Hogarth Press Handprinted Books
Victoria University Library Collection

The Collection contains all the books hand-printed by Leonard and Virginia Woolf including many variant issues and bindings.

Eliot, T.S. Poems. 1919.
Fewer than 250 copies printed.

Woolf, Virginia. Kew Gardens. 1919.
150 copies printed.
Woodcuts by Vanessa Bell.

Forster, E.M. The Story of the Siren. 1920.
500 copies printed.

Woolf, Leonard. Stories of the East. 1921.
300 copies printed.
Cover illustration by Dora Carrington.

Bell, Clive. The Legend of Monte Della Sibilla. 1923.
400 copies printed.
Cover design by Duncan Grant and Vanessa Bell.
Signed by: Duncan Grant, Vanessa Bell, Clive Bell, Virginia Woolf, Leonard Woolf.

Graves, Robert. The Feather Bed. 1923.
250 copies numbered and signed by the author. No. 126.
Cover design by William Nicholson.

Bosanquet, Theodora. Henry James at Work. 1924.
Number of copies not known.
Cover design by Vanessa Bell.
The only volume in the Hogarth Essay Series hand-printed by the Woolfs.

Cunard, Nancy. Parallax. 1925.
420 copies printed.
Cover designed by Eugene McCown.

Rylands, George. Russet and Taffeta. 1925.
About 300 copies printed.

Manning-Sanders, Ruth. Martha-Wish-You-Ill. 1926.
About 280 copies printed.

Woolf, Virginia. On Being Ill. 1930.
250 copies numbered and signed by the author. No. 156.
Dust jacket designed by Vanessa Bell.

Rylands, George. Poems. 1931.
350 copies numbered and signed by the author. No. 165.

Wellesley, Dorothy. Jupiter and the Nun. 1932.
360 copies printed, of which 250 were numbered and signed by the author. No. 64.