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Resources in Semiotics

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  • Pratt logoAvailable at E.J. Pratt Library
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General Resources

Handbooks, Dictionaries, Encyclopedias & Bibliography

Fifty Key Contemporary Thinkers: From Structuralism to Postmodernity Lechte, John. London; New York; Routledge. Entries providing an overview of key theorists and their work. The book is broken up into nine sections — Early Structuralism; Structuralism; Structural History; Post—Structuralist Thought; Semiotics; Second Generation Feminism; Post—Marxism; Modernity; and Postmodernity — each including major theorists in the area with a bibliography of their key works and suggested further reading.
B 804 .L32 2008 Reference 2nd Ed. Reference; 1994
Continental Philosophy in the 20th Century (Vol. VIII of the Routledge History of Philosophy). Ed. Richard Kearney. See, in particular, Chapter 11 (French structuralism and after: de Saussure, Lévi—Strauss, Barthes, Lacan, Foucault) and Chapter 12 (French feminist philosophy: de Beauvoir, Kristeva, Irigaray, Le Doeuff, Cixous). Each chapter contains a select bibliography of each thinker’s work, as well as a list of other works and criticism.
B 804 .T884 2003 Stacks
Available Online
Routledge Encyclopedia of PhilosophyUofT logoPratt logo Ed. Edward Craig. London; New York: Routledge, 1998. [online version, 2000] Currently the largest English—language encyclopedic work on philosophy. Broader in scope than the Encyclopedia of Philosophy (see above) in that it more comprehensively covers areas of philosophy not previously considered as part of the Anglo—American academic mainstream (e.g., feminism, Asian philosophy, Islamic philosophy). Entries (nearly 2000) include concepts, themes, and thinkers within various philosophical traditions. All articles signed and contain bibliographies. Vol. 10 provides an index for access.
B 51 .R68 1998 Reference 1—10
The Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics 10 vols. Ed. R. E. Asher. Oxford; New York: Pergamon Press. Extensive entries on major figures and ideas/issues in language and linguistics. Bibliographies for further reading accompany entries.
P 29 .E48 1994 Reference
Dictionary of Media and Communications. Danesi, Marcel. Definitions and explanations with some examples of how the terms are used and background history on the origins and development of related concepts, including photographs, line drawings and diagrams.
P87.5 .D359 2009 Reference
Encyclopedic Dictionary of Semiotics, Media, and Communications Danesi, Marcel. Toronto: UTP. A quick reference guide containing definitions of key terms in semiotics and media and communication studies and short entries on major figures and ideas in these fields. Contains an index and an extensive bibliography.
P 87.5 .D36 2000 Reference
International Encyclopedia of Communications 4 vols. Ed. Eric Barnouw. New York: Oxford UP. Contains signed articles on a broad spectrum of people and theories in communications. The volumes are well—indexed, and a topical guide pulls together often disparate entries for those looking for multiple entries on a topic. Short bibliographies accompany each entry.
P 87.5 .I5 1989 Reference
Dictionary of Media and Communication Studies 7th Ed. Watson, James and Anne Hill. Dictionary of terms and concepts, thoroughly updated to take account of recent far-reaching changes in media policy.
P87.5 .W3 2006 Reference
Glossary of Semiotics Colapietro, Vincent Michael.
P99 .C569 1993 Reference
Encyclopedia of Semiotics Ed. Paul Bouissac. New York: Oxford UP. Signed entries on important figures, ideas and concepts in semiotics. Bibliographies accompany entries.
P 99 .E64 1998 Reference
Encyclopedic Dictionary of Semiotics Ed. Thomas A. Sebeok. Berlin; New York: Mouton de Gruyter. Detailed entries on topics and theorists in semiotics. Vols. 1 and 2 contain entries, vol. 3 contains bibliographies of books, book chapters, and articles written by various authors. Note the 1986 publishing date when consulting the bibliographies.
P 99 .E65 1986 Reference 1—3
Semiotics and Language: An Analytical Dictionary Greimas, A.J. and J. Courts. Bloomington: Indiana UP. This book is an attempt to propose “a systematic presentation, in the form of concise and up—to—date reflections, of all aspect of language in its very broadest sense, as semiotic system(s) and/or processes” (from the preface). To this end, it tries to synthesize work in semiotics by exploring the meaning(s) and uses of terminology and theories throughout the history of this area by incorporating a system of taxonomy and cross—references.
P 99 .G6813 1982 Reference
Handbook of Semiotics Noth, Winfred. Bloomington: Indiana UP. Broken into eight sections, this handbook includes introductions to many areas within semiotics (e.g. Nonverbal Communication; Text Semiotics) and key concepts within those areas. The book makes heavy use of other sources, thereby providing an extensive bibliography for further reading. Both a subject and a name index are included.
P 99 .N6513 1990 Reference
Semiotics Ed. Mark Gottdiener, Karin Boklund—Lagopoulou & Alexandros Ph. Lagopoulos. London ; Thousand Oaks : Sage Publications.
P 99 .S387 2003
Language Origins: A Bibliography Hewes, Gordon Winant. 2nd rev. and enl. ed. 2 parts. The Hague: Mouton. This bibliography only covers work up to 1972. See part 2, pages 881—882 for a list of articles in semiotics.
Z 7004 .O75H46 1975 Reference
Bibliography of Semiotics, 1975—1985 Eschbach, Achim and Victoria Eschbach—Szab. 2 parts. Amsterdam; Philadelphia: J. Benjamins. Provides a listing of books and articles from 693 periodicals published in, or related to the field of, semiotics. An extensive subject/name index provides access to the listings.
Z 7004 .S43E76 1986 Reference
French Structuralism : A Multidisciplinary Bibliography : with a checklist of sources for Louis Althusser, Roland Barthes, Jacques Derrida, Michel Foucault, Lucien Goldmann, Jacques Lacan, and an update of works on Claude Lévi—Strauss Miller Joan. New York: Garland.
Z 7128 .S7M54 Reference
Understanding Body Movement: An Annotated Bibliography Davis, Martha Bloomington: Indiana UP.
Z 7204 .C59D38 1982 Reference
Body Movement and Nonverbal Communication: An Annotated Bibliography, 1971—1981 Ed. Martha Davis and Janet Skupien. Bloomington: Indiana UP.
Z 7204 .M66D38 Reference

