Atlantic Ice Ages

The Gaspé

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Coleman’s first trip to the Gaspé was in 1878. He returned forty years later, in 1918 & 1919 at the behest of the Canadian Geological Survey to map the interior of the region and examine its geological features. The geologist climbed Mount Albert as wells as the fierce and unfriendly Tabletop Mountain. He found that the Labrador ice sheet reached the Gaspé but was prevented from advancing inland.

Coleman was charmed by the communities of the region. He noted the isolation of the towns and villages, and wondered whether the recent discovery of deposits of zinc and lead ore in the southern foothills of the Shickshock mountains would bring an end to the old ways. Although Coleman’s trips to the Gaspé were financed by the Geological Survey of Canada, he first presented his findings on the region and its people to the Royal Society of Canada in his Presidential Address to the May meeting of 1921.

Map / Diagram. A.P. Coleman. "Diagram showing direction of movement of local glaciers, Gaspé Peninsula, Quebec," ... Ottawa: Canada Department of Mines, 1922.
Notebook. A.P. Coleman. "In the Heart of Gaspé" & "The People of Gaspé [lecture notes]." n.d, pages 1 - 4
Published work. A.P. Coleman, 1921, "Table of Contents," Transactions and Proceedings. Royal Society of Canada. Vol. 15 (1921): II
Photograph. A.P. Coleman. Lake Anse Pleureuse, Quebec, Gaspé. 1919 ROM Archives. A.P. Coleman Collection
Photograph. A.P. Coleman. Catapedia River, Quebec, GaspÉ (Geological Team Barge). 1919 ROM Archives. A.P. Coleman Collection
Photograph. A.P. Coleman. Fishermen, Percé , Quebec Gaspé. 1918 ROM Archives. A.P. Coleman Collection
Photograph. A.P. Coleman. Mt. Louis, Quebec, horse with hay cart. ROM Archives. A.P. Coleman Collection
Photograph. A.P. Coleman. Unglaciated Surface; A Pleistocene Nunatak, Shickshock Mountains, Gaspé, Quebec ROM Archives. A.P. Coleman Collection
Photograph. A.P. Coleman. Foot of Dome, Tabletop Mountain. ROM Archives. A.P. Coleman Collection
Watercolour. A.P. Coleman. Across Mt. Louis, Gaspé, 1918.
Watercolour. A.P. Coleman. Grande Valléee, Gaspé.
Watercolour. A.P. Coleman. Mount Louis, Gaspé, 1919.
Watercolour. A.P. Coleman. On Tabletop, Shickshock Mountain. n.d.
Photograph. A.P. Coleman. Mt. Joli Gaspé, Quebec. 1918. ROM Archives. A.P. Coleman Collection
Minerals and rocks. Paul Wilson. Tillite (Ordovician) , Bic , Rimouski Quebec. 1924. ROM Department of Natural History. Collected by A.P. Coleman
Minerals and rocks. Paul Wilson Tillite (Ordovician) , Rouisseau Loutre, Quebec, Canada. 1924. ROM Department of Natural History. Presented by A.P. Coleman,
