Collection Statement

This collection of books connects the texts of a select group of Latin American writers with the works of writers from other regions and literary traditions. The major themes threading these works together are homosexuality, the repression of same-sex sexual desire, love and the lack of it, the cry of homosexual desire translated into poetry or prose and recent change in the reception of homosexuality. The books in this collection communicate with each other either by way of a particular topic or genre, or there exists a reading relation between their authors. While a number of books are accounts of homophobia, homosexual love or testimonies of social change, other books recount the presence of homoeroticism in diverse societies or reveal crude experiences of alienation and discrimination. The books in this collection also respond in many ways to the dominant discourse of power for they make history readable.

The primary texts cover a wide range of literary genres and realities. The academic texts, on the other hand, complement the literary ones by providing the theoretical background necessary to understand the complexities of the theme. Homosexualities at the Crossroads is more than just a book collection; I see it as a constant learning process rooted in my personal and academic interests.

I am a graduate from the University of Toronto where I completed a major in Latin American Studies with two minors in Spanish and Portuguese. I was awarded the 2010 Hoeniger Book Collection Prize for my field of passion: books. This project means more than ever since I was recently accepted to the graduate program at the Faculty of Information. I am pleased to present you with the result of years of constant research, reading, learning and labour.

David Fernández
For comments please contact me at

List of Titles in Exhibition

Arenas, Reinaldo. Antes que anochezca. Barcelona: TusQuest Editores, 1998
- El asalto. Barcelona: TusQuest Editores, 2002.
- El color del verano. Barcelona: TusQuest Editores, 2000.
- El portero. Barcelona: TusQuest Editores, 2004.
- Termina el desfile, seguido de Adiós a mamá. Barcelona: TusQuest Editores, 2002.

Arenas, Reinaldo. Voluntad de vivir manifestándose. Buenos Aires: Adriana Hidalgo editora, 2001.

Al-Tifashi, Ahmad. The Delight of Hearts or What You Will not Find in any Book. Trans. Edward A. Lacey. San Francisco: Gay Sunshine Press, 1988.

Anonymous. The White Paper: with a preface and illustrations by Jean Cocteau. New York: The Macaulay Company, 1958.

Baldwin, James. Giovanni's Room. New York: Delta, 2000.

Blackmore, Josiah and Hutcheson, Gregory, Eds. Queer Iberia: Sexualities, Cultures, and Crossing from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1999.

Botto, António. Canções e Outros Poemas. Ed. Eduardo Pitta. 1st ed. Vila Nova: Quasi Edições, 2008.

Botto, António. The Songs of António Botto. Trans. Fernando Pessoa. Ed. Josiah Blackmore. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2010.

Caminha, Adolfo. The Black Man and the Cabin Boy. Trans. E. A. Lacey. San Francisco: Gay Sunshine Press, 1982.

Cavafis, C.P. Poesía completa. Buenos Aires: Editorial Alianza, 2007.

Cavafy, C. P. The Collected Poems of C. P. Cavafy: A New Translation. Trans. Aliki Barnstone. 2006. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2006.

Crowley, Mart. The Boys in the Band. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1968.

Del Collado, Fernando. Homofobia: odio, crimen y justicia 1995-2005. Barcelona: TusQuest Editores, 2007.

Dimitriu de Quintero, Manuela. Lenguaje y discriminación: El discurso sobre homosexualidad en la prensa venezolana. Caracas: Fondo Editorial de Humanidades y Educación UCV, 2002.

E.A. Lacey. Path of snow: poems, 1951-1973. Scarborough: Ahasuerus Press, 1974.

El-Rouayheb, Khaled. Before homosexuality in the Arab-Islamic world 1500- 1800. Chicago: University Chicago Press, 2009.

Foster, David William. Gay and Lesbian Themes in Latin American Writing. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2001.
Queer Issues in Contemporary Latin American Cinema. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2003.

Janoff, Douglas. Pink blood: Homophobic Violence in Canada. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2005.

Lezama Lima, José. Paradiso, 40 anños. La Habana: Editorial Letras Cubanas, 2006.

Monsivais, Carlos. Escenas de pudor y liviandad. México: Grijalbo, 1988.

Nijinsky, Vaslav. The Diary of Vaslav Nijinsky: Unexpurgated Edition. Ed. Joan Acocella. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1999.

Paz, Senel. El lobo, el bosque y el hombre nuevo. Habana: Editorial Letras Cubanas, 2000.

Piñera,Virgilio. La isla en peso: obra poética. Compilación y prólogo Antón Arrufat. Barcelona: Tusquets Editores, 2000.

Puig, Manuel. El beso de la mujer araña: edición crítica. 1st ed. José Amícola and Jorge Penesi, cords. Madrid; Barcelona; La Habana; Lisboa; París; México; Buenos Aires; São Paulo; Lima; Guatemala; San José; Caracas: Colección Archivos, 2002. 1a ed.

Rojas Guardia, Armando. Obra Poética. Mérida: El mismo el otro, 2004.

Rojas Guardia, Armando. Ensayos. Mérida: El mismo el otro, 2004.

Santiesteban Prats, Ángel. Dichosos los que lloran. 1st ed. La Habana: Fondo Editorial Casa de las Américas, 2006.

Sierra Madero, Abel. Del otro lado del espejo: La sexualidad en la construcción de la nación cubana. 1st ed. La Habana: Fondo Editorial Casa de las Américas, 2006. (Premio Casa de las Américas 2006 Ensayo histórico-social)

Sierra Madero, Abel. La nación sexuada

Tin, Louis-Georges. The Dictionary of Homophobia: a global gay & lesbian experience. Trans. Marek Redburn. Vancouver: Arsenal Pulp Press, 2008.

Bazán, Osvaldo. Historia de la homosexualidad en la Argentina: de la conquista de América al siglo XXI. Buenos Aires: Marea, 2004.