Introductory & General Works

Semiotics: The Basics Chandler, Daniel. New York: Routledge.
P 99 .C466 Stacks
Classical Readings in Semiotics: For Introductory Courses Eds. Paul Perron & Marcel Danesi. New York; Ottawa; Toronto: Legas.
P 99 .C548 2003 Stacks
Language and Materialism: Developments in Semiology and the Theory of the Subject Coward, Rosalind & John Ellis. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
P 99 .C7 Stacks
Messages and Meanings: An Introduction to Semiotics Danesi, Marcel. Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press.
P 99 .D36 2004 Stacks
Of Cigarettes, High Heels, and Other Interesting Things: An Introduction to Semiotics Danesi, Marcel. New York: St. Martin’s Press.
P 99 .D375 1999 Stacks
Basics of Semiotics Deely, John. Bloomington: Indiana UP.
P 99 .D398 2005 Stacks
The Sign in Theory and Practice: An Introductory Reader in Semiotics Danesi, Marcel & Donato Santeramo. Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press.
P 99 .I68 1999 Stacks
On Signs Ed. Marshall Blonsky. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP.
P 99 .O5 1985 Stacks
Social Semiotics Hodge, Robert & Gunther Kress. Ithaca: Cornell UP.
P 99.4 .S62H6 1988 Stacks
In Search of Semiotics Sless, David. London: Croom Helm.
P 99 .S65 1986 Stacks
Interpreting Advertisements: A Semiotic Guide 2nd Ed. Danesi, Marcel.
HF5822 .D35 2010 Stacks

Works By or About a Particular Semiotician

To search for works by a particular author (e.g. Saussure), browse by author in the catalogue under that author’s name. For example, for works by Saussure, browse by author using Saussure Ferdinand de.

To search for works about a particular author (e.g. Barthes), browse by subject in the catalogue under that author’s name. For example, for works about Barthes, browse by subject using Barthes Roland.

You can limit your search to items in the E.J. Pratt Library by selecting Victoria University E.J. Pratt Library. in the library box.

Structuralism and Poststructuralism

To find other works on structuralism and poststructuralism, browse by subject in the catalogue under structuralism or poststructuralism.

The Archaeology of Knowledge; and, The Discourse on Language Foucault, Michel. New York: Dorset Press.
AZ 101 .F6813 1972a Stacks
The Order of Things: An Archaeology of the Human Sciences Foucault, Michel. London: Tavistock.
AZ 101 .F6913 1970 Stacks
Structuralism: A Reader Ed. Michael Lane. London: Cape.
B 841 .4 S77 1970 Stacks
Positions Derrida, Jacques. (trans. by Alan Bass). Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
B 2430 .D484D5813 1982 Stacks
Écrits: A Selection Lacan, Jacques. (trans. by Alan Sheridan). New York: Norton.
BF 173 L14213 1977 Stacks
Baudrillard and Signs: Signification Ablaze Genosko, Gary. London; New York: Routledge.
P 85 .B36G46 1994 Stacks
Of Grammatology Derrida, Jacques. (trans. by Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak). Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP.
P 105 .D5313 1998 Stacks
From the New Criticism to Deconstruction: The Reception of Structuralism and Post—structuralism Berman, Art. Urbana: University of Illinois Press.
PN 98 .S7B47 1988 Stacks
Writing and Difference Derrida, Jacques. (trans. by Alan Bass). Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
PN 176 .D4713 1978 Stacks

