- Treaty of Tianjin opens missionary access to China. The interior of China is opened to foreign visitors, 10 new treaty ports established.
- Dr. & Mrs. V.C Hart, Dr. & Mrs. O.L. Kilborn, Rev. & Mrs. G.E. Hartwell, Dr. David Stevenson, Miss Amelia Brown (WMS) are first group of Canadian missionaries to Chengtu, West China.
1891 - 1892
- November – Anti-foreigner rioting in the Yangtze Valley delay the Canadian missionaries in Shanghai for 3 months before proceeding to Szechwan.
- Canadian Methodist Mission Station is established in Chengtu by Rev. V.C. Hart. “Mei Dao Hwei” – the ‘Beautiful Way Society,’ is founded as a self-governing Chinese church.
- Dr. Kilborn and Dr. Stevenson open a medical clinic at Sishengci Street, Chengtu.
- Kiating Central Station is opened by O.L. Kilborn. He is soon joined by Reverends V.C. Hart and J. Endicott.
- 1895 – 1900 Period of unrest and upheavals in Szechwan.
- May, Anti-foreigner rioting in Chengtu. The Canadian Missionary compound is burned and looted. Houses, hospitals, chapels and schools are badly vandalised and /or destroyed.
- Missionaries take refuge in the magistrate’s yamen (courtyard) in the China Inland Mission Compound.
- Dr. Stevenson and Dr. Kilborn are put on trial. They are charged with drugging and murdering Chinese children to use their eyes, hearts and other body parts for medicine. The doctors are acquitted. Missionaries receive compensation for destroyed buildings. Money is raised as a levy on the peasantry. The anti-foreigner viceroy of Szechwan is also obliged to make payments to the missionaries. 13 men are beheaded and 40 men are imprisoned for their part in the attacks.
- The missionaries retreat to Shanghai.
- November, Dr. Hart and Rev. George Hartwell return to Szechwan to start to rebuild the CMM in Chengtu and Kiating.
- Canadian missionaries return to Chengtu.
- Dr. William Smith and his wife Grace arrive in Shanghai, journey on to Chengtu in January 1897.
- Begin rebuilding the Mission. Dr. Retta Gifford Kilborn opens Woman’s Missionary Society (WMS) dispensary and hospital for women and children.
- WMS opens a girls’ boarding school in Chengtu, admission requires that girls’ feet are not bound.
- Retta Kilborn establishes the Anti-footbinding Society; she serves as its first president.
- Missionaries return to West China to begin rebuilding the Canadian Mission.
- February, Dr. Hart brings two printing presses to Szechwan.
- Dr. Maud Killam arrives in Chengtu in 1897, takes over the WMS hospital and dispensary following Dr. Retta Kilborn’s resignation from the WMS
- Omar Kilborn reports on Canadian mission attacks to The Globe.
- West China Union University West China Union University, Chengtu is established (a union of all 7 Protestant missions in Szechwan) at the West China Mission Conference of 1899.
- WCUU to be a Chinese language university.
- Boxer Uprising.
- Anti-foreigner rallies and demonstrations take place in Chengtu.
- July, the British consul orders all foreigners to leave their compounds and proceed down river to Shanghai.
- Women Missionaries Conference, Shanghai.
- September, Dr. Anna Henry re-opens WMS hospital and dispensary (Dr. Killam is on furlough).
- Dr. Hart returns to Canada due to ill health.
- Young People’s Forward Movement for Missions established by C.W. Service, H.E. Warren, and F.C. Stephenson in Toronto.
- Kiating Mission Station is opened by C.W. Service.
- West China Mission Press brought to Chengtu by James Endicott.
- Junghsien Mission Station is opened by G.E. Hartwell.
- Jenshow Mission is opened by G.E. Hartwell.
- Penghsien Mission Station is opened by G.E. Hartwell.
- Tzeliutsing Mission Station is opened by R.O. Jolliffe.
- Luchow Mission Station founded by C.J.P. Jolliffe.
- Rev. Walter Small comes to Szechwan. Mr. Small takes on the role of chief engineer of WCUU from 1925 – 1950.
- Dr. A.W. Lindsay arrives in Chentu, opens the Renji Dental Clinic.
- February, Charles R. Carscallen, Canadian secretary of the Temporary Board of Management for WCUU, moves his family to a house on campus.
- The Canadian School opens in Chengtu. Miss Lela Kerr is Principal. There are 5 pupils.
