Case 12
Frye as Chancellor

In 1978, Frye was appointed as chancellor of Victoria University for a term of three years. In an interview published in the Vic Report in 1978, he describes his responsibilities as follows: “the Chancellor’s function at Vic is roughly the same as that of the Chancellor of the University of Toronto—that is, to preside over Convocations, to be an ex-officio member of committees, and just be (if he’s in residence, at any rate) an active participator in the College’s business.” He also believed that the role of the Chancellor was to help foster the unique identity of the federated college, which became increasingly important at a time when the University of Toronto was becoming increasingly monolithic – "otherwise, people will get the notion that Victoria, Trinity and Emmanuel are simply residences—or appendages—of the University.” In 1981, he was reappointed as Chancellor for another three-year term.

John Plaskett, “Interview with Dr. Frye.” Vic Report 7.2 (1978), 3-6.