Cultural Semiotics

To find other works in cultural semiotics, try a keyword search by subject using culture and semiotics or culture semiotic models

Mythologies Barthes, Roland. Paris: Editions du Seuil
AC 25 B3 1970 Stacks
The Fashion System Barthes, Roland. New York: Hill & Wang.
GT 521 .B313 1983 Stacks
An Introduction to Theories of Popular Culture Strinati, Dominic. London; New York: Routledge.
HM 101 .S834 1995 Stacks
Analyzing Cultures: An Introduction and Handbook Danesi, Marcel & Paul Perron. Bloomington: Indiana UP.
P 99 .D23 1999 Stacks
Universe of the Mind: A Semiotic Theory of Culture Lotman, Yuri L. London: Tauris.
P 99 .L68 1990 Stacks

Language and Literature

To find other works in semiotics and language and literature, browse by subject in the catalogue using semiotics and literature. Also try keyword searching in subject using semiotics and literature. Other headings to consider are structuralism (literary analysis), criticism, and deconstruction. These search terms can be combined using and.

S/Z Barthes, Roland. New York : Noonday Press, Farrar, Strauss and Giroux.
P 99 .B313 1974a Stacks
The Pursuit of Signs: Semiotics, Literature, Deconstruction Culler, Jonathan. Ithaca: Cornell UP.
P 99 .C967 2002 Stacks
Semiotics Unbounded: Interpretive Routes through the Open network of Signs Petrilli, Susan. Toronto : University of Toronto Press, c2005.
P 99.P478 2005 Stacks
Literary Theory: An Introduction Eagleton, Terry. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
PN 45 .E23 1996 Stacks
Semiotics and Interpretation Scholes, Robert E. New Haven: Yale UP.
PN 98 .S46S3 Stacks
Structuralist Poetics: Structuralism, Linguistics, and the Study of Literature Culler, Jonathan. London: Routledge & K. Paul.
PN 98 .S7C8 1975 Stacks
Working with Structuralism: Essays and Reviews on Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Literature Lodge, David. Boston: Routledge & K. Paul.
PR 653 .L59 Stacks

Visual Media

To find other works in communication theory and semiotics of visual media, browse by subject in the catalogue using the following: Communication; Mass media; Visual communication; Signs and symbols; and Symbolism. These search terms can be combined using and.

Languages of Art: An Approach to a Theory of Symbols Goodman, Nelson. Indianapolis: Bobbs—Merrill.
BH 301 .S8G6 Stacks
Language, Image, Media Eds. Howard Davis & Paul Walton. Oxford: Blackwell.
P 90 .L36 Stacks

Mass Communication

To find other works on mass communication, browse by subject in the catalogue under Mass media and Mass media semiotics

Understanding Media Semiotics Danesi, Marcel. London: Arnold; New York: Oxford UP.
P 96 .S43D35 2002 Stacks
Semiotics of the Media : State of the Art, Projects, and Perspectives Noth, Winfried. Berlin; New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
P 96 .S43S46 1997 Stacks


Decoding Advertisements: Ideology and Meaning in Advertising Williamson, Judith. London: Boyars.
HF 5821 .W54 1984 Stacks
Language, Image, Media Eds. Howard Davis & Paul Walton. Oxford: Blackwell.
P 90 .L36 Stacks


To find other periodicals on semiotics, browse by subject in the catalogue under Semiotics periodicals. Many periodicals in semiotics are available electronically — see the Periodicals List at Sites of Significance for Semiotics

American Journal of Semiotics E.J. Pratt holdings: 1—5[8—10]11—14.
Applied Semiotics
The Semiotic Review of Books: A Refereed Publication of the Toronto Semiotic Circle E.J. Pratt holdings: 1—5.
SemioticaUofT logo E.J. Pratt holdings: [1—4]5—8[10—11]16—21,58—72;
Versus E.J. Pratt holdings: [1]2—18,30,33,35/36—40,42,52/53—64,68/69—72,76.

Article Databases

Select World Wide Web Resources

compiled by: Adam Taves, Gabbi Zaldin | updated: October 2011