2011.02V 1-26 |
Historical material re: 'The University Question' |
2011.02V 1-27 |
Appeals and petitions re: university question from Wesleyan Methodist church to government ['The University Question' ] |
2011.02V 1-28 |
Address of the Wesleyan Conference [regarding 'The University Question'] |
2011.02V 1-29 |
The University Question considered by a graduate |
2011.02V 1-30 |
Appeal of the Wesleyan Conference on the Question of Liberal Education in Upper Canada |
2011.02V 1-31 |
University Question: The Statements of John Langton and Daniel Wilson |
2011.02V 1-32 |
Proceedings and Evidence of the Select Committee on the Petition of Stinson and Harper re: the University of Toronto |
2011.02V 1-33 |
University Question: The Rev. Dr. Ryerson's Defence of the Wesleyan Petitions |
2011.02V 2-1 |
University Question: Being a Report of the Public Meeting held at the Kingston Conference |
2011.02V 2-10 |
"Confidential for Consideration" [re: federation] |
2011.02V 2-11 |
"Synopsis of Proposals and Objections" [re: federation] |
2011.02V 2-12 |
Private [re: federation] |
2011.02V 2-13 |
Memo re: Lieut. Governor's Commission re: U of T from N. Burwash [re: federation] |
2011.02V 2-14 |
Documents re: federation |
2011.02V 2-15 |
N. Burwash (?) handwritten notes re: projected move from Cobourg to Toronto, on printed handbook for Methodist Church General Conference, held at Metropolitan Church |
2011.02V 2-16 |
Letter to the Editor of the Globe by Rev. N. Burwash re: Confederation of the Colleges and University work in Ontario |
2011.02V 2-17 |
Letter from Provincial Secretary's Office re: federation of Victoria University and suspension of conferring degrees |
2011.02V 2-18 |
Letter from students re: removal of Victoria University from Cobourg to Toronto |
2011.02V 2-2 |
University Reform: Dr. Ryerson's Reply to the Recent Pamphlet of Mr. Langton and Dr. Wilson |
2011.02V 2-3 |
University Reform - Report of the Resolutions Adopted at a Great Public Meeting |
2011.02V 2-4 |
Defence of the Plan of University Reform |
2011.02V 2-5 |
University Reform Defended: in Reply to six Editorials of the Globe and Leader |
2011.02V 2-6 |
University federation: resolutions, reports and correspondence |
2011.02V 2-7 |
Memo to S.H. Blake re: University matters |
2011.02V 2-8 |
Memoranda re: Draft Federation Scheme |
2011.02V 2-9 |
"To the Commission," memo from N. Burwash [re: federation] |
2011.02V 3-1 |
The Rev. Dr. Nelles on Federation |
2011.02V 3-10 |
H. Hough, "Victoria Under Federation" |
2011.02V 3-11 |
(Proposed) Victoria College, Toronto. John Potts |
2011.02V 3-12 |
Hon. Geo. W. Ross, speeches delivered by Ross on Second Reading of University Federation Bills |
2011.02V 3-13 |
"Facts Concerning Federation" by James Allan |
2011.02V 3-14 |
Independents Vindicated [re: federation] |
2011.02V 3-15 |
Federation Vindicated |
2011.02V 3-16 |
J.S. Ross, "A Catechism on College Federation" |
2011.02V 3-17 |
N. Burwash, "Some Further Facts concerning Federation" |
2011.02V 3-18 |
To the Alumni and Friends of Victoria University [re: federation] |
2011.02V 3-19 |
N. Burwash, "The Work and Wants of a Provincial University" |
2011.02V 3-2 |
A National University [re: Trinity] |
2011.02V 3-20 |
Petition to Lieutenant governor in Council re: membership to U of T Senate |
2011.02V 3-21 |
Nathanael Burwash, two letters re: conditions of Federation |
2011.02V 3-22 |
Letter to Chancellor Burwash from B.E. Walker [re: federation] |
2011.02V 3-23 |
N. Burwash & J. Loudon, "Queen's University and the University Question" and "The University Question" |
2011.02V 3-24 |
Newsclippings re: federation |
2011.02V 3-25 |
University Federation: clippings, pamphlets, etc. [scrapbook] |
2011.02V 3-3 |
University Consolidation: A Plea for Higher Education in Toronto" by Canadensis (Dr. Hodgins) |
2011.02V 3-4 |
Principal Grant, Three Brief Addresses on the Duty of the Legislature to the Colleges of the Province |
2011.02V 3-5 |
University Federation: Trinity Resolution |
2011.02V 3-6 |
Alexander Sutherland, "The Proposed Plan of College Confederation" |
2011.02V 3-7 |
Should Victoria University Join the Proposed Federation of Colleges? |
2011.02V 3-8 |
E.H. Dewart, "University Federation: Considered in its Relations to the Educational Interests of the Methodists Church" |
2011.02V 3-9 |
N. Burwash, "The Present Aspects of University Federation" |