sarah Lohman.
TX715 .L646 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
U - Military Science
Canadian defence policy in theory and practice Thomas Juneau, Philippe Lagassé, Srdjan Vucetic, editors.
UA600 .C36 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Canadian defence policy in theory and practice. Volume 2 Thomas Juneau, Philippe Lagassé, editors.
UA600 .C36 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Secrets et surveillance épistolaires dans l'Europe du dix-huitième siècle sous la direction de Sébastien Côté et Sébastien Drouin.
UB271 .G7 S43 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
On the wings of war and peace : the RCAF during the early Cold War edited by Randall Wakelam, William March, and Peter Rayls.
UG635 .C3 O27 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Z - Bibliography, Books and Printing, Etc.
Review of biblical literature.
Medieval English manuscripts and literary forms Jessica Brantley.
Z106.5 .G7 B73 2022 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Aldus Manutius : the invention of the publisher Oren Margolis.
Z232 .M3 M37 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Immutable : designing history Chris Lee.
Z246 .L44 2022 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
From ASCII art to Comic Sans : typography and popular culture in the digital age Karin Wagner.
Z250 .A2 W34 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
The maverick : George Weidenfeld and the golden age of publishing Thomas Harding.
Z280 .W35 H36 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Grolier Club bookplates : past & present Alexander Lawrence Ames & Mark Samuels Lasner ; with contributions by William E. Butler & Molly E. Dotson.
Z994 .A5 A44 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
The chapter : a segmented history from antiquity to the twenty-first century Nicholas Dames.
Z1003 .D24 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Beaver books for a dime : a bibliographic history of the children's books of Brunswick Press, 1952-1984 Susan R. Fisher & Margot Stafford.
Z1037 .A1 F575 2022 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Shakespeare's First Folio : four centuries of an iconic book Emma Smith.
Z8813 .S65 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
Verified : how to think straight, get duped less, and make better decisions about what to believe online Mike Caulfield and Sam Wineburg.
ZA4235 .C38 2023 STACKS (VIC_PRATT)
SPECIAL - Special Collections
Choose happy Lise Melhorn-Boe.
Isobel's home cookery. Volume XXI, Numbers 270-281. January 1916-December 1916.