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March 22nd [1867]
Got the Guardian and Hastings Chronicle this morning, they had a great deal of news in about the Gold regions in Madoc.

Saturday, March 23rd [1867]
This morning we all went to Belleville except Ma and Helena. We had a pleasant time, Pa got summer shoes for us. I got some fossils before coming home.

March 24th [1867]
Rev. Walter, Meacham preached today. It is thawing hard today and it is so sloppy that there was not a very large congregation. ...

Monday July first 1867
Today we are a new Dominion. We kept holiday by working hard in the hay field until nine o’ clock at night. It is a beautiful day for the holiday makers.

Wednesday Sept 4th [1867]
Nomination day so all of us excepting Mr. Hancock went to Bowmanville to see the proceedings. There was a very large attendance in the large new drill shed lately erected there. Mr Brown attended and also Sir John A. McDonald the premier of Canada. There was considerable excitement. The meeting passed off very well and seemed to show that

Notebook. A.P. Coleman. Monday July first 1867 in Diary No. 1, 1867 – 1870, page 53
Notebook. A.P. Coleman. Monday Sept. 2nd – Wednesday Sept. 4th in Diary No. 1, 1867 – 1870, pages 74 – 75


the reform party was strongest. We did not get home till after eleven o’ clock.

Diary 1, 1867 - 1870, Excerpts, pages 28 and 53

Today we are a new Dominion. We kept holiday by working hard in the hay field until nine o’ clock at night. It is a beautiful day for the holiday makers.

We pulled charlock nearly all day. It is quite a fine day. We have beautiful weather.

Notebook. A.P. Coleman. Monday July first 1867 in Diary No. 1, 1867 – 1870, page 53

Lucius came over this morning to read Pa’s letter. We sent off two loads of barley to Oshawa wharf today.

Sent off some more barley today.

Notebook. A.P. Coleman. Monday Sept. 2nd in Diary No. 1, 1867 – 1870, pages 74

Nomination day so all of us excepting Mr. Hancock went to Bowmanville to see the proceedings. There was a very large attendance in the large new drill shed lately erected there. Mr Brown attended and also Sir John. A Mc. Donald the premier of Canada. There was considerable excitement. The meeting passed off very well and seemed to show that the reform party was strongest. We did not get home till after eleven o’ clock.

Notebook. A.P. Coleman. Wednesday Sept. 4th in Diary No. 1, 1867 – 1870, pages 75