The Central Stations of the West China Mission

Vic in China

By 1920, Canadian missionaries had established ten missions in West China. In that year, there were 155 men and women of the General Society and 32 women of the Woman's Missionary Society stationed in Szechwan. The ten central stations had resident missionaries while the eighty-one outstations were in cities, towns and villages with resident Chinese Evangelists.

The Canadian Methodist Mission was responsible for evangelizing a territory that ran forty miles north of Chengtu, and then south west in an irregular strip through the centre of the province to Luchow, and east along the Yangtze through Chungking and Fowchow to Chungchow. The population of the area was estimated in 1920 as being between ten and fourteen million people.

The missionaries built churches and/or took over local buildings to run services and prayer meetings. They established day schools and boarding schools at the primary and middle schools (i.e. high school) for boys and girls. Orphanages were opened. They built residential compounds with missionary houses. They travelled through the province preaching in markets and church halls, and running bible study classes. The medical missionaries opened clinics, dispensaries, and hospitals. They created a Chinese chapter of the Red Cross in response during the National Revolution in 1911. In 1910 West China Union University was established in Chengtu. The Canadians opened Hart College, and were active in establishing the university's Medical and Dentistry Departments. The Canadian West China Mission ran a language school for missionaries, a post office, a business agency, and telegraph facilities. (This list does not include the many social and economic causes addressed by the missionaries such as foot binding, opium addiction, child marriage, slavery, polygamy, famine, war lord oppression, warfare, and political upheaval throughout the century.)

The Central Mission Stations were:

Penghsien (1907)
Chengtu (1892)
Jenshow (1905)
Kiating​ (1894)
Junghsien (1905)
Tzeliutsing (1907)
Luchow (1908)
Chungking (1910)
Fowchow (1913)
Chungchow (1911)

Our West China Mission, Toronto: The Missionary Society of the Methodist Church, The Young People's Forward Movement, c1920.









West China Mission The United Church of Canada, Map Credit: Monograph.

West China Mission The United Church of Canada, Map Credit: Monograph.

Street in Chengtu, near the hospital, 1911 Credit: Johns Family.

Street in Chengtu, near the hospital, 1911 Credit: Johns Family.

New Hospital, [Canadian Missionary Hospital for Women and Children], Chengtu,[ca 1912].  Credit: Walmsley Family.

New Hospital, [Canadian Missionary Hospital for Women and Children], Chengtu,[ca 1912]. Credit: Walmsley Family.

Canadian Methodist Mission Press, Chengtu, April 1905 Credit: Kilborn / Walmsley Family.

Canadian Methodist Mission Press, Chengtu, April 1905 Credit: Kilborn / Walmsley Family.

Press Dormitory, Chengtu, April 1905 Credit: Walmsley Family.

Press Dormitory, Chengtu, April 1905 Credit: Walmsley Family.

Coming out of Church  Si Shen Tsi Street, Chengtu, [undated]. Credit: Walmsley Family.

Coming out of Church Si Shen Tsi Street, Chengtu, [undated]. Credit: Walmsley Family.

Hart College [reproduction], West China Union University Credit: Walmsley Family.

Hart College [reproduction], West China Union University Credit: Walmsley Family.

Canadian School with landscaped grounds, Chengtu, undated, after 1918 Credit: Walmsley Family.

Canadian School with landscaped grounds, Chengtu, undated, after 1918 Credit: Walmsley Family.

Canadian School,  Huaxiba (on the West China Union Campus, Chengtu), [undated].  Credit: Walmsley Family.

Canadian School, Huaxiba (on the West China Union Campus, Chengtu), [undated]. Credit: Walmsley Family.

Chengtu [Boys] School,  possibly 1920 Credit: Johns Family.

Chengtu [Boys] School, possibly 1920 Credit: Johns Family.

West China Union University Building [likely the Administration building], Chengtu. 1912 Credit: Johns Family.

West China Union University Building [likely the Administration building], Chengtu. 1912 Credit: Johns Family.

Jungshien Hospital women's wing [and view of hospital compound]1914 Credit: Jones Family / Jean Zamin.

Jungshien Hospital women's wing [and view of hospital compound]1914 Credit: Jones Family / Jean Zamin.

Nurses, babies, Bible women Mrs. Bridgman in Penghsien [top] & Babies in Bathing Department, Penghsien Baby Clinic, [undated]. Credit: Bridgman Family.

Nurses, babies, Bible women Mrs. Bridgman in Penghsien [top] & Babies in Bathing Department, Penghsien Baby Clinic, [undated]. Credit: Bridgman Family.

W.M.S. [Woman's Missionary Society] Mission House, Luchow, [undated] Credit: Walmsley Family.

W.M.S. [Woman's Missionary Society] Mission House, Luchow, [undated] Credit: Walmsley Family.

Rice Market at Penghsien Credit: Walmsley Family.

Rice Market at Penghsien Credit: Walmsley Family.

Chancel, Luchow Church, 1932 Credit: Bridgman Family.

Chancel, Luchow Church, 1932 Credit: Bridgman Family.

Dai Gia Hong, Chungking, 1936 Credit: Jones Family / Jean Zamin.

Dai Gia Hong, Chungking, 1936 Credit: Jones Family / Jean Zamin.