Early Publications
- A.P. Coleman. "Norway: its Geology and People." Acta Victoriana. Vol. 6, No. 5 (1883): 9 – 19
- A.P. Coleman. "A Meteorite from the Northwest." Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada, Section III. Vol. 4 (1883): 97
- A.P. Coleman. "Evolution of the Elements." Kosmos. Vol. 21, No.3 (1886): 144 - 149
- A.P. Coleman. "Microscopic Petrography of the Drift of Central Ontario." The Royal Society of Canada. Transactions, Section III. (1887): 45 -
- A.P. Coleman. "The Significance of the Low Water Levels." Massey's Magazine. Vol. 1 (Jan. - June 1896): 160 - 164
- A.P. Coleman. "Earthquakes and Volcanic Eruptions." Canadian Magazine. Vol. 27, No. 2 (June 1906): 140 - 144