- Chungking Mission Station is opened.
- The territory and the work by the London Missionary Society (LMS) in Szechwan province is transferred to the Canadian Missionary Society.
- March, West China Union University opens with 11 students. Alfred Johns is teaching Mathematics at WCUU Retta Kilborn is teaching Pharmacology and Toxicology.
- Omar Kilborn publishes Heal the Sick: an Appeal for Medical Missions in China.
- Dr. J.E. Thompson arrives in Chengtu, joins Dr. Lindsay as the second dentist missionary to West China.
- The London Missionary Society transfers the Chungchow Mission to the Canadian Methodist Mission. Dr. and Mrs. Wallace Crawford open the station.
- WCUU is closed.
- September, there is unrest in Szechwan due to a government railway project.
- Missionaries take refuge in Canadian Methodist Hospital, and then take refuge in Shanghai.
- November, Republican Revolution. The Nationalist revolution led by Sun Yat-sen overthrows the Qing Dynasty.
- January 1, Sun Yat-sen assumes office in Nanjing.
- January, Provincial delegates of the Revolutionary Alliance meet in Nanjing and choose a national council.
- February, Puyi, the boy Emperor, formally abdicates. The Republic of China is founded.
- February 14, Yuan Shikai (the last Qing premier) appointed provisional president of the Republic of China by the Parliament.
- Renji Dental Hospital opens in Chengtu.
- February, some of the Canadian missionaries return to Chengtu.
- April, Parliament declares Beijing as national capital.
- Homer G. Brown arrives in Chengtu, appointed Dean, Education Department, WCUU
- Dr. Omar Kilborn founds Chinese Red Cross in Szechwan to care for soldiers injured in the National Revolution.
- January 30, ‘Si Cheng Chi Men’s Hospital’ (Gospel Hospital of the Chinese Red Cross Society), opened in Chengtu .
- Struggles between Guomindang (National People’s Party) and Yuan Shikai’s government.
- 2nd Revolution, following assassination of Guomindang leader.
- Years of unstable government as Yuan Shikai attempts to consolidate his power leading to attempts to assume the title of Emperor in 1916.
- Fowchow Mission transferred from the LMS to CMM in 1910, re-opened under the supervision E.J. Carson.
- West China Union University re-opens. 17 students are enrolled in the arts and sciences course.
- Reverend James Endicott is appointed Secretary General of the Foreign Mission of the Canadian Methodist Church.
- Faculty of Medicine is established at WCUU by Dr. Service & Dr. Kilborn.
- Japan issues ‘Twenty-One Demands on China,’ extending Japanese economic rights in Manchuria, Inner Mongolia, and Japanese-Chinese joint administration of a coal and iron complex in central China. Start of anti-Japanese protests by students
- Yunan, Guizhou, Guangxi and other provinces proclaim independence from central government.
- Faculty of Religion opens at WCUU
- Sichuan and Shanxi proclaim independence from central government.
- June, Yuan Shikai dies.
- Canadian West China Mission is the largest mission in Chengtu with 177 members.
- Li Yuanhong succeeds Yuan Shikai.
- Zhang Xu, one of Yuan Shikai’s generals occupies Beijing.
- July 1, Puyi restored as Emperor, but deposed a few weeks later.
- Start of warlord rule.
- Dr. Alfred E. Best arrives in Szechwan, appointed Director of Renji Hospital in Fuling.
- August, Beijing government declares war on Germany. Creation of the Chinese Labour Corps.
- Gordon Jones ships to France as an officer of the Chinese Labour Corps. Homer G. Brown serves as an interpreter for the Chinese Labour Corps.
- Dentistry Department is established at WCUU.
- Faculty of Education opens at WCUU.
- Dr. Edwin Meuser founds Department of Pharmacy, WCUU.
- The Canadian School moves onto the WCUU campus in Huaxiba.
- Faculty of Dentistry opens at WCUU is founded by Dr. A. W. Lindsay.
- Enrollment in the University (excluding night courses) reaches 350.
- There are 40 buildings on the WCUU campus.
- April, Dedication of Hart Memorial College, the Canadian Methodist College.
- Earl Willmott is appointed teacher and principal of Sichuan Renshou County Huaying Middle School (1921 – 1952).
- Dr. Leslie Kilborn joins the medical mission of the Canadian West China Mission.
- E.W. Wallace is awarded a honourary DD by Victoria College.
