Rockies and Selkirks Publications
- Coleman, A. P. "Canoeing on the Columbia." Chataquan: a Monthly Magazine Devoted to the Promotion of True Culture 9.10 (1889): 587-9.
- Coleman, A. P. "Notes on the Geography and Geology of the Big Bend of the Columbia." Royal Society of Canada, Proceedings and Transactions 7.0 (1889): 97- 108.
- Coleman, A. P. "Notes on the Geology of the Rocky Mountains between the Saskatchewan and the Athabasca." The American Geologist 14.August (1894): 83-92
- Coleman, A. P. "Mount Brown and the Sources of the Athabasca." The Geographical Journal 5.1, January (1895): 53-61.
- Coleman, A. P. "WILCOX: "Camping in the Canadian Rockies"." Review of Historical Publications Relating to Canada 1.0 (1897): 142.
- Coleman, A. P. "Professor Coleman’s Message to Young Canadians: Hundreds of Unknown and Unnamed Peaks in the West Awaiting the Coming of Adventurous Spirits." The Globe and Mail 25 Dec. 1902, News: 04.
- Coleman, A. P. "The Brazeau Ice-Field." The Geographical Journal May (1903): 1-9, offprint.
- Coleman, A. P. "The Causes of Mountain Forms in the Canadian Rockies." Canadian Alpine Journal I.2 (1907-08): 224-31.
- Coleman, A. P. "The Drift of Alberta and the Relations of the Cordilleran and Keewatin Ice Sheets." Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada 3.Section IV (1909): 3-12
- Coleman, A. P. “Geology and Glacial Features of Mount Robson." Canadian Alpine Journal 2.2 (1909-10): 108-13.
- Coleman, A. P. "Mount Robson, the Highest Point in the Canadian Rockies." Geographical Journal 36.0 (1910): 57-63.
- Coleman, A. P. "A Note on the Geology of the Selkirk Mountains." Canadian Alpine Journal 3 (1911): 119-20.
- Coleman, A. P. The Canadian Rockies: New & Old Trails. Toronto: Henry Frowde, 1911.
- Coleman, A. P. "Unexplored Canada." Acta Victoriana 27.3 (1912): 106-109. .
- Coleman, A. P. "The Canadian Rockies." Nature 89 (1912): 35-.
- Coleman, A. P. "Cirques and U-Shaped Mountain Valleys. (Scientific Section)." Canadian Alpine Journal 5 (1913): 49-53.
- Coleman, A. P. Glaciers of the Rockies and Selkirks. Department of the Interior. Dominion Parks Branch, n.d. (after 1911). 2nd ed. 1921.
- Coleman, A. P. "How Indians Blazed Our Trails." Canadian Magazine 66.October (1926): 8-9.