- “Wallace of West China.” Reverend Wallace is appointed to the Burton Commission. He travels through north and central China, charged with creating a national system of Christian education.
- Dr. Albert Best is appointed Dean of Internal Medicine, WCUU
- 1st Chinese Civil War (1924 – 1927).
- September, Female students are admitted to West China Union University.
- May, British police in the International Settlement of Shanghai fire on a rally of anti-foreigner, anti-Imperialist protesters. 11 people are killed, 50 arrested. The shooting sparks riots throughout China.
- Start of anti-foreigner and labour unrest in Shanghai and then Nanjing.
- June, Edith Sibley, a missionary in Chengtu, is brutally murdered.
- September, Wanshien incident involving a British merchant steamer on the Yangtze. The British merchant ship was stopped by a local warlord demanding it pay taxes (from which the foreign ships were exempt). Hostilities mounted, British Royal navy gunboats fired on Chinese troops. There were many casualties of Chinese troops and civilians.
- With the exception of the “Chengdu Five,” West China missionaries evacuate.
- Missionaries are advised to evacuate from Szechwan due to anti-foreigner unrest and uncertainty posed by Nationalist soldiers.
- August, Chinese civil war between the forces of the Nationalist army under Chiang Kai-Shek and the forces of the Communist Party of China, Mao Zedong, (1927 – 1937 ).
- Roy Spooner arrives in Chengtu to teach Chemistry at WCUU.
- Dental Hospital of WCUU is etablished.
- Nanking government rules that visas for missionaries will be extended to only those who have been invited back to registered, Chinese churches (Church of Christ in China).
- Nanking government decrees that the heads of all mission schools, Christian colleges and universities must be Chinese.
- Rev. Wallace is appointed Chancellor, Victoria College.
- College of Pharmacy established at WCUU
- Severe drought leads to famine in Szechwan.
- Dr. A.E. Best is appointed Director of Chengtu Renji Hospital.
- Lewis Walmsley, Leslie Kilborn, and Earl Willmott establish the annual Canadian School reunions.
- Dr. Spooner appointed Director of the Chemistry Department, WCUU.
- July, Chinese troops fire on a Japanese infantry unit at the Marco Polo Bridge, Wanping.
- Start of the 2nd Sino-Japanese War (1937 – 1945).
- December, Japanese forces enter Nanjing.
- Chinese National government relocates to Chungking. Jim Endicott becomes government advisor to Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek, fosters the New Life Movement.
- December, Chiang Kai-Shek reaches Chungking.
- Chungking serves as the capital of China during the Second Sino- Japanese War, (1938 - 1945).
- December, Burma Road opens. The Burma Road is the only reliable supply route for the Nationalists.
- Spring, Frank Dickinson, Biology professor WCUU, arranges for a panda bear (Pandora) to be sent to the New York Zoological Society.
- The Canadian School moves to Mount Omei due to Japanese bombing in Chengtu.
- June, West China Union University is badly damaged in an air strike by Japanese bombers.
- Canadian School subsequently relocates to Jenshow, 1939 – 1943.
- December, Japan attacks the United States at Pearl Harbour.
- Dr. C. William Service and Norma Ena Service are appointed to Chengdu, Canadian Mission.
- September, Japan surrenders following atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the Soviet invasion of Japanese-held Manchuria.
- Dr. C. William Service appointed Superintendent of Chungking Hospital.
- July, resumption of the Chinese Civil War (1946 – 1949).
- Canadian School reopens in Chengtu, 1947 – 1950.
- 1947 – 1952 Exodus of Chinese missionaries.
- 10,000 Protestant missionaries in mainland China in 1947.
- October, Communist Party Chairman Mao Zedong establishes the People’s Republic of China.
- Beijing is the capital of China.
- October – December, the Nationalist government flees from Guangzhou to Chungking. In December the Nationalists withdraw to Taiwan.
- The Canadian School closes.
- June, work begins on the Chengtu – Chungking railway.
- Railway opens in 1952.
- June, start of the Korean War.
- Spring, Canadian Mission to West China closed by the United Church of Canada.
- October, West China Union University becomes West China People’s University under President Lu Chen-chao (formerly head of the Biology Department at WCUU).
- Remaining Canadian Missionary couples in West China: Earl and Katharine Willmott, Bill and Betty Small, Drs. Leslie and Jean Kilborn, Dr. Harrison and Bea Mullett.
- All missionaries are expelled by the Chinese Communist government